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39 die in clashes between govt. forces, al-Shabab fighters in S Somalia


Clashes between Somali government troopers and al-Shabab fighters in southern Somalia have killed at least 18 of the forces and 21 of the fighters, Press TV reports.
The clashes broke out in the town of Lego in the Lower Shabelle region on Thursday.
Senior Somali military officer Ahmed Jamac also confirmed the causalities.
In December 2006, al-Shabab began attempting to topple the various configurations of the country’s former Transitional Federal Government (TFG).
In the process, al-Shabab fighters fought the Ethiopian forces that had invaded Somalia on a so-called mission to prop up the TFG besides turning their weapons on the African Union Mission in Somalia and TFG troops.
Somalia did not have an effective central government from 1991, when warlords overthrew former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre until August 20, when the Federal Government of Somalia took over from the TFG.

Qaramada Midoobay oo Diiday in ay Maalgeliso Ciidamada Badda Kenya ee ku Sugan Soomaaliya


Golaha Ammaanka Qaramada Midoobay ayaa ku gacan seeyray codsi uga yimid ururka Midowga Afrika kaa oo ahaa in UN-ta ay maalgeliso ciidamada badda Kenya ee ku sugan xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya.
Ururka Midowga Afrika ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya ay gacan weyn ka geeysteen kahortagga Al-shabaab iyo falalka Burcad badeedda ay ka geeysan jireen xeebaha Soomaaliya, waxayna ugu baaqeen hay’adda Qaramada Midoobay in ay tixgelin siiso.
Sida uu daabacay jaraa’idka Nation ee kasoo baxa dalka Kenya, Ku xigeenka Danjiraha koonfur Afrika ee Qaramada Midoobay Dr. Mashabane ayaa sheegay in sedex ilaa afar xubno oo katirsan 15-ka dowladood ee Golaha Ammaanka ay diideen codsigii uga yimid Midowga Afrika ee ahaa in la taageero ciidamada Badda Kenya ee ku sugan xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya.
Dowladda India oo imika  heysa hogaanka Golaha Ammaanka Qaramada Midoobay ayaa fadhiga ka sheegtay in ay ka niyad jabsantahay in ciidamada Badda laga reebo waqti kordhinta loo sameeyay Mandate-ka ciidamada AMISOM ee ka howlgala Soomaaliya.
Wakiilka dowladda India ee Qaramada Midoobaya ayaa intaa ku daray in wadankiisa uu rajeynayo in markale arintaasi la tixgeliyo, islamarkaana loo arko mid muhiim u ah howlgalka ciidamada AMISOM ee Soomaaliya.
Ciidamada Badda Kenya ayaa waxay ku suganyihin xeebaha gobolka Jubada hoose, waxayna dowladda Kenya ku andacootaa in ciidamadaasi ay qeyb weyn ka qaateen hakinta dhaqdhaqaaqyadii Al-shabaab ay ka waday dhanka badda iyo weliba ladagaalanka burcad badeedda.
Golaha ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa kulankii ay yeesheen arbacadii aynu soo dhaafnay uga dooday arimo dhowr ah, waxaana mudo afar bilood ah loo kordhiyay ciidamada AMISOM ee howlgalka ka wada Soomaaliya.

Golaha amaanka oo diiday in ciidamada badda Kenya lagu daro howlgalka AMISOM kadib codsi Kenya geystay


Kulan golaha amaanka ee QM uu ku yeeshay xaruntiisa magaalada New York ee dalka Maraykanka ayaa waxay kaga soo horjeesteen dalab uu hor dhigay midowga Afrika oo ahaa in ciidamada badda Kenya ee jooga xeebaha Kismaayo lagu daro howlgalka AMISOM ee ka socda Somalia.

Dowlada Faransiiska oo ka mid ah xubnaha golaha amaanka ee QM ayaa ka mid aheyd dowladaha diiday in ciidamada badda Kenya lagu daro howlgalka AMISOM, lana siiyo dhaqaalaha ku baxa ciidamada AMISOM ee Somalia jooga

Ku-xigeenka safiirka dowlada koonfur Africa ee QM Dr. Mashabane oo shirka ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Kenya laga doonayo inay maraakiibteeda dagaalka ka saarto xeebaha gobolka J/hoose QM aysan marnaba aqbali doonin iney ku lug yeeshaan howlgalka AMISOM.

Dr. Mashabane ayaa sheegay in sadex ilaa afar xubnood oo ka tirsan 15-ka dowladood ee Golaha Ammaanka ay diideen codsigii uga yimid Midowga Afrika ee ahaa in la taageero ciidamada Badda Kenya ee ku sugan xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya.

Midowga Afrika ayaa horey u sheegay in ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan xeebaha Soomaaliya ay gacan ka geeysteen ka hortagga Al-shabaab iyo falalka Burcad badeedda waxayna ugu baaqeen Qaramada Midoobay in lagu daro howlgalka AMISOM, iyadoo Dowladda India oo hadda heysa hogaanka wareegtada ah ee golaha Amaanka ayaa fadhiga ka sheegtay in ay ka niyad jabsan tahay in ciidamada Badda Kenya lagu daro AMISOM.


Faahfaahin laga helayo dagaalkii Leego shalay ka dhacay iyo khasaaro ka dhashay


Faahfaahin dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxeysa dagaal culus oo gelinkii dambe ee shalay ka dhacay degaanka Leego ee gobolka Sh/hoose kaasoo dhexmaray ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada Somalia, AMISOM iyo Xarakada Al-Shabaab.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in dagaalkaas uu qarxay markii xoogaga Al-shabaab ay weerar qorsheysan ku soo qaadeen fariisimo ay degaankaas ka sameysteen ciidamada dowlada iyo AMISOM.

Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada dowlada ayaa sheegay in dagaalkaas la isku adeegsaday hub kala duwan uuna socday muddo saacado ah, iyagoo xusay in khasaare badan oo dhimasho iyo dhaawac leh uu ka dhashay dagaalkaas.

Ugu yaraan 10 ruux oo labada dhinac ayaa ku dhintay dagaalkaas halka ay ku dhaawacmeen in ka badan 20 kale, lamana soo sheegin illaa hadda dad shacab ah oo dagaalkaas waxyeelo ay ka soo gaartay.

Xaalada degaanka Leego ayaa xalay ilaa saaka degan inkastoo dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan laga dareemayo, waxaana gacanta ku haya ciidamada dowlada AMISOM, iyadoo dagaalkii shalayna uu qeybka ahaa weeraro xoogaga Al-shabaab ay had iyo jeer ku qaadaan goobaha ay joogaan ciidamada huwanta.

Shiinaha oo dhaqaalo siinaya Ciidamada AMISOM


Nairobi ( Sh.M..Network ) – Warsaxaafadeed Ururka Midowga Afrika uu soo saaray ayaa waxa uu ku sheegay in dowladda Shiinaha ay bixin doonto 80-Milyan oo lacagta Yuan-ka dalkaasi ah oo u dhiganta 12.8-Milayan oo doolarka Maraykanka ah taasi oo lagu talagalay in lagu daboolay baahida dhanka saadka ah ee heysta Ciidmada AMISOM ee Soomaaliya jooga.
Dhaqaalahan Maaliyadeed ee Shiinuhu uu siinayo AMISOM ayaa waxa dhigaya sida daboolka laga qaaday heshiis dhaxmaray Gudiga Nabadgalyada iyo Amaanka Midowga Afrika iyo Dowladda Shiinaha.
Madaxweynaha talada ka sii dagaya ee Shiinaha Hu Jintao ayaa balan qaaday in Shiinuhu uu taageerayo howlaha Nabad ilaalineed ee Midowga Afrika uu ka wado dalal ay Soomaaliya ka midtahay.
Dhaqaalaha uu bixin doono Shiinuhu ayaa waxa ay ku bixidoonaan dhinacyo ay ka midyihiin tababarada iyo saadka ay u baahanyihiin Ciidanka AMISOM ee ku sugan Soomaaliya.

China gives $12 million towards AU peace, security efforts


NAIROBI (Sh.M.Network)— China and the African Union Council have signed an agreement aimed at boosting the AU’s peace and security efforts on the continent.
“Under the agreements, the Chinese side will provide a total of 80 million yuan ($12.8 million) to cover the expenses of logistical materials supplied to the AU?s peacekeeping operations,” read a statement received Friday from the AU.
“The agreements came after a commitment by Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Forum on China Africa Cooperation earlier this year, to increase support to Africa,” the statement continued.
The agreement was signed at AU headquarters in Addis Ababa.
“This will help us improve our operations in Somalia where we are now moving into a stabilisation phase,” Erastus Mwencha, deputy chairperson of the AU commission, was quoted as saying in the press release.
In November 2011, China, which recently built the new AU headquarters in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, had already pledged 17 million yuan ($2.7 million) in aid to Uganda.
The aid included assistance to help Ugandan troops from the AU force serving in Somalia under the umbrella of the African Union Mission in Somalia that defended the shaky Transitional Federal Government forces against the Al Qaeda-linked Shebab insurgents.
Source: (AFP)

Kulankii Baarlamaanka codka kalsoonida ugu qaadi lahaa oo baaqday


Waxaa maanta dib u dhac uu ku yimid kulankii uu yeelan laha Barlamaanka Soomaliya oo lagu ballansanaa in codka kalsoonida loogu qaado Golaha wasiirrada cusub.
Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa shaaciyay in uu dib u dhac ku yimid  kulankii Barlamaanka lagu horkeeni lahaa Golaha wasiirrada Soomaaliya,  isagoo xusay in arrimo Farsamo awgood  uu hakad ku yimid,
Waxa uu Guddoomiyuhu intaa raaciyay in Xukuumaddu ay iyada codsatay dib u dhacan, dhinaca kalena Baarlamaanka uu u baahan yahay Barnaamijka Xukuumadda lagu hor keenayo ka hor in loo gudbiyo Docomentiyada qeexaya qorshaha Xukuumadda ay dooneyso in ay la timaado, isagoo xusay in Baarlamaanka ilaa Bisha Disember ay hor yaalaan howlo adag.
Xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka ayaa maanta waxay halkoodii ka sii wateen dooddii ay Barlamaanka muddooyinkan ka lahaayeen qodobbada Xeer-hoosaadka, iyadoo laga dooday maanta qodob ka tirsan Cutubka 5-aad.
Maanta oo Sabti ah ayay balantu ahayd in Baarlamaanka la horkeeno Golaha wasiirrada cusub, hase yeeshee sida Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka uu sheegay codsi ka yimid Golaha wasiirrada ayaa dib u dhaca keenay.

The approval of Somalia’s new cabinet postponed


MOGADISHU ( Sh.M..Network ) – Somali parliament has on Saturday postponed the confidential vote for the new leaner cabinet ministers put forward by Abdi Farah Shirdon, Somali Prime Minister.
Somali Parliament speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari said the ballot which scheduled to take place on Saturday in Mogadishu has been delayed and no official date has been set for the next session.
However, the confidential vote was deferred due the technical problems, according Mohamud Omar Mohamed, a lawmaker in the federal parliament of Somalia.
For more, send your comments to webmaster@shabelle.net

Mudaaharaad ka dhacay Hong Kong


Hong Kong waa meesha keliya ee ciidda Shiinaha ka tirsan ee xorriyadda isu-imaatinka iyo muujinta afkaarta ay ka jirto.

Cayaaryahannada xulka Qaranka Soomaaiyeed oo xalay lagu soo dhaweeyay dalka Uganda


Waxaa habeenkii xalay ka soo degay garoonka diyaaradaha Entebbe Airport ee dalka Uganda cayaartoyda xulka kubadda cagta Qaranka Soomaaliya.
Waxaa xulka Qaraxnka K/cafta xalay si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyay dalka Uganda mas’uuliyiin ka socotay safaaradda Soomaliya ee Uganda, madaxda Xisbiga Nabadda iyo Horumarka ee dalka Uganda, qeybaha jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Uganda, dhalinyaro iyo mas’uuliyiin kale.
Cayaaryahanada Soomaaliyeed ayaa markii ay ka soo degeen diyaaradda waxaa hadiyado Ubax ah  guddoonsiiyay mas’uuliyiinta naadi Soomaaliyeed oo ka dhisan dalka Uganda iyo sidoo kale xoghayha 1-aad ee safaarada Soomaaliya ee Uganda.
Cayaaryahannada Soomaaliyeed ayaa lagu wadaa in dalka Uganda uga qeyb galaan tartanka Bariga iyo Bartamaha Qaaradda Afrika oo sanadkan ay Uganda martigelisay.
Kulanka Xulka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ayaa maalmaha soo aaddan ka hor inta uusan furmin tartanka Bariga iyo Bartamaha Africa waxaa ay qaadanayaa aalamiito iyo tababaro diyaar garoow ah kuwaasi oo la filayo in guulo dhaxal gal ah ka soo hooyaan tartamada ay ka qeyb gali doonaan hadii uu illaah raali ka noqdo.

Guddi Farsamo oo Kismaayo Gaaray


Magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose, waxaa maanta ka dagay guddi farsamo oo u gogol xaadhaya maamul u samaynta gobollada Jubbooyinka.

Two killed in a heavy fighting in Gedo,Southwestern Somalia


GARBAHAAREY ( Sh.M..Network ) – At least two have been killed in a fierce battle between Somali National Army (SNA) and Al shabab militants in Gedo province, the latest in surge  of attacks in the southwestern region.
The violence reportedly erupted after heavily armed fighters from Al shabab launched a surprise assault on Somali forces at a checkpoint located on the outskirts of Garbaharey, a town largely controlled by Somali government.
A Military source, who declined to be named, told Shabelle Media by phone that At least two combatants from both sides lost their lives in the fighting while untold number of soldiers sustained variety of wounds.
The situations is said to be calm and the local residents resumed their daily activities following the combat that took place on Saturday morning Garbaharey suburbs.
For more, send your comments to webmaster@shabelle.net

Sabab cad oo loo baajiyay qorshe xukuumada lagu horkeeni lahaa baarlamaanka +Dhagayso


Iyadoo maanta lagu balansanaa in Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya la horkeeno qorshaha howsha xukuumada cusub ee dalka ayaa waxaa dib u dhac uu ku yimid qorshahaasi.
Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cismaan Jawaari oo maanta shir gudoominayay kulan ay yeesheen xildhibaanada baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay inay baaqatay qorshihii xukuumada lagu horkeeni lahaa baarlamaanka.
Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in ay kala dhineyd horkeenista xukuumada ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya sidaasi daradeedna loo baajiyay ajandahaasi.
Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka ayaa maanta isku diyaariyay inay arkaan qorshe howleed xukuumada cusub ee dalka Soomaaliya.

Faahfaahin qarax iyo iska hor imaad isku biirsaday Baar ismaaciil.


Duhurnimadii maanta qarax miino ayaa ka dhacay Baar Ismaaciil oo ah halka laga soo gali Degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose.
Qaraxa ayaa la sheegay inuu sababay dhaawaca labo ruux waxaana uu ahaa miinada dhulka lagu aaso lagana hago meelaha fog fog.
Ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa durba waxay goobta ka bilaabeen baaritaano adag oo amaanka lagu sugayo.
Dhanka kale waxaa degen xaalada Baar Ismaaciil halkaasi oo uu maanta ka dhacay dagaal u dhaxeeyay ciidamo ka tirsan Dowlada.
Dagaalka ayaa yimid ka dib markii ciidamo taabacsan nabad sugid ay isku dayen inay dhaqaalo la qeyb sadaan ciidamada Meletariga ee ku sugan Koontaroolka magaalada islamarkaana halkaasi dhaqaale uga qaata gaadiidka.
Waxaa ciidamada kala dhex galay saraakiil ciidan oo goobta ku sugnaa iyadoo iminka xaalada ay tahay mid degen.
Inta laga warqabo dagaalkaasna Afar ruux ayaa ku geeriyootay.

Madaxweyne Hassan Sheekh oo diiday in uu la kulmo Wafdiga ka socda IGAD. “Sababta Aqri”


Wararka saaka ka soo baxaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi ay goor dhow gaareen Wafdi ka socda Urur Goboleedka IGAD , kaasoo damacsanaa inay kulamo la qaataan madaxweynaha Jmahuuriyada Soomaaliya.
Sida ay wararka sheegayaan madaxweynaha ayaa diiday inuu kulamo la qaato , xataa waxaa la sheegayaa inuusan soo dhaweyn wafdigan.
Wafdiga oo ka ambabaxay magaalada Nairobi ayaa Muqdisho u tagay inay kulamo la qaataan Madaxweynaha oo caro ka muujiyay howsha urur Goboleedka IGAD ay ka wadaan Kismaayo , waxaana uu madaxweynaha la sheegay inuu ka diiday kulamo uu la qaato wafdigaasi.

Wafdiga oo tagay xafiiska madaxweynaha ayaa loo sheegay in madaxweynaha uusan la qaadaneyn wax kulan ah , iyadoo lagu wargaliyay inay isaga tagaan xarunta madaxtooyada.
Sida ay inoo Xaqijiyeen Ilo Wareedyo ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa inoo sheegay in wafdiga ay hada ku sugan yihiin Qolka lagu sugo madaxweynaha , kaasoo ay fariistaan madaxda rabta inay la kulanto madaxweynaha , balse lagu wargaliyay in madaxweynaha uusan diyaar u ahayn kulan uu la qaato Wafdiga IGAD oo ay gadaal ka riixeyso Dowlada Dhul balaarsiga wada ee Kenya.
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa ka careysan wafdigiisi laga soo celiyay magaalada Kismaayo , waxaana ilo ku dhow dhow madaxweynaha ay sheegayaan in wafdiga ay la socdaan qaar ka tirsan Masuuliyiin ka socota Kenya.
Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa gacan ku dhighisteediw axa ay noqtay colaad dhexmarta Kenya iyo Soomaaliya , kadib marki Kenyaanku ay damceen in ay Kismaayo galiyaan Gumeysi qarsoon , taasoo ay ku fahmeen siyaasiyiinta madaxda dowlada iyo shacabka soomaaliyeed o isku duuban.

Wafdiga ka socda Magaalada Kismaayo & Madaxweyne Hassan oo Kulan uga socda Villa Somalia.


Maanta magaalada Muqdisho waxaa gaaray wafdi ka socday Uru Goboleedka IGAD oo isugu jira Soomaali iyo Shisheeye , waxaana wafdiga uu ahaa Kuwa ku mahsquulsan Maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka.
Wafdiga marki hore waxaa loo sheegay in madaxweynaha aysan la kulmi doonin , waxaana lagu wargaliyay kooxda Muqdisho gaartay inay isaga baxaan magaalada oo aan loo fasixi doonin Xafiiska madaxweynaha.
Gudiga waxaa ay ahaayeen Soomaali iyo IGAD , waxaana madaxweynaha uu qaabilay wafdigii Soomaalida ahaa , isagoo Xubnihii IGAD ka socday loo diiday inay galaan xarunta madaxtooyada Soomaaliya.
Madaxweynaha ayaa xogheyntiisa u sheegay inan loo soo fasixin madaxtooyada Xubnaha IGAD ka socda , wuxuuna dalbaday inuu la kulmayo kuwa Soomaalida ah , iyadoo loo ogolaaday Soomaalida inay galaan aqalka madaxtooyada Soomaaliya.
Hadaba wafdigii Soomaalida iyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa kulan dheer qaatay , waxaana ay ku falanqeeyeen maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka iyo Kisimaayo.
Saraakiisha gudiga farsamada ka socotay ee madaxtooyada tagtay ayaa waxaa kamid ah Muqtaar dheer, waxaana madaxweynaha uu ka waraystay sida ay wax udoonayana.
Gudiga farsamada ayaa sheegay in ay ku qanacsan yihiin howsha ay IGAD hormuudka ka tahay ee maamulka loogu samaynayo Jubooyinka dowlana ay kaalinteeda ka qaadato.
Madaxweynaha Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa u sheegay wafdiga in wax aay wataan ay tahay mid aan suuragal ahayn , isagoo ku adkeystay in maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka iyo Kismaayo ay xaq u leedahay Dowlada Soomaaliya iyo shacabka ka soo jeeda halkaasi.
Xasan Sh Maxamuud ayaa la soo sheegayaa in uu af cad ugu sheegay Wafdiga inuusan aqbali doonin Maamul uusan isaga soo dhisin , wuxuuna warbixinadii ay wateen uu dib ugu celiyay wafdiga kulanka la qaatay.
Madaxweyna Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa arinta Kismaayo ku qabsatay Golaha Baarlamaanka , iyadoo madaxweynaha laga sugayo qodobo badan oo ay ugu horeyso Cida Kismaayo iska leh , Kenya ma amisom baa msie waa duulaan iyo dhulbaarsbi iyo sababti wafdiga Dowlada looga soo celiyay Kismaayo.
Su’aalahaas oo dhan madaxweynaha oo ak duulaya ayaa wafdiga IGAD maanta ku hilmaamay Kursiga Keyda , isagoo ka dalbaday inaysan imaan xafiiskiisa.
Kulanka oo ah xasaasi ayaa waxaa laga sugayaa qodobo xasaasi ah.
Isha ku hey Balcad.com sida aad ula socoto waxii ka soo baxa Kulankani.

Ubax Tahliil oo Deeq Gaarsiisey Isbitaal Banaadir


Gudoomiyaha Ururka Haweenka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed Marwo Ubax Tahliil Warsame Ayaa Maanta Waxay Deeq Sariiraha Lagu Seexdo oo gaaraya ilaa 200 waxay ay gaarsiisey isbitaalka Hooyada iyo Dhalaanka Banaadir ee Magaalada Muqdisho .

Deeqdaasi ayaa u bax Tahliil Waxa Ka Gudoomey Agaasimaha Guud ee Isbitaalka Banaadir Dr Cabdi Risaaq Xasan Cali waxa uuna Sheegey in uu Uga Mahad Celinaayo Deeqdan Qiimaha Badan ee la soo gaarsiiyeyuuna uga mahad celinaayo Gudoomiyaha Ururka Haweenka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed isagoona intaas ku darey in Sariirahan uu isbitaalka u baahnaa iasagoona ka dalbadey I hadii ay suurta gal tahay ay soo kordhiso si loo Helo sariiri ku filan bukaanada la keenaayo Isbitaalka Banaadir  .
Ubax Tahliil Warsame oo iyadana munaasabada ka hadashey waxa ay sheegtey in deqdani ay iska soo aruuriyeen ururka haweenka Qaranka Soomalaiyeed Kuwaasi oo ay sheegey in ay ka danqadeen dhibaatooyinka heesata haweenka la daal dhacay xunuun eek u heesto Gudaha Isbitaalka Banaadir iyadoona hoosta ka xariiqdey in ay soo kordhin doonto sariirahaas .
Dhinaca kale ubax ayaa soo kor meertey caruurta iyo hooyooyinka ku xanuunsanaya isbitaalkaasi iyadoona sheegtey in ay indhaha ka qarsan doonin haweenka iyo caruurta ku dhibaateysan isbitaal banaadir .

Somaliland: Indispensable Conditions for Restarting Talks With Somalia(Political Opinion)


Somaliland:   Indispensable Conditions for Restarting Talks With Somalia

 The sixth  point of the Communique of London Conference on Somalia held on February 23, 2012 raised the need for the international community to support any dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia. Following that recommendation of the conference, the first direct talks between the two countries opened at The Chevening House in the outskirts of  London on June 20, 2012 issuing what was known as the Chevening House Declaration intended to pave the way for presidential meeting.

Then, for the first time for over 21 years, the presidents of Somaliland, His Excellency Ahmed Mohammed Silanyo, and the president of Somalia, His Excellency Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, met in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on June 28, 2012 and agreed to continue the talks.

                                        The Current Situation of Somalía

Somaliland declared itself independent nation of Somalia in 1991 to restore its independence achieved on June 26, 1960 after Somalia committed genocidal acts against Somaliland people in the years from 1984-1988. Since 1991, Somalia was no man’s land and became red meat for all the Five Somali peoples in the Horn of Africa. It is not governed by its own people but half of those running the country are government post- seekers and fugitives coming from Somaliland, Ethiopian Somali Region, Kenyan Somali Region and Djiboutians who wrapped themselves in Somaliwein banner that does not exist. All  the successive governments of Somalia were based on the false, elusive notion of “Greater Somalia” that has not been achieved yet and no one knows when and how it will come true.

 ”Greater Somalia”  has the same analogy with “Greater Arab World” to day. There are around 18 Arab Countries in the Middle East and North Africa and no one shares government, nationality, and borders with another one whilst the government of Somalia has constantly become victim of a bunch of fugitives and government post-seekers from all the other four Somalis thus hijacking their parliament and government. The major reason of why Somalia is unstable and failed state for 22 years perpetuating brutal civil wars in the country is because Non-Southerners in the government and in the parliament prefer to keep it restive and in political turmoil in order to keep collecting blood money from the instability. This  war profiteering will continue in Somalia until  the traditional and political leaders as well as intellectuals of Somalia come to their senses and expel Non-Southern elements from their parliament and government. Somalia would be peaceful and stable country long ago if it were controlled and ruled by its own people.

 Besides oppressions, repressions, displacements, destructions, and atrocities committed against Somaliland people, another major reason of why Somaliland People do not want to share any union with Somalia is because of All-Somali shared government under the false umbrella of Somaliwein. A chaotic situation of no-man’s land and no-man’s government. The Regime of Siad Barre turned the union government of Somaliland and Somalia into Government shared by all Somalis in the Horn of Africa under the false umbrella of Somaliwein. During Siad’s era, Most of the military generals and government officials were Somali Ethiopians and Somali Kenyans who widely and willingly participated in the atrocities against Somaliland people in 1980S. Somaliland people decided to have their own government to control their own destiny.

 Somaliland government was hasty to open talks with Somalia without defining the essential conditions for the talks and taking Somalia to the task of making sure that the dialogue take place between Somaliland and Somalia only and not between Somaliland and Somaliwein. As we all know, the unrectified doomed union of 1960 was between Somaliland and Somalia only. Djibouti, Ethiopian Somali Region, and Kenyan Somali Region were never part of it. It is also important to know that the  no-man’s government of Somalia  is easily manipulated by the Non-Southern ministers and parliamentary members who are adamantly oppose the independence and recognition of Somaliland as that is detrimental or harmful to their profiteering interest in Somalia. Somaliland government must set conditions for any future talks to preempt any infiltration of Somaliwein elements and war profiteering groups in Somalia that could put the talks at danger.

               Three Indispensable Conditions For Restarting Talks With Somalia

1. That the talks be held between Somaliland (Former North) and Somalia (Former South) only because they were the two countries that shared the ill-fated union.  Elements from Djibouti, from Ethiopian Somali Region, and From Kenyan Somali Region must not be allowed to participate in the talks because they were not signatories of the union between Somalland and Somalia on July 1, 1960. Somaliland elements who fled to Somalia for personal greed and interest must not be allowed too to participate in the talks because the talks are not between Somaliland and Somaliland. These disloyal elements have already betrayed their country and their people and are not shy to side with Somalia in the talks to undermine Somaliland independence. They are used by Somalia to fight and weaken Somaliland statehood. The talks are not between Somaliland and Somaliwein or between Somaliland and Somaliland. The talks are between Somaliland and Somalia only, and the members of the two sides for the talks must come from Somaliland and from Somalía only.

2. That ProSomalia elements that hail from Somaliland be expelled from the government and parliament of Somalia as it is impossible to hold talks with a government that harbors the enemies of Somaliland country and its people and, at the same time, undermining the talks to support Somalia to keep their posts in the government.

3. And that the talks must not be about future unity between Somaliland and Somalia but about future bilateral relations between the two countries and justice for the victims in the mass graves. The talks may be difficult and excruciating and may face stalemate at the end as Somalia wrongly believes that Somaliland is a province of Somalia and would like to throw it into the chaotic Somaliwein fold that it suffers from currently.

                     Why Somaliland People Reject another Union With Somalía

Somalia has still the mentality of 1960 that denied Somaliland people of having their share from the union government and that treated Somaliland as one of the provinces of Somalia such as Mudug and Bay instead of recognizing it as an independent state eager to make union with Somalia to pioneer Greater Somalia that became abortive at the end. The ignorant, arrogant leaders of Somalia still believe that Somaliland is run by Mogadisho as the appointments given to Somaliland betrayers points out. The leaders of  Somalia have trust in these elements from Somaliland believing that they represent Somaliland and will bring It back to the fold of Somalia failing to understand that the question of Somaliland is not something that can be changed by individuals . It is a question of self determination of a nation that shoulders its destiny. Somalia understands well that these disloyal elements hailing from Somaliland can not set foot on Somaliland soil without prosecution. Their appointments is just desperate attempt to make one believe that Somaliland Republic is still a part of Somalia.

Since the birth of Somaliland Republic,the successive governments of Somalia declared political war against Somaliland independence by assigning political positions to Somaliland betrayers in order to curtail its recognition. These elements who betrayed their homeland and their people do not belong to both countries, as some claim, but they belong to Somalia where they serve embarrassingly.

Somaliland and its people had suffered with great cruelty inthe hands of Somalia. History can not be erased. They will never forget the oppression, the suppression, the imprisonments, the torture, the massive displacements, the destruction of cities, and the genocidal acts committed mercilessly against them. The Equipo Peruano Antropologia Forense”  EPAF, Forensic Investigator International Team, is currently in Somaliland to identify the over 60,000 bodies believed to be in mass graves. So far, 226 mass graves have been uncovered and the smallest mass grave is believed to hold 12 bodies. The findings were: Hargeisa: 200 Mass Grave Sites, Berbera: 12 Mass Graves, Buroa: 8 Mass Graves, Sheikh: 1 Mass Grave, Erigavo: 2 Mass Graves, Gabiley: 2 Mass Graves, Arabsiyo: 1 Mass Grave. These innocent civilians were taken out of their homes late at night and summarily executed in the years 1984,1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988 because of the name of their clan.

Mass graves are war crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights and have nothing to do with amnesty given for ordinary civil wars within a nation to stop revenge and restore peace and unity. War Crimes Cases belong to the International Court of Justice in Hague. Justice must be done for the victims in the mass graves at Hague. If SNM Forces did not fight valiantly everywhere in Somaliland against the atrocious military of Siad Barre to rescue the rest of the people, the genocidal acts would be much greater and would have the scale of the genocide that took place in Rwanda in 1994. Somaliland people still hear the cries of their innocent civilians massacred at midnights, they still see their innocent bodies being dumped like animal carcasses into mass graves throughout Somaliland. Their voices are indelible in their hearts and in their  souls.

Downplaying massacring Somaliland innocent civilians in the mass graves, the leaders of Somalia claim that killings took place in Somalia too while the bodies in the only known mass grave in Somalia belong to Somaliland people. Around 46 Somaliland civilians were taken out of their homes at Buulo Hubey, Mogadisho, by Siad Barre’s Red Berets and summarily executed at Jaseera Beach at midnight on July 17. 1989. Targeting certain people for ethnic cleansing is different from unintended killings and tribal persecutions in civil wars. Somaliland people were not responsible for the brutal killings in Somalia but Somalia was responsible for the genocidal acts against Somaliland people. Denying the responsibility of massacring the victims in the mass graves is adding an insult to the injury. The massacred civilians will not go in vain and will be at the forefront and center of all talks between Somaliland and Somalia. Any prospects of reunification with Somalia becomes impossible with such magnitude of ethnic cleansing and that is why Somaliland adamantly rejects it. As Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo can not be forced to reunify with Yugoslavia that committed horrifying atrocities against them in the 1990s, Somaliland can not be forced to return to the killing fields of Somalia too.

                   What Somaliland Should Do If The Talks Break Down

If the talks between Somaliland and Somalia fail officially and become ill-fated because of the wrongful insistence of Somalia that Somaliland is part of Somalia and that it will not recognize it, then Somaliland will move forward proudly with its irreversible independence.  Somaliland does not occupy land and people from Somalia but remains within its own colonial borders as any other African country. If Djibouti can not be forced to join union with Somalia  because of being part of “Greater Somalia”, then Somailand can not be forced either. The peoples of Somalia, Somali Western Region in Ethiopia, and Somali North Eastern in Kenya are particularly obsessed with the return of Somaliland to Mogadisho because they want to regain and control Somaliland in order to rule and enrich themselves with its wealth as they did in the thirty (30) years of the ill-fated union. What do the peoples of Somali Western Region in Ethiopia and Somali North Eastern Region in Kenya share with Somaliland and Somalia if their territories are still occupied, and with unknown future to justify their participation in so called “Somaliwein Government? NOTHING. Why don’t they stay in their territories to take part in their autonomous rule in their lands instead of running to Mogadisho? Because they want to seize the power and control of other countries that do not belong to them under the false umbrella of “Somaliwein” for their own benefits.

 Somaliland liberated itself from non-existent “Somaliwein” umbrella based on opportunism and selfishness and is run by its own people but that false idea still controls Somalia where it is heavy burden on its people economically, socially, and politically. Ruling and looting Somaliland under imaginary umbrella of “Somaliwein” is over. The  idea of “Greater Somalia” (Somaliwein)  emerged in the middle of the Second World War [1939-1945] and the main objective was to liberate the five Somali Territories and bring them together under the same banner and government in the Horn of Africa. That idea of “Greater Somalia” could not succeed so far and there are no hopeful prospects to make that dream come true.

Somaliland has the most important recognition that it needs and that is the recognition of its own people. That self-recognition will bring, soon or later, the recognition of the international community, In Shaa Allaah. Taiwan is not recognized country since 1971 and it is one of the most developed countries in Asia today.  Somaliland people are peace loving nation and have no intentions at all to make aggression to its neighbors without being attacked first. If the talks break down officially and then Somalia becomes hostile to Somaliland and threatens it with war, then Somaliland people, a heroic, patriotic nation, is ready to repel any attack from Somalia to defend its independence. Somaliland did not come with request, it was born with bloodied sword, and will stay here with bloodied sword if needed. Long Live Somaliland.

Ibrahim Hassan Gagale
November 8, 2012.

Chaos will resurrect if Uganda leaves Somalia



Sunday, November 11, 2012
By Joshua Kato
Uganda threatens to leave Somalia if a leaked UN report blaming Uganda for supporting the M23 rebels in DRC is published. PHOTO/AFP
I hope that is just a bad dream that will come to pass,” says Abdunor Ahmed, a Somali based in Kisenyi, Uganda, on his view about Uganda’s intention to withdraw her forces from Somalia.
This is the wish of nearly every Somali, obviously apart from the militant al-Shabaab group.
For the last two weeks, Uganda has been threatening to withdraw from Somalia if a leaked UN report blaming Uganda for supporting the M23 rebel outfit in DRC is published. Uganda vehemently denies supporting the rebel outfit.
But in the event that Uganda leaves, the likely scenario is that AMISOM will cease to exist in the short run and Somalia will once again plunge into chaos.
Composition of the mission
Uganda took the lead in the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia. As they were deploying in 2007, Ethiopian forces were withdrawing just after a year in Somalia.
The Ethiopians had chased away the Islamic Courts rule in Somalia, but had in return created a situation that led to the birth of al-Shabaab.
The mandate that authorised the AMISOM force deployment barred countries neighbouring Somalia from contributing to AMISOM.
The first Ugandan troops landed in 2007 to a barrage of mortar shells. The unit had 1,500 troops, supported by 12 tanks and APCs.
When the mission was set by IGAD and the African Union, the agreed troop deployment was 8,000. In late 2007, Burundi followed with a battalion of about 800 troops.
It has been very difficult to get countries to deploy to Somalia and that is why a withdraw by any of the deployed countries may lead to the collapse of the mission.
The current deployment stands at around 17,600 troops, of which 6,700 are Ugandan, 4,700 are Kenyan while 4,400 are from Burundi. Others include Djibouti with 300 out of a promised 800.
Nigeria has deployed mainly policemen, just like Malawi, Senegal, Ghana, Zambia and Cameroon that have less than five soldiers each-mainly as liaison officers.
The deployments show that Uganda has got at least 2,000 troops more than any other country in Somalia.
“Uganda is the highest contributor of troops to AMISOM,” says UPDF spokesman Col. Felix Kulayigye.
When they were first deployed in 2007, they had a defensive mandate of securing at least five key installations within Mogadishu, including State House, the sea-port, K-4 junction, parliament and the airport.
“We achieved this objective in the first few years,” Ugandan contingent commander Brig. Micheal Ondoga says.
For the first three years — 2007 to 2010, only Uganda and Burundi had troops on the ground. By July 2010, the total deployment was around 4,500 of which Uganda had 3,000.
However, after the militants attacked Kampala in July 2010, the AU/UN agreed to Uganda’s demands that more troops be deployed to Somalia.
Subsequently, Uganda added another half brigade of around 1,700 soldiers while Burundi added two more battalions. Promises of troops from Sierra-leone (800) are yet to materialise.
It was not until early 2011 when the initial 2007 agreed troop strength of 8,000 was achieved. However, by that time according to commanders, the requirement had risen to at least 20,000 troops.
“We are now moving out of Mogadishu and we need soldiers to move forward and take care of our rear,” then Ugandan contingent commander Brig. Paul Lokech said.
Again, it was Uganda and Burundi that agreed to add more troops into Somalia. Other countries continued to pay lip service.
In Uganda, among others veterans were mobilised, re-oriented and deployed as part of UGABAG IX+.
It is because of these deployments that AMISOM forces finally moved out of Mogadishu, captured Afgooye in May 2012, Balad, Marka and are now poised outside Baidoa in central Somalia.
In October 2011, Kenya entered Somalia and by February 2012, they had been admitted into AMISOM. However, Kenya’s main role is in the south of Somalia-around 500km away from Mogadishu.
Neighbours step in
In September 2011, militants started a kidnapping spree across the border with Kenya, apparently targeting westerners and those affiliated to western organisations there.
Some analysts believed al-Shabaab were involved because the militants controlled much of the area along the Kenya-Somalia border.
But it will be a difficult task for the Kenyans to move up north to replace the withdrawing Ugandans. With around 40,000 troops, the KDF will obviously be over stretched.
In fact, the Kenyan strategy right from the start in October 2011 was to create a buffer area between main land Kenya and chaotic Somalia.
Rather than go up north to Mogadishu, the withdraw of the Ugandans will give Kenyans the reason to concentrate on creating this buffer region, than get mirred up in Mogadishu.
“Our initial objective was to create a buffer zone between Kenya and Somalia. If AMISOM collapses with the pull out of Uganda, we shall revert to our original mission of creating this buffer,” a Kenyan officer said. Kenya is now in charge of Sector II in southern Somalia.
Getting troops to quickly replace the Ugandans will be a very difficult task. When the mission was launched over nine years ago, several other countries including Nigeria, South-Africa and Senegal agreed to send troops to Somalia.
However, they have not met their promise todate. Sierra-leone has been preparing a battalion for the last one year, but they are yet to be deployed in the war-torn African country.
Ethiopia has been making sojourns into Somalia since 2006. However, like Kenya, they are also more concerned about their own border security rather than peace across Somalia.
This is why for many years, they have kept a close eye over areas near them like Bakool, Bay, Lower and Middle Shabelle. Other areas of Somalia like Punt-land will also move on and become independent countries.
Source: New Vision

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