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Askar ka tirsanaa Ciidamada DFS Oo lagu dilay Muqdisho


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Kooxo hubeysan oo aan heybtooda la garaneynin ayaa maanta gudaha Suuq Bacaad waxa ay ku toogteen 2 askari oo ka tirsanaa Ciidamada dowladda fedaraalka ah ee Soomaaliya.
Labada askari ayaa ka kala tirsanaa Ciidamada nabad sugida iyo sidoo kale kuwa ilaalada deegaanka ee loo yaqaano Minashiibiyada.
Raggii ka dambeeyay dilka askartaasi ayaa wararku waxa ay tilmaamayaan in ay goobta ka baxsadeen dilka kadib.
Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda ayaa gaaray halkaasi, kuwaas oo baaritaano kooban ka sameeyay xaafadda Suuq Bacaad ee degmada Yaaqashiid.
Welina ma jiro wax hada ah oo ka soo baxay mas’uuliyiinta maamulka degmadaasi oo ku aadan dilalkaasi.
Dhanka kale ma jirto cid sheegtay illaa iyo hadda in ay ka dambeysay dilka loo geystay askartaasi
Waa dilkii 3-aad ee muddo 24 saac gudahood ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoona xalay degmada Howlwadaag lagu dilay Nin da’ahaa oo la sheegay in uu ka tirsanaa Ergadii wax ka soo dooratay Xildhibaanada Baaramaanka Soomaaliya.
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Wariye ka tirsan VOA Oo lagu xiray magaalada Gaalkacyo


Gaalkacyo ( Sh. M. Network )-Ciidamada Galmudug ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in maanta magaalada Gaalkacyo xarunta gobolka Mudug ay ku xireen Wariye ka howlgalayay gudaha magaaladaasi.
Wariyaha la xiray oo lagu Magacaaboa Cabdiwaaxid Macalin Isaaq ayaa la sheegay in Ciidamada Nabad Sugida maamulkaasi ay ku xireen Xabsiga Dhexe ee Gaalkacyo.
Waxaana lagu eedeeyay Wariyaahaasi, sida la sheegay buun buuninta wararka la xariira Xarakada Al Shabaab.
Cabdiwaaxid Macalin Isaaq ayaa ah Wakiilka Laanta Afka Soomaaliga VOA ee Deegaanada maamul goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Galmudug.
Illaa iyo hadda ma jiro war rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay madaxda maamulkaasi oo ku aadan xariga lagula kacay Wariyahaasi.
Ma’ahan markii ugu horreysay oo Galmudug ay xabsiga dhigto Wariye ka howlgalayay deegaanadeeda, waana xadgudubyo inta badan ka dhaca maamulkaasi, taas oo qeyb ka ah caburinta iyo dhibaatada weli lagu hayo Saxaafadda Soomaaliyeed.
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Saraakiil iyo Askar Oo loo xiray Weerarkii Otto Otto


Muqdisho ( SH. M. Network )-Warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in saraakiil iyo askar isugu jira Boolis iyo nabadsugid loo xiray tuhun ku saabsan weerarkii Sabtidii la soo dhaafay lagu qaaday Xarunta Otto Otto oo aheyd xarumaha Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga.
Saraakiisha la xiray ayaa gaarayay illaa 14 ruux, waxaana ay qaarkood Taliyeyaal ka ahaayeen koontaroolada bartamaha magaalada iyo qaar ka mid ah degmooyinka, iyagoo loo heysto sida ay ku suura gashay in gaadiidka qaraxa siday iyo dableydii hubeysneyd ay ku soo gudbeen
Amarka lagu xiray Saraakiisha iyo askarta ayaa waxaa bixiyay Wasiirka Amniga Maxamed Abuukar Islow Ducaale, waxaana saraakiisha la xiray ku socoto baaritaano iyo su’aalo weydiin.
Wararka ayaa intaa ku daraya in qaar ka mid ah Saraakiisha lagu sameeyay shaqo joojin, kaddib markii looga shakiyay in ay fududeeyeen weerarka, halka kuwa kalena lagu eedeeyay in ay gabeen shaqadooda oo ay dayaceen amnigii loo xil saaray.
Xariggan ayaa ka dambeeyay, markii shalay magaalada Muqdisho uu ka dhacay kulan u dhaxeeyay Wasiirka Amniga, Taliyeyaasha ciidamada iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, kaas oo looga hadlayay xaalada amniga Muqdisho iyo weerarkii Otto Otto.
Al-Shabaab ayaa sheegtay mas’uuliyadda weerarkan , waxaana ku dhintay dad ka badan 10 ruux, halka tiro intaa ka badan ku dhaawacmeen.
The post Saraakiil iyo Askar Oo loo xiray Weerarkii Otto Otto appeared first on Shabelle.

African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds


Tuesday July 10, 2018 Corruption drains $148 billion annually from Africa, according to the African Union. At an estimated 25 percent of the continent's average gross domestic product, the AU calls it a huge drain on Africa's productivity.At the 31st AU Summit in Mauritania last week, African heads of state said they want to prevent billions more being stolen by seeking to abolish banking secrecy and tax havens.They also discussed a mechanism to return corruptly acquired funds, most of which are hidden in countries that allow the practices.However, Senegalese tax inspector Elimane Pouye says the fight against corruption in Africa requires more than just statements at international summits.These measures are usually just a facade, he said, adding that donors put pressure on states to show they are fighting corruption so that they can receive aid.Ads By Google Offshore entities are not illegal, but banking secrecy in places like Mauritius and Luxembourg can be used to evade taxes and hide illegally obtained cash.Elimane Kane, head of LEGS-Africa, a think-tank promoting ethical governance across the continent, says too few African heads of state have taken a stand against corruption.Paul Kagame has done good work in Rwanda, Kane said, but there are many African leaders who take advantage of tax havens.The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has been shining light on the shadowy world of offshore banking with the publication of leaked documents known as the Panama and Paradise Papers.This year, the ICIJ worked with a network of West African journalists to study approximately 30 million leaked documents, now known as the West Africa Leaks.Their findings revealed the secret companies and bank accounts of some of the region's most powerful politicians and business leaders.


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency


Tuesday July 10, 2018China on Monday promised assistance amounting to some 22,600 U.S. dollars to the Somali News Agency (SONNA) to modernize operations at its Mogadishu office.Qin Jian, Chinese Ambassador to Somalia, told Xinhua that the money, which will be used to buy office equipment, is part of China's assistance to Somalia.Ads By Google He also hailed SONNA for playing an important role in promoting relations between the two countries."We have already facilitated a media delegation from your beautiful country full of potential to visit China this year," he said, adding that China supports Somalia's peace and reconstruction process.Abdulahi Sheikh Abdirahman, Director of SONNA, hailed the Chinese Embassy for the support, saying that the financial assistance will go towards buying of office equipment like cameras and computers.


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children


Tuesday July 10, 2018 More than 50 immigrant children under age 5 will be reunited with their parents by Tuesday's court-ordered deadline for action by Trump administration, and the families will then be released into the U.S., a government attorney said Monday.That's only about half of the 100 or so toddlers covered by the order.At a court hearing, Justice Department lawyer Sarah Fabian acknowledged the government wouldn't meet the deadline for all the children, citing a variety of reasons, including that the parents of some of the youngsters have already been deported.Fabian said that 54 children will be joined with their parents by the end of Tuesday at locations across the country and that an additional five were undergoing final background checks.It was the first time the government indicated whether the parents and children would be released or detained together. They will be set free in the U.S. pending the outcome of their immigration cases, which can take several years.Fabian didn't say why they were being released, but U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has little space to hold families.ICE has three family detention centers with room for about 3,000 people in all, and the places are already at or near capacity. The Trump administration is trying to line up thousands more beds at military bases.American Civil Liberties Union attorney Lee Gelernt told reporters he was "both pleased and disappointed" with the government's progress toward meeting the deadline."Tomorrow there will hopefully be more than 50 babies and toddlers reunited with their parents, and that is obviously an enormous victory," he said. But he said those who remain split from their parents are "in for a long process."U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw ordered both sides back in court on Tuesday to give another update.The ACLU was drawing up a proposal to shorten the wait for the remaining children. Gelernt said some procedures — such as DNA testing, fingerprinting and requests for other information — were designed for releasing children to distant relatives, not to parents.More than 2,000 children in all were separated from their parents by U.S. immigration authorities at the border this spring before President Donald Trump reversed course on June 20 amid an international outcry and said families should remain together.Ads By Google Late last month, Sabraw, an appointee of Republican President George W. Bush, set a 14-day deadline to reunite children under 5 with their parents, and a 30-day deadline for older children. The 30-day deadline is up July 26.Monday's hearing set the stage for a dramatic day of reunifications on Tuesday across the country, though they are likely to occur largely outside public view. Fabian did not disclose where the reunions would take place.As for most of the rest of the under-5 children who have yet to reunited with their families, Fabian said that their parents have already been released into the U.S., have been deported, or are behind bars on criminal charges.One child has not been matched with a parent, Fabian said. The ACLU identified him as a 3-year-old boy.The hearing followed a feverish weekend of talks between the administration and the ACLU after the judge refused on Friday to grant a blanket extension to the deadline, saying instead that he would only consider certain exceptions.


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations


Sandhills Express Tuesday July 10, 2018The commander and the senior enlisted officer of a U.S. Navy SEAL team have been relieved of their duties after investigations into alleged sexual assault and sexual harassment while their unit was deployed to East Africa, officials said.Both senior leaders had been sent back to the United States in May while the allegations were investigated and could possibly face administrative punishments.“The commanding officer and command master chief of an East Coast-based Naval Special Warfare command were relieved of their duties on July 9,” said Lt. Jacqui Maxwell, a spokesperson for Naval Special Warfare Group Two.“Cmdr. Jarrod Donaldson and Master Chief Jon Franklin were relieved from their position by Capt. Jamie Sands, commander, Naval Special Warfare Group Two,” Maxwell added.“Donaldson and Franklin have been administratively reassigned to Naval Special Warfare Group Two.”Ads By Google In early May, Donaldson and Franklin were “pulled from deployment” in East Africa after sexual misconduct allegations were made. Both leaders retained their command positions within the unit stateside while the allegations were investigated.One of the team leaders was investigated for the alleged inappropriate touching of a female service member during the deployment, two defense officials said.Both team leaders are being investigated for allegations of sexual harassment, officials said.Donaldson and Franklin were investigated by a command investigation and the Navy’s Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) investigated personal conduct allegations against Franklin, Lt. Maxwell said.They have been relieved of their duties now that the investigations are concluded. “The Navy will follow due process,” Maxwell said.Substantiated allegations are typically followed by potential nonjudicial punishments meted out by a commanding officer, a disciplinary review board or both, a defense official said. SEAL Team units deployed to East Africa typically operate in Djibouti, where the United States has a base, and in Somalia, where they assist in an advisory capacity with the Somali military.While “pulled from deployment,” both senior leaders have not been relieved of their duties as the commanding officer and command master chief of their SEAL Team. While stateside they will remain in those positions as the allegations are investigated.The Navy has eight SEAL team units, four odd-numbered units stationed in Coronado, California, and four even-numbered units stationed at Little Creek, Virginia.A ninth SEAL Team is more commonly known as SEAL Team Six, though its official name is Special Warfare Development Group DEVGRU. That elite Special Missions unit is best known for its role in the Osama bin Laden raid.Copyright © 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved.


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia


Tuesday July 10, 2018Egypt welcomed on Monday the signing of an agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia to end their two decades of dispute.Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's visit to Eritrea had started new relationship between the two countries in order to reach security and stability in the region, Egyptian foreign ministry said that in a statement.Egypt also hopes that the deal would be a model for all countries suffering from disputes in Africa.The ministry reiterated that Egypt is keen to enhance cooperation with Eritrea, Ethiopia and other African countries in order to cement stability and development.A delegation led by Ahmed on Monday signed a peace declaration with its Eritrean counterparts to end mutual hostilities, settle border disputes and resume economic, political and diplomatic ties.Ads By Google Speaking to media in Addis Ababa after his return from Eritrean capital Asmara, Ethiopia Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu said there will be a technical committee to resolve the countries' bitter border dispute and help implement the peace agreement signed in Algiers in 2000.On June 5, the executive committee of the Ethiopian ruling party passed a decision, expressing commitment to an unconditional implementation of Algiers peace agreement with Eritrea.The peace deal ended a two-year border war from 1998 to 2000 that killed an estimated 70,000 people from both sides, but a tense armed standoff continued, with the two countries engaging in skirmishes occasionally.


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing


Tuesday July 10, 2018The government does not know the capacity of the Mandera Town Military airstrip, Transport secretary James Macharia has said, calling to question the safety of aircraft using the runway.Mr Macharia told Parliament there were no records available to show the design pavement classification number (PCN) for the airstrip.Ads By Google The PCN is an International Civil Aviation Organisation standard used in combination with the aircraft classification number to indicate the strength of a runway, taxiway or airport apron (or ramp).“Investigations will be concluded to establish the PCN for the runway, thereafter operations will be advised on the appropriate aircraft able to safely use the runway,” Mr Macharia old the National Assembly Transport committee.The revelations follow concerns that the flights utilise the whole runway during takeoff and landing, leaving inadequate clearway and stop-way in the event of emergencies and aborted take-offs.


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia


Tuesday July 10, 2018It’s a first 100 days in office that might have made Franklin D. Roosevelt’s head spin.Abiy Ahmed Ali, the 41-year-old former intelligence officer who was elected prime minister in early April, has hit the ground sprinting, African analysts say, bringing vitality and movement to one of the continent’s biggest countries.A short list of his moves to date includes the release of thousands of political prisoners and the lifting of other political restrictions, ending a state of emergency imposed by his predecessor, initiating a historic diplomatic outreach to neighboring Eritrea, and announcing plans to privatize key state industries such as aviation and energy.Since he was sworn in on April 2, Mr. Abiy’s 100th day in office technically isn’t until Wednesday.“His impact has been tremendous in all respects. Psychologically, politically, and as to the future of Ethiopia in terms of its ethnic relations and political model, it has been nothing short of amazing,” said Jan Abbink, who chairs the Researchers’ Assembly of the African Studies Center in the Dutch city of Leiden.The whirlwind start was not anticipated when Mr. Abiy emerged from a pack of candidates to succeed Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, who resigned in February in the wake of massive popular protests against the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Hundreds of people were killed in a wave of violence that swept the country, ignited at first by a redevelopment plan for the capital, Addis Ababa, in 2015. As a member of parliament, Mr. Abiy opposed the plan.“I see my resignation as vital in the bid to carry out reforms that would lead to sustainable peace and democracy,” Mr. Desalegn said at the time, though popular hopes for a quick turnaround were low.Mr. Abbink said Mr. Abiy, the youngest national leader on the continent, “came to power because the EPRDF realized that this could not go on. They had to respond, and they did that by giving the floor to a reformist-oriented person.”Amid widespread doubts that the ruling coalition could reform from within, analysts say, Mr. Abiy has moved quickly to deal with popular unrest and extend an olive branch to potential adversaries.“We want to work hand in hand with you,” Dr. Ahmed told a crowd of protesters in Oromia, the largest and most populous of Ethiopia’s nine regional states and the epicenter of the resistance to the Desalegn government.Mr. Desalegn declared a state of emergency in 2016 when members of the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups began large-scale protests against the government. The Oromo and the Amhara felt marginalized by the EPRDF, which is largely dominated by the Tigray ethnic group, and advocated for greater representation and equity.Human Rights Watch said thousands were imprisoned and an estimated 500 killed in suppression of the protests.Upon taking office, Mr. Abiy officially apologized for the government’s actions against the protesters and lifted the state of emergency two months before it was scheduled to expire.Mr. Abbink said Mr. Abiy’s conciliatory efforts set him apart from previous prime ministers.“His whole tone of approaching the people and tuning into the concerns they’ve had for the past 20-25 years has made him really stand out compared to any previous prime minister,” the analyst said.Eritrean outreachIn another major departure from the previous government, Mr. Abiy made a series of bold moves to quell regional tensions by declaring that Ethiopia would fully comply with the Algiers Agreement, a peace accord with neighboring Eritrea.The two nations warred with each other over territorial disputes from 1998 to 2000. Some describe it as one of Africa’s bloodiest and most futile conflicts, which left some 100,000 dead.The Algiers agreement, signed in December 2000, was meant to end hostilities, but tensions remained high as thousands of troops from both sides dug in along disputed border regions.More than 15 years of a cold peace gave way to unprecedentedly warm words as Mr. Abiy personally welcomed an Eritrean delegation that included Foreign Minister Osman Saleh to Addis Ababa late last month, the first such high-level visit in more than two decades. The new prime minister announced that Ethiopian Airlines would resume long-blocked flights to Asmara, the Eritrean capital.Mr. Osman called the meeting “a day of joy” and said Mr. Abiy’s offer “opened the door to peace.”Closer to home, a critical goal for Mr. Abiy and the EPRDF is to alleviate Ethiopia’s increasing economic insecurity.Despite consistent economic growth of 10 percent each year over the past decade, Ethiopia faces a staggering debt crisis. Foreign investors including China have dialed back their investments because of foreign exchange shortages. The International Monetary Fund has warned that the country’s debt ratios — at 59 percent of gross domestic product — are approaching dangerous territory.Ads By Google Mr. Abiy’s response is to inject a strong dose of free market capitalism into the heavily statist economy. He told lawmakers in a budget debate Friday that the country must do more to spur growth, improve infrastructure and attract outside capital.“We need to work [so that] investors have full confidence in the country,” he said, according to the Reuters news agency.The government, he said, must be more effective and targeted in its spending programs. The government said last month that it will end its long-held monopoly over key sectors such as telecommunications, energy and aviation.“They’re trying to open up the market for foreign competitors as well as domestic competitors. This is, of course, a short-term measure to gain currency,” Dr. Abbink said. Both the government and private economists say one key factor hampering growth is the lack of foreign currency.Among the state assets targeted for partial privatization is Ethiopian Airlines, the continent’s largest and one of its most successful carriers. The government also announced last month that it would allow local companies to provide internet access via the state telecommunications provider, Ethio Telecom.Despite widespread praise, Mr. Abiy faces monumental problems at home and abroad, and analysts say his political base has not been fully secured. His political liberalization and outreach to Eritrea has unnerved many in the ruling EPRDF, which consists of factions representing the country’s four major ethnic groups. Mr. Abiy hails from the Oromo ethnic group, making up roughly a third of the population.In a tangible sign of the tough road ahead, an attacker disguised in police uniform hurled a grenade onto the stage at a June 23 rally in Addis Ababa, where Mr. Abiy had spoken to a crowd of supporters.Two people were killed and 156 were injured in the attack. The prime minister was the target, authorities said, but he managed to escape unscathed.Though no faction has claimed responsibility, 30 people, including nine security officials, have been arrested in connection with the attack. The FBI has said it will send agents to assist Ethiopia in its investigation.The bigger risk may be that Mr. Abiy’s fast start — which has earned positive reviews across Africa — may have set popular expectations too high.“There is political expectation on the part of the public for very quick change,” Awol Allo, an Ethiopian commentator who teaches law in Britain, recently told Agence France-Presse. “My worry is that he’s moving too fast in a country without the institutional safeguards to implement these policies.”


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia


Tuesday July 10, 2018An MP has petitioned National Assembly to order the immediate withdrawal of Kenya Defence Forces from war-torn Somalia.Mandera East lawmaker Omar Maalim wants the soldiers who have been in Somalia for seven years recalled.He says they should be deployed to secure the country’s ‘porous’ borders instead.The petition, if successful, will see the more than 4,000 KDF officers battling terror group al Shabaab back in the country after nearly seven years in the troubled land.PEACE AND STABILITYHe acknowledged the initial government intention to deploy KDF to Somalia was in the interest of peace. “We are concerned this objective is no longer being achieved, with Kenya suffering more terror attacks from al Shabaab than before,” Omar said.KDF was deployed to Somalia in 2011 under the Operation Linda Nchi initiative.Since then, Omar says, Kenya has born the brunt of terror attacks on police stations, vehicles and religious gatherings, resulting into loss of lives and properties.Ads By Google He cited the 2013 Westgate attack that claimed 67 lives, Mpeketoni attacks of 2014 where 60 people were butchered and the 2015 Garissa University attack where 149 students were killed.The war has been costly to Kenya as billions of shillings have been razed in the war. Many soldiers families are still mourning the death of their sons.Police records put at 155 the number of terror related attacks in the country since 2012.The attacks are concentrated in Nairobi, Garissa, Wajir and Mandera. Omar said the move to put KDF under the Afica Union Mission in Somalia has worsened the situation as Kenyan soldiers lost control of deployment of troops in Somalia.MORE HARM“The secondary effects of the terror attacks have included decline of health, education, economy and living standards due to desertion by health workers, teachers and other migrant workers.”The government has insisted KDF soldiers will continue staying in the neighbouring country until they flush out the terror group.The petition was filed on June 25 and will be formally presented when the House resumes from its two-week recess.In May, Ainabkoi MP William Chepkut called for a review of the strategies KDF uses to fight terrorists as many of them have been killed in Somalia. Chepkut said the government needs to employ modern security strategies and equipment.


  • Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister - BBC NEWS
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Maxaa laga fili karaa ninka loo magacaabay xoghayaha arrimaha dibadda ee Britain


Ra'iisul wasaaraha Britain, Theresa May ayaa u muuqato inay ka dabaalatay qalqal siyaasadeed oo ku yimid dowladeeda, kadib markii ay si dhaqsi ah usoo magacowday xilka xoghayaha arrimaha dibadda ee dalkaasi oo uu baneeyay Boris Johnson.

Turkey's Erdogan appoints son-in-law as finance minister


Tuesday July 10, 2018
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has named his son-in-law as the country's finance minister after being sworn in to another five-year term.
The appointment of Berat Albayrak, who had served as energy minister since 2015, appeared to rattle the markets.
Mr Erdogan, who was re-elected last month, vowed to "propel our country forward" with his sweeping new powers.
But his opponents fear that his new role as executive president will destroy Turkish democracy.
Mr Erdogan's new position marks a transition away from a parliamentary system and the office of prime minister, which has been in place since the foundation of the modern Turkish republic 95 years ago.
It allows him to appoint ministers and vice-presidents and intervene in the legal system.
After taking the oath of office in parliament on Monday, Mr Erdogan told guests at the presidential palace in the capital, Ankara, that Turkey was "making a new start".
"We are leaving behind the system that has in the past cost our country a heavy price in political and economic chaos," he said.


  • Losing battle: MP files petition to pull KDF out of war-torn Somalia - The Star
  • Abiy Ahmed Ali's political, economic reforms in first 100 days revive Ethiopia - Washington Times
  • Safety fears as Mandera airstrip records go missing - Business Daily
  • Egypt welcomes peace deal between Eritrea, Ethiopia - Xinhua
  • Two Navy SEAL leaders relieved of duty after sexual misconduct allegations - Sandhills Express
  • US Says It Will Release, Reunite 50 Immigrant Children - AP
  • China pledges support to Somalia's official news agency - Xinhua
  • African Leaders Vow to Fight Safe Havens for Corrupt Funds - VOA
  • Former refugee brothers bring carpentry jobs to Baidoa - Radio Ergo

Taliska CXD Oo ku dhawaaqay dagaal ka dhan ah Al Shabaab


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliya Sareeyo Gaas Cabdiweli Xuseen Jaamac iyo Abaandullaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka oo ay wehliyaan saraakiil ka tirsan ciidanka Xoogga dalka ayaa kulan dhiira galin ah iyo bogaadin u sameeyay saraakiisha dhalinyarada ah ee ka tirsan xoogga dalka.
Kulanka ayaa waxaa intiisa badan looga hadlay sidii saraakiisha dhalinyarada ah ay u hogaamin karaan howlgalada dalka looga saarayo Xarakada Al-Shabaab
Abaandullaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Jeneral Cabdullahi Cali Canood ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in saraakiisha dhalinyarada looga baahan yahay in ay si daacad ah ku hogaamiyaan howlgalada ka dhanka ah Al-Shabaab.
Dhnkiisa taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliya Sareeyo Gaas C/wali Xuseen Jaamac (Gorod) ayaa saraakiisha dhallinyarada ah faray in ay u diyaar garoobaan Howlgaladaasi oo dhawaan bilaaban doona.
Ugu dambeyn Jeneral Gorod ayaa xusay in dowladdu ay ka go’an tahay sidii Al Shabaab looga saari lahaa guud ahaan dalka.
Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirro:-
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Madaxweyne Shariif Xasan Oo Eedeeyay Ciidamada Itoobiya Ee Baay iyo Bakool


Baydhabo ( Sh. M. Network )-Madaxweynaha maamulka K/ Galbeed Soomaaliya Mudane Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa dhaliilay howlgallada Ciidamada Itoobiya ay ka wadaan gobollada Baay iyo Bakool.
Madaxweyne Shariif Xasan ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada milatariga Itoobiya ay ku guuleysan waayeen in go’doonka ay ka qaadaan degmooyin ka tirsan gobolladaasi.
Balse waxa uu tilmaamay in ay yareeyeen weeraradii Al Shabaab ay ka geysan jireen deegaanada maamulkaasi.
Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha maamulka K/ Galbeed Mudane Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa xusay in loo baahan yahay in la xoojiyo howlgallada ka dhanka ah Al Shabaab ee ka socda koonfurta Soomaaliya, si looga saaro Al Shabaab.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.
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Afhayeenkii wasaaradda Amniga gudaha Oo la shaaciyay in xilka laga qaaday


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay in xilka qaadis ay ku sameysay Afhayeenkii Wasaaradda amniga gudaha Cabdicasiis Cali Ibraahim Xildhibaan.
Warar Idaacadda Shabelle ay heshay ayaa ku warramaya in 5 maalin ka hor xilka laga qaaday Cabdicasiis Xildhibaan oo ahaa Afhayeenka Wasaaradda amniga Soomaaliya.
Qoraal ka soo baxay Wasiirka Amniga Maxamed Abuukar Islow Ducaale oo ku taariikheysnaa 5-tii bishan July ayaana la sheegay in lagu caddeeyay xilka qaadistaasi.
Si kastaba ha’ahaatee xilka qaadista Afhayeenkii hore ee Wasaaradda amniga Cabdicasiis Cali Ibraahim Xildhibaan ayaa ku soo aadeysa xilli uu dhawaan si kulul uga hadlay weerarkii Sabtidii lagu qaaday xarunta Otto Otto ee magaalada Muqdisho.
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Boris Johnson: Britain's undiplomatic foreign secretary


Tuesday July 10, 2018Britain's colourful foreign secretary Boris Johnson resigned on Monday, apparently in protest at the government's Brexit plans, ditching an international summit to walk out after months of publicly challenging the prime minister.With his gaffes, sharp wit and populist rhetoric, the former London mayor was a leading campaigner to leave the European Union in the 2016 referendum, and a figurehead for those pressing for a clean break with the bloc.'TURD'He quit despite backing Prime Minister Theresa May's plan for closer economic ties with the EU after Brexit during a cabinet meeting on Friday.He was reported to have described the plan as a "turd", but anonymous aides briefed he wanted to stay on in government to fight for Brexit.Yet when Brexit secretary David Davis quit late Sunday, the pressure was on for Johnson to prove his credentials among eurosceptic members of their Conservative Party.Johnson has long had leadership ambitions and many believed May gave him the plum job of Britain's top diplomat to keep him from building up a domestic political power base.But he repeatedly challenged her EU strategy, and last month was secretly recorded telling Conservative party activists that US President Donald Trump would negotiate Brexit better.UNDIPLOMATICWith his blond mop-top hair, bumbling manner and tendency to drift into Latin during speeches, he remains one of Britain's most recognisable politicians and has that rare quality — natural charisma.But many MPs and activists dislike him for his disloyalty to May, his liberal use of facts — including the so-called Brexit financial dividend — and until now, failure to follow through on his promises.He was widely mocked last month for arranging a trip to Afghanistan to avoid having to vote for a third runway at London Heathrow Airport, which he had once said he would lie in front of bulldozers to prevent.Critics also cite his suggestion that a British-Iranian woman held in Tehran on sedition charges may have been training journalists — something her family strongly denies, and fear jeopardised her case.Johnson's appointment was a surprise given his history of mocking world leaders and other cultures in his long-running column in The Daily Telegraph newspaper.He described White House hopeful Hillary Clinton as a "sadistic nurse", and once wrote about Africans as "flag-waving piccaninnies" with "watermelon smiles".His resignation came in the middle of a Western Balkans summit that he was supposed to be hosting in London.'KING'One of those rare politicians known simply by his first name, "Boris" was born in New York in 1964 as Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson into a competitive, high-achieving family.His father Stanley was a Conservative member of the European Parliament; one brother, Jo, is a government minister and his sister Rachel is a journalist and writer.All three gave their support to the "Remain" camp, but he came out strongly for Brexit, although apparently he had considered backing the other side for a while.Rachel Johnson told her brother's biographer that, as a child, he wanted to be "king of the world" when he grew up.Johnson won a scholarship at the elite Eton school and read classics at Oxford University, where he was a member of the Bullingdon Club, an all-male dining society known for rowdy behaviour.JOURNALISTJohnson became a journalist, working at The Times — from which he was sacked for fabricating quotes — and The Telegraph, including as Brussels correspondent.He became MP for the then opposition Conservatives in 2001 and was later appointed as the party's arts spokesman before being sacked over accusations of lying about an alleged extra-marital affair.Despite London normally tending towards the Labour party, he was elected mayor in 2008 and stayed until 2016, including overseeing the 2012 Olympic Games.After Cameron quit following the EU referendum, he was ready to stand for the Conservative leadership when his leading ally, Michael Gove, pulled his support to run himself — leaving both men to lose outBoris Johnson in dates

  •     June 19, 1964: He is born in New York as Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson into a high-achieving family.
  •     1983: After going to school at Eton, he goes to Balliol College in Oxford from where he graduates in classics.
  •     1987-1988: Works as a journalist for The Times newspaper, from where he is sacked for fabricating quotes.
  •     1989-1994: Becomes The Daily Telegraph's EU correspondent in Brussels, known for his deeply eurosceptic writings.
  •     1999-2005: Editor of news magazine The Spectator.
  •     2001: Elected as Conservative member of parliament for the Henley constituency. Re-elected in 2005.
  •     2008: Defeats Ken Livingstone to become mayor of London. After being re-elected for another four years in 2012, he oversees that year's successful Olympic Games.
  •     May 2015: Elected as MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency. Re-elected in 2017.
  •     2016: Becomes the figurehead of the campaign for Britain to leave the European Union. After prime minister David Cameron quits when Britons vote for Brexit on June 23, Johnson pulls out of the race to replace him at the last minute.
  •     July 13, 2016: He is appointed foreign secretary in the government of the new prime minister, Theresa May.
  •     July 9, 2018: Resigns over May's Brexit strategy.



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Cali Gaab Oo ka digay in la hor istaago Gaadiidka Gurmadka deg dega ah


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Taliyihii hore ee nabad galyada Waddooyinka Sarreeya Gaas Cali Xirsi Barre Cali Gaab oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa uga digay Ciidamada dowladda in ay is hor istaag ku sameeyaan Gaadiidka gurmadka deg dega ah ee Ambalaaska iyo sidoo kale kuwa Dab damiska.
Taliye Cali Gaab ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay in Waddooyinka loo furo Gaadiidkaasi xilliyada dhibaatooyinka ay ka dhacaaan gudaha magaalada Muqdisho.
Waxaana uu shaaca ka qaaday in Askarta ka tirsan Ciidamada dowladda ee is hor istaaga ku sameeya Gaadiidka gurmadka deg dega ah laga qaadi doono tallaabo waafaqsan sharciga.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Somali army command announces fresh offensive against Al-Shabab


The commander-in-chief of Somali national army [SNA] General Abdiweli Hussein Jama Gorod has announced a new anti-al Shabaab push.
During a meeting with military officers, Gorod said they have readied an offensive aimed at flushing out Al-Shabaab from the remaining areas still under its control.
Abdullahi Ali Anod, the Somali National Army Commander has urged the young military officers to serve the nation honestly and take part the war on Al-Shabaab.
General Gorod called on the SNA leading officials to prepare for a final push against Al Shabaab which is expected to be unleashed in the coming weeks.
Al-Shabaab has lost large ground to Somali and AU forces, but, the militants still control swathes of territory in south and central regions.
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Southwest state president unhappy AU troops’ anti-militant operations


The president of Somalia’s southern Federal member state, Southwest Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden has expressed hopeless over the AU troops’ war on Al-Shabaab.
Paresident Aden, speaking to the local media said Ethiopian troops serving under African Union Mission in Somalia [AMISOM] are dragging their feet to drive out Al-Shabaab from the entire Bay and Bakol regions under his administration.
Continuing, the regional leader added that Ethiopians have failed to remove Al-Shabaab’s blockade on the main districts in the two regions which led to inflation.
Finally, Southwest state president has urged the African Union troops to double their efforts to defeat Al-Shabaab and reopen roads that link the towns.
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