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Norway Oo aqoonsatay Baasaboorka Soomaaliya


Nairobi ( Sh. M. Network )-Munaasbad lagu qabtay magaallada Nairobi oo ay ka qeyb galeen Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad iyo Agaasimaha Hay’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda ayuu ku sheegay safiirka Norway u fadhiya Kenya danjire Victor C. Rønneberg in hal sano oo ay wada-shaqeynayeen dowladda Somaaliya kaddib ay ku qanceen hannaanka lagu bixiyo baasaboorka iyo tayadiisa.
“Horay waxaan u aqoonsannayn baasaboorka Diplomaasiga ah ee  Soomaaliya, Norway waxa ay sidoo kale aqoonsanaysaa baasaboorka caadiga ah iyo kan shaqo ee ay soo saarto Agaasinka Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda Soomaaliya. Go’aankani waxa uu dhaqan galayaa bish Agoosto kowdeeda” ayuu yiri danjire Rønneberg.
“Waxaana ku biiraynaa dalalka Midowga Yurub ee aqoonsan baasaboorka Soomaaliya. Inta la ogyahay waxaa ka mid ah dalalka France, Talyaaniga, Poland, Slovenia, Lithuania, Portugal, Malta Estonia. Ugu dambayn aan caddeeyo in go’aanka ay Norway ku aqoonsatay baasaboorka Soomaaliya uusan wax ka beddelaynin shuruudaha  dal ku galka Norway.
Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad ayaa munaasabaddan ka qeyb galay ayaa sheegay in dadaal dheer oo ay sammeysay dowladda Soomaaliya iyo shaqo adag oo ay qabatay Agaasinka Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda Soomaaliya ay keentay in dowladda Norway ay aqoonsato baasaboorka. Isaga oo si gaar ah u bogaadiyay safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Kenya oo sidoo kale kaalin mug leh ka qaadatay arrintaan.
“Waa maalin taariikhi ah, Norway sanadkii 2012 ayay aqoonsatay baasaboorka diblomaasiga ah, maantana waxa ay aqoonsatay dhammaan noocyada kale sida kan shacabka iyo midka shaqaalaha, dadaal ay bixisay dowladda gaar ahaan hay’adda socdaalka iyo jinsiyadda oo uu hoggaaminayo AGaasime Koofi ayaa lagu gaaray” ayuu yiri Wasiir Cawad.
Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka mudane Maxamed Abuukar Isloow oo munaasabadda ka qeyb galay ayaa u mahad celiyay dowladda Norway, isaga oo tilmaamay in aqoonsiga ka sokoow ay dowladda Norway dowlado kale la wadaagayso xogta ku saabsan baasaboorka Soomaaliya si ay u aqoonsadaan.
Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sanadkii 2007-dii billowday daabacaadda baasaboor elektronig ah, kaas oo lagu beddelay baasaboorkii hore oo laga heli jiray suuqa. Wixii ka dambeeyay waqtigaas waxaa la sii adkaynayay hannaanka lagu bixiyo baasaboorka ayada oo sidoo kale ay sii badanayeen dowladaha aqoonsanaya ama oggolaanaya in ay dal ku-gal saaraan.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:-
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Ethiopia Torture Victims Deserve Justice


Saturday July 14, 2018Last week Human Rights Watch released “We are Like the Dead,” a report documenting torture, rape, and other serious human rights abuses in Ethiopia’s notorious Jail Ogaden in the Somali Region. Among the officials most responsible for those abuses is Somali Region President Abdi Mohamoud Omar, commonly known as “Abdi Illey.” The abusive Liyu police, implicated in many serious rights violations in the Somali Region and increasingly in the neighboring Oromia region, report directly to him.In response to the report, Abdi Illey released many prisoners from Jail Ogaden and announced the prison will be closed and converted into a mosque. There was also reportedly a request from the federal government for him to resign.But Abdi Illey doesn’t appear to be going quietly. On July 11, he made bold speeches in Somali regional parliament and state television, blaming the former head of Ethiopian intelligence Getachew Assefa for directing abuses. He also threw his support behind Prime Minister Dr. Abiy and his reform agenda and asked for forgiveness.It’s a shocking 180 degree turn from a man whose position had been so secure in the past, despite many allegations of abuses, allegedly because of his close links with Ethiopian federal intelligence and security.Ads By Google Since the report launch, we have received messages from dozens of Ethiopian Somali victims or family members of victims who stress that this is not enough. They want justice. They rightly argue that Abdi lley cannot whitewash his role in a decade of serious crimes in the Somali region by striking a political deal to avoid justice. Accountability matters: it sends a message to abusers, - past, present, and future - that there is a price to be paid for their crimes. As one 42-year-old former prisoner told me: “We cannot forgive him for what he and his [Liyu] police have done to our people. He has destroyed a generation. His police killed my brother, my mother died in jail, and my other brother has disappeared. My family is gone…We will never forgive him. He must face justice for what he has done.”Abiy’s many announced reforms have captured the imagination of a nation. Noticeably lacking in his many speeches so far is a commitment to accountability, to ensure those who have committed serious crimes in Ethiopia will be held to account. Whether, and how, Abdi Illey and others in Somali region face investigations for the many abuses in Jail Ogaden will be a litmus test of Abiy’s commitment to justice and to reigning in abusive security forces. This is important for victims and their families, but also to send an important message to security forces that abuse will no longer be tolerated.


  • Aid organizations urge swift measures to support displaced Ethiopians - Xinhua
  • Kenyans relieved after Wajir and Mandera trend for health, not al Shabaab - The Star
  • Ethiopian Lost His Legs in Prison, Rebuilds Life as Free Man - VOA
  • Somali youth group looks for solutions to end violence - CBC
  • Refugees are not the enemy. It’s cold hearts and hot wars - iPolitics

Shacabka Galmudug Oo soo dhaweeyey xalka laga gaaray khilaafkii maamulkaasi


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta dowlad goboleedka Galmudug, ayaa si niyad sami leh u soo dhaweeyay heshiiska ay wada gaareen dhinacyada isku maandhaafsanaa arrimaha maamulkaas.
Mudadii uu jirey is-faham waaga, ayaa waxaa la soo wariyay in shaqooyinkii dowlad goboleedka Galmudug ay istaageen intooda badan maadaama ay kala aragti duwanaansho soo kala dhexgashay madaxda maamulkaas oo u kala jabay magaalooyinka Cadaado iyo Dhuusamareeb.
Dadaalo, ay sameysay dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya, ayaa guul ku dhamaaday markii labada dhinac ay is-faham buuxa gaareen.
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa bogaadiyay is-fahamka ay gaareen dhinacyada Galmudug oo maalmahan u joogay magaalada Muqdisho xal u helista khilaafaadka siyaasadeed ee ka dhex jiray.
Madaxweynaha ayaa yiri “Keddib wada-tashiyo aan la yeeshay dhinacyada ay khuseyso dib-u-heshiisiinta Galmudug, waxaan xalay ka gaarnay natiijo wax ku ool ah oo u adeegeeysa danta guud, taas oo ku timid isu-tanaasul iyo is-qancin.”
Madaxda Galmudug ee ka qeyb gashay wada hadalladan ayaa soo dhaweeyay tubta ay u jeexday Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee lagu soo afjarayo khilaafaadka siyaasadeed ee bilihii u dambeeyay taagnaa, waxaana la isla meel dhigay in hawsha lagu dhammeystiro magaalada Dhuusamareeb.
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Dibadbax ka dhan ah dagaalka Mooyaale Oo ka dhacay Nairobi


Nairob ( Sh. M. Networrk )-Dadka Soomaaliyeed ee kunool Kenya ayaa banaanbax ballaaran saacadihii la soo dhaafay ka dhigay M/ Nairobi ee xarunta dalkaasi
Banaanbaxan ayaa u jeedkiisu ahaa mid looga soo horjeeday dagaalka ka soconaya deegaanada ee wada dagaan Qomiyadaha Oromada iyo Soomaalida ee dalka Itoobiya.
Waxaana dibadbaxani uu ahaa mid looga ashtakoonayay dhibaatada ay Oromada ku hayaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee  ku dhaqan ku dhaqaan halkaasi.
Mid ka mid ah dibadbaxayaasha oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa warbixiyay sida uu dhacay banaanbaxaasi.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Afewerki oo gaaray Addis Ababa


Madaxweynaha Eritrea Isias Afewerki ayaa gaaray magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya markii ugu horraysay muddo ka badan 20 sano. Booqshadiisa ayaa jawaab u ah tii uu todobaadkii hore Eritrea ku tegey ra'iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya, Abiy Axmed

Sawirro:-Taliye Bogmadow Oo maanta xilka la wareegay


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Taliyaha qeybta 43aad ee Ciidanka Xoogga dalka General Cali Maxamed Maxamuud (Bogmadow) ayaa maanta si rasmi ah ula wareegay xilka, kadib munaasabad lagu qabtay degmada Garbahaarey ee xarunta gobolka Gedo
Munaasabadda ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay saraakiisha Ciidamada ee gobolka Gedo, masuuliyiinta degmada Garbahaarey iyo marti sharaf kale.
Taliye Bogmadow oo khudbad u jeediyay Ciidanka ayaa kula dar daarmay in loo diyaar garoobo dagaal ka dhan ah Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Masuuliyiinta kale ee ka hadlay munaasabadda ayaa si wadajir ah u sheegay in ay la shaqayn doonaan taliyaha cusub ee qeybta 43aad ee Ciidanka Xoogga dalka General Cali Maxamed Maxamuud Bogmadow.
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Dhakhtarka Indhaha ee aanan arkin xiddigaha


Sannado badan Dr Andrew Bastawrous si fiican uma uusan arkaynin caleenta geedaha iyo xiddigaha. Macalimiinta waxay ku oran jireen "waxaa tahay qof aan waxbo qabsan karin", xitaa mararka qaarkood kama uusan qayb geli jirin cayaaraha kubadda cagta.

Xubno ka tirsan maamulka Sh/ Hoose Oo loo xiray Dhuxul laga dhoofiyay Baraawe


Baraawe ( Sh. M. Network )-Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Qaranka Dr Axmed Cali Daahir ayaa ka warbixiyay safar isaga iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayay dhawaan ay ku tageen deegaano ka tirsan gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose.
Xeer ilaaliyaha Qaranka ayaa sheegay xilli kormeer ay ku tageen magaalada Baraawe ay la kulmeen, Dhuxul si sharci darro ah looga dhoofinayay Dekedda magaaladaasi.
Waxaana uu tilmaamay in arrintaasi loo soo xiray saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidamada dowladda, Ganacsato iyo xubno ka tirsan maamulka gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose, kuwaas oo uu xusay in xukun lagu riday.
Dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa horay u mamnuucday dhoofinta Dhuxusha, taas oo weli si sharci darro ah looga rarayo Dekedo ku yaaalla gudaha dalka.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Update: Six dead in attack on Somali palace


Saturday July 14, 2018Somali security forces have shot dead three extremists and foiled an attempted al-Shabab attack on the presidential palace in the capital, a police officer says.Six people were dead in all including a suicide car bomber, Captain Mohamed Hussein told The Associated Press, saying the situation had calmed and security in the area was being tightened after Saturday's attack.The midday attack began when a car bomb detonated near a checkpoint close to the presidential palace after security forces engaged with gunmen. A second car bomb exploded in the same area shortly afterward, Hussein said.Ads By Google The attack came a week after a similar one on the interior ministry compound in Mogadishu killed at least nine people.The Somalia-based al-Shabab extremist group, an arm of al-Qaeda, often targets high-profile places in the capital. It claimed responsibility for Saturday's attack, saying its fighters were conducting a "major operation" around the palace and nearby SYL Hotel.Al-Shabab was blamed for the October truck bombing in Mogadishu that killed more than 500 people in the deadliest attack in the country's history.The threat from what has become the deadliest Islamic extremist group in sub-Saharan Africa has hurt efforts to strengthen Somalia's fragile government and stabilise the long-chaotic Horn of Africa nation.The United States under the Trump administration has stepped up military efforts in Somalia, including dozens of drone strikes, against al-Shabab and a small presence of fighters linked to the Islamic State group. At least two US military personnel have been killed.


  • Eritrea president hails unity with Ethiopia on historic visit - AFP
  • 2 blasts, gunfire heard near Somalia's presidential palace - AP
  • Explosion heard in Somali capital Mogadishu, followed by gunfire - Reuters
  • Breaking: Huge explosion hits Somali capital Mogadishu - HOL
  • Eritrea's president arrives in Ethiopia for three-day visit - Reuters
  • Ethiopia Torture Victims Deserve Justice - HRW
  • Aid organizations urge swift measures to support displaced Ethiopians - Xinhua
  • Kenyans relieved after Wajir and Mandera trend for health, not al Shabaab - The Star
  • Ethiopian Lost His Legs in Prison, Rebuilds Life as Free Man - VOA
  • Somali youth group looks for solutions to end violence - CBC
  • Refugees are not the enemy. It’s cold hearts and hot wars - iPolitics

Dagaal khasaaro geystay Oo ka dhacay duleedka Qoryooley


Qoryooley ( Sh. M. Network )-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaal xoogan oo Duhurnimadii maanta ka dhacay duleedka degmada Qoryooley ee gobolka Sh/ Hoose.
Dagaalka oo ahaa mid culus ayaa waxa uu u dhexeeyay Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa milatariga Soomaaliya iyo dagaalyahannada Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Waxaana uu yimid dagaalkan, kadib markii Ciidamada dowladdu ay weerar ku qaadeen Tuulada Farxan oo ay gacanta ku hayaan dagaalyahanno ka tirsan Al Shabaab.
Guddoomiye ku xigeenka degmada Qoryooley ee gobolka Sh/ Hoose Maxamed C/laahi Gaashaan oo hoggaaminayay weerarkaasi ayaa Shabelle uga warbixiyay dagaalkaasi
Waxaana uu sheegay in ay ku dileen 1 dagaalyahan oo ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab, sidoo kalena ay ku dhaawaceen tiro kale.
Sidoo kale guddoomiye Gaashaan ayaa intaasi ku daray in dhankooda uusan soo gaarin wax khasaare ah, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.
Weli ma jiro wax hadal ah oo ka soo baxay dhanka Xarakada Al Shabaab oo ku aadan dagaalkaasi ka dhacay nawaaxiga degmada Qoryooley ee gobolka Sh/ Hoose.
Balse weerarkan ayaa ku soo aadaya, xilli maalmihii dambe Al Shabaab ay sare u qaadeen weerarada ay ka fuliyaan gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ee K/ Soomaaliya.
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Daawo: Gabar Sacuudi ah oo doonaysay inay isku duubto fanaan ay ka heshay oo la xiray


Fiidiyow ayaa laga arkay gabadhaas oo tin iyo cirib dhar madow ku daboolan oo ku sii ordaysa masraxa uu saarnaa fanaanka heesayey, Majed al Muhandis. Waxaa degdeg dhexda uga qabtay ilaalada amniga oo ka saaray hoolkii heesaha lagu qaadayey.

Qaraxyo ka dhacay meel u dhow Madaxtooyada


Ugu yaraan 6 qof ayaa ku dhintay laba qarax oo maanta lagu weeraray meel aan sidaasi uga fogeyn madaxtooyada Soomaaliya.

Eritrea president hails unity with Ethiopia on historic visit


Saturday July 14, 2018Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki pledged to resolve his country's dispute with Ethiopia on Saturday in a historic visit to Addis Ababa aimed at cementing peace less than a week after the nations declared an end to their two decades of conflict.Isaias arrived in the Ethiopian capital just five days after Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited Eritrea as part of a dizzying peace process aimed at ending years of violence and animosity between the neighbours who were once part of the same nation.Abiy and Isaias shared laughs and hugs at an official lunch on Saturday as the Ethiopian leader said his counterpart was "beloved, respected and missed by the Ethiopian people.""We are no longer people of two countries. We are one," Isaias told political and cultural elites gathered in a palace built during Ethiopia's imperial days. "We'll go forward together."Isaias started his three-day visit at Addis Ababa's airport, where he and Abiy strode down a red carpet as a brass band played and traditional dancers cheered.The leaders then drove into the city on a road lined with thousands of people dressed in white shawls and waving palm fronds as Ethiopian and Eritrean flags flew side-by-side from lampposts.There were also banners and pictures of the two leaders who on Monday signed a declaration declaring an official end to the war."Welcome home President Isaias!!" Abiy's chief of staff Fitsum Arega wrote on Twitter as the Eritrean leader arrived.Eritrea was once part of Ethiopia and comprised its entire coastline on the Red Sea until it voted for independence in 1993 after decades of bloody conflict.The move left Ethiopia landlocked, and the deterioration of relations after the outbreak of the war in 1998 forced Addis Ababa to channel its sea trade through Djibouti.The two countries have shown little signs of rapprochement since the signing of the Algiers peace agreement in 2000 after a conflict which left 80,000 people dead before settling into a bitter cold war.- Whirlwind reforms -Analysts say the surprisingly rapid burying of the hatchet was possible only because of Abiy's ascension to the post of prime minister in April.As part of a whirlwind set of reforms, Abiy announced last month that Ethiopia would abide by a 2002 UN-backed ruling and hand back disputed border territory to Eritrea, including the flashpoint town of Badme.However Ethiopia has not announced the pull-out of troops from the area.Abiy then paid a historic visit to Eritrea, where the two leaders announced the re-establishment of diplomatic and trade ties that could mean big benefits for both nations, and the wider Horn of Africa region, plagued by conflict and poverty.The emotional reunion between the two countries has allowed residents to speak to each other by telephone for the first time in two decades as communication lines were re-opened.Direct flights are due to start next week."Can one find appropriate words to describe the intensity of popular emotions that has gripped both countries; the depth and significance of the promising changes underway in the region!" Eritrean Information Minister Yemane Gebremeskel said on Twitter after Isaias arrived.Ethiopia's state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate said Isaias would stay three days during which the Eritrean embassy would be reopened and his delegation would visit an industrial park.A state dinner in his honour will be held on Sunday.- Catalyst for change -Eritrea and Ethiopia are both among Africa's poorest nations.However, Ethiopia has seen double-digit growth in recent years and is seeking wider options for importing and exporting its goods by eyeing ports in Somalia and Eritrea.Meanwhile Eritrea, one of the world's most isolated nations, has pursued policies that have hamstrung the economy by scaring off investors, including an indefinite military conscription programme the UN has likened to slavery.Amnesty International said Saturday that the newfound peace should be a catalyst for change in Eritrea, where thousands of people, including rights activists and opposition politicians are "languishing in detention simply for expressing their views.""The end of hostilities with Ethiopia is a joyous moment for Eritreans, but it must be followed by tangible reforms that make a real difference in the daily lives of the people and put an end to decades of repression in the country," said Seif Magango, AI's deputy director for the region.In a statement he said Eritrea was the biggest jailer of journalists on the continent, and that its last independent media house was shut down 17 years ago.Amnesty also called for an end to forced military conscription, seen as a key driver of the departure of hundreds of thousands of Eritreans from their country.


  • Update: Six dead in attack on Somali palace - AP
  • 2 blasts, gunfire heard near Somalia's presidential palace - AP
  • Explosion heard in Somali capital Mogadishu, followed by gunfire - Reuters
  • Breaking: Huge explosion hits Somali capital Mogadishu - HOL
  • Eritrea's president arrives in Ethiopia for three-day visit - Reuters
  • Ethiopia Torture Victims Deserve Justice - HRW
  • Aid organizations urge swift measures to support displaced Ethiopians - Xinhua
  • Kenyans relieved after Wajir and Mandera trend for health, not al Shabaab - The Star
  • Ethiopian Lost His Legs in Prison, Rebuilds Life as Free Man - VOA
  • Somali youth group looks for solutions to end violence - CBC
  • Refugees are not the enemy. It’s cold hearts and hot wars - iPolitics

Twin car bomb blasts near Villa Somalia leave 8 dead


At least 8 people were killed, and a dozen wounded in twin blasts in Mogadishu on Saturday, security and medical sources said.
The attack began with a huge explosion resulted from a car packed with explosives detonated near the gates of Villa Somalia, the state house and followed by gunfire.
Security forces killed three attackers during the confrontation, according to sources.
The second car bombing was reported in the same vicinity as the troops battle attackers attempting to penetrate the presidential palace in Mogadishu, said a police officer.
Among the dead include, four attackers reported died in the attack, including two shot dead by the Somali security forces.
More than 10 people also wounded in the Saturday’s attack, which was the latest blast in Mogadishu in the last past few weeks.
The Al-Shabab militant group has claimed the responsibility for the attack, according to a statement posted on the pro-Al-Shabab media outlets.
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Somali president jets off to Brussels for summit


President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo left Mogadishu on Saturday morning for Partnership Forum due to open in Brussels of Belgium next Monday, the 16th July.
Other delegates from the country’s five regional states will be attending the forum which is slated for 16-17 of this month with attendance of donors and International partners.
The forum will focus on the security of Somalia and the transitional plan which AMISOM transfers the security responsibility to the Horn of Africa country national army in 2020.
On Thursday, Vice-President of EU, Federica Mogherini will co-chair the conference with Somali leaders and Ms Margot Wallström, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.
The event comes on the heel of EU’s  €89 million (close to $105 million) meant for humanitarian assistance to Somalia,
“Our aid will target the most vulnerable and provide life-saving support to those affected by climatic shocks and internal conflict,” Stylianides said.
The Commission noted that the EU has drastically scaled up its humanitarian assistance to Somalia — allocating €119 million (some $135 million) to the country last year alone.
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Barn. Dhacdooyinka Toddobaadka


Barnaamijka Dhacdooyinka ee toddobaadkan waxaan ku soo qaadanaynaa qoddobo ay ku jiraan dalka Norway ee aqoonsaday Baasaboorka Soomaaliga iyo dalka Maraykanka oo Danjire u magacaabay dalka Somalia.

Barn. Hambalyada iyo Heesaha


Barnaamijka Hambalyada iyo Heesaha ee toddobaadkan waxaa inala socodsiinaya Ibraahim Xasan Maxamuud (Daanduray) iyo Nuur Xasan Nuur (Bukhaari)

Barnaamijka Martida Mikrofoonka


Barnaamijka Martida Mikrofoonka ee toddobaadkan waxaa marti ku ah Cabdirashiid Cali Shucaac oo ah madaxa Hay'adda Rajo Community Rights oo u dhaqdhaqaaqda xuquuqda Soomaalida Ethiopia

Barn. Caweyska Washington

A meeting on Somali Agricultural Development


by Mohamed BahalSaturday, July 14, 2018

The meeting was held in Columbus Ohio on June 22-24. The meeting was initiated by a group of Somali intellectuals who felt the need to get together and discuss the historical perspectives and the future challenges and opportunities facing the Somali agricultural sector. The people who attended the meeting came from different States of the US, Canada, and Somalia. In the light of the current challenges that exist in Somalia, the meeting participants deliberated the importance of rejuvenating the agricultural sector because agriculture is the back bone of the Somalia economy. The discussion was centered on the past and the present situation of the country’s agriculture.
Ads By Google If the past can teach us a lesson, policies taken by the previous Governments were not based on market incentives and discouraged farmers to produce food crops. Monopoly agency was established which eliminated middle men and fixed the prices of the food crops. Farmers shifted to producing cash crops like water melon and vegetables. The Government finally realized that the monopoly system could not function and abolished the Agency. Another misguided policy was the formation of state-owned farms with low crop yields at the expense of private-owned farms. In view of past failures, the meeting recommended that farmers should be assisted in the supply of improved seeds, land preparation, machinery service, and provisions of farm inputs such as fertilizers, and pesticides and incentive prices for their products. Young graduates from the Universities have to be trained in Extension Services to advice the farmers to adapt modern techniques in farming. The two fruits that can enable the country to get hard currency by their export potential are bananas and grapefruits. Both are competitive fruits in international markets, especially in our traditional market of Italy. Lab analysis showed our grapefruits are juicy, have a good taste, and have the right sugar and acidity content. Rejuvenation of the Janale Multiplication Center is a prerequisite in supplying grafted seedlings to the farmers. It is necessary to import quantities of improved variety grafted seedlings from grapefruit producing countries. The grapefruit export levels reached high in 1989-1991. The grapefruit was exported to Italy.  
The flow of the Shabelle River is becoming very low for a number of reasons. For example, the river deposits high levels of sediment which often accumulates on the beds of the River. At high flow periods, it overflows and floods damage farms and villages. In low rainfall periods, the amount of flow reaching the downstream of the Shabelle River basin is becoming very low. Extensive diversion canals were built for irrigation projects near the Godey area of Ethiopia. Unless equitable water sharing agreement is urgently reached with the Ethiopian Somali Region, downstream river flows are expected to decrease. Such a decrease in downstream flow will have a serious impact on Somalia’s irrigated agriculture. With regard to the Juba River basin, the participants were informed of Ethiopia’s plan to build three medium size dams on the Genale tributary of the upper Juba River basin. One of the dams is expected to be completed in 2018. The meeting highlighted that damming the Juba River without any agreement with Somalia is a serious matter. The participants highlighted the need for Somalia’s role in the water sharing agreements of the Juba River basin.
With regard to climate change, Dr. Warfa explained that climate change is already affecting the country’s weather conditions. Such weather phenomenon results in three months of erratic rainfall followed by three months of drought which results in loss of human and animal life. Dr. Warfa warns that, unless drastic measures are taken by way of banning charcoal export and unless reforestation actions are taken, the country could soon be on the verge of desertification. 
The participants of the meeting expressed their sincere thanks to the Columbus Ohio Somali Community for the utmost hospitality that they offered to us during the meeting.

Mohamed Bahal[email protected]


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