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 Hogaamiyaha Waqooyiga Kuuriya: Trump Maskixiyan...


Hogaamiyaha Waqooyiga Kuuriya Kim Jong-un ayaa Wacad ugu maray Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Donald Trump inay ugu kici doonto qiimo sare hadaladii uu dhawaan yidhi ee ku sabsanaa Pyongyang, waxaanu ku timaamay inuu Maskax ahaan Dhiman yahay.
Kim ayaa sheegay war qoraal ah oo lagu daabacay wakaalada wararka ee Kuuriyada Waqooyi : "Ilaa iyo inta Trump beeninaayo jiritaankayga iyo jiritaanka Dawladayda ee Khariidada Caalamka kuna dhawaaqay bilowgii dagaal fool xun isagoo doonayay inuu na baabiiyo Jamhuuriyadayada, waxaan eegi doonaa si ka qoto dheer oo ku beegnaa tallaabooyin degdeg ah oo ku munaasibka ah isaga."
Waxa uu hadalkiisa raaciyay: "asalnimada naftayda aniga oo ka wakiil ah Jamhuuriyadda Dumiqraadiga ee Korea, magaca ummaddayda sharafta iyo karamada shacabkayga, waxaan ka dhigi doonaa madaxweynaha Maraykanka inuu ku bixiyo qiimaha ka badan kana culus hadalkiisa uu isaga yidhi taxadir la'aanta, taas oo ku sheegay burburinta Jamhuuriyadda oo dhan."
Hogaamiyaha Waqooyiga Kuuriya ayaa is weydiiyay haddii Trump saadaaliyey sidaa, Jawaabta Pyongyang Maxay noqon doontaa waxaanu ku sheegay in uu la kulmi doono Natiijo ka weyn tii uu saadaalinayay.
"Trump markii uu Kursiga ku fadhiistay wuxuu u hanjabay dhammaan quruumaha aduunka, wuxuuna dunida u horseedi doonaa rabshado aan horay loo arag, uma suurtoobayo inuu noqdo taliyaha millatariga ee ugu sarreeya adduunka, ma aha siyaasi laakiin waa mid dabacsan oo dab ku ciyaaraya hubaal waa Raga Kooxaha Gaangister ."
Waxa uu sheegay in hadalkii uu soo saaray Maamulaha Mareykan isaga oo sharaxay fikraddiisa aan la garanayn lamaan yaabin imana joojinayso, laakiin waxaan carabka ku adkeynayaa in doorashadaydu sax tahay, waa in la sii wado ilaa dhamaadka waxaan ku adkaysanayaa go'aankayga ah inaan la tacaalo Maraykanka Cajuuska ah ee waalan Waana lama huraan ilaa Xitaa Dab .
Warqabadka ToggaHerer

Lukaku: "aan ka socono haddalka muranka dhaliyay"


Ciyaaryahanka Manchester United u dheela ee Romelu Lukaku ayaa sheegay in uu doonayo in taageerayaasha kooxdu ay ka gudbaan hadalkii hees ahaanta ahaa ee ay u qaadeen ee muranku ka dhashay.

Uhurro Kenyatta oo mar kale weerar ku qaaday Guddiga...


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Nairobi (- Online)-Sida ay baahiyeen warbaahinta caalamka waxaa dib loo dhigay doorashada dalka Kenya oo khilaaf badan ka dhex abuurtay Madaxda Kenya.
Guddiga Doorashooyinka madaxtinimo ee dalka Kenya ayaa ku dhawaaqey in dib loo dhigay doorashada sababo la xiriira xiisad siyaasadeed ka dhalatay.
Guddiga ayaa sheegay inay wadaan qorsho lagu doonaayo in wax laga badalo howlaha doorashada, iyadoo hore qorshuhu uu ahaa in doorashada ay dhacdo 17-ka Octobar.
Guddiga ayaa sheegay inay ka fogaanayaan cilad kaga imaada dhanka doorashada, iyadoo ay jiraan dhaliilo kala duwan oo kaga imaanaya dhanka musharaxiinta.
Maxkamada sare ee Kenya ayaa waxba kama jiraan ka soo qaaday natiijooyinkii doorashadii horay u dhacday ee uu ku guuleystay Madaxweyne Uhuru Kenyata.
Uhuru Kenyata ayaa maxkamada saree e dalka ku eedeeyey inay inqilaabeen dadka reer Kenya.
Kormeerayaasha caalamiga ah ayaa muujinaya cabsi laga qabo xiisadaha siyaasadeed ee haatan jirra, maadaama weli ay sii kordhayaan walaaca iyo muranada siyaasadeed.
Sidoo kale, Madaxweynaha cadaadiska la kulmaaya Uhurro Kenyatta ayaa heley codad gaaraya 54. Halka Raila Odingana la sheegay inuu hellay boqolkiiba 44, natiijada doorashadii hore ee dhacday balse maxakamaddu ay laashey.
Geesta kale, cabsida ugu badan ee dib u dhaca doorashada ayaa timid kadib markii Sanadii 2007-dii uu dalka Kenya marti galiyay rabshado ka dhashay doorashada taa oo ay ku naf waayen shacab badan.- OnlineXafiiska Nairobi-@live.com

Guulo Taariikhi ah oo Ra iisal wasaare Xasan Cali...


Kheeyre Safarka Newyork waxuu sameeyey taariikh 27 sano aaysan sameeyn ayuu sameeyey oo ah inuu la kulmay Wasiirada arimaha dibada Ruushka iyo Shiinaha oo mar ahaan jiray sxbo dalkeena garab iyo gaashaan u ah
Wadada dalka ugu dheer ee Kalabeeyr ilaa Hargaysa ayuu dhisay shiinahu maantana ah tan dalka dhanba wado u ah sidoo kale golaha madadaalada ee magaalada muqdisho ayuu dhisay
Ruushku waxuu dhisay ciidankii Africada Madoow ugu xooganaa ee xooga dalka la dhahi jiray rajo badan kama qabo inuu ciidankaas soo noqon doono
Dhinacale raysal wasaarahu waxuu la kulmay sxbka ilaa hadeer aan isku hubno madaxweynaha Turkiga Rajab dayib ardugaan
Mar uun ma ka hoos baxi doonaa lufaaqada Reer galbeed iyo carab calalol waaweyn?
Guulo wax ku ool ah sii faafi
Abdullahi Salaad
Source: Dayniile

XOG : Dowladda Soomaaliya hal arin ku taageer intaa...


Dunida waxaa ka jira mucaarad iyo muxaafidba kuwaasoo dhamaantood ilaalsha qaranimada dalka iyagoon u eegeyn in ay mucaaradaan Xukuumadaas waxaase in la fahmo u baahan farqiga u dhaxeeya Dowladnimada iyo Xukuumada xilka heyso.
Soomaalida waxaa heysto dhibaatooyin fara badan kuwaasoo u baahan ineey fahmaan sida wax loo mucaarado iyo sida wax loo taageero marka laga soo gudbo qabyaalad laysku garab siiyo.
Waxaan rabaa inaan qormadaan uga faaiideesto dhowr waxyaabood oon ka baran karno taageero & Mucaarad hadba qasab maahan inaad igu taageerto fikirkeyga waa uu saxnaan karaa wuuna kula qaldanaan karaa

Ugandan parliament defers age limit debate due to...


Ugandan parliament speaker Jacob Oulanyah has deferred the presidential age limit debate to next week over heavy police deployment around the House, the capital Kampala and some parts of the country.
The speaker's decision follows a motion for adjournment filed by the leader of opposition Winnie Kiizahas who described the action by the police as a "parliamentary coup" and a siege to humiliate members.
There was tension Thursday morning when police arrested five Makerere University students and the Mayor of the capital city Kampala Erias Lukwago, while offices of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) were sealed off to stop planned protests against the removal of presidential age limits.
The police had deployed heavily armed security officials to parliament with a helicopter hovering around the area and members stopped from entering the vicinity with their cars including the speaker who was made to access the House from the back door.
Members of Parliament had to walk to parliament and some had their houses surrounded while cars of some members were impounded, Honourable Winnie Kiizahas explained on the floor.
"We all have mobile phones and if you thought there was danger, you could have called us to stay at home. It is more dangerous to make us walk to parliament in the glare of the danger you are protecting us from," she said.
The Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda explained on the floor that there were tensions for about a week and some members had seen violence on their way to the parliament.
He was heckled by the members, especially the opposition to prove his statement.
"There are two problems here. It looks like members don't want to sit and the speaker does not want to preside over members who don't want to sit. The House is adjourned to Tuesday," the speaker declared.
The Inspector General of Police Kale Kayihura said in a statement on Wednesday that planners of demonstrations can use other forms other than processions to allow parliament to "debate in peace".
He explained that they received information about groups planning to use the cover of processions to "cause violence and mayhem" and that the police is obligated to keep law and order.
Members of Parliament of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) and some independent MPs passed a resolution to debate the removal of the presidential age limit currently pegged at 75.
If the amendment is approved, President Yoweri Museveni can contest in the next elections.
In 2005, a constitutional amendment was made removing the two-term limit for the presidency to allow the president to run for a third-term which he won.
Museveni, who is now 73, will be two years older than the current age limit in the 2021 election.
Source: - Africa News

DAAWO Ganacsade milyaneer Soomaali ah caan ah oo...


Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454

Muslims worldwide mark Islamic New Year, 1439 Hijri


Muslims around the world have marked the entry into a New Year as September 21, 2017 was equivalent to 1st Muharram - the first month of the Islamic calendar.
According to the Islamic calendar used across most of the Arab world, Muslims have entered the year 1439 Hijri.
The calendar is referred to as the Hijri Calendar because it began with the Hijra, or hegira, i.e. the Prophet Muhammad's migration from Medina to Mecca (in present day Saudi Arabia), due to persecution by the disbelievers of the time.
The occasion comes with very little celebration as does January 1st in the case of the Gregorian calendar. A reason adduced for that is because adherents of the faith have two main celebrations in the mould of Eid-ul-Fitr (Post Ramadan feast) and Eird-ul-Adha (feast of sacrifice).Unlike the Gregorian which has 365/366 days, the Islamic year has minimum 354 days. This is because the Hijri Calendar follows the movements of the moon. The Hijri Calendar is consistently less by 11 days comparative to the Gregorian.
Gregorian calendars, which are most widely used across the world and even alongside the Islamic one in most of the Arab world, on the other hand measure time beginning with the year 0 A.D.
A.D. stands for Anno Domini, which means "In the year of our Lord." The Hijri Calendar has years marked by A.H., which stands for Anno Hegirae, "In the Year of the Hijra." The hegira took place in A.H. 1.
The Hijri Calendar is the official calendar in many predominantly Muslim countries, most notably Saudi Arabia. In other countries, Muslims refer to the Gregorian Calendar for most dates and consult the Hijri Calendar only for religious purposes.
The similarities between the Islamic and Gregorian calendar are that; both have 12 months each of seven days in a week. The slight day variations are that the first day of the week is Sunday (Yawmul Ahad) whiles Monday is seen as the first on the other side.
Source: - Africa News

Somali supermodel Iman thanks Turkish first lady


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Somali supermodel and entrepreneur Iman has thanked Turkish First Lady Emine Erdogan for Ankara's humanitarian aid efforts towards Somalia.
Erdogan attended the Fashion for Development (F4D) event as part of the launch of the annual UN General Assembly.
The runway show and awards ceremony held in New York's Pierre Hotel on Wednesday saw the award-winning model thank Erdogan during her speech from the podium.
Turkey opened its largest embassy in Somalia's capital Mogadishu last year, to help the east African country fight drought.
More than six million people -- half of the country's population -- is facing severe drought and a cholera outbreak, which claimed at least 1,000 lives this year, according to the UN.
Last August, a Turkish Airlines cargo plane carrying over 60 tons of food aid arrived in Mogadishu.
Since 2011, Turkish Airlines has been the only international air carrier serving Somalia.
Source: AA

Madaxweynaha Hir-Shabeelle oo Baladweyne Gaaray


Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Hir-Shabeelle ayaa shalay gaaray magaalada Beledweyne tan iyo intii xilkaasi loo doortay maalintii Sabtidii.

KA BOGO: “HIJRO, Waa Marka Dhulka Gaalada Laga Tago...


"HIJRO, Waa Marka Dhulka Gaalada Laga Tago Ee Muslimiinta Loo Tago, Laakiin Maanta Maxaa Ka Jira Dunida Muslimka.."? Sheekh Aadan-Siiro
Hargeysa (Togaherer) - Sheekh Aadan Xaaji Maxamuud Xiirey (Sheekh Aadan-Siiro), ayaa ka warramay Taariikhda Hijriga iyo Sannadka cusub ee Islaamka ee 1439-ka oo Doraad Curtay.
Sheekh Aadan-Siiro oo Xuska Sannadka Cusub ee Islaamka awgeed khudbaddii Jimcaha ee Shalay kaga hadlay Taariikhda Hijriga, ayaa ka warramay Taariikhda Higriga bilowgeedu inuu ahaa Wakhtigii uu Nebiyullaahi Muxamed ka hijirooday Magaalada Makka, una Hijrooday Magaalada Madiina, ka dib markii Gaaladii Carbeed halkaa ku dhibeen.
Sheekh Aadan-Siiro oo Arrimahaa ka hadlayaana wuxuu yidhi "Waxa Kow ah Sannadka cusub ee Hijriga ee 1439-ka, oo ah in Maalintii uu Nebigeenna Muxamed (CSW) Hijrooday oo ay ka soo wareegtay 1439 Sannadood. Hijro marka xagga Luqada laga eego waa Dhul laga tago, oo Dhul kale la tago sida uu qoray Caalimka Ibnu Manduur, waxa kale oo Culimadu ku macneeyeen Hijro, inaad ka tagto Dhulka Gaaladu ka taliso, oo aad tagto halka Muslimiintu ka taliyaan, taasaa Hijro la yidhaahdaa, laakiin Maanta waa Cagsigeeda.."
Sheekhu wuxuu taa barbar-dhigay waxa Maanta Dunida Muslimka ka jira "Maanta maxaa ka jira Dunida Islaamka, in ka badan boqol kun oo Caalim ayaa lagu dilay Waddamada Muslimiinta ah Qarnigii labaatanaad illaa Qarnigan 21-aad, oo Nin walba uu taagan yahay Derajada Ishtihaad, Macnaheedu waxa weeyaan Maanta waxa laga hijroonayaa Duqaaddaa Muslmiintii Baa'biiyey, markaa halkii ay ka ahayd in Qofka Muslimka ahi uu Dalkiisa u soo hijroodo oo uu Dalkiisa wax taro, imika waxay noqotay in Qofku Dalkiisa ka hijroodo."
Sheekhu wuxuu ka warramay dhibaatadii keentay in Nebiyullaahi Muxamed uu ka Hijroodo Makka oo uu tago Madiina iyo sidii Nebiga iyo Abuu Bakar Sidiiq uga baxeen Makka, markii Nebi Muxamed ay ku soo degtay Aayadda Qur'aanka ah ee ILAAHAY ku fashiliyey Shirqoolkii Gaaladii Carbeed u maleegayeen Nebigeenna Muxamed (CSW).

VIDEO: SOMALILAND: Maayar-ku-xigeen Farriin Qaylo...


"Golayaasha Khilaaf Wuu Dhex Maraa Qaladaadkuna Wuu Dhacaa Laakiin Wallaahi Sababta Intaas Le'eg Ee Xadhigayagu Wax La Arki Jirayna Maaha"
"Anigu Maayar Ku Xigeenkii Caynabo Ayaan Ahay Xilliganna Waan Xidhannahay Oo Xabsiga Dhexdiisa Ayaan Kaala Hadlayaa; Cid Arrintayada Gashayna Illaa Hadda Ma Jirto..........Waxaan Halkan Fariin Uga Dirayaa Cid Kasta Oo Arrintayadu Khusayso Waxaan Leeyahay Toddoba Cisho Ayaanu Ku Xidhanay Sharci Darro Ee Arrintayada Wax Ha Laga Qabto"
Caynaba( Togaherer)- Guddoomiye ku xigeenkii golaha deegaanka ee degmada Caynaba ahna maayar ku xigeenkii magaalladaasi oo toddobaadkii ina dhaafay xabsiga loo taxaabay ayaa habeenkii xalay ahaa farriin qaylo dhaan ah kasoo diray xabsiga dhexdiisa, kadib markii gacan ka hadal dhex maray isaga iyomaayarka Caynabo oo xilligaasi deeq u qaybinayay dad danyar ah. Maayar ku xigeenka oo uu weheliyo xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha deegaanka ee degmadaas oo ay muddo toddoba cisho ah ku jira xabsiga magaallada Caynabo oo markii ay ciidammada amaanku taxaabeen la hor geeyey maxakamadda gobolka Saraar balse dib loogusoo celiyey xabsiga ayaa maamulka gobolku ku eedeeyey xaallad abuur iyo arrimo ka dhan ah nidaamka dawladnimo.
Badhasaab ku-xigeenka gobolka Saraar oo Nuur Qaasim Qodax oo markii xabsiga loo taxabay warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay inay mas'uuliyiintaasi la dagaalameen Maayarka Caynaba oo dad barakacayaal ah u qaybinaya xoolo mucaawino ah oo loogu talogalay, isaga oo Badhasaabku ku dooday in xadhigoodu uu yahay mid sharci ah oo ka dhashay dagaal ay ku qaadeen Maayarka.Qaylo-dhaanta Maayar kux igeenka iyo sababta xadhigiisa oo uu ka sheekeeyey
Haddaba maayar ku xigeenka xidhan oo uu weheliyo xildhibaanka kale ee la xidhan ayaa iyagu mar ay xalay farriin kasoo direen xabsiga dhexdiisa waxaa ay sheegeen in lagu tuntay xasaannadii ay lahaayeen isla markaana aanay illaa hadda sababayn Karin ujeedada xadhigooda marka laga yimaado amar ku taaglayn. Maayar ku xigeenka oo arrimahaas ka hadlayaana waxaa uu ydihi "Wallaahi anigu ma sheegi karo sababta intaas le'eg ee xadhigayaga ka dembeysa wax la arki jirayna maaha oo annagu gole deegaan baanu nahay la soodoortay, golayaashuna waa ay isku buuqaan oo khilaaf wuu dhex maraa oo arrin maamul baa laysku hayaa oo qaladaadkuna wuu dhacaa laakiin sida immika xaalku yahay waa mid...." Sidaas ayuu yidhi maayar ku xigeenka Caynabo oo xalay cawayskii xalay isaga iyo xildhibaan kale oo golaha deegaanka cAyanbo ka tirsani khadka telefoonka ugu warrameen telefishanka ERYAL, iyaga oo sheegay in xilligaas ay kasoo dhex hadlayaan xabsiga dhexdiisa isla markaana aan loo ogolayn inay telefoon isticmaalaan oo ay si qarsoodi ah u soo hadlayaan. Waxaanu intaa ku daray maayar ku xigeenku "anigu maayar ku xigeenkii baan ahay ninka maayarka ah ee aanu maamulkii [golaha deegaanka] wada lahayn ayaa awoodii xayuubsaday oo inta uu dad samaystay cid u joojinwaayay. Dadkii danyarta ahaa ee wax loo qaybinayay ee aanu waxoodii gacanta ku haynayna siiyey dad kuwii loogu talo galay aan ahayn, halka aanu iskaga dhacnayna halkaas bay ahayd oo xoollo la qaybinayo oo boqol neef ah oo loogu talo galay dadka danyarta ah ee ay abaaruhu soo barakiciyeen oo meel dibad ah lagu qaybinayo ayaanu u nimi aniga iyo xildhibaanka kale [xildhibaanka la xidhan], dabadeed waxaanu ku nidhi waar waxan aad dibada ku qaybinaysaan ee dadkii loogu talo galay kuwo aan ahayn aad siinaysaan joojiya, waayo xoolaha dad jilicsan baa loogutalo galay kuwiina may qaadanayn ee qaar kale ayay ahayd, halkaasaana aanu gacan dhaafka iskaga samaynay ee meeshu xafiisna may ahayn ee halkaas dibada ah bay ahayd". Sidaas ayuu yidhi maayar ku xigeenka Caynabo ee xabsiga ku jiraa waxaanu intaas ku daray isaga oo sababaynaya xadhigiisa " sababta keentay xadhigayagu waa taas aanu kaga dhiidhinay dadkaas waxoodii la cunayo, waana markii siddeedaad ee aanu isugu nimaadno arrin noocaas ah.....aniguna hadda [xilliga waraysiga laga qaadayay] xabsiga dhexdiisa ayaan kaala hadlayaa moobilkana la iima ogolla cid arrintayada dhex gashayna illaa hadda ma jirto oo golihii deegaanka ee degmadayada labadayada xidhan mooyaane intiikalena magaallada way joogtaaye cid na dhex gashay ma hayno illaa immika, xildhibaannadii golahana toddoba ka mid ahi waxaa ay ku xeeranyihiin ninkaas [maayarka] dawladdii dhexena wuu gaadhay arrinkayagu illaa wasiirka arrimaha gudaha illaa immikana war ay soo dirtay ma hayno.". gebogabadii waxaa uu maayar ku xigeenku farriin ka soo dhex diray xabsiga waxaanu yidhi "waxaan halkan fariin uga dirayaa cid kasta oo arrintayadu khusayso waxaan leeyahay toddoba cisho ayaanu ku xidhanay sharci darro oo aanu ku jirnaa xabsiga caynabo ee arrintayada wax ha laga qabto" ayaa uu guddoomiye ku xigeenka golaha deegaanka caynabo hadalkiisa ku soo xidhay. Intaas ka dib waxaa isaguna hadalka la wareegay oo telefishanku waraystay xildhibaanka kale ee la xidhan maayar ku xigeenka oo magaciisa la yidhaadho Xirsi Yuusuf Aadan, kaasi oo ka warramay halka xadhigoodu salka ku hayo oo uu sheegay in uu warbixinta maayar ku xigeenku bixiyey uu waafaqsanyahay".
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Midnimada Soomaaliya oo khatar ku jirta


23rd September 2017 admin Category :


Sawirka maanta waa wada hadalada jabhadaha SNM iyo USC, ay ku wada hadlayaan dalka Turkiga , oo la mid ah sawirka Hawiye Action Group oo sooc ah ay la qaateen wafdiga dalka Shiinaha oo metelaya hal bilyan oo qof ah oo dal ka dhaxeeyo Mooryaantuna ku yar tahay.
Dhinaca Soomaalida ninka garka cad waa Safiirka Soomaalida ee UNta Abuukar Baale, waxa ku sii xiga Ra'sulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan CalI Khyre, waxa ku sii xiga wasiirka arimaha dibadda Soomaaliya Yuusuf Garaad, waxa ku sii xiga Xarbi Cali kulane safiirka Soomaalida ee Sweden, waxa ugu danbeeya Yuusuf Caynte safiirka Soomaalida ee DALKA Ingiriiska. Safiirka Soomaalida ee dalka Maraykanka oo ah halka sawirkan lagu galay , wuxuu ka soo jeeda beesha Darood. Waana ka maqan yahayn kulankan . Sidoo kale wada hadalka Isaaq iyo Hawiye oo sooc ah ku wada hadlayaan dalka Turkiga waxa ka maqan siyaasiyiinta beesha Daarood.Dhinca ay hadda miiska ka fadhiyaan wafdiga Shiinuhu marka la joogo dalka Turkiga waxa fariista wafdiga ka soo jeeda SNM oo uu hogaaminayo Xuseen Cabdulaahi Bulxan

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Yuusuf Garaad iyo la taliyaashiisa Puntland Indhacde iyo Jeesoow
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- Puntland Miyeey Fashilantay? Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed's speech to the UN -

RW Kheyre oo khudbad ka jeediyay Shirka Qaramada Midoobay ee Magaalada New York


New York (Sh M Network)—Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Xasan Cali Kheyre oo khudbad ka jeedinyay Shirka loo dhanyahay ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa waxuu ka hadlay arimo kala duwan oo ku saabsan Soomaaliya.
Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre ayaa waxuu sheegay in Soomaaliya haatan ay ku talaabsatay horumaro kala duwan tan iyo markii Dalka uu Madaxweyne ka noqday Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo.
Waxaa uu tilmaamay in Soomaaliya ay dhibane u aheyd colaado, faqri iyo abaaro sameeyay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.
Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa RW Kheyre waxuu xusay in ay jiraan khatarta Ururada Daacish iyo Xarakada Al Shabaab oo  xiriir dhow laleh Kooxda Al Qaacida.
Mudane Kheyre ayaa Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo taageero ka helaya kuwa AMISOM in ay wiiqeen awoodii Xarakada Al Shabaab ay ku la heyd Dalka Soomaaliya.
Balse waxuu dhibaato ku tilmaamay cunqabateynta dhabka hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya, maadaama buu yiri loo baahan yahay in laga guuleysto Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Waxaana uu ka dalbaday Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay in xayiraadahaasi laga qaado Soomaaliya.
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa uga mahadceliyay Ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM taageerada ay siiyaan Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.
Mr. Kheyre ayaa Shirka Qaramada Midoobay ka sheegay in Xukuumada Soomaaliya ay ku dadaaleyso ka hortaga musuq maasuqa, waxuuna tilmaamay in haatan Soomaaliya ay ku talaabsaneyso horumar muuqda.
Waxaa uu cod-dheer ku sheegay in Xukuumadda Soomaaliya aysan marnaba u dulqaadan doonin musuq maasuqa, maadaama uu ku tilmaamay musuq mid horseeda burburka Soomaaliya.
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ugu dambeyn waxuu shaaciyay in dhibaatooyinka jira ay ka mid yihiin deemaha lagu leeyahay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.
The post RW Kheyre oo khudbad ka jeediyay Shirka Qaramada Midoobay ee Magaalada New York appeared first on Shabelle.

RW Kheyre oo khudbad ka jeediyay Shirka Qaramada...


New York (Sh M Network)--Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Xasan Cali Kheyre oo khudbad ka jeedinyay Shirka loo dhanyahay ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa waxuu ka hadlay arimo kala duwan oo ku saabsan Soomaaliya.
Ra'iisul Wasaare Kheyre ayaa waxuu sheegay in Soomaaliya haatan ay ku talaabsatay horumaro kala duwan tan iyo markii Dalka uu Madaxweyne ka noqday Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo.
Waxaa uu tilmaamay in Soomaaliya ay dhibane u aheyd colaado, faqri iyo abaaro sameeyay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.
Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa RW Kheyre waxuu xusay in ay jiraan khatarta Ururada Daacish iyo Xarakada Al Shabaab oo xiriir dhow laleh Kooxda Al Qaacida.
Mudane Kheyre ayaa Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo taageero ka helaya kuwa AMISOM in ay wiiqeen awoodii Xarakada Al Shabaab ay ku la heyd Dalka Soomaaliya.
Balse waxuu dhibaato ku tilmaamay cunqabateynta dhabka hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya, maadaama buu yiri loo baahan yahay in laga guuleysto Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Waxaana uu ka dalbaday Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay in xayiraadahaasi laga qaado Soomaaliya.
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa uga mahadceliyay Ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM taageerada ay siiyaan Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.
Mr. Kheyre ayaa Shirka Qaramada Midoobay ka sheegay in Xukuumada Soomaaliya ay ku dadaaleyso ka hortaga musuq maasuqa, waxuuna tilmaamay in haatan Soomaaliya ay ku talaabsaneyso horumar muuqda.
Waxaa uu cod-dheer ku sheegay in Xukuumadda Soomaaliya aysan marnaba u dulqaadan doonin musuq maasuqa, maadaama uu ku tilmaamay musuq mid horseeda burburka Soomaaliya.
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ugu dambeyn waxuu shaaciyay in dhibaatooyinka jira ay ka mid yihiin deemaha lagu leeyahay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.

Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya oo khudbad ka jeediyey...


23rd September 2017 admin Category :


Ra'isulwasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa khudbad ka jeediyey shirka guud ee QM waxaana khudbadda Ra'isulwasaaraha ay aheyd sidan hoos Ku qoran: -
Mr. Secretary-General of the United NationsHonourable Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,It is an honour to address the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly. I bring you warm greetings and good wishes from our President, H.E. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo, and the entire Government and People of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
Allow me to first congratulate the President of the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly for assuming this role, and for ably steering this august body toward a successful gathering. This year's session also coincides on International Peace Day.
Yesterday, we observed the International Day of Peace. A day that called for togetherness and solidarity with those who have been forced to flee their homes and those who leave home to seek a better life. The theme of this year's General Assembly, speaks of peace and a decent life in a sustainable planet. The similarity in focus, goes beyond coincidence to acknowledge that the pursuit for peace, decent life, respect, safety and dignity is a global need yet elusive for hundreds of millions of people in the world today. From Syria to the Central African Republic, from the Rohingya people of Myanmar to the people of Libya, the number of protracted and new conflicts remains unacceptably high. The Somali people have for many years been the victims of war, famine and poverty, which has seen them displaced internally, while others made the perilous journey abroad. We therefore know too well, the necessity for others to open their doors to distraught and disillusioned people who just like us are looking for a safe and dignified living. I take this opportunity to thank all those who, even in challenging times, continue to uphold this spirit of oneness, of sharing and caring.
Mr. President,Somalia is rising and we are determined to stay the course. Our aim is to contribute positively to the progress of our region, our continent and the world. Despite enormous challenges we are, among others, improving security, re-establishing law and order and conducting the necessary political and socio-economic reforms. The progress achieved so far, is because the Somali people have embraced a new dawn and our relentless partners continue to walk with us in our journey towards peace and prosperity. We will continue to formulate measures to strengthen Somalia's progress including in revenue generation, however, there are some serious challenges beyond the control of the Somali government. Debt relief would have the effect of unlocking concessional financing, attracting foreign investment and providing an opportunity that is critical to sustaining our reform efforts and consequently reinvigorate our economy. We are already working with International Financial Institutions towards this objective and through this forum, seek your support.
Mr. President:
Terrorism remains one of our pressing challenges, with its repercussions felt globally. As such, our unity in addressing this scourge, collectively and sustainably, is critical. No effort should be spared in neutralizing the growth and influence of international terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda who as we know, are key influencers of localized terrorism. Efforts to step up military interventions against such groups should be re-doubled. In Somalia, we have made significant strides, which have weakened the capability of Al-Shabaab. In this regard, I would like to thank AMISOM for their sacrifice, unfailing support, dedication and solidarity in the fight against Al-Shabaab. To ensure the sustainability of such gains, we are focused on strengthening the military capacity of our national security forces. However, the arms embargo imposed against Somalia is a severe limitation towards this objective. The Federal Government of Somalia will continue to work with the Security Council and relevant actors on our roadmap towards lifting the arms embargo.
Poverty and lack of education and livelihood opportunities remain contributing factors to the growth of violent extremism. Across the world, disillusioned youth are at heightened risk of exploitation by criminal networks, including terrorists. The urgent need to invest in education, skills building and livelihood opportunities for our youth is crucial. Addressing these key strategic elements to counter terrorism is an enormous task, which requires a holistic approach and resources to match. We continue to call upon friends of Somalia to help us in this important undertaking.
Mr. President,
We cannot talk about a sustainable planet without demonstrating commitment to make this world livable for ourselves and the future generation. Somalia is one of the countries ravaged by a vicious cycle of man-made and natural disasters created directly by environmental degradation. Rains are scarce, leading to crop failure and death of livestock, which subsequently leads to drought and famine. Currently the humanitarian situation of millions of Somalis remains fragile as the bite of the current drought, which still threatens to develop into famine, continues. Our National Development Plan stipulates a clear and realistic roadmap to breaking this vicious cycle. However, Somalia, and many other countries who are on the receiving end of climate change are unable to find the resources required to tackle this ever-growing problem. In this regard, we urge all member states to continue improving Paris Climate Agreement which has the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change. Similarly, developing countries such as ourselves need investment in long term initiatives including infrastructure development, water conservation, innovative food and livestock production and creation of livelihood opportunities.
Mr. President,
We need to get better at streamlining global development and aid structures, especially for fragile states. We need to revisit the prevailing paradigms and take bold and innovative steps to improve this architecture. The New Deal Engagement in Fragile States, agreed in Busan South Korea in 2011, was certainly a great step in that direction. Somalia fully embraced this agreement. Yet with all its strength, the New Deal for Fragile States needs improvement. That said, the mutual accountability principles embedded in the framework are exactly what fragile countries like us need. Often times, pledges are made, only to be neglected later. That should not happen as fragile countries rely on such support to rebuild their state. Conversely, development partners are often frustrated with the weak transparency and accountability institutions that exist in fragile countries. That is a legitimate concern, and we as fragile nations need to do better by tackling corruption and plugging leakages.
Somalia has recently taken bold steps to address corruption. The Anti-Corruption Bill, critical for putting in place measures for good governance and accountability has been approved by the cabinet and tabled for enactment by parliament. The leadership of mycountry has also reiterated its zero tolerance to corruption.
Also relating to funding, we must find predictable funding for non-UN peacekeeping missions. This is particularly true for AMISOM in Somalia. For over a decade, they have registered tremendous success yet they continue to operate in uncertainty of funding each year. We believe that investment in peacekeeping is a worthy investment in peace-building and state-building and we have seen the dividends of this investment in Somalia. I look forward to engaging our partners on this matter in the coming weeks and months.
Mr. President, Distinguished Delegates, Excellencies:A fundamental element of peace-building and state-building is how any country treats its marginalised and the voiceless. Women are crucial in decision making and investment in society. In spite of our many challenges, Somalia has made significant steps in this regard. During the 2016 election, the number of women in our bi-cameral Parliament increased from 14 percent to 24 percent. Although we missed our 30 percent target, we did improve markedly from a few years ago.Six months ago, when I was forming my Council of Ministers, I appointed six women to my Cabinet. They hold some of the most important portfolios in our nation, including trade and industry, health, youth and sports, women and human rights and humanitarian affairs. In Somalia, women played an instrumental role during our worst times. In addition to being mothers and wives, they dominate the informal economy. Many living as refugees and migrants remain the lifeline of their families through remittances sent to Somalia.
Similarly, youth are vital to peace-building and state-building. The number of youth in our Parliament has increased exponentially. And I have also appointed a number of very young people to key cabinet positions. One of them, Abbas Siraji, was tragically killed in May this year. He was a beacon of hope for Somalia's young people. Having grown up in the world's largest refugee camp in Kenya, he worked hard, studied, and worked for various UN agencies. I appointed him to the Minister of Public Works and Reconstruction at age 31. Although he is no longer with us, his appointment spurred the potential of thousands of young people across the country. He showed them that, life in the refugee camps, as harsh as it was, didn't mean the end of hope.
Distinguished Delegates, Excellencies:
One of the core tenets of this United Nations is human rights.We are working hard to ensure the respect for human rights of all people. The establishment of institutions such as the national human rights commission that is mandated to protect and promote human rights will be a significant step towards in this direction. Vital legislations on human rights such as the soon to be approved Sexual Offences Bill, provide the tools to fight impunity of sexual perpetuators. Even though we are fond of our traditions, it should never be a reason to condone impunity and my government is determined to find ways to harmonise our traditional dispute resolution and our conventional justice system in a manner that respects the human rights of its people.
Mr. President,
The United Nations continues to the worldsmost important common platform for nations to develop and strengthen bilateral and multilateral relations. It is a core UN principles for states to respect each others political independence sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is a principle that should be promoted and upheld at all times, especially when engaging with fragile state such Somalia.Mr President,
In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to add my voice to the reform process of the United Nations. This organization has worked for peace and stability for decades and I strongly believe that the Secretary General's reform agenda will most certainly lead to a far responsive and dynamic institution. As a country that has greatly benefited from the UN system, we have also seen that it can improve its overall efficiency.
With that, I would like to conclude by onceagain reminding all of us, that we must redouble our efforts to focus on peace and decent life for a sustainable planet and that will take a collective recognition that, what happens in one corner of the world impacts another corner of the world.
Thank you, and may Allah bless you all.

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Monaco oo Dul Istaagtay PSG


Laba kulan oo ka tirsan horyaalka dalka France ee Ligue 1 ayaa xalay dhacay, iyadoo kooxda difaacanaysa horyaalnimada ee Monaco ay guul weyn soo hooysay.

Bayern Munich oo Badinwayday 


Kooxda ugu guulaha badan horyaalka Jarmalka ee Bundesliga Bayern Munich ayaa iyada oo gurigeeda ku ciyaaraysay ka badin wayday naadiga Wolfsburg oo ay ku kala baxeen bareejo 2-2 ah.

Monaco oo Dul Istaagtay PSG


Laba kulan oo ka tirsan horyaalka dalka France ee Ligue 1 ayaa xalay dhacay, iyadoo kooxda difaacanaysa horyaalnimada ee Monaco ay guul weyn soo hooysay.
Monaco waxay 4-0 ku tuntay kooxda Lille oo ay marti ugu aheyd magaalada Lille ee waqooyi dalka Faransiiska. Waxaa ciyaarti xalay mar kale kasoo iftiimay gooldhaliyaha caanka ah ee reer Colombia Radamel Falcao oo saxiixay laba ka mid ah goolasha.
Wuxuu hadda marayaa goolkiisii 11-aad todobo kulan oo ka tirsan horyaalka oo uu ciyaaray. Goolasha kalana waxaa kala qeybsaday Stevan Jovetic oo lahaa goolkii furitaanka. Wuxuuna ahaa goolkiisii ugu horreeyay ee uu Monaco u dhaliyo tan iyo marki uu kaga soo biiray kooxda Inter Milan xagaagi. Goolka afraad waxaa dhaliyay Rachid Ghezzal.
Guushaasi ayaa ka dhigeysa in Monaco ay hadda horyaalka la hogaamineyso kooxda PSG, inkastoo farqiga goolasha ay PSG kaga horreyso. Labaduba waxay wada leeyihiin min 18 dhibcood.
Hadii Paris St-Germain (PSG) ay badiso kulanka Sabtida burrito ay la dheeli doonto Montpellier, waxay markaasi kali ku noqon doontaa hogaanka.
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Bayern Munich oo Badinwayday 


Kooxda ugu guulaha badan horyaalka Jarmalka ee Bundesliga Bayern Munich ayaa iyada oo gurigeeda ku ciyaaraysay ka badin wayday naadiga Wolfsburg oo ay ku kala baxeen bareejo 2-2 ah.
Kulankani oo ka tirsanaa horyaalka koowaad ee dalka Jarmalka ayaa waxaa hogaanka ciyaarta daqiiqadii 12-aadba la wareegtay Bayern. Goolka hore waxaa rigoore ku saxiixay Robert Lewandowski halka kan labaadna uu dhaliyay Arjen Robben.
Laakin Wolfsburg isma aysan dhigan oo waa ay ka daba tagtay waxaana goolasha ay ku bareejeysay u kala dhaliyay Maxi Arnold oo saxiixay gool bilisyoone ahaa iyo Daniel Didavi oo madaxa ku dhaliyay.
Bar barahan ayaa Bayern biday in ay wali kusii nagaato kaalinta labaad. Waxay isku dhibca yihiin Broussia Dortmund oo ay farqiga goolal badnaashaha kaga hogaamineysa Bayern. Labaduba waxay leeyihiin mid 13 dhibcood.
Inta badan ciyaara horyaalka Jarmalka ee Bundesliga ayaa dhici doona birri galab iyo habeen danbe kooxuhuna waxay isu arki doonaan sidaan.
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