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Somalia’s Islamist al-Shabaab at risk of splintering


The killing of Somali Islamist group al-Shabaab’s leader by a U.S. airstrike earlier this week could foment in the movement internal conflicts and eventual fragmentation, experts say. But despite the White House hailing Ahmed Godane’s killing as “a ...

12 civilians killed in Somalia attack, say police


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — At least 12 civilians were killed Monday in a suicide attack targeting African Union troops in Somalia's Lower Shabelle region, the first serious assault by suspected Islamic extremists after the killing of al-Shabab's top ...

Jawaari iyo Kay oo ku kulmey Baydhabo


Kn: Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane
Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari oo maalmahan wafdi uu hogaaminayo ay ku
sugnaayeen gobolka Baay ayaa maanta magaalada Baydhabo ku qaabilay Ergeyga
QM ee Soomaaliya Danjire Nicolos Key.
Kulanka Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Danjiraha QM ee Soomaaliya waxaa
goobjoog ka ahaa Wasiirro ka tirsan Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo
iyagu ah guddiga farsamada maamul u sameynta Koonfur Galbeed ee uu soo
magacaabay Ra’isulwasaare C/weli Sheekh Axmed waxaana kulanka looga hadlay
sidii loo dhameystiri lahaa hanaanka maamul goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed.
Danjiraha QM ee Soomaaliya oo isagu ah madaxa xafiiska UNSOM Nicolos Key
oo kulanka markii uusoo gebageboobay kadib la hadlay saxaafadda ayaa ugu
horeyn ku ammaanay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya sida uu
isugu howlay isfahmka iyo heshiisiinta shacabka iyo siyaasiyiinta ku sugan
magaalada Baydhabo islamarkaana uu waqti uu ugu huray waxaana uu dhanka
kale tilmaamay in QM ay si buuxda u garab taagan tahay natiijooyinka
dadaallada socda ee Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka hormuudka ka yahay.
Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Sheekh
Cusmaan Jawaari oo isaguna dhankiisa saxaafadda la hadlay kulanka kadib
ayaa uga mahad celiyey QM taageerrada ay ballan qaaday iney la garab
taagan yihiin shacabka ku dhaqan gobollada Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya
waxaana uu Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka xusay in inta uu kulanka socday looga
hadlay halka ay marayaan dadaallada maalmihii lasoo dhaafay uu u joogay
magaalada Baydhabo oo hada meel wanaagsan maraya.

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AMISOM oo kufsi baahsan lagu eedeeyey


Kn: Hey’adda xuquuqul insaanka Rights Watch ayaa warbixin ay soo saartay waxa ay ku sheegtey in ciidamada AMISOM ay kufsi baahsan u geystaan dumarka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwa barakacayaasha ah ee gargaarka u baahan.
Waxa ay warbixintu sheegeysaa in askarta ay gargaarka dumarka kaga badashaan galmo sharci daro ah, iyaga oo mararka qaarkood lacag kusoo jiita dumarka baahan.
Dumarka la kufsaday waxaa ka mid ah gabadh 12 jir ah oo iyadu gargaar caafimaad u tagtay isbitaalka AMISOM .
Gabadh kale oo dumarka la kufsaday ka mid ah waxa ay iyaduna sheegtey in qori caaradiis lagu xoogey, oo ay feel ka galeen illaa 6 askarta Burundi ka socoto ah.
Waxa ay warbixintu intaasi ku daraysaa in dumarka qaar maalintii la siiyo $5 doolar iyada oo laga faa’iideysanayo rafaadkood nolosha.

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Gabbal dumay aya Gab ku yidhi guutooyinka Mirqaanka


Kn: Maxkamada sare ee dalka Kenya aya maanta qaadaysa dacwad ay keeneen dadka ka ganacsade qaadka oo is hortaagaya gooanka laanta ka hortaga istimaalka xun e droodaga iyo khamarada ii loo yaqaan( NACADA National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse) ay ka soo saaratay xilliga la cuni karo geedka loo yaqaan jaadka ee la rumeeysan yahay inuu maanka dooriyo.
NACADA waxay sheegtay in jaadka la cuni karo 5 galabnimo iyo 10 habeenimo oo kaliya, markaa sidaa loo fiiriyo arrintaasina waxay ka dhigeeysa in qofki xiliga dhaafiya inuu jabiyay sharci oo la qaban karo.
Balse koox dacwad soo oogtay waxay leeyihiin arrinkani waxa u wax u dhimaya wax soo saarkooda iyagoo daldhigoodu yahay in qaadka shaaha iyo bunka (coffee) la mid yahay.
Qaadleeyda dhinabaha sheeganaya waxa kaleh oo ay ku dacwoodeen in NACADA ay kulano iyo aqoon is weeydaarsi badan ay ka sameeysay oo dhinaca xun loo qaaday arrimaha qaadka oo kadibna ganacsigoodi hoos u dhacay sababtaas.
Waxaa kaleh oo inta ay ku dareen in NACADA oloalaheedu gundhig u ahaa joojinta qaadka ee dalka UK.
Waxaa la filaya maxkamadu ineey arrinkan go’amiso balse waxaan shaki ka jirin in qaadku difaaca dhinaca shariga iyo damiirka aanu u qalmin.
Cali Muuse Cabdi

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Nin ka yimid Israa’iil oo lagu qabtay Xamar


Kn: Nin wata baasaboorka Soomaaliya oo ka yimid magaalada Tel Aviv ee Israa’iil ayaa lagu qabtay magaalada Xamar, waxaana lagu wadaa baaris.
Ninkani waxa uu dhalasho ahaan kasoo jeedaa dalka Tanzania, gaar ahaan jasiiradda Zanzibar ee dalkaasi ka tirsan, sida uu maanta warbaahinta u sheegey Jeneraal Gaafoow oo ah madaxa laanta socdaalka .
Baasaboorka Soomaaliya, waliba kii hore ee cagaarnaa oo ah kan uu wato ninkani ayaa waxaa ku qoran in aanan lagu aadi karin dalka Israa’iil maadaamaa uu yahay dal midabtakoor ku dhisan oo lahaystayaal ay u yihiin malaayiin reer falastiin ah.
Lama oga sida uu ninkani ku heley baasaboorka, iyo waliba sida ay ugu suurogashay in Israa’iil uu degenaansho ku joogo, iyo waliba fiiso iyo waxa uu kasoo dooney Soomaaliya.

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UN alleges ‘plot’ to steal Somali assets:-Al Jazeera


Report reveals attempts to steal Somali assets abroad, implicating the president and a US law firm.Nairobi, Kenya - A confidential UN report alleges that Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, his former foreign minister and an American law firm conspired to steal public funds by engaging in secret contracts that gave them hefty percentages from the country’s recovered overseas assets.
The report, obtained by Al Jazeera and presented to the UN Security Council in July, urges the UN to call on member states and financial institutions to freeze Somali assets under their jurisdiction until “a genuinely transparent and accountable recovery process can be established”.
“Continuation of a recovery process in secret … risks further exposure of overseas assets to misappropriation,” said the report, urging the Somali government to disclose the original list of identified assets, which now is only known to President Mohamud and the Maryland-based law firm Shulman Rogers as well as two other individuals.
The Somali government said it would only respond to the report in detail when it is officially released. Others accused of wrongdoing denied the allegations levelled against them.
Shulman Rogers dismissed the allegations as “false” and “malicious,” with Jeremy Schulman, the law firm’s man in charge of the Somalia project, saying, in a statement sent to Al Jazeera, that the report’s intention is “to discredit the Somali government, our law firm, and the individuals who have worked hard to support the asset recovery project for the people of Somalia”.Jarat Chopra, the coordinator for Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group who presented the report to the UN Security Council’s sanction committee, said his group stands by its findings, but refused to comment further.Terms challenged
The group’s mandate includes monitoring misappropriation of public funds as well as reporting on the arms embargo imposed on Somalia in 1992.
The report says attempts to steal assets were thwarted after former Central Bank Governor Yussur Abrar challenged the terms of Shulman Rogers. Abrar quit after seven weeks in office. Her action generated an international scrutiny that later enabled her successor to protect some of the recovered assets.
The report, however, alleges there is still “a secret architecture of misappropriation,” involving President Mohamud, former Foreign Minister Fawzia Yusuf Adam, Shulman Rogers as well as Musa Haji Mohamed Ganjab and Abdiaziz Hassan Giyaajo Amalo. The report says Ganjab and Amalo, who vehemently deny the allegations, served as government advisors as well as facilitators for Shulman Rogers.
“What Yussur said is baseless,” Adam said in a recent interview with the satellite TV station, Somali Channel.
The July report said its findings “reflects exploitation of public authority for private interests and indicates at the minimum a conspiracy to divert the recovery of overseas assets in an irregular manner”.
Mohamed Husein Gaas, Horn of Africa analyst at the Oslo, Norway-based Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies, told Al Jazeera the UN allegations against President Mohamud will definitely disappoint many Somalis who thought that “his regime would be a fresh start towards restoring a credible Somali government”.
“President Mohamud would have better reassured the Somali public if he had admitted his administration’s shortcomings and started to fix them,” he told Al Jazeera.
The report cites Shulman Rogers as saying that $12,326,971.63 worth of assets held in the United States was transferred to its custody, with the firm retaining $2,711,125.97 for “fees, expenses and set asides,” including its five percent bonus, $616,348.63 and six percent for “expense set aside,” $739,618.30.
“A final amount of USD 9,001,092.25 was transferred on 2 and 5 December 2013 to a Central Bank account at the Ziraat Bankasi (Agricultural Bank of the Republic of Turkey).”
The current governor of the central bank of Somalia, Bashir Issa Ali, did not receive any indication of the source of $9,001,092.25, or which assets the transfer related to or an accounting of recovered assets, said the report.
It also alleges that a total of $922,913.38 was withdrawn, between July 30 to August 31, 2013, from the central bank of Somalia to defend Abdusalam Omer, the former central banker whom the UN accused of corruption last year.
The report says the move further exacerbated allegations of using public funds for private interests. The 2013 allegations concerned Omer himself and not the government as a whole, says the report.
The report alleges that Shulman Rogers conducted a “counter-investigation” to preserve its control over the effort to recover overseas assets and counter any perceived opposition to it.
“‘Pie-cutting’ of overseas assets by those involved in the project entailed retention of excessive percentages and direct payments from recovered assets as well as attempts to circumvent deposits in the Central Bank of Somalia,” Chopra said.Frozen assets
But Jeremy Schulman from Shulman Rogers countered: “Instead of misappropriating assets, the records show a careful attempt to safeguard assets and place them under the control of the Central Bank and the president.”
Foreign countries and financial institutions have frozen Somalia’s overseas assets following the implosion of that country’s central government in 1991, but feverish efforts to recover such assets – including cash, gold and ships – have restarted after the election of President Mohamud in 2012.
In 2013, however, the Shulman Rogers won an exclusive contract with Somalia’s Central Bank for the recovery of the country’s oversea assets.
The contract allowed the firm to retain six per cent of all recovered Somali assets for unnamed costs and expenses, in addition to the five per cent of all recovered assets as a bonus additional to its fees. The deal also did not oblige the firm to transfer the assets, when recovered, directly to the central bank, but instead put them under the control of President Mohamud.
As per the central bank’s law, the bank is autonomous and should not take instructions from government entities, including the president.
But the UN report alleges that Shulman Rogers “consistently exploited the authority of the president and the authority of the Central Bank Governor intermittently as levers of convenience, placing the assets under the control of the president pursuant to a contract signed by the Central Bank Governor”.
“While the contract relied on the authority and the name of the Central Bank as the client, control over the assets was intended to be exclusively retained by the president, thereby exposing the recovered assets to misappropriation by those involved in the recovery project,” said the report.
According to the report, Abrar, the ex-governor, was appointed in part to exploit her banking background in order to get her open bank accounts whose aims were to divert public funds after her predecessor was discredited in an earlier UN report.
“From the moment I was appointed,” she said in her resignation letter, “I have been continuously asked to sanction deals and transactions that would contradict my personal values and violate my fiduciary responsibility to the Somali people as head of the nation’s monetary authority.”
During her brief time on the job, Abrar was rebuked for raising corruption issues in her first encounter with President Mohamud and subjected to threats, pressure and abusive language, said the report, disclosing that President Mohamud rejected Abrar’s repeated requests to get the original list of identified overseas assets as well as summary statements of recovered assets from Shulman Rogers.
“Ms. Abrar was expected to either join the group of individuals working with the president or be controlled so she silently acquiesced to them,” said the report.
Abrar finally decided to leave the country for the United Arab Emirates under the pretext of signing off on a Dubai account whose aim would have been to deposit diverted funds and other bilateral assistance with no control from the central bank.
Ali, the current central bank governor, eventually revoked the bank’s contract with Shulman Rogers on May 13, 2014. But Jeremy Schulman told Al Jazeera that the firm is “in continuing discussions with the Federal Government of Somalia regarding renegotiating our contract”.
Al Jazeera

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Lacago ka xayirnaa Soomaaliya oo ay heshey dowladda


Kn: Hanti Soomaaliya kaga xayirnaa bangiyada adduunka oo uu muran weyn ka taagnaa qaabkii loo maray in dowladda kula wareegto ayaa la sheegey in ay dowladda Federaalka ee hadda jirtey ay heshey.
Waxaa lagu waramayaa in $36 malyuun oo doolar oo lacagtaasi ka mid ah ay heshey dowladda Soomaaliya, iyada oo lacagtaasi lasoo mariyey bangi xagga beeraha qaabilsan oo lagu magacaabo Ziraad Bank oo dalka Turkiga ku yaala, iyada oo ay hawshaasi ka shaqaysay shirkadda abukaatayaasha Shulman Roggers.
Qeyb ka mid ah lacagta ayaa waxaa lagu shubey sanduuq bangi oo dowladda oga furan Dubai, iyada oo kaliya la hubo in lacagta Turkiga soo martay ay gaartay Bangiga dhexe.
Lacagtani kuma cadda miisaaniyadda dowladda ay dajisey sanadkani, mana jirto meel ay dowladda ku qiratay in lacag ceynkaasi ay soo gaartay iyada oo ay waliba dowladda si weyn isaga difaacaysey eedeymo qaramada midoobey ay u jeedisey oo ahaa in lacago la xadayo.
Shirkadda Shulman Roggers ayaa qaadanaysa lacag dulaalnimo oo gaaraysa boqolkiiba %12.
Fawsiyo Xaaji Aadan oo ahayd wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha dibada, madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo labo nin oo ganacsato ah oo lagu magacaabo Muuse Ganjab iyo Giyaajo ayaa si weyn loogu eedeeyey in ay hantidaasi Soomaaliya xiligii Siyaad Barre ka xayirantay ay dhacayaan.

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SOMALIA: President, PM strongly denounce Al Shabab suicide car bomb outside Mogadishu


Mogadishu (RBC) Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed strongly condemned the suicide car bomb by the Al Qaeda-linked militant group Al Shabab outside Mogadishu on Monday.
The suicide car bomb which meant to target a convoy of African Union peacekeepers left at least 14 dead, mostly civilians after two passenger minibuses were hit with the suicide car which was loaded with explosives and drove by a suicide man.  At least 31 others were wounded in the attack among them three AMISOM soldiers and two international military advisers.
President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud described the attach as ruthless and only increased Al Shabab desperate acts against civilians.
“Al Shabab has now gone and In Allah’s wishes they will be soon held accountable for their massacring our civilians.” President Mohamud said.
On his side Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed said as the joint forces destroy the enemy, they target the civilians.
“I call the Somali people to be united and stand against these ruthless militias, they will never exist so long so let us root out them from our lands.” the Prime Minister added.
Al Shabab took credit of Monday’s suicide car bomb claiming it was meant to revenge the U.S government for its killing Al Shabab’s boss Ahmed Abdi Godane last Monday.
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SOMALIA: NUSOJ congratulates the new leadership of Puntland journalists for their election


Mogadishu (RBC) The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) congratulates the new leadership elected by the members of the Media Association for Puntland (MAP) and vows to continue working with the new leadership.
In highly organized event attended by the Minister of information for Puntland, Abdiweli Hersi Abdulle, representatives from Relief International, PUNSAA and UNSOM, was held in Garowe, where the new leadership stressed the importance of doubling their efforts in serving the MAP members in Puntland.
Burhaan Ahmed Dahir, the NUSOJ president and outgoing MAP Secretary General said in his briefing that they have carried out very valuable task including unity of the journalists, journalists’ training, fighting for press freedom and advocacy and hoped that the new leadership will double their efforts in serving the member journalists. NUSOJ and MAP are affiliates and work closely each other and will continue to do so.
The chairman elect, Faysal Khaliif Barre, reiterated his commitment to develop better the media in Puntland, noting that the position he was is big responsibility.
The Secretary General of the National Union of Somali Journalists, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim sent congratulatory message to the elected leadership and hoped successful completion of the tasks they have assigned to them ahead of their term.
NUSOJ General Assembly scheduled for August has been postponed by the NUSOJ executive committee members due to financial constraints, but hopes to hold the General Assembly the coming month or months, depending how the funds are secured.
“Finally, I congratulate the new leadership for the successful General Assembly Elections.” Mr. Ibrahim added.
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Somalia to probe rape charges against African Union troops


NAIROBI (Reuters) - Somali authorities said on Tuesday they would investigate charges that women and girls in the capital Mogadishu had been raped by African peacekeepers, a principal source of security in the war-torn country. A report released on Monday ...

Madaxweynaha JSL oo Shahaadooyin Gudoonsiiyay Dufcadii 6-aad ee Ka Qalin-jabisay Jaamacadda Admas


Laba sano kaddib maxaa u qabsoomay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh


Maanta waxa labo sano laga joogaa markii la doortay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud. Haddaba maxaa u qabsoomay? Halkan ka dhageyso faalllo arrintaa ku saabsan.

Rag Al-shabab Ka Tirsan oo Jarmalka Lagu Xiray


Sadex qof oo laba ka mid ah ay yihiin Somali heysata jinsiyadda Jarmalka, oo la sheegay inay ka tirsanaayeen Al-shabab ayaa dhawaan lagu qabtay dalkaasi

Tafsiirka Qur'aanka Kariimka (*سورة يونس 107 سورة هود 5 *) Li Sh Xassan Ibrahim Ciise Xafidahullaah

Qarax dad badan ku dilay Suuriya


Ku dhawaad 50 qof ayaa dalka Suuriya ku dhintay ama ku dhaawacmay qarax bam oo ka dhacay meel uu ka socday kulan heersare ah.

Dr Amina oo ka warantay maydkii rayadka


Safarkii Xildhibaanad Ubax Tahliil Oo Soogaba Gaboobay Galkacyo Ayeey Dib Ugu Soolaabatay


Xildhinabanad Ubax Tahliil Warsame Oo Katirsan Mudanayaasha Barlamaanka Somaliya Maalmahaana Socdaalo Kumareysay Qaar Kamid Ah Deeganada Galmudug Ayaa Maanta Waxaa Dib Ay Ugusoolabatay Magaalada Gaalakcyo Ee Xarumta Gobolka Mudug Waxaa Lagu Wadaa In Ay Kawarbixiso Safarkeeda Iyo Waxyabihii Ay Kusoo Aragtay Deeganadii Kaladuwana Ee Ay SoomartayXAFIISKA WARARKA.GAALKACYOSHABAKADDA WARARKAWWW.HOBYONET.COMNAGALA SOO XIRIIR.CMAALIN17@GMAIL.COMHOBYOEDITOR1@GMAIL.COMTELL:25290-7647333/252678647333/252167150440

Web link Exchange

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Q1aad Guurku Waa Diinta Badhkeed Sh Cabdulqaadir Boobe

Obama "awood baan u leeyahay dagaalka IS"


Madaxweyne Obama ayaa lagu wadaa in maanta oo Arbaca ah uu soo bandhigo istiraatiijiyadiisa ku aadan kooxda Dowladda Islaamiga ah.

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