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Carabey “DFS wax lug ah kuma lahan khilaafka Galmudug”


Cadaado ( Sh. M. Network )-Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Galmudug Maxamed Xaashi Carabey oo maanta Warbaahinta kula hadlay magaalada Cadaado ee xarunta Baarlamaanka maamulkaasi ayaa waxa uu ka warramay arrimo dhowr ah oo ku aadan khilaafka ka taagan maamulkaasi.
Ugu horreyn Mr Carabey ayaa beeniyay in dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ay ku lug leedahay khilaafka ka soo cusboonaaday maamulkaasi.
Sidoo kale waxa uu fariin u diray Madaxda maamul goboleedyada dalka uu ka dalbaday in aysan la safan cid gaar ah, islamarkaana ay taageeraan rabitaan shacabka Galmudug.
Waxaana uu tilmaamay in ay muhiim tahay in la ilaaliyo midnimada iyo jiritaanka maamulkaasi.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.
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Getting medicine to flood victims in Somalia, no matter what


Tuesday May 29, 2018

Recent flash and river flooding in Somalia has affected an estimated 772 000 people and displaced nearly 230 000 people from their homes. The World Health Organization in Somalia is responding to the health needs of the most vulnerable, including by airlifting emergency medical supplies to different parts of the country.
The Gu rainy season, which runs from late March to June, began with regular rainfall. However, in the first half of April, rain levels increased to some of the highest on record for the past nearly 40 years. In some places, nearly twice the normal average amount of rain came down, causing flash and river flooding across central and southern Somalia – an area that is already vulnerable because of repeated droughts and ongoing conflict. At least 25 people have been killed. The destruction caused by water has been widespread and devastating affecting farming, schools, roads and shelters for internally displaced people.
“We haven’t seen this kind of rain in decades. Now, hundreds of thousands of very vulnerable people are being hit again,” says Dr Ghulam Rabani Popal, WHO Representative for Somalia.
Ads By Google An estimated 772 000 people are in need of humanitarian aid, including food, clean water, and health care. The risk of water and vector-borne diseases like cholera, malaria, dengue fever, and chikungunya has also increased. To respond, WHO is leading health partners to work together on detecting disease outbreaks, building cholera treatment centres, training health workers, providing mosquito nets, and distributing medical supplies.
Since road transport is near impossible, this month WHO staff have successfully airlifted 45 tonnes of medical supplies to different states in the country, including Hirshebelle, South West, Jubaland, Galmudug, and Puntland. The supplies will have an immediate positive impact on the health needs of flood-affected Somalis, while longer term response plans are being put into place. As the Global Health Cluster lead agency, WHO is also coordinating the response of all health partners, to ensure the work gets done as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Dr Popal added: “These shipments of medicine and other medical materials will address the immediate needs of vulnerable people. WHO’s staff and all our partners in health are working around the clock to save lives, as well as plan for the long term health of all the people of Somalia.”


  • Kenya launches manhunt for al-Shabab returnees in coast region - Xinhua
  • Kenya charges 54 people in graft investigation, plans to probe banks - Reuters
  • Somaliland authorities arrest demonstrators, journalists covering protest - Reuters
  • Yemeni forces advance to within 20km of Houthi-held Hodeidah - Al Jazeera
  • Benadir fishermen go missing as locals blame illegal foreign trawlers - Radio Ergo
  • Abdoul Abdi scheduled to appear in Halifax federal court on Tuesday - HalifaxToday
  • Renewed Conflict Reported at Ethiopia's Oromia-Somali Border - Ezega
  • Liege shooting: Gunman 'kills two policemen' in Belgium - BBC
  • 'He always put other people first': Homicide victim remembered as caring father, friend - Ottawa Citizen
  • Breaking: Trader shot dead in Somali capital - HOL
  • Kenya: Police arrest three terrorism suspects in Nyeri - Daily Nation
  • 12 stranded SL migrant workers to be repatriated from Somaliland - dailymirror
  • Kenya set to raise Amisom refunds bill to Sh7 billion - Business Daily

Arday ka socotay Yaaqshiid Oo ka qeyb galay Tartanka Qur’aan Akhriska Ee Imaamu Shaafici


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Tartankan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Dalada isku xirka Ardayda ka qalin jabisay Jaamacadda Imaamu Shaafici ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta galay maalintiisa 3-aad.
Waxaana Tartanka ka qeyb galaya illaa iyo 114 Arday oo ka kala yimid degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir.
Ardayda ka qeyb galeysa Tartankan ayaa waxaa ay ku baratamayaan Qiraa’ada Qur’aanka Kariimka iyo sidoo kale Kutubta Diiniga ah.
Tartamayaasha maanta ka qeyb galay Tartanka ayaa waxa ay ka socdeen Masjidka Abuubakar Sadiiq oo ku yaalla degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobolka Banaadir.
Guddoomiyaha guddiga Tartanka Asayid Macalin C/laahi ( Juquf ) ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyay Tartankii maanta.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Warbixinta.

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Madaxweyne Gaas Oo Xafiiskiisa Ku Qaabilay Peter De Clercq


Garoowe ( Sh. M. Network )-Madaxweynaha Dawlad Gobaleedka Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 29 May 2018 ayaa waxa uu qasriga madaxtooyada Puntland ee Garoowe ku qaabilay wafdi uu hogaamineyey ku-xigeenka xog-hayaha guud ee qaramada midoobey u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya, Peter De Clercq.
Weftigan balaaran ee uu hogaaminayey Peter De Clercq ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Madaxa xafiiska (OCHA) Mr. Justin Brady iyo Agaasimaha ROLSIG (UNSOM) Mr. Staffa Tillander iyo sidoo kale saraakiil ka tirsanUnsom iyo UNDP.
Madaxweynaha Dawlad Gobaleedka Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa kulanka uu maanta la qaatey ku-xigeenka xog-hayaha guud ee qaramada midoobey u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya, Peter De Clercq waxaa uu ugaga mahad celiyey booqashada ay ku yimaadeen Puntland, iyadoona madaxweynuhu sheegay in ay Puntland wada shaqayn dhow la leedahay Hay’adaha caalamiga ah ee ka hawl gala geeska afrika iyo guud ahaanba dalalka caalamka.
Kulankan maanta uu Madaxweynaha Puntland la yeeshay Mr. Peter De Clercq ayaa waxaa uu ku saabsanaa arimaha bani’aadanimda iyo xuquuqda dadka tabaalaysan ee reebobka duufaanada wata iyo abaaruhu aafeeyeen, kuwaas oo roobabkii dabaylaha watay ee ku dhuftay soomaaliya iyo wadamo badan oo deriska ah barakac baahsan iyo waxyeelo u geysteen.
Mr. Peter De Clercq ayaa dhankiisa sheegay inuu aad iyo aad ugaga mahad celinayo kulanka uu kulaqaatay Madaxweynaha Puntland xafiiskiisa iyo sida wanaagsan ee loogu soo dhaweeyey Puntland, isagoona dhinaca kalena uu sheegay inuu soo maray gobolada waqooyiga Soomaaliya oo iyagana duufaanadii iyo roobabkii ka da’ay todobaadkii lasoo dhaafay khasaare baaxad leh oo naf iyo maal ahba u geysteen.
Sidoo kale Peter De  Clercg ayaa sheegay inuu haatana Puntland u yimi sidii ay ugu kuur geli lahaayeen xaalada dadka reer guuraaga ah iyo kuwa ku teedsan dhul xeebadka Puntland ee duufaanadii iyo roobabkii sanadku halakeeyeen, islamar’ahaantaanaa ay wax uga ogaan lahaayeen xaalada bai’aadanimo iyo raadkii abaarahu ka tageen.
Ugu danbeyn, Madaxweynaha Dawlad Gobaleedka Puntland ayaa sheegay in roobabkii duufaanada watay ee ka da’ay Puntland ay dad wax yeeleeyeen, Maamulka Puntland-na uu ka gurmaday amuurtaasi intii taagtiisaa aheyd,  balse khasaaraha dhabta ah si loo ogaado ayay Puntland u xilsaartay xeel dheerayayaal xaqiiqo raadiyeyaal ah oo kasoo warbixiya raadadka abaaruhu ka tageen iyo khasaaraha ay geysteen duufaanadii iyo roobabkii isku lamaanaa.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:-
http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/4.Abdalla-Guure-1-30... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/4.Abdalla-Guure-1-76... 768w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/4.Abdalla-Guure-1-69... 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/4.Abdalla-Guure-1-69... 695w" sizes="(max-width: 603px) 100vw, 603px" /> http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/5.Abdalla-Guure-1-30... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/5.Abdalla-Guure-1-76... 768w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/5.Abdalla-Guure-1-69... 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/5.Abdalla-Guure-1-72... 729w" sizes="(max-width: 602px) 100vw, 602px" /> http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/6.Abdalla-Guure-1-30... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/6.Abdalla-Guure-1-76... 768w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/6.Abdalla-Guure-1-69... 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/6.Abdalla-Guure-1-78... 785w" sizes="(max-width: 601px) 100vw, 601px" /> http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/aqalka-dowlada-hoose... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/aqalka-dowlada-hoose... 768w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/aqalka-dowlada-hoose... 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/aqalka-dowlada-hoose... 630w" sizes="(max-width: 597px) 100vw, 597px" /> http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1.Abdalla-Guure-300x... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1.Abdalla-Guure-768x... 768w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1.Abdalla-Guure-696x... 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1.Abdalla-Guure-741x... 741w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1.Abdalla-Guure-642x... 642w" sizes="(max-width: 596px) 100vw, 596px" /> http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/3.Abdalla-Guure-1-30... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/3.Abdalla-Guure-1-76... 768w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/3.Abdalla-Guure-1-69... 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/3.Abdalla-Guure-1-52... 529w" sizes="(max-width: 593px) 100vw, 593px" />
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Daacish oo weerar ka fulisay gobolka Bari


Maleeshiyo ka tirsan kooxda Daacish ayaa xalay waxa ay weerareen tuulada Canjeel oo u dhow magaalada Qandala ee gobolka Bari.

Dilalka qorsheysan oo ku sii kordhaya Muqdisho


Bishan Ramadaan waxaa kordhay dilalka qorshaysan ee loo gaysanayo ciidamada amniga, odayaasha, shaqaalaha dawladda, ganacsatada iyo rayidka kaleba, ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Kenya charges 54 people in graft investigation, plans to probe banks


Tuesday May 29, 2018By George Obulutsa and John Ndiso Journalists wait outside the Director of Criminal Investigation headquarters, following the arrest of several officials over corruption in Nairobi, Kenya May 28, 2018. NAIROBI, May 28 (Reuters) - Kenyan authorities charged 54 people, mainly civil servants, on Monday in an investigation into the theft of nearly $100 million of public funds, a rare move to hold officials to account for graft in a nation where it is widespread. Among the civil servants and businesspeople charged was the head of the National Youth Service, where the corruption allegedly took place, senior accountants at the government agency, and the chief internal auditor at the national treasury, chief prosecutor Noordin Mohamed Haji told a news conference. President Uhuru Kenyatta’s pledged to stamp out graft when he was first elected in 2013, but critics say he has been slow to pursue top officials. No high profile convictions have occurred since he took office. Reuters could not immediately contact any of the people named in a televised news conference by Haji, who said 20 of the individuals had been taken into custody. He called on the rest to hand themselves in and said the suspects would be charged in court on Tuesday with crimes including abuse of office. Ads By Google The government ministry responsible for the National Youth Service and a spokesman for the treasury did not immediatley respond for requests for comment. The effort by Haji, a former deputy director of Kenya’s National Intelligence Service, differs from past graft investigations in that he has said he will examine the role of local banks. “In phase two of investigations, the director of criminal investigations will focus on additional areas including companies or entities that benefited from the fraudulent payments and banks that were complicit,” he said, adding that he will appoint four special prosecutors to assist in the investigation. He said that the investigation by his office and the police had revealed that funds were stolen through fictitious invoices and multiple payments on one supplier invoice. “Investigations reveal that there was no procurement whatsoever,” he said, adding that several bank accounts that the funds were channelled through had been frozen. The arrests came after more than a week of front-page stories in Kenyan newspapers and numerous hashtags on Twitter. The case - first reported earlier this month by the newspaper Daily Nation — has touched a nerve, particularly on social media, where some Kenyans are mocking the Kenyatta administration for paying just lip service to corruption. Government critics say only big-name convictions will break what they call a culture of impunity. There have been none on Kenyatta’s watch, they say. Many Kenyans say they believe that the amount allegedly looted by youth service officials is a fraction of the overall amount of money stolen annually by government officials. The state organisation trains young people and deploys them to projects ranging from construction to traffic control. The current scandal follows one three years ago at the same agency. Earlier this year, a court acquitted nearly two dozen officials at the agency after a trial over the alleged theft of 48 million shillings in 2015. In 2016, the then-head of Kenya’s anti-graft agency said Kenya was losing a third of its state budget - the equivalent of about $6 billion - to corruption every year. While the finance ministry disputed the losses were that large and instead blamed poor paperwork, Kenyatta acknowledged then that corruption had reached levels that threatened national security. $1=101.0000 Kenyan shillings Additional reporting by Humphrey Malalo and Duncan Miriri, writing by Maggie Fick; Editing by Toby Chopra


  • Kenya launches manhunt for al-Shabab returnees in coast region - Xinhua
  • Getting medicine to flood victims in Somalia, no matter what - WHO
  • Somaliland authorities arrest demonstrators, journalists covering protest - Reuters
  • Yemeni forces advance to within 20km of Houthi-held Hodeidah - Al Jazeera
  • Benadir fishermen go missing as locals blame illegal foreign trawlers - Radio Ergo
  • Abdoul Abdi scheduled to appear in Halifax federal court on Tuesday - HalifaxToday
  • Renewed Conflict Reported at Ethiopia's Oromia-Somali Border - Ezega
  • Liege shooting: Gunman 'kills two policemen' in Belgium - BBC
  • 'He always put other people first': Homicide victim remembered as caring father, friend - Ottawa Citizen
  • Breaking: Trader shot dead in Somali capital - HOL
  • Kenya: Police arrest three terrorism suspects in Nyeri - Daily Nation
  • 12 stranded SL migrant workers to be repatriated from Somaliland - dailymirror
  • Kenya set to raise Amisom refunds bill to Sh7 billion - Business Daily

Labo magaalo oo Maraykanka ku taala ayaa isku haysta koox isboorti ah oo go'aansatay in ay ka guurto magaaladii ay magaceed wadatay !


Waa wax iska caadi ah in dadka Maraykanka ay ka digo rogtaan magaalooyinka ay ku noolyihiin, meelo kalena aadaan iyaga oo fursado raadinaya

Kenya launches manhunt for al-Shabab returnees in coast region


Tuesday May 29, 2018Coast regional coordinator Nelson Marwa with Lamu county commissioner Joseph Kanyiri in Mpeketoni, Lamu county. LAMU, Kenya, May 29 (Xinhua) -- Kenya's security officers in coastal Lamu County have started an operation to flush out al-Shabab returnees who have secretly come back and refused to surrender to authorities for rehabilitation.Lamu County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri said on Tuesday that relatives and other community members who are found guilty of hiding the returnees are also targeted in the new operation."We are glad that a considerable number of communities have cooperated with security officers, but it's unfortunate that there are some communities that have been hiding and aiding al-Shabab," Kanyiri told journalists in Lamu."These communities have also remained tight-lipped whenever al-Shabab returnees come back from Somalia," he added. "We told them to surrender such people to us for rehabilitation. Investigations are a critical stage and people shall be prosecuted soon enough."Ads By Google The authorities insist that the normal procedure is for the community to surrender any returnees to the police for rehabilitation after which they can be incorporated back into society.The east African nation has announced amnesty for all al-Shabab returnees who shall surrender to the police.Despite the assurance, not many have heeded as fears rise that it could be a trick by police to capture and eliminate the returnees.Kanyiri said the government has adequate intelligence that many of those posing as returnees are in fact spies for the militant group.In addition to Lamu, the coastal county of Tana River and Garissa county in northeastern Kenya are also notorious for hiding al-Shabab returnees, Kanyiri said.Some community members in those counties have been working with militants by giving them such information as movements of security officers, he said.Kanyiri insisted that the returnees have in fact been helping militants launch terror attacks across the region.He warned that anyone found culpable of aiding terrorism shall be treated like a terrorist and face the full force of the law.The militants' spies are also responsible for spreading propaganda leaflets across the region with the intent to mislead, intimidate and instill fear in residents, he said.Locals have been asked to stay put and not allow themselves be divided along religious or tribal lines."People wake up to propaganda leaflets strewn all over villages in which the militants claim they have no issues with Muslims and that their main target are the Christians and tribes from outside the coastal region. We must be aware of such intentions and vow to remain sober-minded and united so we can win against them," said Kanyiri. 


  • Kenya charges 54 people in graft investigation, plans to probe banks - Reuters
  • Getting medicine to flood victims in Somalia, no matter what - WHO
  • Somaliland authorities arrest demonstrators, journalists covering protest - Reuters
  • Yemeni forces advance to within 20km of Houthi-held Hodeidah - Al Jazeera
  • Benadir fishermen go missing as locals blame illegal foreign trawlers - Radio Ergo
  • Abdoul Abdi scheduled to appear in Halifax federal court on Tuesday - HalifaxToday
  • Renewed Conflict Reported at Ethiopia's Oromia-Somali Border - Ezega
  • Liege shooting: Gunman 'kills two policemen' in Belgium - BBC
  • 'He always put other people first': Homicide victim remembered as caring father, friend - Ottawa Citizen
  • Breaking: Trader shot dead in Somali capital - HOL
  • Kenya: Police arrest three terrorism suspects in Nyeri - Daily Nation
  • 12 stranded SL migrant workers to be repatriated from Somaliland - dailymirror
  • Kenya set to raise Amisom refunds bill to Sh7 billion - Business Daily

Nuuradiin Yuusuf Xaaji “Waan la dagaalamaynaa musuqa Kenya”


Waxaa la sheegay in lacaga lagu xaday qaab wax is dabomarin ah, iyada oo adeegyadii loogu talogalay aanan la fulinin.

Maxaa ugu wacan weerarada Muqdisho?


Dilal loo gaysanayo xubno ka tirsan ciidamada dawladda, odayaal, shaqaalaha xafiisyada iyo dad rayid ah, ayaa malamihii lasoo dhaafay ka dhacayey magaalada Muqdisho.

Dilalka iyo weeraro daba socda ayaa waxa ay kordheen bisha Ramadaan.

Maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish ayaa sheegtay mas’uuliyadda weeraradan. Haddaba maxay tahay sababta dilalku uga sii socdaan magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo dawladdu diyaarisay ciidamo badan oo kuwa amniga ah?

Su’aashaas iyo kuwo kale ayaa Haaruun...

Dib u dhac ku yimid Shir looga hadli lahaa khilaafka ka taagan Galmudug


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Waxaa maanta dib u dhac uu ku yimid shir la filayay in lagu qabto M/ Muqdisho, kaas oo lagu dhex dhexaadin lahaa madaxda maamulka Galmudug.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa horay 30-ka bishan u iclaamiyay wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye, si loo xaliyo khilaafka ka taagan maamulkaasi.
Labada garab ee uu u dhexeeyo khilaafkan ka soo cusboonaaday Galmudug ayaa midna imaan Muqdisho, iyadoona ay ku kala sugan yihiin magaalooyinka Dhuusamareeb iyo Cadaado ee gobolka Galgaduud.
Khilaafka haatan ka taagan maamulkaasi ayaa marba marka ka dambeysa cirka isku sii shareeraya, kaas oo ka dhashay isku darkii baarlamaanada Ahlsunna iyo Galmudug.
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Maxkamad ku taalla Mareykanka Oo xukun ku riday Nin ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab


Washington ( Sh. M. Network )-Maxkamad ku tallaa gobolka Maryland ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa 35 Sano oo xabsi ah ku riday Nin lagu eedeeyay in uu ka tirsanaa Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Ninkani oo lagu Magacaabo Maalik Alin Jones oo 33 jir ah ayaa lagu eedeeyay in ka soo dagaalamay dalalka Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.
Waxaana sidoo kale la sheegay in Xarakada Al Shabaab uu siin jiray taageero dhinaca qalabka ah.
Mr Jones oo ka soo jeeda dalka Mareykanka ayaa lagu helay dambigan, kadib markii uu qirtay in uu ka soo barbar dagaalamay Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Xeer Ilaalinta maxkamadda ayaa sheegtay in Ninkani uu ku dhashay, kuna noolaa gobolka Maryland ee dalkaasi, ka hor inta aanu u Safrin dalka Kenya Sanadii 2011-kii, kadibna uu u sii gudbay Soomaaliya, isaga oo la sheegay in uu qeyb ka ahaa dagaal Al Shabaab iyo Ciidamada Kenya ku dhexmaray degmada Afmadaw ee gobolka Jubbadda Hoose.
Bishii December ee Sanadii 2015-kii ayaa Ninkani ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya, xilligaasi oo la sheegay in uu qorsheynayay in Doon uu ka soo iibsado dalka Yemen.
Ma’ahan markii ugu horreysay oo Maxkamad ku taalla Mareykanka ay xukun ku rido Muwaadin u dhashay dalkaasi oo lagu eedeynayo in uu ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab.
The post Maxkamad ku taalla Mareykanka Oo xukun ku riday Nin ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab appeared first on Shabelle.

Haweenay gacan ka gaysatay dilka aabaheed


Haweenay aabaheed oo 93 sano jir ah geysay xarun dadka nafta looga qaado oo ku taalla dalka Switzerland ayaa sheegtay inay diyaar u tahay inay xabsi arrintaas u gasho.

Wasiirka cusub Ee Gaashaandhiga Oo xilka la wareegay


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Waxaa Maanta si rasmi ah Xilka ula wareegey Wasiirka Cusub ee Wasaaradda Gaashandhigga Mudane Xasan Cali oo dhawaan uu magacaabay Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya kadib Munaasabad lagu qabtay Xarunta Wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga, waxaana goobjoog ka ahaa Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenka Dalka iyo Xubno ka tirsan Guddiga Difaaca Golaha Shacabka iyo Saraakiil Ciidan.
Abaanduulaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Jeneraal C/llaah Cali (Caanood) oo ugu horeyn ka hadlay Munaasabada ayaa sheegay in ay si dhow ula shaqeyn doonaan Wasiirka Cusub ee Wasaaradda Gaashaandhhiga.
Mudane Maxamuud Cali Xagaa Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga oo xilka ku Wareejiyay Wasiirka difaaca ayaa Warbixin guud ka siiyay Wasiirka Cusub Howlaha ka socda Wasaaradda.
Wasiirka Gaashandhigga  Mudane Xasan Cali ayaa uga mahaceliyay Waxyaabihii ay qabteen Wasiiradii ka horeeyay, isagoona balaa qaaday in Howsha uu halkeeda ka sii wadi doono.
Ra’iisul Wasaare Ku-xigeenka Dalka Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed oo gabagabadii Munaasabada ka Hadlay ayaa kula dardaarmay Wasiirka Cusub ee Wasaarada difaaca dalka in uu si hufan u guto waajibaadka loo igmadey.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:-
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Muqdisho: 3 qof oo dil toogasho lagu xukumay


Maxkamadda milatariga Soomaaliya ayaa maanta dil toogasho ah ku xukuntay saddex nin oo ka tirsan ururka Al-Shabaab, oo ka dambeeyey weerarkii hotel Naasa Hablood 2.

Appeals court upholds Minneapolis' authority to restrict Karmel Mall expansion


Wednesday May 30, 2018
LEILA NAVIDI • STAR TRIBUNE  - Karmel Mall in south Minneapolis is home to one of the largest collections of Somali-owned businesses in the United States

The city of Minneapolis won another legal battle against property owner Basim Sabri on Tuesday when the state Court of Appeals denied his expansion plan at the popular Karmel Mall.

Opened in 2005, the mall at Pillsbury Avenue and 29th Street in south Minneapolis is one of the largest collections of Somali-owned businesses in the United States. Sabri has been attempting since 2015 to expand the structure’s north-facing third and fourth floors for retail, restaurant, offices and outdoor seating.
The city initially said Sabri could not proceed with an expansion unless the extra space is used for offices or other non-retail functions, and that he must do something to alleviate traffic and parking problems. The city later decided to block the entire north-side expansion.
In Tuesday’s unanimous ruling, the Court of Appeals said the conditions the city placed on Sabri’s plan weren’t arbitrary and that the city had authority to do it. The court also agreed with the city’s concerns about increased traffic.
“We are pleased with the ruling,” said City Attorney Susan Segal in a statement. “The Court of Appeals affirmed that the City’s actions were based on solid factual grounds and were well within the authority of the Council.”
Ads By Google Sabri has argued that the conditions placed by the city on his site plan review “effectively denied his application in part,” according to the ruling. Robert Speeter, Sabri’s attorney, didn’t return a telephone call for comment Tuesday.
Sabri, who owns many properties in south Minneapolis, is no stranger to City Hall attorneys. He has long been involved in Minneapolis politics and went to federal prison for bribing then-Council Member Brian Herron in 2001.
He also owns the city’s other large ethnic market, Village Mall, better known as the 24 Mall, at E. 24th Street and Elliot Avenue S. The city has cited the mall for regulatory violations 182 times since January 2010, rejected applications to expand the 24 Mall twice in the past several years, and has forced the building’s manager, Omar Sabri, who is Basim Sabri’s nephew, to install more restrooms in recent months.
Karmel Mall started as a two-story ethnic market in 2005. At the time, it was classified as a farmers market, a permitted use in an industrial zone.
The next year, the city changed the zoning code, which now classified the mall as a shopping center. That is not allowed in an industrial zone, meaning the mall is grandfathered under the old zoning but is considered “legally nonconforming.”
From 2010 to 2015, the city approved applications for first-floor additions to the mall as well as construction of third and fourth floors and a parking ramp. Basim Sabri also built a new 5,000-square-foot mosque at the mall. In approving construction of the floors in 2014, the city required a setback on the north side of the building. This was based on concerns about increased shadows on the adjacent Midtown Greenway, the ruling said.
Karmel Mall owner Basim Sabri talked with Imaam Sheikh Sa'ad Musse Roble after Friday prayers at the new mosque inside the Minneapolis mall in 2015

In 2015, Sabri proposed an amendment to his existing site plan for a 5,613-square-foot expansion of nonconforming use to fill in the third-floor, north side setback. The City Council had approved smaller additions on the south side of each floor that would connect the parking ramp to the existing structure. City staff recommended approval of the expansion plan with about a dozen conditions.
The city’s planning commission held a hearing in December 2015. Council Member (and now Council President) Lisa Bender, who represents the ward where Karmel Mall is located and serves on the commission, expressed concern about expanding the intensity of commercial retail use in a noncommercial zone. At a later commission meeting, staff suggested prohibiting more retail in the expanded mall, which Sabri opposed, the ruling said.
The commission ultimately denied expansion on the mall’s north side but allowed south-side plans to proceed. Sabri appealed the denial, but the City Council and Hennepin County District Court both rejected his appeal.
As one of his arguments to the Court of Appeals, Sabri said the city’s findings to deny expansion weren’t supported by a “factual basis.” In its findings, the city included an opposition letter from the Whittier Alliance and a map of parking tickets around the mall that demonstrate the congestion issue. Even with the addition of a parking ramp, the number of tickets increased.


  • People fleeing conflict in northern Somali town of Tukaraq fall prey to wild animals - Radio Ergo
  • UN pledges 2.7 mln USD to help Somaliland communities affected by cyclone - Xinhua
  • Two TV channels shut down, journalists arrested in Somaliland - RSF
  • Donald Trump Drones On -

People fleeing conflict in northern Somali town of Tukaraq fall prey to wild animals


Wednesday May 30, 2018

More than 1,000 families in Tukaraq have been forced to flee their homes, following ongoing conflict in this part of the northern Somali region of Sool.
Local leaders told Radio Ergo most of them have moved to rural places near Kursu-Dubalay, 18 km west of Tukaraq, and others to Higlo, God-qaboobe and Faleedh-yaale
Tukaraq is in the area disputed by Puntland and Somaliland. The local council of elders told Radio Ergo that displaced families included both Tukaraq town dwellers and people who were already displaced by the drought.
They said the conflict has left these families homeless and hungry and vulnerable to challenges including attacks by wild animals.
Ads By Google Ibado Ali Farah fled from Higlada, 15 km north of Tukaraq, with her five children looking for a safer place. But the first night they arrived in Kursu-dubaley they were attacked by hyenas.  Ibado told Radio Ergo that a 15-year-old boy suffered head injuries after being attacked by a hyena while he slept. His family managed to scare the animal off by throwing rocks and shouting. The boy was later taken to Lasanod for medical treatment.
Ibado said they had camped in Kursu-dubaley because there was water for their livestock. However, wild animals also came to the water source at night to drink, making it very dangerous.
“Besides the lack of shelter and the rains, we have been in constant fear at night, as the hyenas visit the well looking for water,” Ibado said.
Some of the families fleeing Tukaraq  migrated to Daldhac, Higlada and Beerwayne on the outskirts of the town.
Abdi Mohamed, one of the elders of Tukaraq, told Radio Ergo that 600 drought-hit IDPs who were living in camps among those displaced again by the conflict.
Shugri Muse Salah, a mother of eight, fled her home in Tukaraq on 15 May. She is staying in Daldhac, 15 km west of Tukaraq, where she can access water. She said she had no time to collect any of her belongings before they ran away.
“The biggest problem is that we don’t have shelter, we don’t have food or medical care, and my two youngest children are now sick and there is no health centre or medicine. They have a bad fever and have been vomiting,” Shugri told Radio Ergo.
Shugri said her family was not able to cook for the first three days when they arrived in Daldhac after walking for four hours and then getting a ride in a vehicle. They had to ask for cooked food that other displaced families could spare. They spend their days sheltering under trees and sleep under makeshift structures they made of sticks and rags.
Shugri owned a small stall and used to earn a reasonably comfortable income for her family. The town-dwellers of Tukaraq and the IDPs are all facing similar hardships now, with lack of food and no proper shelter.
Ahmed Abdi Abtiile, of Somali Development Association operating in Sool and Sanag regions, said they distributed food to 150 families in Daldhac on 17 May, including 75kg of rice, flour, sugar and cooking oil.  They are planning to distribute food for 200 families in June.


  • Appeals court upholds Minneapolis' authority to restrict Karmel Mall expansion - Star Tribune
  • UN pledges 2.7 mln USD to help Somaliland communities affected by cyclone - Xinhua
  • Two TV channels shut down, journalists arrested in Somaliland - RSF
  • Donald Trump Drones On -

Su'aal laga keenay ninkii dhalashada Faransiiska lagu siiyay cunug uu badbaadiyay


Mamoudou Gassama ayaa dhawaan wacdaro dhigay, waxaa laga doonaya aya aah inaad soo bandhigtid arrimo khayru caadi ah.

Qisooyin qarracan leh oo ay ka sheekeeyeen dhalinyaro laga soo celiyay Liibiya


In ka badan 150 qof oo muhaajiriin Soomaali ah oo ku xayirnaa gudaha dalka Liibiya ayaa waxaa maanta dib loogu soo celiyay magaalada Muqdisho.

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