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Daawo: ” Sanadkii Dhawayd waxaa Ku Dhacay...


Daawo:" Sanadkii Dhawayd waxaa Ku Dhacay imtixaanaadka fasalka Afraad ee Dugsiga sare ilaa 1813 Arday taas oo maanta aanu fursad kale u siinay in ay Mar kale galaan imitixaan 800 Oo Arday ayaana ka soo xaadiray" Wasiir Faratoon

Xildhibaan Cusub oo lagu doortay magaalada Jowhar


Jowhar ( Sh. M. Network )-Guddiga doorashooyinka Madaxa Banaan ayaa goor dhow ku dhawaaqay natiijada doorashada kursiga ka bananaa Golaha Shacabka, kaas oo maanta doorashadiisa lagu qabtay magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta gobolka Shableelaha Dhexe.
Waxaana ku loolamay doorashadaasi, illaa 6 Musharrax, oo kala ahaa Nuur Iidow Beyle, C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, Daahir Cabdulle Cawaale, Cali C/laahi Cosoble, Xuseen Geelle Axmed iyo Dahabo Xasan Axmed.
Wareega koowaad ee tirinta Codadka ayaa waxaa ku haray illaa 4 Musharrax, halka ay wareega labaad u soo gudbeen C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe iyo Nuur Iidow Beyle .
Guddiga doorshada oo gaba gabadii ku dhawaaqay natiijada ayaa sheegay in doorashadaasi uu ku guuleystay Nuur Iidow Beyle oo helay 27 Cod, halka C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe uu helay 24 Cod.
Sidaasina waxaa Xildhibaanada Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlmaanka Fedeeraalka Soomaaliya uga mid noqday Nuur Iidow Beyle.

Dhawaqa rasaas laga maqlayo xerada lagu tababaro...


Rasaas culus iyo qaraxyo ayaa laga maqlayay xero milateriga lagu tababaro oo ku taal magaalada caasimadda u ah waddanka Afghanistan ee Kabul, warbaahinta ayaa sidaasi ku warramaysa.
Wararka ayaa sheegaya in aroortii Isniinta weerar lagu soo qaaday Jaamacadda Gaashaandhigga Qaran ee Sarreeye Gaas Fahim.
Weerrarkan ayaa imanaya maalma un kaddib markii magaaladaasi uu ka dhacay ismiidaamintii ugu dhimashada badneyd ee muddo bilo ah ka dhacda magaalada Kabul markaas oo gaari nooca gurmadka degdega ah oo laga soo buuxiyay walxaha qarxa lagu dilay ugu yaraan 100 qof.
Ururka la baxay dowladda Islaamiga ah iyo Taalibaan ayaa dhawaantan waxa ay weerraro ka gaysteen dalkaasi.
Weerrarka Sabtidii loo adeegsaday gaariga nooca lagu fidiyo gurmadka degdega ah ayaa dhacay todobaad ka hor kaddib markii weerrar kale oo lagu qaaday hoteel ku yaal magaalada lagu dilay 22 qof oo u badan ajaanib.
Taalibaan ayaa sheegatay inay ka dambaysay labada weerrarba.

Shirkii Addis-Ababa oo maalintii labada galay


Waxaa maalintii labadaa Dalka Itoobiya ka soconaya Shir madaxeedkii Midowga Africa oo looga hadlayo arrimo farabadan,waxaana wafdiga madaxweyne Farmaajo oo dhanka kale la kulmayaa madaxda qaarkood.Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo ku guda jira kulamada gaar gaarka ah ee uu la qaadanayo Madaxda Afrika iyo wakiilada Ururada Caalamiga ah ee ka qeyb galaya Shirka Madaxda dalalka Midowga Afrika, ayaa la kulmay Wafdi ka socday Midowga Yurub.
Madaxweynaha oo uga warbixiyey madaxda wafdiga xaaladda guud ee dalka, ayaa u mahadceliyey Midowga Yurub taageerada ay siiyaan Soomaaliya gaar ahaan dhinacyada ammaanka, horumarinta iyo gargaarka bini-aadantinimada.
Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxa uu kala hadlay Midowga Yurub in ay kordhiyaan dadaalkooda ku aaddan dib u dhiska ciidamada Soomaaliya, taas oo madaxdii ka socotay Midowga Yurub ee uu la kulmay Madaxweynuhu ay bogaadiyeen dib-uqaabeynta dhismaha amniga Qaranka ee ay waddo Dowladda Soomaaliya.
Madaxda wafdiga Midowyga Yurub ayaa tilmaamay sida ay ugu faraxsanyihiin Socdaalka Nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta ee uu Madaxweynuhu ku maray deegaannada Puntland iyo Galmudug, iyagoona sheegay in xiriirka wanaagsan ee Dowlad Goboleedyada iyo Dowladda Federaalka ah, uu horseeday guulo wada-shaqeyneed oo muhiim u ah hor u socodka Soomaaliya.
Wafdiga Midowga Yurub ee Madaxweyne Farmaajo kulanka la qaatay, waxaa hoggaaminayey Madaxa Iskaashiga iyo Horumarinta caalamiga ah Mudane Stefano Manservisi iyo Madaxa Maamulka Waaxda Adeegyada Dibadda ee Midowga Yurub Mudane Koen Vervaeke.

Dagaal culus ayaa Kasocda Magaalada Cadan EE dalka...


Dagaal culus ayaa Kasocda Magaalada Cadan EE dalka Yemen.
Jan 29, 2018 -
Dagaalkaan oo la isu Adeegsanayo hubka cul culas iyo kan fudud Ayaa u dhaxeeyo Ciidamada taabacsan Xukumada sharciga ah EE cabdirabow alhadi iyo raisal wasaare bindaqar iyo garabka kasoo horjoodaa Xukumada EE u doodayay gooni u goosadka Gobolada koonfurta Yemen.
Waxaa jiro dhimasho iyo dhaawac una badan dhinacyadii dagaalamayay.
Magaaladan oo aay kunoolyihiin Soomaali aad u badan ma jirto dagaalka qof Soomaali ah oo wax ku noqday.
Dagaalka ayaa saan saantiisa aay bilaabatay kadib markii mid kamida wiilasha madaxweynahii hore EE ladilay Cali cabdalla saalax lakeenay cadan Lana sheegay in laga dhigayo madaxa ciidamada xooga dalka.
Sida aan war hoose ku helay mid ka mida wiilasha Cali cabdalla saalax Ayaa Taabacsan gooni u goosadka Gobolada koonfurta Yemen.Cadan ayaa xiligaan ah - kumeel GAARKA AH EE Dalka Yemen.
Madaxweynaha Yemen Cabduraboow mansuur alhadi oo kahadlayay dagaalkan Ayaa ku baaqay in la ilaaliyo nabada cadan wax walbana wadahadal lagu dhameeyo .Gobolada koonfurta Yemen waxaa meel waliba ka taagan Calanka u GAARKA AH Gooni ugoosadka koonfurta Yemen.Dagaalkan ayaa hadii uu sii socda sababi karo barakac hor leh iyo qasaare kale oo badan.
Sxbkiin maxamed Koronto Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454
English News

A respond to Michael Keating: A Parameter that...


A respond to Michael Keating: A Parameter that Guides the Foreign Policy Doctrine of Somaliland
Statement Background
I would like to put the record straight on the report titled; ''Statement of the Special Representative of UN Secretary-General to Somalia to UN Security Council'' (Keating, 2018). The statement never explains the achievement and the marvel of socioeconomic and political development of Somaliland. On the contrary, to some degree, the report emasculates to a single paragraph, i.e. the peaceful transition of power transfer between the former and incumbent democratically elected Presidents together with the free and fair elections in Somaliland - as stated by the international observers and the global mainstream media outlets.
Mr. Keating intentionally overlooked in his statement the complete success of Somaliland, but praised the malfunctioning administration of Mogadishu. I argued earlier that the International Community, including the African Union and the Arab League, supported the inferno state from the beginning. However, their exertions became squandered by the people of Somalia and their interest oriented lumpen-elites.
My response to the Special Representative of UN Secretary to Somalia is a parameter that guides the foreign policy doctrine - to what he does not know, or perhaps he does not want to remark - as there is no role for his mission in Somaliland - driven by a project-oriented mindset. I avowed several times in different articles; Somaliland won the war against the vicious regime of Siyad Barre, above and beyond the country gained hard-earned peace through state formation and institutional building. Somaliland in due course bourgeoned and flourished to build its democratic pillars, the national currency, public institutions, and armed forces, and all this transpired without recognition.
Again, with a complete lack of technical and financial support from the international community, Somaliland won both the wars of piracy and terrorism in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa. The miracle of that success has never been mentioned by Keating and his predecessors; I am not expecting any virtuous annotations from his successors either. Thus, in this article, I would like to educate Mr Keating, philosophically, what my country Somaliland stands for, and I will begin with the sacrosanct explanation of national interest. This includes the ups and downs of its governmentality for nearly three decades in which he omitted in his report to the Security Council.Forward.
Dear Michael Keating, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). The people and the government of Somaliland are unswerving and politically dyed-in-the-wool to pursuit the sovereignty of their nation-state, continue to attain dependable democracy, endorse the unceasing struggle for economic development and to safeguard national peace based on coast-to-coast justice, social equality, civic belonging and distributional concept among all citizens of Somaliland. There can be no doubt that the realisation of rapid economic development, strengthening peace and exercising democracy are fundamental to the survival of our country, which finds itself in a state of abject poverty and backwardness.
That is why we, the people of Somaliland and their governments are always keen to prioritise matters that are vital to our survival and well-being. Moreover, we are ready to brawl against poverty and promote rapid economic development, democracy and peace. If we do not comprehend our national goals, one can predict that our country will be exposed to a high instability, and even state downfall, thenceforth our real security, and truly survival, will be at stake.
Unless the overall national policy route takes this basic reality into account, our security and national existence will face plain menace. In this respect, it is apparent to see that our foreign relations can firstly have relevance if it contributes to secure international recognition, protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity. Regarding the national interest and self-determination of our people, which is the primary goal of Somaliland's foreign policy as constitutes article one of the constitution of the Republic of Somaliland.
On the other hand, Somaliland government is now able to exercise control over much of its territory from the will of her people. Our government started an appeasement policy, which later introduced a constructive negotiation on the grounds of political accommodation with Khatumo and parts of the Eastern districts of Sanaag region. The purpose of the dialogue is to encourage people of different local interests on the grounds of political representation on power-sharing strategy.
The approach is to build national consensus, processes of discussion, and engendering definite ideas for unambiguous governance engagements. This policy can lead to our country a path of a compatible interest, in order to reach agreements on all necessary political parameters for continued dialogue, in other words, Somaliland will encourage on how people are willing to be administered. In short, government's political accommodation strategy is based on everyone having a fair chance at expressing their interests and reaching a fair outcome.
Terrorism and the idea of radicalisation destabilised many countries and damaged the peace of our world. The governments of Somaliland always build definitive foreign policy, which contributes to the fight against terror, piracy and regional instability. In our diplomatic relations, we will take into thoughtful consideration the attitude adopted against terrorism by countries, and we will determine our international engagement, regional ties based on commercial and economic collaborations in accordance therewith.
Likewise, in the fight against terrorism, we will use to the full extent of the rights conferred on the international treaties and conventions. Notably, those in the neighbouring countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti as well as the United Nations' counter-terrorism conventions, and we will accentuate at the international level the legal obligations of other countries in this framework.
On the other hand, the vision driving Somaliland's Foreign Relations is the pursuit of ''A peaceful, regionally prosperous and globally competitive Somaliland. And the ultimate national project is to uphold and safeguard Somaliland's interests by exhibiting an attractive image globally through innovative diplomacy, and contribute towards a just, peaceful and equitable world".
Through the aims of foreign relations, our incumbent President pursues to encourage and protect national security and defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity, together with regional and international harmony. As a country, we will regenerate to upkeep the work of regional, international and multilateral organisations in order to discover better solutions to conflict and terrorist activities for the sake of freeing and securing our world.
In pursuing this objective, our government has developed candid international relations to wisely escort Somaliland's foreign affairs and diplomatic engagements with our partners. The Policy is inclined towards upholding the country's sovereignty, promoting universal peace and fostering better relations with our neighbours, the rest of the African continent and the world at large.Preface and Acknowledgement.
Since 1991, Somaliland has a proud tradition of engagement with the international community, particularly the neighbouring countries. The parliamentary and the executive committee of foreign affairs have always involved debates on numerous issues, from human rights to security cooperation and economic diplomacy. This is to shape Somaliland's approach towards positive international relations. The ruling parties of UDUB and Kulmiye, including the opposition parties of Waddani and UCID, are profoundly believing to improve and sustain the political, economic and cultural ties based on democracy, freedom and self-liberty between Somaliland and the rest of the world. We feel obligated for shaping our foreign policy on the basis of values, aiming at creating a fair world for all people. Somaliland will come to the fore as a respectable and reliable member of the international community that appreciates its responsibilities, that cooperates in all ranges to reach mutual goals, and that sets an instance with its diplomatic courtesy.
Our governments, the incumbent and the bygone were/are ready to make Somaliland the heart of regional peace, development and democracy. Again, the fundamental basis of Somaliland is peace, democracy, freedom, the rule of law and self-liberty, and we preaching you Mr Keating and the governments and the people of Africa that Somaliland will stand for those values and principles. Due to the dynamic nature of the international system and the foreign relations of the different countries of the world, we are welcoming a positive newfangled collaboration between Somaliland and the international community to be further developed, bringing our higher priority of securing international recognition for Somaliland at the heart of our foreign policy.
According to the policy, the political and economic relations that Somaliland has with a given country or group of countries is based on the protection of its national interests and security, and as such, is linked to its democratisation and development goals. The country's relations with other countries in the Horn of Africa, therefore, should be seen from the vantage-point of how engagement could assist it to stimulate its national agenda of democracy and development.
Somaliland has guided the reality of self-determination of its people as an independent sovereign state. The people of Somaliland overwhelmingly decided to end the voluntary union with Somalia in 1991, which began in 1960 soon after Somaliland gained its independence from Great Britain. Once again, the decision was endorsed enormously in a referendum by the people of Somaliland in 2001.
The twenty-five years of declaration of independence from the Somali Republic, the people of Somaliland and their leadership have assembled a viable social contract between the people of the nation-state. This has led a functioning political entity that has, in the view of a great many Somalilanders, independent organisations and intellectuals, acquired most of the defining characteristics of a state. It has a well democratic, functional system of government with multiple elections and peaceful power of transfer in which the world observed and acknowledged as free and fair elections.
According to the country's profile from the CIA Factbook, Somaliland's claim for independence is based primarily on historical title - it's a separate colonial history, a brief period of independence in 1960, the fact that it voluntarily entered into its unhappy union with Somalia and the questionable legitimacy of the 1960 Act of Union. The country also has a defined territory, Somaliland's independence restores the colonial borders of the former British Protectorate of Somaliland and therefore does not violate the principle of uti possidetis - that old colonial borders should be maintained upon independence - which is enshrined in the Consultative Act of the African Union. The international boundaries of the Protectorate were delineated by treaties with France (Djibouti) to the west in 1888, Ethiopia to the south in 1887 and Italy (Somalia) to the east in 1894.
In addition to that, the Republic of Somaliland has a permanent population of four million, and has now the capacity to form relations with other states of the world as well as the multinational corporations for foreign direct investment purposes. The Global ports operator of DP World has signed an agreement to develop a new commercial port at Berbera. Previously other Oil explorations and production companies including Norwegian DNO and Anglo-Turkish Genel Energy were awarded an exploration license for onshore blocks.
Somaliland's Position on National Objectives.
The government and the people of Somaliland are cognizant of the fact that Somaliland's lack of recognition is unfair and depriving the country of significant development opportunities. Somaliland's position on national objectives is based on a legal claim to its statehood, which hinges on the country's discrete status during the colonial period from the remainder of what turned out to be the Italian Somalia. Moreover, its being as an independent state for a transitory period following the sovereignty gained from Great Britain on 26th June 1960. After willingly and voluntarily united with Somalia in pursuit of the irredentist dream of the Greater Somali Republic (including parts of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti), it now seeks recognition within the borders received at that moment of independence. Thus, the fact of the domino effect is unthinkable, since Somaliland has a distinctive history than Eritrea and South Sudan, and the very same history gives our country every right to go it alone again. Hence, the domino effect cannot be applied to Somaliland's sovereignty and self-determination of its people. In addition, Somaliland has everything a country would require: An elected government, an army, its own currency and a flag.
In that case, Somaliland is determined not to renounce the will of its people, and will rather fight to legally, politically and economically gain its right of recognition from the international community. According to article 4 of the AU Charter, it reassures ''the preservation of inherited colonial boundaries,". Therefore, people of Somaliland and their government seek to pursue the following national objectives: -
* Somaliland is stalwart to protect its self-determined independence, national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
* The government is dedicated to promote regional sub-regional and economic integration as well as security cooperation.
* Enhance and augment regional and global peace and security.
* Develop the economic well-being and prosperity of its people.
* Traditional political accommodation together with democracy, peace and the rule of law (hybrid political system) are believed to have been what protected Somaliland's image and prestige. Therefore, Somaliland is committed to preserve and nurture the above foundations.
* Uphold international cooperation on trade and security on the grounds of multilateralism.Somaliland Foreign Policy Guiding Principles.
Somaliland's position on national objectives will be pursued through five main inter-linked guiding principles: -
* Inviolability and sanctity of territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Somaliland.
* Diplomatic nonviolent, peaceful and beneficial co-existence with neighbouring countries and other nations of the world.
* Prompt strategy of problem solving and resolution of conflicts by peaceful means.
* Upgrade and advancement of local and regional economic integration with the exchange of trading goods and services.
* Respect for the sovereignty, equality, and territorial integrity of neighbouring states. and Respect for international norms, customs and laws as enshrined by the international law.
Implementation and Institution Framework.
Even though, Somaliland achieved remarkable progress in all spheres - political, economic and social. Nonetheless, according to the feasibility study of the Ministry of Planning and Development, our government experienced that our country has grueling and onerous challenges ahead, as a nation. We have a fast-growing younger population, more than half of our labour force is idle; most of our people are illiterate; we have a rapidly degrading environment; we grow little of the food we consume; and we have still an unacceptably high child and maternal mortality rates.
But at the same time as stated in its National Development Plan. Again, the government recognised the potential of its nation, and we will use natural resources to upsurge and/or expand our national economy: we have vast untapped mineral wealth, we have substantial marine resources, we have the land to quadruple our food production, and we have exceptionally enterprising people. In view of these challenges and opportunities, it is vital that we develop a vision that embodies our aspirations and guides us in realising our potential.
Somaliland, therefore acknowledges the significance of regional cooperation, bilateral and multilateral relations, as primary mechanisms of its foreign relations and entry points for triumphing its national interests. Thus, in the modern-day of the globalized world, interconnectedness and interdependency of the international system of political economy and security of the nation states of the world, our new strategy of foreign relations will be based on a roadmap, which reflects national priorities of long-term development aspirations and goals.International Community.
It is irrefutable that Somaliland does indeed qualify and deserve to be recognised as an independent sovereign state by the international community. Any efforts to repudiate or silence the case of Somaliland would not only put the international community at risk of discounting the most stable region in the Horn of Africa, as most scholars argue it would ''impose untold hardship upon the people of Somaliland due to the denial of foreign assistance that recognition entails." Furthermore, it is also the significance of the world peace to resolve cases like Somaliland and Somalia. According to the international law "The interest of world peace and stability require that, where possible, the division or fragmentation of existing states should be managed peacefully and by negotiation. But, where this is not possible, as the case with Somalia, international law accepts that the interests of justice may prevail over the principle of territorial integrity."
Therefore, Somaliland will reformulate the case of recognition and will employ a new political approach to reassure once again its sovereignty prior the unity of the Somali Republic in 1960. On the other hand, the government will engage a liberal foreign policy, which is determined by a vision of 'A stable, prosperous and internationally competitive Somaliland'. Whereas the Mission is "To project, uphold and safeguard Somaliland's interests and political image worldwide through modern, innovative diplomacy and provide towards a just, nonviolent and equitable world." The policy is driven by national aspiration and values of the Somaliland people as enshrined in the Constitution of Somaliland.
Thus, people of Somaliland is dedicated the enhance democracy and the rule of law, and to empower a bridge of relations in order to call for the international community to work with Somaliland by giving greater courtesy to the formal promotion of liberal democracy in Somaliland, and certify that Somaliland did not relapse into non-democratic practices.Consolidate and Further Strengthen Somaliland National Security.
In a primary sense, national security is a matter of certifying our national existence. The alpha and omega of security are to safeguard Somaliland's national being and survival as every other nation in the world. All and every other related national security concerns may be resolved only if country's national existence is ensured. First and foremost, the government is ready to formulate country's security policy along with foreign affairs strategy to ensure national security.
Matters of economic development, sustainable peace, national stability, social well-being and prosperity, and any other related concerns then follow. To consolidate and further strengthen Somaliland national security, it is imperative to address, identify and scrutinise the sources and foundations from which the policy springs.
Through the national security objectives, the country is ready to pursue to uphold and protect national, regional and international peace and security as well as protecting our national independence and territorial integrity. Somaliland is committed to continue to support the work of regional solutions against violence, intimidation and acts of terrorism behaviour. In pursuing the country's political and socio-economic interests, the government will promote political and economic integration with sub-regional and regional countries in order to emphasise Horn and East African Trade as the keystone for Africa's socio-economic and political unity.
Through economic diplomacy, Somaliland will introduce a new strategy to strengthen and consolidate country's trade and investment links with traditional partners and beyond. While attracting investment connections and exploring new trade and investment partners in order to expand access of foreign investment to Somaliland, while at the same time mounting savings for our country. Through this policy, we seek to develop and expand our regional and international engagement by benefiting our skilled people in the diaspora in order to influence and utilise their skills expatriate for national development. In conclusion, dear Special Representative of UN Secretary-General to Somalia to UN Security Council, please include your report this bit, therefore your statement to the Security won't be bias anymore. Thanks in Advance.
Yours Truly,

Mohamed Hagi Mohamoud

Nolosha & Cilmiga Casriga Ah


Nolosha & Cilmiga Casriga Ah
(Find a better balance between Life and Technology)
Indho bururay labadooda baad bilig bilig ma daayaane
kol hadaan biriiq lagu arkayn waa barkuma taale ....
Erayadaa abwaankii lahaa ilaahay raali haka noqdee magiciisii ma hayo balse philosophy-ga uu aaminsanaa maanta iyo bari waa lagu shaqayn doonaa hadii alle idmo
Nolosha waxtarkeedu waxay u baahan tahay fahan iyo ficil, hibasha dareenka khusuusiga ah,kartida iyo fahanka rabaaniga ah, ee kula dhashay baaxaa daga dareen ee waayaha san iyo ka xunba,waa amaano alle imtixaanbaana ku hoos duugan waxaas oo awooda ah ee rabaaniga ahi waxaa suurta galiya iskuna xidhaa waa adiga iyo qofnimadaada oo dhamaystira nolosha jiritaankeeda, Gabayaa carbeed baa lahaa
"w'mn ~thyb s`w'd ljbl y`ysh bd mn Hfr" oo la micno ah "ninka ka baqa inuu koro buuraha dhaadheer waligii wuxuu ku noolaadaa hogaga hoose"Mellenials waa eray lagu naanayso Jiilkii dhashay 1984 wixii ka danbeeyay waa xiligii cilmiga casriga ahi awoodiisu soo baxday eray ahaan waxaa uu ka farcamay Mellenium micno ahaanse waxaa loola jeedaa Jiilka danbe iyo wax soo saarkiisa, kalmadan waxaa buug uu qoray nin la yidhaa Simon sinek wuxuu si faahfaahsan uga hadlayaa isagoo waraysi siinaya barnaamij ka mid ah barnaamijyada afkaarta lagu wadaago, oo la yidhaa "Inside IQ Quest" wuxuu ka hadlayaa Jiilkani rabitaankooda iyo noloshooduba in saamayn wayni ku keeneen dabciga deegaanada ku xeeran iyo wacyiga nolosha qoysaskooda ama tababarka waalidkooda iyo cilmiga casriga ah ee tiknoolajigu biyo dhigay
Jiilka Danbe waxaa saamayn wayn ku yeeshay Qodobadan soo socda
1- Cilmiga casriga ah (Technology)
2- sabir la aan (Impatience)
3- Dabciga deegaanka ku xeeran (Enviroment)
1- (Find e better balance Life and Technology) (A chemical called Dopamine). Dopamine waa jawiga dareen ee keena inaad adoo faraxsan dhiiran aad la qabatinto isticmaalka sociol network waxaad la qabsanaysaa jawaabaha dad badan oo aad la xidhiidho salaantooda iyo wadaaga sheekooyinkooda joogtada ah, waxaad ogolaanaysaa inaad ka hesho refreshment ama relief hawlkasta oo kuu taalay qabyo badan ayaad la kulmaysaa, (Dopamine) waxaa laga helaa oo la mida ta balwada qaadka iyo khamriga laga helo hadaba Cilmiga casriga ahi wuxuu saameeyay noloshii caadiga ahayd gaar ahaan soomalida oo ah dad sheeko ku nool ah ayaa hadana noloshoodii waxaa kusoo kordhay 100 goobood oo kale oo jiifka iyo joogaba sheeko doon ah, aroortii marka la tooso waxaad hubinaysaa (comment,likes,messages) marxalad kasta waxaan si toosa ula wadaagayaa ilaa 6000 qof oo kale, ma xuma isticmaalka goobahani laakiin waxaa xun in aad waqtigaaga oo dhan siiso (every thing, too much is too bad, Eating food is good but eating food too much is too bad) Shirarka muhiimka ah waxaa lagu wada jiraa Facebook, snapchat,
xalku waxa weeyaan (Find a better balance Life and Technology).
2- Sabir la aan(impatience): waxay jiilkani ku noolyihiin nolol aan sal adag lahayn xaalad walba waxay kusoo koobaan waa ok ama caadi (Doesnot have a deep meaning form of building a real life) waxaa fudud in maanta aad bilawdo hawl natiijadeeduna aanad waqti siin ee isla bari aad rabto, sidii filimada ayaad 2 saac gudahood wax ku rabtaa (instant gratification) waxaa la rabaa in loo sabro guulaha nolosha oo u baahan waqti dheer sida qoys la dhiso,aqoon la korodhsado oo lagu helo darajo sarre.(we have to work extra hard to figure out the ways that build a competence)
3- Deeganka (enviroment): waxay ku noolnahay deegaan dadkiisu ku xisaabtamaan tirada dad balse tayadooda aan qorshe ka lahayn,waxaynu nahay bulsho go-aanada maanta iyo bari si bilaa ikhtiyaar ah ugu tagri fala oo aan ka eegin mustaqbalka (The decision of today is life of tomorow/future),waxaynu nahay dad isu ooriya ama isu sacabo tuma oo aan naxariis badani dhexdooda oolin oo hadii caruuri xumaato aan u arkayn in isaguna kiisii xumaaday, waxaynu nahay bulsho xoogii rarnaa la cadilay oo loo cadilay xoog caafimaad qaba oo nolosha ka dhacay (shaxaad) noloshana la masruufo .(we need to invest our time in real thing to challenge the world)
Waxaan kusoo koobayaa hidaha iyo ehliyada aynu kasoo jeednaa waa Nabiga csw iyo islaamka meelkasta haku noolaadee oo ahaa aduunka aasaasayaashii aqoonta (maadiga,diin ah) bal ku noqda taariikhda 750 miilaadiga ilaa 1100 oo ugu dhigan 350 sanno7 caalim oo midkiiba 50 sanno ahaa caalimkii ugu wanaagsanaa
1- Jaabir ibnu xayaan
2- Alkhawaarismi
3- Alraasi
4- Al mascuudi
5- Abil wafaa
6- Albayruuni
7- caamir khayaan
Waxay ahaayeen culamaa takhasus ku ah nolosha qayb kasta maaha Dr/Eng aqoonta qayb walba waxbay ka yaqaaneen waxay ahaayeen raggii aasaasay in la dajiyo Arithmetic Numbers 1 2 3 ee ilaa maanta Gaal iyo muslim wada isticmaalaan, waxay ahaayeen Foundations of knowledge Mathematicians,Physics,astronomy,Medical,Sociology, waxay ila tahay idinka iyo anigaba inaynaan nolosha rajadeeda soo koobin irbaddan inagu mudana ee chemical dopimine aynaan ku xisaabtamin ee aduunka tartanka yaala ka qayb noqono.
Qalinkii: Ahmedyasin Sh omar ahmedAhyaseen216@gmail.com



Your Excellency: Paul kagame
The international community has made several brave efforts to rescue and reconstruct the disintegrated State of Somalia. All these brave efforts had however failed and Somali proper still lies in ruins and is still a theatre for marauding warring militants. All the experts, the political analysis's and the experienced anthropologists called to help, have in their turn also failed to diagnose accurately the causes of the dilemma.
These experts have for the first time came up against native problems, which defied their pet theories, their quaint conclusions and their misinterpretation of the abstract indices of native cultures.
The poor eminent men and women could not admit that all their learned treaties were wrong, it was more convenient to accuse the leopard of changing its spots. The search for a solution of the Somali problem was always dogged by anomalies and ambivalences, which in one form or another emasculated every reconciliation effort. To understand those anomalies and ambivalences we must go back to the recent history of the Horn of Africa.
In 1943 after the defeat of the Italian Colonies in East Africa a British Military administration took over all the Somali inhabited territories in the Horn of Africa. For the first time in one hundred years the Somali people were under one common administration, with a common currency and a common tariff. With the help of the huge military expending of the conquering British forces, there was an unprecedented boom in the Somali territories. The idea of remaining united and holding on to this bonanza of the union took hold over the minds of Somali leaders.
The British Labor government of the time welcomed the Somali aspirations and proposed an expanded British Protectorate over all the Somali territories except the French Somali Coast; as the present Republic of Djibouti was known then. The proposal never found support in the council of the great victorious powers but the Somali clung to their hope and Greater Somalia was over since then the centerpiece of their political aspirations.
In 1960 British Somaliland Protectorate and the Italian Trust territory of Somalia gained their independence and immediately united as the first step towards Greater Somalia. In 1963 the third step was almost taken when the British conservative Government of Harold Macmillan showed some sympathy and undertook to ascertain the wishes of the people of the NFD, Kenya and promised to act according to those wishes. Then an alarmed emperor of Ethiopia appealed to President Kennedy and a phone call from the Oval Office in the White House to No 10 Downing Street upset the Somalis for good. Consequently a disappointed and a bitter Somalia took up unrelenting confrontation with its neighbors and Horn of Africa had never known peace or constructive development. Eventually the rebellion against the Siyad Barre Dictatorship broke the spell of extreme nationalism.
Now all the great powers, the AU, and the Government of the Horn of Africa countries, who is the 1960s denied Greater Somalia and made it into a pernicious concept, are now talking in a confused ambivalence about the Territorial integrity of Somalia. The Territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic, which was ruled by Mohamed Siad Barre "Af-Weyne", is that of Greater Somalia but the Territorial integrity of Somali is that Territory which was once an Italian Colony. What is required for the solution of the Somali Problem is clarity of objectives and expressions. The politics of the Nile River must not be allowed to bedevil the Somali reconciliation and the Ethiopian ambivalence over Somalia and Greater Somalia must be resolved. A truncated Greater Somalia composed of the former Italian colony and the British Protectorate is impractical and unacceptable.
What then? I am proposes that if the Territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic of Somalia is to be preserved, then I am asking that the Government of United States of America, the Government of France, The Government of UK, and the Africa Union should form a panel to organize the formation of a state of the Somali inhabited Territories in the Horn of Africa. Then were a golden opportunity, which was missed in 1960, and a humanitarian mission of the first category. The problem of the warning factions will immediately evaporated at the moment this mission is announced and a new grateful nation will appear in the Horn of Africa, bringing constructive contributions to the region and an everlasting peace to the Horn of Africa. We abjectly beg this Government to pity the agony of this tortured nation and to do the right thing at long last.
Without embracing this noble scheme of building the only homogeneous nation if Africa, the nation of any other territorial integrity is a blasphemy, under such circumstance SOMALILAND DEMANDS RECOGNITION of its sovereignty and resents vehemently and equation of itself with the factions of Somalia.

Weerar ka dhacay Dalka Afganistaan


Afganistaan(SONNA) Wararka ka imaanaya Dalka Afgansitaan ayaa sheegaya in Rasaas culus iyo qaraxyo laga maqlayay xero milateriga lagu tababaro oo ku taal magaalada caasimadda u ah waddanka Afghanistan ee Kabul,sida ay baahinayaan warbaahinta Dalkaasi.
Ilaa iyo haatan lama oga khasaaraha weerarkaasi dhaliyay,balse wararku waxay sheegayaan in aroornimadii saaka uu halkaasi ka dhacay weerar xoogan,gaar ahaan Jaamacadda Gaashaandhigga Qaran ee Sarreeye Gaas Fahim.
Weerrarkan ayaa imanaya maalma un kaddib markii magaaladaasi uu ka dhacay ismiidaamintii ugu dhimashada badneyd ee muddo bilo ah ka dhacda magaalada Kabul markaas oo gaari nooca gurmadka degdega ah oo laga soo buuxiyay walxaha qarxa lagu dilay ugu yaraan 100 qof.
Majiraan wax war ah oo ka soo baxay laamaha ammaanka Dalkaasi o ku aadan weerarkaasi dhacay,balse kooxaha arggagixisada Taalibaan ayaa waxaa ay sheegteen mas'uuliyadda weerarkan iyo weeraro dhowr ah oo ay halkaasi ku qaadeen.
Previous articleShirkii Addis-Ababa oo maalintii labada galay




Fariin Caafimaad.
iyadoo dalka ay ku soo badanayaan cuntooyin caano cosmatics daawooyin food stuf aan lahayn la socod tixraac caafimaad sida noocyada tayooyinkooda iyo sifaha sharci ee dalka ay ku imanayaan badeecadahaas madama dekadaha aanay jirin qalab lagula socdo shaqaalahii caafimaadka ee loo baahna aanay shaqaynayn aqoon la an waxbarasho mushahar aan ku filnayn oo u fududeeya in ay ka door bidaan wajibaadkii shaqo fayadhowr laalush iyo ,musuqmaasaq waxa haboon in kor loo qaado talaabooyinkan dawlada hoose ee dalka
Waa in awooda shaqo fayadhowr mushahar guno kor loo qaada dalka si loo guto waajibaadka shaqo shaqaale caafimaad si wax looga qabto tayo darada daawooyinka cuntooyinka dalka dibada uga yimaada oo aan lagu soo baadhin dekedaha airport dalka dawladaha hoose ee dalka iyo hayada tayada dalka iyo wasaarada caafimaadka dalka waa in ay ku shaqeeyaan sharciga iyo qawaaninta fayadhowrka dalka u dajisan si kor loogu qaado tacriifada ganaaxyada laamaha dawliga ah Madaxwayne muuse bixi abdi waa in ay bulashadeenu helaan cuntooyin wanaagsan iyo dawooyin tatadooda ay hubaan hayada dhawrista tayada dalka iyo gud gudida minhadlayaasha caafimaadka oo ka seexday xilkii wajibaadkii shaqo ee dadka dalku xukumada iyo ilaahay u igmaday inay sideeda u gutaan bulashada ka shaqaysa caafimaad qabka bulshadoodu waxay ku talaabsadaan horumar deg deg dalkeenu waxa uu noqday dal loo iib geeyo rashin cuntooyin daawooyin dhacay oo sababay soona gaadhsiiyey bulashadeena cuduro waxyeeleya caafimaad qabkoodii gaarka oo dalka hore aan uga jirin sida noocyada cudurka cancerka oo maalin kasta ay u dhimanyaan dad badan oo ah muwaadinin rayid ah waxa sidoo kale samaysmay in ay hoos u dhacdo awoodii iyo haybadii shaqaalahii caafimaadka sida mushahar aan ku filnayn guno la an maamul taas oo keentay in laga doorbido musuqmaasaq laalush naafeeyey hawlihii ay u xilsaarnaayen ee tayada daawooyinka iyo cuntooyinka dalka dibada uga yimaada lagu soo ururinaayey iyadoo ay samaysmeen farmasiyo iyo ruga caafimaad dhamaan gobolada dalka oo ay ka shaqaynaayan shaqaale ajanib ah oo aan lahayn aqoon caafimaad iyo sharci u fasaxaya in ay ka ganacsadaan caafimaadka iyo daawaynta muwaadininta dalka jahawareerkaa caafimaad ee lasoo darsay bulshadeena rayidka waxa abuurmay goobo iclaajya oo ay naftu ku khasabtay in ay caafimaad ka raadiyaan oo ay haystaan dad aan waxba dhaamin aqoon ahaaneed bukaha caafimaad qabka raadinaya waxa abuurmay halkii laga raadinaayey caafimaadka bulshada oo sugma in ay si fudud u faafan cuduro badan bulshada dhexdeedaIyadoo dekadaha iyo airport dalka aanay jirin qalab lagu ogaan karo nooca dawooyinka dalka dibada uga imanaya iyo sifaha tixraac sharci ee lagula socon karo nooca daawooyinka dalka sameeyey daawadu noocyada ay ka kooban tahay iyo sifa sharci ee dal ku galinta daawooyinka dalka dibada uga yimaadaIyadoo daawooyinkii dalka dibada uga imanayey la ogaaday bukahii loo qoray markuu arimo baadhis caafimaad dalka dibada ugu baxay in xanuunkii uu ka cabanayey ay ka badnaatay waxyeelada caafimaad daro ee bukaha caafimaadkiisi ka soo gaadhay daawooyinkii uu isticmaali jiray waqtigii dalka uu joogay taas oo ay sababtay field caafimaad ee dawliga ahaa oo meesha ka baxayMushkuladaha iibka dawooyinka dalka oo sii batay waxay sababeen in sii bataan pharmacyadii iyo rugahii caafimaadka daka iyagoo aanay jirin aqoon caafimaad oo ay ku shaqaysanayaan ama sifo sharci dawladeed oo lagula socdo furnaantooda sharci meheradeedDawooyinkii oo aan la garanayeyn in ay dalka dibada uga yimaadanan iyadoo taarikhdii hore laga soo badalay oo tariikh cusub lagu soo dhuftay iyadoo aanu jirin qalab casriya oo lagula socon kara tayada dawooyinka dalka dibada uga yimaadaGanacsatadii dalka dibada uga keenayey daawooyinka iyo cuntooyinka aynu isticmaalo oo ka door biday fayaqabka dadkoodu in ay helaan cuntooyin nadiif iyo daawooyin cusub faa ido raadin ganacsi xaaran ah oo shilin lacageed markii hayadii u xilsaara masuuliyada hawshan shaqo sida hayada tayada dalka iyo gudida minhadlayaasha caafimaadku ay ka seexdeen wajibaadkii shaqo ee xukumada dalku u igmatay in ay qabtaan
WQ: Dr Buux Ibraahin AadanFayo-dhawre madax bannaanbuux2010@gmail.com 063 4130821

Askarta Turkiga oo ka taagay calanka dalkooda...


Askarta Turkiga ayaa calankooda ka dul taagay Buurta Bersaya ee Tal Afrin, waqooyiga Suuriya, kadib markii ciidamada iyo mucaaradka Suuriya ay qabsadeen Axaddii buurta istiraatiijiga ah.
Warbaahinta Turkiga ayaa daabacday fiidiyoow muujinaya iyada oo uu ka taagayo askari Turki ahi calanka dalkiisa Buurta dusheeda.
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Warqabadka ToggaHerer

Nin aan Haybtiisa la Garanayn oo Dilay hadh Cad...


Kaamirooyinka ilaalinta ayaa duubay xili la tooganayay Haweenayda Quruxda Guatemala Rosa Hotelia Ramirez wado ka mid ah wadooyinka Guatemala, iyada markiibana u dhimatay xabadii lagu dhuftay.
Ramirez, oo 32 jir ah, ayaa ku socotay gurigeeda ka dib markii ay inanteeda ay geysya dugsiga.
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Warqabadka ToggaHerer

Daawo-Gudoomiye Ku xigeenka labaad Ee Golaha...


Hargeysa(Toggaherer)-Gudoomiye Ku xigeenka labaad Ee Golaha wakiilada Somaliland Dr-Cali yuusuf Axmed Ayaa Si Kulul UGa Hadlay Arrinta Ceel afweyn ,baaqna udiray jufoooyinka walaalah Ah Ee deegaanadaasi ku wado nool.Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad Ee Golahaasi wakiilada somaliland ayaa baaq nabadeed udiray jufooyin walalo ah oo dirari ku dhexmart deegaanka ceel afweyn,waxaanu gudoomiye ku xigeenku naqdiyey lacagaha lagu kordhiyey qaadka dalkeena soo galaee ay ku xukuumadu waxa kaga qabanayso sixirbararka baahsan ee wadanka ka taagan iyo lacagta qalaad ee Dollarka oo saameyn xoogan ku yeelatay lacagta shilinka somaliland.
Daawo Muuqaaladaasi Oo faahfaahsan:
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Daawo: ” Dadka Colaadan Huraysa Waxaa sii Dheer in...


Hargeysa(Toggaherer)-Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha somaliland ayaa Ka Hadlay Arrimo Xasaasi Ah...
Wasiirka wasaarada arrimaha gudaha Somaliland ayaa si faahfaahsan uga hadlay xaalada Amniga wadanka iyo Arrimaha Ceel Afweynba,waxaanu wasiirku xogwarn uu siinaayey mudanayaasha gudida joogtada golaha Guurtida ayaa arrimahaasi uu si mug leh uga waramay.
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Maamulka Gobolka Hiiraan oo sheegay in xal laga...



Muqdisho(SONNA);- Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Arrimaha Bulshada Gobolka Hiiraan Sheikh Xuseen Cusmaan Cali oo la hadlay Radio Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in xal laga gaaray isticmaalka lacagta shlinta Soomaaliga ah oo maalmihii u danbeeyay muran uu ka taagnaa.
Wuxuu sheegay Sheikh Xuseen Cusmaan Cali in xafiis gaar ah loo sameeyay si dadka ay u helaan meel meel lagu isticmaalo dalka ee Shilin Soomaaliga ah ay Ganacsatada magaalada Baladweyne diideen.
Dhawaan ayeey ahayd markii u ka hadalay Madaxweynaha Maamulka Hirshabeelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare in dadka loo naxariisto lana qaato lacagta shilin Soomaaliga ah oo isticmaalkeeda la diiday.
Sidoo kale,Madaxweyne Waare ayaa ku amray Xarumaha Maamulka ee Canshuurta lagu qaado in ay qataan lacagta shilinka Soomaaliga.
Arrintaan diiditaanka lacagta shilin Soomaaliga ayaa waxaa ka dhashay dhibaatooyin fara badan sida sicir barar ku yimid maciishadaha kala duwan ee lagu iibiyo Suuqyada baladweyne.
Previous articleMaamulka Galmudug oo sheegay in gacanta ku soo dhigeen Maleeshiyaad dhac ka geystay deegaanad Galmudug
Next articleWasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha XFS oo shir looga hadlayo xasilinta dalka ka furay Muqdisho+(Sawirro)


Maamulka Galmudug oo sheegay in gacanta ku soo...



Muqdisho(SONNA);- Ciidamada NISA iyo Booliiska Galmudug ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay Maleeshiyaad gaadiid ka dhacay deegaanada Maamulka Galmudug.
Taliye ku xigeenka Saldhiga dagmaada Cadaado Cumar Macalin Cali ayaa sheegay in ay gacanta kusoo dhigeen maleeshiyaad dhac ka geystay intaa u dhexaysa Cadaado iyo Cabudwaaq oo ka tirsaan deegaanada Galmudug.
Wuxuu sheegay Taliyaha Saldhiga magaalada Cadaado ayaa sheegay in raga gacanta lagu soo dhigay ayaa u gudbiyen saldhiga dagmaada cadaado laalana xisabtami doona falaalka amaan daro oo ay ka wadeen deegaanada Maamulka Galmudug.
Sido kale,Taliyaha wuxuu sheegay in lagu daba jiro mid kamid ah raggaasi geystay dhaca kana baxsaday goobta laamaaha,ciidamada amniga ay baadi goobayaan sidii gacanta ugu soo dhigi lahaayeen.
Maamulka Galmudug ayaa dadaal ugu jira sidii loo xasilin lahaa deeganada maamulkaasi loogana hortagi lahaa dadka falalka amaandari wada.
Previous articleWeerar ka dhacay Dalka Afganistaan
Next articleMaamulka Gobolka Hiiraan oo sheegay in xal laga gaaray isticmaalka Lacagta shilin Soomaaliga ah


Daawo-Wareysi-Shirkada ka Hortaga Dabka Iyo...


Hargeysa(Toggaherer)-Somaliland ayaa yeelatay xarunta Lagu Iibiyo qalabka Dabdamiska Laguna Tabobaro Bulshada.
Dalkeena Somaliland gaar ahaanna - somaliland waxaa laga hirgaliyey xarun lagu iibiyo qalabka dabla lagula tacaalo lagagana hortago ,halka sidoo kalena shacbi weynaheena lagu siiyo tabobaro xirfadaysan oo aqoontooda kor loogu qaadaayo ,maamula xaruntaasi dabdamiska somaliland oo maagaceeda la yidhaahdo -somaliland fire ayaa nooga warbixiyey adeegyada ay ufidiyaan Bulsho weynteena somaliland.
Halkani Hoose Ka Daawo wareysigaasi:
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Construction of 400KM Kenya-Somalia border wall...


The construction of the controversial security wall along the Kenya-Somalia border is on course according to North Eastern regional commissioner Mohamud Saleh.
Speaking in Mandera town when he inspected the completed eight kilometers section of the wall that starts at the border point in Mandera, Saleh maintained it is meant to secure the town that has borne the brunt of terrorist attacks by the Al-Shabaab terror group operating from Somalia.
Saleh said an additional 28 kilometers has been surveyed and construction will resume soon.
He said the initial concrete security wall was redesigned because of the huge financial implication and that the works will be carried out in phases all the way to Kiunga in Lamu County.
"It's a slow process but Kenya will continue to secure its borders with Somalia," Saleh said.
He added that Kenya has no problem with Somalia citizens crossing over to the country for business but "this must be carried out in a structured manner."
"We like good neighborliness but we would not allow our people to be terrorized by anybody. We have to defend our territory, our people as a government," Saleh said.
"The era the Somali citizens used to walk in and out is no longer there. Anybody coming into Kenya must use a passport or other legal documents," he said.
He commended the Kenya Defense Force (KDF) for their work.
"I am satisfied as the chairman of the North Eastern security and intelligence team with the works of the Kenya Defense Forces who are undertaking the project. They have done a good job," Saleh noted.
"I want to assure Kenyans that the government is focused on the project. We have no problems with the people of Somalia. They are our neighbors who have had serious security challenges for the past 26 years," he added.
The wall, estimated to be over 400KM when completed, will have designated immigration and custom entry points with a 2 feet tall concrete wall fitted with CCTV cameras.
The idea was mooted in March 2015 following heightened Al-Shabaab attacks in Mandera, Garissa and Wajir counties consist of two parallel concrete fences of heavy mesh and razor wires running in between them. A 3-meter deep trench on the Kenyan side also runs along the fence and next to it is a road to be used by security personnel to patrol the border.

Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha XFS oo shir looga hadlayo...



Muqdisho(SONNA);- Wasiirka Cusub ee Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye ayaa maanta magaalada Muqdisho ka furay shir looga hadlayo Xasilinta dalka.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galaya madax ka kala socoto Dowladd Goboleedyada dalka,xubno ka socda Gobolka Banaadir iyo Beesha caalamka,waxaana mudada halka maalin ah ee uu shirka socdi diirada lagu saarayaa sida ugu haboon ee loo wajahi karo xasilinta guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya.
Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye oo furay shirka ayaa ka soo qeyb galayaasha kula dardaarmay iney ka aragti dhiibtaan sida ugu haboon ee lagu xasilin karo dalka iyo muhiimadda ay leedahay xasilinta.
Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa Dowlad Goboleedyada dalka kala shaqeyneyso xaqiijinta amaanka deegaanadooda iyo in hal meel looga soo wada jeesto falalka lidka ku ah amaanka dalka.
Previous articleMaamulka Gobolka Hiiraan oo sheegay in xal laga gaaray isticmaalka Lacagta shilin Soomaaliga ah


Daawo:-Faahfaahinta nin dad shacab ah ku dhaawacay...


Taliyaha Saldhigga dhexe ee Garoowe,Dhamme. Maxamuud Muuse Bile(Fardafuul) oo goor dhoweyd shir jaraa'id ku qabtay xafiiskiisa ayaa si faahfaahsan uga warbixiyey xaaladda guud ee Amniga caasimadda Garoowe.
Taliye Fardafuul ayaa sheegay in amniga guud ee magaalada Garoowe uu aad u wacanyahay,islamarkaana Booliiska oo kaashanaya Shacabka ay shaqaqdooda haystaan,balse ay jiraan dhalinyaro caadaystay dhaca mobile-da,kuwaasoo badankooda la xiray,qaarna haatan lagu daba-jiro.
Dhinaca kale taliye Fardafuul ayaa ka warbixiyey shaqaaqo xalay ka dhacday magaalada Garoowe oo dad ku dhaacmeen,isagoo sheegay la soo qabtay ciddi dhibaatadaasi geysatay oo haatan gacanta lagu hayo.
Dhamme.Fardafuul ayaa sidoo kale beeniyey in xilka laga qaaday,wuxuuna wararka laga faafiyey ku tilmaamay kuwa waxba kama jiraan ah.Halkaan ka daawo Shirka jaraa'id oo dhammaystiran.
PUNTLANDPOSTCabdiraxmaan Ciise Cumar
The post Daawo:-Faahfaahinta nin dad shacab ah ku dhaawacay Garoowe oo la qabtay. appeared first on Puntland Post.

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