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Baarlamaanka Denmark Oo dalbaday in la cadeeyo heshiis dowladdoodu ay la gashay Soomaaliya


Copenhagen ( Sh. M. Network )-Qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanada dalka Denmark ayaa ugu baaqay dowladda dalkaasi in ay soo cadeyso heshiis lagu celinayo muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gudaha Denmark, kaas oo la sheegay in uu ahaa mid qarsoodi  ah oo dhexmaray saraakiil ka kala tirsan labada dowladood.
Heshiiskani ayaa la sheegay in uu dhigayo in Soomaaliya dib loogu celiyo illaa 12 qof  sanad kiiba, sida uu sheegay Television-ka 2 ee laga leeyahay dalkaasi .
Hooyo Seynab Imaam Shiiqow ayaa sheegtay in wiil ay dhahay loo tarxiilay Soomaaliya, kadib markii lagu eedeeyay in uu galay dambi tuugonimo ah, waxaana ay tilmaamtay in bishii January ee sanadkan lagu waayay dambigaasi, kadib markii dib loogu celiyay dalka Denmarka , islamrakaana haatan uu markale sugayo in la tarxiilo.
Si kastaba ha’ahaatee xubno ka tirsan xildhibaananada baarlamaanka Denmark ayaa ka dalbaday wasaaradda socdaalka iyo isdhexgalka dalkaasi in ay sharaxaad dheeri ah ka bixiso heshiiskani dhexmaray dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Denmark.
Hay’adda jinsiyadaha iyo socdalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa dhowr jeer lagu eedeeyay in si aan shariciga waafaqsaneyn ay ku soo celisay qaar ka mid ah muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed  ee nool dalalka Yurub.
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Cabdicasiis iyo Xamarjajab Oo caawa ku baratamaya final-ka tartan aqooneedka Shabelle


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Waxaa caawa tartan aqooneedka Shabelle kulan xiiso leh ku ballansan degmooyinka Cabadicasiis iyo Xamarjajab ee goboka Banaadir.
Labada degmo ayaa ugu dambeyn nasiib u yeeshay in ay u soo gudbaan wareega final-ka ee tartanka bisha barakeysan ee Ramadaan.
Cabdicasiis iyo Xamarjajab ayaa horay guulo uga soo gaaray tartankani, una soo gudbay final-ka Caawa.
Tartamaayaasha labada dhinac ayaa muujiyay dadaal badan, tan iyo markii uu bilowday tartan aqooneedka faca weyn ee Shabakadda Warbaahinta Shabelle.
Degmada badisa caawa ayaa ku guuleysan doonto kaalinta 1-aad ee tartanka, halka degmada laga badiyana ay geli doonto kaalinta labaad.
Degmada Boondheere ayaa xalay ku guuleysatay kaalinta 3-aad tartanka, kadib markii ay afka ciida u dartay dhiggeeda degmada Wardhiigley ee gobolka Banaadir.
Taaba gelinta sanadkan tartan aqooneedka Shabelle waa Jaamacadda Jobkey, halka Su’aal diyaarintuna uu yahay Adult Commercial Secondary School.
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Haweeneydii laga afduubtay ICRC Oo la sheegay in lagu hayo Galmudug


Dhuusamareeb ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka naga soo gaaraya deegaanada Galmudug ayaa sheegaya in haweeneydii ka tirsaneyd shaqaalaha hay’adda ICR ee dhawaan laga afduubtay magaalada Muqdisho lagu hayo deegaano ka tirsan gobollada Mudug iyo Galgaduud.
Ilo lagu kalsoonaan karo ayaa sheegay in haweeneydaasi loo gacan geliyay rag ka tirsan kooxaha Burcadbadeeda ee ku sugan deegaanada maamulkaasi.
Taliye ku xigeenka qeybta Booliska ee gobolka Mudug Maxamuud Cilmi Gulaafe oo ay la xariirtay Shabelle ayaa ka warbixiyay arrimahaasi.
Waxaana uu sheegay taliyuhu in suura gal ay tahay in haweeneydaasi oo u dhalatay dalka Jarmalka lagu hayo gobollada Mudug iyo Galgaduud, gaar ahaan deegaanada ay ku sugan yihiin kooxaha Burcadbadeeda.
Halkan hoos ka dhageyso Codka.

The post Haweeneydii laga afduubtay ICRC Oo la sheegay in lagu hayo Galmudug appeared first on Shabelle.

Duqeymo weli ku socda magaalada Xudeyda


Diyaaradaha iyo maraakiibta dagaalka isbaheysiga carbeed ee uu hogaaminayo Sacuudiga ayaa maalintii labaad garaacaya magaalada Xudeyda ee dalka Yemen.

Koonfur Afrika: Soomaali weeraray masjid


Jaalliyadda Soomaalida ee Koonfur Africa ayaa sheegtay in nin Soomaali ah oo madaxa looga jiray oo middi sitay uu laba qof oo mid uu Soomaali kale yahay ku dhex-dilay masaajid ku yaalla degmada Malmesbury oo u dhow magaalada Cape town.

Ninkan ayaa sidoo kale weerarkaasi ku dhaawacay 2 qof oo kale, ka hor intii aanay boolisku toogasho ku dilin.

Haddaba Jamaal Osman ayaa shilkan ka wareystay Cabdirisaaq Cabdilaahi Maxmed oo ah saxafi ku sugan magaalada Cape Town.


Britain oo ka digtay u safarka Soomaaliya


Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Britain ayaa uga digtay muwaadiniinta u dhashay Britain in ay u safraan Soomaaliya, oo ay ku jirto Somaliland, marka laga reebo magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Berbera oo wasaaraddu ay sheegtay in iyaguna muwaadiniintu ka baaqsadaan ilaa safarro muhiim ah mooyee.

Koobka adduunka 2018: Ruushka oo amniga damaanad qaaday


Xarunta laga socdo dhaqdhaqaaqyada ee Kaliningrad, ayaa hawlwadeennada jooga waxay isha ku hayaan waxa magaalada ka soconaya. Ayagoo fadhiya kombiyuutarradooda ayaa shaqaalahaas waxay isha ku hayaan 700 oo ah kaamarooyinka CCTV. Ilaa 1,200 oo kaamarooyin dheeraad ah ayaa lagu xiray garoonka Kaliningrad.

Somali families moving back in to flooded homes in Beletweyne amid fears of disease outbreaks


Thursday June 14, 2018Abdullahi Ali, 39, and his family of 12 are camping out amid the debris of their house that was wrecked by the recent floods in Beletweyne, southern Somalia.Abdullahi, a mechanic by trade, is determined that their new house will be more robust. He is digging foundations two metres down into the wet soil and hopes that he can get the house ready as soon as possible.When the floods hit them, they moved to stay with relatives in Hawl-wadaag on higher ground.   They were offered a small room where they all slept.“I preferred to return here than to be a scrounger on other people,” Abdullahi told Radio Ergo. “I am now working on the house so I can get proper shelter for the children and give them somewhere to sleep.”Ads By Google They came back on 31 May. Since then he has been prioritizing constructing a temporary pit latrine as the toilet was destroyed and fixing water pipes that were damaged.  He cannot raise the $1,500 that he estimates it would cost to reconstruct the whole house.Abdullahi makes a living repairing tuk-tuk taxis but he has not been able to make any money at all since the floods.  The family is down from their previous expectation of three meals a day to just one.Abdillahi Abdi Magan, head of Save the Children office in Hiran region, said it would not be possible to make an overview of the extent of the damage until the flood water subsides. He said they do not advise people to return immediately to their houses, which need to be disinfected to prevent the spread of disease. Toilets also urgently need to be repaired. Sewage has overflowed into the flood water and contaminated most properties.Sheikh Hussein Osman, the head of social affairs for Hiran region, estimated that 40,000 families were displaced from the region and are slowly returning back.“The people don’t have houses in the areas they migrated to and so they are being forced to return to their houses regardless of how damaged they are,” Sheikh Hussein told Radio Ergo.A major challenge is that the floods have made it difficult to identify the boundaries of people’s plots of land. The walls of some houses were found washed a few metres away from their previous positions, making it hard to tell where a piece of land started or ended. This may bring conflict among neighbours.Hiran administration said an unknown number of people have returned to Bundaweyn, Koshin and Hawl-wadaag. Residents of Hawo-Tako are yet to return back.


  • Eid al-Fitr: A healthy way to break the fast - CNN
  • Is another Boko Haram or al-Shabaab erupting in Mozambique? - ISS Africa
  • MINNESOTA: Federal lawsuit alleges that Faribault targeted Somalis with housing restrictions - Star Tribune
  • An AI simulated the World Cup 100k times. This is who it thinks will win. - Tnw
  • UGANDA: Court to view exhibits in al-Shabaab terrorism trial - New Vision
  • UK warns against travel to Somalia - HOL
  • SOMALIA: A tipping-point talk in London - The Africa Report
  • MPs call for explanation over confidential Denmark-Somalia deal after extortion allegation - The Local
  • Development programs can help reduce political violence - War on the Rocks
  • UAE Naval Vessel Attacked By Houthi Rebels Off Yemeni Coast During Amphibious Operation - The Drive
  • Turkish Military in Qatar: Bonds of mutual trust - Daily Sabah
  • New Mpls parks commissioner ‘optimistic, hopeful, fearless’ - MSR
  • Somali students volunteer to educate IDP children in Mogadishu - Radio Ergo

Waa maxay sababta uu Gaas xilka uga qaaday madaxdii Amniga?


Madaxweynaha Puntland, Cabdiweli Maxamed cali Gaas ayaa wareegto xilalkii kaga qaaday madaxii hay'adda sirdoonka PIA C/risaaq Ciise Xuseen (Khaatumo) iyo Madaxii hay'adda amniga PSS C/laahi Aadan Maxamed (C/laalhi Ulle). Lama sheegin sababta xil ka qaadista, lamana sheegin cidda loo magacaabay.

MINNESOTA: Federal lawsuit alleges that Faribault targeted Somalis with housing restrictions


Thursday June 14, 2018By John Reinan 
In a letter, a lawyer representing the city vigorously denied the allegations, calling them "unsubstantiated, inaccurate and contrary to law." A woman walked across Central Avenue on a cold morning Wednesday in Faribault, Minn. Star TribuneConcerns about an influx
of immigrants in Faribault, Minn., prompted the city to pass a rental
housing law aimed at driving Somalis and other black residents out of
town, the American Civil Liberties Union argued in a lawsuit filed

Faribault residents, along with Somali Community Resettlement Services,
allege in a complaint filed in U.S. District Court that the city’s
rental licensing ordinance is unconstitutional and “aimed at reducing
the number of people of color living in rental housing within its
The suit was filed by lawyers for the national ACLU and its Minnesota branch.
In a
letter to ACLU officials, a lawyer representing the city vigorously
denied the allegations, calling them “unsubstantiated, inaccurate and
contrary to law,” adding that demands to repeal the rental housing law
were a “strong arm tactic.”
City Administrator Tim Murray said Wednesday that the city hadn’t had a
chance to review the complaint and will consult with its lawyers before
Ads By Google The rental
licensing law, passed in 2014 and revised last year, requires landlords
to get a rental license from the city. To get and keep the license,
landlords must take part in the city’s Crime Free Housing Program.
to the lawsuit, that program allows the city to evict renters if any
member of the household or a guest engages in what police deem to be
criminal activity, even if no arrest is made or charge filed. That means
renters could be evicted, for example, if neighbors call police with
complaints of excessive noise.
“It puts tremendous power in the hands of neighbors,” said Teresa Nelson, legal director of the ACLU in Minnesota.
One of the
named black plaintiffs in the suit, Thelma Jones, was harassed by white
neighbors “who would call the police about really petty things,” Nelson
Jones was
forced to move in 2016 after repeated calls to the police by white
neighbors about such things as family barbecues and children playing on a
trampoline in the yard, according to court documents. She was never
convicted of a crime, the lawsuit said.
“The City
of Faribault labeled Ms. Jones and her family as problem tenants not as a
result of confirmed criminal activity on her property, but as a result
of harassing calls to the police from her white neighbors,” according to
the lawsuit.
The rental
housing law and the Crime Free Housing Program coincide with
demographic changes Faribault has seen in recent years, the suit
alleges. In 2000, the city’s population was 2.7 percent black, according
to U.S. Census figures. By 2016, nearly 10 percent of Faribault
residents were black.
The suit
alleges that city officials became concerned after receiving complaints
from residents about groups of Somalis congregating on downtown streets
and sidewalks. According to the suit, one City Council member said in a
local TV interview that Faribault needed to attract more high-income
people “or we are going to flip like Detroit in a few years.”
part of the rental law limits the number of residents to twice the
number of bedrooms, plus one, the suit said. That means no more than
five people could rent a two-bedroom home or apartment.
The suit
claims that clause unfairly targets Somali families, who tend to have
larger families than average Minnesotans. Several Somali plaintiffs in
the lawsuit were evicted from their rental homes when the birth of a new
baby put them over the limit, according to court documents.
The city
maintains that its housing law applies to all residents, no matter their
race or nationality, according to the letter sent to the ACLU on behalf
of the city from Robert Alsop, a Minneapolis attorney.
Alsop called claims of discrimination “deficient and unfounded.”


  • Eid al-Fitr: A healthy way to break the fast - CNN
  • Is another Boko Haram or al-Shabaab erupting in Mozambique? - ISS Africa
  • Somali families moving back in to flooded homes in Beletweyne amid fears of disease outbreaks - Radio Ergo
  • An AI simulated the World Cup 100k times. This is who it thinks will win. - Tnw
  • UGANDA: Court to view exhibits in al-Shabaab terrorism trial - New Vision
  • UK warns against travel to Somalia - HOL
  • SOMALIA: A tipping-point talk in London - The Africa Report
  • MPs call for explanation over confidential Denmark-Somalia deal after extortion allegation - The Local
  • Development programs can help reduce political violence - War on the Rocks
  • UAE Naval Vessel Attacked By Houthi Rebels Off Yemeni Coast During Amphibious Operation - The Drive
  • Turkish Military in Qatar: Bonds of mutual trust - Daily Sabah
  • New Mpls parks commissioner ‘optimistic, hopeful, fearless’ - MSR
  • Somali students volunteer to educate IDP children in Mogadishu - Radio Ergo

Is another Boko Haram or al-Shabaab erupting in Mozambique?


Thursday June 14, 2018by Peter FabriciusSADC and Maputo should be very concerned about the spike in terrorist-type violence. A sudden upsurge in brutal violence in northern Mozambique, including
the beheadings of women and children, has sounded alarms that a violent
jihadist movement like Boko Haram or al-Shabaab could be evolving.
Since October last year, over 50 people have been killed in about 20
attacks in Cabo Delgado province on the Tanzania border.Gruesome footage of headless and mutilated bodies has been
circulating on social media, accelerating an exodus of citizens from the
region. Multinational energy companies poised to exploit Cabo Delgado’s
huge liquefied natural gas reserves have paused. Fears are growing that
the violence could sabotage the exploitation of this valuable resource which remains Mozambique’s one great hope for defeating poverty.
Those allegedly responsible for the attacks apparently call
themselves Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamâ (often abbreviated to al-Sunnah). Locals
dub them al-Shabaab, even though the group doesn’t seem to be formally
affiliated to its more famous Somali namesake.
Has full-blown violent Islamist extremism arrived in Mozambique, and
indeed in southern Africa? Or are these just poor, marginalised locals
presenting ordinary crimes as something else? Or are they perhaps the
Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo)
in disguise? Or, even more cynically, are mercenaries deliberately
stoking violence to win a lucrative contract to protect the natural gas
industry?Ads By Google Interpretations have differed widely. But the latest attacks seem to
be forging a growing consensus that this is indeed an incipient local
variant of the sort of violent Islamist extremism seen elsewhere in
Africa. Both Mozambique and the Southern African Development Community
(SADC) should be paying more attention.
The birth of al-Sunnah in Cabo Delgado dates back to 2013 or early
2014, according to independent security analyst Johann Smith. But on 5
October last year it caught wider attention. Thirty to 40 gunmen
launched well-coordinated simultaneous attacks on three police or
military posts in the coastal town of Moćimboa da Praia, 70 km south of
the Tanzania border. Two police officers and 14 assailants were killed,
Smith said.
The attacks in Cabo Delgado continued at a lower level. But they took
a sinister turn on 27 May 2018 when attackers killed 10 unarmed
civilians, several of whom were beheaded; and burnt many houses in
Monjane village in the district of Macomia.
Police spokesman Inacio Dina told reporters in Maputo that the
killers were common bandits, not terrorists. But analysts believe these
gruesome attacks on civilians demonstrate that al-Sunnah has raised its
terror campaign to a new level.
The upsurge in violence is also threatening Mozambique’s $30 billion gas bonanza, Bloomberg reported last week. It said
London-listed explorer Wentworth Resources hadn’t been able to gain
access to its onshore licences near Moćimboa da Praia due to safety
concerns since the attacks. This week Reuters reported
that US-based Anadarko Petroleum declined to comment on reports that it
had suspended work on its massive natural gas project in Mozambique.
Some observers are suspicious about the coincidence of the upsurge in
attacks and the awarding of a $750 million contract for protecting gas
fields to a private security consortium. The consortium involves Erik
Prince – founder of the famous US private security/military company –
and a Mozambique company linked to government intelligence. Others have
implicated ISIS and al-Shabaab, and some dismiss all this as alarmist
sensationalism.However the most comprehensive known investigation of al-Sunnah so
far suggests this is a genuine violent extremist Islamist phenomenon,
with some links to foreign jihadists, though not necessarily directed by
Islamic cleric Sheikh Saide Habibo and academics Salvador Forquilha,
director of the Institute of Economic and Social Studies and João
Pereira, assistant professor at Eduardo Mondlane University, conducted
three field trips to Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces in November,
December and February. They interviewed a wide cross-section of society.
In their report presented late last month, they concluded that Ahlu
Sunnah Wa-Jamâ (which translates roughly as ‘adherents of the prophetic
tradition’) first appeared in the north of Cabo Delgado as a religious
group. In 2015 military cells were formed.
The province has a Muslim population of about 58%, compared to 18%
for Mozambique as a whole. Most al-Sunnah adherents are youths who feel
local communities are not practising correct Islam, the researchers
found. They don’t send their children to state schools.
The group’s leaders have links with ‘religious circles, commercial
and military activities of radical Islamist groups in Tanzania, Somalia,
Kenya and the Great Lakes Region’ – mostly through training there, the
report said.
Adherents have a uniform and distinctive appearance, wearing white
turbans, robes and long black shorts; shaving their hair and sporting
large beards. They are ‘armed with white weapons to symbolise jihad’.
The picture of al-Sunnah painted by the three researchers resembles the
beginnings of violent Islamist extremist groups elsewhere, like Boko Haram, some analysts warn.
Most members are ‘socially marginalised youth: without formal
employment; without schooling’. They’re largely from the Mwani ethnic
group, though they include young immigrants from other countries such as
Tanzania, Somalia and the Great Lakes Region. These people have been radicalised by ‘degrading social conditions’ in the country’s poorest province, as well as a sense of ‘political exclusion’.The members are trained both locally – sometimes by disaffected
police officers and security guards – and externally in Tanzania and the
Great Lakes Region by militia chiefs hired by al-Shabaab in Tanzania,
Kenya and Somalia. They preach the usual doctrines, including sharia
law. They finance themselves from illicit activities such as wood,
charcoal, ivory and ruby smuggling and outside donations.
The report concludes with several pertinent questions, including how
this Islamic radicalisation might affect current efforts to stabilise
Mozambique economically and politically and what government should do
about it. Some reports say the government has already responded harshly
by clamping down indiscriminately with many arrests and the closure of
mosques and madrassas.
If Pereira et al. are correct, the Mozambican authorities should
start by acknowledging the real nature of the problem. They should then
take care to target their counter-extremism measures more selectively
while tackling the socio-economic root causes of extremism that are so evident in Cabo Delgado.
Maputo should take note in particular of the recent United Nations Development Programme report Journey to Extremism in Africa.
Researchers interviewed 718 people, 495 of whom had been directly
involved in extremist groups. For 71% of the respondents, the tipping
point that prompted them to join extremist groups was violent or
repressive government actions against them or others close to them.
Smith fears that without proper intervention, al-Sunnah could go the
way of Boko Haram. He is concerned that neither Mozambique nor SADC are
taking the threat seriously enough.


  • Eid al-Fitr: A healthy way to break the fast - CNN
  • MINNESOTA: Federal lawsuit alleges that Faribault targeted Somalis with housing restrictions - Star Tribune
  • Somali families moving back in to flooded homes in Beletweyne amid fears of disease outbreaks - Radio Ergo
  • An AI simulated the World Cup 100k times. This is who it thinks will win. - Tnw
  • UGANDA: Court to view exhibits in al-Shabaab terrorism trial - New Vision
  • UK warns against travel to Somalia - HOL
  • SOMALIA: A tipping-point talk in London - The Africa Report
  • MPs call for explanation over confidential Denmark-Somalia deal after extortion allegation - The Local
  • Development programs can help reduce political violence - War on the Rocks
  • UAE Naval Vessel Attacked By Houthi Rebels Off Yemeni Coast During Amphibious Operation - The Drive
  • Turkish Military in Qatar: Bonds of mutual trust - Daily Sabah
  • New Mpls parks commissioner ‘optimistic, hopeful, fearless’ - MSR
  • Somali students volunteer to educate IDP children in Mogadishu - Radio Ergo

Eid al-Fitr: A healthy way to break the fast


Thursday June 14, 2018By Maritza Moulite(CNN) - For the world's 1.8 billion Muslims,
Thursday and Friday mark the conclusion of Ramadan, a 30-day period
that requires participants to abstain from eating and drinking between
sunrise and sunset. The
end of Ramadan is ushered in by Eid al-Fitr, a one- to three-day
celebration abounding with culinary treats including sweet dishes like
baklava and sheer khurma as well as more savory roti john and beef
some people may be tempted to overeat, experts suggest taking it slow
to avoid bloating and other gastrointestinal issues.Slow and steady"I recommend you definitely slowly transition into your regular eating pattern," said Rahaf Al Bochi,
a registered dietician and media spokeswoman for the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics in the United States. "Your stomach is going to
be smaller, so you're not going to be able to eat as much right away.
You want to slowly honor your hunger and fullness and eat smaller
portions throughout the day."Ads By Google Al
Bochi, who is also owner of Olive Tree Nutrition in Atlanta, advises
that starting Eid al-Fitr by drinking water and eating a date, like the
Prophet Muhammad did when breaking a fast, will provide fiber, natural
sugar, potassium, magnesium and the boost of energy the body needs after
fasting. Nour Zibdeh, a nutritionist in northern Virginia, typically eats almonds with her dates for an extra dose of protein to break her fast. Zibdeh
likens Eid to indulgent holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving and
thinks it is unrealistic to adhere to a strict diet. "If there's a special dessert that is
traditionally served and you emotionally associate it with the holiday,
have it," Zibdeh said. "But you don't have to have every single thing
that is in front of you. Moderation is going to be really key, listening
to your body and trying to stay in tune with your body."Drinking
water is vital in preventing dehydration after an extended period of
fasting, particularly as some observers would have gone up to 17 hours
without quenching their thirst each day. Experts also highlight the importance of diversifying food intake to get the proper nutrients."Fruits
and vegetables, those are going to provide you with minerals you've
missed out on," said Courtney Ferreira, a clinical nutritionist at the
University of Maryland Medical Center. Taking vitamins is unnecessary if
people return to a healthy diet after Eid, she said. Social eatingAnother
healthy eating strategy is planning to have meals at social gatherings
where food will inevitably be served and taking breaks in between,
Zibdeh said. Taking three- to four-hour breaks between meals will aid
the digestive system in pushing any bacteria or waste from the top of
the gastrointestinal tract to the bottom."I'm
invited to a brunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and I know my friend is
going to be serving Pakistani-style brunch. ... I would personally wake
up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, maybe one date, have prayer,"
Zibdeh said. "I'm not going to have breakfast at home because I'm
anticipating this meal and I want to enjoy it with my friends. I have
another party at 6 p.m., and I will make sure I drink water, make sure I
take the kids out, but I probably won't have another meal until the
evening."Going to the grocery store and meal planning can help keep you from reaching for more convenient but unhealthy foods, said Nazima Qureshi,
a Toronto-based dietitian. Qureshi also does not place any restrictions
on Eid and bakes cheesecakes infused with traditional flavors like
baklava and gulab jamun to share with family and friends. After
that first day of Eid, however, many nutrition experts consider the end
of Ramadan to be a chance to start over and make better dietary
decisions."A lot of people are
surprised to see they've gained weight, but that's because they've been
eating a lot during the non-fasting hours," Qureshi said. "If you
haven't been watching what you eat, you might find yourself feeling very
sluggish and tired. It's a good time to reset and get back into focus."
But instead of feeling bad or
beating yourself up, use this as a starting point, Qureshi said. "Coming
out of Ramadan is a great time to set goals and resolutions to have a
healthier lifestyle."


  • Is another Boko Haram or al-Shabaab erupting in Mozambique? - ISS Africa
  • MINNESOTA: Federal lawsuit alleges that Faribault targeted Somalis with housing restrictions - Star Tribune
  • Somali families moving back in to flooded homes in Beletweyne amid fears of disease outbreaks - Radio Ergo
  • An AI simulated the World Cup 100k times. This is who it thinks will win. - Tnw
  • UGANDA: Court to view exhibits in al-Shabaab terrorism trial - New Vision
  • UK warns against travel to Somalia - HOL
  • SOMALIA: A tipping-point talk in London - The Africa Report
  • MPs call for explanation over confidential Denmark-Somalia deal after extortion allegation - The Local
  • Development programs can help reduce political violence - War on the Rocks
  • UAE Naval Vessel Attacked By Houthi Rebels Off Yemeni Coast During Amphibious Operation - The Drive
  • Turkish Military in Qatar: Bonds of mutual trust - Daily Sabah
  • New Mpls parks commissioner ‘optimistic, hopeful, fearless’ - MSR
  • Somali students volunteer to educate IDP children in Mogadishu - Radio Ergo

UN says 53 people killed by tropical cyclone in Somalia


Friday June 15, 2018At least 53 people were killed and some 229,000 others affected by tropical cyclone Sagar that caused heavy rains and flooding in Somaliland and Puntland in northern Somalia in May, the UN humanitarian agency said on Thursday.Citing estimates from local disaster management authorities in the two regional states, the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said 50 people were killed in Somaliland while three lost their lives in Puntland."The subsequent floods and strong winds exacted a heavy toll on infrastructure and farmland, leaving many people dead and thousands of others displaced. Basic infrastructure, including water sources and communication equipment, collapsed in many areas," OCHA said in its latest Flash Update.The latest update comes after a powerful tropical cyclone with winds in excess of 120 km/per hour and an entire year's worth of rain which landed in Somalia on May 19 left in its path a trail of destruction, with thousands of people still counting their losses.Ads By Google According to the UN, the cyclone Sagar tore through the coastal north of the country, destroying homes and livelihoods in its wake.The UN humanitarian agency said communities in the coastal areas of Somaliland and major portions of Awdal district, as well as some coastal communities in Puntland are still reeling from the impact of Sagar.The UN agency said the cyclone affected nearly 168,000 people in the five worst-hit districts of Somaliland - Baki, Lughaya and Zaylac in the Awdal region, and Berbera in Woqooyi Galbee.According to OCHA some 60,800 people along coastal areas were affected by the flooding and heavy rains in Puntland.The UN humanitarian agency will be releasing about 3.5 million U.S. dollars for response to the impact of the cyclone for Somaliland communities affected."The funds will be used for emergency rehabilitation of prioritized communal infrastructure (schools, water points, hospitals, nutrition centres), for support to integrated emergency response teams, and integrated response activities focusing on shelter and livelihoods support," said OCHA.


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Isku dhacyo ay dad ku dhinteen oo ka dhacay Turkiga


Iyadoo toddobaad un ay ka harsaantahay doorashada dalka Turkiga ayaa waxaa lagu soo warramayaa inay xiisad ay ka jirto magaalaada ay Kurdiyinta ku badanyihiin ee Suurach, halkaasi oo dad hubeysan ay ku dilleen saddex ruux, sideed kale na ay ku dhaawacmeen.

Mareykanka oo digniin horleh u jeediyay dowladda Suuriya


Mareykanka ayaa dowladda Suuriya uga digay duulaan ay ku qaado koonfurta dalkaasi.

Wasaaradda waxbarashada ee dalka Itobiya oo ku dhawaaqday sharci lagu mideynayo manhajka


Wasaaradda waxbarashada Itoobiya ayaa ku dhawaaqday iney diyaarineyso sharci lagu mideynayo manhajka waxbarashada jaamacadaha dowladda dalka.

Dhageyso:-Warka Subax Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo hambalyo ku aaddan munaasabadda Ciid-ul-fitriga u diray dhammaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo, ayaa Ummadda Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan u diray Hambalyada Ciidul Fitriga, isaggoo Sanadkaan kiisa xigga u rajeeyey inay ku gaaraan Caafimaad iyo Nabad buuxda.
“ Ummadda Soomaaliyeed meel walbo oo Caalamka ay ka joogaan, waxaan ku sallaamayaa Salaanta Islaamka,  waxaan leeyahay Hambalyo , Ciid wanaagsan, Ciid Mubaarak, Alle waxaan ka baryeynaa Sanadkaan kiisa xigga in uu nagu gaarsiiyo Caafimaad iyo Nabad buuxda” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Farmaajo
Madaxweynaha JFS, ayaa Ciidamada qalabka sida, gaar ahaan Ciidanka Xasilinta uga mahad celiyey sida ay ugu dhabar adeegeen in Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ka difaacaan Kooxda Nabad diidka ah Alshabaab oo uu sheegay inay yihiin Koox caadeysatay daadinta dhiigga Shacabka.
“Waxaan u mahad celinayaa Ciidamada qalabka sida, Ciidanka Xasilinta oo habeen iyo maalin u taagnaa siddii Shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga difaaci lahaayeen Qolooyinkaan Hororka ah oo caadeystay inay Qaraxyo ka geeystaan magaaladda Muqdisho oo ay ku laayaan Shacab, Culimo, Ciroole iyo Dumar” ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha JFS.
Sidoo kale Madaxweyne Farmaajo, ayaa Shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga mahad celiyey la shaqeynta Ciidanka Xasilinta, waxaana uu xusay in Dawladda Soomaaliya ay ka shaqeyn doonto siddii magaaladda Muqdisho loogu soo dabaali lahaa Ammaan iyo Xasilooni.
“waxaan u mahad celinayaa Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo la shaqeeyey Ciidamada Xasilinta oo u dul qaatay Culeysyada uga yimid isu-socdka magaaladda, waxay Dawladda ka shaqeyneysaa siddii magaaladaan ay ugu soo dabaali laheyd ammaan iyo Xasilooni, waa loo baahan yahay wada-shaqeynta Ciidamada qalabka sida iyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha.
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo hadalkiisa siiwata ayaa yiri “Waxaan uga dagayaa Qolooyinkaan argagixisada Nabad diidka ah oo caadeystay inay daadiyaan oo ay qubaan dhiigga Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo Islaamka ah, inay ka waan toobaan oo ay joojiyaan dhibka ay Shacabka ku hayaan, Waxay Dawladda ka shaqeyneysaa  siddii ay ugu hortagi laheyd falalkaas argagixisinimada leh, ayna ku yareen laheyd dhibaatooyinka Shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga imaanaya Argagixisada” ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya
Ugu Dambeyn Madaxweyne Farmaajo, ayaa Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ku booriyey in laga wada shaqeeyo Nabadda , ayna isku xariistaan, Maalinta Ciidda ahna ay kuwada Ciiddaan  Jawi wanaagsan oo farxad leh.
“ Waxaan Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ku boorinayaa in laga wada shaqeeyo Nabadda,  in la isku naxariisto, in la is gargaaro, in lagu wada Ciido Jawi wanaagsan oo farxad leh, Ciid wanaagsan, Ciid Mubaarak” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Farmaajo.
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R/Wasaare Kheyre Oo ummadda Soomaaliyeed ugu Hambalyeeyay Munaasabadda Ciidul-Fidriga


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa Munaasabadda Ciidul-Firdiga ugu Hambalyeeyay dhammaan Muslimiinta gaar ahaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed ee soo dhameystay bisha Barakeysan ee Ramadaan, isaga oo u rajeeyay in Allah uu ka aqbalo acmaasha Soonka.
Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa hambalyo taa lamid ah u diray ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan ciidamada Sugayay amniga caasimadda ee suurageliyay in bisha Barakeysan ee Ramadaan si nabad ah looga soomo caasimadda dalka.
“Waxa aan Hambalyo u dirayaa Muslimiinta oo dhan gaar ahaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo aan la wadaagayo farxadda Munaasabadda Ciidul-Firdiga. Waxa aan sidoo kale hambalyeynayaa una mahadcelinayaa ciidanka qalabka Sida ee Soomaaliyeed si gaar ah ciidanka sugidda amniga caasimadda oo suura geliyay in si nabad ah lagu dhameysto bisha Barakeysan ee Ramadaan”, ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre.
Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa Shacabka iyo dowladda Soomaaliyeed u rajeeyay in sanadka danbe ay ku gaaraan barwaaqo iyo horumar.
Bisha Ramadaan ee dhamaatay ayaa noqoneysa bishii ugu horeysay ee si nabad ah looga Soomo caasimadda Dalka Taariikhda dhaw, iyada oo arintaas amaanteeda ay leeyihiin laamaha amniga iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee iska kaashaday sugidda amniga.
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Madaxweyne Waare oo shacabka ugu hambalyeeyay munaasabadda Ciidul Fidriga


Jowhar ( Sh. M. Network )-Madaxweynaha Dowladda Goboleedka Hirshabelle Dr Maxamed Cabdi Waare  ayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan Bulshada Hirshabelle meel kasta oo ay joogaan ugu hambalyeeyay munaasabadda Ciidul Fidriga.

Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in bishii Ramadaan ee kheyrka badneyd uu Ilaahay dadka naxariis ballaaran u fidiyo, loona baahan yahay shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyagoo taas la shidaal qaadanaya inay is cafiyaan, isu naxariistaan, isuna gargaaraan munaasabadda Ciidul Fidriga awgeed.

“Ilaahay ha inaga aqbalo soonka iyo cibaaddada kale ee aan la nimid bisha Ramadaan, shacabka Soomaaliyeedna Ilaahay ha siiyo raxmad, nabad iyo caddaalad, Inagoo ka faa’ideysaneyna munaasabaddan weyn ee kheyrka leh, waxaan Soomaalida ugu baaqayaa inay ka shaqeeyaan dib u heshiisiinta, nabad ku wada noolaansho si gaar ah Bulshada Reer Hirshabelle waxaan Ugu baaqayaa in Ay Ka digtoonaadaan dagaalada macnaha aan laheyn Oo LA xiriira qabiilka maalin walbo in dhiig loo daadiyo dagaalo qabiil ma ahan mid Ka turjumeysa hiigsiga aan hiigsaneyno, waxaan Ku baaqayaa in LA joojiyo dagaal beeleedyada Ku soo noq noqday deegaanada Hirshabelle” Ayuu Yiri Madaxweyne Waare.

Dr Maxamed Cabdi Waare madaxweynaha Hirshabelle  Ayaa si gaar ah Ugu  hambalyeeyay Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ee  Ka howlgala Deegaannada Hirshabelle ee  habeen Iyo maalin u taagan u qidmeynta bulshada iyo xaqiijinta Amniga, sidoo kale ciidamada dagaalada kula jira kooxda argagaxisada Al shabaab Oo muujinaya geesinimo iyo dhalinyarada deegaanka Oo kooxdaasi kula dagaalamaya, Deegaanno Ka tirsan Hirshabelle ayuu sidoo kale madaxweynaha Dhambaal hambalyo u Diray.

Mudane Waare ayaa ugu dambeyn shacabka Soomaaliyeed  Ilaahay uga baryey in ciiddan ciiddeeda kale ay ku gaaraan , nabad, horumar ,barwaaqo iyo midnimo.
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