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INAA LILAAHI WA INAA ILEYHI RAAJICUUN Tacsi: Dhamaan dadka hoos ku qorani waxay tacsiyaynayaan Allaha U naxariistee marxuumad Amina


Tacsi-(Idhanka)-INAA LILAAHI WA INAA ILEYHI RAAJICUUN Tacsi: Dhamaan dadka hoos ku qorani waxay tacsiyaynayaan Allaha U naxariistee marxuumad Amina Faarax Cigaal oo shalay Borama ku geeriyootay tacsidan waxa diraya dhamaan dadka kala ah:-
Dhamaan Reer Xaaji Ibraahim Nuur
Hooyo Yusur Daahir

Siciida Xaaji Ibraahim Nuur
Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Ibraahim Nuur
Cabdikariim Xaaji Ibraahim Nuur
Nadia Xaaji Ibrahim Nuur
Ifraax Xaaji Ibraahim Nuur
Cabdiraxmaan Xaaji [...]

“Important because people in the conversation”Jama Warsame sat in the back of an airplane soaring toward his nightmare To his right sat two Canadian government escorts, a man and a woman, neither…


Article-(Idhanka)-Jama Warsame sat in the back of an airplane soaring toward his nightmare. To his right sat two Canadian government escorts, a man and a woman, neither “particularly tough-looking,” Warsame recalls. 
It was February 2012, shortly after Warsame’s 28th birthday and, despite the efforts of his dogged lawyer, two imaginative law students and the backing of [...]

Gudoomiyaha Barlamanka Somaliya Oo Dib Ugu Soo Laabtay Dalka, Kadib Nairobi Uu Kaga Qeyb Galay Xuska Maalinta Xoriyada Kenya Iyo Codkii Ansixinta Oo Wadnaha Farta Lagu Hayo+Sawiro


Mogadishu-(Idhanka)-Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari ayaa maanta dalka dib ugu soo laabtay Magaalada Muqdisho ka dib markii magaalada Nairobi uu kaga qeyb galay xuskuu xornimada Kenya oo ku beegneyd maalintii shalay ahayd.
Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari ayaa markii uu soo gaaray Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho,wuxuu saxaafada kaga warbixiyay waxyaabaha uu kala soo kulmay safar uu [...]

Waxa Ugu Macaan Aduunka Waa (*(*Salaada Qalbiga-Q2aad)**) Li Sh Xanaafi Xaaji Xafidahullaah

Levinson oo la Sheegay inuu Basaas Yahay


Labo ka mid ah warbaahinta Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in nin Maraykanka oo toddobo sano ka hor la waayey, isaga oo galay dalka Iran, uu ku lug lahaa howlo basaasnimo oo uu hay’adda CIAda u sameynayey.

15.12.2013. Axad. Wararkii Galabnimo.


15.12.2013.Axad. Barnaamijka Afka Amhariga.


15.12-2013-Axad- Barnaamijka Wacdiga Diiniga Ah.


Guddiyada Baarlamaanka oo Ka Shiray Waqtiga Cod u Qaadista Raysal Wasaaraha Magacaaban


Muqdisho (RBC) Guddiyada joogtada ah ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta kulan ay ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdisho waxay kaga shireen waqtiga uu baarlamaanka codka kalsoonida u qaadayo raysal wasaaraha magacaaban ee dalka C/weli Sheekh Axmed kaasoo weli aan helin codka kalsoonida ee baarlamaanka.
Guddiyada baarlamaanka ee joogtada ah oo ka kooban 15 guddi ayaa waxay maanta isugu yimaadeen iyadoo uu shir guddoominayo afhayeenka baarlamaanka Maxamed Cismaan Jawaari.
Gabagavadii kulankan ayaa waxaa xoghaynta baarlamaanka waxay shaaca ka qaaday in la isku afgartay in maalmaha soo socda la guda galo dhameynta hawlaha u harsan baarlamaanka maadaama baarlamaanka uu fasax galayo horraanta bisha inagu soo aadan ee Jannaayo.
Kulankan ayaa sidoo kale looga hadlay sidii ajendaha loogu soo dari lahaa in raysal wasaaraha cusub codka kalsoonida loo weydiiyo baarlamaanka, iyo in baarlamaanka sugo golaha wasiirada cusub ee uu soo magacaabi doono raysal wasaaraha cusub C/weli Sheekh Axmed.
Warar ku dhow kulankan ayaa sidoo kale sheegaya in guddoonka baarlamaanka iyo guddiyada ay ka wada hadleen sidii loo buuxin lahaa guntinka (kooramka) baarlamaanka si ay u suuragalaan qabsoomida kulamada baarlamaanka.
Kulanka maanta ayaa ku soo beegmay iyadoo maalintii shalay kulan lagu waday in baarlamaanka uu yeesho uu u baaqday ka dib markii la waayay tiro xildhibaano ku filan in kulanka uu ku furmo taasoo ah 50+1 guud ahaan tirada golaha taasoo ay qasab tahay in la helo marka kulan uu yeelanayo baarlamaanka.
RBC Radio
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Khilaafkii shirweynaha Kulmiye oo xukuumadda Jiheeyihii ka Lumiyey iyo Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah oo meel madhan Garaacaysa


Khilaafaadka Maamul iyo siyaasadeed oo is-dul tuulmay sida Kiisaskii Maxkamadaha ka soo dhamaaday oo kale  Hargeysa(Waaheen) Khilaafkii shirweynihii Kulmiye oo wali taagan ayaa u muuqda in uu Xukuumadda talada hays aka Lumiyey Jiheeyihii lagu maareyn lahaa dayawga ka taagan khilaafaadka Maamul iyo kuwa Siyaasadeed ee u dhaxeeya Xukuumadda dhexdeeda iyo Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah.
Sadexdii sano ee Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud talada dalka hayey waxa muuqday cabashooyin isa soo tarayey oo ay qaybaha bulshadu qaarba meel u food saaraynayeen, hase yeeshee sanadka Afraad ee ay xukuumaddu gashay waxa muuqata in khilaafkii Kulmiye meesha ka saaray daahii saarnaa tuhunkaasi, waxaana soo baxaya dareeno muujinaya rajadii laga qabay in taladu xaga danbe ka hagaagi doonto.
Loolankii adkaa ee Kulmiye dhexdiisa ka dhacay ee u dhaxeeyey Guddoomiye Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo garab xisbiga Kulmiye iyo xukuumadda ka tirsan hogaaminayey iyo Garab kale oo labada dhinacba ka soo jeeda oo uu Wasiir Samaale hogaaminayey ee ay soo faragaliyeen koox is-huwan oo sheegatay Mus-danbeedka beesha talada Dalka ayaa qaaawisay tuhun kasta oo ay bulshadu ka qabtay inay gadaal wax ka hagaagayaan.
Kooxda Mus-danbeedka Talada Dalka sheegatay waxa ay Kulmiye gayeysiiyeen in uu ka dhasho khilaaf illaa wali aloosan oo uu ka qabsoomi kari la’yahay shirweynihii Xisbigu, iyadoo muuqatay rajo ah in nidaam Dastuuri ah iyo mid Xisbi ay ku kala baxayaan siyaasiyiinta Xukuumadda talada haysa ka soo jeeda ee kursiga damacu kaga jiro iyo kuwa Xisbiga Kulmiye gadh-wadeenka ka ahiba.
Go’aankii ay gaadhay kooxda sheegata Mus-danbeedka beesha xukuumadda talada dalka haysaa ka soo jeedo waxa ay faragalintoodii  meesha ka saartay in shirweynaha lagu kala calaf qaado daayoo in xataa aanay muuqan in shirweynihii Xisbiga Kulmiye wakhtigiisii ku qabsoomi doono.
Dhul-gariirkii ay ku rideen kooxihii ku loolamayey Kulmiye marka laga tago Mus-danbeed-nimadoodii waxay keentay in aanay ku ekaan oo kali ah gudaha Kulmiye iyo xukuumadda’e inay u gudbaan in aya dalka ka curiyaan Khilaafaad Siyaasi ah kuwaas oo sadheeyey min Axsaab siyaasi ah, Golayaashii Baarlamaanka illaa Hay’adihii kale ee Dawladda.
Waxa ay dagaal adag ku qaadeen Guddoomiyihii Golaha Wakiiladda C/raxmaan Maxamed C/laahi oo dhinaca kalena ah Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UCID oo ay laba jiho ka weerareen, kuwaas oo kala ah awoodiisii maamul ee Golaha uu ka arrimiyo iyo tii siyaasadeed ee ay olaga ku ahaayeen labada xisbi Mucaarad iyo madasha wadatashigu.
Guddoomiye Cirro oo si qaawan uga jawaabay faragalinta Kooxda talada dalka Gadh-wadeenka ka noqotay ee la baxday Mus-danbeedka ayaa ku tilmaamay Carruur qal-qaali ah isagoo si badheedh ah farta ugu fiiqay in Madaxtooyadda laga soo dhaqdhaqaajiyey, waxaanu ugu hanjabay in ay farta dhexda ka qaniini doonaan haddii aanay joojin basar xumada siyaasadeed ee ay ku faragalinayaan Golihiisa.
Hadalka C/raxamaan Cirro maalintaas ka dhawaajiyey ee uu ku ganay kooxdan Mus-danbeedka oo ahaa mid aan hore looga barani waxa uu la mid ahaa mid ay Bilowgii Xukuumadda Kulmiye ku ganeen Madax dhaqameedkii xukuumaddu xabsiga kala daashay ee Boqor Buurmadow iyo Raabi, kuwaasoo wakhtigaas lala yaabanaa halka ay ka arkeen.
Illaa hada ma muuqato Jiho rasmi ah oo la odhan karo waxa lagu maareyn karaa faragalinta ay kooxda Mus-danbeedku ku dhaqaajisay Irbadii Jiheeyaha siyaasadeed ee dalku higsanayey, waxaana soo if-baxaya xal la naawilo iska daaye in Bamka ay Qarxiyaha ka jareen ee aan wali qarxini saameeyey hawl maalmeedkii Xisbiga Kulmiye oo ay qalalaasaha siyaasadeed ku bilaabeen, kii Golaha wakiiladda oo Dib loo dhigay iyo kii Dooda Qaran ee ay mucaaradku abaabulayeen oo muddo dhaafay.
Sidoo kale waxa qasan khilaafaad sidii tusbaxa u furtay oo hoganaya Hay’addaha Dawladda, sida Telefishanka Qaranka, Wasaaradaha cadaaladda iyo Diinta iyo Aw-qaafta aoo ay Agaasimayaashoddii guud Dibad wareeg yihiin, khilaafka Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare iyo Wasaaradda Cadaaladda iyo kuwo kaloo badan.
Talada Mus-danbeedku waxa ay maraysaa in la kala garan waayo jiho loo socdo maadaama uu khalkhalay Jiheeyihii siyaasadeed ee Dalku oo awal hore la tuhunsanaan jiray inay majaraha u hayeen Rag door ah oo farsamo ahaan iyo Dadnimo ahaanba bulshaawi ahaa balse dareenada ku gedaaman ee laga soo tabinayaa ay yihiin kuwo baalashii laga rifay oo ay doorkoodii qaateen kooxda uu Cirro sheegay oo ay ku bahoobeen Xildhibaano iyo Wasiiro aan waligood wax-san talin.
Anshax xumada siyaasadeed ee Kooxda Mus-danbeedka sheegata ee Xukuumaddu waxay Dalka u horseedaysaa in kooxo kale oo dano siyaasadeed leh oo shaadhka beelahooda soo gashaday iyana ay daba fadhiistaan Axsaabta Mucaaradka, taasoo Dalka dibu ugu celin karta Cahdigii dagaal beeleedyada haddii aanu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo xilka u gudan sidii loogu dhiibay ee ahayd Doorashada Xorta ah iyo Nidaamka Dimuquraadiga ah.


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Garowe:” Qaarbaan Maqlayey leh Caasimadda Geli mayno ilaa naloo ogolado 20 Tikniko ah & Maleeshiyaad” Madaxweyne Faroole.


Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa sheegay in aanay aqbalidoonin in musharixiintu la yimadaan Caasimadda Ciidan iyo tikniko, iyadoo isla markaana ay xil iska saartay dowladu ilaalinta Nabadgelyadda Magaalo madaxda waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.
Madaxweyne Faroole mar uu arrimaha ka hadlayey waxaa uu yiri “Puntland dadkeeda oo dhan waxay rabaan in ay u tartamaan Madaxweyne & Madaxweyne kuxigeen, fiican in shaqooyinka kale loo tartamo tana waa loo tartami karaa”.
“Qaarbaan maqlayey soo geli mayno leh , hadaan naloo ogolaan 20 tikniko ah, mooryaan & burcadbadeed, adeer meshaan waxaa jooga dad nadiif ah imisa qof oo ajnabi ah ayaa jooga oo nabadgelyo ku seexda, cidna laga yeeli maayo adeer yaa lala dagalamayaa , meshaan waa amaan, yaa lala dirirayaa caqliga allaha usoo celiyo dadka, nimanka musharixiinta ahna xil ha iska sareen sidii nabadgelyada looga wada shaqayn lahaa “C/raxman Faroole.
Hadalkan ayuu madaxweynuhu jeediyey xilli uu ka qaybgalayey furitanka TV ga Puntland qaybtiisa Maxaliga ah, waxaana maanta ciidanka amnigu celiyeen Musharax Shire Xaaji Faarax oo ka mid ah Shakhsiyaadka u tartamaya Xilka Madaxweynenimadda Puntland ee doorashadda soo socota 2014 bisha fooda inagu soo haysa ee Janaayo hadii allaha idmo.Allsomalinews.com


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VIDEO: Nolol Cajiib ah oo ka jirto Xabsiga dhexe Xamar ee Muqdisho


Caasimada Online: Xabsiga dhexe ee xamar ayaa waxaa laga soo duubay Barnaamij xiiso badan oo qof walba oo daawaday marna ka qosliyay marna ka yaabiyay sida uu yahay xabsiga xili lagu qabanayay munaasabad.
Hadaba aqristoow daawo Muuqaalkani waxaad arkeysaa Maxaabiista oo ciyaaraya iyo madax gacan qaadeysa Maxaabiista ku xiran Xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Muqdisho.HALKAAN KA DAAWO:
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Uhuru’s foreign policy should protect Nairobi


The Independence Day celebrations offered a glimpse of the shifting foreign policy priorities for the larger East African leadership.
Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete revealed that indeed Tanzania has had a fundamental shift in her foreign policy. Mwalimu Nyerere’s foreign policy had zero interest in economics but placed a premium on revolutionary politics. He issued a circular in 1964 that among other things would support struggles against colonialism, racism and neo-colonialism in Africa and vigorously support oppressed people in the world.That is why Mwalimu Nyerere, along with several other leaders formed OAU in 1963.
Mwalimu Nyerere’s fingerprints are to be seen all over Africa. He supported both ANC and Pan African Congress in South Africa as he did in Mozambique where he gave Frelimo financial support to kick out the Portuguese.
MPLA resources in Angola and ZANLA in Zimbabwe were beneficiaries of his revolutionary passion. In 1978 he led Tanzania in a war with Uganda to defeat and expel the Idi Amin government.
That is why President Kikwete’s speech at Kasarani on Thursday was remarkable. It was a confirmation that Tanzania’s newfound foreign policy is driven by economic diplomacy and respects Kenya’s role in the global arena. That is why despite missing out on some key East African meetings, President Kikwete addressed his Parliament and indicated that Tanzania has invested a fortune in the East African Community and will not be pushed out.
It was interesting that President Kikwete chose to reaffirm his commitment to the East African Community (EAC) at a public celebration in Nairobi instead of a closed- door meeting. A careful analysis of his body language reveals that his message was meant for Wanjiku. In not so many words, he said that if the EAC ails, it would not be because of Tanzania but because of leaderships shifting interests. President Kikwete has deployed his foreign policy with great success. That is why White House consults him on critical socio-economic issues in the region.  That is why US and Chinese investors are beating a path to Tanzania. Mr Meles Zenawi, the late Ethiopian Prime Minister, did not have time for soft power; he instead deployed raw power to achieve Ethiopia’s strategic interests in the region. That is how he settled scores with Eritrea and Somalia.  On the other hand, President Yoweri Museveni’s foreign policy has not embraced economic diplomacy.
He decided to step into muddy waters. By revisiting history, President Museveni was effectively poking a healing wound. He would have probably made sense had he stuck to the colonial theme, which Uganda’s first President Fredrick Edward Mutesa had as a key anchor of his foreign policy.
It is debatable if President Museveni’s national interests are in harmony with Kenya’s aspirations in the long term. President Kenyatta’s economic diplomacy, although driven by family interests, will open up new markets for Kenyans and Kenyan domiciled companies. There is no doubt that Gaborone and Dar es Salaam are good friends.
Source: standardmedia


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Muqdisho: Dhismeyaal sharcidarro ah oo la burburinayo


Maamulka degmada Warta-nabadda ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in maanta uu xaafadda Xamar-jadiid ka billaabay olole isugu jira burburinta dhismeyaasha sharcidarrada ah iyo soo celinta bilicda. Ololaha oo ay ka qeyb qaadanayaan ciidamada nabadgaliyada ayaa waddooyinka xaafadda qaar looga jaray dhir ka baxday muddadii nabadgeliyo darrada ay jirtay. Guddoomiyaha degmada Warta-nabadda Deeqo Cabdulqaadir oo hoggaaminaysay [...]


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Siidii: Dowladda iyo AMISOM ha soo farogaliyaan dagaalka Shabeelaha Hoose


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Nuur (Siidii) ayaa ka codsaday dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo AMISOM inay si dhaqsi ah u farogeliyaan dagaal-beeleedka ka socda gobolka. Siidii ayaa sheegay in dagaalka uu wax u dhimay xasilloonida gobolka, isagoo xusay inuu fursad u noqon karo maleeshiyada al-Shabaab oo ku sugan deegaanno ka tirsan gobolka. [...]


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AU Special Representative welcomes the appointment of H.E. Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed as Prime Minister


Mogadishu-December 15th, 2013: The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamet Saleh Annadif has welcomed the appointment of His Excellency Abdiwelli Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed as Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia.
Ambassador Annadif while congratulating Dr. Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed on his new position noted that the appointment comes at a right time to avoid creating a leadership vacuum. He said; “I applaud the move by President Hassan Sheikh Mohammud to fast track the appointment of a new Prime Minister thereby avoiding leadership vacuum. The position of the Prime Minister is very crucial in the running of the Federal Government especially at this critical point in Somalia’s political process.”
The AU Special Representative said that the background of H.E. Abdiwelli Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed gives confidence that he will ably handle the affairs of the office of the Prime Minister and propel the country during this critical political process to the future. “Having gone through his CV, I have no doubt that he has what it takes run the office of Prime Minister for Somalia.” He said.
Ambassador Annadif is optimistic that members of the Federal Parliament of Somalia will move with speed to approve the nomination of H.E. Abdweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed once his name is forwarded to the National Assembly. He reaffirmed the commitment of AMISOM to supporting the Federal Government of Somalia and looks forward to working with H.E. Abdiwelli Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed as Prime Minister.KismaayoNews.com


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Afeey, dublamaasiga Soomaaliyeed ee Soomaaliya


Is Sayid Mohamed’s Statute in Jigjiga Lionising Him or Looting Him?


Somalia is among the African nations that are endowed with fallen heroes who altruistically sacrificed their souls for the liberation of the country and fought gallantly in bloody battles against the allied colonial forces during the black era of the western powers’ illegal colonisation that annexed resourceful parts of Somali territories to the neighbouring states where many ethnic Somali communities live as citizens of these countries that benefited from the annexation in favour of their go-political and demographic interests per se.
The number one Somali hero, Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan, whose omnipresent name isn’t only written in the books of history with a silver ink but is chiselled with a golden tool in the heart of every Somali patriot, had been alienated from the nation he fought for its liberation and died for by the Somali-Ethiopian Regional State authority that erected his statue in the centre of Jigjiga in honour of the sacrosanct Somali hero as an Ethiopian legendary. The statue symbolises him as an Ethiopian freedom fighter due to the current Somali political status quo on the ground today. Many Somali nationalists believe that the Ethiopianisation of the Somalia’s freedom father is a devaluation of Somali sovereignty. It is implausible and unacceptable violation.
Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan was a seasoned greater Somali theorist that God bestowed on him ambitious Somali nationalist dreams for which he struggled quarter of a century and died for. He was also a fearless fighter and daring commander of the Somali Dervish forces, prolific poet, well-versed Islamic scholar, and outspoken anthropologist of his time. As a brave military commander, he assaulted both nocturnal and diurnal decisive offensives and counteroffensives against the colonial invaders in the Horn of Africa where his triumphant battalion combatants achieved victories over the mechanised colonial forces in lots of combat zones that they engaged with the well-equipped British and Italian brigades and divisions. In response to those cut-throat military confrontations, the late Somali hero composed countless poems about all the military clashes that he personally participated in with his forces and commanded as a golden legacy for the day-to-day Somali generation who still enjoy listening to his inspiring poems that are teeming with Somalism. This diamond-like creative legacy was collected by the renowned Somali creative anthropologist who is now ailing in Djibouti, Au-Jama Omar Isse. The Somali Dervish freedom fighters founded and commanded by the late Somali national warrior, Sayid Mohamed, was the first nationalist movement in the history of Africa that were ever bombarded by the British air force. Though the British airstrike badly strafed Taleh, the then central command of the Dervish forces and defeated them militarily, but Sayid Mohamed naturally died in Imei jungles as he was aiming to reinforce his fighters and surprise the colonial soldiers with lightening offensives in order to dislodge them from his captured frontline offensive and defensive positions and recapture from them.
As I had learned from the books of the legendary Somali historian and Dervish movement specialist, Au-Jama Omar Isse, the current Somali-Ethiopian Regional Government seat, Jigjiga, was the first place that the Dervish forces, under the command of Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan, confronted with the then Abyssinian empire military occupation that he ferociously fought against as to liberate the city from them and stop their encroachment on the then Somali territorial land. All those large-scale military engagements that raged for over twenty years were fought by the Dervish fighters for a noble cause – the liberation of greater Somalia, which was the main ambition of the late Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan. Unfortunately, today the Somali hero was made Ethiopian hero by the president of the Somali-Ethiopian Regional State, Abdi Mohamud Omar, who paid millions of dollars for the erection of Sayid Mohamed’s statue in the Jigjiga down town in order to lionise the fallen Somali hero as an Ethiopian knight whose literature and long struggle will be recorded in the Ethiopian history books as to garner the support of the Ethiopian federal government. I personally believe that Abdi Mohamud Omar contributed a lot to the development of the region in many sectors during his era in the presidential seat of the region but turning our Somali hero into an Ethiopian statesman is a violation of Somali national pride which already provoked nationalistic outrage among the Somali thinkers in the world. No matter if Abdi ennobles Sayid Mohamed as an African gallant but Ethiopianising the hero is an historical accident as I think.
The looting of the Somali national heritage came as a result of the awful acts by some of the Somali warlords who smashed the statues of many Somali heroes and heroines for the simple reason of their tribal affiliations after ousting the powerful military ruler and expelling his loyal troops from the capital. Due to the consequences of the Somali civil war, many claim that there will be no statue of honour which will be built for Sayid Mohamed in the centre of Mogadishu by the current Somali government because of tribal-based reasons as every single Somali tribe wants his tribal leader be honoured.
Although I have got no evidence to prove my statement but I heard that some of the then victorious warlords that captured the military bases of the central government in the capital sold out the statue of Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan in Mogadishu to foreign country. There is another rumour which says that it was demolished to pieces by angry rural fighters among the rank and file of USC due to his distant lineal relation with the deposed president. There is another conspiracy theory which says that all the bravery symbols which were built for the fallen Somali heroes in the city were devastated by Al-Qaeda militants with the cooperation of furious fighters at the time of the violent days that Major General Mohamed Siad Bare fled the city in 1991. All these claims can be true or false but due to those errors, many elites believe that Abdi Mohamud Omar has the right to erect statue for the late Sayid Mohamed who hails from the same Ogaden clan that Abdi belongs to. But as a Somali nationalist, I don’t see the point of believing in that mere reason. I believe that we should differentiate clannish connection from countries because Abdi Mohamud Omar is a regional state president for the modern day Ethiopia and he had intentionally did this for he understands that there will be no opposition against his alienation of our Somali hero from the weak Somali government who failed even to criticise it. My question is: Is Sayid Mohamed’s Statue in Jigjiga Lionising Him or Looting Him?
By: Mohamed Abdikadir (Stanza) – Somali published poet and novelist whose books are available at the shelves of the international bookshops.
Reach him at: ayaandhalad5@hotmail.comKismaayoNews.com


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AU Special Representative presides over the handover ceremony of AMISOM Military Command


Kn: Mogadishu-December 16th, 2013; Lieutenant General Silas Ntigurirwa from Burundi National Defense Forces (BNDF) has today taken command of the military component of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), following a handover ceremony presided over by the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif.The ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Defense of the Federal Government of Somalia-Honorable Abdihakim Faqi, the Minister of National Defense and Former Combatants of Burundi-Honorable Pontien Gaciyubwenge who also represented Troop Contributing Countries to AMISOM, the UN SRSG for Somalia-Ambassador Nicholas Kay, the EU Special Envoy for Somalia-Ambassador Michelle Cervone and the AU Head of Peace Support Division-Mr. Sivuyile Bam.
The AU Special Representative congratulated Lt. General Ntigurirwa on his appointment, saying that his experience and knowledge would be of great value to the international effort in restoring peace and stability in Somalia while thanking the Outgoing Force Commander Lt. General Andrew Gutti for his dedication to the mission during his tenure at the helm.
Born in 1968, Lt. Gen. Silas Ntigurirwa brings vast experience from the Burundian army, in which he has served in different capacities, with the last posting being the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Defense and Former Combatants.He comes in at a time when the United Nations Security Council approved an additional 4,400 troops for the mission, boosting its number from the current 17,731 to 22,196. The troops currently serving under AMISOM in Somalia come from Djibouti, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Kenya and Uganda.
Lt. General Gutti had led the AU peacekeeping forces since May 2nd last year. During his leadership, AMISOM forces supporting the Somali National Army have registered significant achievements countrywide allowing political process to take place.
During the handover ceremony, Lt General Gutti was recognized for his good service, commitment and gallantry. He was lauded for the significant progress made in pushing out the extremist group al-Shabaab during his tenure, which led to the capturing of key strategic positions in South and Central Somalia.“I would like to express my gratitude for your service and contribution towards peace in Somalia. You have set an example and the new AMISOM leadership should maintain the momentum” said Ambassador Annadif.
Lt General Gutti said “With the current set up I see Somalia gaining its former glory. Within the shortest time Somalia has been recognized by the international bodies, missions have come here for the first time and there are over 30 missions operating here now. I envision that this will continue and with the extra troops to be deployed, AMISOM will achieve much more”.
On his part, the incoming Force Commander, vowed to continue building the momentum in order to achieve the objectives of the Mission and help bring about security and stability to Somalia and to the region at large adding that the recent AMISOM expansion will enable the troops to liberate more areas and serve Somalia better.
The Minister of Defense of the Federal Government of Somalia, Honorable Abdihakim Faqi expressed his confidence in the incoming Force Commander and thanked the outgoing Force Commander for his role especially during the period when AMISOM supported the Somali National Forces in kicking-out Al-Shabaab terrorists from strategic areas.KismaayoNews.com


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Wasiirka madaxtooyadda oo ka hadlay kormeer uu ku tagay Jidka Hargeysa Illaa Sallaxle


HARGEYSA (Somaliland.Org)- Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan ayaa maanta kormeer ku tagay jidka laamiga ah ee isku xidhaya Hargeysa iyo degmadda Sallexley.
Wasiir Xirsi oo ka hadlayay kormeerkiisaas waxa uu yidhi “Saaka saacado kahor waxaanu socdaal ku tagnay jidka isku xidhi doona Hargeisa iyo Sallaxley, ujeedada safarkan oo ahayd dardar galin iyo u kuur galida xaalada shaqo ee ka socota jidkan ayaa ku soo dhamaaday rajo fiican iyo wax-qabad muuqda.Waxaa hubaal ah in muftaaxa horumarku yahay waddooyinka oo la samaysto hadbana inta uu jidku kuu jiro horumarkuna kuu jiro.”
Wasiirka oo hadalkiisa sii watay wuxuu yidhi “Waxaa farxad ah in shacabka reer Somaliland maanta meel ay jooganba ay ku foogan yihiin hirgalinta waddooyin cusub oo dalku yeesho, taaso macnaheedu noqonayo in aynu ku sii durkayno nolol horumar badan leh.
Jidkan isku xidhi doona Sallaxley iyo Hargeysa, waa jid muhiimad wayn u leh dalka iyo dadkiisaba Insha Allahu maalin dhawna guul inoogu dhamaan doona.”
“Ka xukuumad ahaan waxaanu diyaar u nahay taageerida, dhiirigalinta iyo garab joogsiga jid kasta oo ay bulshadu wado, si aan u helno dal isku xidhan oo dadkiisu si sahlan iskugu gudbi karaan.Waxaan u hambalyeynayaa bulshada qaybaheega kala duwan ee u guntaday hirgalinta jidkan isla markaana marinaya meel wanaagsan oo bushaaro leh.Aynu duco iyo duunyaba ku taageerno Waddooyinka dalka ka socda waayo maalinba mid ayaad u baahan tahay in aad marto,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Madaxtooyaddu sida lagu faafiyay mareegtiisa guusha.com.
Wa Bilaahi Tawfiiq


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