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Kenya’s military kills 49 Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia


Kenyan soldiers have killed 49 Al-Shabaab fighters, including five commanders in intensified airstrikes in southern Somalia, an official said on Thursday. Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) spokesman Colonel David Obonyo told Xinhua that the militants were killed ...

DAAWO: Aktarad Angelina Jolie oo Filimkeedii Ugu Danbeeyay Ku Soo Bandhigtay Magaalada London


Aktarada Angelina Jolie ayaa filimkeedi ugu danbeeyay ee ay matasho, oo lagu magacaabo, Unbroken ku soo bandhigtay magaalada London ee caasimadda Ingiriiska, taas oo ka dhigaysa markii ugu horaysay ee Yurub lagu soo bandhigo filimkan oo ka waramaya qiso dhab ah oo dagaalkii labaad ku dhacday duuliye Maraykan ah.
Filimkan loogu magaca daray Unbroken, waxa si toos ah loogu warinayaa, askari Maraykan ah oo kaligii ka badbaaday diyaaradoodi, sideed saaxiibadii ahna ay ku dhinteen, ka dib markii lagu soo riday xeebaha dalka Japan oo ay duqaynaysay, waxaana ninkan oo wakhtigan oday ah, xiligaas loo qabtay maxbuus ahaan.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmailIshabaydhaba@hotmail.com

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Wararka Dibada: Daawo Madaxweyne Barack Obama oo Khudbad uu Jeedinayay Buuq Iyo Dood Laga Geliyay


Madaxweynaha dalka Maraykanka Barack Obama oo maalintii talaadadii jeedinayay, khudbad uu kaga hadlayo qorshihiisa soo galaytiga sharci darada ah ee dalka Maraykanka, ayaa kooxo ka caraysan balan qaadyadii aan fulaynin ay ka khal khaliyeen.
Madaxweyne Obama oo khudbadiisa bartanka kaga jira ayaa waxa mar kaliya buuq iyo dood ku bilaabay, kooxaha u ololeeya xuquuqda soo galaytiga sharci darada ah, kuwaas oo ay wakhti ku qaadatay madaxweynuhu inuu qanciyo.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmailIshabaydhaba@hotmail.com

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Dufloow Qoodhiyo Xero Beel (Sheeko Xiiso Badan). By: Maxamed Sheekh


A.W.W.  Nin doobnimo ku waynaaday oo aan reer yeelan ayaa wuxuu lahaa dukaan xaafad ku dhex yaallay oo dukaammada kalee la midka ahaa aad ooga cammir’naa, waxayna saaxiibadiis su’aali jireen waxa ku dhacay ee asagoo masruuf reereed awoodi karaya uu guurki iskugu dayi la’aa?…. goormaan xalwaddaada cunaynaa? iwm, wuxuuna asagoo warkooda garwaaqsanaa, niyaddana guurki ka rabay uu ugu jawaabi jiray (mar dhow baan ku dhaqaaqi doonaaye ha sugi waayina).
Maalinkii danbe ayaa ayadoo ay saaxiibbadiis la joogeen, arrinkii guurkiisina la hadal-hayey waxay arkeen koox riyo nooca ari-carbeedka loo yaqaan ahaa oo hal orgiyoo weyn uu la socday oo dukaankiisi hormaraya.
Mar kaliya ayuu qosol ka wareegay, saaxiibbadiisi guurka ku guubaabinayey oo ayagu hal-hal xaas lahaana ku yiri war nimankiinnaan wax yar baad i dhaantaane haddii aan anigu xagga guurka u dhaqaaqo sida ninkaas dufle(orgigi) ah ayaan koox dumar ah hal mar wada guursanayaa, kolkii lagu qos-qoslayna u sii raaciyey; waliba ha kala harina oo mid tan kale ka masayri kartaa yeyna jirin intaan iraahdo ayaan ayagoo dhinacyada iga yaacaya idin tusi doonaa, looguna jawaabay war dufle annagaanba gaari karin oo waad aragtaa inuu janbiyoon yahaye bal sideennoo kale hal mid un soo qabo.
Maalinkaas ka dib waxa ninkii iyo saaxiibadiis kaftankooda dhexyaal u ahaa orgigii uu dufle oola baxay, waxaana mararka qaarkood lagu oranayey war malaha inaad saaxiibkaa dufle wareysatid baa fiicnaan lahayd sida ay oogu suura gashay inuu intaasoo haween ah helo.
Arrinku wuxuu kaftan ku ekaadaba ninkii u-sii-fiirsashadi orgigi saamayn bay ku yeelatay.
Mar kaliya ayuu si degdeg ah u hawl-galay, inuu guursadana ku guuleystay, Mar aan xafladdii arooskiisa sidaas uga fogaynna ay saaxiibbadiis ka war heleen saaxiibkood oo kasoo qayb-galka xafladda arooskiisi labaad ku casuumaya.
Isla waqti yar ka dib ayuu tii saddexaadna guurkeedi ku guuleystay, tii afraadna ayadoo ay saaxiibbadiis iska sii maleynayeen ayuu guursaday, waxayna saaxiibbadiis naaneys ahaan ugu bixiyeen (dufle) oo ahaa magacii uu asagu orgigi oola baxay. Dufle oo aad moodaysay inuu duflihii kale orgiga ahaa si hoose uurka oogala saaxiib ahaa, afartii gabdhood ee uu muddooyinki aadka iskugu dhaw-dhawaa ku guursaday oo mid waliba asagooyna aad isu dabci fahmin uu tu kale ka daba keenay, mid walibana ay ku tuhmaysey inuu tan kale ka jecel yahay ama ooga roon yahay ayaa afarta gees ooga kacay.
Tu waliba wixii uu ku xisaabtamayey wax ka badan ayey ka dalbatay, la xisaabtan badan iyo dooda ad-adagna ku furtay, markii la isku xanaaqana boorsadeeda ayey horay ka qaadatay oo gurigi waalidkeed horay ka aadday, soo maslaxiddeediina xisaaba kale kaga baxeen, kalmaddi madaxayga i sii (i fur) ahaydna dhagahiisa ayey ku badatay, ganacsigi dukaanki yaraana hoos buu u sii dhacayey.
Saaxiibbadiis haddii uu dhibaatada haysata xalkeeda waydiin lahaana wuxuu ku tuhmayey inay hal-hal xaas kaliya leeyihiin oo khibradda dumar-badan-dhaqashada ay asagaba ka liitaan. Dufle wuxuu xaalku ku adkaadaba maalinkii danbe ayaa sammigiisi dufle ee orgiga ahaa iyo riyihiyo wada socda oo dukaankiisi hor maraya wuxuu arkay inay riyihi mid ka maqan tahay, wuxuuna is weydiiyey; tolow ma baabuur baa jiiray?… ma la qashay?…. mise inta la iibiyey ayaa meel fog loo kaxaystay? iwm, balse maalinkii xigay ayuu arkay ayadoo riyihi iyo duflahoodii la socota oo inta qosol yar ku dhuftay yiri (Dufle xaniinya-badne, caro ayey ku maqnaydoo wuu soo maslaxday).
Dhawr jeeroo kale ayuu tabay inay ridi ayada ahayd ayna riyihi ku dhex jirin oo ay maqan tahay, wuxuuna sii lahaa waa tu dabeecad xun oo markay xanaaqdaba iska dhaqaaqaysa. Hase yeeshee baryihii xigay ayuu si xariir ah ridi ooga dhex waayey riyihii kale, garowsadayna in ayada iyo duflihii orgiga ahaa uu calafkoodi kala dhammaaday asagoo xaalku inuu furniin ahaa u badinaya, isla maalmihina riyihi ku dhex arkay ceesaan ku cusub oo la socota, una niyooday inay tahay gabar yar oo uu dufle-orgi soo guursaday, ammaan iyo bogaadinna saaxiibkiis (Dufle-orgi) u jeediyey, halkaasna uu go’aan qaldan ku qaatay oo ah in afartiisa xaas tii ku yara qayl-qaylisaba uu dalaaqdeeda horay ka siiyo, tu uu ku baddaloyana raadinteeda horay ka billaabo.
Dumarku xoolaha la mid ma aha oo illeen hanashadooda hawl adag baa ka sokaysee sanado aan sidaas u sii badneyn oo uu qub iyo qac ku noolaa ka dib, dukaanki yaraa ee uu hanashada dumarka u isticmaalayey faaruq buu noqday, afartii xaas ee u danbeeyey oo kala dayacnaa, xaafadihi magaaladoo dhan oo carruuro uu hooyooyinkood ku furay oo masruufkoodi laga doonayey ay kaga kala daadsanaayeen, asagiyoo jactad arrad iyo rafaad ka muuqday, da’ ahaanna sii cuslaaday, iskifaalladii dukaankana dhawr shay oo si teel-teel u yaallay ay ka dul muuqdeen ayaa asagoo daallan uu kursi albaabka soo hor-dhigtay.
In yar markuu fadhiyey ayaa waxaa soo hor maray riyihii oo uuna sammigii dufle la soconin.
Asagoo waxa helay ka sii fikiraya ayuu arkay (Dufle-orgi) oo gaboobay, awooddii ka dhammaatay, riyihi gaari la’ oo raafafki dhulka ku jiidaya.
Xasuus dheer intuu u noqday oo madaxa warwareejiyey ayuu yiri (Dufle qoodhiyo xero beel, adna is-dulleysay anigana i dulleysay).
W/Q: Maxamed Sheekh Cali.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmailIshabaydhaba@hotmail.com

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Somalia makes landmark historic victory at the UN General Assembly


On 18 November 2014 the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a historic draft resolution tabled by Somalia. The resolution is about declaring 13 June of each year as International Albinism Awareness Day.
The adoption of this resolution stunned the whole world particularly the members of the United Nations, as Somalia is still emerging from years of conflicts and multifaceted challenges.
Ambassador Yusuf Mohamed Ismail Bari-Bari, Somalia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Office at Geneva and other specialized international organisations in Switzerland, led the presentation and negotiation of the draft resolution.
On 27 June 2014 under the leadership of Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari, Somalia’s delegation succeeded to secure the unanimous backing of the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council for this resolution which recommended to the UN General Assembly to proclaim 13 June the International Albinism Awareness Day in order to commemorate the adoption on 13 June 2013 of the first UN resolution on the attacks, violence and discriminations against the Persons with Albinism worldwide. The General Assembly is the sole body at the UN that can proclaim an international day.
Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari in close collaboration with his colleagues of the Permanent Mission of Somalia at the UN Headquarters in New York carried out a massive diplomatic campaign for the adoption of the draft resolution. In particular the Deputy Permanent Representative of Somalia in New York Mr. Awale Kullane, together with Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari engaged in successful discussions with the representatives of the UN member states in order to galvanize support for Somalia’s led resolution.
On 18 November 2014 Ambassador Bari-Bari delivered a powerful and very moving speech at the plenary session of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly when he introduced the draft resolution which was meant to highlight the plight of the Persons with Albinism worldwide.
“The draft resolution under consideration has undergone through a process of extensive informal consultations spanning 7 hours cumulatively and contains no Programme and Budget Implications” Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari told the world delegates.
The distinguished Ambassador of Somalia, Yusuf Bari-Bari, appealed to UN Member States to support this resolution, and said “it is the hope of my delegation that the International Albinism Awareness Day will provide groups of Persons with Albinism around the world and other stakeholders, a platform to raise awareness, visibility and understanding of the human rights challenges faced by Persons with Albinism, thereby eliminating global discrimination, stigma and physical attacks”.
“Stigma against persons with albinism currently supports the violation of their most fundamental human rights including the rights to life, security of person and the right not to be subject to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment” added Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari.
Before the call for a vote Somalia’s led resolution enjoyed the co-sponsorship of 47 countries, namely: Canada, Israel, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Ethiopia, South-Africa, Malaysia, Mali, Congo, Panama, Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, Thailand, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Uruguay, Lebanon, Burkina Faso, Croatia, Hungary, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Chile, Bosnia Herzegovina and Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia.
However, the world was outraged when the Permanent Mission of Tanzania mounted a campaign against the draft resolution from Somalia. A considerable number of Persons with Albinism live in Tanzania. In fact this is the largest population in Africa with Albinism.  Persons with Albinism are severely victimized in Tanzania and their rights are regularly violated and abused by some politicians and wealthy businessmen.
The night before the adoption, Tanzania’s Permanent Mission sent an email to all the Permanent Missions accredited to the UN HQ saying: “The United Republic of Tanzania holds the view that it is inadequate to merely call for a proclamation of a day of awareness without further providing for measures to enhance capacities and capabilities meant to address and combat the tragedy and misfortunes facing people with albinism. It is in this regard that the Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania will propose an oral amendment from the floor. The proposed amendment received consensus among many delegations from the African Group. Also the language was further negotiated and agreed by the representatives of the European Union, Canada, Somalia and Tanzania.”
Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari strongly and swiftly refuted this insertion as a baseless since Somalia and other member states cited in the Tanzanian email never agreed to Tanzania’s proposed paragraph.
In accordance to the procedures Somalia’s delegation requested a recorded vote for the Tanzanian oral amendment which were devastatingly defeated (66 voted against, 17 in favour and 75 abstained). In what seemed to be a retaliatory move, Tanzania requested a recorded vote for the whole resolution from Somalia.
Somalia resolution was adopted by vote. 160 countries voted in favour, 16 abstained and not a single country including Tanzania voted against. Please check the official voting sheet from the UN website.
Many diplomats have noticed with particular interest the position taken by South Africa. The latter voted against the oral amendment of Tanzania as well as in favour of Somalia’s led resolution. South-Africa is SADC’s regional power. Some analysts also singled out the lack of argument and consistence of the Tanzanians diplomats during the lively negotiations on the draft resolution as well as during its consideration by the plenary of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly.
Somalia despite its tremendous shortcomings including the ongoing political bickering between the President and the Prime Minister that have polarized the legislative and executive organs has led the proclamation of an International Day on an ever neglected issue which is the most horrific human rights violation and abuse worldwide.
18 November 2014 is an historic day for Somalia because never before its name got attached to the proclamation of an International Day.
Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari distinguished himself in the UN Human Rights Council since 2008 and now in the UN HQ in New York thanks to his tremendous leadership and courage on issues pertaining the protection and promotion of human rights in his country, in the horn of Africa region and worldwide both on countries and thematic issues. He voices on behalf of the voiceless. He earned a lot of respect for his integrity and coherent stand from across all the regional groups of the UN member states.
On 21st November in the aftermath of International Albinism Awareness Day’s proclamation, Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari delivered a key note speech at the 5th annual end-of-year banquet organized by the Federation of African Organizations in Ohio, the US on the themes “Women in African Development” and “Mobilizing against Ebola”. At the margin of the event the City Council of Columbus awarded Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari in “recognition of his work in Human Rights at the global level and for being a pioneer in these efforts”.

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Dhageyso: Tarsan oo Muqdisho Ugu Dhawaaqay Xisbi Siyaasadeed


Xisbi siyaasadeed lagu magacaabo Xisbiga Caddaaladda iyo Bulshada ayaa maanta looga dhawaaqay magaalada Muqdisho.
Guddoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Banaadir, Maxamuud Axmed Nuur (Tarsan) ayaa hoggaaminaya xisbiga.
Xaflad lagu daahfurayay xisbiga ayaa waxaa ka qeybgalay xildhibaanno ka tirsan baarlamaanka federaalka ah, siyaasiyiin, waxgarad, haween iyo dhallinyaro.
Guddoomiyaha xisbiga cusub Maxamuud Axmed Nuur (Tarsan) ayaa sheegay in xibigiisa uu ku shaqeyn doono nidaam ku dhisan caddaalad, sinnaan iyo dalka oo lagu hoggaamiyo waddada saxda ah.
Wuxuu tilmaamay inuu meesha ka saari doono caddaalad-darri uu sheegay inay ragaadisay Soomaaliya, isagoo xusay in xisbiga uu xubin ka noqon karo muwaadin kasta oo Soomaali ah, diyaarna u ah ka shaqeynta nabadda iyo horumarka dalka.Ku Dhageyso Mobilkaga.Ku Dhageyso Mobilkaga.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmailIshabaydhaba@hotmail.com

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Dhageyso: Xildhibaanada La Safan Madaxweyne X asan oo Ugu Baaqay Ra’iisal Wasaare C/weli Inuu Iscasilo Axada Ka Hor


Xildhibaanada la safan Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ee Mooshinka ka wada Ra’iisul Wasaare C/wali Sheekh Axmed ayaa ka hadlay Arrimo dhowr ah oo ay kamid yihiin Go’aankii Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka uu ku joojiyay Mooshinka iyo Xildhibaanada Fowdada ka sameeyay Xarunta Baarlamanka Kulamadii la soo dhaafay.
Xildhibaan Cismaan Xaaji Cali oo u hadlay Xildhibaanada ayaa sheegay in Ra’iisul Wasaare C/weli uu lumiyay  Kalsoonidii iyo Wada Shaqeyntii Golaha Baarlamaanka,Madaxweynaha iyo inta badan Golahiisa Wasiirada,waxaana uu ugu baaqay in uu si Deg Deg ah isku Casilo inta aan Codka Kalsoonida loo qaadin Axada Soo socota.
Sidoo kale Xildhibaanada ayaa Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ku Eedeeyay in uu si Bareer ah u been Tarjumay Warmurtiyedkii ka soo baxay Gudoomaiayah Baarlamaanka oo uu Qalad Warbaahinta uga Sheegay.Ku Dhageyso Mobilkaga.Ku Dhageyso Mobilkaga.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmailIshabaydhaba@hotmail.com

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Dhageyso: Odayaasha Dhaqanka Hawiye oo Sheegay In Ay Xalinayan Khilaafka Madaxda Muqdisho


Gudoomiyaha Odayaasha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimadda Beelaha Hawiye Nabadoon Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa sheegay in Odayaasha Hawiye ay Xalin doonaan Khilaafka Xoogan ee u dheexay Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha.
Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa sheegay in Khilaafka u dhexeeya Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare C/wali Sheekh Axmed uu gaaray halkii ugu sareeyay Caalamka iyo Xildhibaanada Soomaaliyana ay Xalka Ariinkaas Rajo Xumo ka Muujiyeen.
“Anaga Soomaali ayaan nahay Waxii Soomaaliya soo kala dhex gala waligeed Geed Hoostiis ayaa lagu xalin jiray,Odayaasha Hawiye waxaa ay ku dadaalayaan in ay Arrinta Khilaafka Xal ka gaaraan si loo soo Afjaro Khilaafka Madaxda Dalka”ayuu yiri Xaad.
Gudoomiye Xaad waxaa uu Rajo wanaagasan ka Muujiyay in Odayaasha Dhaqanka Hawiye ay ku guulesan karaan Xalka Khilaafka Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha.Ku Dhageyso Mobilkaga.Ku Dhageyso Mobilkaga.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmailIshabaydhaba@hotmail.com

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Wiil uu Dhalay Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenku Iyo Shan Qof Oo kale Oo Ku Dhaawacmay Shil Baabuur


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- 6 qof ayaa dhaawacyo kala duwani galabta Soo gaadheen, ka dib markii Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland C/Raxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) oo socdaal ku tagayay magaaladda Burco ee xarunta gobolka Togdheer, ay isku dhaceen jidka u dhaxeeya Hargeysa iyo Berbera mid ka mid ah kolonyadii baabuurtii Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka ilaaladiisu saaraayeen iyo baabuur shicib ah oo ka soo kicitimay magaaladda Berbera.
Waxa la sheegay in saddexda qof ee saarnaa mid ka mid ah baabuurta ciidanka ilaaladda madaxweyne Ku xigeenka ay dhaawacyo fududi soo gaadheen wiil uu dhalay oo la yidhaahdo Axmed C/Raxmaan iyo laba ka mid ah ilaaladiisii, hase yeeshee warku waxa uu intaas ku daray in saddexda qof ee ku dhaawacmay baabuurka kale, laba ka mid ah dhaawacyadoodu culus yihiin.
Waxa la keenay lixda qof ee ku dhaawacmay shilkaasi cisbitaalka guud ee Hargeysa oo lagu dabiibayo, madaxweyne Ku xigeenkuna waxa uu sii watay socodaalkiisa uu ku tagayo Burco.
Somaliland /Hargeysa

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Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Qaabilay Danjire Ka Socday Wadanka Japan


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo waxa uu maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabiley Safiir ku xigeenka Japan u fadhiya Kenya Deputy Ambassador Mikio Mori, oo dalka boqasho ku yimid.
Madaxweynaha oo Warbixin dheer ka siiyey xaalada guud ee dalka iyo horumarka ay Somaliland ku talaabsatay 23 kii sanno ee ay jirtay, ayaa weftiga ku dhiirigeliyey inay xidhiidh ganacsi iyo mid dawladeedba la sameeyaan Somaliland.
Wasiirka Wasaarada Qorshaynta Qaranka Jamuuriyada Somaliland Dr Sacad Cali Shire oo Kulan kaasi ka dib Saxaafada La hadlay Ayaa sheegay inuu Madaxwaynaha Safiir ku xigeenku kala hadlay Sida ay Somaliland u isticmaasho Mashruucyada Uu dalka Japaan ka hirgaliyo.
Waxa uu sheegay wasiirku inuu Safiir ku xigeenka Dalka Japaan u fadhiya Keny inuu Bookhaday Goobaha Ay somaliland Mashariicda ka Fuliyaan waxaana uu yidhi “Waxa Maanta Halkan inala Jooga Safiir ku xigeenka Dalka Japan u fadhiya Dalka Kenya Deputy Ambassador Mikio Mori oo dalka Bookhasho ku yimid,Waftigani Waxa ay dalka inala Joogeen Afar cisho waxaan ay Dalka u yimadeen in ay kormeer kusoo sameyeen Mashariicda ay iyagu Maal Galiyaan kaas oo soo maray Haay’adda Unicef.”
Wasiirka oo hadalkiis siiwata ayaa in taasi raaciyay.”Halkan ayuu ka tagay Berbera ilaa Sheekh ayuu socday wadanka Waxa uu kusoo arkay Aad iyo Aad ayuu ula dhacay,Shir ayuu Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Saaka Halkan kula lahaa waana looga Mehed Celiyay Mashariicda ay dawlada Japaan Siiso Somaliland,Waxaana ka codsanay In ku soo biiran Wadamada Deeqda Sida Tooska ah Somaliland u Siiya ee Sanduuqa Horumarinta.
Sidoo kale waxa uu wasiirku sheegay in ay ka codsadeen in Ka caawiyaan Cuntada,Biyaha,Tamarta iyo Kaabayaasha Dhaqaalaha oo ay ku jirto Waxbarashada.
Deputy Ambassador Safiir ku xigeenka U dalka Japaan u fadhiya Kenya oo isna kulanka uu madaxwaynaha Somaliland laqaatay ayaa sheegay in mashruucyada Ay Somaliland Siiyaan in ay Sifiican uga Faa’idaysatay Mashruucyadaas.
“Somaliland Mashruucyada Ay siiyeen Dawlada Japaan sifiican ayay uga Faa’idaysataa,waxaana uu sheegay inuu Somaliland La samayn Doonaan Xidhiidh wanaagsan oo ganacsi.

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Shabeellaha hoose oo laga soo dhoweeyay maamulka Koonfur-galbeed


Maamulka dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ee gobolka Shabeellaha hoose ayaa si rasmi ah u shaaciyay inuu soo dhawaynayo maamul goboleedka cusub ee dhawaan looga dhawaaqay magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay. Guddoomiyaha maamulka gobolka Shabeellaha hoose, Cabduqaadir Maxamed Nuur ayaa Bar-kulan u sheegay in isagoo tixgalinaya aqoonsiga dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ay siisay [...]

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IGAD oo ka shirtay arrimaha qaxootiga iyo socdaalka


Shir looga hadlayay sidii xal loogu heli lahaa dhibaatooyinka dhinacyada socdaalka, qaxootiga iyo dadka barakacay ee ku nool dalalka ku jira urur-goboleedka IGAD ayaa shalay lagu soo gabagabeeyay magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya. Guddoomiyaha hay’adda qaran ee qaxootiga iyo dadka barakacay ee Soomaaliya Axmed Daahir Cabdikariin oo ka qeyb galay shirka ayaa VOA [...]

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Bristol: 13 Soomaali ah oo xabsiyo kala duwan lagu xukumay


Saddex iyo toban nin oo dhallinyaro Soomaali ah ayaa maxkamad ku taalla magaalada Bristol ee dalka Britain waxay shalay ku xukuntay xabsiyo kala duwan, kaddib markii lagu helay dambiyo la xiriira kufsi iyo ka ganacsi maandooriye. Dacwadaha oo labo goor la kala dhageystay waxaa lagu qaaday maxkamadda Bristol Crown. Dhallinyarada waxaa lagu helay inay sanadkii [...]

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Ciyaaryahan xabsi lagu xukumay


Beyle oo Roma uga qeyb galay shir looga hadlayo soogalootiga


Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee xukuumadda Soomaaliya, Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle ayaa magaalada Roma ee dalka Talyaaniga uga qeyb galay shir heer caalami ah oo looga hadlayay dhibaatooyinka ay la kulmaan dadka sida sharci-darrada ah ku gala qaaradda Yurub. Shirka oo uu soo qaban-qaabiyay Midowga Yurub ayaa diiradda lagu saaray xal u helidda dhibaatooyinka ay la kulmaan [...]

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Wasaaradda amniga oo farriin u dirtay milkiileyaasha guryaha


Wasaaradda amniga qaranka ee xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa wadda qorshe ay dadka milkiyadda u leh guryaha ku yaalla magaalada Muqdisho ku diiwaan-gelinayaan dadka ka kiraysanaya guryaha si loo xaqiijiyo amaanka degmooyinka iyo guud ahaan caasimadda. Afhayeenka wasaaradda amniga qaranka, Maxamed Yuusuf Cismaan ayaa Bar-kulan u sheegay in milkiileyaasha guryaha Muqdisho ay ujeedinayaan in dadka ka kiraysanaya [...]

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Midowga Yurub oo Soomaaliya u tababaraya 1,200 oo askari


Howlgalka tababarka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay inuu qorshaynayo tababarro muhiim ah oo uu sanadka 2015 siin doono ciidamada dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, xilli xaaladda amaan ee magaalada Muqdisho oo ah halka uu ka dhici doono tababarka ay wali tahay meel halis ah. Holwgalka ayaa qorshaynaya in toddobaadyada soo socda uu billaabo tababarro kale [...]

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49 militants killed in Kenyan airstrike in Somalia


Kenya Defense Forces troops under the [African Union peacekeeping mission] AMISOM operations carried out an air strike on Al-Shabaab camps at Hargeisayere and Minyonta in Jilib NAIROBI At least 49 Al-Shabaab militants were killed in a Kenyan airstrike on ...

The ungoverned seas


Just a few years ago the most dangerous waters in the world were off the coast of Somalia. But piracy there has fallen dramatically. It is more than two years since Somali pirates last successfully boarded a ship. At their peak in 2011, attacks were taking ...



In September 2013, International Development Partners (Donors) of Somalia endorsed a three year (2014-2016) “New Deal for Somalia” outlined in the Somali Compact (SC) and Somaliland Special Arrangement (SSA) in Brussles, Beligium and pledged 2.4 ...

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