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Mulki Hagi: Deering High School


Monday June 4, 2018Mulki Hagi traveled a long way – from Somalia, to Egypt, to Dubai, to Ohio – before her family settled in Portland.“And it’s just the beginning,” said Hagi, 18, a multilingual learner who is graduating from Deering High School with a 94 grade-point average in honors and Advanced Placement courses.But Hagi’s biggest accomplishments happened outside the classroom, starting when she was selected to attend the Aspen Ideas Festival last summer at the Aspen Institute in Colorado.Hagi and her faculty mentor, Danielle Wong, were among 12 student-teacher pairs nationwide admitted last spring to the Bezos Scholars Program, a global leadership initiative sponsored by the Bezos Family Foundation. Workshops covered complicated issues, such as the Israeli-Palistinian conflict and whether everyone is capable of empathy.When she returned to school last fall, she formed a team and began planning a daylong, multicultural youth summit that was held at Deering High in April.Ads By Google Students produced TED-style talks on serious topics such as the Black Lives Matter movement, sexual orientation and gender issues, immigration and mental health. Guest speakers included several community leaders. Students attended different events throughout the day.“I chose subjects that would resonate with everyone,” Hagi said. “Students told me they really liked the dialogue discussions we had afterward without teachers. It was the first time I did anything like that. I hope to do it again.”Hagi plans to attend Bowdoin College in the fall and study government, international relations, sociology and the law.“But that might change,” Hagi said. “I’m interested in a lot of things, so it’s really hard to choose one thing.”Hagi’s extracurricular activities included Seeds of Peace Camp, Model United Nations, Muslim Interscholastic Tournament in Boston, debate, math and STEM clubs, Maine Medical Explorers, Young Emerging Authors Fellowship at the Telling Room and two internships, as an elementary school tutor and an occupational therapist.The third-oldest of seven siblings, Hagi said she’s grateful for the sacrifices that her parents made for her. She sees herself as a global citizen who understands the poverty and hunger that her family left behind in Somalia.“Whatever I do,” she said, “I hope to help a majority of the world.”


  • Iran calls on world to stand up to Trump, save nuclear deal - Reuters
  • Liboi residents cry for justice as scores go missing - Daily Nation
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Dhageyso:-Warka Subax Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

Guddiga Maaliyada Ee Golaha Shacabka oo la kulmay madaxda Bankiga Dhexe


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Masuuliyiinta Bankiga Dhexe ayaa Guddiga la wadaagay waxyaabaha u qabsoomay, hormarada la gaaray iyo caqabadaha hortaagan ee xalinta u baahan.
Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Maaliyadda ee Golaha Shacabka Mudane Cali Cabdi Cismaan ayaa ku booriyay mas’uuliyiinta Bankiga Dhexe in ay soo dadajiyaan helitaanka lacag Shilin Soomaali ah oo ay baahi xoog leh  u qabaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed.
Sidoo Kale Guddoomiyaha ayaa tilmaamay in ay lagama maarmaan tahay wax ka qabashadda cabashooyinka la xiriira adeegyada Iyo caqabadaha mararka qaar ku soo kordha Bangiyadda gaarka loo leeyahay  kuwaas oo mararka qaarkood  dhinaca dibadda looga soo roggo xayiraad dhinaca dhaqaalaha.
Ugu dambeyn labada dhinac ayaa isla gartay in ay dhex marto wada shaqeyn balaaran si looga gudbo caqabadaha hor taagan howlaha maaliyadda, loona xoojiyo wada shaqeynta labada dhinac.
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Al Shabaab Oo tiro ganacsato ah ku dilay gobolka Hiiraan


Baladweyne ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegaya in Al Shabaab saacadihii illaa iyo 6 ganacsato ah ay ku dileen nawaaxiga deegaanka Qurac-Joome ee gobolkaasi.
Ganacsatada la dilay ayaa la sheegay in shixnado Ganacsi ay geeyeen magaalada Xudur ee xarunta gobolka Bakool ee K/ Soomaaliya.
Sidoo kale wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in dagaalyahannada Al Shabaab ay gubeen illaa iyo 11 gaari oo la sheegay in shixnado ganacsi ay geeyeen magaaladaasi.
Guddoomiye ku xigeenka dhinaca amniga ee gobolka Hiiraan Muxumed Cali Maxamuud oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa ka warbixiyay dhacdadaasi.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Shirka amniga Qaranka Oo maanta ka furmaya Baydhabo


Baydhabo ( Sh. M. Network )-Waxaa maanta magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay ka furmaya shirka Golaha amniga Qaranka, kaas oo u dhexeeya madaxda DFS iyo kuwa maamul goboleedyada dalka.
Shirka oo ah mid xasaasi ah ayaa waxaa la filayaa in goor dhow uu ka furmo Baydhabo, iyadoona qaban qaadiisu haatan ay ka socoto gudaha magaaladaasi.
Madaweynaha JFS Mudane Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo ayaa saacadaha soo socda si rasmi ah u furi doono shirkaasi, iyadoona ay ka qeyb galayaan Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Dalka, madaxda dowlad Goboleedyada iyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir.
Waxaana shirkan oo saddexdii biloodba mar la qabto uu socon doono muddo 2 maalin ah, iyadoona looga hadlayo arrimo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin amniga guud ee dalka, hannaanka federaalaynta, wadaaga khayraad dalka iyo arrimo kale
Shirka ayaa daba socda shirar hore oo looga hadlayay arrimaha masiiriga ah ee dalka, iyadoo lafilayo in ay ka soo baxaan natiijooyin wax ku ool ah.
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Trump oo is cafiyi kara balse aan sidaa yeeli doonin


Donald Trump ayay u badan tahay in uu leeyahay awoodda uu naftiisa kaga cafiyi karo baaritaanka la xiriira in Ruushka iyo isaga ay wado shaqayn dhexmartay, balse uusan rabin in uu sidaa yeelo, sida uu sheegay Rudy Giuliani oo ah qareenkiisa.

Kaxda iyo Xamarweyne Oo u soo gudbay wareega 8 dhamaadka Ee Tartan aqooneedka Shabelle


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Waxaa xalay tartan aqooneedka Shabelle ku tartamay degmooyinka Kaxda iyo Xamarweyne ee gobolka Banaadir..
Labada degmo oo ku wada jira Group-ka B ayaa xalay ku kulmay is araga 3-aad ee tartanka bisha barakeysan ee Ramadaan.
Tartamayaasha labada dhinaca ayaa soo bandhigay tartan xiiso badan, hayeeshee waxa ay guushu raacday degmada Kaxda oo la timd 10 Dhibcood, halka Xamarweyne  ay keensatay 8 buundo.
Sidaas daraadeed waxaa xalay guusha la hoyday tartamayaasha degmada Kaxda ee gobolka Banaadir.
Kaxda iyo Xamarweyne ayaana sidaasi ugu soo gudbay wareega 8 dhamaadka ee tartanka Shabelle, maadaama dhibco fiican ay ka keensadeen kulamadii hore.
Dhinaca kale waxa tartanka gabi ahaan isaga haray ilaa iyo 4 degma oo kala ah Howlwadaag, Wadajir, Waabari iyo Yaaqshiid oo ka wada tirsan G/ Banaadir.
Caawa waxaa tartanka bisha barakeysanm ee Ramadaan ku ballasan degmooyinka Hodan iyo Cabdicasiis oo ku wada jira Group-ka C ee tartanka.
Taaba gelinta sanadkan tartan aqooneedka Shabelle waa Jaamacadda Jobkey, halka Su’aal diyaarintuna uu yahay Adult Commercial Secondary School.
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Puntland Oo soo bandhigtay Meydadka Rag ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab


Garowe ( Sh. M. Network )-Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidamada maamulka Puntland ayaa saacadihii la soo dhaafay soo bandhigay Meydadka Rag ay sheegeen in ay ka tirsanaayeen Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Saraakiisha ayaa sheegay in Raggaasi lagu dilay weerar qorsheysan oo Ciidamada Puntland ay ka fuyliyeen Buuraleyda gobolka Bari ee maamulkaasi.
Waxaana ay tilmaameen in weerarkaasi uu jawaab u ahaa weerar dhawaan Al Shabaab ay ku qaadeen fariisin Ciidanka maamulkaasi ay ku leeyihiin deegaanka Bali-Qadar ee gobolkaasi Bari.
Illaa iyo hadda ma jiro wax hadal ah oo ka soo baxay dhanka Al Shabaab oo la xariira arrintaasi.
Deegaanada Puntland ayaa waxaa maalmihii dambe ka dhacay weeraro gaadma ah iyo dilal qosrheysan oo ay badi halkaasi ka fuliyeen dagaalyahanno ka tirsan Al Shabaab.
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Kenyan MP wants Raila to broker peace in Somalia


Dagoretti North Member of Parliament Simba Arati has lauded opposition leader Raila Odinga for his recently assumed diplomatic responsibility.
The National Super Alliance (NASA) leader was recently in Southern Sudan in a reported mission to broker peace in the ongoing conflict between the nation’s President Salva Kiir and his former deputy and rebel leader Liek Machar.
Speaking on Radio Citizen’s ‘Debe la Citizen’ Sunday, Arati called for Odinga’s intervention in neighboring war-torn Somalia as a continuation of both the same and the statesmanship tag he has earned following his March 9 truce with President Uhuru Kenyatta.
“Kando na kuwa statesman ni muhimu pia achangie katika kuendeleza Africa na baada ya Sudan sasa aelekee Somalia(apart from becoming a statesman, he should now consider heading to Somalia for peace mission),” said Arati.
On May 25 the Orange party leader met Kiir to end the civil war that has seen hundreds of thousands of Sudanese nationals displaced, in what seems like a task handed to him by President Uhuru Kenyatta after their reunion.
The leader is set to leave for South Africa this week where he is expected to meet the South African President Cyril Ramaphosa in line with the same.
He is also set to hold talks with Machar who has been under house arrest in South Africa since 2016.
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Mozambique says its security forces Killed 9 Al-Shabab-linked militants


Mozambique’s Defense and Security Forces (FDS) have killed 9 members of an alleged Al-Shabab group.
The members were eliminated in the district of Palma in the northernmost province of Cabo Delgado
An official who spoke on behalf of FDS has said the soldiers acting on tips off ambushed the eight.
“At the site where the nine members of the radical Islamist group were killed, an AK47 gun and machetes they used to behead people were found,” said one FDS member.
According to the police source who was involved in the hunting mission, more information could be officially published within days.
“This group was thought to be in the riverside areas where they can have access to water for personal consumption and hygiene,” he said.
The members are from the self-proclaimed Al-Shabab group, which has been launching sporadic attacks against police and civilians since last October, causing terror and displacement in several districts of Cabo Delgado.
Late last, the group attacked villages and beheaded 10 people in northern Mozambique.
Children are reported to be among those targeted in the attack on Monjane village in Cabo Delgado province, a hub for mining and petroleum exploration.
Known locally as al-Shabab, the group was formed in 2015 as a religious organization and has no known links to the Al-Shabab group based in Eastern Africa.
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Fred oo ku biiraya Manchester United


Cayaaryahanka qadka dhexe ee kooxda Shakhtar Donetsk ayaa la filayaa in 24-ka saac ee soo socda uu ku biiro kooxda Manchester United.

Xiddiga reer Brazil ayaa maanta mari doona tijaabada caafimaad ee kooxda United, ka hor inta uusan soo geba gebeyn ku biiristiisa naadiga Old Trafford.

Kooxaha United iyo Shakhtar ayaa lagu warramay inay isku raaceen heshiis lacageed dhan 55 milyan oo Euro, si uu qad-dhexlahan u noqdo saxiixa koowaad ee tababare Mourinho, xagaagan.

25 jirkan ayaa...

Qarax lala beegsaday culimada Afghanistan


Ugu yaraan toddobada qof ayaa ku geeriyootay, sagaal kalena waa ay ku dhaawacmeen qarax ismiidaamin ah oo maanta lagu qaaday kulan ay isugu yimaadeen culimada dalka Afghanistan, meel u dhow magaalada Kabul.

Giuliani calls it ‘unthinkable’ that Trump would pardon himself


Monday June 4, 2018
Rudolph W. Giuliani was an ardent supporter of President Trump during the 2016 campaign, and the former New York mayor was considered for the post of attorney general. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

President Trump’s attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani publicly pressed Trump’s expansive view of executive power this weekend, arguing on two Sunday TV shows that the president probably has the sweeping constitutional authority to pardon even himself.
“He probably does,” Giuliani said, when asked on ABC’s “This Week” if Trump has the ability to pardon himself. “He has no intention of pardoning himself, but he probably — not to say he can’t.”
Giuliani’s comments came less than 24 hours after the revelation Saturday that the president’s legal team argued in a secret January memo to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III that Trump could not have obstructed an FBI probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election because, as president, he has total control over all federal investigations.
The 20-page letter, written before Giuliani joined Trump’s legal team by two of the president’s lawyers at the time and first reported by the New York Times, was hand delivered to Mueller’s office, and also argues that the president cannot be compelled to testify. 
But while arguing that the president has the theoretical ability to pardon himself, Giuliani and other Trump allies on Sunday nonetheless rejected the reality of such a brash move — in part because of the political backlash they said could lead to Trump’s impeachment.
On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” for instance, Giuliani framed the pardon question as purely hypothetical and politically implausible. “It’s not going to happen. It’s a hypothetical point,” he told host Chuck Todd.
He went on to describe such a move as “unthinkable,” and said it would probably lead immediately to impeachment.
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is in regular touch with the president, was even more blunt than Giuliani, appearing on the ABC news program shortly after Trump’s attorney.
“Listen, there’s no way that’ll happen, and the reason it won’t is because then it becomes a political problem,” Christie said when asked about the notion that Trump might pardon himself. “If the president were to pardon himself, he’ll get impeached.”
The reality, however, is more nebulous. The Republican Party, which currently controls Congress, has so far failed to assert any clear red line over which Trump could walk that would prompt them to take action against their party’s leader. And Republican lawmakers have remained largely silent as Trump has repeatedly gone to war with his Justice Department and the FBI, intentionally and routinely degrading public trust in the institutions tasked with holding him accountable for misbehavior.
On Sunday, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who is considered the front-runner to become the next House speaker, seemed to argue the opposite of Giuliani and Christie, saying the key focus of Mueller’s probe is, simply, whether the Trump campaign and Russia had colluded during the 2016 election.
“What I was concerned most about, like most Americans, was there any collusion?” McCarthy said. “There was no collusion.”
He concluded: “Let them walk through their investigation. But I think, if there is no collusion, it’s time to wind this down.”
In the letter to Mueller, Trump’s lawyers at the time — John Dowd and Jay Sekulow — push an expansive view of presidential power. They argue that Trump has authority to “order the termination of an investigation by the Justice Department or FBI at any time and for any reason,” and also that as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, the president could “even exercise his power to pardon if he so desired.”
“The intent behind the letter is rather obvious — this is position bargaining,” said Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University Law School. “But the position laid out is not as strong as claimed. The letter, for example, suggests that the president can refuse to comply with a subpoena. The existing case law favors the special counsel in forcing the president to appear.”
 The assertion of broad presidential powers — including the ability to shut down an investigation or self-pardon — has been raised by Trump’s legal team as part of a protracted negotiation with Mueller about Trump’s possible testimony.
Trump’s lawyers appear determined to limit the scope of questions if the president does agree to testify. Giuliani said Sunday that it remains an open question whether the president will sit down with Mueller and his investigators as they work to conclude the investigation. He added that Trump wants to testify but that he and his team are leaning against such action.
An agreement in advance could mean that Mueller wouldn’t need to issue a subpoena. But if no agreement is reached, and Mueller proceeds with a subpoena, the president could challenge the constitutionality of that move in court — a legal tangle that Giuliani said could take a year to resolve.
On “Fox News Sunday,” Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s first campaign manager and now an unofficial White House adviser, portrayed Trump as a cooperative witness, albeit one who will participate in an interview with Mueller only under certain favorable conditions.
“What Giuliani and his team are saying is, you don't need to [go the] subpoena route, but if you do, we will fight it in court,” Lewandowski said. “The president has been very clear. He has offered to sit down with the Mueller investigators, but he has said and the Giuliani team has said this, they want to understand what the scope of questions are going to be before they sit down and do that.”
The president and his allies have long privately played out the strategy that burst into public view this weekend. As early as last summer, for instance, as Mueller’s probe dragged on, the president began asking advisers about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself. His lawyers at the time discussed his pardoning powers as well.
The question of whether a president can self-pardon has long been a “parlor game” among constitutional scholars, Turley said. There’s no precedent for it and thus no case law. Turley said he believes a president can pardon himself —  but added that would not protect a president from impeachment.
“A president cannot pardon out of an impeachment,” Turley said. Congress, he said, “can use his pardon as an abuse of his office.”
[Trump’s pardon-palooza: Presidents and the constitutional power to pardon]
Ethan Leib, a professor at Fordham Law School, said he believes a president can’t self-pardon because that violates the oath of office — in which the president swears to “faithfully execute” his duties — and the stipulation in Article II of the Constitution that the president “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”
“The Constitution is clearly prohibiting the president from engaging in self-dealing,” Leib said.
Giuliani also offered another, inadvertent window into his hesitancy to let Trump testify, when fielding questions on a different topic: why the White House and Trump’s lawyers first — and falsely — denied a Washington Post report last July explaining that the president had dictated the misleading statement his oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., initially released to explain away his campaign meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer promising dirt on Hillary Clinton.
At the time, Sekulow and White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders claimed Trump had not, in fact, dictated that statement. But the letter that Dowd and Sekulow himself sent to Mueller states the opposite — writing that “the president dictated a short but accurate response” on behalf of his son. 
Pressed on “This Week” about the shifting explanations, Giuliani said, “I mean, this is the reason you don’t let the president testify.”
[email protected]


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Shirka amniga qaranka oo ka furmay Baydhaba


Magaalada Baydhaba waxaa maanta ka furmay shirkii golaha amniga qaranka Soomaaliya oo ka kooban madaxda dawladda federaalka, kuwa maamul goboleedyada iyo taliyayaasha ciidamada dawladda.

Shirkan ayaa imanaya xilli Al-Shabaab ay weeraro culus ka fuliyeen meelo ka mid ah waddanka. Warkan waxaa Baydhaba nooga soo diray Mukhtaar Maxamed Catoosh.


DFS Oo $1 Milyan ugu deeqday dadkii waxyeelada ka soo gaartay Duufaanta


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa hal milyan oo Doollar ugu deeqday hawlaha gurmadka duufaatanadii ka dhacay deegaanada Maamulka Somaliland.
Gudiga Qaran ee gurmadka oo uu shir gudoominayay Raiisal wasaare ku xigeenka dalka ayaa sheegay in Dawladdu ay dadaal badan ku bixisay sidii loo caawin lahaa muwaadiniinta ay saameeyeen fatahaadaha iyo roobabka dabaylaha watay ee ku dhuftay qeybo ka mid ah gobollada dalka.
Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed, Raiisal wasaare ku-igeenka dalka ayaa sheegay in Dawladda Soomaaliya ay lacag hal milyan oo Doollor ah u qoondaysay gobollada Awdal iyo woqooyi galbeed oo ka mid ah meelaha roobabka dabaylaha watay ay Khasaaraha ka soo gaartay.
Dad iyo duunyo badan ayaa saameyn ay ku yeesheen roobabkii dabeylaha watay ee ku dhuftay Gobollada Awdal iyo Waqooyi galbeed oo ka mid ah meelaha khasaaraha badan ay ka dhasheen.
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Hiiraan: Al-Shabaab oo laba qof gowracay


Mas’uuliyiinta magaalada Buulo Barde ayaa sheegay in maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab ay dileen laba dhallinyaro ah oo xalay ay ka afduubteen degaan lagu magacaabo Weylo-wad oo hoostaga magaaladaasi.

Wasiir celinaya mushaarkii uu sannad qaadanayay


Wasiirka maaliyadda dalka Japan ayaa sheegay inuu celinaya mushaarkii uu qaadanayay sanad dhan

Iska Hor Imaad Khasaaro Geystay Oo Ka Dhacay Dharkenley


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa soo baxaya Iska hor imaad khasaaro geystay oo duhurnimadii maanta ka dhacay degmada Dharkenley ee gobolka Banaadir.
Iska hor imaadka oo ahaa mid xoogan ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Waaxda koobaad ee degmadaasi.
Waxaana la sheegay in uu yimid, kadib markii ay isku dhaceen Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Xasilinta oo howlgal ka waday waaxdaasi iyo Ciidamo milatari ah oo ku sugnaa halkaasi.
Sida ay xaqiijiyeen dad goobjoogayaal ah waxaa iska hor imaadkaasi ku geeriyootay Haweeney ka mid aheyd dadka deegaanka.
Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka degmada Dharkenley ayaa sheegay in gacanta lagu soo dhigay illaa iyo 3 Askari oo ka tirsan Ciidamadii milatariga ee la dagaalamay kuwa xasilinta.
Xaaladda ayaa hadda dagan, iyadoona meesha wax ka dhaceen ay gaareen qaar ka mid ah mas’uuliyiinta degmadaasi.
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''Dhulka oo aan ka maqnaa shan bilood ayaan hadda ku soo laabtay''


Saddex kamid ah shaqaalaha waaxda cirbixiyeennada adduunka ayaa si nabddoon kusoo laabtay kaddib markii ay hawada sare ugu maqnaayeen howlgal qaatay muddo shan bilood ah.

Puntland: Waan ka adkaanay Al-Shabaab


Maamulka goboleedka Puntland, ayaa sheegay in ciidamadooda ay ka adkaadeen Al-Shabaab kadib markii labadii cishe ee ugu dambesay ay weeraro ku qaadeen saldhig ay Al-Shabaab ku leeyihiin meel aanan ka fogeyn buuraha gobolka Barri ee Galgala.

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