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Daawo: Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka JSL Oo Xadhigga Ka Jaray Mashaariic Laga Hirgaliyay Magaalada Burco


25-Qof Oo Sharci Darro Dadka Uga Tahriibiya Xeebaha Salal Oo Xukunno Kala Duwan Lagu Saaray Saylac


Maamulka gobolka Banaadir oo ka warbixiyey waxqabadkiisa


Maamulka gobolka Banaadir ayaa maanta ka warbixiyey halka uu marayo  waxqabadkiisa muddadii uu shaqaynayey. Af-hayeenka gobolka Banaadir, Cali Maxamuud Faarax (Cali-seeko) oo u warramay Bar-kulan ayaa sheegay in maamulku wax badan ka qabtay arrimaha amniga, nadaafadda, soo celinta bilicda caasimadda, dib u hawl-galinta xarumaha maamulka iyo inuu dhallinyarada ka qayb-galiyey maamulka gobolka. Af-hayeenka ayaa tilmaamay [...]

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Guddoonka baarlammaanka oo muddo u qabtay gudagalidda mooshinka xukuumadda


Guddoonka baarlammaanka federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta shaaciyey wakhti rasmi ah oo ay xildhibaannadu guda-galayaan mooshinka ka dhanka ah xukuumadda Soomaaliya iyo wakhtiga lasoo baga-gabeynayo. War qoraal ah oo kasoo baxay guddoonka baarlammaanka ayaa lagu sheegay in goluhu mooshinka ku guda galayo kulan uu yeelan doono 2-da bisha soo socota ee Disembar, natiijaduna ay [...]

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Cirfo: Waxaa la rajeynayaa inuu suura-galo dhismaha maamulka gobollada dhexe


Guddoomiyaha maamulka dowladda ee gobolka Galgaduud, Xuseen Cali Weheliye (Cirfo) ayaa sheegay inay socdaan dadaallo lagu doonayo in lagu suuragaliyo dhismaha maamul ay ku midaysan yihiin dadka gobollada Mudug iyo Galgaduud. Guddoomiyaha oo maanta waraysi siiyey Bar-kulan ayaa sheegay in gobolka iyo magaalada Muqdisho ay ka socdaan shirar ku aaddan arrinta oo ay wadaan mas’uuliyiin [...]

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Waddo laga hirgaliyey Burco


Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka maamulka Somaliland ayaa maanta furay waddo laga hirgaliyey magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobolka Togdheer, wuxuuna dhagax dhigay waddo kale oo laga dhisi doono isla magaaladaas. Waddada oo cusub oo dherekeedu yahay 1 km iyo 3 boqol oo mitir ayaa waxaa hirgalisay dowladda hoose ee Burco, waxaana ku baxay ku dhawaad 100 iyo 70 [...]

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Askari lagu dilay xero qaxooti oo ku taalla Dhadhaab, Kenya


Wefti Wasiiro ah iyo Marwada Qaranka Somaliland oo Gaadhay Gobolka Gabiley.


Gabiley(Waaheen)Wefti ka Kooban Wasiirka Wasaarada Maaliyada Cabdis Casiis Maxamed Samaale Wasiirka Wasaarada Wershadaha Abiib Diiriye Nuur, Marwada Qaranka Marwo Aamina Maxamuud Jirde ayaa Maanta Gaadhay Magaalada Gabiley ee Xanunta Gobolkaasi.
Waftigan oo aan hore u sii Sheegin Safarkooda ayaa si kadis ah ugu baxay Waxayna Galinkii hore ee maanta Gaadheen Gobolka Gabiley halkaasi ay kaga qayb galay shir lagaga hadlayey Horumarinta Gobolka Gabiley oo lagu soo Gabo Gabeeyey.
daawo Wasiirka Maaliyada
Daawo Marwada
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Madaxweynaha oo Furay Xarunta Agoomaha Qayb Cusubna Dhagax dhigay.


Hargeysa(Waaheen)Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo waxa uu maanta dhagax dhig iyo xadhig ka jaridba ka sameeyey Caasimada Somaliland oo laga hirgeliyey Mashruucii ugu balaadhnaa ee abad Dawlada Kuwayd ka hirgeliso Somaliland kaasi oo loogu talo galay Agoomaha.
Xurntan oo ah mid laga bineeyey dhismeyaal aad u qurux badan oo aan dalka hore looga samayn ayaa waxa maanta lagu qabtay xarunta Agoomaha ee Kuwayd dhexdeeda halkaasi oo ay isugu yimaadeen Weftiyo tiro badna oo ka kala socday Dalka Kuwayd, Jabuuti iyo Madaxda Somaliland oo uu hogaaminaayey Madaxweynaha Qaranka SOMALILAND iyo Marwadiisa Aamina Sheekh Maxamed Jirde.
Waxaana halkaasi hadalo kala duwna ka soo jeediyey Masuuliyiin tiro badan oo halkaasi isugu timid waxaana ka mid ahaa Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo,
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Gudi dabagal ah oo kasocda W/Waxbarashada oo gaadhay Magaalada Ceelafweyn ee G/Sanaag‏


Gudigan ka socda wasaarada waxbarashada ee heer qaran oo maantasoo gaadhay degmada ceelafwey oo ay kamid yihiin
Gudoomiyaha xafiiska imtixaanaadka qaranka somaliland
Agaasimaha waaxda shaqaalaha wasaarada waxbarashada somaliland
iyo madaxa qaybta dugsiyada sare ee somaliland .
waxana ugu horeynba tafaasiil kasiiyaywarbaahinta ujeedada socdaalkoodani uu daaran yahay, Gudoomiyaha Xafiiska Imtixaanaadka qaranka somaliland .
Mudane Daa’uud Axmed Faarax waxanu yidhi.
” Waxaanu ahayn wefti wasaarada waxbarashada ka socday oo ka koobnaa agaasimayaashii wasaarada waxbarashada , een runtiina waxaanu u nimi kormeer guud ahaan waxbarashada gobolka saaag ah ,gaar ahaan Degmada Ceelafweyn ayaanu rabnay inaanu kulano ardaydayda , waalidka , macalimiinta , iyo maamulka degmada”.
Isagooo hadalkiisa sii wata wuxu yidhi” Run ahaantii aadbay arimaha oo dhami u fiican yihiin een waxanuna jecelnahay wixii ka bilaabma maalinta berito ah 30-Nov-2014 inaanu gudo galno hawlahayagii , insha allah waxanuna ku rajo waynahay inay guul noogu dhamaadaan “.
Sidaa waxa yidhi Gudoomiyaha X/Imtixaanaadka Qaranka Daa’uud Axmed Faarax wuxu kaloo intaasi raaciyay ” Intii yarayd ee maalintii dhawayd maadaama oo waxbarashadu iyadu tahaybeel is leh ayaanu u nimi inaanu dhamayno maadaamad ardaydii iyo iskuuladii wax saameeyeen ” .
Sidii kale Agaasimaha waaxda shaqaalaha ee Wasaarada Waxbarashada Cali cabdi ( Gaas) ayaa isaguna dhankiisa fariin u diray Ardayda, waalidiinta iyo guud ahaan bulshada reer Ceelafeyn waxana hadaladiisa ka mid ahaa sida tan ” Insha allaahu markaynu soo gabo gabaynana waynu sii kulmi doonaa , Dadweynahana waxaanu u sheegaynaa sidaa Daa’uud Axmed Faaraxba u sheegay inaan ku guulaysan doono , waxan kaloo u sheegayaa Waxbarashadu waxa weeye aayihii Beri ee Ubadka , een madaxdii Berito weeye in dariiqii iyo khaladkii aynu hore usoo marnayna waa waajib “.
Mar kale isagoo hadalka sii wada wuxu carabaabay “markaa sidaa drteed insha allaahu waxaan rajaynaynaa inaanay arimahayagu ku milmin qabyaalada , siyaasada iyo waxlamida ee insha allahu noogu soo dhamaato cidhib wanaagsan iyo guul “.
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30.11.2014. Warkii Galabnimo.


30.11.2014 Warka Subaxnimo Ee Radio Hargeysa.


Hargeysa: Dahabshiil oo Bangi Ganacsi Furtay


Ruushka oo Gantaal Nuclearka Qaada Tijaabiyey


SOMALIA: President says nationally cohesive force is crucial for the future of Somalia


Mogadishu (RBC) President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud who is also the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Somalia said the integration of the various existing regional security elements into one as a nationally cohesive force is crucial for the future of the country.
The integration of regional security forces is a critical element in both the further development of the Somali National Army (SNA) and the achievement of state-building goals, in particular the formation of a federal Somalia.
Vision 2016 and the Somali Compact, adopted by the Federal Government of Somalia in 2013 articulate specific priorities towards ensuring the security, political and development progress of Somalia. The London Security Conference (September 2014) further supported the integration of regional armed forces into the Federal security institutions as one of those priorities.
Concurrently, the FGS aims to ensure a unified national security sector structure and creating increasingly cohesive entities within that structure.
Our existing partnership with Puntland, the emergence of the Interim Juba Administration (IJA), the establishment of the Interim South West Administration (ISWA), and the work of the committee for the formation of the Interim Administration for the Central Regions (IACR) are testament to the FGS’s commitment to a unified, federal Somalia.
The development of a national security force, and in particular the Somali National Army (SNA) must evolve in parallel with the creation of federal states. Formally integrating the various regional security forces is the next step in this evolution.
We recognize and acknowledge the various security forces currently aligned with the emerging states and interim administrations, including, but not limited to, the Puntland Darwish, the Interim Juba Administration Security Forces (IJASF), the forces associated with Interim South West Administration and Ahlu-Sunna Wal Jama’a (ASWJ). The FGS envisages all of these ultimately becoming part of the Somali National Army (SNA).
It is anticipated that the SNA sector divisions will fall in line with federal boundaries to improve coordination of forces and promote stability across Somalia. Progress on technical issues such as boundaries is essential to continue positive momentum towards the integration of our forces.
It is our intention to negotiate and formalise an agreement to this end with the Interim Juba Administration, Interim South West Administration, and Puntland in the aftermath of the High Level Partnership Forum in Copenhagen.
We also intend to begin a similar dialogue with the committee for the formation of the Interim Administration for the Central Regions (IACR). We expect this agreement to be formalized as soon as the IACR is formally established.
The integration of the various existing regional security elements into one, nationally cohesive force is crucial for the future of Somalia. Now is the time to take advantage of the success of Operations Eagle and Indian Ocean that have driven al-Shabaab from their strongholds in the countryside. But the momentum generated following liberation of critical towns and districts from al-Shabaab control must be maintained. To achieve this, we must all commit to the development of a fully representative, meritocratic and accountable professional army.
In line with this statement of intent, the FGS will oversee the urgent development of a concept note and operational plan that will layout the steps necessary to ensure our commitment is realised. Furthermore, the FGS reiterates its determination to implement all resolutions mandated by the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) on children in arm conflicts as part of the ethos of protecting and serving the people of Somalia.

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SOMALIA: Risk of disease outbreaks heightened with seasonal short rains


Mogadishu (RBC) Over 170,000 health consultations were reported in October from health facilities across Somalia, a 16 per cent increase compared to last month, according to health partners.
As anticipated, the increase followed the start of the short rains when the disease outbreaks usually surge. Of the diseases under surveillance, the leading causes of morbidity were confirmed malaria, suspected measles and acute watery diarrhoea.
Seasonal flooding due to overflow of the Shabelle and Juba rivers has been rep-orted from six regions of Somalia with different levels of severity, according to the Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM), led by FAO.
An estimated 50,000 people have been aff-ected by the flooding and about 30,000 people hereof have been temporary displaced, according to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR).
Some of the affected people require immediate humanitarian assistance while some could relocate with their belongings, but may have had their livelihoods affected. These people may require livelihoods support.
Areas reportedly hardest hit include Belet Weyne in Hiraan region where about 21,000 people have been affected. As of the second week of November, the flood warning levels reduced from severe to moderate due to reduced rainfall.

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Afghanistan: Madaxa boliiska oo iscasilay


Qadar iyo Ruushka oo markale la eedeeyay


Baaq nabadeed ee colaada Mudug


Qof u Dhashay Canada oo Syria Lagu Afduubtay


Dowladda Canada ayaa wada baaritaan la xiriira warar sheegay in Maleeshiyada Daacish ay Gudaha Syria ku afduubteen haweeney u dhalatay dalka Canada.

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