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Daawo:-Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo sheegay in Puntland...


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxammed Cabdullahi Maxammed(Farmaajo)ayaa maanta ka warbixiyey safarkii Nabadda iyo Dib u heshiisinta ee uu ku soo maray degaannada Puntland iyo Galmudug.
Mudane. Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay dhaaftay heerkii nabadeynta iyo dib u-heshiisiinta,islamarkaana uu ku soo arkay horumar ballaaran iyo mashaariic baaxad weyn,balse dib u-heshiisiinta uu ka soo bilaabay soohdinta u dhexaysa Puntland iyo Galmudug gaar ahaanna magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Madaxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in degaannada Puntland uu hawl weyn oo dhinaca din u-heshiisiinta ah ka soo qabtay,welina ay socoto dhammaystirka shaqadaasi,sidii ay taabba-gel u noqon lahayd.
Dhinaca kale wuxuu sheegay in dhowaan uu magacaabayo guddi ka shaqeeya, dabagalka fulinta mashaariic horumarineed ee uu ka dhagax dhigay deegaannadii uu socdaalka kusoo maray."Maalmaha soo socda waxaan magacaabayaa guddi dabagal ku sameeya mashaariicdii aan soo ballan qaadey, si aan ula soconno dhaqan galkooda. Dowladda waxaa ka go'an in ay kaalinteeda ka qaadato,"ayuu yiri Farmaajo.Halkaan ka daawo.
The post Daawo:-Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo sheegay in Puntland dhaaftay heerkii dib u heshiisiinta iyo nabadeynta. appeared first on Puntland Post.

Dhageyso Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle.

UN Envoy sees progress in Somalia amid daunting challenges


Somalia is making definite progress thanks to the new federal government that embraces reforms, although daunting challenges remain, a UN official told the Security Council on Wednesday.
Since the peaceful transition of power almost a year ago, the new government led by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has been through a steep learning curve and has embraced reforms to bring job creation and conflict resolution, said Michael Keating, the UN secretary-general’s special representative for Somalia.
“It has crafted a commendable national agenda embracing financial reform, job creation, inclusive politics, conflict resolution and reform of the security sector.”
He also observed that the relationship between the federal government and states has stabilized following a period of tension. “The form and structure of Somalia’s federal system is still a matter of vigorous debate, but the renewed commitment of the federal government and federal member states to cooperate to address Somalia’s needs is essential in order to make progress on political, security and development priorities.”
But he warned that Somali politics remain turbulent. In December 2017, tensions were sharply raised by the violent arrest of a prominent opposition politician and the raid on the house of a leading member of parliament, he noted.
He also warned that corruption undermines reform efforts, limits the confidence and trust of Somalis in their leaders and institutions.
Keating stressed the need for all Somali actors to respect the rule of law and resist the use of violence against their political opponents. “Otherwise the risk is that the many positive developments underway will be overshadowed, and the government’s ability to implement its broad agenda and improve the lives of the population will be undermined.”
The scale of challenges facing the country are daunting, warned Keating.
Chronic poverty and persistent humanitarian needs cast an ominous shadow over the Horn of Africa country. The risk of famine still looms after four consecutive failed rainy seasons. The country needs 1.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 for humanitarian assistance targeting 6.2 million people, he said.
Malnutrition reached emergency levels in many parts of the country and is expected to rise. Drought and conflict have displaced more than 2 million people within the country, up to 1 million of them in the last 12 months, including many children and more than 80,000 pregnant women, he said.
On the security front, Keating said the African Union Mission in Somalia has been fundamental and has allowed space for political progress. But he warned that the mission cannot stay in the country indefinitely, and this will require the government, the United Nations, and other partners to help strengthen the Somali security sector.
The post UN Envoy sees progress in Somalia amid daunting challenges appeared first on Shabelle.

Muxuu Trump u necebyahay libaax badeedka?


Sida ay qortay majallada Newsweek, todobaadkii hore, qof ayaa rabaayad ahaan u qaatay libaax badeed yar oo kusoo caariyay xeebta Mexico, kaas oo loo bixiyay Donald Trump.

One dead, Three injured in Mogadishu Explosion


At least one person was killed, and three others wounded in an explosion in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Thursday.
A witness has confirmed to Radio Shabelle that the blast occurred around Digfer hospital in Hodon district after a remote-controlled landmine struck an army convoy carrying Somali soldiers.
The explosion left a soldier dead, while three others wounded who were taken to hospital for treatment, according to the eyewitness, who asked not to be named.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, which was the latest in series of roadside bombings in the capital over the past few weeks.
The post One dead, Three injured in Mogadishu Explosion appeared first on Shabelle.

Allied forces avert militants’ plot to carry out raid in Hiran


Somali security forces backed by Africa Union troops killed three Al-Shabaab militants and injured several others during a heavy fighting in Bula-burte town in Hiiraan region, central Somalia, Somali authorities said.
Bula-burte District Commissioner Abdi Dahir Gure told reporters that the allied forces preempted militants’ plot to carry out an attack in the town.
“There are no casualties on both the joint forces and civilians so far. The situation is calm now,” Gure said.
Residents in the town said that the fighting began after the militants fired mortar shells early Wednesday.
“Al-Shabaab fighters attacked army base here with mortar shells, then heavy fighting erupted which lasted several hours,” a resident said.
Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on the latest military victory by the security forces.
Bula-burte in Hiiraan region is under Hirshabelle State and it is about 200 km north of the capital Mogadishu.
The post Allied forces avert militants’ plot to carry out raid in Hiran appeared first on Shabelle.

Ganacsigii xoolaha ee ay Somaliland u dhoofin jirtay...


Ganacsigii xoolaha ee ay Somaliland u dhoofin jirtay Sacuudiga iyo Khaliijka oo la joojinayo. Sababtu maxay tahay? ( Halkan ka akhriso )
Waxa Daabacay staff-reporter on Jan 25th, 2018 and filed under Daily Somali News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Xogo laga helay ganacsato carab ah iyo warfidiyeenno wax ka qaro arrimaha ganacsiga ee dawladaha Carabta ayaa sheegaya, in xukuumadda cusub ee Muse Bixi ay qaadday tallaabooyin liddi ku ah heshiisyadii ay la gashay qaar ka mid ah waddammada Khaliijka ee ay gacan saarka leeyihiin Saudi Arabia, sidaasi daraaddeedna uu xidhiidhkii wanaagsanaa ee ka dhexeeyey Somaliland iyo waddammada Khaliijka shaki weyni galay. Ugu horreyna waxa la joojin doonaa xidhiidhkii ganacsi ee ka dhexeeyey Somaliland iyo dalal badan oo carab ah. Waxana ay hoosta ka xarriiqeen xoolaha laga dhoofiyo Berber, oo ay yidhaahdeen muddaba way xidhnaayeen ganacsigii xoolahaasi, oo laga shikiyey in ay xoolaha Barbera laga soo dhoofiyaa caafimaad ahaan u liitaan.
Dhinaca kale waxa ay dalka Qatar iyo Somaliland heshiis qarsoodi ah ku gaadheen in 15000 oo askari ay Qatar ka qorato Somaliland. Waana la fuliyey, oo reero hoose ayaa laga qortay askartaasi, si loo qariyo sirta ka danbaysa. Gobolka Awdal, Burco, Ceeri-gaabo iyo Salal la hal askari lagagama soo darin. Sacuudiga iyo xulafadiisuna arrintaa way ka warqabtaa, waxana warar badan oo askartaa ku saabasan lagu soo qoray joornaallo ka soo baxa waddammo Carab ah.
Jamhuuriyadda Djabouti oo ah dal yeeshay dakado waaweyn oo caalami ah iyo marsada Boosaaso, Muqdisho iyo Kismaayo ayaana dawladda Sacuudigu isha ku haysaa. Waxase ay aad u jeclaayeen in Berbera oo kaabiga u saaran ay la macaamisho.
This post has been viewed 70 times.

Muxuu Trump u necebyahay libaax badeedka?


Kooxaha u dooda xuquuqda libaax badeedka, islamarkaasna ka hortaga dabar goynta xayawaankan ayaa helaya yabooh lacageed oo badan, Donald Trump dartiis.
Madaxweynaha Maraykanka Donald Trump ayaa sheegay in uusan wax lacag ah u ansixin doonin kooxahan, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in uu jeclaan lahaa in libaax badeedka oo dhan uu wada dhinto.
Lacagaha lagu dirayo akoonada kooxahan daryeela libaax badeedka ayaa waxaa lasoo raacinayaa fariin ah "waxaan idiinku soo dirnay Trump dartiis".
"Waa adagtahay in yabooh lacageed loo helo xayawaan ay dadka intooda badan ka baqanayaan, balse tan iyo intii la daabacay hadalkii Trump , waxaa nasoo gaarayay yabooh hor leh oo la leeyahay Trump dartiis ayaan idiin siinay" ayay tiri Cynthia Wilgren oo madax ka ah hay'adda illaalinta libaax badeedka ee lagu magacaabo White Shark Conservancy.
Sida ay qortay majallada Newsweek, todobaadkii hore, qof ayaa rabaayad ahaan u qaatay libaax badeed yar oo kusoo caariyay xeebta Mexico, kaas oo loo bixiyay Donald Trump.
Hay'ad lagu magacaabo Shark Trust oo xanaanaysa libaax badeedka oo UK fadhigeedu yahay ayaa ka mid ah kuwa uu kordhay lacagaha yabooha ah ee soo galaya.
Wareysi ay bixisay haweenay jisha aflaamta galmada oo lagu magacaabo Stormy Daniels, ayay ku sheegtay in ay xiriir la lahayd Trump, sariirna la wadaagtay, waxayna sheegtay in Trump uu u sheegey in waligiis uusan lacag ku bixin doonin hay'adaha daryeela libaax badeedka.
Waxa ay sheegtay in Trump uu ka baqo libaax badeedka.

UN Envoy sees progress in Somalia amid daunting...


Somalia is making definite progress thanks to the new federal government that embraces reforms, although daunting challenges remain, a UN official told the Security Council on Wednesday.
Since the peaceful transition of power almost a year ago, the new government led by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has been through a steep learning curve and has embraced reforms to bring job creation and conflict resolution, said Michael Keating, the UN secretary-general's special representative for Somalia.
"It has crafted a commendable national agenda embracing financial reform, job creation, inclusive politics, conflict resolution and reform of the security sector."
He also observed that the relationship between the federal government and states has stabilized following a period of tension. "The form and structure of Somalia's federal system is still a matter of vigorous debate, but the renewed commitment of the federal government and federal member states to cooperate to address Somalia's needs is essential in order to make progress on political, security and development priorities."
But he warned that Somali politics remain turbulent. In December 2017, tensions were sharply raised by the violent arrest of a prominent opposition politician and the raid on the house of a leading member of parliament, he noted.
He also warned that corruption undermines reform efforts, limits the confidence and trust of Somalis in their leaders and institutions.
Keating stressed the need for all Somali actors to respect the rule of law and resist the use of violence against their political opponents. "Otherwise the risk is that the many positive developments underway will be overshadowed, and the government's ability to implement its broad agenda and improve the lives of the population will be undermined."
The scale of challenges facing the country are daunting, warned Keating.
Chronic poverty and persistent humanitarian needs cast an ominous shadow over the Horn of Africa country. The risk of famine still looms after four consecutive failed rainy seasons. The country needs 1.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 for humanitarian assistance targeting 6.2 million people, he said.
Malnutrition reached emergency levels in many parts of the country and is expected to rise. Drought and conflict have displaced more than 2 million people within the country, up to 1 million of them in the last 12 months, including many children and more than 80,000 pregnant women, he said.
On the security front, Keating said the African Union Mission in Somalia has been fundamental and has allowed space for political progress. But he warned that the mission cannot stay in the country indefinitely, and this will require the government, the United Nations, and other partners to help strengthen the Somali security sector.

One dead, Three injured in Mogadishu Explosion


At least one person was killed, and three others wounded in an explosion in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Thursday.
A witness has confirmed to Radio Shabelle that the blast occurred around Digfer hospital in Hodon district after a remote-controlled landmine struck an army convoy carrying Somali soldiers.
The explosion left a soldier dead, while three others wounded who were taken to hospital for treatment, according to the eyewitness, who asked not to be named.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, which was the latest in series of roadside bombings in the capital over the past few weeks.

Allied forces avert militants’ plot to carry out...


Somali security forces backed by Africa Union troops killed three Al-Shabaab militants and injured several others during a heavy fighting in Bula-burte town in Hiiraan region, central Somalia, Somali authorities said.
Bula-burte District Commissioner Abdi Dahir Gure told reporters that the allied forces preempted militants' plot to carry out an attack in the town.
"There are no casualties on both the joint forces and civilians so far. The situation is calm now," Gure said.
Residents in the town said that the fighting began after the militants fired mortar shells early Wednesday.
"Al-Shabaab fighters attacked army base here with mortar shells, then heavy fighting erupted which lasted several hours," a resident said.
Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on the latest military victory by the security forces.
Bula-burte in Hiiraan region is under Hirshabelle State and it is about 200 km north of the capital Mogadishu.

Qarax khasaaro geystay oo goordhow ka dhacay...


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Muqdisho (- Online)-War goordhow nasoogaaray ayaa sheegaya in Qarax uu ka dhacay eeryada Xaafada Tarabuunka Degmada Hodan ee Gobolka Banaadir.
Qaraxa oo inta badan laga wada maqlay Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxa uu ka dhashay miino la dhigay darbiga Guri ku yaalla dhabarka danbe ee Isbitaal Digfeer, waxaana ka dhashay Khasaaro kala duwan.
Khasaaraha ugu badan ee Qaraxa ayaa soo gaaray qoyskii degnaa Guriga dhabarka danbe laga dhigay Qaraxa, iyadoo dadka deegaanka ay soo sheegayaan in waxyeelo taa lamid ah ay soo gaartay xoolo ku oodnaa halka uu Qaraxa ka dhacay.
Dadka uu waxyeelada kasoo gaaray Qaraxa ayaa la dhigay Isbitaalka Digfeer oo ku dhawaa, waxaana sidoo kale burbur xoogan uu soo gaaray Hooyga dhabarkiisa danbe lagu aasay Qaraxa.
Ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada ayaa gaaray goobta uu Qaraxa ka dhacay, iyagoo halkaa ka sameeyay howlgal aan dad lagu qaban.
Dhinaca kale, goobta uu Qaraxa ka dhacay ayaa waxaa horay loogu rasaaseeyay gaadiid ay la socdeen dad ka tirsan shaqaalaha dowlada.- OnlineXafiiska Muqdisho-@live.com

Ciidamada Itoobiya Oo Qarax Lagula Eegtay Duleedka Bardaale


Bardaale ( Sh. M. Network )-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya qarax Miino oo Barqanimadii maanta Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Itoobiya lagula eegtay duleedka degmada Bardaale ee gobolka Baay.
Qaraxan oo ahaa mid xoogan  ayaa la sheegay in lala bartilmaameedsaday Ciidamada Itoobiya, xilli ay marayeen deegaanka Awdiinle ee gobolkaasi.
Illaa iyo hadda ma cadda khasaaraha dhabta ah ee Ciidamada Itoobiya ka soo gaaray qaraxaasi.
Balse Al Shabaab oo sheegtay qaraxan ayaa baraha Internet-ka ku baahiyay in halkaasi ay ku gubeen Gaari nuuca dagaalka ah, sidoo kalena khasaaro lixaad leh ay gaarsiyeen Ciidankaasi, sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.
Dhinaca kale Afhayeenka Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Nuuradiin Yuusuf Abuukar “Gacma” oo la hadlay Idaacadda Shabelle ayaa beeniyay qaraxaasi.
Waxaana uu sheegay in wararkaasi ay yihiin kuwa been abuur ah oo Al Shabaab ay ku baahiyeen baraha Internet-ka.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

The post Ciidamada Itoobiya Oo Qarax Lagula Eegtay Duleedka Bardaale appeared first on Shabelle.

Haweenka Hir-Shabeelle oo Saluugsan Kootada ay Heleen


Qaar ka mid ah haweenka maamul goboleedka Hir-Shabeelle ayaa ka cabanaya inay haweenka aysan helin xuquuqdii siyaasadeed ee dastuuriga aheyd ee ay gobolka ku lahaayeen.

Haweenka Hir-Shabeelle oo Saluugsan Kootada ay Heleen


Qaar ka mid ah haweenka maamul goboleedka Hir-Shabeelle ayaa ka cabanaya inay haweenka aysan helin xuquuqdii siyaasadeed ee dastuuriga aheyd ee ay gobolka ku lahaayeen.
Kulan ay haweenkaasi ku yeesheen magaalada Jowhar ayey ka sheegeen in ay maamulka ka waayeen kooto 30%, oo ay sheegeen inay xaq u lahaayeen. Xuseen Xassan Dhaqane ayaa warbixintan Baledweyne ka soo diray.

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Filim Laga Sameeyay Weerar Shabaab ay Geysteen oo Abaal Marin u Sharraxan


Filim uu soo saaray arday u dhashay dalka Jarmalka oo ku saabsan weerar lagu qaaday bas mararay Mandheera gobolka Waqooyi Bari ee Kenya, sanado ka hor, ayaa u sharaxan abaal marinta loo yaqaan Oscar award.

Shirka Dhaqaalaha Adduunka oo Maalinkii 2-aad Galay


Magaalada Davos ee dalka Switzerland waxaa Maalintii labaad ka socda shirka caalamiga ahaa ee dhaqaalaha aduunka.

Danjire Afey: USA Haka Laabato Go'aankii Hakinta Qaxootiga


Toddobaadkan waxay ku buuxdaa sannad markii madaxweynaha Maraykanka Donald Trump uu saxiixay amarka madaxweyne ee uu ku hakinayey qaxootiga toddoba waddan oo Muslimiinta u badan, isagoo sabab uga dhigay waajib ka saaran ilaalinta amaanka Mareykanka.

Dublamaasi Mareykan ah oo sheegay in Aung San Suu Kyi aysan lahayn "damiir hogaamineed"


Dublamaasiga rugcaddaaga ah ee dhashay dalka Mareykanka Bill Richards ayaa iska casilay guddi loo saaray in ay hogaamiyaha Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi kala taliyaan dhibaatada Rohingya.

Shirka Dhaqaalaha Adduunka oo Maalinkii 2-aad Galay


Magaalada Davos ee dalka Switzerland waxaa Maalintii labaad ka socda shirka caalamiga ahaa ee dhaqaalaha aduunka.
Shirka ayaa waxaa maanta oo Khamiis ah ku biiray madaxweynaha Mareykanka Donald Trump, oo noqonaya madaxweynihii ugu horeeyay ee Mareykanka isagoo xil haya ka qeyb gala tan iyo sanadkii 2000 oo uu ka qeyb galay shirkaas madaxweynihii Mareykanka ee xillgaasi, Bill Clinton.
Ibrahim Xassan Daandureey ayaa wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee shirkan ka wareystay, Mustaf Bashiir Xaaji Goob Doon oo ah aqoon-yahan Soomaaliyeed oo muddo dheer Sweitzerland ku nool.

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