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Puntland oo beenisay in Khasaaro xoogan uu ka soo gaaray Ciidamadeeda weerarkii Balli Qadar


Boosaaso ( Sh. M. Network):-Xilli weli xiisado dagaal ay ka jiraan qaar ka mid ah deegaanada uu ka arrimiyo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa Wasiirka Wasaaradda Amniga Maamulka Puntland Axmed Cabdullaahi Yuusuf  oo Saxaafadda la hadlay waxa uu sheegay in weerarkii lagu soo qaaday Saldhig Ciidamadooda ay ku leeyihiin deegaanka Balli Qadar ay iska Caabiyeen isagoona gaashaanka u daruuray wararka sheegaya in Ciidamada Puntland ee ku sugnaa halkaas Khasaaro Lixaadleh uu ka soo gaaray weerarkaas.
Wasiirka Amniga Puntland ayaa carabka ku adkeeyay in Ciidamadooda ay hab  feejigan uga hortageen weerarka lala soo kowsaday Saldhigooda Balli Qadar islamarkaana Khasaaro ay gaarsiiyeen dagaalmayaasha soo weeraray oo ka tirsan Al Shabaab.
Dhinaca kale  Wasiir Axmed Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa ku eedeeyay Maamulka Somaliland in ay ku dhex milmeen  Al Shabaab , islamarkaana ay ku midoobeen waxyeeleynta umadda Soomaaliyeed sida uu hadalka u dhigay.
Waxaana uu ku booriyay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in ay gacan ka siiso ka hortagga duulaanada lagu soo qaaday ee la doonayo in lagu bur buriyo Maamulka Puntland sida uu yiri.
Habeen ka horay ayey ahayd markii Al Shabaab weerar Culus ay ku ekeeyeen Saldhig ay Ciidamada Puntland ku leeyihiin deegaanka Balli Qadar ee Gobolka Bari kaas oo Al Shabaab ay sheegeen in Ciidamo fara badan ay uga dileen Puntland , islamarkaana ay ku furteen Hub aad u aad u badan.
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Koox Japan u dhashay oo uur dooxay 122 nibiri


Kooxdan ayaa soo jalaabtay 333 nibiri oo intooda badan ay yihiin dhegig waliba ilmo caloosha ku wada

Sawirro:-RW Kheyre oo gaaray Magaalada Baydhabo:-


Ra”iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay, halkaasi oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyey.
Ra”iisul Wasaaraha dalka waxaa magaalada Baydhabo ku soo dhaweeyey masuuliyiinta dowlad goboleedka K/Galbeed Soomaaliya oo uu ugu horeeya Madaxweyne Shariif Xasan iyo madax kale oo ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya.
Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre Ra’iisul Wasaaraha dalka ayaa magaalada Baydhabo kaga qeyb gali doona Shirka golaha amniga Qaranka oo lagu wado berri oo isniin ah  inuu ka furmo magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta KMG ee dawlad goboleedka Koofur Galbeed.
Shirkaas waxaa sidoo kale ka qayb galaya madaxda dawlad goboleedyada iyo laamaha kale ee dawladda, waxaana diiradda lagu saari doonaa xaaladda amni ee dalka, xoojinta dagaalka ka dhanka ah Maleeshiyada Al-shabaab iyo arrimaha siyaasadda.
Ajandayaasha shirka waxaa ka mid ah doorashooyinka soo socda sidii loo qorshayn lahaa iyo geedi socodka dhamaystirka Dastuurka
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Lobo gabdhood oo mataane isku dhegan ah oo ku geeriyooday Tanzaniya


Dalka Tanzania waxaa la shaaciyay geerida labo gabdhood oo ahaa mataane isku dhegan, waxaana la sheegayaa in uu wadnaha istaagay oo ay sidaa ku dhinteen.

Soomaaliya: Shir looga arrinsanayo amniga oo ka furmaya magaalada Baydhabo


Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta maamul goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa maanta galinka dambe lagu wadaa in uu ka furmo shirka golaha amniga qaranka Soomaaliya.

Burcad mootooyin saarnaa oo dad badan ku laayay dalka Nigeria


Mas'uuliyiinta dalka Nigeria ayaa sheegaya in kooxo burcad ah oo lo'da dhacda ay gobolka Zamafara ee woqooyiga dalkaasi ku dileen in ka baadan 20 qof.

Tirada caruurta aan iskuulada dhigan oo sii kordheysa dalka Afgaanistaan


Boqolkiiba 44% caruurta Afganistan ayaanan aadin iskuulada si ay waxbarasho u helaan.

Diyaarad Hore loogu Diidey Garoonka Hargeysa oo Maanta ka Degtey


Diyaarad sidday 50 muhaajiriin ah oo shalay loo diiday in ay ka dagto garoonka Hargeysa ayaa maanta loo ogolaaday in ay garoonkaasi caga-dhigato.

Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo lagu soo dhaweeyay Baydhabo [SAWIRRO]


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed C/llaali Farmaajo iyo Wafdi uu haggaaminayo ayaa maanta gaaray magaalada Baydhabo, halkaas oo lagu wado in uu ka furmo shirka Golaha Amniga.
Mudane Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo waxaa goroonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Baydhabo ku soo dhaweeyay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Md. Xasan Cali kheyre ,Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ,Mas’uuliyiin kale iyo Shacabka Magaaladaasi.
Shirka Golaha Amniga oo uu shir guddiimin doono Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa Waxaana looga hadli doonaa xaaladda guud ee dalka, gaar ahaan arrimaha Amniga iyo Siyaasadda.
Sidoo kale shirka goloha amniga qaranka ayaa looga hadlayaa qorshaha lagu soo badhigi doono kulan ka qabsoomaya magaladda Brussles ee dalka Belguim, kaas oo la doonayo in lagu dajiyo qorshaha siyasadeed iyo amni ee dalka. Waxaana qayb ka ah shirkan madaxda maamul goboleedyadda dalka iyo guddoomiyha gobolka Benaadir.
Socdaalka Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya maanta uu ku tagay Magaalada Baydhabo waxaa ku wehliyay Wasiirada Gaashaandhigga ,Amniga ,Qorsheynta iyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho.
Shirkan Golaha Amniga kii kahoreeyay ee bishii Febaraayo 2018-ka ka dhacay Muqdisho waxaa la isla meel-dhigay Arrimo dhor ah oo ay ku jireen dhismaha Ciidanka iyo Amniga taasoo qeyb weyna ka noqon doonto shirakan ka furmaya Baydhabo.
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Dagaal Ka Dhacay Deegaanka Kulbiyow


Maleeshiyada ururka Al-Shabab ayaa habeenkii xalay ahaa la sheegay inay weerar ku qaadeen deegaanka Kulbiyoow ee Gobolka Jubbada Hoose una dhow xuduudda dalka Kenya.

Wicitaanka: Waxaa Marti ku ah C/raxman Diriye Samatar


Barnaamijka Wicitaanka Dhageystaha waxaa marti ku ah Gudoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashooyinka Puntland, Cabdiraxman Diiriye Samatar.

Shirka Amniga Soomaaliya oo Baydhabo Ka Furmaya


Waxaa lagu wadaa inuu maanta ka furmo magaalada Baydhabo shirka Golaha Amniga Qaranka Soomaaliya.

IOM: 150 Somali Migrants Stranded in Libya Return Home


Sunday June 3, 2018The International Organization for Migration says it has repatriated 150 Somali migrants stranded in Libya this past week. Most had been held in government-run detention centers for months under abysmal conditions.The returning Somali migrants account for only a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees living in precarious conditions in Libya.Ads By Google The International Organization for Migration believes as many as one million people, most from Arab and African countries, have made the dangerous journey to Libya as the gateway to Europe and a better life.But, the reality upon arrival is quite different. IOM says migrants in Libya are exposed to many risks, including smuggling, trafficking, kidnapping, abuse, detention and torture. IOM spokesman Joel Millman says the organization's voluntary repatriation program has thousands of migrants of different nationalities from this dire fate."We believe that these flights and other activities that IOM is doing in Libya is assisting in getting people home and that is reducing the risk and the actual fatalities of some of the world's most vulnerable migrants from this route across the Mediterranean," he said.Data show nearly 30,000 Somali migrants and refugees have left Libya by sea for Italy since 2014.Millman says this latest voluntary humanitarian return of migrants from Libya to Somalia was the fourth and the largest. He says it also was the first chartered, non-stop flight from the Libyan capital Tripoli to Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.He says IOM plans to return around 300 other vulnerable Somali migrants in Libya back to Mogadishu in the coming weeks. Upon return, he says the migrants are given psychological counseling and some assistance to help them reintegrate into their home communities.


  • Police Kill 9 'Insurgents' in Mozambique - VOA
  • The online war between Qatar and Saudi Arabia - BBC
  • Father of four distraught over impending deportation to Kenya - Edmonton Journal
  • Saudi Arabia says it released eight people in activist crackdown - Reuters
  • Ethiopia to lift emergency rule amid improved political, security situations - Xinhua
  • Landlocked Ethiopia Plans to Build Navy, Prime Minister Says - Bloomberg

Police Kill 9 'Insurgents' in Mozambique


Sunday June 3, 2018Police in Mozambique said on Sunday that they killed nine "insurgents" in the country's far north after ten people were decapitated by suspected jihadists in the region last weekend.Cabo Delgado province, which is expected to become the center of the country's nascent natural gas industry after several promising discoveries, has seen a number of deadly attacks by suspected radical Islamists since October.Ads By Google "Nine insurgents were killed" on Saturday, said a police official who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity, adding that more details would be given on Tuesday.On May 27 a group of radicalized Muslims, known locally as "al-Shabaab", attacked two small villages near the Tanzanian border and killed 10 residents who were found decapitated.The same group hit the headlines in October when it took control of the town of Mocimboa da Praia, also in Cabo Delgado province.The nine insurgents were killed close to the site of last week's beheadings.The group, which has no known link to the Somali jihadist group of the same name, was described by witnesses to AFP as a radical jihadist faction allegedly been responsible for a number of attacks in Cabo Delgado since becoming active.According to a police spokesman interviewed on state-run TVM, security forces killed two members of the group, preventing them from attacking a local village, before killing a further seven.Assault rifles and Arabic-language documents were recovered from the scene, the spokesman added.More than 300 people suspected of having ties to the group have been arrested since October, with more than a third still held, according to the authorities.The country's north has largely missed out on the economic growth of the last 20 years, and the region sees itself as a neglected outpost, giving the radical Al-Shabaab-style ideology a receptive audience.


  • IOM: 150 Somali Migrants Stranded in Libya Return Home - VOA
  • The online war between Qatar and Saudi Arabia - BBC
  • Father of four distraught over impending deportation to Kenya - Edmonton Journal
  • Saudi Arabia says it released eight people in activist crackdown - Reuters
  • Ethiopia to lift emergency rule amid improved political, security situations - Xinhua
  • Landlocked Ethiopia Plans to Build Navy, Prime Minister Says - Bloomberg

35 qof ayaa ku dhintay doon ku dagtay xeebaha Tunisia


Ugu yaraan 35 qof oo tahriibayaal ah ayaa ku dhintay doon ay saarnaayeen oo ku dagtay xeebaha bariga Tunisia,Warkani waxaa xaqiijisay dowladda Tunisia.

Madaxweynaha Suuriya oo booqasho ku tagaya Kuuriyada Waqooyi


Madaxweynaha Suuriya ayaa qorshaynaya in uu booqasho rasmi ah ku tago Kuuriyada Waqooyi, sida ay sheegtay warbaahinta dawladda ee Kuuriya Waqooyi.

Migrants Continue Perilous Journeys to Europe, but Numbers Fall


Monday June 4, 2018Tunisia's Defense Ministry says at least 46 migrants have died after their boat sank off the country's southern coast and 67 others were rescued by the coast guard on Sunday.The rescue operation was ongoing, the ministry said in a statement. The migrants were of Tunisian and other nationalities.In a separate incident, nine people, including six children, died Sunday after a speedboat carrying 15 refugees sank off the coast of Turkey’s southern province of Antalya, the Turkish coast guard said in a statement.Ads By Google Reducing the flow of migrants into Italy is one of the aims of the anti-immigrant League party in Italy and its leader Matteo Salvini, who was sworn in as the country’s new interior minister on Friday.Salvini and his party have promised to block the arrival of boat migrants from Africa and to deport up to 100,000 illegal immigrants per year."Italy and Sicily cannot be Europe's refugee camp," he told a crowd of supporters in the port town of Pozzallo, a migration hotspot."Nobody will take away my certainty that illegal immigration is a business... and seeing people make money on children who go on to die makes me furious."Meanwhile, Spain's maritime rescue service said it rescued 240 people, with one person apparently drowning, while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea from North Africa.The service said it rescued the migrants from 11 small boats attempting the perilous crossing from African shores to Spain between Saturday and Sunday.The International Organization for Migration, the U.N. agency for migration, reported last week that 30,300 migrants and refugees entered Europe via sea in the first 147 days of 2018.The arrivals are at this point in 2018 less than half those seen last year and less than 15 percent of those seen in 2016 at the same point. IOM had reported 69,219 refugees had arrived from January through May in 2017 and 198,346 during the same period in 2016.IOM said 655 people have lost their lives at sea since the beginning of 2018, at least 1,000 fewer than the recorded deaths in the same period last year.


  • Mulki Hagi: Deering High School - Press Herald
  • Iran calls on world to stand up to Trump, save nuclear deal - Reuters
  • Liboi residents cry for justice as scores go missing - Daily Nation

Pyongyang oo xilka ka qaadday saraakiil sar sare


Dowladda Kuuriyada Waqooyi ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in dhowrkii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay ay xilka ka qaaday wasiirka gaashaandhigga, madaxa ciidamada iyo agaasimaha xafiiska guud ee siyaasadda.

Liboi residents cry for justice as scores go missing


Monday June 4, 2018Relatives of people who have disappeared mysteriously in the border town of Liboi, Garissa, have asked the government to locate their whereabouts.The residents, who claimed their loved ones were picked by people identifying themselves as police officers,  also accused the government of being involved in the disappearances.They said their loved ones are yet to be traced despite numerous attempt to locate them.At least 14  people have gone missing in a span of one year. Liboi is 18km from the Kenya- Somalia border.Ads By Google Residents at the porous border told Nation they are caught between a rock and a hard place since they are neither safe from terror groups nor security agencies.ROADSIDE ATTACKSThe town has witnessed roadside attacks targeting security officers, with  assailants  escaping to the neighbouring Somalia.Some of the relatives said the government should release their loved ones or charge them in court if they are suspected to have committed any criminal offence. The following are the missing persons, according to relatives:Sheikh Abdullahi Mohamed YussufA prominent cleric and imam of a mosque in Liboi. He is also a head teacher of madrasa in the town. According to his wife Uwah Bundid, the cleric was picked up at the mosque while waiting for breakfast with two others in a Land Cruiser by people who identified themselves as police.The two were, however, released although their mobile phones were confiscated. “He was a religious man. He has never done anything that violates the laws of this land. He had not  wronged anyone. We must be told where he is and whether he is safe,” she said on Sunday.Mohamed Salat HassanAccording to his father, Mr Salat Hassan, masked men  broke into his son’s house, beat up his wife and ordered him to board a Land Cruiser before vanishing in the dark on May 6.He said his son’s case was unique since he was earlier kidnapped by Al-Shabab militants, who accused him and seven others of being government informers.Four of his colleagues were killed while three of them escaped. “If Al-Shabab kidnapped him and nearly killed him, how can he again be accused of being one of them? It pains me seeing his children suffer as the whereabouts of their father remain unknown,” he said amid tears.Abdullahi Murshid ImanAccording to Mr Murshid Iman, his son, who was a conductor in Garissa, was picked at his work station. The father of three, he said, has been missing for a year.“We believe the security agencies are behind my son’s disappearance. I want to be told whether he is alive of dead,” he said on Sunday.Also missing is Farah Yussuf, Dekow Mohamed Khalif, Noor Abdullahi, Sahal, Hussein Jamaa among others.Local leaders said the cases of mysterious disappearances hinder the fight against terrorism due to mistrust between security agencies and locals.


  • Mulki Hagi: Deering High School - Press Herald
  • Iran calls on world to stand up to Trump, save nuclear deal - Reuters
  • Migrants Continue Perilous Journeys to Europe, but Numbers Fall - VOA

Iran calls on world to stand up to Trump, save nuclear deal


Monday June 4, 2018The world should stand up to Washington’s bullying behavior, Iran’s foreign minister was quoted as saying on Sunday by state media in a letter to counterparts, as the top diplomat intensifies efforts to save a nuclear deal after a U.S. exit.U.S. President Donald Trump pulled out last month from the 2015 accord between Iran and world powers that lifted sanctions on Tehran in exchange for curbs to its nuclear program.The remaining signatories of the deal - France, Germany, Britain, Russia and China - still see the international accord as the best chance of stopping Tehran developing a nuclear weapon and are trying to salvage it.Ads By Google In a letter from Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to his counterparts last week, he asked “the remaining signatories and other trade partners” to “make up for Iran’s losses” caused by the U.S. exit, if they sought to save the deal.“The JCPOA (nuclear deal) does not belong to its signatories, so one party can reject it based on domestic policies or political differences with a former ruling administration,” Zarif was quoted as saying in the letter, parts of which were published by the state news agency IRNA on Sunday.The nuclear deal was the result of “meticulous, sensitive and balanced multilateral talks”, Zarif said, and could not be renegotiated as the United States has demanded.He said U.S. “illegal withdrawal” from the deal and its “bullying methods to bring other governments in line” with that decision have discredited the rule of law in international arena.Iran’s top leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has set out a series of conditions on for European powers if they want Tehran to stay in the nuclear deal, including steps to safeguard trade with Tehran and guarantee Iranian oil sales.The remaining parties to the nuclear deal have warned the United States that its decision to withdraw from the pact jeopardizes efforts to limit Iran’s ability to develop atomic weapons.Trump abandoned the agreement on May 8, arguing that he wanted a bigger deal that not only limited Iran’s atomic work but also reined in its support for proxies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon and that curbed its ballistic missile program.


  • Mulki Hagi: Deering High School - Press Herald
  • Liboi residents cry for justice as scores go missing - Daily Nation
  • Migrants Continue Perilous Journeys to Europe, but Numbers Fall - VOA
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