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“No ghettos in 2030”: Denmark’s controversial plan to get rid of immigrant neighborhoods


Thursday July 5, 2018In Denmark, children over the age of 1 who live in low-income, heavily Muslim immigrant communities that the government classifies as “ghettos” will soon be subject to mandatory training in “Danish values.”Once children turn 1, they will be required to attend daycare centers for at least 25 hours a week, where they will be taught about the Danish culture and language, including Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter. If parents refuse to send their children, they could lose their welfare benefits.Ads By Google The law, which was passed on May 28, is part of a broader government initiative titled “One Denmark without Parallel Societies: No Ghettos in 2030.” The plan aims to eradicate what the Danish government says are “parallel communities” in Denmark that are rife with crime and populated by poor, uneducated immigrants from “non-Western countries” who are not being properly integrated into Danish society.But critics say the policy portrays immigrants, and particularly Muslims, in a negative light. Sara Naassan, a child of Lebanese refugees living in Denmark, told the New York Times, “Danish politics is just about Muslims now. They want us to get more assimilated or get out. I don’t know when they will be satisfied with us.”In addition to forcing children to attend integration classes, the government plan includes proposals to restrict economic benefits and demolish “ghetto” neighborhoods. One proposal would allow people in the enclaves to be subject to double punishments for crimes like vandalism or theft.“The ghettos must disappear. We will take control of who moves. In particularly burdened areas, we will punish criminality extra hard,” Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said while meeting with other ministers in March.The government’s policies seem to target MuslimsThe Danish government generally labels neighborhoods as “ghettos” if they meet two out of three requirements, according to NPR: Half of the residents are immigrants from non-Western countries, 40 percent are unemployed, or 2.7 percent have criminal convictions.As of right now, there are 25 communities that fit the bill. And nearly all of them are heavily populated by immigrants from Muslim-majority countries.According to NPR, “Of the 60,000 people living in these areas, two-thirds are from non-Western countries including Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan and Somalia.”Since 2015, Denmark and other European countries have seen a massive influx of migrants from Muslim-majority countries in North Africa and the Middle East who are largely escaping violence or persecution.That has caused tensions in the small, relatively homogenous country where the majority of native Danes are of Danish descent and are members of the official state church, the Evangelical Lutheran People’s Church of Denmark.In May, Denmark’s immigration minister, Inger Stojberg, said it was “a danger” for Muslims to work if they fast during the holy month of Ramadan. She insisted that they should instead stay at home “to avoid negative consequences for the rest of Danish society.”Later that month, Denmark passed a bill banning people from wearing full-face veils in public spaces. This will affect Muslim women who wear the burqa, which covers the face and body, and the niqab, which only covers the face.The government push to eradicate “ghettos” is being seen as yet another example of the government targeting Muslims.Birgitte Arent Eiriksson, a senior lawyer for the Danish judicial think tank Justitia, told me that a growing number of politicians in Denmark “have an opinion that it is the Muslims who are making the problems in this country, and if we control them and prevent more Muslims from coming, some of our problems will go away.”But Danish officials have denied that they’re specifically singling out Muslim communities, saying that they’re merely making the country safer. “That’s nonsense and rubbish. To me this is about, no matter who lives in these areas and who they believe in, they have to profess to the values required to have a good life in Denmark,” Soren Pape Poulsen, the Danish justice minister, said at an annual political gathering last month.But their emphasis on “non-Western immigrants” and insistence on teaching immigrants Christian traditions suggests otherwise. So, too, does their rhetoric.“We should be able to recognize our country,” Prime Minister Rasmussen said in March. “There are places where I don’t recognize what I’m seeing.”


  • Ethiopia: Torture in Somali Region Prison - HRW
  • Somali Canadian Youth Activist Appointed to Prime Minister's Youth Advisory Council - Muslim Link
  • Halima Aden talks contracts and covering up - Arab News
  • Roadside blast injures six Kenyan police officers in border region - Xinhua
  • Qur'an contest a defining event for modest Minnesota teen - Star Tribune
  • The last innocent person to be hanged in Wales - Wales Online
  • Denmark wants to double the punishment for crimes committed in immigrant “ghettos” - Quartz
  • Al Qaeda-Backed Terrorist Group Has a New Target: Plastic Bags - New York Times

Sawirro:-Duqa Muqdisho Oo qaabilay Safiirka Turkiga Ee Soomaaliya


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Caasimadda Muqdisho, Cabdi Raxmaan Cumar Cusman (Enj Yariisow) ayaa Saakay oo Khamiis ah Xafiiskiisa ku qaabbilay Safiirka Dowladda Turkiga u fadhiya Soomaaliya Oglan Baker.
Kulanka ayaa ahaa mid uu Safiirka Turkiga u jooga Soomaaliya uga Mahad Celinayay Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir xafladdii uu u qabtay Shaqaalaha Dalka Turkiga ee ka howl gala Magaalada Muqdisho.
Sidoo kale Safiirka ayaa wuxuu Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir uga mahad Celiyay Doorashadii uu ku guuleystay Madaxweynaha Dalka Turkiga iyo Taageeradii ay la garab taagnaayeen
Ugu danbeen Duqa Muqdisho ayaa kala hadlay Safiirka Turkiga in lasoo Celiyo Barnaamijyada Caafimaadka Waxbarashada iyo adeegyadii ay u qaban jireen walaalahood Soomaaliyeed.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:-
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Shaqaalaha gurmadka Thailand oo 'biya dagaal kula jiro'


Halka la rabo in dadka godka laga soo saaro ka hor inta roobabka da'aya ay sababin daadad hor leh oo daaqadda owdin.

Ethiopia Oo liiska Argagixisada ka saaray Ururka ONLF


Addis Ababa ( Sh. M. Network )-Kadib kulan ay yeesheen Baarlamaanka dalka Ethiopia ayay ku ansixiyeen Qaraar liiska Argagixisada looga Saaray illaa 3 Jabhadooda oo ay ka mid tahay Jabhadda ONLF ee ka dagaalanta Ismaamulka Soomalida Ethiopia.
547 ka mid ah Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka dalka Ethiopia ayaa meel mariyay Qararkaasi liiska Argagixisada looga saaray Ururada kala ah Jamhadda Xoreynta Ogaadeeniya, Jabhadda Xoreynta Oromiya iyo Ginbot 7 oo dhammaantood halgan dagaal kula jira dowladda Ethiopia.
Qararkani waxaa Baarlamaanka horgeeyay Golaha Wasiirada ee dalkaasi, waana qeyb ka mid ah qorshaha isbadalka ee uu Ethiopia ka bilaabay Ra’iisul wasaare Abiy Axmed.
ONLF ayaa ka mid aheyd Jabadaha sida weyn ula dagaalami jiray dowladda Ethiopia, iydoona dhawaantani labada dhinac wadahadallo ay ku yeesheen dalka Kenya.
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Al-Shabaab attacks KDF base in southern Somalia


Al-Shabaab has fired several mortar shells at a military belonging to Kenyan defence forces [KDF] serving under African Union Mission [MISOM] in southern Somalia, residents said.
The mortar attack was targeted at KDF’s camp in Fafahdhun area in Gedo, where the Kenyan soldiers are stationed, according to a villager, speaking to Radio Shabelle by phone.
The raid has sparked a heavy gunfight ensued between the militants and the Kenyan troops which led to an unspecified number of casualties.
Kenyan defence ministry has not yet commented on the attack so far.
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Kooxo hubeysan Oo Nabadoon Caan ahaa ku dilay Muqdisho


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Kooxo ku hubeysnaa Bastoolado ayaa Duhurnimadii maanta Nabadoon Caan ahaa ku dilay nawaaxiga Jaamcadda Gaheyr ee M/ Muqdisho
Marxuumka la dilay ayaa lagu Magacaabi jiray Nabadoon Deerow Dhaqane, waxaana la sheegay in uu ka mid ahaa Ergadii M/ Kismaayo ku soo dooratay Xildhibaanada matala maamulka Jubbaland ee ku jira Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.
Ilo deegaanka ah oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa sheegay in Raggii ka dambeeyay dilkaasi ay goobta isaga baxsadeen.
Ma jirto cid sheegatay in ay ka dambeysay dilka Nabadoonkaasi, welina ma jiro wax hadal ah oo ka soo baxay laamaha ammaanka dowladda oo ku aadan dilkaasi.
Muddooyinkii dambe ayaa waxaa gudaha magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacayay falal liddi ku ah ammaanka, kuwaasi oo u badan dilal qorsheysan.
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Machadka Isgaarsiinta Qaranka Oo dib loo hawlgeliyay


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Wasaaradda Boostada, Isgaarsiinta & Teknoolojiyada ayaa dib u hawl-gelisay Machadka Tababarka Isgaarsiinta Qaranka oo hoos tagi jiray Wasaaradda, kaas oo sare u qaadi doonta xirfadaha teknoolojiyada ee dalka.
Machadka oo la aasaasay sanadkii 1976-dii waxaa dhinaca qalabka iyo tababarrada ka caawin jiray Ururka Isgaarsiinta Caalamiga ah (ITU) iyo Hay’adda Horumarinta ee Qaramada Midoobay (UNDP), hase yeeshee waxay hawlihiisi joogsadeen sanadkii 1991-kii. Hase yeeshee, tan iyo sanadkii 2011-kii waxaa la isku dayay in dib loo kiciyo Machadka, waxaase caqabad ka haysatay sidii loo heli lahaa qalabkii farsamada isgaarsiinta iyo teknoolojiyada ee lagu tababaran lahaa, taas oo haatan la xalliyay.
Machadka ayaa haatan lagu diyaariyay sheybaarro computer iyo cisco ah (computer and Cisco labs), waxayna ardeydu ku tababaran karaan internetka Dawladda, dotSO oo laga baranayo sida loo maamulo website-yada, Xarunta Isku-xirka Internetka (Internet Exchange Point), kuwaasoo ay Wasaaradda hirgelisay lixdii bilood ee u dambeysay, iyadoo hawlahaasi ay Wasaaradda kala shaqeyn doonto Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka.
Injineer Cali Afey oo ah Agaasimaha Isgaarsiinta ee Wasaaradda iyo Injineer Daahir Jeyte oo ka tirsan Shirkadda NationLink oo ku hadlayay magaca shirkadaha isgaarsiinta, oo labaduba ka tirsanaa ardeydii ka soo aflaxday machadkan, ayaa ka hadlay kaalintii uu machadkan lahaa iyo in aqoontii ay ka kororsadeen ay haatan ku shaqeeyaan maamulayaasha isgaarsiinta dalka.
Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada GalMudug, Mudane Axmed Dubbad Cali, oo matalayay wasaaradaha isgaarsiinta ee dawlad-goboleedyada, ayaa ku ammaanay Wasaaradda guusha laga gaaray dib-u-hawl-gelinta Machadka, isagoo u rajeeyay Machadka guulo waaweyn.
Wasiir ku-xigeenka Maaliyadda Prof. C/laahi Sheekh Cali (Qalloocow) iyo Wasiirka Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare, Mudane C/raxmaan Daahir Cusmaan, ayaa labaduba ka hadlay sida aqoonta teknoolojiyada ay u horseedi karto shaqo-abuurista, kordhinta dhaqaalaha, iyo sidii loo dhimi lahaa saboolnimada.
Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, Mudane Eng. Cabdi Cashuur Xasan, ayaa sheegay in Machadka uu wax weyn ka qaban doono sidii loo soo saari lahaa xirfadlayaal dhinaca teknoolojiyada ah. “Markii aan xilka la wareegnay waxaan goosanay inaan Machadka ku dhisno isku-tashi, waxaana qalabkan iyo dayactirka ku sameynay inagoo kaashanay bahda waxbarashada, inaga oo aan Xukuumadda wax lacag weydiisanin,” ayuu yiri wasiirka.
Wasiirka ayaa u mahad celiyay Isku-xirka Waxbarashada iyo Cilmi-baariista Soomaaliya (Somali REN) oo ku deeqay qalabka computer-ka, website-ka iyo dajinta manhajka Machadka, isaga oo ugu baaqay ganacsatada Isgaarsiinta inay markan kaalintooda ka geystaan sidii dhismihii hore ee Machadka loo dhisi lahaa sida ugu dhaqsaha badan. Wasiirka ayaa ugu dambeyntii ku ammaanay Wasiiru-dawlaha iyo Wasiir ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda, oo labaduba munaasabadda goobjoog ka ahaa, gacanta ay ka geysteen guulaha degdegga ah ee ay Wasaaraddu ku tallaabsatay.
Ra’iisul-Wasaaraha Xukuumadda, Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre, oo ka hadlayay xiritaanka munaasabadda, ayaa ku ammaanay Wasaaradda dadaalka ay ku bixisay ansixinta sharciga iyo dhismaha Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka iyo inay haatan dib u soo nooleysay Machadkii Isgaarsiinta Qaranka, isagoo sheegay in dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya uu u baahan yahay in isbeddel lagu sameeyo iyadoo la adeegsanayo teknoolojiyadda.
Ra’iisul wasaaraha oo isbarbardhig ku sameynayay waqtiga ku baxa iyo dhaqaalaha ay soo kala saari karaan qofka ku shaqeysta teknoolojiyada iyo qofka ku shaqeysta beero ama xoolo aan cilmi lagu dhaqin ayaa xusay n dadkeena loo jiheeyo dhinaca teknoolojiyada. “Dhaqaalaheena ma horumari karo haddii aan la helin shaqaale xirfad leh”, ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo gabagabeeyay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:
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Ethiopia removes 3 rebel groups from terror list


Thursday July 5, 2018The Ethiopian Parliament on Thursday unanimously approved a Council of Ministers resolution to rescind “terrorist” tags on three rebel groups.The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), and Patriot Ginbot 7 will not carry the "terrorist" appellation anymore.No international agency or country has ever labeled any of the three organizations as terrorist.Since he came to power on April 2, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has called on all rebels to join the democratic process.Ads By Google His overtures were met with positive responses as senior OLF leaders came to the capital Addis Ababa in May to meet senior government officials.Similarly, Patriot Ginbot 7, a rebel group that took up arms from inside the Eritrean border, announced two weeks ago that it had suspended the armed struggle.The three organizations were labeled “terrorist” in 2011.Over the past three months, Abiy Ahmed’s government has released thousands of political prisoners, including rebel leaders such as Andargachew Tsige of Ginbot 7, who was in a maximum security cell since his arrest in Yemen four years ago.


  • Twenty-five Somali police officers undergo training on traffic management - AMISOM
  • Ethiopia removes 'terrorist' label from three opposition groups - Reuters
  • “No ghettos in 2030”: Denmark’s controversial plan to get rid of immigrant neighborhoods - FOX
  • Ethiopia: Torture in Somali Region Prison - HRW
  • Somali Canadian Youth Activist Appointed to Prime Minister's Youth Advisory Council - Muslim Link
  • Halima Aden talks contracts and covering up - Arab News
  • Roadside blast injures six Kenyan police officers in border region - Xinhua
  • Qur'an contest a defining event for modest Minnesota teen - Star Tribune
  • The last innocent person to be hanged in Wales - Wales Online
  • Denmark wants to double the punishment for crimes committed in immigrant “ghettos” - Quartz
  • Al Qaeda-Backed Terrorist Group Has a New Target: Plastic Bags - New York Times

Al Shabaab iyo Xoolo dhaqato Oo markale ku dagaalamay Mudug


Xarardheere ( Sh. M. Network )-Faah faahinno dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya dagaal culus oo maanta markale dib uga qarxay koonfurta gobolka Mudug.
Dagaalka oo ahaa mid xoogan ayaa waxa uu u dhexeeyay Al Shabaab iyo dad Xoolo dhaqato ah oo ku sugan nawaaxiga magaalada Xarardheere ee gobolkaasi.
Waxaana lagu soo warramayaa in dagaalka maanta xoogiisa uu ka dhacay Tuulada Maamiye oo u dhow deegaanka Caad ee gobolka Mudug.
Mid ka mid ah Maleeshiyada la dagaalameysa Al Shabaab oo la hadlay Idaacadda Shabelle ayaa ka warbixiyay dagaalkaasi.
Waxaana uu sheegay in dagaalkii maanta ay ku dileen illaa 4 ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab, dhankoodana uu soo gaaray khasaare ku kooban dhaawac, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Twenty-five Somali police officers undergo training on traffic management


Thursday July 5, 2018The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has organized a 10 –day course for Somali police officers to improve their skills in traffic management.The training, being attended by 25 traffic police officers, comes at a time when the capital city is experiencing increased traffic on its roads partly due to improved security.Speaking during the official opening ceremony at General Kahiye Police Academy, the Somali Police Force Commissioner, Bashir Abdi Mohamed, urged the officers to enforce traffic rules and regulations not only to bring order on public roads but also help improve security in the city.Ads By Google General Mohamed advised participants to make use of the training offered and pass the knowledge acquired to their colleagues.“This training has personal benefits and you will remember it in your daily lives. Secondly, this training is part of the (positive) efforts of the police force, hoping that you will use it to improve the public perception about the police force,” he added.The Police Commissioner noted that there is need for the Somali Police officers to redouble their efforts to improve the country’s security after decades of conflict, which resulted in the collapse of critical institutions.He urged officers to conduct themselves in a professional manner when dealing with the public, adding that they are the image of the Somali Police Force.Addressing participants, the Acting AMISOM Police Training and Development Department Coordinator, Leon Ngulube, thanked the officers for participating in the training, saying the exercise will provide them with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to perform their duties effectively.“This 10-day training on traffic management provides a platform for the preparation and training of traffic officers based in Mogadishu who will be able to regulate traffic and enforce traffic laws and regulations to mitigate accidents, lawlessness on public roads, compliance to traffic registration, vehicular driver registration licensing and attendance to victims of traffic accidents,” Mr Ngulube added.He reiterated that AMISOM Police will continue to build capacity of Somali Police Force in areas of policing and other specialised fields to enable the officers carry out their duties in a professional manner and in accordance to international standards.Mr Ngulube added that there is need to develop a cadre of professional traffic police officers capable of managing the sharp increase of traffic on public roads in Mogadishu.


  • Ethiopia removes 3 rebel groups from terror list - Anadolu Agency
  • Ethiopia removes 'terrorist' label from three opposition groups - Reuters
  • “No ghettos in 2030”: Denmark’s controversial plan to get rid of immigrant neighborhoods - FOX
  • Ethiopia: Torture in Somali Region Prison - HRW
  • Somali Canadian Youth Activist Appointed to Prime Minister's Youth Advisory Council - Muslim Link
  • Halima Aden talks contracts and covering up - Arab News
  • Roadside blast injures six Kenyan police officers in border region - Xinhua
  • Qur'an contest a defining event for modest Minnesota teen - Star Tribune
  • The last innocent person to be hanged in Wales - Wales Online
  • Denmark wants to double the punishment for crimes committed in immigrant “ghettos” - Quartz
  • Al Qaeda-Backed Terrorist Group Has a New Target: Plastic Bags - New York Times

Ethiopia oo ONLF ka saartay liiska argagixisada


Baarlamanka dalka Ethiopia ayaa maanta ansixiyey qaraar ururada ONLF, OLF iyo Ginbot 7 ee dalkaas ka saaraya liiska argagixisada, sida ay sheegtay warbaahinta dowladda ee Fana.

Khuraafaadle dhintay markii uu yiri "xabbaddu ima karto", oo dabadeedna lagu tijaabiyey


Nin khuraafaadka ku shaqaysta ayaa dhintay ka dib markii mid ka mid ah macaamiishiisa uu ku tijaabiyey in xabbad rasaas ah oo nool ay dili karto, isagoo ninkaas khuraafaadlowga ahna isa soo mariyey wax uu sheegay inay "xabadda ka celinayaan"

Haweenka Hindiya maxay biya cabka u diideen?


Iyada oo uu kuleyl daran uu Hindiya ka taagan yahay ayey qaar ka mid ah haweenka Hindiya diideen biya iney cabbaan, iyaga oo caafimaadkoodana halis gelinaya.

Aagga ganacsiga xorta ah ee Jabuuti oo wajigiisa hore la furay


Wajiga hore ee aagga ganacsiga xorta ah ee jabuuti ee Shiinuhu dhisayo, kaasoo ah kan ugu weyn Afrika, ayaa maanta laga furay Jabuuti. Hogaamiyayaasha gobolka ayaa isugu tegey waddankaas ku yaalla geeska Afrika si ay uga qayb qaataan munaasabadda furitaanka aaggaas.

Dagaal weli ka dhex socda Al-Shabaab iyo shacab


Iska horimaadyo cusub ayaa laga soo sheegayaa maalintii labaad degaanka Caad oo shalay ay dagaallo ku dhexmareen dadka degaanka iyo maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab.

EU slams UAE retaliatory acts against Somalia over Gulf crisis


Thursday July 5, 2018The European Parliament has condemned the United Arab Emirates (UAE), saying the country was taking retaliatory actions against Somalia for the latter's neutral position on the Gulf crisis. In a resolution passed on Wednesday, the Belgium-based parliament said that Somalia has "sought to remain neutral" on the ongoing Gulf crisis, but was in turn "deprived of regular budgetary support payments by Saudi Arabia and the UAE". "...In terms of the wider confrontation between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, on the one hand, and Qatar, on the other, the Federal Government of Somalia has sought to remain neutral; whereas, in retaliation, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have ceased their regular budgetary support payments to Somalia, which further weakens the government’s ability to pay the security forces," the resolution reads. Ads By Google The European Parliament statement urged "the UAE to cease forthwith all acts of destabilisation in Somalia and respect Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity." The dispute between Qatar on the one hand, and Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain on the other, has been ongoing since June 5, 2017, when the latter countries announced they were cutting ties with Qatar and imposed a land, sea and air blockade. The Arab countries accuse Doha of supporting "terrorism" and "extremist groups" - charges Qatar strongly denies.Somalia has had an unstable security situation for decades. An al-Qaeda-linked group, al-Shabab, is fighting to overthrow Somalia's Western-backed central government and establish its own rule based on its interpretation of Islamic law in the Horn of Africa country.The group used to control most parts of the country, but since 2010, its fighters have been removed from most major towns and cities, though continue to carry out deadly attacks. Declining relationship While there have been recent political disagreements between Mogadish and Abu Dhabi, Somalia, unlike many other African countries, declined to choose sides in the Gulf crisis and instead called for dialogue to end the rift. Somalia's position amid the crisis has been a delicate one - the country is highly dependent on trade from Saudi Arabia -  it's top export partner - and is a major importer of UAE products. The Horn of Africa country is also close to Turkey, which has donated more than $1bn in aid to the country and supports Qatar in the rift. This year, Abu Dhabi agreed to train security forces in Somaliland - a region in northern Somalia seeking to secede from the country. The UAE also signed with Somaliland a 30-year concession to manage Berbera Port in the semi-autonomous region. It has also started building a military base in the port city.Somalia dismissed the agreement between Abu Dhabi and the northern Somali region as "non-existent, null and void" and called on the United Nations to take action.


  • Twenty-five Somali police officers undergo training on traffic management - AMISOM
  • Ethiopia removes 3 rebel groups from terror list - Anadolu Agency
  • Ethiopia removes 'terrorist' label from three opposition groups - Reuters
  • “No ghettos in 2030”: Denmark’s controversial plan to get rid of immigrant neighborhoods - FOX
  • Ethiopia: Torture in Somali Region Prison - HRW
  • Somali Canadian Youth Activist Appointed to Prime Minister's Youth Advisory Council - Muslim Link
  • Halima Aden talks contracts and covering up - Arab News
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Presidents of 17 countries to attend Erdoğan’s oath-taking ceremony


Ahval Friday July 6, 2018

presidents of 17 countries will come to Ankara on July 9 to attend
president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s oath-taking ceremony, pro-government
Yeni Akit newspaper reported on Thursday.
Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Guinea, Somali, Zambia,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, and Georgia are among the countries to be
represented by their presidents during the ceremony.
insidenewsThe list of attendees include Western Balkan countries that are
important for President Erdoğan’s policy of increasing Turkey’s
influence in the Balkans, as well as countries from Africa which Erdoğan
sees a priority as a result of Africa’s economic potential.
Erdoğan and Venezuelan President Madura, whose governments have both
been left largely isolated due both to their ideological distance from
the international community and growing concerns over rights abuses,
forged a close relationship ahead of the elections held on June 24.



  • Ethiopian Prime Minister to Visit USA at End of July - Prensa Latina
  • FEATURE-Kenya's ground-down coffee farmers switch to avocado amid global boom - Thomson Reuters Foundation
  • Uber, Taxify drivers strike in Kenya enters 4th day - VOA
  • US teen to meet Somali president after Qur'an recitation win - AP
  • Somali regional forces sharpen skills on crime prevention - Xinhua
  • A Somali British mayor has ‘banned’ Trump from his city - Wasjington Post
  • US tariffs on Chinese imports to take effect - BBC
  • Djibouti launches 'Africa's biggest free trade zone' - AFP

Somali regional forces sharpen skills on crime prevention


Friday July 6, 2018The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said on Thursday that its police component has offered a specialized training to regional police forces on crime prevention.The AU mission said Jubbaland and Darwish riot police units based in Kismayo in southern Somalia was to be equipped with skills on preventing public order crimes related to unrest without harming those involved.Ernest Martin Abilu, Coordinating Officer of AMISOM Police in Jubbaland state said in a statement issued in Mogadishu the training was aimed at preparing the police forces for the gradual handover of security responsibility during the transition period.Abilu said the officers were trained on how to professionally handle public order crimes including riots, strikes, violent demonstrations and mob justice among others without maiming or causing death to members of the public.


  • Ethiopian Prime Minister to Visit USA at End of July - Prensa Latina
  • FEATURE-Kenya's ground-down coffee farmers switch to avocado amid global boom - Thomson Reuters Foundation
  • Uber, Taxify drivers strike in Kenya enters 4th day - VOA
  • US teen to meet Somali president after Qur'an recitation win - AP
  • Presidents of 17 countries to attend Erdoğan’s oath-taking ceremony - Ahval
  • A Somali British mayor has ‘banned’ Trump from his city - Wasjington Post
  • US tariffs on Chinese imports to take effect - BBC
  • Djibouti launches 'Africa's biggest free trade zone' - AFP

US teen to meet Somali president after Qur'an recitation win


Friday July 6, 2018A Minnesota teenager who became the first American to win a prestigious Qur'an recitation contest will travel to Somalia to meet the country's president Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.Ahmed Burhan Mohamed has become a local celebrity since winning the Dubai International Holy Qur'an award last month. The 17-year-old beat out more than 100 other contestants from around the world.Ads By Google The Star Tribune reports Ahmed will travel to Somalia this week at the invitation of the East African country's president, who wishes to meet and congratulate the teen. Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in the US.Mohamed received a perfect score on his proper pronunciation, voice and style as he recited random verses of the Qur'an from memory. The Qur'an has more than 6 000 verses and spans more than 600 pages. He received a trophy and a cash prize worth about $68 000.


  • Ethiopian Prime Minister to Visit USA at End of July - Prensa Latina
  • FEATURE-Kenya's ground-down coffee farmers switch to avocado amid global boom - Thomson Reuters Foundation
  • Uber, Taxify drivers strike in Kenya enters 4th day - VOA
  • Somali regional forces sharpen skills on crime prevention - Xinhua
  • Presidents of 17 countries to attend Erdoğan’s oath-taking ceremony - Ahval
  • A Somali British mayor has ‘banned’ Trump from his city - Wasjington Post
  • US tariffs on Chinese imports to take effect - BBC
  • Djibouti launches 'Africa's biggest free trade zone' - AFP

Uber, Taxify drivers strike in Kenya enters 4th day


Friday July 6, 2018Drivers of Kenya's digital taxis shut down operations Monday in protest of what they term as exploitative corporate practices. They say the firms are charging low rates to their clients, yet imposing high commissions on the drivers, leading them to work longer hours with little pay.The Digital Taxi Association of Kenya, representing more than 2,000 digital taxi drivers, is in the fourth day of a protest that has seen drivers switch off their services, stalling transportation in the country.The drivers say client charges have reduced over time as more digital taxi apps enter the market, but their commissions to the taxi firms have remained the same.The drivers are demanding a review of their rates and working conditions. Through their association, they want the digital taxi services to double their client rates and reduce driver commissions to the companies so they can earn decent wages."The fare itself, it has been very low from the word go," said Anthony Maina, an Uber driver in Kenya. "The percentage after they get their commission, we get very little returns."he main digital taxi services in Kenya are the American brand Uber and Estonian Taxify, as well as at least three others. Uber charges a 25 per cent commission on each ride, while apps like Taxify charge 15 per cent. The drivers want rates at least doubled per kilometre, and commissions slashed to 10 per cent.Ads By Google Kenya Digital Taxi Services director David Muteru is calling on Kenya's ministry of Transport to resolve the issue."All these things are happening where we have government agencies who can [take care of all these things] without having pressure from us," Muteru said. "It is not our wish to come here and start demonstrating. Our demand is that we must have regulations. [The pricing] is very skewed in favor of the app companies to the detriment of drivers."Maina says Uber reduced the maximum working hours from 18 to 12 in an effort to better the working conditions, but drivers overwork to earn more to meet expenses."We cannot afford daily maintenance, he said. "An example, each and every day you have to fuel the vehicle, you have to wash the car, and if you happen to be in the city center, you have to pay the city council. All those expenses, when you put them together and maybe you do not own the vehicle yourself, you have to pay the partner and you know fuel has been going up every day and they are not adjusting their commission or fare. So that has been a big problem for us."Earlier in the week, Uber drivers in South Africa also went on strike to protest the 25 per cent fee charged by Uber.Digital Taxi Association representatives in Kenya are in negotiations with the taxi firms and Kenya's ministry of Transport as their strike continues.


  • Ethiopian Prime Minister to Visit USA at End of July - Prensa Latina
  • FEATURE-Kenya's ground-down coffee farmers switch to avocado amid global boom - Thomson Reuters Foundation
  • US teen to meet Somali president after Qur'an recitation win - AP
  • Somali regional forces sharpen skills on crime prevention - Xinhua
  • Presidents of 17 countries to attend Erdoğan’s oath-taking ceremony - Ahval
  • A Somali British mayor has ‘banned’ Trump from his city - Wasjington Post
  • US tariffs on Chinese imports to take effect - BBC
  • Djibouti launches 'Africa's biggest free trade zone' - AFP
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