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Qarax Khasaare Geystay oo Muqdisho ka dhacay


Kuwait oo Dil ku Xukuntay 7 Ruux


Hungary oo Xaalad Deg Deg ah Soo Rogtay


Dowladda Hangari, ayaa xaalad deg deg ah ku soo rogtay laba deegaan oo dhinaca koonfureed ee dalkaasi ku yaalla, si ay uga hor tagto soo galootiga doonaya inay gaaraan dalalka midowga Yurub.

Injineer Lagu Diley Muqdisho


Injineer dhinaca dhismaha ah oo qandaraasyo ka qaadan jirey dowladda Soomaaliya iyo shirkado kale, ayaa ku dhintay qarax maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho.

Hungary: Degmooyin la galiyay xaalad deg deg


Hungary ayaa ku dhawaaqday xaalad deg deg ah degmooyinka u dhow xuduudda ay la leedahay Serbia si ay u joojiso dadka sharci darada ku soo galaya.

QARAX gaari oo goor-dhow ruxay MUQDISHO.!!


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) - War goordhow nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in Qarax lagu soo xiray gaari yar uu ka dhacay inta u dhexeysa Degmooyinka Waabari iyo Xamar Jajab.
Qaraxa ayaa waxaa lagu soo xiray gaari Isbaashiyo ah oo uu watay Injineer dhanka dhismaha oo ka tirsanaa Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, waxaana magaciisa lagu sheegay Eng Siidow.
Qaraxa ayaa ahaa mid xoogan waxaana lasoo warinayaa inuu burburiyay gabi ahaan gaariga waxaana qaraxa kadib halkaasi gaaray Ciidamada Dowlada oo goobaha caafimaadka gaarsiiyay dhaawaca Injineerka.
Qaraxa ayaa waxaa lagu soo xiray afafka hore ee gaariga, iyadoona Qaraxaasi loo qabtay dad goobta ku sugnaa.
La soco wixii faahfaahin ah wararkeena danbeCaasimada Online
Xafiiska MuqdishoCaasimada@live.com



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Diyaarado Dagaal oo duqeeyay Degmo Al-shaab ku...


Bu'aale (Caasimada Online)-Wararka aan ka heleyno gobolka Jubbada dhexe ayaa sheegaya in diyaarado dagaal ay duqeyn ka geysteen duleedka degmada Bu'aale ee gobolka Jubbada dhexe.
Degmada Bu'aale ee gobolka Jubbada dhexe ayaa waxaa ku xoogan ciidamada ururka Alshabaab, waxaana diyaaradaha la yeeshay iney duqeeyeen goob ciidamada Alshabaab ku sugnaayeen.
Wararka ayaa sheegaya in labo gantaal ay ku dhaceen duleedka degmada Bu'aale ee xarunta u ah Ashabaab, laakiin lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay duqeynka ka dhacday Bu'aale.
Duqeynta koowaad ayaa la sheegay iney ku dhacday bartamaha magaalada, halka duqeynta labaad ay ka dhacday duleedka degmada Bu'aale, sida dad goobjoogayaal ah ay sheegeen.
Diyaaradaha oo ah Nuuca loo yaqaano Helicopter-ka ayaan la ogeyn halka laga leeyahay,lama oga wadanka laga leeyahay diyaaradaha Duqeeyay Bu'aale.
Degmada Bu'aale ee Xarunta Gobolka Jubbada Dhexe ayaa waxaa Maamula Al-shabaab,iyadoo Al-shababna ay dhamaan gacanta ku hayaan Gobolka Jubbada Dhexe.Caasimada OnlineXafiiska J.DhexeCaasimada@live.com


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XOG Xassan Sheekh oo Ballanqaadyo u sameeyay...


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka ah ee Somalia Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa wado qorsho uu ku dardar galinaayo kasbashada Xildhibaanada yare e weli ku adkeysanaayo Mooshinka.
Madaxweyne Xassan ayaa la soo warinayaa in Xildhibaanada ugu tunka weyn ee kasoo horjeeda u sameeyay ballanqaad ah inuu kusoo dari doono Xukuumada cusub ee ku imaan doonto isku shaandheynta.
Madaxweynaha ayaa la xaqiijiyay in iminka uu xulanaayo shaqsiyaadka ku haboon inay kamid noqdaan Xukuumada la filanaayo, kuwaasi oo la sheegay inay garab ku siinayaan sida looga gudbi lahaa Mooshinka yaala Maxkamada sare ee dalka.
Qorshahaani uu Xassan Sheekh xilalka ugu ballanqaaday ayaa waxaa wada Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somalia Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari oo isagu lama huraan ka dhigay in Xildhibaanada qaar ay kamid noqdaan Xukuumada cusub, si looga guuleysto Xildhibaanada kale ee ku adkeysanaayo Mooshinka.
Xassan iyo Jawaari ayaa iminka si hordhac ah ugu guuleystay inay kala dhantaalan Xildhibaanadii Mooshinka waday, wallow qaarkood ay weli ku adkeysanayaan Mooshinkooda.
Lama oga Xildhibaanada Madaxweyne Xassan iyo Gudoomiye Jawaari ay ugu talla galeen inay ku daraan Xukuumada la filaayo.Caasimada Online
Xafiiska MuqdishoCaasimada@live.com



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DFS oo la siiyay haddiyadii ugu xumeyd ee abid


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) - Wararka laga helaayo dhanka Dowlada Federaalka ayaa sheegaya in Dowlada loogu yaboohay Eeyo la sheegay inay u tababaran yihiin baaritaanka Hubka iyo maan dooriyaha noocyadooda kala duwan.
Eeyahaani ayaa la sheegayaa in loogu yaboohay Taliska Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed oo iyagu u adeegsanaayo ka hortagida Hubka qarxa iyo Maan dooriyaha qeybaha halista ah.
Eeyaha loogu deeqay Taliska ayaa tiro ahaan lagu sheegay ilaa 7 Eey oo ay bixiyeen Dowladaha ku mideysan AMISOM, waxaana Eeyahaasi lagu soo tababaray Magaalada Kampala ee caasimada dalka Ugandha.
Eeyahaani hadiyada loo siiyay DF Somalia gaar ahaan Taliska Booliska ayaa waxaa lagu wareejiyay Ciidamo la baray habka loo adeegsado Eeyaha, waxa ayna Dowladu u muuqataa mid ka gudubtay isticmaalka Eeyaha ay adeegsadaan Ciidamada AMISOM.
DF ayaa hadiyadaani u aragta mid kamid ah guulaha ay gaartay Hay'ada Booliska Soomaaliyeed oo iyadu heshay Eeyo ay ku baaran Hubka la aaso iyo maan dooriyaha halista ah.Caasimada Online
Xafiiska MuqdishoCaasimada@live.com



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Kenya: Warbixinta gudiga xuquuqda bini'aadanka


Warbixin ay soo saartay gudiga xuquuqda bini'aadanka ee Kenya ayay ku eedeysay ciidamada ammaanka inay beegsadaan muslimiinta iyo Soomaalida.

Maxaa guurka qaali ka dhigay: Dood dhemartay wiil iyo gabar guur doon ah


Khilaaf weyn ayaa la sheegayaa inuu u dhexeeya dumarka iyo ragga oo ku saleysan in la raqiisiyo qiimaha guurka iyo in kale.

Shirkii Dubai ayaa kaga jiray gobolada Somaliland...


Dubai(Awdalpress.com)--Magaalada Dubai ee Dalka Isutaga Imaaraadka Carabta lagu soo gabo gabeeyay shir looga hadlayey maalgashiga Dalka Soomaaliya, waxana shirkan ka qeyb galay Wasiiro ka tirsan Dowlada Soomaaliya.
Shirkan lagu soo gabo gabeeyay Magaalada Dubai waxaa soo qaban qaabisay Wasaarada Arrimaha dibadda ee Imaaraadka Carabta, waxaana shirkan intii uu socday diiradda lagu saarayay fursadaha maalgashi ee dalka Imaaraadka Carabta uga bannaan Dalka Soomaaliya.
Kaaliyaha Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee Imaaraadka Carabta Khalid Ghanim Al Ghaith oo ugu horeyn kulanka hadal kooban ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in shirkan uu sare u qaadayo fursadaha ku aadan in maalgeshi lagu sameeyo gudaha Soomaaliya.
Khalid Ghanim Al Ghaith, ayaa cadeeyay in shirka la isku raacay sidii loo xoojin lahaa xiriirka labada dal ka dhexeeya, isla markaana ay ganacsatada Imaaraadku maalgeshi ugu sameysan lahaayeen gudaha Soomaaliya.
Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda iyo dhiiri gelinta maalgeshiga Soomaaliya Cabdisalaan Hadliye Cumar oo isna ka hadlayay gaba gabadii shirka ayaa sheegay in kulanka uu guul ku soo dhamaaday, isla markaana ay sii xoojineyso xiriirka diblomaasiyadeed ee labada dal, waxa uuna ku amaanay Imaaraadka garabka ay siineyso Dowlada iyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.
Dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa kamid ah Dowladaha Taageerada waa weyn u fidiya Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxa ayna Imaaraadka gudaha Soomaaliya ka fulisay mashaariic kala duwan sida dhismaha Isbitaalo iyo Xeryo lagu tababaro ciidanka Soomaaliyeed.


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Somalis in Minnesota question counter-extremism...


Federal effort to counter radicalization has members of community reminding leaders in Minneapolis and beyond: 'We are citizens, we are taxpayers'
Hibaaq Osman has a glow that changes the energy in a room, or in her case, the energy of the restaurant her family owns in Karmel mall, the oldest Somali mall in Minneapolis. The cafe is right near the mosque on the top floor of the building, past rows of entrepreneurs selling wares in individual stalls, sipping hot drinks in small cups and chatting in Somali.
Osman retains her glow, even in anger. And after a press conference held outside the mosque, she is upset.
"I feel like we as a community need to wake up," she said. "We need to wake up and say, 'You know what? Enough is enough.' We are citizens, we are taxpayers, we own businesses, we need people to understand that we also are part of this country just the way anybody else is."
With a population of at least 30,000, the Somali people are a significant presence in the Twin Cities, home to more 3.5 million people. Because they have been coming to Minnesota since the 1980s, the people who come now have family and friends who have already established a life in the midwest. They love it - besides the cold winters.
Rooted as they are in Minnesota, many in the the Somali Muslim community are alarmed at a US attorney-led program that they believe singles them out as more blood thirsty than other ethnic or religious groups, and makes them vulnerable to surveillance.
Led by a taskforce of 15 Somali Americans and a traditional community grant-making organization, the Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) program is the brainchild of the chief federal prosecutor for Minnesota, Andrew Luger. Later this month, it will launch a number of yet-to-be-announced grants to programs aimed at creating educational and professional opportunities among the Somali Muslim community in Minnesota. The goal is to prevent youth recruitment by overseas extremist groups such as Isis or al-Shabaab.
But even before any specifics of the program have been announced, the program has engendered dramatic hostility and division within the Muslim Somali community. Those opposed to the premise of the program point out that 96% of domestic terrorism is committed by white men. The exact figure is disputed, but all statistics have it at more than 90%.
"The idea that this Muslim community needs help, itself for this issue is problematic," says Jaylani Hussein the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN). "Because now you're saying that countering violent extremism is only from one community. The threat comes from one community, the threat is only identified within one community, that community needs a program. The whole premise is wrong. This program, no matter how good it is, is flawed from its principle."
Those who support the program are welcoming of new resources to their community, particularly if they will keep any brewing problem contained.
The conflict derives from the perceived radicalization of several individuals from Minnesota. Between 2008 and 2013, about 40 young men left Minneapolis to join al-Shabaab, the militant, radical Islamist insurgent group at war in Somalia, between approximately 2008 and 2013.
Since then, 11 people from the Twin Cities have been charged with planning to leave for Syria to join Isis. Authorities believe Isis is focusing its US recruitment efforts on Somali Muslims in Minnesota because of the state's history, and a potential pre-existing recruitment infrastructure.
Six young men charged with planning to leave Minnesota for Syria to join Isis are awaiting trial in February. The boys claim they were entrapped, but one is now expected to change his plea to guilty.
"We have a terror recruiting problem in Minnesota," Luger said in April.
Opponents of the CVE program point out that these 40 individuals make up less than 0.3% of Minnesota's Somali population.
Osman says that even though she is the mother of two young boys, Isis has "no relevance" to her life. "I don't even think about [Isis] - I look at the news and I'm like OK they're just talking rubbish, and I turn it off. Because my life is already more of just trying to think about how I am going to raise my family, what is good for them, my boys are my number one priority."
Already, the CVE pilot program has been re-branded with a new name, Building Community Resilience. Luger's office says it captures the essence of his vision: to keep teens from Minnesota from traveling to the Middle East and blowing themselves up. Luger says it will do so by providing $216,000 in federal funds - in addition to other local and private support - which will be disbursed to community groups through a grant-making organization.
The social services supported by the funding serve as crime prevention, he contends.
But a statement issued from a coalition protesting the program asserted: "The Minnesota Muslim community is united over its growing concerns of the CVE pilot program, which so far has only alienated the very communities it was seeking to influence. While attempting to derail the communities' own initiative to enhance its ability to build community resilience."
Inherent distrust
When Luger became US attorney in February of 2014, he rolled up his sleeves and made it a priority to meet with Somali Muslim community leaders across the state, learning their feelings, thoughts and concerns. The CVE product was directly shaped by the issues raised to Luger, though it's now being protested by some of the same people with whom Luger consulted.
There's distrust of the seemingly direct involvement from the attorney general's office, as well as the funding from the federal government. Those opposed also think the pilot program's emphasis on violent extremism does not accurately reflect the problems facing the community.
"I came to America when I was a child, when I was seven years old. I have seen a lot of the issues that our kids are facing. You know, I have been to a classroom where I don't understand anything," remembered Saciido Shaie, a member of the Minnesota Juvenile Justice Advisory Council.
"I don't understand the language. I don't understand what the teacher is asking me. I take my homework home and my mom doesn't speak the language, doesn't write the language. And I'm stuck with all this homework, no one is helping me, all these things. So for me going to school was going to hell."
Shaie is one of many parents who are concerned about Somali Muslim youth. Minnesota has the worst or second-worst graduation rates among for non-white students, and the possibility of falling in with a gang or into a life of crime is high. "Many kids don't know where they belong - Isis, al-Shabaab or a gang. They join all that is available to them," she said.
She wants more resources for the children and teens in the community, but she doesn't want it to come with the tag of "terrorism", or "violence". Despite the re-branding of the campaign, her concerns remain.
But the T-word carries a lot of weight for organizations seeking support, argues Fartun Abdi, a 24-year-old graduate of the University of Chicago and a current PhD student at the University of Minnesota studying the roots of radicalization. "There's organizations in the community, and I don't really feel comfortable to say 'so and so and so' but there's organizations in the community that do make this a big issue in order to get more funding.
"That doesn't mean the funding won't go toward social services, but it does come with the 'terrorism' tag. 'Many of our kids become radicalized at some point' - that's what the government wants to hear, that's what these folks want to hear. So when you give them that, of course they're going to fund you and give you resources and connect you to the right people."
That there are imams on the taskforce is also a concern to imam Hassan Jaamici Mohamud, who believes it conflates church and state, and could cause distrust among the congregations.
"For the US attorney's office, the office that's supposed to prosecute people, to join social service initiatives, that creates a lot of suspicion among the community," explained Jaamici Mohamud.
Some like Sadik Warfa think the program is a potential forum for government surveillance. He's suspicious of the chief prosecutor's involvement in social services. Warfa also fears the program will isolate the Somalis in the city, and further pigeonhole Muslims around the country as a problematic, violent population that requires special attention and funds.
In 2012 the FBI honored Ka Joog, a group that provides free after-school and mentorship programs, with the FBI director's community leadership award for being "an organization that goes beyond the traditional sense of community service and has a profound effect on their community". But in partnership with the county attorney's office, a program dubbed "be@school" tracks students who have a number of unexcused absences, and then involves their families.
The FBI's recognition of Ka Joog, and the participation of two of their staff on the CVE taskforce (one is the chair) has fueled the fear that the social services proposed are secretly mixing with surveillance and policing.
Being labeled a potential violent extremist could be a self-fulfilling prophecy, some parents fear. "Imagine my son being defined as one of those, you know, at risk for Isis or whatever - it's like setting up for a failure out there," Shaie said.
The media doesn't help, defining her son as "Somali" and "Muslim" instead of a kid. "What I don't want to see is an innocent child, who grew up here, who was born here, this is what they know, to be leveled by whatever ideology we have," she said.
'Money for soccer and basketball'
The chair of the CVE taskforce, Abdimalik Mohamed, is sensitive to the notion that Somalis - out of all Muslims - are being targeted by the CVE. But he says Somalis are in a lower financial bracket than their Arab counterparts in America, and that makes them more vulnerable to recruitment from gangs at home and abroad. That's why they need the resources.
"How is it a problem for us to get money for soccer and basketball?" he said.
In fact, he's appreciative of the government's involvement. "How many communities [can call the US attorney] and say, hey we don't like what you're doing, can you do this differently?" he asked.
Abdisalam Adam, a religious leader and another committee member says that many Somalis don't trust the government enough.
Abdi, the scholar who is studying the roots of radicalization, is also a member of the CVE taskforce and the decision of whether to join weighed on her heavily.
"I felt like it was a responsibility to be there and at least contribute my perspective," she said of her choice. Abdi doesn't deny that surveillance is an issue: "People have a reason to be scared." She went on to point out that some NGOs, even those run by Somalis, are viewed with suspicion. "When you think about Ka Joog, it's because of the work they did with radicalization and the FBI. It's not an after-school program."
Mohamed, the chair of the CVE taskforce and the director of international affairs at Ka Joog, says even though the percentage might be small right now, the purpose of the CVE program is prevention. Mohamed also hates the idea of a Somali Muslim reputation for violence. That is one of the reasons he is leading the initiative. He said passionately: "We're guiding kids toward the right path before they leave [for Syria] tomorrow and everyone says' oh look at the Somali community'."
Fears of more departures were announced at an event in mid-August. Though he acknowledged details were hazy: "We're now telling you that a number of Somalis, including women and men, have left in previous weeks," said Abdirizak Bihi, a member of the CVE taskforce said to a crowd in Somali, according to a video of his remarks obtained by MPR News. "We're also informing you that a large number is on its way to leave."
Ka Joog will be expanding its projects with the CVE funds, not inputting new anti-radicalization plans.
The taskforce is frustrated, and worries that personal politics could prohibit progress. Tit-for-tat press conferences have been scheduled and nasty emails exchanged. Both sides blame the other for politicking.
To assuage these fears, the US attorney's office and the Somali American taskforce signed a memorandum of understanding that the program will not be used for surveillance or to collect intelligence.
Abdirizak Bihi, a member of the taskforce said: "I would like to tell people who are scaring off resources that they should understand the risks they are creating among our community."
But Osman insists that she does not consider her sons joining Isis the predominant risk.
"I'm basically afraid that the generation to come will be a target of misunderstanding or just defamation of character," said Osman. "I'd rather think about how I'm going to pay for college."


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Heesta Jacaylka Ubeer ee ay wada qaadaan Nimcaan...


Siminaar baydhabo loogu furay shaqaalaha Wasaaradaha...


Siminaarkan maanta uga furmay magaalada Baydhabo ee xaruunta Gobolka Baay shaqaalaha Wasaaradaha Koonfur Galbeed iyo xubnaha maamulka Gobolka Baay ayaa waxaa si wadajir ah u soo qaban qaabiyey Wasaaradaha arrimaha Gudaha Soomaaliya, tan Maamulka Koonfurgalbeed iyo hay'adda UNDP, kasi oo socon doonaa mudo labo maalin ah.
Siminaarka ayaa lagu baran doonaa hanaanka ugu wanaagsan ee ay u wada shaqeen karaan Wasaaradaha Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed iyo waliba Xubnaha Maamulka Goblka iyo kan degmada Baydhabo
Cabdiraxamaan Cali Gaab oo ah masuul mudo ka sooshaqeyey Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Fadaraalka Soomaaliya hadana ka mid ahaa mas'uuliyiinta ka socoday Hay'ada UNDP ayaa sheegay in hadafka laga leeyahay siminaarka ay tahay sidii shaqaalaha Wasaaradaha iyo kuwa dowladaha hoose ee Maamulka ay u wada shaqeyn karaan.
Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Baay iyo kan degmada Baydhabo ayaa dhankooda si aad ah u soo dhaweeyey siminaarka mudada labada maalin ah socon doono, waxaana sidoo kale sheegeen in waxbadan ka badali doonto wadashaqeenta dhexmarta Wasaaradaha iyo kuwa dowladaha hoose.
Wasiirka Wasaarada arrimaha Gudaha iyo Dawladaha hoose ee Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiraxamaan Ibraahim Aadan oo furay siminaarka, ayaa ka qeyb galayaasha kula dar daarmay inay ka faa'iideystaan tababarka muddada labada cisho ah, si ay ugu adeegaan bulshadooda.
Waa mid aad waxbadan aad ka faa'iidi doontaan marka kudadaala in aad waxbadani aad ka faa'iidaan, waxaana uu socon doona mudo labo maalin ah, waana mid aad ku baran doontaan sida aad u wada shaqeyn doontaan simanaarkuna waa noo furanyahay" ayuu yiri Mudane Cabdiraxmaan.



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Safiirka Soomaaliya ee Turkiga oo laga guddoomay...


Ankara:- Madaxweynaha Dalka Turkiga Recep Tayyib Erdogan ayaa si rasmi ah uga guddoomay warqadaha aqoonsiga safiirnimo safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya dalka Turkiga Danjire Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali.
Danjire Cabdullaahi Maxamed ayaa waxaa uu ubax dhigey madxafka lagu magacabo Anitkabir, kaasi oo ay ubax dhigaan madaxda soo booqaneysa wadanka Turkey iyo Safiirada laso magacaabo si loo xasuusto hogaamiyihii xornimada wadanka Turkey usoo dagaalamey aas aaseyna Jamhuuriyada Turkey ee cusub, isagoo noqdey Madaxweynihii ugu horeeyey wadanka Turkey Musdafa Kamaal Ataaturk.
Kadib Safiirka ayaa waxaa uu si ramsi ah ula kulmey Madaxweynaha Dalka Turkiga Recep Tayyib Erdogan, asagoo si rasmi ah ugu wareejiyey warqadii danjiranimo, waxaana kulanka ku wehliyey qaar ka mid ah diblomaasiinta Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Turkiga
Dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Turkiga ayaa waxaa ka dhaxeeya xirrir qoto dheer ee walaaltinimo ayadoo Dowladda Turkey ay safka hore uga jirto Dowladaha gacanta ka geysanaya dib u dhiska Soomaaliya
Danjire Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali ayaa waxaa uu ka mahad celiyey sida sharfta leh ee uu u soodhoweeyey Madaxweynaha wadanka Turkiga Recep Tayyib Urdugan, Danjiraha ayaa waxaa uu balan qaadey inuu sii wadayo xoojinta xiriika labada dal.
Safiirka Soomaaliya ee dalka Turkiga waxaa uu horey u soo qabtey xilal kala duwan, isagoo soo noqdey Safiirkii u fadhiyay Soomaaliya wadanka UK. Sidoo kale Danjiraha ayaa waxa uu soo noqdey Taliyaha Nabadsugida Soomaaliya iyo xilal kala duwan.
Ali Moalim Isak


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Wasiir Maareeye “Waxaa noo qorsheysan in aan dib u...


Wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, dhaqanka iyo dalxiiska ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta booqday xaruntii Farshaxanka ee Wakaaladda Murtida iyo madadaalada oo laga saaray Dadkii deganaa.
Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliya ayaa ka saaray dadkii deganaa xarunta Farshaxanka kaddib markii ay dhamaatay mudadii loo qabtay in dadkaasi ay kaga baxaan xaruntaas.
Wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Taliyaha qeybta Booliska iyo hobolada Waabari ayaa kormeeray xaruntaan oo ku taalla Hooyga fanaaniinta ee Ex-fiyoore halkaasi oo wax soo saar u ahayd Fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed.
Taliyaha qeybta Booliska gobolka Banaadir Cali Maxamuud Cali Shariif, ayaa uga digay dadka inay sii degnaadaan xarumaha Dowladda, waxaana uu tilmaamay inay u taaganyihiin sidii xarumaha dowladda looga saari lahaa dadka sida sharci darada ah u degan.
Maareeye kuxigeenka Tiyaatarka Qaranka Cabdikariin Faarax Qaareey Jiir ayaa kaga mahad celiyay Dowladda inay gacantooda kusoo celiso xaruntii Farshaxanka.
"waxaan uga mahad celineynaa Wasiirka sida uu fuliyay balantii, waa inay ku deydaa Wasiiradda kale, waxa ay noo ahayd halkaan xarun farshaxan dhaqan iyo madaadaalo"
Wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo dalxiiska Mudane Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye ayaa sheegay in dib usoo celinta xarunta Farshaxanka ay qeyb ka tahay dadaalada lagu soo nooleynayo xarumihii hore oo ay ka mid tahay Tiyaatarka Qaranka, oo ay qorsheynayaan in lagu dhiso iskaa wax u qabso.
" Guri Warfaafinta, warfaafinta ayaa iska leh, hooy boolis, booliska ayaa iska leh, waxaan u mahad celineynaa dadkii u hogaansamay amarkeena, dhowaan waxaan u furi doonaa Tiyaarterka oo aan dhiseyno, marka halaga qeyb qaado dib u dhiska tiyaatarka"



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Maxkamadda ciidamada qalabka sida oo xukuntay...


Maxkamadda darajada koobaad ee ciidamada qalabka sida ayaa xabsi daa'in ku xukuntay dambiilayaal ka tirsanaa maleeshiyaadka Shabaab, kuwaasoo lagu soo qabtay miinooyinka lagu dhejiyo gawaarida iyo walxo kale oo laga sameeyo qaraxa.
Maxkamadda ayaa la horkeenay Xuseen C/qaadir Salaad, C/risaaq Xuseen Cismaan iyo Fartuun Isaaq Cabdi, kuwaasoo ka tirsanaa maleeshiyaadka Shabaab, waxeyna u qaabilsanaayeen diyaarinta qaraxyada lagu gumaado bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee abriyada ah.
Sidoo kale Maxkamadda ayaa la horkeenay qalabkii ay ka sameyn jireen qaraxyada ee ciidanka nabadgelyadu, ku soo qabteen xilli ay howlgal ka sameynayeen xaafad ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho.
Kaddib markii ay maxkamaddu dhageysatay dacwadda ay xeer ilaalintu ku soo oogtay dambiilayaashan ayaa guddoomiyaha maxkamadda darajada koobaad ee ciidamada qalabka sida G/dhexe Xasan Cali Shuute waxa uu ku dhawaaqay xukunka sadexdan dambiile, waxaana lagu xumumay xabsi daa'in.



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Baarlamanka oo ansixiyay dhismaha golaha wadatashiga...


Mudaneyaasha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa manta meel mariyaay qaraar ku aadan dhisida golaha wadatashiga qaranka ee u xilsaaran jiheynta hanaanka hiigsiga sannadka 2016.
Xildhibaanda barlamaanka Soomaaliya oo manta kulan ku yeeshay magaaladda muqdisho ayaa ayaa ansixiyay qaraar ku aaddan dhismaha golaha wadatashiga qaranka ee u xilsaaran jihaynta nidaamka siyaasadeedda iyo tabaha lagu gaarayo hiigsiga 2016-ka.
Fadhiga barlamaanka maanta oo uu shir guddoominayey Guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka mudane Maxamed Sh, Cismaan "Jawaari" ayaa ugu horrayn lagu kala diray is markaana loogu mahad celiyey guddi hoosaadkii qaabilsanaa ka soo talo bixinta qaabka ugu haboon ee lagu gaari karo hiigsiga 2016-ka,
Mudanayaasha golaha shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayaa cod gacantaag ah ku an sixiyay mowshinka ku saabsan dhismaha golaha wadatashiga qaranka Soomaaliyeed , sida uu ku dhawaaqayo afhayeenka Barlamaanka Soomaaliya.
Mudane Maxamed Sh, Cismaan "Jawaari" guddoomiyaha gollaha shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in dhawan uu bilaaban doono wada xajood laga yeelanayo mooshinkii dhawaan qaar ka mid ah xildhibanadu ka keeneen Madaxwaynaha dalka Mudane Xasan Sh,Maxamuud.



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Soomaaliya: Saddex xabsi daa'in lagu xukumay


Saddex qof ayaa xabsi daa'in lagu xukumay kadib markii lagu helay dembi ah haysasho waxyaabaha qarxa guri ay deganaayeen.

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