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Wasiirka Difaaca Malaysia” Ciidamadeena waxay diyaar...


Muqdisho(SONNA);-- Wasiirka Difaaca Malaysia, Hishammuddin Hussein ayaa sheegay in go'aanka madaxweynaha Mareynkanka Donald Trump uu Qudus ugu aqoonsaday caasimadda rasmiga ee Israel ay tahay dharbaaxo Wejiga kaga dhacday Maslimiinta Aduunka oo dhan,isagoo tilmaamay in Militariga dalka uu diyaar u yahay inuu guto waajibaadkiisa haddii loo baahdo.
" Ciidamada Hubeysan ee Malaysia (ATM),had iyo jeer waa diyaar,keliya waxay sugayaan amar kaga yimaada Hogaanka sare",sidaasi waxaa Wakaaladda Wararka Malaysia ee Bernama u sheegay Hishammuddin Hussein oo ah Wasiirka Difaaca dalkaasi.
Wuxuu hadalkiisa intaasi ku daray Wasiir Hussein" Aan u barino in Khilaafka uusan horseedin Fowdo",
Waxaa dad careysan ay banaannbaxo ay ka dhigeen safaaradaha Mareynkanka uu ku leeyahay dalalka Turkiga,Masar,Jordan,Tunisia,Algeria,Irag iyo wadamo badan oo caalamka ka mid ah,waxayna ka gil gisheen go'aanka qaldan uu qaatay madaxweynaha Mareynkanka ee Donald Trump.
Maanta oo Axad ah ayaa ku dhawaad 10,000 dad Induniisiyaan ah ku hor banaanbaxay banaanka hore ee safaarada Mareynkanka uu ku leeyahay caasimadda Jakarta,iyagoo taageero u muujinayo shacabka Falastiiniyiinta,sida AFP ku warantay.
Dadka banaanbaxa dhigayay ayaa watay boorar ay ku qoran yihiin" diblomaasiyiinta Mareynkanka haka baxaan Qudus" xoreeya Jeruslem iyo Falastiin," Waxaan garab taaganahay Shacabka Falastiin.

Taliska Xoogga Dalka Oo Ka Jawaabay Eedeyn Ka Timid...


Maanta ayaa Darawalada Gaadiidka ka howlgalla inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye waxa ay dhigeen dibadbax ay uga cabanayeen isbaarooyin horleh oo ay sheegeen in ay soo dhigteen ciidamada Milateriga Soomaaliya.
Intaasi kadib xiriir an la sameeysaynay qaar ka mid ah Saraakiisha Ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya si aan wax uga weeydiino eedeynta ku aadan in ciidamada Milateriga ay isbaarooyin farabadan dhigteen Wadada xiriirisa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye.
Taliyaha Ururka 15,aad qeybta 12 Apriil Gaashaanle dhexe Cabdirxmaan Salaad Xujaale hoggaaminayana Ciidamo howlgallo ka wada inta u dhaxeysa Ceelasha Biyaha ilaa Afgooye ayaa beeniyay Warka ka soo yeeray Darawalada Gaadiidka.
"Horta waxaan idiin sheegayaa in ay tahay been in isbaarooyin ay milateriga soo dhigteen Ceelasha Biyaha iyo Afgooye inta u dhaxeysa,waa dad neceb amniga iyo howsha la wado,wxay u adeegaan Alshabaab oo dadweynaha adeegsanaya ayuu yiri taliye Cabdiraxmaan.
Sidoo kale isaga oo sii hadlayay ayaa waxa uu hadalkiisa intaas raaciyay in dhowr isbaaro ay Wadada u taallo Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Booliiska degmada Afgooye sida uu hadalka u dhigay.
Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454

Jubbaland Oo Ogolaatay Ciyaaryahankii Xulka Gobolka...


Shalay ayaa wasaaradda Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland ay xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubada Cagta u gudbiyeen dacwad ay ka qabeen Ciyaar yahan Cabdimajiid Cismaan u dheelayay Xulka Gobolka banaadir tartanka kubada Cagta ee Maamul Goboleedyada dalka ka jira.
Maanta oo ah Axad 10/11/2017 ayaa dacwadaas waxa ka soo jawaabay xiriirka kubada Cagta Soomaaliyeed,kaas oo ah in Ciyaaryahanka Cabdimajiid Cismaan Xulka Gobolka banaadir ugu Ciyaarayay (No. 9) uusan aheyn Ajnabi isla markaana uu yahay Soomaaliya.Xiriirka Kubada Cagta oo ka jawaabay dacwadaas ayaa Jubbaland ku qanciyay in uu Ciyaaryahankaas yahay Soomaali uuna ciyaari karo waxa ayna siwadajir ah u soo saareen Go'aanadaan.
1:- In Ciyaaryahanka la yiraahdo Cabdimajiid Cismaan Ibraahim oo ka tirsan Ciyaartoyda Kooxda Kubadda Cagta Gobolka Banaadir uusan aheyn Ajnabi uuna ka qeyb qaadan karo dhammaan tartamada Xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubadda cagta.
2:- Waxaa dhammaan ka qeyb galayasha tartanka lagu wargeinyaa in ay ka qeyb qaadan karaan qofkasta oo muwaadin Soomaaliyeed ha heysto baasaboor noocuu doono ha ahaado.
Sidaas darted waxaan ku rajo weynahay in aad sida ula socon doontaan.
Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454

Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed Oo Dib Ugu Laabtay...


Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysiga
Qolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454

Madaxweynaha Galmudug Iyo Sheekh Shaakir Oo Ku...


Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysiga
Qolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454

CEEB: Abbas oo qarxiyay cida ka danbeysay in Qudus...


Muqdisho (- Online) - Waxaa walaac xoogan laga muujinayaa dadaalka ay dowlada Sacuudi Carabiya ugu jirto in - Israel si rasmi ah loogu raro magaalada Qudus ee Falastiin.
Maamulka Falastiiniinta ayaa sheegay in qorshaha Sacuudiga uu yahay in dowlada Israel si rasmi ah loogu wareejiyo Qudus, balse rabitaanka ceynkaasi ah uu ku daadankaro dhiigbadan.
Maamulka Falastiin ayaa sheegay in qorshaha Israel lagu siiyay Qudus uu yahay mid uu dhabarka ka riixaayo Amiirka dhaxal sugaha ah ee reer Sacuudi Mohammad bin Salman.
Mohammad bin Salman, ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu gacansaar la leeyahay Mareykanka si ay u hormariyaan gorgortan ka dhan ah Falastiiniyiinta, kaa oo loogu eexanayo Israel.
Amiirka Sacuudiga Mohammad bin Salman, ayaa arrinta Qudus horay ugala hadlay madaxweynaha Falastiin Maxamuud Abbas, balse Cabbaas ayaa ku goodiyay in Sacuudiga ay dhabar jab ku sameyn doonaan haddii ay dhacdo in go'aanka Qudus ay ku raacdo Israel.
Qorshooyinka adage ee Amiirka Sacuudiga Mohammad bin Salman, ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa in Cabbaas laga dhaadhiciyo qorshe ka dhan ah xuquuqda ay leeyihiin qaxootiga Falastiiniyiinta inay kusoo laabtaan dhulkooda iyo xaaladda Qudus ee - mustaqbalka Falastiin taas oo badalkeeda ay wax kale helayaan.
Sidoo kale, Qorshooyinka fashilmay ee dowlada Sacuudiga ayaa waxaa kamid ah in arrintaan uu qaabeeyay wiilka uu sodoga u yahay madaxwaynaha maraykanka Donald Trump, isla markaana kamid ah la-taliyayaasha gaarka ah Mr Jared Kushner, oo xiriir wanaagsan la leh Mohammed bin Salman.

Somalia oo ka qeybgaleysa Shirka Caalmiga ah ee...


Muscat, 10 December 2017 - Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Eng. Yarisow) oo ka qeybgalaya Shirka Caalamiga ah ee Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska oo lagu qabanayo magaalada Masqad ee dalka Cumaan ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay Xoghayaha Guud ee Hay'ada Dalxiiska Adduunka Mr Talb Rufai iyo mas'uuliyiin kale.
Shirkan oo ah kii labaad ee Caalami ee Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska oo ay soo qabanqaabiyeen Hay'ada Dalxiiska Adduunka ee Qaramada Midoobey (UNWTO) iyo UNESCO ayaa diirada lagu saari doonaa sidii loo joogteyn lahaa horumarinta Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska Adduunka.
Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska ayaa waxaa ku wehliya booqashadan Cumaan Yasir Baffo oo ah La Taliyaha Wasiirka ee dhanka Dalxiiska. Mas'uuliyiintan ayaa waxaa ku soo dhoweeyey magaalada Masqad ee dalka Cumaan Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya dalka Cumaan Mudane Abdirizak Farah Ali Taano iyo mas'uuliyiin ka socota dowladda Cumaan iyo Hay'ada Dalxiiska Adduunka.
Wasiirka Warfaafinta ayaa maanta kulan gaar ah la qaatay Xoghayaha Guud ee Hay'ada Dalxiiska Adduunka H.E. Talib Rufai iyo mas'uuliyiinta Hay'adaas, iyadoo Safiir Taano iyo Yasir Baffo ay Wasiir Yarisow ku wehliyeen kulankan. Arrimaha laga wada hadlay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa qorsheyaasha Somalia ee lagu soo nooleynayo dalxiiska iyadoo Wasiir Yarisow uu sharaxay ahmiyada ay dalka u leedahay si loo helo maalgeshi caalami ah iyo arrimo kale.
Wasiir Yarisow ayaa sheegay in Soomaalida ay dhaqan ahaan yihiin dad si sharaf leh martida u soo dhoweeya isla markaasna jecel safarka, tanoo siineysa awood ah in dalxiiska si deg-deg ah loo soo nooleyn karo. Yarisow ayaa sheegay in dalka ay ka jiraan in ka badan 150 shirkadaha iibiya tikidhada (Travel Agency), ayna jiraan diyaarado Soomaali leeyihiin oo si joogta ah u duulimaada, iyadoo diyaarada Turkish Airlines ay maalin walba tagto Soomaaliya. Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in Qurbo-joogta ay dalka u soo dalxiistagaan isla markaasna Wasaarada Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska ay dhiirigelin doonto in qoysaska Soomaalida ee Qurbaha la keeno dalka si ay u bartaan dhaqankooda, dhalinyarada dalka gudihiisa joogtana shaqo ugu abuuraan.
Ugu danbeyntii Wasiir Yarisow ayaa sheegay in Somalia ay ku taalo goob Istraatejiyad ah ayna leedahay xeebta ugu dheer Afrika, leedahayna labo webi, iyadoo kheyraad badan uu ka buuxo dalka, laakin loo baahanyahay maalgashi caalami ah si dalka uu horumar ballaaran u gaaro. Sidoo kale Wasiir Yarisow ayaa yiri "Soomaaliya waxey leedahay goobo dalxiiska ku habboon oo deegaan walba laga heli karo goob aad u qurxoon, iyadoo jawiga iyo neecowda Soomaaliya tahay mid aad ugu habboon dalxiiska. Wasiirka ayaa ka codsaday UNWTO iyo UNESCO inay Somalia ka saacidaan dejinta Istraatejiyada Dalxiiska iyo qorsheyaasha si dhaqso leh loogu soo celin karo dalxiiska Soomaaliya."

Siduu Muuse ugu cod batay silaanyo ha uga taariikh...


siduu muuse ugu cod batay silaanyo ha uga taariikh wanaagsanado
Marka aan is barbar dhigo tan iyo 2010kii iyo haatan oon isku eego labadii cod ee ay ku kala guulaysteen labada hogaamiye ee loogu Kala yeedho biixi iyo silaanyo WAXA cadaatay inuu muuse ka badanyahay mr silaanyo codadkii ay kala hantiyeen.
Tan waa mid LA odhan Karo waa guul usoo hoyatay isaga,haddaba waxa LA gudboon inuu muuse dhigi karo taariikh ka wayn tan manta
Muse WAxa uu ka feejignaan doona wixii LA dagay silaanyo oo ay ugu horeyso qabyaalad cad oon geed loogu soo gaban.
Waxa uu iska ilaalin doonaa wasiiro soo yuraruun oon waxba ka qaban sicir barAR iyo waxyaalo badan iyo waliba kuwo aan dhowrayn xaquuqda iinsaanka iyo cadaalad darada.
Muuse wuxuu iska ilaalin doona waxbadan iyowaliba qaladaadka ay xukuumadani gashay siday doontaba ha u dhacdee
Muse waxaan u rajaynayaa inuu cadaalad ku dadaalo horumarkana u dhaqaaqo oo noqdo madaxweyne ay taladu ka godo.
Waxaan hore ugu sheegay maqaal aan diyaariyay labadii kun lixdii oo aan ciwaan UGA dhigay muse wuu ka taariikh fiicnaan doonaa silaanyo oo in badan igula yaabanayd balse sida uu uga cod bataybuu ayuu uga taariikh wacnaan doona idinku midaasuun iGA qora waa hadduu taladan qaato salaam
Hamse riraash

Taliyaha waxaada Socdaalka korneel Koofi kula...


Taliyaha waxaada Socdaalka korneel Koofi kula kulmay dalka Faransiiska dhigiisa wadankaas
Dec 10, 2017 -
Agaasimaha Guud ee HSJ oo safar shaqo ku jooga dalka faransiiska ayaa la kulmay dhigiisa agaasimaha socdaalka dalka Faransiiska.
Shirka labada masuul ayaa laga wadahadley iskaashiga dhinaca arimaha socdaalka, isdhaafsiga khibradaha iyo Baasaboorka Soomaaliya, isaga oo agaasimuhu kuwareejiyey saraakiisha Faransiiska tusaalaha baasaboorka Soomaaliya (Specimen).
Labada dhinac ayaa isla gartey in ay yeeshaan kulamo joogto ah iyo kuwo sanadle ah isla markaan la iska kaashado arimaha la xariira socdaalada iyo jinsiyadda.
Dowlada Nabad & Nolol waxa ay ku faraxsan tahay in ay ku faanto horumarka baaxada leh oo uu Gaashaanle Sare Koofi gaarsiiyay Hoggaanka Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyada. Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454
English News



Somaliland waa wadan yar oo aan wali la aqoonsan sidaynu wada ognahay, shaqa laan ay hadhaysay , wax soo saar aan lahayn,dadkeeduna inta ugu badani ku tiirsantahay biil debeda looga soo diro , iyo caawimooyin aduunka uga kala yimaada, hadaba waxaa is waydiin leh maxay ku arkeen ajaanibkan sida ayaxa ugu soo qulqulaya ee cadaan iyo madaw iyo casaanba leh,
Waxaan ka amba baxay qurbaha ,anigoo sii maray Ethiopia waxaan mooday inaan khaldamay markaan arkay dayaaradii aan la socday oo ajaanibku nagaga badanyahay, cadaan iyo indha yar haw badnaadeene, waxaan kaloo la yaabay markaan madaarka caalamiga ah ee Hargeysa so gaadhay ee aan arkay iyadoon waxba la waydiinayn ajaanibkii ee loogu dhufanayo uun gelitaan.
Waxaan is waydiiyay tolow maxay ka doonayaan waxan oo ajaanibi wadankan aanay waxba dhex ool.Mudadii aan joogay wadanka waxay indhahygu qabanayeen daad aad u tira badan oo ajanabi ah ha u badnadeen carab iyo indha yarewaxan wadanka laga helay ee aynaan ogayni tolow muxuu yahay.
Ma wax aan reer somaliland ogayn oo wadanka laga gurtaa jira , ma lacag aynaan arkayn oo laga helaa jirta, ma qalab kale oo macduun ah baa loo soo doontaa, wuxuun baan is idhi malaa wa dal la helay oo lasoo degayo , reer somaliland na ay ka sii tahriibayaan
Wabilaahi TawfiiqMohamud JamaU K

Antonio Guterres oo ka hadlay muranka ka dhashay go'aankii Trump ee Qudus


Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobey ,Antonio Guterres, ayaa sheegay in go'aanka maamulka madaxwayne Trump ay Qudus ugu aqoonsadeen caasimada Israa'iil ay tahay mid aan nabada gobolka u waanagsanayn.

U.S. Diplomat’s Resignation Signals Wider Exodus From State Department


An award-winning U.S. diplomat who was seen as a rising star at the State Department has issued a scathing resignation letter, accusing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the Donald Trump administration of undercutting the State Department and damaging America’s influence in the world.
Elizabeth Shackelford, who most recently served as a political officer based in Nairobi for the U.S. mission to Somalia, wrote to Tillerson that she reluctantly had decided to quit because the administration had abandoned human rights as a priority and shown disdain for the State Department’s diplomatic work, according to her letter, obtained by Foreign Policy.
“I have deep respect for the career Foreign and Civil Service staff who, despite the stinging disrespect this Administration has shown our profession, continue the struggle to keep our foreign policy on the positive trajectory necessary to avert global disaster in increasingly dangerous times,” Shackelford wrote in her Nov. 7 letter, which is published below. One phrase was redacted on Shackelford’s request.
“With each passing day, however, this task grows more futile, driving the Department’s experienced and talented staff away in ever greater numbers,” she wrote.
Her former colleagues said her departure — and the sentiments expressed in her letter — reflect a wider exodus of midcareer diplomats who have lost confidence in Tillerson’s management and the Trump administration’s approach toward diplomacy.
“She’s emblematic of what we’re losing across the board,” said one of Shackelford’s former State Department colleagues. “She is the best among us. We should not be losing the best among us. And that should concern people that we are,” the former colleague said.
In her letter, Shackelford said she was leaving with a “heavy heart” as she recognized the potential of the State Department’s mission. She said she was “shocked” when Tillerson appeared to cast doubt on the importance of human rights in remarks to department employees on May 3.
The State Department’s role in internal government debates also had “diminished,” she wrote, with the White House handing over authority to the Pentagon to shape the country’s foreign policy. Meanwhile, unfilled vacancies and proposed budget and staffing cuts had left the department adrift, with weakened influence inside the administration and on the ground, she wrote.
“The cost of this is visible every day in Mission Somalia, my current post, where State’s diplomatic influence, on the country and within our own interagency, is waning,” she wrote.
In the closing paragraph of her letter, Shackelford called on Tillerson “to stem the bleeding by showing leadership and a commitment to our people, our mission, and our mandate as the foreign policy arm of the United States.
“If you are unable to do so effectively within this Administration, I would humbly recommend you follow me out the door.”
Shackelford was singled out as an especially promising diplomat and was selected for future senior leadership roles, which a veteran foreign service officer said was unusual at her age.
“Let me underscore that Lizzy Shackelford was one of the most promising officers and an exceptional l‎eader in the Foreign Service,” the senior official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told FP. “An officer who makes it into the service and leaves because she was not supported means we must work harder to mentor, reform our system, and support outstanding officers like Lizzy.”
When asked about the criticisms in the letter, State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said: “We are not able to comment on the career choices of each person at the Department.”
“However, I can say that the Secretary has made clear that his objective is to make the State Department more efficient, more effective, and for staff to have a much more rewarding and satisfying career,” she added.
Tillerson has faced a wave of criticism from lawmakers and former senior diplomats about what they say is the dismantling of the State Department amid a hemorrhaging of top talent, a hiring freeze, and plummeting morale. He has firmly rejected the criticism, insisting the media mischaracterizes the rate of those leaving the department and that his plan to “redesign” the State Department is employee-driven and prioritizes the staff’s well-being.
“What it’s done,” Tillerson said of the hiring freeze on Friday, “was just a little bit of a blunt instrument to have everyone be a little more disciplined about filling their positions.”
But even his harshest critics say much of the blame for the troubled state of the foreign service rests with the president, who has shown an impatience with diplomacy and has often sidelined Tillerson.
Shackelford’s sentiments also reflect a long-held but growing concern among diplomats and experts that U.S. policy is increasingly dominated and shaped by the military, particularly in Africa. The Pentagon has expanded its footprint and operations on the continent with additional funding while the State Department and USAID face steep budget cuts and a dearth of ambassadors or top appointees in Washington.
Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a retired career diplomat and former assistant secretary of state for African affairs, said the U.S. military has a vital role to play in Africa and elsewhere but said the pendulum was swinging too far away from diplomacy. “You can’t just do military. You have to have the complement of diplomatic and development working alongside the military colleagues,” she told FP.
Somalia reflects a balance that clearly favors the military, as the State Department lacks the manpower and resources of its Pentagon counterparts. In recent months, the U.S. military has expanded its role with hundreds of troops and more strikes against al-Shabab militants, while diplomatic efforts have ebbed following the departure of U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Stephen Schwartz in October.
The staff at the U.S. mission have repeatedly asked Washington for permission to meet Somali political leaders at Villa Somalia, the presidential residence, but the State Department has rejected the request on security grounds. U.S. military officers are able to meet Somali officials at the presidential palace, and other foreign diplomatic missions regularly visit the building for talks.
Friday was Shackelford’s last day as a foreign service officer after nearly eight years in the State Department.
Born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, the 38-year-old Shackelford graduated first in her class at the University of Pittsburgh Law School. She worked at a law firm, then the consulting company Booz Allen Hamilton on foreign aid projects before joining the foreign service in 2010.
Shackelford distinguished herself in South Sudan for overseeing the evacuation of 1,000 Americans and other foreign nationals when violence erupted in Juba in December 2013. For her leadership skills and crisis planning in the evacuation effort, she received a department-wide Barbara M. Watson award for consular excellence.
During her stint in South Sudan, Shackelford worked to document and focus attention on human rights abuses, according to those she worked with and a personal statement she submitted as part of an employee evaluation. She cultivated contacts with South Sudanese civil society organizations and met with victims and witnesses of atrocities committed in the country’s conflict. Convinced that there could be no lasting peace without coming to terms with crimes committed on both sides, she co-wrote a dissenting cable backed by some of her fellow diplomats making that argument.
“Her view was if we don’t deal with accountability now, whatever peace that’s achieved is going to be temporary,” said another former colleague, who worked with her in Juba. “She made it her mission to get human rights material out the door.”
Shackelford is not alone in accusing the Trump administration of backsliding on America’s support for human rights and democracy over the past ten months. Republican Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Sen. Ben Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wrote a letter to the president on Friday accusing his administration of failing to assert America’s commitment to human rights.
The lawmakers wrote that “for much of the past year, our national voice on international human rights issues has been largely silent.”
But Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday that in a recent tour of Africa, he repeatedly raised human rights concerns with governments in Ethiopia and Sudan, saying it was a crucial element in the fight against terrorist threats.
“The United States continues to emphasize respect for human rights as a fundamental part of our counterterrorism strategy,” Sullivan told lawmakers.
Six months ago, when Shackelford began considering leaving the foreign service, her mentors and colleagues encouraged her to stay the course, telling her she had a promising career ahead of her and that the difficulties would pass, she told FP.
But in a sign of plunging morale in the foreign service, when she spoke to those same colleagues two months ago about resigning, she got a much different response.
“It had completely changed to a person,” she said. “Nobody tried to talk me out of it. Everybody said, ‘Yep, I get it.’”
The post U.S. Diplomat’s Resignation Signals Wider Exodus From State Department appeared first on Shabelle.

U.S. Diplomat’s Resignation Signals Wider Exodus...


An award-winning U.S. diplomat who was seen as a rising star at the State Department has issued a scathing resignation letter, accusing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the Donald Trump administration of undercutting the State Department and damaging America's influence in the world.
Elizabeth Shackelford, who most recently served as a political officer based in Nairobi for the U.S. mission to Somalia, wrote to Tillerson that she reluctantly had decided to quit because the administration had abandoned human rights as a priority and shown disdain for the State Department's diplomatic work, according to her letter, obtained by Foreign Policy.
"I have deep respect for the career Foreign and Civil Service staff who, despite the stinging disrespect this Administration has shown our profession, continue the struggle to keep our foreign policy on the positive trajectory necessary to avert global disaster in increasingly dangerous times," Shackelford wrote in her Nov. 7 letter, which is published below. One phrase was redacted on Shackelford's request.
"With each passing day, however, this task grows more futile, driving the Department's experienced and talented staff away in ever greater numbers," she wrote.
Her former colleagues said her departure -- and the sentiments expressed in her letter -- reflect a wider exodus of midcareer diplomats who have lost confidence in Tillerson's management and the Trump administration's approach toward diplomacy.
"She's emblematic of what we're losing across the board," said one of Shackelford's former State Department colleagues. "She is the best among us. We should not be losing the best among us. And that should concern people that we are," the former colleague said.
In her letter, Shackelford said she was leaving with a "heavy heart" as she recognized the potential of the State Department's mission. She said she was "shocked" when Tillerson appeared to cast doubt on the importance of human rights in remarks to department employees on May 3.
The State Department's role in internal government debates also had "diminished," she wrote, with the White House handing over authority to the Pentagon to shape the country's foreign policy. Meanwhile, unfilled vacancies and proposed budget and staffing cuts had left the department adrift, with weakened influence inside the administration and on the ground, she wrote.
"The cost of this is visible every day in Mission Somalia, my current post, where State's diplomatic influence, on the country and within our own interagency, is waning," she wrote.
In the closing paragraph of her letter, Shackelford called on Tillerson "to stem the bleeding by showing leadership and a commitment to our people, our mission, and our mandate as the foreign policy arm of the United States.
"If you are unable to do so effectively within this Administration, I would humbly recommend you follow me out the door."
Shackelford was singled out as an especially promising diplomat and was selected for future senior leadership roles, which a veteran foreign service officer said was unusual at her age.
"Let me underscore that Lizzy Shackelford was one of the most promising officers and an exceptional leader in the Foreign Service," the senior official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told FP. "An officer who makes it into the service and leaves because she was not supported means we must work harder to mentor, reform our system, and support outstanding officers like Lizzy."
When asked about the criticisms in the letter, State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said: "We are not able to comment on the career choices of each person at the Department."
"However, I can say that the Secretary has made clear that his objective is to make the State Department more efficient, more effective, and for staff to have a much more rewarding and satisfying career," she added.
Tillerson has faced a wave of criticism from lawmakers and former senior diplomats about what they say is the dismantling of the State Department amid a hemorrhaging of top talent, a hiring freeze, and plummeting morale. He has firmly rejected the criticism, insisting the media mischaracterizes the rate of those leaving the department and that his plan to "redesign" the State Department is employee-driven and prioritizes the staff's well-being.
"What it's done," Tillerson said of the hiring freeze on Friday, "was just a little bit of a blunt instrument to have everyone be a little more disciplined about filling their positions."
But even his harshest critics say much of the blame for the troubled state of the foreign service rests with the president, who has shown an impatience with diplomacy and has often sidelined Tillerson.
Shackelford's sentiments also reflect a long-held but growing concern among diplomats and experts that U.S. policy is increasingly dominated and shaped by the military, particularly in Africa. The Pentagon has expanded its footprint and operations on the continent with additional funding while the State Department and USAID face steep budget cuts and a dearth of ambassadors or top appointees in Washington.
Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a retired career diplomat and former assistant secretary of state for African affairs, said the U.S. military has a vital role to play in Africa and elsewhere but said the pendulum was swinging too far away from diplomacy. "You can't just do military. You have to have the complement of diplomatic and development working alongside the military colleagues," she told FP.
Somalia reflects a balance that clearly favors the military, as the State Department lacks the manpower and resources of its Pentagon counterparts. In recent months, the U.S. military has expanded its role with hundreds of troops and more strikes against al-Shabab militants, while diplomatic efforts have ebbed following the departure of U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Stephen Schwartz in October.
The staff at the U.S. mission have repeatedly asked Washington for permission to meet Somali political leaders at Villa Somalia, the presidential residence, but the State Department has rejected the request on security grounds. U.S. military officers are able to meet Somali officials at the presidential palace, and other foreign diplomatic missions regularly visit the building for talks.
Friday was Shackelford's last day as a foreign service officer after nearly eight years in the State Department.
Born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, the 38-year-old Shackelford graduated first in her class at the University of Pittsburgh Law School. She worked at a law firm, then the consulting company Booz Allen Hamilton on foreign aid projects before joining the foreign service in 2010.
Shackelford distinguished herself in South Sudan for overseeing the evacuation of 1,000 Americans and other foreign nationals when violence erupted in Juba in December 2013. For her leadership skills and crisis planning in the evacuation effort, she received a department-wide Barbara M. Watson award for consular excellence.
During her stint in South Sudan, Shackelford worked to document and focus attention on human rights abuses, according to those she worked with and a personal statement she submitted as part of an employee evaluation. She cultivated contacts with South Sudanese civil society organizations and met with victims and witnesses of atrocities committed in the country's conflict. Convinced that there could be no lasting peace without coming to terms with crimes committed on both sides, she co-wrote a dissenting cable backed by some of her fellow diplomats making that argument.
"Her view was if we don't deal with accountability now, whatever peace that's achieved is going to be temporary," said another former colleague, who worked with her in Juba. "She made it her mission to get human rights material out the door."
Shackelford is not alone in accusing the Trump administration of backsliding on America's support for human rights and democracy over the past ten months. Republican Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Sen. Ben Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wrote a letter to the president on Friday accusing his administration of failing to assert America's commitment to human rights.
The lawmakers wrote that "for much of the past year, our national voice on international human rights issues has been largely silent."
But Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday that in a recent tour of Africa, he repeatedly raised human rights concerns with governments in Ethiopia and Sudan, saying it was a crucial element in the fight against terrorist threats.
"The United States continues to emphasize respect for human rights as a fundamental part of our counterterrorism strategy," Sullivan told lawmakers.
Six months ago, when Shackelford began considering leaving the foreign service, her mentors and colleagues encouraged her to stay the course, telling her she had a promising career ahead of her and that the difficulties would pass, she told FP.
But in a sign of plunging morale in the foreign service, when she spoke to those same colleagues two months ago about resigning, she got a much different response.
"It had completely changed to a person," she said. "Nobody tried to talk me out of it. Everybody said, 'Yep, I get it.'"

UPDF awarded for good work in Somalia


UPDF battle group 22 which has been serving under African Union Mission in Somalia commonly known as AMISOM commanded by Col Bernard Tuhame has been awarded medals of honor by the mission.
The troops that recently completed their tour of duty were honored in a ceremony held in Mogadishu and attended by among others Uganda’ Contigent Commander Brigadier Kayanja Muhanga and the Deputy Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission Simon Mulongo who applauded the team for performing well and sacrificing themselves to protect humanity and neutralizing Al-shabaab militants amidst several challenges.
Uganda which has been in the country for ten years is the largest troop contributing country to the African Mission in Somalia.
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UPDF awarded for good work in Somalia


UPDF battle group 22 which has been serving under African Union Mission in Somalia commonly known as AMISOM commanded by Col Bernard Tuhame has been awarded medals of honor by the mission.
The troops that recently completed their tour of duty were honored in a ceremony held in Mogadishu and attended by among others Uganda' Contigent Commander Brigadier Kayanja Muhanga and the Deputy Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission Simon Mulongo who applauded the team for performing well and sacrificing themselves to protect humanity and neutralizing Al-shabaab militants amidst several challenges.
Uganda which has been in the country for ten years is the largest troop contributing country to the African Mission in Somalia.

Dhageyso Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle.

Antonio Guterres oo ka hadlay muranka ka dhashay go&...


Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobey ,Antonio Guterres, ayaa sheegay in go'aanka maamulka madaxwayne Trump ay Qudus ugu aqoonsadeen - Israa'iil ay tahay mid aan nabada gobolka u waanagsanayn.
Mr Guterres ayaa sheegay in arrintan ay tahay mid ragaadinaysa wadahadalada nabadda ee u dhaxeeya Falastiiniyinta iyo Israa'iil.
Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobey Mr Guterres ayaa waraysi siinayay telefishinka CNN.
Dhanka kale afhayeenka madaxwayna ku xigeenka Mareykanka, Mike Pence, ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyay xukuumadda Falastiiniyiinta.
Afhayeenka ayaa sheegay in ay nasiib daro tahay in madaxwayne Maxmuud Cabbas uu diido in uu la kulmo Mr Pence marka uu booqashada ku marayo gobolka.
Waxaa wali wadooyiinka qaar ka mid ah wadamada Carabta iyo kuwa Muslimiinta ka socda dibad baxyo looga soo horjeedo go'aanka madaxwayne Trump.

Qaramada midoobay oo shaacisay dadka lagu...


Kn: Warbixin ay soo saartay hay'adda Qaramada midoobay ayaa lagu shaaciyay shax dhigaysa tirada dadka lagu dhibaateeyay Soomaaliya sanadka sii gabaabsiyaya ee 2017.
4585 ruux ayaa ku waxyeelowday dalka, ayadoo dhimashada lagu sheegay 2078 halka dhaawacana lagu sheegay 2505. Ilaa iyo 729 ruux ayaa dalka guduhiisa lagu afduubay halka si macquulnimada ka fog xabsiga loogu taxaabay 5821.
Sidoo kale warbixinta waxaa lagu kala dhigdhigay tirada dhaawaca iyo dhimashada goobaha ay ka kala dheceen iyo waliba cidda ka danbaysay. 2728 ruux ayay Alshabaab qaarna aakhiro u dirtay qaarna dhaawac gaarsiisay. Ciidamada dawladda iyo kuwa maamul gobolleedyada ayaa sidoo kale waxyeeleeyay 522 ruux, halka AMISON ay 181 ruux u gaysatay dil iyo dhaawac. 594 ruux ayay dileen qaarna dhaawaceen maleeshiyo beeleed, ayadoo dhanka kalana ay 560 ruux qaarna u dhinteen qaarna u dhaawacmeen gacan aan la aqoonsan.
Isku darka dhimashada iyo dhaawaca ayaa marka loo eego goobaha ay ka dheceen ay kala noqonayaan sidan;
Muqdisho: 2265
K/Galbeed: 735
Jubbaland: 434
Puntland: 413
Hirshabelle: 269
Galmudug: 261
Somaliland: 208
Warbixinta laguma sheegin dadka la afduubtay goobaha ay ka dhacday iyo waliba dadka sida sharcidarada ah loo xiray deegaamada lagu xiray.

Xiriirka kubadda cagta laalay dacwadii Jubbaland


Kn: Gudiga anshaxa ee xiriirka kubadda cagta Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaamay dacwad ay Jubbaland ka gudbisay gobolka Banaadir oo ciyaartoy ajinabi ah safatay is araggii koobaad ee ay la yeesheen Jubbaland.
Qoraal ay soo saareen gudiga anshaxa ayaa lagu sheegay inay baaritaan kadib ogaadeen inuu wiilka ay Banaadir ku eedaysantahay uu ahaa wiil Soomaali ah sidaasna uu xaq ugu leeyahay inuu ciyaaro.
Jubbaland wali kuma qancin goaanka gudiga anshaxa waxayna leeyihiin doodda gudigu way jabantahay waayo, marka koobaad wiilku dalka wuxuu ku joogaa baasaboor Kenyaan ah, marka labaadna asagaa garoonka dhexdiisa ka sheegay inuu Kenyaan yahay markii Taleefishinka Qaranku waraysiga ka qaaday. Waxay ku doodayaan in hadii wiilku uu Soomaali yahay inuu dhihilahaa markii la waraysanayay Soomaali baan ahayn laakiin luuqadda ma aqaan, si lamid ah sida ay dhahaan caruurta qurbaha ku dhalatay.
Siday doontaba ha u dhacdee gudiga anshaxa ee xiriirka kubadda cagta Soomaaliyeed wuxuu shaaciyay fikir kooda ku aadan eedaynta Jubbaland ay u jeedisay Banaadir.

Maxaa looga doodayaa kulanka Xildhibaanada...


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Muqdisho (- Online)-Waxaa maanta lagu wadaa in Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Somalia ay yeeshan kulankooda caadiga ahaa kaa oo ka dhici doona Xarunta Golaha Shacabka ee magaalada Muqdisho.
Fariimo ay gudoonka baarlamaanka Somalia u direen Xildhibaanada ayaa waxaa lagu faray inay soo xaadiraan kulanka si looga doodo ajandaha kulanka.
Ajendaha kulanka maanta ayaa ah ka doodista miisaaniyada 2018, oo Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Somalia ay maanta ka doodi doonaan.
Ka doodista ajendaha kadib ayaa waxaa la filayaa in Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka ay ansixiyaan.
Sidoo kale, miisaaniyada dowladda ee 2018 ayaa ka badan tii Sanadkan sii dhamaanaya ee 2017, waxa ayna miisaaniyada intaa la eg noqoneysaa tii ugu horeysay miisaaniyada dowladda oo lagu soo daray miisaaniyada dhismaha Xarunta Akeedamiyada Fanka iyo Suugaanta.
Dhinaca kale, ansixinta miisaaniyada kadib dowlada Federaalka ayaa looga fadhiyaa inay qoondeyso bixinta miisaaniyadaas wallow aan la ogeyn qaabka ay u maareyn doonto.- OnlineXafiiska Muqdisho-@live.com

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