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Waxa uu si saraaxo leh uga hadlay weerarkii ismiidaaminta ahaa ee Muqdisho ka dhacay


War qoraal ah oo kasoo baxay wasaaradda amniga federaalka ayaa lagu sheegay in xilkii afhayeenka iyo waliba la taliyenimada laga qaaday Cabdicasiis Xildhibaan.

Somali Security ministry spokesman sacked


The federal government of Somalia has announced it has sacked the spokeman of the internal security ministry  Abdiaziz Ali Ibrahim Hildhiban days after deadly attack in Mogadishu.
In an exclusive report obtained by Radio Shabelle, Abdiaziz Hildhiban had resigned and left the job five days prior to the government announcement.
In a statement dated 5th July, the minister of security, Mohamed Abukar Islow, has  confirmed the sacking of the spokesman, without providing the main reason.
However, the decision came after Abdiaziz Hildhiban has accused the government of failing its security plan in Mogadishu after Otto Otto attack which left 20 dead.
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Itoobiya oo Qaramada Midoobay ka codsatay in Eritrea cunaqabateynta laga qaado


Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa si rasmi ah uga codsatay Qaramada Midoobay in dalka Eritrea laga qaado cunaqabateynta saaran.

Shan ruux Oo Soomaali ahaa Oo lagu gowracay Ethiopia


Addis Ababa ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka laga helayo Ethiopia ayaa sheegaya in saacadihii la soo dhaafay deegaanka Guuleed oo u dhexeeya dhulka ay dagaan Oromada iyo Soomaalida ee dalkaasi lagu gowracay illaa 5 ruux oo Soomaali ah.
Sida ay xaqiijiyeen dadka deegaanka shantaasi Qof ayaa waxaa gowracay maleeshiyaad hubeysan oo ka tirsan qowmiyadda Oromada Ethiopia, kuwaasi oo weerar ku qaaday deegaankaasi oo ay dagnaayeen qowmiyadda Soomaalida Ethiopia,  kadibna halkaasi ay ku gowraceen dadkaasi.
Dagaallada u dhexeeya labada qowmiyadood ayaa marar badan ku soo noq noqotay deeganada xadka ay wadaaan Oromada iyo Soomaalida ee dalka Ethiopia.
Illaa iyo hataan ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dowladda dhexe ee Ethiopia iyo maamul goboleedyada Oromada iyo Soomaalida oo lagu qaboojinayo  xiisadani cusub ee ka dhex aloosan  Qowmiyadaahaasi.
Ra’iisul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Axmed ayaa horay u gaaray deegaanada Oromada iyo Soomaalida, si xal waara looga gaaro khilaafka labadaasi qowmiyadood.
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Pompeo oo bogaadiyey Ethiopia iyo Eritrea


Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa soo dhaweysay in la dhammeeyo xiisaddii dagaal ee ka dhaxeysay dalalka Eritrea iyo Itoobiya, kadib markii dhawaan uu dalka Eritrea booqdey ra’iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed.

AU and UN reiterate commitment to help Somalia tackle conflict-related sexual violence


Tuesday July 10, 2018The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the United Nations have reiterated their commitment to help develop capacity of the Somali national security forces to address all forms of human rights violations. The two organizations promised to continue mobilizing resources and providing specialized training to the Somali national security forces, during the transition period, to prepare the officers for the handover of security responsibility as per the UN Security Council resolution (2372) adopted last year.The commitment was made, on Monday, at a joint AMISOM-UN trainer of trainers (TOT) workshop on the prevention of conflict-related sexual violence for the Somali national security forces (SNSF), which is being attended by participants from both federal and state governments.Ads By Google Speaking during the opening ceremony of the four-day workshop, the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Francisco Madeira, described sexual violence as a weapon of war, reiterating the urgent need to build the capacity of the security forces, both at the federal and regional states level, to tackle the vice. “AMISOM is happy to support the Somali national security forces, the regional states and the Federal Government of Somalia to ensure the elimination of all forms of violence against women and children including conflict-related sexual violence,” Ambassador Madeira noted.AMISOM, the SRCC added, has taken concrete steps to end sexual and gender-based violence in Somalia by working to prevent its occurrence, facilitating response to incidents and advocating for the availability of resources to meet the needs of survivors.“The deployment of Women Protection and Child Protection officers to AMISOM is a significant step to ensuring that the security forces and the government of Somalia are supported accordingly,” Ambassador Madeira said.


  • Boris Johnson: Britain's undiplomatic foreign secretary - AFP
  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Wariye Yaxye C/risaaq Soofe Oo ka badbaaday isku day dil


Baardheere ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Gedo ayaa sheegaya in baqanimadii maanta isku day dil uu ka badbaaday Yaxye C/risaaq Soofe oo ka mid ah Wariyeyaasha ka howlgala magaalada Baardheere ee gobolkaasi.
Wariye Soofe oo ku sugnaa bartamaha magaalada ayaa la sheegay in rasaas xoogan uu furay mid ka mid ah askarta Ciidamada Jubbaland, inkastoo aysan waxyeelo ka soo gaarin rasaastaasi.
Yaxye C/risaaq Soofe oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa ka warbixiyay dhacdadaasi, waxaana uu sheegay in Askariga rasaasta ku furay aymurmeen 6 bilood ka hor, islamarkaana uu ugu hanjabay in uu dili doono.
Askarigii ka dambeeyay falkan ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in lagu xiray gudaha magaalada Baardheere gobolka Gedo.
Wariye Yaxye C/risaaq Soofe ayaa ah Tafaftirah Radio Markabley iyo sidoo kale Wakiilka Television-ka RTN ee gobolkaasi.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Farmajo meets former president in Turkey, discuss key issues


Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has met with his predecessor Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in Ankara, the capital of Turkey on Monday night.
According to a statement posted on the President’s Twitter handle, Farmajo and Mohamud discussed a range of issues regarding the current situation in the country.
President Farmajo has taken office after winning last year’s election in Mogadishu, succeeding Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the 8th president of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
The president has arrived in Turkey on Sunday for the inauguration of his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who has been reelected in June during presidential polls.
Under Erdogan’s leadership, Turkey’s relations with Somalia has significantly improved.
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C.Ronaldo oo ku biiraya Juventus


Weerar-yahanka naadiga Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo ayaa lagu wada in saacadaha soo socda lagu dhawaaqo in uu si rasmi ah ugu biirey naadiga Juventus.

Somalia oo ka qeyb gashay shirka Shiinaha iyo Carabta


Shirkan ayaa ah kii siddeedaad ee ay yeeshaan labada dhinac, waxaana uu qayb ka yahay hindisaha isku xirka Shiinaha waddamada kale ee Aasiya iyo Yurub ee lagu magacaabo Belt and Road.

Dhageyso:-Warka Habeen Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

Maxaabiis laga sii daayey xabsiga Jigjiga


Wararka ka imanaya Gobolka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in maanta xabsiga magaalada Jigjiga laga soo daayey maxaabiis badan oo ay ku jiraan dad hore u ahaa siyaasiyiin iyo saraakiil ka tirsan booliiska.

Soomaaliya Oo Markii Ugu Horreysay Ka Qeyb Galeysa Shir Muhiim Ah


Geneva ( Sh. M. Network )- Dalkeena Soomaaliya ayaa markii ugu horreysay ka qeyb galaya shirweynaha caalamiga ah ee hay’adaha isgaarsiinta oo ka dhacaya magaalada Geneva inta u dhexeysa 9ka illaa 12ka bishan.
Shiweynahan ayaa sanadkan waxaa diiradda lagu saari doonaa sida teknoolojiyada ay saameyn ugu yeelatay nolol-maalmeedka iyo sidii loo baahin lahaa sharciyada arrimahaas la xiriira si loola socdo isbeddellada ay la imanayso teknoolojiyada.
Shirweynahan wuxuu isku keenaa hay’adaha isgaarsiinta adduunka, iyagoo halkaas isku weydaarsada aragtidooda iyo waaya-aragnimadooda, waana madal ay ku wada hadlaan qeybaha kala duwan ee isgaarsiinta ee isugu jira dadka dajiya siyaasadda, shirkadaha iyo daneeyeyaasha kale ee isgaarsiinta.
Wafti uu hoggaaminayo Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, Mudane Eng Cabdi Cashuur Xasan, ayna mid yihiin mas’uuliyiinta maamulka iyo Guddiga sare ee Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka, ayaa shirkaas ka qeyb galaya, iyagoo maalintii koowaad halkaas kula kulmay mas’uul ka socotay Midowga Isgaarsiinta Caalmaiga ah (ITU), Bankiga Adduunka iyo shirkado iyo dalal kala duwan.
“Munaasabaddan waxay Soomaaliya u tahay mid taariikhi ah, waayo sanad ka hor xilligan oo kale dalkeenu ma lahayn sharci isgaarsiineed, hay’ad isgaarsiineed iyo xuquuqda codeynta ee dalka. Nasiib wanaagsan 12kii bilood ee la soo dhaafay waxaan yeelanay sharci, hay’ad isgaarsiineed iyo xuquuqdii codeynta oo aan soo ceshanay, waxaana maanta na matalaya wasaarad iyo hay’ad oo kala leh waajibaadyo kala duwan” ayuu yiri wasiirka.
Wasiirku wuxuu intaasi ku daray in munaasabaddan ay fursad qaali ah u tahay Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka oo la doonayo inay wax badan ka barato waayo-aragnimada hay’adaha dalalka kale, maadaama wixii hadda ka horreeyay Wasaaraddu ay ahayd cidda kaliya ee dalka ku matali jirtay dhammaan shirarka isgaarsiinta adduunka.
“Fursad muhiim ah ayay u tahay Soomaaliya maadaama aanu dhiseyno hay’ad cusub, inagoo dooneyno in la xoojiyo xiriirka ay la leedahay ururrada iyo hay’adaha kale ee ay wada-shaqeynta la leedahay,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo gabagabeeyay Wasiir Cabdi Cashuur Xasan.
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Boolis Dad Shacab Ah Ku Rasaaseeyay Sh/dhaxe


Sh Dhaxe ( Sh. M. Network )-  Gaari nuuca Soomalida u’taqaan Hoomey ama Caasi oo saarnaayeen dad shacab ah ayaa xilli ay marayeen inta u’dhaxeysa deegaanada Qalimow iyo Garasaale waxaa rasaaseeyay ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Booliska Hirshabelle.
inta la xaqiijiyay 2 qof oo rakaabka gaarigaas la socday ka mid ahaa ayaa geeriyooday halka 2-kalana ay ku dhaawacmeen rasaastaas kuwaas oo loola cararay cusbitaal ku yaalla dagmada Jowhar.
ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay maamulka Hirshabelle ee laxariira dhac-dadaan laakin dhawaanahaan waxaa soo badanaya gaadiidka dadka shacabka saaranyihiin ee lagu rasaaseeyo wadada isku xirta Muqdisho iyo Jowhar.
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Dhageyso Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle.

France sink Belgium to reach World Cup final


Tuesday July 10, 2018Samuel Umtiti headed France into the World Cup final in Saint Petersburg on Tuesday with a 1-0 win, consigning Belgium's 'golden generation' to another bitter disappointment.France's own supremely talented young squad will aim to make amends for defeat on home soil in the final of Euro 2016 in Sunday's showpiece against England or Croatia.In a World Cup replete with set-piece goals, a corner again proved decisive when Umtiti timed his run perfectly to meet Antoine Griezmann's delivery six minutes into the second half.France were thankful for fine saves from goalkeeper Hugo Lloris either side of half-time.Belgium's Kevin De Bruyne warned Kylian Mbappe was ready to take the world by storm on the eve of the game and the most expensive teenager in the history of football showed why inside the first 60 seconds.He skipped past Jan Vertonghen with ease and only a last-ditch tackle by Vincent Kompany prevented Griezmann from latching onto his cross.Thibaut Courtois rushed from his goal just in time to save Vertonghen again from Mbappe's pace on 12 minutes, but it was Belgium who started the better in possession.One of the Red Devils' many French connections was the biggest danger as Eden Hazard, who began his career with Lille in Ligue 1, pulled the first attempt of goal just beyond the far post.The Chelsea forward's next effort was arrowing into the top corner until it flicked off Raphael Varane's head and deflected just over.Lloris and Courtois played a huge part their sides' quarter-final wins and it was only thanks to two of the best 'keepers in the world the game remained goalless at half-time.GOALKEEPERS IMPRESSFirst, Lloris flew to his right to turn Toby Alderweireld's shot on the turn behind.At the other end, Mbappe demonstrated the subtler side to his game to play in Benjamin Pavard, but Courtois used his massive 6ft 5ins (199 centimetre) frame to deny the Stuttgart full-back his second goal of the tournament.Didier Deschamps' men ended the opening period on top, but again Olivier Giroud looked short of confidence as the focal point of the French attack. Giroud has not scored in eight games and is yet to even have a shot on target in Russia.His best chance arrived via more good work from Mbappe with a cushioned cross, but the Chelsea striker could only slice horribly wide on his favoured left foot.Giroud did at least have a part to play in the decisive opener as, after his shot was deflected wide, Griezmann's corner was flicked in at the near post by Umtiti.Once in front, France had even more space to exploit Mbappe's pace, but it was a majestic piece of skill that nearly created a second with a backheel that again freed Giroud only for Mousa Dembele to block.Ads By Google Roberto Martinez introduced an extra attacker in Dries Mertens in an attempt to turn the tide and he nearly had an immediate impact as his cross was headed inches wide by Marouane Fellaini.That was as close as Belgium came to taking the game to extra-time, though, as Lloris parried a long-range piledriver from Axel Witsel.But for Courtois, France's margin of victory would have been even greater as he made saves from Griezmann and Corentin Tolisso in stoppage time.For the generation of Hazard, De Bruyne and Romelu Lukaku, beating Brazil in the quarter-finals was meant to be the breakthrough on route to winning a major tournament.Instead, it proved to be another false dawn as France march on to Moscow.


  • Is this the Ethiopian spring? An interview with Eskinder Nega. - Washington Post
  • AU and UN reiterate commitment to help Somalia tackle conflict-related sexual violence - AMISOM
  • Boris Johnson: Britain's undiplomatic foreign secretary - AFP
  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Koox Islaamiyiin looga shakisanyahay oo Mozambique dad ku laaysay


Koox looga shakinsan yahay inay yihiin maleeshiyaad islaamiyiiin ah ayaa 8 qof ku dilay gobol ku yaalla dalka Mozambique.

Is this the Ethiopian spring? An interview with Eskinder Nega.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Just a few months ago, Ethiopia — a vast country of 100 million people — was still mired in dictatorship and war. But dramatic shifts are taking hold and they appear to be moving the country in the right direction: toward freedom.
This week, Ethiopia’s democratically elected prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, signed a peace treaty with Eritrea, its long-standing enemy. The news was one more sign that the change promised by the new government is real.
Ethiopia still has a long way to go. But Eskinder Nega, a leading Ethiopian journalist and former political prisoner, recently told me that he sees democracy as the inevitable destiny of his homeland. Now, he said, it’s “Ethiopia’s turn.”
He doesn’t make such claims lightly. Nega has spent a total of nine years in prison, most recently serving a 6½-year stint on a terrorism conviction for supposedly inciting violence against the government and having ties with the West. In reality, of course, the government targeted him because he was a vocal advocate for democracy, demanding an end to years of one-party rule.
Ads By Google Amid growing protests, he and several other political prisoners were released in April in a bid to “foster national reconciliation,” authorities said at the time.
In the months since, Ethiopia has been undergoing rapid reform, with Ahmed promising greater freedoms. For Nega, though, the only acceptable outcome is a representative democracy respecting the rights of all people.
(The interview below has been edited and condensed.)
 Jason Rezaian: Do you think reforms being implemented by Ethiopia’s current government will lead to real change?

Eskinder NegaEskinder Nega: We don’t know whether the new leadership envisions the kind of change that [Mikhail] Gorbachev imagined [for the Soviet Union] or whether they want the kind of change [F.W.] de Klerk wanted [in South Africa under apartheid].
The kind of change that we want, as a people, is the de Klerk version. A multiparty democracy.
It’s encouraging that the new leadership acknowledges the need for change, and they should be supported at least in this regard. But, if they’re envisioning the type of change that Gorbachev intended, it’s not enough.
JR: What’s at stake?
EN: If Ethiopia implodes, the region will come down, and this will seriously affect Western interests. If there’s chaos in the Horn of Africa, the strategic security alliance the U.S. has with the Ethiopian government will be compromised.
I don’t think the world can afford to see chaos in the Horn of Africa, because extremists will have the sort of safe haven they had in Afghanistan.
JR: At a moment when there is an epic struggle between authoritarians and democrats, is the current aspiration for freedom unique to Ethiopia or is it universal?
EN: When you aspire for freedom, you’re asking for recognition of your human dignity and this is innate. This is the human condition wherever you are, whatever your religion, culture or history is. Authoritarianism undermines that quest. No country or society is an exception.
We don’t know when each society will come out to demand it, but we know that at some point all of them will. The French and the Americans reached that point 200 years ago. Now is the time for Ethiopians. But Iranians will come out and do it, too, and there will come a time for the Chinese as well.
JR: What do people think about the prospects of reconciliation with Eritrea?
EN: Most Ethiopians don’t like the idea of Eritrea being a separate country. Including me. But there is a recognition that Eritrea is gone. It’s now a member of the international community, the United Nations and the African Union. And this is not something we could undo without violating international law.
We should have peace with Eritrea whether we like its independence or not. Whatever the government is doing to come to peace with Eritrea should be supported.
JR: What role do you see the U.S. playing in Ethiopia’s quest for freedom and democracy?
EN: The primary responsibility of U.S. foreign policy should have the interest of the U.S. as its main component.
But a huge chunk of that self-interest is the promotion of freedom, because that’s where the safety of all countries lies. A world in which there’s no tyranny, where freedom has the clear upper hand morally and politically, is the ultimate deterrent against terrorism and war.
JR: Has the U.S. pursuing its security objectives undermined freedom on the ground in Ethiopia?
EN: Ethiopia has played a major role in combating terrorism in the Horn of Africa. It’s understandable that the U.S. should have an alliance with any government in Ethiopia, because it’s the most effective partner in this fight
Unfortunately, since 9/11, security issues have completely overshadowed the cause of freedom.
JR: Did you see your imprisonments as directed at you personally or designed to defuse the quest for democracy?
EN: I always knew this wasn’t about me. It was a battle between tyranny and freedom, being manifested through me. One of tens of thousands of cases through which the story has been projected. And this battle is not unique to Ethiopia. It’s part of the human condition that has been there since the beginning of history.
This is the moment for Ethiopia. We’re almost there. Fortunately, we’ll see it in my lifetime.

Jason Rezaian is a writer for Global Opinions. He served as The Post's correspondent in Tehran from 2012 to 2016. He spent 544 days unjustly imprisoned by Iranian authorities until his release in January 2016


  • France sink Belgium to reach World Cup final - AFP
  • AU and UN reiterate commitment to help Somalia tackle conflict-related sexual violence - AMISOM
  • Boris Johnson: Britain's undiplomatic foreign secretary - AFP
  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Faransiiska oo gaaray finalka Koobka Aduunka


Xulka kubadda cakta Faransiiska ayaa xalay gaaray ciyaarta kama danbeysta ah ee Koobka Aduunka kaddib markii 1-0 uga badiyeen jiilka dahabiga ee Belguim.

Shiinaha oo Xabsi Guriga Ka Daayay Liu Xia


Liu Xia, oo ah haweeneydi uu ka geeriyooday Liu Xiaobo oo ku guuleystay abaalmarinta Nabadda ee Nobel kana mid ahaa mucaaradka dowlada, ayaa Talaadadi shalay gaartay dalka Jarmalka, kadib marki ay Dowlada Shiinaha ka deysay xabsi guri ay ku jirtay muddo sideed sano ah.

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