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Shir looga hadayay arrimaha Mashaariicda Oo manata lagu qabtay magaalada Muqdisho


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Shirkan oo ahaa mid 3 geesood ah ayaa waxaa looga hadlay arrimaha mashaariicda iyo ammaanka dalka.
Waxaana uu u dhexeeyay dowladda dhexe, wakiilo matalayay maamul goboleedyada dalka iyo xubno ka socday beesha caalamka.
Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed Khadar ra’iisul wasaare ku xigeenka dalka oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa ka warbixiyay shirkaasi.
Waxaana uu sheegay in looga hadlay arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid tahay fulinta ballan qaadyadii horay loogu sameeyay shirkii London.
Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa muddooyinkii dambe waday qorsheyaal  lagu hormarinayo arrimaha maashaariicda dalka, si looga faa’iideysto dhammaan mashaariicdaasi.
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Somali special forces launch anti-al shabaab operation near Kismayo


The US-trained special forces, known as Danab were reported to have begun an operation aimed at wiping out Al-Shabaab from the entire areas located on the outskirts of Kismayo.
The local residents said the operation was carried out in Jamame, Kaban and Kamsume, key Al-Shabaab hideouts near the interim seat of Jubbaland regional administration.
Danab troops have arrested at least 20 people on suspicion of being Al-Shabaab members during the massive crackdown and taken to an undisclosed detention centre in the region.
The local army commanders say U.S. soldiers are involved in the operation targeting Al-Shabaab militants, in a bid to secure the areas around the southern port city of Kismayo.
Several bases belonging to Al-Shabaab have been destroyed during the joint operation by Somali and American troops, according to the commander of the 43rd battalion of SNA.
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Sawirro:-Qoysas Soomaaliyeed Oo ka cabanaya dhul boob


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Dhulkaan oo ku yaalla Dhabarka dambe ee Xarunta Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed ee Looyaqaanno Foorilow ayaa waxaa cabasho xoogan oo ku aadan boob ka dhan ah dhulkooda ay ka soo yeereysaa Qoysaska Malki ahaan iska leh dhulkaasi.
Malkiilayaasha Iska leh dhulkaasi  oo u badan Dad da’ah ayaa sheegay in ay yihiin Goofleydii ku dhashay dhulkaas oo ka dhaxlay illaa Awoowayaashood , islamarkaana haatan la doonayo in la boobo In la boobo dhulkooda iyadoo loo adeegsanayo Shaqsiyaad huwan Shaalka dowladda.
Ugu horreyn Xasan Cabdulle Yabarow oo ka mid ah Malkiilayaasha iska leh dhulkaasi la doonayo in la boobo ayaa tilmaamay in uu yahay 80 Jir ku dhashay dhulkaas , islamarkaana ay tahay wax aan la aqbali karin in dhulkii uu awoowgiis ka dhaxlay in xoog looga qaato.
Sidoo kale Malkiilayaasha dhulka Foorilow ee u dhexeeya Asluubta iyo Era A Ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyay shaqsiyaadka doonaya in ay xoog ku qaataan dhulkooda , oo ay sheegeen in docomentiyo Been abuur ah u sameysteen ayna isla koreen Maxkamadaha dalka , islamarkaana la ogaaday in ay sitaan docomentiyo been abuur ah, dhulkaana uu yahay mid dad danyar ah oo Goofleey ah ay leeyihiin kuwaas oo ay xoog uga qaadan rabaan shaqsiyaad gobollo fog fog uga yimid boobka dhulkaasi.
Ugu dambeyn mid ka mid ah Hooyooyinka malki ahaan wax ka leh dhulkaas oo ah Hooyo da’ah ayaa ku eedeeysay Cabdirisaaq Showle.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:-
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Afghanistan oo xabad joojin ugu baaqday Taalibaan


Madaxweynaha wuxuu sheegay in heshiiska xabad joojinta ee toddobaadka qaadanaya uu kusoo aadaya dabayaaqada bisha Ramadaan iyo ciidda balse Taalibaan kama aysan hadlin heshiiska loo soo jeediyay.

Degmooyinka Dayniile iyo Cabdicasiis Oo caawa ku baratamaya tartanka Shabelle


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Tartanka bisha barakeysan ee Ramadaan Shabakadda Warbaahinta Shabelle oo sanadkan xambaarsan xiiso gooni ah ayaa maaraya meel wanaagsan, iyadoona wareega 8 dhamaadka tartanka ay isugu hareen illaa iyo 8 degmo oo ka wada tirsan gobolka Banaadir.
Degmooyinka ku loo lamaya wareegan ayaa kala ah:- Dayniile, Cadbicasiis, Hodan, Boondheere,  Kaxda, Warta Nabadda, Xamarjajab iyo Xamaweyne.
Waxaana caawa kulanka ugu horreeya wareega 8 dhamaadka ku ballasan degmooyinka Dayniile iyo Cabdicasiis ee gobolka Banaadir.
Dayniile iyo Cabdicasiis degmada badisay ayaa caawa fariisan doonta wareega 4 dhamaadka ee taranka faca weyn ee Idaacadda Shabelle.
Labada degmo ayaa ah kuwo xeel dheer dhinaca aqoonta, iyagoona kulamadii hore guulo ka soo gaaray tartankani.
Taaba gelinta sanadkan tartan aqooneedka Shabelle waa Jaamacadda Jobkey, halka Su’aal diyaarintuna uu yahay Adult Commercial Secondary School.
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Ciidamada Kenya Oo hakad galiyay Xadka Soomaaliya iyo Kenya


Mandera ( Sh. M. Network )-Ciidamada ammaanka dalka Kenya ayaa maanta howlgallo ballaaran ka wada nawaaxiga deegaanka Liboi gobolka waqooyi Bari ee dalkaasi.
Ciidamada oo wata gawaarida dagaalka ayaa la sheegay in ay isku geedaameen qeybo ka mida ah deegaankaasi, iyagoona hakad galiyay isku socodkii dadweynaha iyo gaadiidka ee isaga kala gooshayay deegaanada ku dhow xadka Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.
Waxaana la gu soo warramayaa in Ciidamadu baaritaano xoogan ay ka wadaan deegaanadaasi.
Shalay ayey aheyd markii kolonyo ka tirsan Ciidamada Kenya qarax khasaaro geystay lagula eegtay agagaarka deegaanka Libio ee dalkaasi.
Maalmihii dambe dagaalyahannada Al Shabaab ayaa sare u qaaday weerarada ay ku fuliyaan gudaha dalkaasi Kenya.
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Roadside Blast kills a district official, bodyguard in Mogadishu


A roadside bomb has killed a local district official in Mogadishu on Thursday, the latest assassination targeting Somali government officials and security personnel in the city.
A witness told Radio Shabelle by phone that Ali Abdi Geedi known as [Farayare] has died after a bomb planted on former perfume factory road struck a vehicle he was travelling in.
A bodyguard was among the dead while another has sustained injuries in the attack, according to the witness who asked to remain anonymous.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombing, which bore the hallmark of Al-Shabaab which often carries out attacks in the capital, and elsewhere in the country.
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UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management


Thursday June 7, 2018The UN migration agency said it has begun installation of 10-digit biometric fingerprint readers at Mogadishu's international airport and its seaport as part of efforts to boost Somalia's border management.The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said strict border control standards are important to prevent cases of trafficking, terrorism, smuggling, and other attempts at exploitation"Eight ports of entry (PoE) are targeted for the upgrade with the current funding," said IOM said in a statement issued on Wednesday night.The Horn of Africa nation currently has the technology to record migrant biodata through the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS).Ads By Google "It is an IOM-developed technology used to collect, process, and store and analyze traveler information in real time. It is present at 16 PoEs throughout Somalia, with over 100 workstations. IOM plans to continue to roll-out the upgrade of the 10 digit finger print readers to all eight PoEs," said the IOM.It said the new 10-digit readers will enable comparability of captured biometrics against national and international alert lists.The UN agency said Somalia, which is characterized by fluid internal and movement of regular and irregular migrants, is in the process of building the capacities of state institutions such as the Immigration and Naturalization Directorate."Often, criminals are striving to circumvent the system by capitalizing on loopholes in border management," IOM said.The UN agency said it will offer complementary training to officers from each POE on how to use, store and maintain the new readers towards enhancing border management operations."IOM supports, strengthens and facilitates legislation and policy in migration management, facilitates trainings, supports infrastructure development, enhances inter-agency and international cooperation and improves data management throughout Somalia," it said.


  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen


Thursday June 7, 2018by Mohammed VallSixteen others are missing after a boat that left Somalia with at least 100 people capsized in the Gulf of Aden.Forty-six
Ethiopians drowned and 16 are missing after a human smuggler's boat
carrying at least 100 refugees capsized as it approached Yemen. The
vessel left the port of Bossasso in Somalia on Tuesday with 83 men and
17 women on board. They were hoping to find work in Yemen and the Gulf,
the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said in a statement
on Wednesday, citing information from survivors.Ads By Google IOM's director of
operations and emergencies, Mohammad Abdiker, described the Gulf of
Aden's migration tragedy as being part of a "hidden crisis"."Over
7,000 poor migrants take this perilous journey every month; some
100,000 took it just last year. They are treated appallingly and go
through horrendous conditions. This has to end," said Abdiker.The
drownings happened just days after IOM helped 101 Ethiopians -
including 51 women and 33 children - to leave Yemen for Djibouti, as
fighting closed in around Yemen's key port of Hudaida.Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall has more.


  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen


Thursday June 7, 2018Ethiopian migrants wait to be repatriated at a transit center in the western Yemeni town of Haradh, on the border with Saudi Arabia March 16, 2012. Reuters/Khaled Abdullah Ali Al Mahdi ADDIS ABABA, June 7 (Xinhua) -- The UN migration agency, International Organization for Migration (IOM), announced on Wednesday that it had repatriated 233 Ethiopian migrants over the past week from war-torn Yemen.In a press statement, the IOM said the Ethiopians were evacuated on boats from the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah that is being fiercely contested by rival warring sides.Ads By Google The IOM said the migrants were first transferred across the Red Sea to Djibouti where they received humanitarian and medical support before being transported to Ethiopia.Every year, thousands of Ethiopians looking for better economic opportunities abroad are estimated to have trafficked through Somalia, Djibouti and the Red Sea to reach the Arabian Peninsula.Ethiopian migrants in Yemen reportedly face constant abuses by smugglers and other criminals, including arbitrary detention and forced labor.


  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat 


Thursday June 7, 2018Ilhan Omar files to run for US Congress on June 6, 2018. (Image from Twitter)
Two years ago, Ilhan Omar made headlines when she became the first
Somali-American elected to a U.S. state legislature. She was chosen to
represent Minneapolis, a city in the upper Midwestern state of
Minnesota. Now, she is running for a seat in the U.S. Congress.
The opening for Omar — a Muslim, mother of three and former refugee —
emerged Tuesday after U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison withdrew from his
re-election campaign to enter the race for Minnesota attorney general.
He filed the official paperwork just hours before the deadline.
Ellison, a liberal Democrat and the first Muslim elected to Congress,
has represented the Minneapolis-based 5th Congressional District since
early 2007. He said he was seeking the attorney general's post to
counter the Trump administration's restrictive policies on Muslims and
immigrants.Ads By Google "It was attorney generals who led the fight against the Muslim ban,"
Ellison said after filing to run for the office, referring to U.S.
President Donald Trump's ban on travel to the United States by visitors
from several Muslim-majority countries. "I want to be a part of that
After filing papers for her own candidacy Tuesday, Omar told
reporters she looked forward to carrying on Ellison's legacy "fighting
for all of us — not only at the capital, but here, making sure every
voice matters and every voice counts."Omar is among seven candidates competing in the Aug. 14 primary to represent the heavily Democratic district.
Flanked by dozens of supporters, she said she faced a hard fight for state office and was ready for another test.
"I have proven myself to be someone who shows up, takes on the hard
fight and delivers, and I am ready to do that for the people of the 5th
Congressional District and the people of our state," she told reporters,
including VOA.
Omar's family fled from the Somali civil war and spent four years in a
refugee camp in Kenya. She immigrated to the United States in 1995.
Ellison, a six-term lawmaker regarded as one of the most liberal
members of Congress, was lured to the attorney general's race after
incumbent Lori Swanson jumped into the governor's race Monday.
Ellison is in for a tough statewide fight. He will be challenged by
the state party's endorsed candidate, Matt Pelikan, and former Minnesota
attorney general Mike Hatch.
This report originated in VOA's Somali service. Mohamud Mascade contributed from Minneapolis.


  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

Uganda to revive national airline


Thursday June 7, 2018Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni said on Wednesday the East African country would revive its defunct national carrier to share in the region’s growing aviation business and invigorate its services sector.Founded by Uganda’s former dictator Idi Amin in 1976, Uganda Airlines was liquidated in the 1990s by Museveni’s government under a broader programme to privatise troubled state firms and open up the economy to private enterprise.Ads By Google In a speech to parliament, Museveni said he was now reviving the airline “to invigorate our services sector.”Regional giantsRegional giants Kenya Airways, #ticker:KQ Ethiopian Airlines and South African Airways dominate Uganda’s air travel business.“The Government will revive the Uganda Airlines. We have already booked slots for the manufacture of medium and long– distance planes,” he said.Order planesHe did not say from which manufacturer the planes had been ordered but transport and works minister has previously told local media they had ordered the planes from Canada’s Bombardier.Annually Ugandans spent $430 million on air travel, he said, describing it as a “haemorrhage that must stop.”Uganda is building a second international airport in its west primarily to service its emerging crude oil industry that is expected to boost a range of sectors including air travel.Its sole existing international airport, Entebbe, south of the capital Kampala, is also being expanded with a loan from China to handle more passengers and cargo.


  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy


Thursday June 7, 2018MOGADISHU, June 7 (Xinhua) -- International partners on Thursday lauded Somali leaders who reaching agreements on security, economy and electoral issues during the recently concluded National Security Council meeting held in Baidoa in southwest Somalia.In a joint statement, the foreign envoys from the United Nations, the European Union (EU), United States, Britain and the African Union (AU) among others commended the leaders for reaching key agreements on the transition plan, revenue sharing, and the electoral model for the 2020 one-person, one-vote elections."As Somalia enters a new phase in its relations with international financial institutions, its partners encourage Somalia's leaders to continue working in the spirit of unity," the partners said.Ads By Google The foreign envoys also called on the leaders to speed up the implementation of these agreements reached during the meeting which also resolved to equip its forces and enhance their skills to take charge of the country's security after the AU force withdraws from Somalia.The June 3-5 conference attended by the country's top leaders, regional leaders, security officials and ministers urged Somali security forces to secure and reopen the main supply route linking Baidoa and other towns.The leaders also passed the Transitional Plan which requires AMISOM to prepare Somali national security institutions to take over the country's security once the AU mission's mandate comes to an end within four years.The international partners commended the Somali leaders including Federal Member States, Benadir region, and represented ministries for building consensus on critical issues that provide the basis for further progress, including the conclusion of the constitutional review process.The partners also lauded the conference which wrapped up on Tuesday for defining the Somali federal model, and set the stage for a constructive Somalia Partnership Forum, which the government, the EU and Sweden will co-host in Brussels on June 25 and 26.


  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits


Thursday June 7, 2018Markhouse Road, Walthamstow. A 16-year-old boy was shot in the area in April. Photograph: AlamyGangs in London are becoming more organised, ruthless and focused on making profits from drugs, a new report says today.A study has found that gangs are moving away from “postcode” rivalries to expand into more business orientated groups focusing on dealing in Class A drugs such as cocaine.One gang in east London called the Mali Boys typifies the new criminal outfit, according to the report on gangs commissioned by Waltham Forest council.They are said to be “the most business driven, violent and ruthless” of a new type of gang which shuns social media and technology in a bid to remain anonymous to the police.The group has become the most dominant in Waltham Forest which has seen two gang linked killings so far this year.Professor Andrew Whittaker of London South Bank University, the report’s author, says: “Although the Mali Boys may appear to be a local phenomenon, there is growing evidence that they are part of a wider pan-London development as gangs become more organised.”Ads By Google One unnamed professional told the study the Somali gang had formed alliances with other gangs in the borough adding: “It’s almost like a franchise, like McDonalds or Benetton where the Mali Boys have got a very effective pyramid structure, business plan, but instead of burgers and woolly jumper its Class A drugs and cannabis.”The gang use old fashioned Nokia phones because they are less easy to track and are estimated to be raking in as much as £50,000 a week in profits from drug sales.The report also claimed some gang members used social media such as FaceBook to gather information about the personal lives of police officers and even recorded the number plates of officers’ cars in an attempt to intimidate them.In total there are estimated to be around 250 gangs in London involving around 4,500 people, while there are 12 active gangs in Waltham Forest.Professor Whittaker said ten years ago a similar study found gangs based mainly on postcodes with violence being used to defend territories and gang membership defined by “colours” and gang insignia.Today, the study finds gangs are more organised and driven by a desire for profits where visible signs of gang membership are rejected as ‘bad for business.’Instead of postcodes being seen as a territory to defend, they have become a drugs marketplace to be protected.In other findings the report says :* Young women and girls are increasingly being used by gangs to transport drugs to regional towns and cities in ‘county lines’ rackets.In a recent raid on a house in Suffolk police found two 14-year-old girls from Waltham Forest and seized guns and drugs. A search of the girls found £3,000 worth of crack cocaine.*As London’s drugs market becomes saturated gangs are increasingly developing ‘county lines’ to other towns where there is little competition and they are unknown to police.* While more organised gangs shun social media many embrace it as a means of promoting the gang’s identity and ‘brand.’Waltham Forest council leader Clare Coghill said: “Every part of London has seen the devastating effect that gangs have on all sections of our communities.“We have young people in London who are learning violence as a means of communication. This research will help us understand what we need to and how to invest properly.“This is about working with the schools, police , youth officers and other agencies to offer young people an alternative to a life of crime.”Superintendent Paul Clements said police were targeting around 30 young gang members in the borough considered to pose the greatest risk.He said the report showed the sophistication of the gangs they were dealing with adding : “We have increased our stop and search activity on a targeted basis to create a hostile environment to knife carriers. But we need to find a sustainable solution and we need to identify and reach young people before they get embedded in a criminal lifestyle.”


  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia


Tech in Africa Thursday June 7, 2018by  Kevin Nyango We are happy to introduce you today to Mohamed Jimale, the founder of Ari.Farm, an agri / financial tech startup from Mogadishu, Somalia.
1. First of all, can you introduce yourself to our readers, who you are, where you come from and what’s your background.
My name is Mohamed Jimale, I am the founder of Ari.Farm.
I am from Somalia but based in Sweden. I grew up as a nomad in Somalia
where my family have been livestock herders for many generations. But my
recent background is in technology, UN and immigration.2. What is your startup and where is it located?
is an online platform that enables people from all over the world to
become digital livestock farmers/traders and make a social impact in
East Africa. We are based in Kenya and Somalia. We have active
operations in Somalia at the moment.3. What is the problem you are addressing and what is your solution?
Ads By Google We are addressing several problems including droughts, unemployment
and food security. When I launched Ari.farm my initial goal was to
create jobs for nomads in Somalia who were displaced by droughts. We
built an online platform that enables people from all over the world to
become digital farmers and support farmers in Somalia by enabling to
buy, own and sell livestock via an app. We create jobs and market for
nomads in Somalia.
4. What is your target market? And the market size?
Our current market is the livestock industry in Somalia which has an
estimated number of 40 million animals with an export of 5 million
animals each year generating around $400 million. However, we are also
soon expanding to food which will expand our market dramatically.

5. How has the traction been so far on the customer side?
It has been amazing. Since launching 1,5 years ago we have been able
to acquire customers from 35 countries, won awards and have been
featured in media from around the world, all the while we tried to keep a
low profile.
6. From the investment perspective, where are you at now?
The company is totally bootstrapped. We have not raised money yet but
we are in discussion with potential investors who are interested.
7. What is your view about the startup scene in your countries and more regionally in Africa?
The startup ecosystem in Somalia is small but growing. It is not
comparable to Kenya or Nigeria but the potential is there. I think
Africa is the place to be for anyone who is looking for the next big
opportunity. The potential of our continent is immense. Although we are
still dealing with basic problems that Europe has dealt with long time
ago but we have got plenty of smart people who will shape the future of
many industries, specially tech.

8. Can you share with us other startups in your country,
that you find interesting, either from a product perspective, vision one
or their founders?

  1. iRise – The first innovative space in Somalia. They have got amazing team and great vision for the startup scene in Somalia.
  2. Gulivery – First food delivery service in Somalia.

Thanks again for your me and let’s catchup in a few months to follow up on your milestones and development!



  • Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu - Aljazeera
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

Al-Shabab shuts down football pitches in Mogadishu


More than 30 football fields in the Somali capital have been closed down by the al-Qaeda linked group
by Hamza MohamedThursday June 7, 2018
It's the first time in 20 years Shiirkole football field is not hosting Ramadan tournaments [Nuur Mohamed/Al Jazeera]

It's late on Wednesday afternoon and the Shiirkole football pitch in the Somali capital should be teeming with life.
Usually there are uniformed players and crowds wearing colourful jerseys supporting their favourite teams. That's been the routine the past 20 years in Mogadishu during the holy month of Ramadan.
Football tournaments were held on this playground in the heart of the seaside city - even during the height of the brutal civil war that engulfed Somalia for decades - every Ramadan.
Despite the guns falling silent in Mogadishu, things are different this year. Aside from a bird pirched on a rusty goalpost, there is no sign of life at the Shiirkoole football pitch.
Days before the start of the fasting month, the committee that used to run both the grounds and football tournament received a call from a well-known number belonging to the armed group al-Shabab.
"I received a phone call. I was told in a calm voice to close the football field and not hold any football tournament," Kassim Maalim, a member of the committee, told Al Jazeera.
Ads By Google "More than eight teams were signed up to take part in the competition this Ramadan. But since that phone call, no football has been kicked here," Maalim added.
Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-linked armed group, is fighting to overthrow the UN-backed government in Mogadishu and wants to impose a strict version of Islamic law in the Horn of Africa country.
The group used to control most parts of the country, but since 2010 the fighters have been ousted from most major towns and cities.
In 2011, the armed group was pushed out of Mogadishu by Somali troops backed by hundreds of soldiers from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) after months of deadly street battles. But al-Shabab has continued to carry out deadly suicide bombings and assassinations in the city.
"They have been closing down football grounds for the past four months. I know more than 30 grounds that have closed down - one-by-one - after phone calls," Maalim said.
Those failing to heed al-Shabab's order have been dealt with harshly by the group, he said. The fighters run courts that hand down sentences to anyone not following their orders in the villages of Mubarak and Toratorow, in the lower Shabelle region, not far from the Somali capital.
"They have arrested six people who did not act fast enough. Five have been released after serving time in al-Shabab jails. One is still in their prison," said Maalim.
Some of those released fled the city, fearing for their lives.
"I left Mogadishu and now I'm in hiding because anything can happen to you if you don't do what they want," an owner of a football pitch in Mogadishu - who didn't want to be named fearing reprisals - told Al Jazeera.
"No one can protect you from them. I have a family to look after and don't want anything to do with them," he said, adding he's hiding in a town in central Somali not in al-Shabab's control.
The armed group has said it isn't against Somali youth playing football. In 2014, Al Jazeera reported on Al-Shabab fighters playing football on a beach in the port town of Barawe.
Against our religionThe group told Al Jazeera it is merely acting on a request from the public.
"These football grounds are open all day and late into the night. The youth instead of going to school go to these football fields. These grounds are not free so the youth steal money from their parents to enter these fields or take part in the matches," Abu Abdurahman, al-Shabab's commander in the Benadir region, which includes Mogadishu, told Al Jazeera.
"Also, men and women mix at these football grounds. This is unacceptable. It is against our religion. Many parents came to us for help - and we intervened."
Mogadishu is home to thousands of troops from the African Union who are in Somalia to defeat the armed group. Many of the grounds shut down are a few minutes' drive from their main base at Mogadishu's airport.
Analyst say the closure of the football pitches is further evidence the armed group is very much active in the city, despite AMISOM claiming it was liberated in 2011.
"Al-Shabab never left Mogadishu but changed their tactic. They are in the city amongst the people. AMISOM are in their bases, which mostly are on the outskirts of the city," Mohamed Ahmed, a Mogadishu-based analyst, told Al Jazeera.
Ahmed said there could be another reason why al-Shabab wants fields closed.
"Music and sports are the two things that keeps the youth busy and away from joining armed groups. With high unemployment and nothing to do, they will be at the mercy of been recruiting by anyone," he said.
AMISOM said claims that al-Shabab shut down football fields in the city are not true.
"Somalia has a recognised government in place and this government has not closed any football pitches. They are open and in use," Richard Omwega, an AMISOM spokesman, told Al Jazeera.
Somalia's government also denied the armed group had forced the closures of any football pitches in the capital.
"Somali people love football and our young people enjoy playing football. In Mogadishu we have over 500 football grounds where they play, and at times you see that they even play on the streets," Abdirahman Omar Osman, governor of Benadir region and mayor of Mogadishu, told Al Jazeera.
"So no one can deny them playing football. However, the terrorist group always tries to threaten people."
While the Somali government, AMISOM, and al-Shabab battle for supremacy in Somalia, the sports community can only wait and hope for the best.
"There is nothing I can do. There is nothing any of us in the sport community can do. We will leave it to God," Maalim said.
Follow Hamza Mohamed on Twitter: @Hamza_Africa


  • Meet the founder: Mohamed Jimale from Ari.farm, Somalia - Tech in Africa
  • REPORT: London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more 'organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits - Evening Standard
  • Int'l partners laud Somali leaders for striking deal on security, economy - Xinhua
  • Uganda to revive national airline - Reuters
  • Former Somali refugee runs for US Congressional seat - VOA
  • 233 Ethiopian migrants repatriated from war-torn Yemen - Xinhua
  • WATCH: UN says scores of Ethiopians drown on a boat en route to Yemen - Al Jazeera
  • UN agency installs scanners to enhance Somali's border management - Xinhua
  • Four Iranian fishermen released by Somali pirates - IRNA
  • Afghan president announces temporary ceasefire with Taliban - Al Jazeera
  • Kenyan World Cup-bound referee caught on tape receiving bribe - Daily Nation
  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
  • 'Ramadan Mubarak': Trump hosts first iftar dinner - AP
  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula

Wajeer: Dad u dhintay Xumada Rift Valley


Inta la xaqiijiyay ilaa iyo afar qof ayaa u dhimatay xumada Rift Valley Fever oo ka dillaacay magaalada Wajeer ee gobolka Waqooyiga Bari ee Kenya.

Somaliland: Xeerka doorashada oo la ansixiyay


Golaha xukumadda Somaliland ayaa maanta ansixiyay xeerka doorashada iyo diiwaangelinta, iyadoo xeerkan oo kuraas baarlaman u qoondeynaya haweenka iyo beelaha laga tira badanyahay.

Wariye Maxamed Aadan Teerra oo London ku Geeriyooday


Allaha u naxariistee, Maxamed Aaden Xirsi Teerra oo ka mid ahaa weriyayaasha rug caddaaga ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta ku geeriyooday cisbitaal ku yaalla magaalada London.

Veteran Somali journalist passes away in London


Hiiraan OnlineThursday June 7, 2018
FILE - Mohamed Aden Hersi "Terra", a longtime reporter with Radio Mogadishu and later Universal TV passed away in a London hospital on ThursdayLondon (HOL) - The Somalia media landscape is mourning the loss of one of their most accomplished journalists. Mohamed Aden Hersi “Terra” passed away early Thursday morning in a London hospital after about a year with an undisclosed illness.BBC World Service journalist and brother-in-law of Terra, Abdinur Sheikh confirmed his death on his personal Facebook page.Condolences have poured in from Somali journalists around the world who can vividly recall Terra’s reports for Radio Mogadishu. Ads By Google Terra graduated from the National University of Somalia – among one of the first graduates from the University’s faculty of journalism. Upon graduation, he began his journalism career as a reporter with Radio Mogadishu in the early 1970’s. He rose up the ranks in the early years and later became the Director for the Somali National News Agency (SONNA)He remained with Radio Mogadishu up until the collapse of the Somali government and eventually joined the thousands of Somali’s who settled in London, UK.Terra later joined Universal TV, a Somali television channel based in London that was among the first Somali satellite TV channel.A career journalist, Terra remained involved in the media landscape. One of his last works was an interview he did with ‘Telling The Real Story entitled “Some of the causes and potential solutions to Tahrib”. In it, he discusses what drives young Somalis and Eritreans to risk their lives to emigrate to Europe.Hiiraan Online, on behalf of its staff and editors, extends its sincere condolences to Mohamed Aden Hersi’s family in this difficult moment.


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  • Somali students’ exams disrupted by the floods - Radio Ergo
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  • The 2018 Mogadishu Tech Summit - Tech in Africa
  • U.N. Says 46 Ethiopians Drown En Route to Yemen; 16 Missing - Reuters
  • IGAD organizes regional consultation to draft mediation protocol - Sudan Tribune
  • 35,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects of HBJ Foundation - The Peninsula
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