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Sir Cliff Richard oo BBC dacwad kaga guulaystay


Sir cliff Richard ayaa BBC kaga guulaystay dacwad la xiriirta gaar ahaanshihiisa, kiis ku lug leh sida ay BBC u tebisay mar ay boolisku u dheceen gurigiisa. Maxkamadda sare ayaa xukuntay in BBC ay fanaanka siiso 210,000 oo Gini.

Wasaaradda Ganacsiga oo shir hor dhac u ah Shir Caalami ah oo ay ka Fureyso Finland qabatay


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network):-Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Wershadaha oo wada dedaalkeeda iridaha loogu furayey Ganacsiga iyo Maalgashiga Soomaaliya ayaa maanta furtay Magaalada Brussels kulan loogu diyaargaroobayey Iskaashiga Ganacsi ee Soomaaliya iyo Finland oo Helsinki ka dhici doona 25 ilaa 26 Jully 2018
Tallaabadaan ayaa qeyb ka ah Horumarrada iyo Isbedellada ku yimid Wasaaradda Gaanacsiga tan iyo markii Wasaaraddaasi loo Magacaabay Wasiir Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye..
Wasiir Maareeye ayaa mudada kooban ee xilka Wasaaraddaan uu haayo Heshiisyo Iskaashi ah la soo sameeyay qaar ka mid ah dalalka Caalamka ee horumaray.
Waxaana iminka uu dadaal ba’an ugu jiraa sidii uu dalka ugu soo jiidi lahaa Malgashiyo Caalami ah taas oo kor u qaadeysa dhaq dhaaqyada Ganacsi iyo Kobaca Dhaqaale ee dalka intaba.
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Dhageyso:-Warka Habeen Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

Qatar calls for radical solutions to Somalia’s crisis


The State of Qatar has invited the international community to join forces to find radical solutions to the crisis in Somalia so that it can maintain its sovereignty and achieve national reconciliation, noting the efforts and concrete steps taken by Somalia at all levels for the benefit of the Somali people.
This came in a speech delivered by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs H E Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi, at the International Partnership Forum on Somalia on Tuesday in Brussels, Belgium.
The Minister of State said that the broad participation of the international community in the Forum affirms the common will to find radical solutions to the Somali crisis so that the country can maintain its sovereignty, achieve national reconciliation, establish security on its territory, build its institutions and provide a decent living for its people. “This can only be achieved through joining the efforts of the international community,” he said.
“In order to build on the momentum that has been achieved, we must continue to make  initiatives to support Somalia, honour the commitments we made, respect Somalia’s sovereignty and not interfere in its internal affairs, in accordance with international law and the political declarations made in this regard, in addition to providing full support in the fight against terrorism, which we condemn regardless of its pretexts, and strengthening cooperation between the federal government and all its states without marginalising any party,” the Minister added.
He emphasized the importance of increasing support for African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), particularly the by United Nations, pursuant to Chapter VIII of the Charter.
He affirmed that the State of Qatar would continue providing relief assistance to Somalia and other affected countries, thus assuming its responsibility as an active and responsible member of the international community, out of the belief that peace, security, development and human rights are interdependent and are the only way to avoid extremism, violence and terrorism.

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Qatar Oo ku baaqday in la kordhiyo taageerada DFS


Brussels ( Sh.  M. Network )-Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Dowladda qadar Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi,oo magaalada Brussels kaga qeyb galay shirka caalamiga ah ee arrimaha Soomaaliya (International Partnership Forum on Somalia),ayaa ugu baaqay Beesha caalamka in la kordhiyo lana joogteeyo taageerada la siinayo Dowladda Soomaaliya.
Sidoo kale,Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Qadar,ayaa ka dalbaday Beesha caalamka iney ku soo biiraan dadaalka wadajirka ah ee lagu doonayo in xal loogu raadiyo dhibaatooyinka ka jira Soomaliya si loo joogteeyo Qaranimada loona gaaro dib u heshiisiin Qaran,wuxuuna qiray in Horumar dhinacyo badan ah laga gaaray dhinacyada ammaanka,dhaqaalaha iyo waliba adeegyada asaasiga ah ee Bulshada u baahan yihiin.
Wuxuu sheegay Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi,in Dowladda Qadar balan qaadeyso in Soomaaliya taageero buuxda ka siineyso dagaalka ka dhanka ah Xarakada Al Shabaab, islamarkaana ay xoojineyso wada shaqeynta kala dhaxeyso Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowlad Gobolleedyada xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka.
Mr. Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi,ayaa adkeeyay muhiimadda ay leedahay in la kordhiyo taageerada Ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM, si looga adkaado Al Shabaab.
Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Qadar,ayaa cadeeyay in caqabadaha ay wajaheyso Soomaaliya ku koobneyn kaliya Ammaanka,dhaqaalaha,Arrimaha Bulshada,Hay’adaha iyo Amniga gudaha balse ay jiraan masiibooyin dabiici ah oo ay ugu horeyso Abaarta oo guud ahaan dalka saameysay.
Wuxuuna carabka ku adkeeyay in Qadar markasta u taagan tahay iney Dowladda ka taageerto arrimahaasi iyo goobaha kale ay saameynta ku yeelato,isagoona beesha caalamka ka dalbaday in si wadajir ah looga garab istaago Somaaliya,Nabad galyada,Horumarka iyo Xuquuqda aadanaha.
Magaalada Brussels waxaa maalin ka hor lagu soo gabagabeeyay shirka caalamiga ah ee diiradda lagu saarayay arrimaha Soomaaliya oo ay ka qeyb galeen madaxda Dowladda Federaalka,Maamul Goboleedyada Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka iyo waliba xubno matalayay Beesha caalamka,waxaana la iskula afgartay shirkaasi in la kordhiyo taageerada la siinayo Soomaaliya.

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Saraakiisha Aqalka Cad ayaa sheegaya hadda in Ruushka uu halis yahay


Arrin uu horey u beeniyay madaxweyne Trump ayaa waxaa hadda xaqiijinaya Aqalka Cad

Sharci cusub oo la meelmariyay ayaa hoos u dhigaya muwaadinimada Carabta ee Israa'iil


Carabta Israa'iil ku nool ayaa gaaraya boqolkii 20% dadka dalkaas, waxayna dhanyihiin 9 milyan oo qof.

Madaxweyne Farmaajo Oo la kulmay Jaaliyadda Soomaliyeed Ee Brussels


Brussels ( Sh. M. Network )-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo oo Jaaliydda Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Belgiumka kula kulmay magaalada Brussels ayaa uga warbixiyay Xaaladda dalka iyo horumarada lagu tallaabsaday.
Wuxuu sheegay madaxweyne Farmaajo in Dowladdiisa dadaal ay ku bixisay saddex arrimood oo kala ah Ammaanada,Cadaaladda iyo Siyaasad hufan taasi oo ugu danbeyn keentay in Midowga Yurub iyo Bankiga Aduunka kalsooni kaga helaan.
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in Beesha caalamka ku qanceen arrimaha daahfurnaanta ah ee ka jira dalka,islamarkaana ay balan qaadeen iney kordhinayaan joogteynayaana taageerada ay siinayaan Soomaaliya.
Wuxuuna ugu baaqay Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Belgiumka iney u soo jeestaan sidii ay uga qeyb qaadan lahaayeen dib u dhiska dalka iyo iney ka shaqeeyaan sidii loo heli lahaa ummad mid ah.
Ugu danbeyntii,madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada dalka ayaa shir looga hadlayay arrimaha Soomaaliya uga qeyb galay magaalada Brussels kaasi oo muhiimadiisu ahayd sidii Beesha caalamka u kordhin lahayd kaalmada ay siiso Soomaaliya.
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Inter-clan battle erupts in Galgadud region, central Somalia


A heavy inter-clan fighting has flared up in Galgadud province in central Somalia on Wednesday night amid efforts to bring an end to the recurring hostilities in the region, residents said.
The battle which continues for about two hours broke out in Mayeeraan area, situated on the outskirts of Herale village after armed militiamen clashed with another clan loyalists over the land ownership.
It was not immediately clear the exact casualty figures of the tribal clashes in the region due to the remoteness of the village and lack of proper communication, but,  sources say tension still brewing.
Local authorities and clan elders are making efforts to halt the bloodshed and bring the warring sides into the negotiating table to seek a peaceful solution for the conflict which forced many to flee their houses.
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A fierce fighting near Qoryoley leaves one militant dead, says official


At least one Al-Shabaab fighter was killed and a Somali soldier wounded in a fierce gunfight between SNA forces and armed militants in the southern Lower Shabelle region on Thursday, an official said.
Speaking to Radio Shabelle, Mohamed Abdullahi Gashan, who is the deputy commissioner of Qoryoley district, about 120Km northwest of Mogadishu has confirmed the battle and the death of the militant.
Gashan added that the battle came after Al-Shabaab Islamists attacked Somali troops on security patrol in areas located on the outskirts of the town.
The two sides used heavy and small weaponry during the confrontation which sparked panic among the local residents who have been suffering frequent attacks from Al-Shabaab in the past five years.
African Union forces and Somali national army are jointly controlling the town after they pushed the militants out of the area in 2014 during a large offensive against Al-Shabaab in southern Somalia.
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Saraakiisha dowladda hoose ayaa taageero u muujiyay wiil yar oo ganacsi bilaabay


Halkii ay ka xiri lahaayeen ayay saraakiisha dowladda hoose waxa ay wiilka yar siiyeen qalab, waxayna bareen sidii uu ku waafaqi lahaa sharciga.

Somali president meets with Somaliland officials in Brussels


Somali president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was reported to have held talks with officials from the northern breakaway region of Somaliland during the Somalia partnership forum in Brussels.
Sources say President Farmajo met with Somaliland’s opposition leader, Faisal Ali Warabe and former President of the now-defunct Khatumo State, Ali Khalif Galayr and discussed on a range of issues.
Warabe, who is the chairman of UCID political party said the meeting which took place on the sidelines of the Somalia partnership forum was focused on ways to work together on Somalia’s development.
He underlines that the sides also talked about the escalating tension between Somaliland and Puntland in Tukaraq village in the northern Sool region which claimed the lives of many people from both sides.
Somali president and the International community have in the past urged the warring regional administrations to cease the fighting and end their differences through dialogue.
The tension in Tukaraq emerged last January after Somaliland forces captured the town from Puntland troops following battle that led to hundreds of families to abandon their villages.
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Mucaaradka Syria oo isku dhiibay Koonfurta


Mucaaradka dalka Syria ayaa ogolaaday inay dowladda ku wareejiyaan deegaanada ku yaalla koonfurta galbeed ee dalkaas, ee ku dhow buuraha Israel ay haystao ee Golan Heights.

Go'ana laga filayo sharciga TPS ee Soomaalida


Waaxda Amniga gudaha Mareykanka ayaa lagu wadaa in maanta ay go’aan ka gaarto inay waqti ku dareyso iyo in kale sharci badbaado ku meel-gaar ah siinaya 500 oo qof oo Soomaali ah, kuwaasi oo qaxootinimo ku jooga dalka Mareykanka.

Puntland: Tahriibayaal lagu celinayo Ethiopia


Tahriibayaal tiradoodu dhan tahay 229 qof oo kasoo jeeda dalka Ethiopia, ayaa codsi ah in dib loogu celiyo wadankoodii waxa ay ka dalbadeen hay’adaha qaabilsan daryeelka muhaajiriinta.

Arrintan ayaa timid kadib marki safarkoodi tahriibta ay kala kulmeen caqabado farabadan o aysan horey ugu talagalin.

Agaasimaha Hay’ada Daryeelka Muhaajiriinta Puntland Maxamuud Shiikh Ciid oo arrimahan uga waramay Wariyaha VOA Faduma Yasin Jamac ayaa ugu horeyn waydiisay tirada tahriibayasha...

Muqdisho: Askar xabsi lagu xukumay


Maxkamadda milatariga Soomaaliya ayaa min shan sano oo xarig ah ku xukuntay 18 askari oo ka mid ah guutada 14-ka October ee ciidamada xoogga.

Askartan ayaa waxaa lagu soo eedeeyey abaabul qabiil ku salaysan iyo amar diiddo.

Warbixintan waxaa magaalada Muqdishu nooga soo dirtay Seynab Abuukar.


Al-Shabaab oo afduubatay odoyaal


Wararka ka imanaya gobolka Gedo ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyada ururka Al-Shabab ay afduubeen laba ka mid ah odayaasha tuulooyin u dhow magaalada Luuq ee gobolka.

Putin oo weeraray dadka dhaleeceynaya kulankii uu Trump la yeeshay


Madaxwaynaha dalka Ruushka Vladimir Putin aya si kulul u cambaareeyay dadka dhaliila kulankii augu horreeyay eel aba geesoodka ahaa ee uu la yeeshay madaxwayne Donald Trump.

UAE Reiterates Commitment To Somalia’s Unity, Security And Stability


Mohammed Issa Al Suwaidi, UAE Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium, EU and Luxembourg, has reiterated the UAE’s commitment towards the people of Somalia and its support for efforts aimed at bringing unity, security and stability to Somalia and addressing security, political and developmental challenges in the Horn of Africa.
He welcomed the latest positive development between Ethiopia and Eritrea. ”The UAE is willing to work with regional and international partners to build on this historic achievement to enhance peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.” ”Over the recent years, the UAE has always been at the forefront of international efforts to support Somalia and restore peace and stability to its people.
Towards this end, the UAE has provided humanitarian and developmental assistance, security training as well as financial and logistic support for its armed forces.
We also supported efforts to combat maritime piracy off the coast of Somalia and contributed funds to regional development projects,” said the UAE ambassador while addressing the international stakeholders gathered in Brussels for the Somalia Partnership Forum (SPF), organised by the European Union together with the Federal Government of Somalia and Sweden from 16th to 17th July.
The event aimed to mobilise the international community to step up support for Somalia’s efforts to build a more secure and prosperous political, economic and security future following years of conflict.
Representatives from 58 countries and 6 international organisations gathered in Brussels to participate in the 2nd SPF, following the successful inaugural SPF in Mogadishu on the 5th of December 2017.
”The UAE welcomes the June agreement between the Federal Government of Somalia and other regions,” said Suwaidi, expressing the UAE’s support for the new Somali partnership and its pledge to advance efforts by the Federal Government of Somalia to implement its national development plan, especially in the area of security reform.
”The UAE is closely monitoring the encouraging progress made in discussions between the Federal Government of Somalia and the international financial institutions. We urge regional and global actors as well as the central government to distance themselves from strategies that seek to sow seeds of division and rivalry,” he added.
He also called on them not to waste time and build on the momentum of this progress and block the way before terrorist organisations.
The President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo said: “The Federal Government of Somalia is fully committed to implement the Political Roadmap 2020, Transition plan for security, economic reform and reach out to the whole of Somalia for reconciliation and dialogue. The Somalia Partnership Forum is key for strengthened partnerships with our regional and international partners. We want to work according to the theme of the forum – forward together.”
EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: “The European Union is leading the international partnership to strengthen Somalia’s political, economic and security reform agenda. Today, I announced that the EU will provide an additional 200 million euro to support Somalia’s overall stabilisation to create a better future for its people.
I also signed the EU’s contribution of 114.2 million euro for the African Union Mission to Somalia until the end of this year. The stability and development of the country is also critical for the stability of the broader region and for Europe.”
Minister for Foreign Affairs Sweden, Margot Wallstrom, said: “The Somalia Partnership Forum has made a number of strong commitments for inclusive politics. Somalia has taken very important steps on the pathway for sustainable peace and development. Sweden remains a committed partner and will double our development support to Somalia to approximately $350 million over the next five years.
A Joint Communiqué was adopted which outlines the key outcomes of the Forum.
The UAE participated in drafting the third part of the Joint Communiqué, which reads, ” We recognise that the meeting takes place in a context of recent positive and historic developments in the Horn of Africa and enhanced engagement between the leaders of the region, creating new opportunities for reconciliation, stability, regional cooperation and economic integration.
This new momentum should be seized by all Somali actors and we call for all in the international community to cooperate towards that end. ”
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Soomaaliya oo ku biirtay ururka COMESA


Wararka ka imanaya dalka Zambia ayaa sheegaya in maanta halkaasi lagu ansixiyey xubinnada Soomaaliya ee ururka baayacmushtarka ee Bariga iyo Koonfurta Afrika.

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