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QM Oo dhaqaale ku bixisay gargaarka caruurta dalal ay ku jirto Soomaaliya


New York ( Sh. M. Network )-Sanduuqa badbaadada caruurta Qaramada Midoobay ee UNICEF ayaa sheegay in sanadkii la soo dhaafay ay gargaar dheeraad ah u fidiyeen caruur badan oo ku nool daafaha caalamka.
Sarkaal ka tirsan hay’adda UNICEF ayaa sheegay in ay caawiyeen 22 Milyan oo caruur ah oo ay saameyn daran ku yeesheen abaaro iyo colaado xoogan oo ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah dunida.
UNICEF ayaa sheegay in dalalka gargaarkaasi gaarsiiyeen ay ka mid yihiin Suudaanta Koonfureed, Yemen, Nigeria iyo Somalia oo sanadkii hore ay dhacday macluuul daran.
Sidoo kale sarkaal ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegtay in cunooyin nafaqeysan ay gaarsiiyeen caruurtaasi oo 1.4 milyan oo ka mid ah ay qarka u saarnaayeen xaalad dhimasho.
UNICEF ayaa sidoo kale sheegtay in dalal badan oo ka mid ah caalamka ay ka dhaceen musiibooyiin bani’aadinimo ay ka caawiyeen helitaanka biyo nadiif ah, talaalka cudurada halista ah iyo dhinaca waxbarashada
Iyadoo intaasi ku dartay in sanadkii hore ay gargaarka deg deg ah ku bixisay lacag gaaraysa 550 Milyan oo dollar.
The post QM Oo dhaqaale ku bixisay gargaarka caruurta dalal ay ku jirto Soomaaliya appeared first on Shabelle.

Gaari Qudaar siday Oo lagu rasaaseeyay Balcad


Balcad ( Sh. M. Network )-Kooxo hubeysan ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in maanta ay jidka u galeen gaari Qudaar siday oo marayay duleedka degmada Balcad ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe.
Gaariga ayaa la sheegay in uu ka soo ambabaxay degmada Afgooye ee gobolka Sh/ Hoose, kuna sii jeeday qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe.
Rasaasta ay kooxaha burcada fureen ayaa la sheegay in uu ka dhaawacmay darwalkii gaariga, sidoo kalena ay dhac baahsan u geyteen Rakaabkii la socday gaarigaasi.
Xiriiro aa la sameynay maamulka degmada Balcad ayaa waxa ay ka gaabsadeen in ay faah faahin ka bixiyaan dhacdadaasi.
Dhawaan ayey aheyd markii sidan oo kale kooxo burcad ah gaari ay sarnaayeen dad rayid ah ku rasaseeyeen nawaaxiga degmada Warsheekh ee gobolka Sh/ Dhexe.
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Askar ka tirsanaa Ciidamada DFS Oo lagu dilay Muqdisho


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Kooxo ku hubeysnaa Bastoolado ayaa barqanimadii maanta laba askari oo ka tirsanaa Ciidamada dowladda ku dilay gudaha magaalada Muqdisho.
Dilka askartaasi ayaa ka dhacay Isgoyska Afarta Darjiin, gaar ahaan dhinaca degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobolka Banaadir.
Waxaana la sheegay in askartaasi ay ka mid ahaayeen Ciidamada Minashiibiyada dowladda, islamarkaana la Toogtay xilli ay ku jireen howlo Canshuur uruurin ah.
Raggii ka dambeeyay dilkaasi ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in ay goobta isaga baxsadeen, dilka kadib.
Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa ammaanka ayaa goobta gaaray, kuwaas oo baaritaano ka gooban sameeyay halkaasi, balse ma jirto wax faah faahin oo ay ka bixyeen dilka askartaasi.
27-kii bishan ayey aheyd markii askari ka tirsanaa Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya lagu dilay agagaarka Isgoyska Siinaaay ee magaalada Muqdisho.
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Dad laga celiyey Mareykanka oo la geeyey Muqdisho.


Mas'uuliyiinta dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa idaacadda VOA u xaqiijiyey in dad ka badan 80 qof oo laga soo masaafuriyey dalka Maraykanka ay maanta yimaadeen garoonka diyaaradaha eee Aadan Cadde.

A former Somali refugee warns: Trump’s travel ban is creating a more perfect division


by Ahmed AhmedFriday June 29, 2018

When the Supreme Court decided to uphold President Trump’s travel ban on travelers from five Muslim-majority countries, Trump called the ruling, “a tremendous victory for the American people and our Constitution.”As a former refugee from Somalia — one of the seven countries included in the ban — I cannot reconcile the American Dream with our current reality. Perhaps this is because I can still remember a time when that dream was all that my family and I had.Ads By Google It was 1991 when the Somali civil war enveloped our native city of Mogadishu. My family sharply remembers this period, when streets once filled with hope began to harbor masked men carrying assault weapons, who terrorized citizens in their homes. These men worked to liberate themselves, while enslaving their own people.“We slept with an unexplainable fear,” my mother recently told me. “All we wanted was to be free.”After a string of violent robberies, one of which nearly took my father’s life, my mother knew our family — like many others — had to leave Mogadishu.We followed a beaten path, one trekked by those who sought a second chance at life, to a refugee camp in Kenya. The journey was fraught with danger; any Somalis who were captured faced potential imprisonment, but that did not stop my family.We were propelled by our fundamental beliefs in liberty, equality, and freedom from tyranny — beliefs that were born in a distant country but were quintessentially American.Twenty years later, it seems those fundamental ideals are in peril.Our president has made it clear that he seeks to advance an agenda of disdain and exclusion for Somalis, Muslims and other minority groups.In a 2016 campaign speech in Minneapolis, Trump darkly forecast his beliefs about the Somali people, claiming that Minnesota had “suffered enough” from accepting Somali immigrants into their state. Trump warned that a Somali immigrant who had recently gone on a stabbing rampage in Minnesota was a sign of a larger problem caused by “faulty refugee vetting.”At a rally in Mount Pleasant, S.C., in December 2015, he proudly read a statement that his campaign had released that day: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”As a U.S. citizen, I cannot ignore such explicit evidence of discrimination from our president. To believe this policy is independent of his previous words is simply foolish.From its inception, this travel ban has been riddled with injustice, but it continues to be excused under the guise of “national security.”We must be honest with ourselves.Policies like this travel ban don’t protect us; they change us.We have reached a pivotal moment in our history, when American ideals no longer align with the actions taken by our government.As a nation, we must measure ourselves against our core founding principles: Are we still the land of the free, for all?

Ahmed Ahmed is a Rhodes Scholar studying at the University of Oxford. He graduated from Cornell University in 2017.

This article first published in Washington Post


Somali national charged with assault on Wajir politician denied permission to leave Kenya


Friday June 29, 2018Somali national accused of beating up a Wajir politician outside a
Mosque in Eastleigh will go on trial before travelling out of the
country.Jamal Mohammed had asked senior resident
magistrate Eunice Kimaiyo to release his passport to enable him to
travel to the UK to have a kid with his wife through surrogate.During
the hearing on Friday, prosecution counsel Daniel King’ori opposed his
application stating that he did not prove that he was a businessman and a
frequent visitor to the country.“Your honour if the accused
person is allowed to travel, he might not return as he faces a serious
offence that if found guilty, he risks a life sentence jail term
maximum”, King’ori told the court.Ads By Google The prosecution expressed that Jamal’s application was a delay tactic of the hearing that was so close to being heard.Jamal claims that he wants to have a kid with his wife through a surrogate in the UK.The
prosecution added that the suspect is in no way involved in the said
procedure as he has not shown any documents to prove in court.Jamal, however, said he was not a flight risk as he had another wife in the country.In
his application, he had pleaded with the court to release his passport
saying that his wife was in the UK and they have been trying to conceive
a baby through natural means for years but in vain.He claimed they had scheduled a procedure medically to be done in the UK and were to meet the surrogate mother on June 21.Jamal
who is also an American citizen is charged with assaulting and causing
grievous harm to a former Wajir south aspirant Hussein Muhamed.He allegedly committed the offence on September 17 at Eastleigh 7th street in Kamukunji.He was also charged with being in Kenya illegally.Jamal denied all the charges and is out on a Kenyan surety bond of Sh300, 000.Police
said the accused after committing the offence disappeared from his
hotel room and only surrendered before police after he knew he was
wanted and could not travel out of the country.The case will be heard on July 2.


  • Ethiopia Launches Test Crude Oil Production - New Buisness Ethiopia
  • Five dead in 'targeted attack' on US Capital Gazette - AFP
  • FIFA World Cup 2018 - Group 16 Knockout Phase - HOL
  • How Trump’s travel ban kept one Somali man from Indianapolis - Indy Star
  • AU, Kenya seek to improve camel productivity through new drug - Xinhua
  • A new approach to Somali pirates frees more hostages - The Economist
  • Ethiopian Parliament Passes amnesty Bill into Law - Addis Standard
  • Wajir cops kill ‘Shabaab militant’ as 3 others flee - The Star
  • Ethiopia releases ONLF commander Abdikarim Muse Qalbi Dhagah - Africa News
  • Germany's VW opens Rwanda’s first car-assembly plant - The Economist

Security Sector Reform in Somalia: A Disaster in the Making


by Mohamud M UlusoFriday, June 29, 2018
Political Reform 2013-2016
Between 2013 and 2016, Somalia experienced the hype and disappointment of “Vision 2016,” metaphor for “political reform” that prioritized three tasks: 1. the review and completion of the Provisional Constitution; 2. the establishment of Federal Member States (FMS) through political and legal framework; and 3. the democratization of the political system by enacting political party law and electoral law for free and fair election; all were to be done before August 2016 election.  The International Community pledged 2.8 billion dollars to support the statebuilding priorities, including the political reform.
No significant actions have been taken for the completion of the provisional constitution and the democratization of the political system. The improvised formation of the FMS violated the provisional constitution and common sense practices of public policy development.  More harmfully, the process left the 1.6 million people living in Benadir region out of the benefits of self-governance within the framework of the federal system for no good reasons.
Thus, “Vision 2016” fell far short of accomplishing the basic expectations of building Somali State with legitimacy, authority, and capacity. The stalled review and completion of the Provisional Constitution until today, despite flurry of consultation shows, remains principal obstacle to building sustainable state in Somalia.
Political Development 2017-2018
Since the government affairs are ongoing concern, the administration of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo elected on February 8, 2017 inherited the responsibility of tackling right away all the challenges facing the country, primarily the thorny issues left behind by former administrations. But, after 17 months in power, the performance of President Farmajo’s administration depressed public expectation for lack of meaningful progress. Few of the many cases that stunned the International Community and the Somali well-wishers, are the appointments of inexperienced loyalists to high public service positions, the feeble “leadership presence” at times of leadership crisis, use of violence, intimidation, and verbal abuses against critics and opponents, recreation of autocratic state model, and resistance to course correction of political failures.
People are bewildered by the President’s complete U-turn from his popular electoral positions and relapse to failed leadership style, he vehemently criticized before his election.  President’s volte-face reinforces the deepening public cynicism that only bold faced lies and flattery are marketable at the Somali political market. Valuable words like conflict resolution, ownership, reconciliation, inclusion, trust, integrity, good governance, justice, rule of law, and democracy, are used just for demagoguery.
Ads By Google The UN Security Council and other international bodies are alarmed to the point of expressing concern about the political unity and stability of Somalia. Emerging signals indicate that the federal government is losing steadiness and nervously seeking political backing in exchange for concessions detrimental to the sovereignty, independence, and social cohesion of the country.
State Media, Social Media hires, religious groups, and artists are mobilized to woo public support for the federal government. Internationally, using public funds, the federal government hired US lobby firm BGR of Messrs. Ed Rogers and Haley Barbour to gain the lost support of US Administration.
Security Sector Reform 2017-2021
The SSR, aiming at transforming the security and justice services, is the flagship priority of the statebuilding goals to be implemented effectively and efficiently between 2017 and 2021. The effective implementation of SSR is pivotal because the African Forces (AMISOM) providing security and stability to the Federal Government for the last decade are conditionally planning to transfer their responsibilities to the Somali forces by 2020. Unfortunately, the reform implementation started with wrong approach because the decision-making leaders of the federal government failed to honor the tenets of the roadmap for SSR as explained in the Provisional Constitution and in the International Security Pact and New Partnership Agreement adopted at the London Conference on Somalia on May 11, 2017.
First, the Provisional Constitution affirms that Somalia is a federal, sovereign, “democratic” state. This means that all government actions must be conducted in accordance with the democratic principles and good governance practices like clear rules and procedures, transparency, consultation, consensus, inclusivity, strong parliamentary oversight, and respect of separation of powers and institutional responsibilities and accountability. 
The constitution allows the establishment of only four types of security services-military, intelligence service, police force, and prison force. It also specifies the mandates of each security force and democratic principles governing them, the civilian management and oversight bodies, the independent commission (National Security Commission) responsible for the development of security frameworks, and the institutions responsible to investigate the abuses of the security forces against the citizens - Ombudsman Office and Human Rights Commission.
Oddly enough, the federal leaders threw away civilian clothes and dressed military uniform and took over the management and oversight responsibilities of civilian institutions and the operational responsibilities of the Commanders of the armed forces. This odd behavior proves the gross misunderstandings about the significance of separation of roles and responsibilities between the security forces (allowed to use force)-military, police, intelligence, and prison forces- and the civilian management/oversight institutions- the President, the Parliament, the Prime Minister, the Ministers of defense, Internal Security, and Finance, Auditor General, the Federal States, and the Civil Society.
Before serving as “Commander In Chief” of armed forces, the President’s first and foremost duty is to ensure the respect of the constitution and rule of law. Between the “Commander In Chief” and the Commanders of the armed forces, there are hierarchical structures- Ministers, civil servants, and FMS. The President’s leadership behavior and relation with the armed forces under democratic system are distinctly different from the behavior and relation under the authoritarian regime.
Second, to improve the knowledge, capacity, and experience of the Somali policy and decision makers on the concepts, scope, principles, and activities related to SSR, the international community supported, among many projects, the preparation of studies and conferences examining the subject for practical solutions. In January 2017, the World Bank and the United Nations issued a technical report titled “Security and Justice Public Expenditure Review (PER)” to help the Somali leaders understand the critical role of fiscal budget and public financial management in the SSR. The report details the widespread problems of corruption, desertions, and disorganization affecting the police, the military, and the justice service. Finally, it offers long list of recommendations for consideration in rebuilding those institutions within the framework of the federal state. The estimated annual cost for the security and justice services is $ 428 million dollars.
The London Security Pact between the Federal Government of Somalia and 42 international partners operationalizes Somalia National Security Policy, National Security Architecture, New Policing Model, National Strategy and Action Plan for preventing and Countering Violent Extremism, and Justice and Correction Model, all approved by the National Security Council. Article 6 of the Pact states that “the pact sets out an agreed vision of Somali led security institutions and forces that are affordable, acceptable, and accountable and have the ability to provide the security and protection that the people of Somalia deserve and need, in accordance with international humanitarian and human rights standards as part of a Comprehensive Approach to Security.”  
Article 1o declares that “Somali political leaders and heads of its security forces agreed to continue to commit to uphold human rights and international humanitarian law and to strengthen institutions and measures for doing so……” Article 11 underscores “…….All parties recognize the importance of ensuring a strong emphasis on affordability and public financial management, framed within the centrality of broader civilian oversight process…..Conflict resolution and reconciliation mechanisms, along with strengthening the rule of law and extending state authority are also necessary to enable effective security...” The above selected articles of the Pact encapsulate the concept and scope of SSR spelled out in the Provisional Constitution and in the policy papers of USAID, EU, United Nations, World Bank, and Geneva Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (CDCAF).
Group of 6 members- Turkey, United Arab Emirates, European Union, United States, United Kingdom, and United Nations has been identified as Somalia security partners. The purpose is to coordinate the international security support to Somalia for effectiveness, efficiency, and mutual accountability.
In April 2018, Michael Keating, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Somalia and Sagal Abshir, Fellow at the Center on International Cooperation at New York University published a paper on “The Politics of Security in Somalia,”  highlighting the domestic and international obstacles standing in the way of successful SSR. Two of the many challenges mentioned in the paper are: 1. the balance between the ongoing fighting against Al Shabab and the rebuilding of security institutions as part of statebuilding efforts; and 2. how the security structures envisaged in Somalia’s National Security Architecture will coalesce with the structure of FMS. One simmering problem is the separation of Benadir region self-governance from the federal government rule in the context of federal system.
 The central recommendation of the paper stresses “the need to prioritize the resolution of the broader constitutional question of how the Somali federal system will function and how rights, responsibilities and powers will be shared between the center and peripheries.” The complexity of the political problems discussed in the paper calls for problem-solving mindset. Out of 48 month term of the federal government, 17 months have elapsed without noteworthy progress.
After attending the forum on “Strategic Geography: Horn of Africa” organized by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF), INGO, at World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, Prime Minister Hassan Kheire attended the international Conference organized by Fragility, Conflict, and Violence Group, World Bank Group, under the theme “2018 fragility Forum: Managing Risks for Peace and Stability,” held in Washington, DC on March 5-7 2018. One of the 46 Forum sessions concerning on the problems vexing the fragile states like Somalia, was dedicated to “2018 Fragility Forum: Prevention through Security Reform.” Speakers of the session emphasized the interdependent relation between security, justice, and development and the multidimensional intellectual and practical work needed to realize successful SSR.  Somalia was one of the sample countries.  
In Brussels on May 2, 2018, PM Hassan participated the event of “Somalia High Level Security Meeting,” in which it was launched the Security Transition Plan outlining the operational benchmarks necessary for the transfer of security responsibility to Somali security forces. In the plan, the federal Government promises that it will follow Comprehensive Approach to Security (CAS) which means that along the SSR, the federal government and FMS will implement statebuilding activities that include constitutional reform, stabilization, local governance, institutional expansion of local policing and justice, and the political roadmap for 2020/2021 election. The international partners expressed their intent to discuss with the federal government about 100 million dollars of budget support with blatant foot-dragging. The upcoming High Level Partnership Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, in July 2018, is watershed for the international support to the political and security stability and development of Somalia.
In the light of the above cajoling, coaching, and mentoring, the federal government has yet to show good understanding, competence, and drive needed to implement the SSR efficiently and effectively in accordance with the resolutions of Somalia National Security Council and the commitments in the London Security Pact within the time frame. The continuing lockdown, restriction of free movement, feeder road closings, prohibition of access to health services and earning livelihood, onerous travel, imposed upon Mogadishu residents are not reasonable and tolerable security reform measures.
The recalcitrance to quickly and drastically reform the National Intelligence Service Agency (NISA) and creation of paramilitary force signal that the SSR is hijacked and could turn into a disaster in the making. The critical element of security sector reform is the loyalty of armed forces to the constitution, rule of law, and state against the loyalty to the leader of the state.
In conclusion, the statebuilding efforts in Somalia requires state leader genuinely patriotic (not a pawn), competent in post-conflict statecraft, conscious of the social ills stoking conflict, violence, and divisions, and willful to seek the service and advice of Somali experts in politics and public administration, security and rule of law, socio-economic development and international cooperation. Political settlement, Administrative and civil service infrastructure, strong parliamentary oversight, and fight against corruption are the stepping stone to security governance that manages and controls the recruiting training, equipping, and accountability of the armed forces.

Mohamud M Uluso
[email protected]


Ethiopia Launches Test Crude Oil Production


Thursday, June 28, 2018
Poly-GCL Petroleum Investment Limited today officially kick start crude oil production test in Ogaden Region of Ethiopia. The test production came after the heads of the company have met with Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed yesterday. The two have talked about the prospect of commercial quantities of crude oil in the region.
The news comes at a critical time Ethiopia is battling with a foreign exchange shortage. If all goes well the country expects to earn about one billion dollars annual hard currency from export of the oil, according to Prime Minister Abiy, who stressed that his government will not allow oil production to distract the nation from focusing on the existing economic sectors, such as agriculture and industrial development.
Ads By Google The company has also been working to start gas production and is expected to commence in the coming two years after the pipeline between Ethiopia and Djibouti will be completed.The company has taken over the project from Petrons Company of Malaysia, which was working on the project since August 2007 till it has left after a dispute with Ethiopian government.
The project location is also remembered for the death of 74 Ethiopian and Chinese, who were victims of the armed group Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) attack of April 2007.Along with a few rebel groups operating in Ethiopia, the ONLF, which was named by Ethiopian government as terrorist group is now welcomed by the new administration led by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed to be engaged in peaceful talks.
meanwhile the ONLF opposes the commencement of crude oil production int the region with its statement that followed the news.
“…The party expressed its disapproval of the starting of oil production testing in Ogaden. ONLF demands a referendum and then negotiation with the government of Ethiopia before any exploration or production. This announcement poses a serious challenge to the PM’s calculus in transforming the conflict and political repression in the Somali region,” Mesfin Negash, exiled journalist who was one of the founders of Addis Neger newspaper, commented on FB.
Poly-GCL Petroleum Investment Limited is Chinese Company with a subsidiary company named Poly Central Africa Petroleum Company, registered in a tax haven British Virgin Island some three years ago, according to the offshore leaks database of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).\
Oil exploration in Ethiopia has about a century old history. The first exploration license for the then Harrarge province was granted in 1915 and subsequently transferred the Anglo American company, a London subsidiary of Standard Oil Company, ultimately incorporated into Esso.
The first oil seep in Ethiopia was reported in 1860 and by the 1920s the prolific seeps of oil in the Red Sea coast were widely known. Early reports refer to oil seeps in the Ogaden basin: in the Gara Mulatta mountains near Harrar, in the Fafan and Gerger river valleys and near Jijiga.
Including Africa Oil, which also operating in other African countries, currently several companies are engaged in oil exploration in different parts of the country.
With blocks in the North East, South East and South West of the country, Africa Oil Ethiopia operates those in Adigala and the Rift Basin Area and is Joint Venture partner in both South Omo and the Ogaden.


  • Somali national charged with assault on Wajir politician denied permission to leave Kenya - The Star
  • Five dead in 'targeted attack' on US Capital Gazette - AFP
  • FIFA World Cup 2018 - Group 16 Knockout Phase - HOL
  • How Trump’s travel ban kept one Somali man from Indianapolis - Indy Star
  • AU, Kenya seek to improve camel productivity through new drug - Xinhua
  • A new approach to Somali pirates frees more hostages - The Economist
  • Ethiopian Parliament Passes amnesty Bill into Law - Addis Standard
  • Wajir cops kill ‘Shabaab militant’ as 3 others flee - The Star
  • Ethiopia releases ONLF commander Abdikarim Muse Qalbi Dhagah - Africa News
  • Germany's VW opens Rwanda’s first car-assembly plant - The Economist

Kooxo hubeysan Oo dil ka geystay Ceelasha Biyaha


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Kooxo ku hubeysnaa Bastoolado ayaa xalay Fiidkii hore qof shacab ahaa ku dilay duleedka deegaanka Ceelasha Biyaha ee duleedka M/ Muqdisho.
Marxuumka la dilay ayaa lagu magacaabi jiray C/rashiid Daahir Xasan, iyadoona la Toogtay xilli uu ka soo baxay Masjid ku yaalla gudaha deegaankaasi.
Raggii ka dambeeyay dilkaasi ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in ay goobta isaga baxsadeen dilka kadib.
Sidoo kalena ay qaateen gaari yar oo uu lahaa Marxuumka, sida ay Shabelle u xaqiijiyeen dad goobjoogayaal ah.
Lama oga illaa iyo hadda sababta rasmiga ah ee ka dambeysa dilkaasi, mana jirto weli cid sheegatay masuuliyaddiisa.
Balse wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Marxuum C/rashiid Daahir Xasan oo uhaa arday wax ka baran jiray mid ka mid ah Jaamacadaha ku yaalla dalka.
Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa DFS oo gaaray goobta uu dilku ka dhacay ayaa baaritaano kooban ka sameeyay deegaanka Ceelasha Biyaha, inkastoo aan la ogeyn natiijada howlgalladaasi.
Dilkan ayaa qeyb ka noqonaya dilal qorsheysan oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay ka dhacayay, Muqdisho iyo nawaaxigeeda, iyadoona qaarkood ay sheegteen Al Shabaab.
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Safiiro Maraykanka ah oo shaqada ka tagaya Trump dartiis


Afhayeen u hadlay wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Maraykanka ayaa sheegay ayaa xaqiijiyay in danjire Jim uu xilka ka dagayo 33 sano kadib oo uu xilka hayay.

Dab xoogan Oo xalay ka kacay Isbitaalka Dayniile


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Faah faahinno dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya dab xoogan oo xalay ka kacay Isbitaalka degmada Dayniile ee gobolka Banaadir.
Dabkan ayaa ka dhashay Koronto, waxaana la sheegay in uu ka kacay qeybta Daawada ee Isbitaalkaasi.
Maamulaha guud ee Isbitaalka Dayniile Dr Cumar Maxamuud Xuseen oo la hadlay Idaacadda Shabelle ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyay dabkaasi.
Waxaana uu sheegay in khasaaro xoogan dabka uu ka soo gaaray Isbitaalka, ayna u baahan yihiin  gurmad deg deg ah.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Shil khasaaro geystay Oo ka dhacay degmada Wadajir


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network ( Sh. M. Network )-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya khasaaraha ka dhashay shil gaari oo saakay ka dhacay degmada Wadajir ee gobolka Banaadir.
Shilkan ayaa yimid kadib markii uu fariin goostay gaari Gaarib ah oo marayay Suuqa xaafadda Kaawa Godey ee degmadaasi.
Waxaana la sheegay in ay ku dhaawacantay Gabar ka mid ah dadka deegaanka, taas oo dhaawaceeda loola cararay mid ka mid ah Isbitaalada Muqdisho.
Sidoo kale waxaa gaarigaasi uu burburiyay goobo ganacsi oo ku yaallay Suuqaasi, sida ay xaqiijiiyeen Ilo deegaanka ah.
Wararka ayaa sidoo kale ayaa intaasi ku daraya in gaarigaasi uu watay sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya.
Mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyay, sida ay wax u dhaceen.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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2 Wajir residents reported missing found dead


Saturday June 30, 2018Bodies of two people who were reported missing in Tarbaj, Wajir County a few days ago have been found in a shallow grave.The two are among four people who were reportedly picked up by security officers from their shops in Konton and Khorof Kharar areas in an ongoing operation in parts of Tarbaj and Wajir East sub-counties.The two have been identified as Adan Debar Abdi and Abdikadir Jimaale.Security officers intensified hunt to Al-Shabaab militants after eight police officers were killed in Bojigaras earlier this month.The attackers made away with assault rifles and ammunition belonging to the slain officers.TOTUREDWitnesses said the two bodies were found by herders in a shallow grave at the same location where the improvised explosive device went off between Kutulo and Bojigaras, five days after they were reported missing.The bodies were badly mutilated and were found with missing parts and bore signs of torture.The bodies were removed to Wajir Referral Hospital mortuary where a postmortem was conducted before they were buried.A section of residents held prayers for the victims at Wajir Qorahey grounds before burying them at Ahmed Liban Cemetery.Their death brings the number of people allegedly killed by the security officers to three after a 50-year-old man was killed in Kutulo AP camp last week.Addressing journalists, Wajir East MP Rashid Kassim expressed fears of the return of extrajudicial killings in the county and blamed the security forces for the act.‘’Three days ago we demanded for them to be arraigned in court as we were fearing for their lives and here they are lying in body bags,” Mr Kassim said.He said the deceased were picked from Khorof Kharar and Osmadile areas while going on with their daily routine.The MP said the victims owned shops in the areas where they were picked from before being tortured and later killed.Mr Kassim further expressed fears that the two other missing residents, Mr Yusuf Ibrahim Osman and Mr Hassan Mohamed Abdi Adow might face the same fate.“We demand that the victims be arraigned in court if there is any suspicion of their involvement in the terrorist activities instead of killing them,” he said.He further called on special inquiry into killing and enforced disappearances of the youth in the country and prosecution of those involved in the criminal act.Mr Abdi Barre, a local resident, said that they were live in fear.Mr Barre said they were ready to work with the security officers and have in the past provided information on terrorism but the government has turned against them.But the government has denied claims of targeting innocent civilians and destroying their property.


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Sawirro:-Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda XFS Oo ka qeybgalay kulamada Golaha Fulinta ee Midowga Afrika


Nouakchott ( Sh. M. Network )-Wasiiru Dowlah Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Cabdulqaadir Axmed-Kheyr Cabdi ayaa ka qeybgalay kulanka caadiga ah ee 33,aad ee Golaha Fulinta Ururka Midowga Afrika ee ku qabsoomay Magaalada Nouakchott ee dalka Mauritania, iyadoo loo gogol xaarayo shirka 31,aad ee kulan madaxeedka Midowga Afrika oo socon doona Maalmaha 1-2 July.
Ka qayb qaadashada Soomaaliya ee shir madaxeedka Afrika iyo kulamada gogol xaarka ah waxay ka qayb tahay ahmiyadda joogtada ah ee Soomaaliya ay kula falgasho arrimaha Qaaradda Afrika, iyadoo ah xubin wax ka aas’aastay Midowga Afrika oo hore loo yiqiinnay Ururka Midnimada Afrika.
Shirka Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibadda Midowga Afrika oo ku qabsoomay 28-29 June Magaalada Nouakchott ayaa diirrada lagu saarray geedi socodka dib u habeynta Ururka, mashruuca miisaaniyadda Midowga Afrika ee sanadka 2019, magacaabidda Golaha Hantidhowrka Dibadda iyo horumarrada laga gaarray Suuqa keli ah ee gaadiidka cirka Afrika, Aagga ganacsiga xorta ah ee Afrika, Qabyo qoraalka Sharciga isu socodka xorta ah ee dadka iyo mustaqbalka heshiiska wadagga ee Midowga Afrika iyo Midowga Yurub ee loo yaqaan “Cotonou Partnership Agreement”, diyaarinta ajandayaasha shir madaxeedka iyo qodobo kale.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:
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Xiisad dagaal Oo saakay Ka Taagan Deegaanka Tukaraq


Tukaraq  ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka laga helayo gobolka Sool ayaa sheegaya in xiisad u dhexeysa maamullada Soomaaliland iyo Puntland saakay ay ka taagan tahay deegaanka Tukaraq ee gobolkaasi.
Dhaq dhaqaaqyo iska soo horjeeda ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in Ciidamada Soomaaliland iyo kuwa Puntland ay ka wadaan gudaha deegaankaasi.
Xiisadan ayaa la sheegay in ay timid, kadib markii labada maamul ay Ciidamo dheeraad ah  ku daabuleen jiida hore ee dagaalka, sida ay Shabelle u sheegeen dad deegaanka ah.
S/land iyo Puntland ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore ku dagaalamay deegaanka Tukaraq ee G/ Sool, kuwaas oo waxyeelo ka soo gaartay dad Rayid ahaa oo aan waxba galabsanin.
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Gunmen kill a civilian outside Mogadishu


Unidentified gunmen have shot and killed a Somali civilian near Mogadishu on Friday night, the latest incident in the Horn of Africa country beset by conflict.
Abdirashid Dahir Hassan was gunned down just after walking out of a mosque in the village, where he performed the evening prayers and heading to his house.
Residents in Elasha Biyaha located on the outskirts of the capital reported that the assailants fled the crime scene immediately before the arrival of the police officers.
It’s unclear the motive behind the assassination, but, the witnesses said the killers took the private car of the slain civilian before escaping the area.
Late Hassan was a student at one of the universities in Mogadishu.
Somali security forces cordoned off the scene and launched an investigation into the murder. No group has so far claimed responsibility for the pupils’ killing.
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Car accident wounds one in Somali capital


At least one person was wounded in a car accident in Mogadishu, the Somali capital on Saturday, witnesses and police said.
The incident took place after a luxury vehicle lost control, then smashed into a small busy market in Kawa-Godey neighborhood in the capital’s Wadajir district.
Eye witnessed told Radio Shabelle that the car accident left a woman injured and destroyed several shops  in the marketplace.
The wounded has been rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. A senior Somali security official was driving the car involved in Saturday’s incident in Mogadishu.
Most drivers in Somalia have no more experience for driving, whilst roads linking between regions in the country were not repaired since late 1980s.
The two combined reasons are attributed to the increasing fatal accidents in Somalia.
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Somalia’s state minister for foreign affairs AU Executive Council meeting


The state minister of foreign affairs for Somalia’s Federal Government Abdulkadir Ahmed has attended the 33rd African Union Executive Council meeting in a Mauritania.
The conference which was held in Nouakchott city 28-29 June focused on the current situation in the continent, mainly the conflict in several countries, including South Sudan.
The forum was also paving the way for the upcoming AU leaders’ 31st conference which is scheduled to kick start in Nouakchott on 1st July that will run two days.
As the country is marking independence days, Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is set to attend the forthcoming African Union meeting, according to the sources at his office.
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Ciidamada Kenya Oo lagu eedeeyay in ay dad Rayid ahaa ku dileen Wajeer


Wajeer ( Sh. M. Network )-Ciidamada ammaanka ee dalka Kenya ayaa lagu eedeeyay in ay ka dambeeyeen dilka labo ruux oo Rayid ahaa oo dhawaan Meydadkooda laga helay deegaanka Bojigaras oo ka tirsan Magaalada Wajeer ee gobolka Waqooyiga Bari.
Labadaasi ruux oo magacyadooda lagu sheegay Aadan Debar Cabdi iyo Cabdulqadir Jimcaale ayaa la sheegay in Cciidamo ka tirsan Booliska Kenya ay dhawaan ka kaxeysteen goobo ganacsi ooay ku lahaayeen Bojigaras.
Qaar ka mid ehellada labadaasi ruux ee Meydadkooda la helay ayaa Ciidamada Kenya ku eedeeyay in ay u dileen si arxan daro ah .
Saraakiil ka tirsan Booliiska dalka Kenya ayaa dadka ay dileen ku eedeeyay in ay ku lug lahaayeen qarax bilowgii bishan lagu dilay sideed askari oo ka tirsanaan Ciidamada dalkaasi.
Ehelalda dadkaasi la dilay iyo dadka ku dhaqan deegaanada Tarbaj iyo Bojigaras ayaa sheegay in labadaasi ruux aysan ka tirsaneyn Al Shabaab oo inta badan weeraro qorsheysan ka fuliya deegaano ka tirsan Wajeer.
Qaar ka mid ah hay’addaha u dooda xuquuqda aadanaha ayaa horay Ciidamada Kenya ugu eedeeyay in ay ka dambeeyeen dilalka dad badan oo Rayid ahaa oo ka dhacay deegaano ka tirsan gobolka Waqooyi Bari ee dalkaasi.
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Danjire Jamaaludiin “Sii deynta Qalbi-dhagax waa codsi ka yimid dowladda Soomaaliya”


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Dowladda Ethiopia ayaa faah-faahin ka bixisay sii deyntii Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse (Qalbi- Dhagax)  in ay ku timid codsi ka yimid dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, dhinaca kalena fasiraad ka bixisay hadal uu dhowaan sheegay Ra’iisul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Axmed.
Safiirka dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Soomaaliya Jamaaludiin Mustafa Cumar oo warbaahinta dowladda Soomaaliya war uu  siiyey ku sheegay in dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ay ka wada hadleen sii deynta Qalb-dhgax,  dowladda Federaalka Itoobiyana ay tixgelisay codsigaas lana sii daayey.
Dhinaca Safiirka dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Soomaaliya Jamaaludiin Mustafa Cumar ayaa fasiraad ka bixiyey hadal uu dhowaan Ra’iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya ka jeediyey dalkiisa, kaas oo warbaahinta ay si khaldan u turjumeen, waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay in aysan jirin laba dal oo la mideynaya, hasa yeeshee u jeedadu ay tahay sidii la isaga kaashan lahaa mideynta Dhaqaalaha  geeska Africa si Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ay hormuud ugu noqdaan arrintaas.
“waxba kama jiraan hadallada  been abuurka ah ee sheegaya  in Ra’iisul wasaare Abiy Axmed uu  yiri waxaa la mideynaya labada dal, waxa la mideynaya waa Dhaqaalaha labada dowladdood, taasna Midowga Yurub, Midowga Africa iyo waddamada horumaray ayaa ku dhaqma, cadowgeenna waa Faqriga iyo Gaajada waana in aan  si wadajir ah ula dagaallamaan labada dal”.
Safiirka dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Soomaaliya Danjire Jamaaludiin ayaa sheegay in Jiilashada hadda ee labada waddan in aysan u baahneyn colaadihii la soo maray oo ilbaxnimadu ay tahay in la isdhaxgalo.
Dalka Itooobiya waxaa ka jira isbaddello siyaasaddeed, taas oo keentay in maxaabiista qolyaha mucaawadka laga sii daayo Xabsiyada dalka Itoobiya, sii deynta Qalbi-dhagaxna ay qeyb ka tahay isbaddelladaas Itoobiya ka socda.
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