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Barn. Hambalyada iyo Heesaha


Barnaamijka Hambalyada iyo Heesaha ee toddobaadkan waxaa inoo haya Ibraahim Xasan Maxamuud (Daanduray) iyo Nuur Xasan Nuur (Bukhaari)

Zimbabwe's President Mnangagwa unhurt after blast at rally


Saturday June 23, 2018An explosion rocked a stadium in Zimbabwe where President Emmerson Mnangagwa was addressing a political rally on Saturday, his spokesman said, adding the head of state was unhurt and taken to safety.“There has been an incident at Bulawayo (White City Stadium) where the president was addressing a rally. This is now a police issue but the president is safe at Bulawayo State House,” spokesman George Charamba told Reuters.“We are still to get information on what exactly happened as we understand that some people could have been injured as this happened in the VIP tent.”Police were not immediately available for comment.Ads By Google Footage from Zimbabwe state television showed the explosion took place near Mnangagwa as he waved to supporters.Mnangagwa was speaking at his first rally in the second city of Bulawayo, an opposition stronghold where the ruling ZANU-PF has not won in national elections since 2000.Zimbabwe holds its presidential election on July 30, with 75-year-old Mnangagwa and 40-year-old Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, the main contenders.


  • AMISOM says working closely with Somali forces to degrade al-Shabab - Xinhua
  • 17 Fishermen Released by Somalia - Financial Tribute
  • Several people killed in blast at rally supporting new Ethiopian leader - Reuters
  • Breaking: Bast at Addis Ababa rally for new Ethiopian prime minister - Reuters
  • Wajir extends meat ban as RVF outbreak spreads - Daily Nation
  • Italy vows to expel far more migrants, but it won't be easy - AP
  • Eastleigh businessmen complain of hawker’s harassment, extortion - The Star
  • Somali refugee shares Syracuse resettlement story: 'Here, I help myself' (video) - Syracuse
  • Exhibit looks at Somali life, from Africa to Minnesota - MPRNews
  • Somalia exports fish after 30-year break - BBC

Barn. Dhacdooyinka Toddobaadka


Barnaamijka Dhacdooyinka ee toddobaadkan waxaad ku dhageysan doontaan qoddobo ay ku jiraan muranka badda ee u dhexeeya Somalia iyo Kenya iyo qubanayaal kale.

Puntland: Shirkii Golaha Wakiilada oo Qabsoomay


Magaalada Growe waxaa maanta ka furmay kalfadhigii 41-aad ee Golaha wakiillada Puntland, iyada oo Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas oo kalfadhigan furay uu ku dheeraadaady colaadda Sool ee Puntland iyo Somaliland

Abiy Ahmed oo Qarax ka Badbaaday


Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed ayaa maanta ka badbaaday weerar bamba gacmeed oo lagu weeraray goob uu dad isu soo baxay kula hadlayay magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia.

Belgium oo 5-2 uga Badiyay Tunisia


Xulka Belgium ayaa qarka u saaran inuu u gudbo wareega 16-ka ee Koobka Aduunka 2018, kadib marki ay maanta 5-2 uga badiyeen xulka Tunisia.

Martida Makrafoonka: C/raxman D. Beyle


Barnaamijka Martida Makrafoonka waxaa marti inoogu ah todobaadkan, Wasiirka Maaliyadda Soomaaliya, Cabdiraxman Ducaale Beyle.

Barnaamijka Caweyska Washington


Barnaamijka Caweyska Washington waxaa soo diyaarisay soona jeedinaya, Sahra Ciidle Nur.

Wiil Soomaali ah oo ka mid noqdey koox ku guulesatay tartanka sameynta Robot-yada


Yuusuf Maxamed Amiin Sheekh Caddow, waa wiil dhalinyaro ah Soomaali ah oo dhigta fasalka siddeedaad ee iskuul ku yaalla dalka Sweden oo uu deggan yahay.

Warkii ugu Dambeeyay ee Qarixii Zimbabwe


Qarax kale aya isna ka dhacay dalka Zimbabwe, meel uu ka qudbeynayay madaxweynaha dalkaasi Emmerson Mnangagwa, oo dad isku soo baxay u lahadlayay.

Warkii ugu Dambeeyay ee Qarixii Zimbabwe


Qarax kale aya isna ka dhacay dalka Zimbabwe, meel uu ka qudbeynayay madaxweynaha dalkaasi Emmerson Mnangagwa, oo dad isku soo baxay u lahadlayay.

Saraakiil loo xir xirey qarixii Itoobiya


Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa xirxirtey ilaa iyo 12 qof oo 9 ka mid ah ay yihiin saraakiil iyo saddex qof oo Shacab ah. Saraakiisha booliiska ayaa loo haystaa inay ka hortagi waayeen weerarkan qarax ka hor intuusan dhicin.

Saraakiil loo xir xirey qarixii Itoobiya


Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa xirxirtey ilaa iyo 12 qof oo 9 ka mid ah ay yihiin saraakiil iyo saddex qof oo Shacab ah. Saraakiisha booliiska ayaa loo haystaa inay ka hortagi waayeen weerarkan qarax ka hor intuusan dhicin.

Madaxweynaha Zimbabwe oo dirqi qarax kaga badbaaday


Madaxweyne Manangagwa oo sheegay inuu qaraxa aad ugu dhawaa balse uu ka badbaaday.

In Saudi Arabia, women can finally drive


Saturday June 23, 2018

Women in Saudi Arabia have been eagerly waiting for this day for a long time.
Starting June 24 at midnight local time (today at 10pm London time, 5pm New York time), women will finally be allowed to drive a car on their own, capping a 30-year campaign to end the world’s last ban on female drivers. Until now, Saudi Arabia was the only country in the world where women were legally required to be driven by chauffeurs or travel with male family members.
Things quickly changed after a royal decree from the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, last September enabled women to obtain driver’s licenses. With the promise of greater independence, many women across the conservative kingdom signed up for driving lessons and road safety education classes at universities. The first licenses were issued earlier month and about 2,000 female drivers now have official permits to get behind the wheel, the BBC reports.
Ads By Google Speaking the Guardian, Hamsa al-Sonosi described how momentous June 24 is.”I didn’t think I’d see this day in my lifetime,” she says, relieved that she can finally take her new Range Rover to the open road.”People have come back from abroad for this day alone.” she said.
But as Saudi women take the driver’s seat, the rights activists who spearheaded the campaign to end the driving ban are still in prison or have been forced into exile. Accused of treason, Saudi officials have arrested several women and their male supporters. With a possibility of a 20-year prison sentence, nine women including prominent activist Loujain al-Hathloul are slated to face a criminal court established to discern terrorism-related cases.
In a June 20 statement, Sarah Leah Whitson, the Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, calls for international support on behalf of the activists languishing in prisons.”It is imperative for Saudi Arabia’s Western allies to speak out in solidarity with the detained activists and to pressure the Saudi authorities to unconditionally release those detained for their work as human rights activists before they are referred for trial,” said Whitson. “There can be no real celebration on June 24 while the women who campaigned for the right to drive and their supporters remain behind bars.”


  • 1 dead after attack at huge rally for Ethiopia's new PM - AP
  • Zimbabwe's President Mnangagwa unhurt after blast at rally - Reuters
  • AMISOM says working closely with Somali forces to degrade al-Shabab - Xinhua
  • 17 Fishermen Released by Somalia - Financial Tribute
  • Several people killed in blast at rally supporting new Ethiopian leader - Reuters
  • Breaking: Bast at Addis Ababa rally for new Ethiopian prime minister - Reuters
  • Wajir extends meat ban as RVF outbreak spreads - Daily Nation
  • Italy vows to expel far more migrants, but it won't be easy - AP
  • Eastleigh businessmen complain of hawker’s harassment, extortion - The Star
  • Somali refugee shares Syracuse resettlement story: 'Here, I help myself' (video) - Syracuse
  • Exhibit looks at Somali life, from Africa to Minnesota - MPRNews
  • Somalia exports fish after 30-year break - BBC

Doon muhaajiriin sidda oo ku xayiran Malta


Doon muhaajiriin la soo badbaadiyey sidda oo ku xayiran Malta, Talyaanigana uu diidday inuu qaabilo.

Xayiraadda haweenka sacuudiga ka saarneyd wadidda gawaarida oo soo afjarantay


Haween tira badan oo sacuudiyaan ah oo gawaari wado ayaa waddooyinka lagu arkayey marki la qaaday xayiraaddi baabuur wadidda.

Madaxweyne Trump oo si weyn udifaacay qorshahiisa ku aaddan qoxootiga


Madaxweyne Trump oo si weyn udifaacay qorshahiisa ku aaddan qoxootiga oo sheegay inuu qorshahiisa uu mareykanka uu ka dhigayo dal xooggan.

Doorashada Turkiga: Erdogan oo wajahaya tartan adag


Cod bixiyayaasha dalka Turkiga ayaa maanta u dareeray goobaha codbixinta ee lagu dooranayo madaxwaynaha iyo gudoonka baarlamaanka oo waqtigeedii laga soo hormariyay, waxaana loo arkaa in ay tahay tdoorashadii ugu adkeed ee soo marta dalkaasi Turkiga.

Dhageyso Puntland oo sheegtay in Howlgal qorsheysan ay ka sameysay Magaalada laascaanood.


Laascaanood ( Sh. M. Network):-Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sool ee Puntland Mudane Abuukar Cabdiraxmaan Geelle oo la hadlayay Warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada Maamulka Puntland ay howlgal qorsheysan  xalay illaa saaka ka fuliyeen Magaalada Laascaanood ee Gobolka Sool.
Waxaana uu guddoomiyuhu hoosta ka xariiqay in Howlgalkaasi ay ku qabsadeen Saldhig ku yaalla Magaaladaasi Laascaanood kaas oo ay ka sii daayeen tiro Maxaabiis ah oo uu ku sheegay in ay si xaq darro ah ugu xirnaayeen halkaas.
Tallaabadaan ayuuna sheegay in ay bilow u tahay ka xoreynta Ciidamada maamulka Soomaaliland guud ahaan Gobolka Sool isagoo ugu baaqay Ciidamada Maamulka Soomaaliland in ay isaga baxaan Gobolkaasi.
The post Dhageyso Puntland oo sheegtay in Howlgal qorsheysan ay ka sameysay Magaalada laascaanood. appeared first on Shabelle.

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