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Akhriso Nuxurka Khudbadihii laga jeediyay Maalintii...


Muqdisho (SONNA) Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho maalintii Labaad ka soconaya wejigii 2-aad shirkii London ee arrimaha Soomaliya, kaasi oo ay ka qeyb galayaan madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya,kuwa dowlada Goboleedyada iyo saaxiibada beesha Caalamka,waxaana lagu wadaa in maanta la soo gaba gabeeyo iyadoo Warmurtiyeed laga soo saari doono.
Hadaba Shirka oo haatan socda ayaa waxaa laga jeediyay khudbado kala duwan oo aad muhiim u ah, waxaan ka soo qaadan doonaa nuxurka Khudbadahaasi, waxaana khudbadii ugu horeysay jeediyay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo oo ka hadlay Hormaro badan oo dhinaca dhaqaalaha iyo amniga ah oo dowlada sanadkan ay ku talaabsatay, Federaalka, Qorshaha Doorashada 2020 iyo Xiriirka wanaagsan ee ka dhaxeeya Dowlada Federaalka iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada hoostaga
"Hormaro badan ayaan ka sameynay dhinaca Amniga iyo Dhaqaalaha, waxaa naga go'an inaan hirgalino Federaalka, Doorashada 2020 waa mida ugu muhiimsan Siyaasadeena waxaana socda wadatashiyada la xiriira sida ay u dhacayso doorashada, Xiriirka dowlad goboleedyada waa hagaajinay waxaana jirta wadashaqeyn wnaaagsan" ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
Ra'iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa isna jeediyay khudbad uu kaga hadlay arimo badan waxaana ka mid ahaa Miisaaniyadda Dowlada uu sheegay in lagu hormarinayo adeega Bulshada iyo in Canshuurta shacabka laga qaado oo lagu dhisayo Dugsiyo Waxbarasho
"Muda kadib Miisaaniyadda dowladda ee sanadka 2018 ayaa lagu hormarinayaa adeega Bulshada, Canshuurta shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayaa loogu dhisayaa Iskuulo waxbarasho, Waddanka hore ayuu socdaa" ayuu yiri R/wasaare Khayre.
Sidoo kale waxaa ka hadlay shirka qaar ka mid ah Madaxweyneyaasha Dowlad Goboleedyada, Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa sheegay si Kala dambeyntii iyo Sharcigii dalka loo soo celiyo in muhiim ay tahay in la dhameystiro Dastuurka
"Kala dambeyntii iyo sharcigii si loosoo celiyo waxaa loo baahan yahay in Dastuurka dalka la dhameystito, waxaa socda wada hadalo, waa in laga wada qeybgalo lana xoojiyo" ayuu yiri Cabdiweli Gaas
Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan Madaxweynaha Dowlad Gobaleedka Koonfur Galbeed ayaa ka hadlay saameynta ka dhalata Fatahaadaha wabiga iyo Abaarta, isagoo sheegay in loo baahan yahay qorshe wax looga qabto.
"Caqabada na haysata waa fatahaada wabiga, sidoo kale Abaarta waa dhibaato na heysata waxaan u baahanahay inaan ka faa'iideysano wabiga oo keyd loo sameeyo, Kaliya markii ay Abaar dhacdo maaha in la gurmado,waxaan u baahanahay qorshe ku talagal ah oo wax looga qabto Abaaraha iyo ka Faa'iidaysi la'aanta Wabiga"ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan.
Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf oo ka hadlay shirka ayaa codsaday in la taageero heshiiska ay wada galeen Galmudug iyo Ahlu sunna
"Galmudug hadii aan nahay waan dambeynaa waa in nala taageeraa, Ahlusuna ayaan la heshiinay Waxaan u bahanahay in nala caawiyo" ayuu yiri Xaaf.
Wasiirka Wasaaradda Dastuurka Xukuumadda Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil ayaa ka hadlay meesha ay marayaan howlaha dastuurka.
"Dib u eegista dastuurka waa hab aad muhiim u ah, si hufan ayaan howsha u wadnaa waxaan tagnay xarumaha dowlad goboleedyada iyo Muqdisho oo aan ku qabanay wadatashiyo Bishii May waxaan la kulanay wasiirada dowlad goboleedyada ee dastuurka"ayuu yiri C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil
Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Federaalka iyo Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdi Faarax Saciid ( Juxa) oo markiisa hadalka qaatay ayaa ka hadlay hanaanka qaran ee dib u heshiisiinta iyo khilaafaad badan oo guulo laga gaaray
"Wadahalo badan ayaa qaadanay hadii ay ahaan lahaayeen shirarkii madaxda qaranka iyo dowlad goboleedyada, waxaan qabanay shir hanaanka Qaran ee dib u heshiisiinta kaasoo ay ka soo baxeen guulo la taaban karo, Khilaafaadka hada hormaro ayaa laga sameeyay si gaar ah wadahadalada Galmudug iyo Ahlusuna, waxaan kale oo aan wax ka qabanay dhismaha dowladaha hoose ee dalka" ayuu yiri Wasiir Juxa.
Jamaal Xasan Wasiirka Qorsheynta ayaa sheegay in la bilaabay qorshe looga feejignaanayo inay soo laabtaan abaarihii iyo dhibaatooyinkii kale ee saameeyay shacabka .
"Waxaan xaqiijinay in dhibaato mar dhacdaa inaanay soo laaban Qorshaheeda, sida abaarihi dhacay sanadkii hore ilaa sanadkan bartamahiisa,waxaan sameynay qorshaha Taageerada hadii ay ahaan laheyd midka fog iyo kan dhow si looga faa'ideysto kaalmada Bani'aadannimo iyo mida Hormarinta, qorshaha hormarinta Qaranka si joogta ah ayaan uga wadatashanaa anagga iyo dowlad goboleedyada". Ayuu yiri Mudane Jamaal
Xaliimo Yarey, oo ah Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashada Qaranka ayaa sheegtay in la bilaabay diiwaan galinta Xisbiyada iyo diyaarinta habka diiwaanka Codeeyeyaasha.
"Gudiga doorashada qaranka waxaa uu Diyaariyay qorshe Howleedka, waxaa ka mid ah bilaabida diiwaan galinta Xisbiyada, waxaa diiwaan galinay 7 xisbi, waxaa kale oo aan diyaarinay habka diiwaanka codeeyaasha" ayay yiri Xaliimo Yareey.
Wasiirka haweenka iyo xuquuqul insaanka ee xukuumadda Soomaaliya Deeqa Yaasiin ayaa sheegtay inay ay sameeyeen siyaasadii lagu dhisi lahaa Guddiga Xuquuqul Insaanka.
"Waxaan sameynay siyaasadii dhisida guddiga Xuquuqul Insaanka,waxaana u qoondeenay in lagu qeybiyo 50% Raga iyo 50% Haweenka waxaana ku jira dadka Naafada ah, waan sii wadeynaa sameynta Siyaasadaha Muhiimka u ah ilaalinta Xuquuqda dadweynaha"ayay yiri Wasiirka Haweenka.
Sidoo kale madasha waxaa khudbado ka jeediyay wakiilada beesha caalamka ee shirka ka qeyb galaya waxaana ka mid Safiirka dowladda Sweden ee Soomaaliya Mikael Lindvall oo sheegay in Soomaaliya sanadihii ugu dambeeyay ay ku guuleysatay waxyaabo badan
"Waxyaabaha Soomaaliya ay ku guuleysatay waxaa ka mid ah ka qeybgalinta Siyaasadda ee Haweenka,shirkan waxaa uu muujinayaa hormarka Soomaaliya,Ilaalinta xuquuqda Aadanaha waa muhiim, waa in xooga la saaro qabsoomida doorashada 2020, Dowladeyda waxa ay garab istaageysaa dadka iyo dowladda Soomaaliya,waxaan goaansanay inaan dib eegno taageeradeena, si aan kor ugu qaadno Hormarka ka socda Soomaaliya.
Maxamed Cali Guyo Wakiilka Urur Goboleedka IGAD ee Soomaaliya ayaa Ra'iisul wasaare Kheyre kaga mahad celiyay doorkii uu ka qaatay wada hadalada Galmudug iyo Ahlu sunna, isagoo sidoo kale ka hadlay doorashada iyo arimo kale
"Waxaan kaaga mahad celinayaa Ra'iisulwasaare ka qeyb qaadashada wadahadalkii Galmudug iyo Ahlusunna, Doorashada 2020 qabsoomideeda qof iyo cod waa muhiim"
Ujeedka guud ee shirkan ka socda magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ah in dowladda Soomaaliya ay soo bandhigto waxyaabihii uga qabsoomey shirkaasi oo wejigiisa koowaad ka dhacay magaalada London ee xarunta Dalka Brtian bishii May ee sanadkan 2017.

Shiinaha oo xiray iskuulka dumarka lagu barayay in ay "raaliye noqdaan"


Iskuulka ayaa haweenka barayay in aysan dagaallamin marka la garaacayo, in xaaska ay u nuglaato ninkeeda iyo in aysan weligeed dalban furriin.

Shiinaha oo xiray iskuulka dumarka lagu barayay in...


Maamulka dalka Shiinaha ayaa albaabada isugu laabay machad haweenka barayay in ay nimankooda u dhega-nuglaadaan una dabacsanaadaan.
Iskuulka oo sheegay in casharada ay yihiin kuwa ka turjumada "wanaagga dhaqanka", waxaa lagu eedeeyay in uu ku xadgudbay qiimaha aragtida hantiwadaagga.
Muuqaal internet-ka la geliyay wuxuu muujinayaa macallimiin sharaxaya casharro ka soo hor jeeda sinnaanta ragga iyo dumarka, halkan qaar ka mid ah barayaasha ay haweenka kula talinayeen in aysan dagaallamin haddii la garaaco.
Iskuullada noocan ah ayaa Shiinaha ku soo badanayay sanadihii ugu dambeeyay.
Muuqaalka oo aad u baahay waxaa ka muuqdo macallimiinta Iskuulka Caada-Dhaqameedka ee Fushun oo dumarka u sheegaya in aysan isku deyin in ay waxbartaan, "ayna ku noolaadaan heerka hoose oo keli ah".
Sidoo kale, macallimiinta ayaa dumarka ku baraarujiyay in si shuruud la'aan ah ay ugu hoggaansamaan aabayaashooda, nimankooda iyo wiilashooda.
Talooyiinka kale ee uu bixiyay iskuulkan waxaa ka mid ah in dumarka aysan dood ka keenin haddii la garaaco iyo in aysan weligood isku deyin in ay furriin dalbadaan.
"Waxkastoo seygaaga ku weydiiyo, jawaabtaaadu waa in ay noqotaa: 'haye waan aqbalay", Waxaa sidaas ardeyda u sheegtay mid ka mid ah macallimiinta dumarka ah.
Muuqaalka waxaa ku jiray dumar sameynaya shaqada guriga sida nadiifinta dhulka iyo musqulaha, ayagoo gacmahooda adeegsanaya.
Sida uu qoray wargeys lagu magacaabo Global Times, qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha iskuulka, oo la furay 2011-kii, ayaa diiday in la xiro, waxayna majalladda u sheegeen in muuqaalka la baahiyay uu ka been abuurayo shaqadooda oo ah in ay horumariyaan caado-dhaqameedka.
Warbixin lagu daabacay barta Weibo oo ah xafiiska waxbarashada Fushun ayaa lagu yiri: "Casharrada iskuulka waxay lid ku yihiin anshaxa bulshada waana in si degdeg ah loo xiro".
Sidoo kale waxaa la amray in baaritaan ballaaran la sameeyo oo la raadiyo haddii ay jiraan iskuullo kale oo midkan la mid ah.

Somalia Signs Jeddah Amendment on Illicit Maritime Activity


Somalia has become the 14th signatory to the Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct – the instrument developed and adopted by countries in the Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden that has been a key factor in repressing piracy and armed robbery against ships operating in that region.
The Amendment significantly broadened the scope of the Djibouti Code when it was adopted at a high-level meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in January 2017. It covers measures for suppressing a range of illicit activities, including piracy, arms trafficking, trafficking in narcotics, illegal trade in wildlife, illegal oil bunkering, crude oil theft, human trafficking, human smuggling and illegal dumping of toxic waste.
H.E. Mariam Aweis, Minister of Marine Transport and Ports, Federal Government of Somalia, deposited the instrument with IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim at IMO Headquarters in London on December 1.
In a resolution adopted last month, the 15-member U.N. Security Council urged Somali authorities to continue passing comprehensive anti-piracy laws, to establish security forces with clear roles and jurisdictions to enforce the laws and to strengthen the capacity of Somali courts to investigate and prosecute pirates.
The Security Council also called on U.N. member states to adopt legislation to facilitate prosecution of suspected pirates off the coast of Somalia.
Many development and security experts agree that until the underlying issues wracking Somalia, such as poverty, instability, drought and famine are solved, piracy may continue.
The nation’s current humanitarian crisis, which was triggered by the failure of consecutive rainy seasons, has led to massive displacement, disease outbreaks and malnutrition, with 6.2 million people – half of the country’s population – now in need of humanitarian assistance. Some four million of them are children.
UNICEF estimates that 232,000 children have or will suffer life threatening severe acute malnutrition over the next year. UNICEF, with funding from the governments of China, Japan and Sweden, has been helping to secure clean water supplies and is also helping with education initiatives for children.
Puntland State education statistics show that approximately 19.5 percent primary school children in Puntland have dropped out of school due to drought, with the Bari District where the hijacked Aris 13 oil tanker was directed earlier this year, showing particularly high dropped out rates (30.1 percent for both boys and girls).
Other signatories to the Jeddah Amendment are Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Somalia, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania and Yemen.
The post Somalia Signs Jeddah Amendment on Illicit Maritime Activity appeared first on Shabelle.

Qodobada Shirkii Ammaanka Muqdisho iyo Hanaanka...


Muqdisho (PP) - Beesha Caalamka iyo Somalia ayaa shalay ku heshiiyay war-muryeedka lagu sheegay qorshaha xilliga kala guur ah ee Ciidamada Somalia loogu diyaarinayo sidii ay hawlgalka ugala wareegi lahaayeen ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM.
Kulankii Ammaanka ee Muqdisho ka dhacay, waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa DFS iyo dalalka iyo hay'adaha daneeya sida; Qaramada Midoobey, Midowga Afrika iyo hay'ado kale oo xagga amniga ka taageera Somalia, iyadoo lagu hesheeyay Road-map cad oo ku xusan sida ay u dhaceyso mas'uuliyad kala wareejinta hawlgalka.
War-murtiyeedka ayaa lagu xusay heshiis ah in si deg-deg ah loo hormariyo qorshe macquul ah oo la fulin karo kaas oo ku xusan sidii yool waqtiyeysan loo qaban lahaa in mas'uuliyadda amniga lagu wareejiyo Ciidamada Somalia, iyaga oo kala wareegaya AMISOM.
Sidoo kale, Qorshaha Somalia iyo Beesha Caalamka ku heshiiyeen waxaa ka mid ah:

  1. In la xurmeeyo sharciga, xuquuqul insaanka,
  2. In la adkeeyo la dagaalanka afkaarta argigixisada
  3. In kor loo qaado Arrimaha xasilinta iyo Dowladnimada.

Waxaa kaloo, Heshiiskan lagu xusay ; in muddada xilka iyo mas'uuliyadda la wareejinayo oo ah bilaha iyo sanooyinka soo socda, la hubiyo arrimaha la siinayo ahmiyadda, hadafka la leeyahay mas'uuliyad wareejinta iyo sida ay u dhacayso oo ay ku jirto hubinta deganaashiyaha, dhismaha Dowladnimada iyo qorshayaasha lagu dhisayo ciidanka qalbka sida, booliiska iyo cadaaladda si loo hubiyo nabad waarta oo ka hirgasha Somalia.
Dhanka kale, Tallaabada ugu horreysa, kooxaha daneeya arrimaha Somalia waxay dejinayaan qorshaha mas'uuliyad wareejinta oo bilaabaneysa 31-ka December ee 2017-ka, si Qorshahaas loo dhameystiro ka hor kulanka ay AMISOM codsatay ee Golaha Ammaanka oo dhacaya sannadka soo socda ee 2018-ka.
Heshisikan waxaa ka mid ahaa xilliga ay baxayaan askarta ugu horreysa ee AMISOM oo ku aaddan dhammaadkan bishan lagu jiro, waxaa shirkan looga hadlay sidii maal-gelin loogu heli lahaa AMISOM iyo ciidamada qalabka sida iyo in la dhaqan-geliyo heshiiskii amni ee London lagu saxiixay May 2017-kii.
Heshiiskaas ayaa dhigayay in la dhiso illaa 22,000 ciidan oo ay ku jiraan 4-kun oo askari oo gaar ah, waxaa kale oo lagu darayaa 32,000 oo booliis ah.
Ugu dambeyn, Toddobaadkan maamulka Puntland ayaa 2,400 oo daraawiish ah ku wareejiyay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaana la filayaa in maamullada kale qaadaan tallaabo middaas la mid ah si loo helo Ciidammo Qaran oo hanta amniga dalka iyo dadka.PUNTLAND POST
The post Qodobada Shirkii Ammaanka Muqdisho iyo Hanaanka Bixitaanka Ciidamada AMISOM appeared first on Puntland Post.

Daawo: Faysal Cali Waraabe Oo Khubad uu ku Duraayey...


Daawo: Faysal Cali Waraabe Oo Khubad uu ku Duraayey Madaxweynaha la doortay, Qurbajooga iyo Farmaajo Ka hor Jeediyey Dhalinayro shaqaado ....
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Somalia Signs Jeddah Amendment on Illicit Maritime...


Somalia has become the 14th signatory to the Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct - the instrument developed and adopted by countries in the Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden that has been a key factor in repressing piracy and armed robbery against ships operating in that region.
The Amendment significantly broadened the scope of the Djibouti Code when it was adopted at a high-level meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in January 2017. It covers measures for suppressing a range of illicit activities, including piracy, arms trafficking, trafficking in narcotics, illegal trade in wildlife, illegal oil bunkering, crude oil theft, human trafficking, human smuggling and illegal dumping of toxic waste.
H.E. Mariam Aweis, Minister of Marine Transport and Ports, Federal Government of Somalia, deposited the instrument with IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim at IMO Headquarters in London on December 1.
In a resolution adopted last month, the 15-member U.N. Security Council urged Somali authorities to continue passing comprehensive anti-piracy laws, to establish security forces with clear roles and jurisdictions to enforce the laws and to strengthen the capacity of Somali courts to investigate and prosecute pirates.
The Security Council also called on U.N. member states to adopt legislation to facilitate prosecution of suspected pirates off the coast of Somalia.
Many development and security experts agree that until the underlying issues wracking Somalia, such as poverty, instability, drought and famine are solved, piracy may continue.
The nation's current humanitarian crisis, which was triggered by the failure of consecutive rainy seasons, has led to massive displacement, disease outbreaks and malnutrition, with 6.2 million people - half of the country's population - now in need of humanitarian assistance. Some four million of them are children.
UNICEF estimates that 232,000 children have or will suffer life threatening severe acute malnutrition over the next year. UNICEF, with funding from the governments of China, Japan and Sweden, has been helping to secure clean water supplies and is also helping with education initiatives for children.
Puntland State education statistics show that approximately 19.5 percent primary school children in Puntland have dropped out of school due to drought, with the Bari District where the hijacked Aris 13 oil tanker was directed earlier this year, showing particularly high dropped out rates (30.1 percent for both boys and girls).
Other signatories to the Jeddah Amendment are Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Somalia, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania and Yemen.

Wariyeyaal ka socda Warbaahinta Dawlada oo tababar...


Home WARARKA GUDAHA Wariyeyaal ka socda Warbaahinta Dawlada oo tababar uga qayb-galaya Turkiga
Previous articleAkhriso Nuxurka Khudbadihii laga jeediyay Maalintii Labaad shirka Muqdisho ka socda


Sidee loo dilay Madaxweyne Cali Cabdala Salah 


Sidee loo dilay Madaxweyne Cali Cabdala Salah
Dec 5, 2017 -
Hogaamiyaasha qabaai'ilka Yemen ayaa dhexdhexaadin ka dhex waday Madaxweyne Cali Cabdala Salah iyo Xoogagga Xuutiyiinta ee xulufada la ah Iiraan.
Qabaa'ilka ayaa u kala dab-qaaday waxaana la go'aamiyay in Cali Cabdala uu ka baxo Magaalada Sanca isagoo u dhaqaaqay dhanka iyo degaanka Sinhat oo ku beegan Koonfurta -
Cali Cabdala Salah waxa ku wehliyay safarka wiilkiisa iyo laba kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha Xisbigiisa.
Waxa la sheegay in hal-baabuur oo kaliya uu watay balse musiibada ayaa dhacday marki uu marayay degaanka xeebta ee Sayan oo dhawr Kilomitir masaafo ah u jirta xaafada Beit al-Ahmar ee degaanka Sanhan ayaa waxa dhacday in marqura ay isku jareen wadada 7 gawaari oo ay xuutiyiinta leeyihin .
Gaariga Madaxweynaha ma baxsan karin lakin waxa badalkeeda dhacday in madaxweynaha goobta lagu qabto sida Telefeshinka Al-Carabiya uu xogtaan baahiyay waxana madaxweynaha lagu riday rasaas ku dhawaad 30 xabado oo qoryaha daraan-dooriga u dhaco , waxaana inta badan rasaasta ka haleeshay caloosha .
Isla telefeshinka Al Carabiya ayaa markale xiganaya ilo-wareed kale waxuu leeyahay waa la jirdilay Cali Cabdala kahor inta aysan ku furin rasaasta .
Subaxnimadii hore ee Isniinta inta mashaqada dhicin ayuu Cali Cabdale la shiray Saraakishiisa iyo hogaamiyayaasha xisbigiisa xogaa kahor waaberigii inta aysan Mucaaradka gurigiisa la dhicin qoryaha madaafiicda garbaha ka dhaca ee RBG si uu isugu diyaariyo inuu ka baxsado Sanca si nabadgelyo ah.
Waxa gacanta lagu dhigay gacan-yarihii Cali Cabdala Salah ahaana sedigiisa Tarek iyo 20 gawaari iyo wiilkiisa.
Cali Cabdala waxa uu u socday Sacuudiga si uu u helo gabaad balse waxa halkaasi kaga sii horeeyay Madaxweynihii uu ka hiiliyay Mansuur Haadi xili uu saxiib la ahaa Xuutiyiinta maanta bareerka u dilay.
Saacado kadib diyuuradaha Sacuudiga ayaa duqeyn bilaaway si ay ugu aargudaan Cali Cabdala Salah.
Ali Abdala waxa uu ahaa Siyaasi ,aabihii Yemen mideeyay iyo saxiibki Somaaliya Allaha u naxariisto Cali Cabdala Salah oo qeyb ka ahaa galaangalkii geediga nabadda Somaaliya isagoo heshiis ukala dab-qaaday Shariif Xasan iyo Cabdulahi Yusuf xili Baydhabo iyo Muqdisho lakala fadhiyay kadibna waxa uu hoy iyo magangelyo siiyay Madaxweyne Yusuf xili caalamka intiisa kale u ka waayay magangelyo.
Cali Cabdala Salah hogaamiye macno leh ( 1942-2017.)
|| Inaa Lilaahi Wa inaa Ileyhi raajicuun..Hussein Anteeno Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454
English News

Sheeko Gaaban Oo Qosol Ah : Tartankii Dadka Naafadda...


Sheeko Gaaban Oo Qosol Ah : Tartankii Dadka Naafadda Ee Abaalmarinta Loo Qabtay Iyo Warqadii Ku Guulaysatay
Bari ayaa Waxa La Yidhi Tartan abaal-marin QAALI ah lagu guulaysan doono, ayaa loo qabanayaa Dadka Naafada ah ee qaybaha Jidhkooda Lixaadka dhaawacyadda iyo Naafadda kala dhantaalmay la liita, waxaana tartanka marka layskugu yimaado abaalmarintaasi qofka la siin doona looga baahan yahay in uu noqdo qofka ugu liita ee Lixdiisa ama qaybihiisa Jidhka ay guddida Abaalmarinta bixin doonta isla qaataan in uu yahay ka aanaay jirinba qof ka Liita dhibta Naafo nimaddu u keentay Lixaadkiisa ee ka muuqata qof ahaan tartamahaasi.
Goobtii lagu balamay ayaa layskugu wada yimid, saa ka gacanta go'an, ka labadaba go'an, ka Indhaha La, ka Luguhu go'an yihiin, Ka Dhegaha La, Ka Hadalku ku xidhan yahay iyo xata kuwo Qaybo kale oo Jidhkooda ahi ka maqan yihiin ee Baaskiiladda lagu wado intiiba goobtii Tartanka ee guddida abaalmarinta ku balanqaaday joogeen ayaa layskugu wada yimid, tartankii waa la gudo galay oo mid kasta halkii u darneyd iyo qaybtii lixaadkiisa ka midka ahayd ee uu isku ogaa Muuji inay ka maqan tahay ee uu ka lixaad la yahay muuji, ka dibna Kursigiisii iskaga noqoy mid kasta oo halkiisii iska fadhiisay natiijaddii Abaalmarinta la sheegayeyna naftiisa qof kasta ku qanci oo u dheg taag isaga oo hoos u leh malaha adiga ku guulaystay.
Ku Dar soo dadkan Naafadda ah ee Tartanka Abaalmarinta ah loogu yeedhay inay ka soo qaybgalaan, qaarkood markii tartanka la furay ee mid mid in loo soo istaagay Madashii Tartanku ka furmay , ayaa qaarkood dadkii Naafadda ahaa hoos u duseen oo baxsadeen, sababtuna wax kale maaha ee waxay dadkani ogaadeen inay dhibta ay qabaan ee Naafo nimadu caano kula dega tahay oo wax sidaasi ahba aanay qabin marka la barbar dhigo dhigooda tartanka ka qaybta ah oo dad ay Musiibo inay ku dhacday mooda inay goobtaasi ka soo qaybgaleen oo Lixaadkoodu heerka naafo nimadda ay dirqi ku nool yihiinba.
Markii ay ugu dambeyntii tartame la soo afmeeray ee qiimeyntii guddidii tartanka qabatay iyo natiijadda ay ku dhawaaqi doonaan qof kasta oo ka soo qaybgalayaashii dadkii Naafadda ahaa wada sugayaan, ayaa albaabkii Hoolka Tartanku ka socday, waxa ka soo galay Wiil yar oo qiyaastii ilaa 12 Jir ah, si toosa ayuu Madashii dadka naafadda ah garoonka ay ku tartamaan ahayd ee (Stage) u istaagay Wiilkii yaraa ka dib guddidii ayaa ku tidhi adeer maxaad doonaysay, meesha hawl ayaa ka socotee ?
Wiilki Yara : Kuye "Adeero meeshu soo maaha meeshii dadka Naafadda ah lagu tartansiinaayey" ?
Guddidii :waxaa loogu Jawaabay haa adeer waa goobta lafteedii ee maxa ku daran ?,
Wiilkii : Kuye "Adeer Warqadan Walaalkay oo Naafo ah oo Sariirtii Gurigayaga Jiifa ayaa ii soo dhiibay ee hooya wuxu igu yidhi Tartanka ma tegi karaayo ee Warqaddaasi iigu dhiib Guddida tartanka qabanaysa anigu taas ayaan kaga qaybgelayaa marka hooya akhriya waraaqda"?
Guddidii: Bal adeer keen waayehee aanu akhrinee iyo Waar Hayaay iyo Waar Kana Ku Guulaystay iyo Natiijaddii oo guddidii ku dhawaaqday ku guulayste hebelka hebelka Hebe loo Sariirta gurigooda Jiifa ayaa noqday ka aanu aqoonsanay in uu Tartankii dadka Naafadda ee Sannadka ku guulaystay? Yaab iyo Guux iyo Taloow xaaladiisu waa mid caynkee ah iyo waar bal u duceeya iyo walee kaasi ma noola ee nafta ayuumba sudhan (Waa Hadaladii Tartamayaashu si hoose ugu xanshaashaqeen ee hada la soco)
Hhhhhh Bal Adba....Caqligaaga la kaasho Waxay Kula Tahay ama u malaynayso, hadii aad doonto u qaado in lagaga shubtay kuwii tartanka ka qaybgalay kkkkkk
Qalinkii: Suxufi Cabdiwali Cali IsmaaciilAbdiwali1991@gmail.com

Somali leaders wrap up their two-day meeting in Mogadishu

  1. Representatives from 25 countries and 6 multilateral organizations, as well as representatives from all of Somalia’s Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration, gathered in Mogadishu on the 5th of December 2017 to participate in the inaugural Somalia Partnership Forum officially opened by H.E. Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed (Farrmajo), the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia and chaired by H.E. Hasan Ali Khaire, the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
  2. Somalia is emerging from a long and difficult period of instability that has negatively and adversely affected the nation. However, Somalia is undertaking a robust process of recovery, aimed at bringing peace, a culture of respect for human rights, development, and prosperity to the entire country.
  3. We deplore and regret the loss of innocent lives as a result of continued terrorist attacks. In particular, we strongly condemn the 14 October 2017 attack in Mogadishu that resulted in the deaths of more than 500 innocent women, men, and children. We are collectively committed to supporting Somalia to confront, deter and eradicate extremism in all its forms, and in assisting with the development of effective justice processes as Somalia moves towards reconciliation.
  4. The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has taken concrete steps to secure its long‐term goal of achieving peace and prosperity for the Somali people, as evidenced by Somalia’s National Development Plan (NDP), endorsed in 2016, with sets out the government’s security, politics, and development priorities.
  5. The FGS and the international community also endorsed, at the May 2017 London Conference the New Partnership for Somalia (NPS), a framework for cooperation in support of Somalia’s National Development Plan.
  6. The NPS identifies security, the constitutional settlement, inclusive politics, human rights and the rule of law, good governance, measures to tackle corruption, responding to humanitarian crises, and promoting economic recovery as priorities for shared action.
  7. In 2017, the FGS, together with its international partners, reviewed and revised the aid architecture to ensure coherence and complementarity between the work of the Somalia Development and Reconstruction Facility (SDRF), the Pillar Working Groups, the Comprehensive Approach to Security Executive Group (CAS EG) and associated Strand Working Groups. We call upon all parties to engage with the new coordination architecture to ensure collective alignment, coherence and strong cooperation to implement the ambitious agenda ahead.
  8. As the apex body for both the SDRF and CAS EG, the Somalia Partnership Forum convened for the first time today to discuss shared priorities, take stock of progress achieved in 2017 and review milestones to be achieved in 2018.
  9. Throughout the day, partners discussed the importance of linking political and security progress with economic recovery and humanitarian intervention, noting the importance of building accountable state institutions, generating greater opportunities and livelihoods for the benefit of the population, and breaking the cycle of humanitarian crises. The Somalia Partnership Forum provides the forum for such overarching discussions and strengthens the spirit of mutual partnership required to sustained progress.

Political Progress

  1. Recognizing that Somalia’s Federal Constitution will be the foundation for stability and peaceful politics, we welcome the agreement of a road map and Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) to complete the review of the provisional constitution.
  2. We welcome the plan to take the MOU to Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration for consultations to ensure greater participation and awareness of all stakeholders. In this regard, we welcome the establishment of theMinistry of Constitutional Affairs Forum, which brings together Federal and State Ministries of Constitutional Affairs and the Benadir Regional Administration together on a quarterly basis, thereby enhancing participation and inclusivity amongst stakeholders.
  3. We welcome the FGS’s commitment to one‐person one‐vote elections in 2021. We urge all parties to agree on a roadmap to achieve this goal as that reflects the Somali people’s wish for a more representative and accountable democracy.
  4. The roadmap that has been agreed on to secure an electoral law in 2018, the creation of a working group to take that work forward and the planned consultation with Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration create a platform to realize the hopes and the aspirations of the Somali people.
  5. We welcome the conclusion of recent elections in Somaliland and encourage the resumption of talks between the FGS and Somaliland.
  6. We welcome the joint effort, vision and commitment to Federalism at all levels of government and the commitment to continued regular and substantive dialogue between the FGS, FMS and Benadir Regional Administration which will help to take political decisions to advance the constitutional review process. This unity will be key to successful progress across Somalia, including during transition and hand over of security from AMISOM to Somali Security Forces.
  7. We welcome progress made in the dialogue process between the Galmudug Interim Administration and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a and encourage further progress.
  8. We also welcome the FGS’s prioritization of anti‐corruption initiatives and recognize progress made to develop the building blocks for a culture of accountability, recognizing the need to engage citizens and create strong institutions to jointly fight corruption. We urge all parties to continue to advance progress on this front including through finalization of legislation and implementation of key fiscal and legal reforms that eliminate corruption.


  1. We recognize the valiant efforts by the Somali security forces and AMISOM in the fight against al‐Shabaab and commend the bravery and commitment of their troops.
  2. We note the Somalia Security Conference held on 4 December 2017 where discussions were held on progress on implementation of the Comprehensive Approach to Security, the National Security Architecture, AMISOM conditions‐based transition and the Somali Security Sector, as well as efforts on Stabilization and Preventing / Countering Violent Extremism. We welcome the discussions held and key decisions taken at the 4 December Conference, as outlined in that Conference’s Communique.
  3. We also recognize that security does not exist in a vacuum and that sustainable security reform will enable, but also rely on, broader equitable political, socio and economic progress as well as strengthened governance and peace‐ and institution‐ building as part of a comprehensive approach to delivering our long‐term vision of a peaceful and prosperous Somalia. We urge all partners to continue and further advance this comprehensive approach to security, enabling local reconciliation, community recovery and prevention of violent extremism to ensure human security. Humanitarian and Resilience/Recovery
  4. We applaud the efforts of the FGS and local relief efforts in responding to the severe drought that affected Somalis. In particular, we praise the role played by the Somali people, both in Somalia and abroad, in helping to avert famine.
  5. We also applaud the efforts of the international community to mobilize resources and coordinate relief efforts, which have been instrumental in saving lives in 2017.
  6. We welcome the efforts of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management in the formulation of the National Disaster Management Policy. This will enhance strategic policy support towards strengthening resilience and ensure greater inter‐ministerial co‐ordination, as well as effectiveness in overall disaster management.
  7. We also acknowledge Somalia’s leadership on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and welcome progress on the drafting of the National Action Plan due to undergo consultations and for presentation at the IGAD meeting of Foreign Ministers in January 2018.
  8. We however remain concerned that 6.2 million people are still in need of humanitarian assistance due to drought and conflict in Somalia and are particularly concerned that below average rain falls for a fourth consecutive season and forecast indications of a fifth consecutive below average season indicate that a risk of famine remains in many areas in 2018. We also remain concerned that over 1 million people have been newly displaced, in addition to the 1.2 million already in a state of protracted displacement.
  9. We strongly urge all partners, both local and international, to take necessary actions, including provision of resources, to ensure continued delivery of urgent humanitarian relief. The needs of women and vulnerable groups need to be taken into special account.
  10. We also recognize that sustainable investment into resilience and durable solutions, alongside humanitarian relief, can lift the country out of poverty and reduce risks from climate‐induced crises and insecurity. It is crucial that we start planning recovery and durable solutions now to begin reducing levels of chronic vulnerability and risks.
  11. We therefore welcome the FGS’s leadership in undertaking a Drought Impact Needs Assessment, which will inform the development of a Recovery and Resilience Framework (RRF), with the full cooperation of the Federal Members States and with support from the United Nations, World Bank, and the European Union.
  12. We endorse the approach of building long‐term recovery and resilience solutions that address root causes of drought and famine. Somalia is at a critical junction where it has made huge progress, and these significant yet fragile gains should be protected and enhanced. The country has stronger, more effective and more accountable institutions which should increasingly play a role in breaking the cycle of recurrent crisis.
  13. We look forward to the launch of the RRF and the Humanitarian Response Plan early in 2018, and urge all partners and the FGS to make progressive and incremental recovery investments targeting priorities. Future investments should be in a sequenced manner addressing root and structural causes of vulnerability whilst the humanitarian response proceeds.

Economic Recovery

  1. We recognize the important efforts being made by partners to implement the NDP, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome the establishment of the National Development Council and plans to create the National Economic Council. Successful and sustained efforts to implement the NDP will contribute to Somalia’s overall economic recovery.
  2. We welcome the drafting of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s Company Law and understand its crucial role in modernizing the business environment in Somalia. it will enable formalization of the business practice as well as provide a legal framework conducive for a progressive globally recognized private sector in partnership with the government. We look forward to the passing of the Company Law in 2018. We commend the ongoing work on the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law and support continued development of necessary regulatory frameworks. Full implementation of this legislation will undoubtedly improve the investment climate in order to attract foreign investment to drive the economic engine of Somalia.
  3. We recognize progress achieved since the London Conference on advancing the Public Private Dialogue and welcome the recent passing of the Communications Act and we seek to support the administration in establishing the National Communications Authority in a timely manner. We urge all partners to promote a conducive environment for private sector to flourish in close partnership with government.
  4. We stress the importance of creating sustained employment opportunities, especially for youth, as the backbone for sustainable economic development.
  5. We also recognize progress made in rehabilitating and building crucial infrastructure, including on sustainable energy sources, to foster economic growth in Somalia. Substantial further investment is required.
  6. We acknowledge the Ministry of Finance’s concrete steps to increase internal revenue collection and are encouraged by the FGS’ prioritization on achieving reliable domestic revenue. This will reduce aid dependency and help government finance its security, human development, institutional recovery as well as provision of social services to its citizens. Continuous progress on resource mobilization is a fundamental element to pursue IFI normalization and debt relief to which the international community reaffirms it commitment and for which effective working partnerships with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank is playing an effective role.
  7. We welcome the steps taken by the FGS, in line with FGC recommendations, to directly manage revenue collections and the successful agreement reached between the FGS and Federal Member States on custom tariff harmonization. We urge that further progress be made on revenue and resource sharing, especially with regards to offshore fisheries and extractives.
  8. We commend the steps taken by the Benadir Regional Administration to self‐fund and invest in Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms such as implementing a robust financial management information system.
  9. We call upon the international community to take responsibility for and work with Somalis to stop illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing by foreign boats, and to criminalize the actions of distant water fleets that operate within the unprotected marine environments of Somalia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). We also call upon the international community to support Somalia track the presence of foreign vessels within their EEZ through the sharing of real‐time data and information gathered from all domestic patrol boats and navies that operate in or near Somali maritime boundaries.
  10. We recognize the significant progress made by the FGS and its commitment to successfully completing the second IMF Staff Monitored Programme. We look forward to the outcomes of the ongoing IMF review.
  11. We strongly emphasize the fundamental role that expanded, equitable access to quality basic services – particularly health, education and social protection – will play in Somalia’s recovery and collectively commit to support the institutional, legislative and delivery frameworks needed to achieve this. We recognize that youth remain the backbone of Somalia’s future and call for action to ensure that youth are empowered and that there are social and economic opportunities for them. All parties commit to play our part to protecting and enhancing human rights, particularly the rights of women, girls and marginalized groups, and call for action to establish the institutions needed to enhance oversight, monitoring, reporting and protection of these rights.

New Partnership for Somalia

  1. We welcome the development of the Mutual Accountability Framework of the NPS and endorse this tool as a framework for joint Somalia‐international community oversight and accountability, recognizing that this tool does not duplicate the NDP monitoring framework.
  2. We applaud the progress achieved in 2017 and urge a collective redoubling of efforts on those areas where further progress must be achieved.
  3. We affirm our collective commitment to achieving the 2018 milestones set out in the Mutual Accountability Framework, including strengthening our application of partnership principles.
  4. The FGS wishes to thank its development partners for the support provided in 2017. According to preliminary data, aid to Somalia reached a record high in 2017 estimated at US$ 1.7 billion. This marks a 30% increase compared to the average of the past three years, primarily driven by the surge in humanitarian support in response to the ongoing drought. Development aid was also up more than 10% on
  5. However, there is more to do to make progress on all the partnership principles. In particular, all partners are urged to meet aid flow reporting requirements, and to undertake joint planning and implementation of ongoing and future programmes and projects to minimize duplication and maximize overall impact.
  6. We agree to use the Mutual Accountability Framework to inform the agendas of regular SDRF meeting, to undertake light touch quarterly reviews of the Mutual Accountability Framework at the SDRF, and to undertake a first substantive review in six months’ time at the next Somalia Partnership Forum.


  1. We thank the FGS for hosting the inaugural Somalia Partnership Forum in Mogadishu and commit to using this Forum as the venue for high‐level stock‐taking on overall progress achieved for Somalia.
  2. We agree to reconvene the Somalia Partnership Forum, at a to‐be‐determined venue, at the end of the first half of 2018.

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Somali leaders wrap up their two-day meeting in...

  1. Representatives from 25 countries and 6 multilateral organizations, as well as representatives from all of Somalia's Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration, gathered in Mogadishu on the 5th of December 2017 to participate in the inaugural Somalia Partnership Forum officially opened by H.E. Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed (Farrmajo), the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia and chaired by H.E. Hasan Ali Khaire, the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
  2. Somalia is emerging from a long and difficult period of instability that has negatively and adversely affected the nation. However, Somalia is undertaking a robust process of recovery, aimed at bringing peace, a culture of respect for human rights, development, and prosperity to the entire country.
  3. We deplore and regret the loss of innocent lives as a result of continued terrorist attacks. In particular, we strongly condemn the 14 October 2017 attack in Mogadishu that resulted in the deaths of more than 500 innocent women, men, and children. We are collectively committed to supporting Somalia to confront, deter and eradicate extremism in all its forms, and in assisting with the development of effective justice processes as Somalia moves towards reconciliation.
  4. The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has taken concrete steps to secure its long-term goal of achieving peace and prosperity for the Somali people, as evidenced by Somalia's National Development Plan (NDP), endorsed in 2016, with sets out the government's security, politics, and development priorities.
  5. The FGS and the international community also endorsed, at the May 2017 London Conference the New Partnership for Somalia (NPS), a framework for cooperation in support of Somalia's National Development Plan.
  6. The NPS identifies security, the constitutional settlement, inclusive politics, human rights and the rule of law, good governance, measures to tackle corruption, responding to humanitarian crises, and promoting economic recovery as priorities for shared action.
  7. In 2017, the FGS, together with its international partners, reviewed and revised the aid architecture to ensure coherence and complementarity between the work of the Somalia Development and Reconstruction Facility (SDRF), the Pillar Working Groups, the Comprehensive Approach to Security Executive Group (CAS EG) and associated Strand Working Groups. We call upon all parties to engage with the new coordination architecture to ensure collective alignment, coherence and strong cooperation to implement the ambitious agenda ahead.
  8. As the apex body for both the SDRF and CAS EG, the Somalia Partnership Forum convened for the first time today to discuss shared priorities, take stock of progress achieved in 2017 and review milestones to be achieved in 2018.
  9. Throughout the day, partners discussed the importance of linking political and security progress with economic recovery and humanitarian intervention, noting the importance of building accountable state institutions, generating greater opportunities and livelihoods for the benefit of the population, and breaking the cycle of humanitarian crises. The Somalia Partnership Forum provides the forum for such overarching discussions and strengthens the spirit of mutual partnership required to sustained progress.

Political Progress

  1. Recognizing that Somalia's Federal Constitution will be the foundation for stability and peaceful politics, we welcome the agreement of a road map and Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) to complete the review of the provisional constitution.
  2. We welcome the plan to take the MOU to Federal Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration for consultations to ensure greater participation and awareness of all stakeholders. In this regard, we welcome the establishment of theMinistry of Constitutional Affairs Forum, which brings together Federal and State Ministries of Constitutional Affairs and the Benadir Regional Administration together on a quarterly basis, thereby enhancing participation and inclusivity amongst stakeholders.
  3. We welcome the FGS's commitment to one-person one-vote elections in 2021. We urge all parties to agree on a roadmap to achieve this goal as that reflects the Somali people's wish for a more representative and accountable democracy.
  4. The roadmap that has been agreed on to secure an electoral law in 2018, the creation of a working group to take that work forward and the planned consultation with Federal Member States and Benadir Regional Administration create a platform to realize the hopes and the aspirations of the Somali people.
  5. We welcome the conclusion of recent elections in Somaliland and encourage the resumption of talks between the FGS and Somaliland.
  6. We welcome the joint effort, vision and commitment to Federalism at all levels of government and the commitment to continued regular and substantive dialogue between the FGS, FMS and Benadir Regional Administration which will help to take political decisions to advance the constitutional review process. This unity will be key to successful progress across Somalia, including during transition and hand over of security from AMISOM to Somali Security Forces.
  7. We welcome progress made in the dialogue process between the Galmudug Interim Administration and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama'a and encourage further progress.
  8. We also welcome the FGS's prioritization of anti-corruption initiatives and recognize progress made to develop the building blocks for a culture of accountability, recognizing the need to engage citizens and create strong institutions to jointly fight corruption. We urge all parties to continue to advance progress on this front including through finalization of legislation and implementation of key fiscal and legal reforms that eliminate corruption.


  1. We recognize the valiant efforts by the Somali security forces and AMISOM in the fight against al-Shabaab and commend the bravery and commitment of their troops.
  2. We note the Somalia Security Conference held on 4 December 2017 where discussions were held on progress on implementation of the Comprehensive Approach to Security, the National Security Architecture, AMISOM conditions-based transition and the Somali Security Sector, as well as efforts on Stabilization and Preventing / Countering Violent Extremism. We welcome the discussions held and key decisions taken at the 4 December Conference, as outlined in that Conference's Communique.
  3. We also recognize that security does not exist in a vacuum and that sustainable security reform will enable, but also rely on, broader equitable political, socio and economic progress as well as strengthened governance and peace- and institution- building as part of a comprehensive approach to delivering our long-term vision of a peaceful and prosperous Somalia. We urge all partners to continue and further advance this comprehensive approach to security, enabling local reconciliation, community recovery and prevention of violent extremism to ensure human security. Humanitarian and Resilience/Recovery
  4. We applaud the efforts of the FGS and local relief efforts in responding to the severe drought that affected Somalis. In particular, we praise the role played by the Somali people, both in Somalia and abroad, in helping to avert famine.
  5. We also applaud the efforts of the international community to mobilize resources and coordinate relief efforts, which have been instrumental in saving lives in 2017.
  6. We welcome the efforts of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management in the formulation of the National Disaster Management Policy. This will enhance strategic policy support towards strengthening resilience and ensure greater inter-ministerial co-ordination, as well as effectiveness in overall disaster management.
  7. We also acknowledge Somalia's leadership on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and welcome progress on the drafting of the National Action Plan due to undergo consultations and for presentation at the IGAD meeting of Foreign Ministers in January 2018.
  8. We however remain concerned that 6.2 million people are still in need of humanitarian assistance due to drought and conflict in Somalia and are particularly concerned that below average rain falls for a fourth consecutive season and forecast indications of a fifth consecutive below average season indicate that a risk of famine remains in many areas in 2018. We also remain concerned that over 1 million people have been newly displaced, in addition to the 1.2 million already in a state of protracted displacement.
  9. We strongly urge all partners, both local and international, to take necessary actions, including provision of resources, to ensure continued delivery of urgent humanitarian relief. The needs of women and vulnerable groups need to be taken into special account.
  10. We also recognize that sustainable investment into resilience and durable solutions, alongside humanitarian relief, can lift the country out of poverty and reduce risks from climate-induced crises and insecurity. It is crucial that we start planning recovery and durable solutions now to begin reducing levels of chronic vulnerability and risks.
  11. We therefore welcome the FGS's leadership in undertaking a Drought Impact Needs Assessment, which will inform the development of a Recovery and Resilience Framework (RRF), with the full cooperation of the Federal Members States and with support from the United Nations, World Bank, and the European Union.
  12. We endorse the approach of building long-term recovery and resilience solutions that address root causes of drought and famine. Somalia is at a critical junction where it has made huge progress, and these significant yet fragile gains should be protected and enhanced. The country has stronger, more effective and more accountable institutions which should increasingly play a role in breaking the cycle of recurrent crisis.
  13. We look forward to the launch of the RRF and the Humanitarian Response Plan early in 2018, and urge all partners and the FGS to make progressive and incremental recovery investments targeting priorities. Future investments should be in a sequenced manner addressing root and structural causes of vulnerability whilst the humanitarian response proceeds.

Economic Recovery

  1. We recognize the important efforts being made by partners to implement the NDP, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome the establishment of the National Development Council and plans to create the National Economic Council. Successful and sustained efforts to implement the NDP will contribute to Somalia's overall economic recovery.
  2. We welcome the drafting of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry's Company Law and understand its crucial role in modernizing the business environment in Somalia. it will enable formalization of the business practice as well as provide a legal framework conducive for a progressive globally recognized private sector in partnership with the government. We look forward to the passing of the Company Law in 2018. We commend the ongoing work on the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law and support continued development of necessary regulatory frameworks. Full implementation of this legislation will undoubtedly improve the investment climate in order to attract foreign investment to drive the economic engine of Somalia.
  3. We recognize progress achieved since the London Conference on advancing the Public Private Dialogue and welcome the recent passing of the Communications Act and we seek to support the administration in establishing the National Communications Authority in a timely manner. We urge all partners to promote a conducive environment for private sector to flourish in close partnership with government.
  4. We stress the importance of creating sustained employment opportunities, especially for youth, as the backbone for sustainable economic development.
  5. We also recognize progress made in rehabilitating and building crucial infrastructure, including on sustainable energy sources, to foster economic growth in Somalia. Substantial further investment is required.
  6. We acknowledge the Ministry of Finance's concrete steps to increase internal revenue collection and are encouraged by the FGS' prioritization on achieving reliable domestic revenue. This will reduce aid dependency and help government finance its security, human development, institutional recovery as well as provision of social services to its citizens. Continuous progress on resource mobilization is a fundamental element to pursue IFI normalization and debt relief to which the international community reaffirms it commitment and for which effective working partnerships with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank is playing an effective role.
  7. We welcome the steps taken by the FGS, in line with FGC recommendations, to directly manage revenue collections and the successful agreement reached between the FGS and Federal Member States on custom tariff harmonization. We urge that further progress be made on revenue and resource sharing, especially with regards to offshore fisheries and extractives.
  8. We commend the steps taken by the Benadir Regional Administration to self-fund and invest in Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms such as implementing a robust financial management information system.
  9. We call upon the international community to take responsibility for and work with Somalis to stop illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing by foreign boats, and to criminalize the actions of distant water fleets that operate within the unprotected marine environments of Somalia's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). We also call upon the international community to support Somalia track the presence of foreign vessels within their EEZ through the sharing of real-time data and information gathered from all domestic patrol boats and navies that operate in or near Somali maritime boundaries.
  10. We recognize the significant progress made by the FGS and its commitment to successfully completing the second IMF Staff Monitored Programme. We look forward to the outcomes of the ongoing IMF review.
  11. We strongly emphasize the fundamental role that expanded, equitable access to quality basic services - particularly health, education and social protection - will play in Somalia's recovery and collectively commit to support the institutional, legislative and delivery frameworks needed to achieve this. We recognize that youth remain the backbone of Somalia's future and call for action to ensure that youth are empowered and that there are social and economic opportunities for them. All parties commit to play our part to protecting and enhancing human rights, particularly the rights of women, girls and marginalized groups, and call for action to establish the institutions needed to enhance oversight, monitoring, reporting and protection of these rights.

New Partnership for Somalia

  1. We welcome the development of the Mutual Accountability Framework of the NPS and endorse this tool as a framework for joint Somalia-international community oversight and accountability, recognizing that this tool does not duplicate the NDP monitoring framework.
  2. We applaud the progress achieved in 2017 and urge a collective redoubling of efforts on those areas where further progress must be achieved.
  3. We affirm our collective commitment to achieving the 2018 milestones set out in the Mutual Accountability Framework, including strengthening our application of partnership principles.
  4. The FGS wishes to thank its development partners for the support provided in 2017. According to preliminary data, aid to Somalia reached a record high in 2017 estimated at US$ 1.7 billion. This marks a 30% increase compared to the average of the past three years, primarily driven by the surge in humanitarian support in response to the ongoing drought. Development aid was also up more than 10% on
  5. However, there is more to do to make progress on all the partnership principles. In particular, all partners are urged to meet aid flow reporting requirements, and to undertake joint planning and implementation of ongoing and future programmes and projects to minimize duplication and maximize overall impact.
  6. We agree to use the Mutual Accountability Framework to inform the agendas of regular SDRF meeting, to undertake light touch quarterly reviews of the Mutual Accountability Framework at the SDRF, and to undertake a first substantive review in six months' time at the next Somalia Partnership Forum.


  1. We thank the FGS for hosting the inaugural Somalia Partnership Forum in Mogadishu and commit to using this Forum as the venue for high-level stock-taking on overall progress achieved for Somalia.
  2. We agree to reconvene the Somalia Partnership Forum, at a to-be-determined venue, at the end of the first half of 2018.


Madaxda Carabta oo Trump uga digay inuu safaarada US u raro Qudus


Aqalka cad ee looga arrimiyo Mareykanka ayaa xaqiijiyay in madaxweyne Trump uu ka hadli doono Arbacada go'aankiisa ku aadan in safaarada Mareykanka ee Israil loo raro Qudus iyada oo ay soo wajaheyso dhaleeceyn caalami ah oo sii kordheyso.

R/Wasaare Khayre “Soomaaliya waxay ku socotaa...


Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa bogaadiyey taageerada iyo mashaariicda horumarineed ee dawladda Mareykanku ay la garab taagan tahay Soomaaliya. Kadib heshiis horumarineed oo ay kala saxiixdeen Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Hay'adda USAID kaasoo ku kacaya lacag dhan 300 Milyan oo Dollar. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ku tilmaamay heshiiskan inuu yahay horumar [...]

Madaxda Carabta oo Trump uga digay inuu safaarada US...


Aqalka cad ee looga arrimiyo Mareykanka ayaa xaqiijiyay in madaxweyne Trump uu ka hadli doono Arbacada go'aankiisa ku aadan in safaarada Mareykanka ee Israil loo raro Qudus iyada oo ay soo wajaheyso dhaleeceyn caalami ah oo sii kordheyso.
Afhayeenka aqalka cad ayaa sheegtay in madaxweyne Trump Uu aad ugu adkaa fikirkiisa arrintaan ku saabsan.
Tiro hoggaamiyeyaasha Carabta ah ayaa dhammaan madaxweyne Trump uga digay si toos ah wax ay u arkaan cawaaqib xummo ka dhalata tallaabadan.
Boqor Salmaan-ka Sucudi Carabiya ayaa u sheegay Trump in tallaaba noocaan ah o la qaado ka hor inta aan laga gaarin heshiis nabadeed oo kama dambeys ah arrintaan ay dhalin karto falcelin ka timaada muslimiinta.

Maraykanka Oo Soomaaliya Gallinaya Lacag...


Today I had the honor of co-signing a landmark development agreement (DOAG) with the US Gov't (USAID). First in over 30 years and worth over $300mln. From now on, @MoPIED_Somalia will co-authorize all US dev't assistance to Somalia. Another milestone in the Somali-US relations. pic.twitter.com/yiQMFHuxmB
-- Gamal M Hassan (@AmbGamal) December 5, 2017

30 sano kadib: Mareykanka iyo Somalia oo kala...


Hey'adda (USAID) oo wakiil ka ah Mareykanka ayaa heshiis horumarineed oo taariikhi ah la saxiixatay Soomaaliya, Heshiiska oo (DOAG) loogu magac-daray waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa ra'isul wasaare Xasan Kheyre, Wasiirka qorsheynta Jamaal Maxamed iyo Wasiirka maaliyadda Cabdiraxmaan Beyle.
Dhanka Mareykanka waxaa joogay ku-xigeenka USAID Afrika Julie Koenen iyo safiirka Mareykanka Martin Dale.
Heshiiskan waxaa uu ka dhigan yahay kii ugu horeeyay ee labada dhinac ay galaan muddo 30 sano ka badan, ujeedka waa in barnaamijkan lagu xoojiyo dowladnimada Soomaaliya, xasiloonida iyo dimoqoraadiyadda.
Waxyaabaha dowladda federaalka laga taageerayo waxaa ka mid ah dowlad wanaagga, maamulka, waxbarashada, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo howlaha lagu horumarinayo nabadda iyo xasiloonida dalka. Howlaha uu heshiiska dhigayo waxaa la fulinayaa iyada oo ay ka wada shaqeyn-doonaan dowladda federaalka ah.
"Dowladda Mareykanka, waxaa ay aad u taageereysaa dadaallada xukuumadda Soomaaliya ee lagu soo celinayo xasiloonida, dowlad wanaagga, kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo waxbarashada" sidaa waxaa yiri Julie Koenen.
" Waxaan rumeysanay in heshiiskan uu ka tarjumayo sida ay nooga go'antahay garab istaagista sidii ay Soomaaliya dib ugu soo noqon laheyd iyo in la helo hadaf horumarineed oo fog" sidaasi waxaa yiri Martin Dale isaga oo intaasi raaciyay " Heshiiskan waxaa ay ka dhigan tahay iskaashi ballaaran oo dhex-mara Mareykanka iyo Soomaaliya, waxaan ballan-qaadeynaa in aan taageerno himilada shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ku heli lahaayeen horumar".
Wasiirka qorsheynta ee Soomaaliya Jamaal Maxamed ayaa sheegay in maanta uu goobjoog ka ahaa heshiis ay dalka Mareykanka 300 oo Milyan oo doolar la saxiixdeen, kaas oo loogu talo-galay in wax looga qabto horumarka Soomaaliya.
2011-kii, USAID waxaa ay in ka badan $1.3 billion ku qarash-gareeysay arrimaha banii'aadnimada iyo $328 million o arrimaha horumarka ah.

Safiirka Libya u fadhiyay Cameroon oo la karbaashay


Kn: Dhalinyaro ka caraysan adoonsiga dadka madow loogu gaysanayo Libya ayaa feer iyo laad kala daalay safiirka Libya u fadhiya dalkaasi Cameroon. Diblumaasi Mohamed Khitouni oo madaxa aad looga garaacay ayaa gaaray heer uu ka miyir doorsoomo, hadii ayna ciidamada amaanka ka soo gaari lahayna waxaa la sheegayaa inuu aakhiro u dheelman lahaa.
Dhalinyaradu waxay aad uga caroodeen safiirka oo 24kii bishii ina dhaaftay warsaxaafadeed uu u qabtay saxaafadda dalkaasi Cameroon ku dafiray inay jiraan wax gabood fal ah oo dadka Afrikaanka ah loogu gaysto dalkiisa, wuxuuna sheegay taas cagsigeeda in dalkiisu soo dhaweeyo dadka madow. Hadalka safiirka oo idaacadaha iyo taleefishinada laga sii daayay, wargaysyadana lagu daabacay ayaa kiciyay xaraaradda dhalinyarada oo markii horaba meel halis ah maraysay, kadibna inta u daateen waxay heli kareen iyo waxay haaban kareenba la dhacay. Mohamed ayaa afkiisa eersaday maadaama uu difaacay falalka foosha xun ee ka socda dalkiisa, waxaana laga baqdin qabaa inay umuurtan aarsiga ah ku fiddo dalal kale oo Afrikaan ah oo Safiiro Libyan ahi joogaan, gaar ahaan Neigeria iyo Senigal oo dhalinyaro badani kaga go'doonsantahay Libya.
Cameroon waxay kamid tahay dalalka Afrikada Madow ee dhalintooda u tahriibaysa qaaradda Yurub ee ku sugan dalka Libya ay la kulmayaan tacadiyo isugu jira, kufsi, dil, unugyada jirka oo lagala baxo iyo waliba adoonsi. Walow dawladda Soomaaliya ay qoraal ka soo saartay inay daraasaad ku samaynayso tirada Soomaalida ku jira dadka lagu dulaysanayo Libya ayaa hadana waxaa dadka qaarkii ay u badinayaan inaan dhalinyaradaasi ceella u qodnayn,, cidina u maqnayn.

Luulkii nabadda oo lagu gatay $6.5m


6th December 2017 admin Category :


Dhagax cabirkiisu la mid yahay Ukunta ayaa lagu gatay $6.5m
Tuulada Koryardu ee ka mid ah degmada Kono ee dalka Sierra Leone, oo aan lahayn jid, Cisbitaal, biyo nadiif ah oo la cabo iyo dugsiyo wax lagu barto, ayaa maalin maalamaha ka mid ah Shacabkii tuuladaas ku noolaa waxay heleen Luul ama Daimond. Bulshadii Tabcaanka ahayd ee ku noolayd Tuuladaas , waxay go'aansadeen intii ay suuq madow ku gadi lahaayeen dhagaxan Luulka ah inay dawladooda u gacan geliyaan.
Maalintii Isniinta ayaa dhagixxii luulka ahaa la keenay suuqa New york si loogu tartamo gadashadiisa. waxaana gatay oo hantiyey Laurence Graff, oo ku gatay lacag gaaraysa lix milyan iy shan boqol oo kun oo doolarka Maraykanka ah.
Hadaba sidee lacagtaa loo qaybsanayaa laga helay Luulka laga helay degaan la mid ah Gobolka Sanaag.
Shantii Tuulo ee u deriska la ahaa degaanka Luulka laga helay waxa loo qaybniyaa $1m, Hal milyan oo kale waxa lagu kaalmaynayaa tuulooyinka kale ee aan waxba haysan inta soo hartana waxa lagu kabayaa mashaariicda arimaha bulshada ee dalkaas

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- Madaxweyne Farmaajo "Waxaa naga go'an in aan si wada jir ah uga wada xisaabtanno qorshayaasha iyo hawlaha aan ku heshiinno"

Raggii Weeraray Kolonyo Uu La Socday Gudoomiyaha G...


Shalay Gelinkii dambe ayaa waxaa kooxo hubeysan ay weerar ku qaadeen markale xili uu ka soo baxay degmada Maxaas kuna soo jeeday Baladweyne kolonyo uu l socday Gudoomiyaha gobolka Hiiraan Cali jeyte Cismaan.
Weerarkaas kadib Ciidamada kala duwan ee Maamulka Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sameeyay howlgal ay sheegeen in ay ku soo qabteen dadkii ka dambeeyay weerarkaas.
Maxamed Maxamuud Rooble oo ah ku simaha taliyaha Ciidamada Booliiska Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegay in howlgallo laga sameeyay tuulooyin u dhow degmada Maxaas iyo degmada Buq'qable ay ku guuleysteen in ay qabtaan raggii weeraray kolonyada uu la socday Gudoomiyaha G/hiiraan.
Waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Shabaab uu dhex maray dagaal kooban isla markaana khasaaro ay gaarsiiyeen Shabaabkii weeraray kolonyada uu la socday gudoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan Cali jeyte Cismaan.
Ugu dambeyn waxa uu sheegay in ilaa iyo hadda ay werarkaasi u qabteen 20 ruux oo lagu eedeynayo in ay ka dambeeyeen kuwaas oo hadda uu baaritaan ku socodo.
Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454

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