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Tarja Halonen, madaxweynaha dalka Finland iyo Pekka Haavisto, Ergeyga gaarka ah ee dowladda Finland Bariga Afrika u qaabilsan oo Shirka Soomaalida ee London ka qeybgelaya


Haweeneyda madaxweynaha ka ah dalka Finland Marwo Tarja Halonen iyo Xildhibaan Pekka Haavisto ayaa sida la shaaciyay ka qeybgeli doono shirka todobaadka dambe Soomaalida loogu qabanayo magaalada London.

Shirkaas oo heer sare lagu tilmaamay ayeey madaxdan Finnishku ka qeybgelayaan ka gadaal markii ay casuumaad rasmi ah ka heleen Ra'iisal wasaaraha Ingiriis David Cameroon.

Wafdiga Tarja Halonen London u raacaya ayaa waxaa ka mid ah sidoo kale wasiiradda Horumarka ee xukuumadda Finland Heidi Hautala, sida laga soo xigtay saraakiisha siyaasadda dibadda ee Finnishkana shirkaas waxaa looga arrinsanayaa xaaladaha siyaasadeed, nabadgeliyo iyo weliba bani'aadminimo Soomaaliya.

Tarja Halonen waxay marka ay shirkaas ka soo laabato xilka madaxweynenimada ku wareejin doontaa Sauli Niinistö oo wareegii labaad ee doorashada madaxweynaha Finland kaga guuleystay Xildhibaanka Xisbiga Cagaarka ee hadda shirka London kala qeybgelaya Tarja Pekka Haavisto.

Warkan oo ku quran luqada finnishka waxaa ka heli kartaa cinwaanka hoose haddii aad gujiso.


Ergooyinkii oo Caawo u hoyanaya Garowe,shirkii oo wali loo fadhiyo


Garowe(Pi) iminkadaan waxkasoo baxay Qololka shirku ka socdo ma jiraan, oo wali waa la ishor fadhiyaa, waxaana laga doodayaa Dastuurka, wafuuda caalamka, Ergooyinkii Caadiga ahaa , saxaafada  iyo Ururuda Bulshadu waxay iyagoo daal ka muuqdo dhooban yihiin hoolka shirka, Shirkii wali waa socdaa, dhinaca kale  waxaa la diyaarinayaa goobihii ay seexan lahaayeen Ergooyinka iyo wafuudu.
Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo Puntlandi.com si hoose u helay ayaa shegaya in qodobada laga doodayo dhamaantood la isla mel dhigey lana isla fahansan ahay balse afsoomaali ahaan sidii loo qori lahaa ayaa nin walba si haloo qoro leeyahay, tasaana sababtay in xiligaan la isla soo gaaro.
Su’aasha la iswaydiinayo ayaa ah Warmurtiyeedka kasoo baxaya shirka ma caawaa lagu dhawaaqayaa mise bari, wax taas si toosa usheegi karana ma jiro, Masuuliyiinta kii kasoo baxa qolka lagu shiraya ma ogola inuu saxaafada wax wara siiyo.
Ergooyinka banaanka jooga aad ayay ugu niyad san yihiin Shirka, waxayna isku raaceen in Shirkaan noqon doono kii ugu fahanka wanaagsanaa, Qodobada kasoo baxana noqon doonaan kuwo dhaxal gal ah.
Dhamaan wufuuda shirka kasoo qayb galay way seexanayaan caawa, waxaana loo diyaarinayaa Casho iyo meeshay seexan lahaayeen.
Puntlandi.com kala soco wixii soo kordha  daqiiqad walba indhaha ku hay
Hoolka Jaamacada Puntland ee Garowe

Horyaalkii 26aad Ee Kubadda Koleyga Dalkeenna Oo Galabta Lasoo Gabagabeeyey”DAAWO SAWIRRADA”


Horyaalka 26aad ee Kubadda koleyga dalkeenna Soomaaliya oo si habsami leh uga socday magaalada Muqdisho ayaa gelinkii dambe ee maanta si rasmi ah usoo gabagaboobay ayadoo ciyaartii kama dambeysta aheyd ee Finalkana ay isugu soo hareen kooxaha Dekedaha iyo Heegan.
Ciyaartii Finalka horyaalka 26aad ee Kubadda Koleyga ayaa waxaa kasoo qeybgalay Wasiirrada Gaashaandhigga,Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Sportiga,mas’uuliyiin ka socotay gudiga olombikada Soomaaliya iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada waxaana labada kooxood ee Dekedaha iyo Heegan ay goobta kusoo bandhigeen ciyaar xiiso leh ayadoo ciyaartana ay ku bilaabatay dardar xoogan.
Naadiga Dekedaha ayaa ugu dambeyntii la timid 80 dhibcood halka kooxda Heeganna ay la timid 72 dhibcood ayadoo dhanka kalena abaalmarinno kala duwan goobta laga bixiyey sida laacibkii ugu goolal dhalinta badnaa oo uu ku guuleystay C/fitaax Buukaale iyo Laacibkii ugu fiicnaa oo uu qaatay C/raxmaan Dacareey.
Ugudambeentiina  waxaa kaalimaha lookalagalay sidatan
Kaalinta 1-aad waxaa gashay Dikadaha
Kaalinta 2-aad waxaa gashay Heegan
Kaalinta 3-aad waxaagashay Balaasma



Maxamed ibraahim  (biibaaye)
Haddii Aad Joogtid Europe,USA iyo Canada Wararka iyo Barnaamijyada ka baxa Radio Muqdisho ee ku dhaafa ka Dhageyso Taleefonkaaga adigoo garaacaya:-
Yurub                                            +442035190460
USA & CANADA                         +17124327760

Daawo:Madaxweyne Shariif oo kubiiray Shirka Wadatashiga ee Garoowe


Garowe,Shirka Wadatashiga Dastuurka Soomaaliya ee ka soconaya magaalada Garowe ee xarunta Puntland ayaa galay maalintiisii saddexaad iyada oo maantana ay soo gaareen madasha shirka wefdi uu hogaaminayo madaxweynaha dowladda Soomaaliya Mudane Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyaga oo loo sameeyay munaasabada qado ah oo ay isku arkeen madaxda kale ee shirka.
Shirka ayaa waxaa maanta diirada lagu saarayay sidii la isku waafajin lahaa talooyinka ay soo jeediyeen qeybihii saddexda ahaa ee shalay ergooyinka loo qeybiyay, waxaana illaa iyo haatan soconaya wadatashiyada iyo sidii loo qaadan lahaa hal fikrad ama heykal dowladeed taasoo ay noqon doonto sharciga iyo qaanuunka hagi doona dowladda soo socota kadib dhamaadka xilliga kumeel gaarka ah ee dowladda haatan jirta.
Gabagabada shirka ayaa la filayaa inay ka soo baxaan natiijo wanaagsan halkaasoo ay wakiilada iyo madaxda dhinacyada Soomaaliduna soo saari doonaan Final Communiqué, waxayna wada saxiixi doonaan Axdiga Garowe Principles 2.




Daawo Boob & barakicin xoogan oo loo geestay Soomaalida kunool S/Africa


Ku dhawaad 60 Dukaan oo Somali lahaayeen oo lagu boobay magaalada Rustumburg ee gobolka North West Dalka Koofur Afrika.
Wararka ayaa sheegaya in boobka uu ka dambeeyey markii shaqaale careysan ay shaqo joojin sameeyeen Iyagoo Dalbanaya in mushaaraadka loo kordhiyo.
Dadka oo banaanbax sameeynayey ayaa mar qura ku xoomay dukaamo dad somali ah kulahaayeen magaalada Rustumburg ee gobolka North West.
C/raxmaan sh.cumar (UKUN) oo la hadlay Warbaahinta aya sheegay inay iminka Diiwaan geliyeen 57 Dukaan oo boob loogeystay
C/raxmaan ukun ayaa intaa raaciyey inay kulan maanta laqaateen taliska booliska magaaladaasi islamarkaana ay ubalan qaadeen inay ka hor tagi doonaan rabshado kale oo dhaca.
Xiisada ayaa socotay seddex maalmood waxaana hadda la dareemayaa cabsi kale iyadoo la badbaadiyey ku dhawaad 10 dukaan oo in boob loogeysto la doonayey.
Filo Goor Dhaw Sawiro Muujinaya Boobkii Halkaasi oo Gaystay



horyaalkii 26-aad ee kubadda kolleyga oo kooxda dekedaha ku guuleysatay


Sports-hobyonet)Wiilasha kubadda koleyga ee Dekedaha ayaa galabta ku guuleystey horyaalka kubadda koleyga ee 26-aad, kaasi oo bilihii ugu danbeeyey si xiiso leh uga socdey garoonka ex-lugino degmada c/casiis ee Muqdisho.
Kulanka kama danbeysta oo ahaa mid xiiso gaar ah lahaa, oo aad loo wada sugayey,maadaama labada naadi ay ugu dhibco bateen dhamaan 11-ka naadi ee ka qeyb galay ayaa waxaa daawashada ciyaaarta finalka usoo xaadirey taageerayaashii ugu badnaa ee daawata k/koley sanadihii ugu danbeeyey iyo madax ka tirsan golaha wasiirada DKMG iyo Madaxda Olympicada iyo xiriirada hoos taga.
Dekedaha ayaa dar-dar la soo galay garoonka 10-kii ugu horeysey,taasi oo ay qeybtaasi hogaanka ugu qabteen ilaa 3 jeesto dhigooda Heegan.
laakin 10-kii danbe ee ku xigey ayey wiilasha Heegan boorka iska soo jafeen oo ciyaarta wax weyn ka bedeleen taasi oo u sahashey inay soo gaaraan dhinaca dhibcaha, markii xidgaha kooxdaasi ay dhaliyeen dhibco badan gaar ahaan ciyaaryahanka Allas dheere oo hore Dekeda uga soo tegey, laakin tababaraha Heegan ayaan fursad weyn siinin xidgaasi oo bedel uu ku sameeyey.
labadii qeyb ee danbe ayaa ciyaartu isku bedeshey mid dhamaan taageerayaasha labada dhinac midkoodna isa siin karin guusha, sababtoo ah aad ayey u kululaatay, goolal ayeyna isugu jawaabayeen ciyaartoydu, sidoo kalena garoonka ayaa waxaa laga saarey ilaa 3 ciyaaaryahan oo 2 ay Heegan ka tirsnaayeen halka midka kalena Dekedaha ka socdey markii min 5 foul ay dhameysteen.
ugu danbeyntii wixii leysku daalayba waxaa ay gabo-gabada seeriga uu ku dhacay iyadoo Wiilasha Kubadda Koleyga ee Dekedaha ay keensadeen 79 dhibic halka Heegan 72 kaliya waagu ugu baryey, sidaasina 3 jeesto iyo personal Horyaalka 26-aad kula hoyaadey Dekedaha.
Wasiirka Gaashaaandhiga DKMG Xuseen carab Ciise, kan arimaha gudaha C.samad, wasiirka Sportiga Maxed Muxyadiin iyo Madaxda Gudiga olympicada GOS gaar ahaan Aden Haji Wiish oo gudoomiyaha ayaa halkaasi hadalo ka soo jeediyey, ka dib markii Gudoomiyaha X.s.k.koleyga Ibraahim Husein Rombe uu qudbad tartanka ku aadan soo jeediyey.
Waxaa halkaasi lagu bixiyey abaalmarino kala duwan oo ay isugu jireen sadexda koox ee ugu horeysey tartanka, oo kala ah, Dekedaha oo koobka kaalinta 1aad qaadatay, Heegan 2-aad iyo Plasma University oo 3aad gashey, wallow uu jiro muran ka imaanaya kooxda Horseed oo sheegeysa in 3-aad iyagu xaq u leeyihiin, sidoo kale xidiga ugu wanaagsan iyo laacibka gool dhalinta ayaa abaal-marino la gudoonsiiyey.
C/xafiid Zaciimka

Leaked Document on London Somalia Conference


This is a leaked document on the Somalia conference planned for February 23, 2012. It contains a draft communique to be published at the end of the conference:

1. The London Conference on Somalia took place at Lancaster House on 23rd February 2012, attended by around fifty representatives from the international community, and from Somalia itself.
2. We agreed that this is a critical time in Somalia’s history. Life for most Somalis has got consistently worse over the past few years. A generation of Somalis has grown up knowing nothing but conflict. The humanitarian crisis continues: the United Nations has said that the situation in Somalia remains the most critical in the world. It is time to turn the tide. Current governance arrangements come to an end in six months, in August, and Somalis want clarity on what will follow. African troops have successfully established a good measure of security in Mogadishu over the last twelve months. Advances by other forces have liberated areas formerly held by Al Shabaab. And at sea, international action against piracy has secured the international trade route in the Gulf of Aden
3. So we met in London to take stock, and to take decisions which will sustain the momentum of change. We wanted to show Somalia and the world that there is solidarity among the international community; that we are committed to supporting Somalia’s continued emergence from its former status as a failed state;
and that we recognise the importance of new actors on Somalia, especially Turkey and Qatar, in helping Somalia’s future development.
Humanitarian [Language to be amended by DFID and other humanitarian actors]
4. The Conference was preceded by a separate meeting on humanitarian issues. Participants expressed concern at the critical humanitarian situation in Somalia. Four million people require emergency assistance; three million are in the South of Somalia, where famine and risk of imminent death remains for 250,000 people. They agreed that:
- Drought has become famine in South Somalia because of conflict and insecurity; ending conflict is key to ending the current and future risk of famine.
- Participants would provide timely, sustained and principled support to humanitarian organisations to ensure assistance reaches those who need it, when they need it, and regardless of political considerations;
- International partners needed to move beyond just life saving assistance and provide more multi-year support to longer-term activities including for livelihood and basic social services, in order to strengthen people’s resilience to shocks and stresses, and contribute to reducing the risk of future famines; and
- International partners would coordinate more closely on humanitarian assistance in order to maximise the coverage of needs we can meet
Political process
5. We agreed that the transition must end, and that the political process must now connect with the people of Somalia. We considered how the international community could support Somalis to accelerate decision-making on their future political structures. In this context, we noted the conclusions of the African Union Summit that: …… We made clear that nobody would agree to the roll-over of the Transitional Federal Institutions in August. We were interested in process not individuals. We called on the Transitional Federal Institutions to make as much progress on the Roadmap as possible before August.
6. We noted the intention expressed at the Garowe meeting in December to convene a Constituent Assembly. We called on the Garowe signatories to enhance the proposed process to ensure that members of the Constituent Assembly were genuinely representative of communities across Somalia; and that the Assembly had adequate time to discuss the four key outstanding constitutional questions: whether Somalia should have a centralised or federal state; the boundaries of the constituent regions; whether Somalia should adopt a cabinet or presidential system of government; and the role of religion in the state. We also noted that decisions on the shape of the parliament must be taken within the framework of the discussion on the constitution.
7. We agreed that in August the functions of government should pass to a caretaker authority until the constitutional discussions concluded. The constitution itself must be endorsed by the people of Somalia in a referendum, or by an elected parliament once democratic elections have been held. We agreed to review progress on the Constituent Assembly at the Istanbul Conference in June, and encouraged the Secretary General of the United Nations to include an update on this in his regular reports to the Security Council.
8. We noted that corruption drives the war economy in Somalia, distorting the incentives of the authorities and reducing finance available for development and service delivery. One consequence is that some international trade is driven towards Kismayo port, which in some ways is a more reliable business environment than Mogadishu port. Somalia has important economic assets, which need to be used much more to benefit its people. We welcomed the launch of a Joint Financial Management Board between the Transitional Federal Government and donors. We noted the importance of mutual accountability between the authorities and the international community. The Board will ensure the good management of Somalia’s domestic economic assets and revenues, and international aid, allowing Somalis themselves to monitor financial flows and to hold their leaders and the international community to account. We called upon relevant international agencies to accelerate feasibility studies for better and more transparent management of ports and airports, including Mogadishu port, and committed ourselves to supporting measures to implement these.
9. We talked about the role of Al Shabaab. We agreed that there was no place for violent extremism or foreign terrorists in Somalia, and we would continue to support the fight against them. But we also agreed that there would be a place for Islamic political parties in a future peaceful Somalia. We invited all those willing to reject violence as a political weapon to join the discussions on the future constitution of Somalia, which will determine the role of religion for the Somali nation.
8. . We also agreed that international standards of human rights and probity of behaviour in public life should prevail in Somalia. We noted that the role of the Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights in monitoring human rights violations, and in recommending how the Somali authorities, with the support of the international community could strengthen accountability for human rights violations and abuses. We agreed that individuals who diverted funds or aid intended for the benefit of the people of Somalia, or who sought to block or disrupt progress towards peaceful and stable government, should be held accountable, and we agreed to consider specific proposals in this regard at the Istanbul Conference. We agreed that the international community would uphold previously agreed sanctions by stopping engagement with those known to be involved in corruption, and agreed to adopt the following measures [whatever is agreed]. We also agreed to redouble efforts to comply with UNSC Resolutions and strengthen controls over vessels involved in illicit trade with Somalia.
11. We agreed that greater security in Somalia was essential to allow development and a more stable and inclusive political process. We welcomed the United Nations/ African Union plan for coordinated military engagement by the regional powers and Transitional Federal Government, and [wording on UNSCR on increase in support for AMISOM, if agreed before the Conference]. We also welcomed the agreement of the European Commission to continue funding the salaries of AU soldiers on the ground [If agreed].
[12. We agreed that for lasting security Somalia must develop its own professional and accountable security forces. To that end, we agreed principles for the development of Somali armed forces, police and coastguard (Annex C), and agreed to support that development in a coordinated way. AMISOM would over time transition into a training mission. We agreed that the EU Training Mission strengthens Somali national forces; and welcomed the agreement to provide barracks for Somali forces in Mogadishu[If agreed], so they can concentrate on their military tasks.
12. Equally important is the development of structures to provide justice for the people of Somalia. We also agreed to support that sector by providing coordinated and strategic support based upon key principles (Annex X). We agreed to develop an international coordination structure for support to the Somali security and justice sectors.
13. On piracy, we agreed that the roots of the issue are on land not at sea, and our work on regional stability would be central to tackling the causes of piracy. Nevertheless we agreed that there would be no impunity for pirates, wherever they may be operating, under UNSCR 2015. As an interim measure some participants had amended their law to allow the use of armed guards on their flagged vessels: no vessel using armed guards has been successfully taken by pirates. We noted that international naval operations had reduced the incidents of piracy in the Gulf of Aden to their lowest levels since 2008 through international naval operations. We welcomed the EU commitment to supporting better maritime security arrangements from neighbouring states in East Africa.
14. We welcomed the arrangements some of us have instigated to allow us to capture pirates at sea; transfer them to the jurisdiction of the Seychelles and Mauritius for trial [and others]; and then if convicted, the transfer of prisoners to internationally certified prisons in Puntland and Somaliland. These arrangements will be extended, to ensure a virtuous and effective circle of arrest, trial and imprisonment from sea to Somalia.
15. Finally, we noted the creation of a Regional Anti-Piracy Prosecution and Information Coordination centre in the Seychelles which will look at disrupting the money involved in piracy activity and seek to prosecute those who benefit from the proceeds of crime.
Counter Terrorism
16. We expressed our concern that terrorism linked to Somalia posed a serious threat to Somalia itself, to the region and to the wider world. The continuing terrorist campaign by violent extremists has inflicted untold suffering on the Somali population. We acknowledged the importance of the wider work to develop a more stable and secure Somalia in achieving a long-term solution to the problem. But we also agreed that, in the meantime, the international community and the countries in the region had to work together with greater determination to develop capacity to disrupt terrorism across the region. This means stopping the movement of terrorists to and from Somalia, disrupting the flow of their finances, and delivering effective intelligence gathering, investigation, criminal prosecution and detention against them. We encouraged the relevant regional and international fora to drive forward international co-operation to produce concrete results in these areas.
Stability and Recovery
17. We agreed that support to existing and emerging local areas of stability can play a crucial role in building peace and security for the Somali people. We talked about how the two approaches of supporting local (bottom up) and national (top down) stability should reinforce each other. A local stability approach can build positive incentives for local areas of stability to join a national political process, increasing its inclusion and credibility, and strengthening the process to build a legitimate central authority in Mogadishu after August 2012.
18. We also agreed that the local stability approach can deliver immediate development benefits for ordinary Somali men and women – notably by improving their safety and security and their access to economic opportunities, services, and to the benefits of reconstruction. We noted that quick wins such as this would be particularly important in newly emerging areas of stability.
19. We endorsed a set of principles for international support to areas of stability [Annex D] and [placeholder: discussion on merits of establishing a Stability Fund ongoing. If agreed, we should include announcement of contributions here].
International coordination
21. Finally, we discussed the way in which the international community coordinates its approach to Somalia. We agreed that there needed to be effective mechanisms to ensure that progress made in London was carried forward to the Istanbul Conference and beyond. The International Contact Group on Somalia will continue to provide a forum for agreeing international community positions. We agreed on the need to restructure that group, establishing working groups to address international community support on the key issues of the political process, security, development, and human rights, with each working group convened by a lead nation. We agreed to put proposals in this regard to the next meeting of the International Contact Group.
22. We also agreed that a core group of Fifteen states and organisations would lead work on supporting Somalia with the United Nations. The group would hold open a sixteenth place for the permanent government of Somalia, once elected. They recommended that this core group report back to the international community every six months at the International Contact Group meetings. We looked forward to taking work on Somalia forward at the Istanbul Conference, and at the Abu Dhabi Conference on international piracy in June.
22 . We highlighted the central role of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) in facilitating progress towards peace and stability in Somalia. We welcomed the efforts of the Special Representative of the Secretary General, Mr Mahiga in this regard. We called on UNPOS to improve and strengthen their operations to ensure adequate support to the Somali people in carrying out the challenging tasks ahead. We encouraged more effective coordination between the UN entities working on Somalia.
4. We recognised the important role played in Somalia by the diaspora and by civil society, which are critical actors in the political, economic, security and humanitarian affairs of Somalia. Although attendance at the conference was reserved for governments and international institutions, Somali views, including those of the diaspora, were sought in advance of the event. Looking forward, we agreed to work together with Somali diaspora communities and civil society to help shape a better future for Somalia.
Concluding points
23. The responsibility for stemming Somalia’s decline rests with Somalis and in Somalia. We agreed that, as partners of Somalia, we would deliberately spend less of our time in Nairobi and other capitals, and more time in Mogadishu and other Somali cities. A number of us have recently opened Embassies in Mogadishu and appointed Ambassadors. Others are planning to do so. We look forward to the day when a conference on Somali issues can be held inside Somalia.
Draft list of Annexes
A Humanitarian donor activity
B Political Process
C Security Sector Reform/AMISOM
D Local Stability Principles
E Terms of Reference for JFMB
F Slide showing proposed international coordination structures
G List of participants

Sumaya Dahir Soomaalia , Islam , Muxaadaro , Caruur , Ciyaal , dhaqan , tarbiya , kudayo

DEG DEG:-Shirkii Garoowe2 Oo Goor Dhow Guul Kusoo Dhamaaday


Shirka Garoowe 2 oo looga arinsanayey dastuur u sameynta dalka islamarkaana Seddex Cisho ka socday xarunta gobolka Nugaal ee Garoowe ayaa goor dhow oo caawa ah soo gabagaboobay ayadoo dhinacyada shirka ka qeybgalayana ay aragti mideysan ka wada qaateen qodobo markii hore isfahamwaa ka taagnaa.
Wariyeyaal ka socda warbaahinta Qaranka oo ku sugan magaalada Garoowe ayaa soo sheegaya in kulammo gaar gaar ah oo dhinacyada ka qeybgalaya shirka ay caawa yeesheen xal lagu gaaray ama aragti mideysan looga qaatay qodobo markii hore ismariwaa uu ka taagnaa qodobadaasi oo ay ka mid tahay qaabka ay noqon doonto Dowladda uu dalku yeelanaya marka laga gudbo KMG nimada.
Wariyeyaashu waxa ay soo sheegayaan in mas’uuliyiinta madasha shirka ku sugan ee kulammada gaar gaarka ah qaatay ay shaxaafada usoo bandhigeen heshiis ay qalinka ku wada duugeen kaasi oo ay ku cadyihiin waxyaabaha la isku afgartay,
Xafladii lagu soo gabagabeynlahaa shirka Garoowe 2 oo loo qorsheeyey inay gelinkii dambe ee maanta dhacdo ayaa dib u dhacday sababo ku aadan shirka oo soo gaaray waqti dambe ee caawa waxaana la filayaa in xafladaasi berri ay ka dhacdo magaalada Garoowe,
Hadii Aad Joogtid Europe,USA iyo Canada Wararka iyo Barnaamijyada ka baxa Radio Muqdisho ee ku dhaafa ka Dhageyso Taleefonkaaga adigoo garaacaya:-
Yurub                                            +442035190460
USA & CANADA                         +17124327760

US: Congresska oo la Weerari Gaaray


Masuuliyiinta Federaliga ee Mareykanka ayaa sheegay inay xabsiga u taxaabeen nin ay ku sheegeen inuu doonayay inuu weerar aragagixiso ku qaado dhismaha congresska Mareykanka ee Capitol Hill loo yaaqaan ee ku yaala magaaladan Washington.

Saraakiisha amaanka ayaa sheegay in ninkan la tuhunsanyahay, oo 29 jir ah una dhashay Moroco, uu doonayay inuu isticmaalo wax uu moodayay iney ahaayeen walxaha qarxa, si uu ugu weeraro dhismaha Congresska.

Waxey sheegeen in waxyaabahaasi Qarxa ay horey uga dhigeen kuwo aan shaqeyeeneyn hay’adaha sirdoonka, isla markaana aysan Qatar ku heyn shacabka mareykanka.

Booliska gaarka ah ee ilaaliya dhismaha Congresska ayaa sheegay in ninkan oo lagu sheegay magaciisa Amine El Khalifi, la qabtay ka dib markii muddo dheer ay baaris ku hayeen oo ay daba socotay laanta Dhexe ee Dambi baarista Mareykanka ee FBI.  

waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in ninkan la qabtay uu dalka Mareykanka ku joogay sharci darro, welina lalama xiriirinin ururka Al-Qacida.

Xarigga ayaa ku soo beegmay maalin ka dib markii nin u dhashay dalka Nigeria lagu xukumay Xabsi daa’in dalkan Mareykanka, isagoo lagu eedeeyay inuu isku dayay inuu soo rido duulimaad dayuurad uu u kala gooshayay magaalada Amsterdam ee Dalka Netherland iyo Mareykanka, maalintii ciidda masiixiga sanadii 2009kii, isagoo waxyaabaha qarxa ku soo hoos qarsaday nigis uu xiraa.

Saraakiisha Mareykanka ayaa ku eedeeyay weerarkaasi fashilmay ee uu fulin rabay Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Al-qacidada Fadhigeedu yahay dalka Yemen.

Washington: Congresska oo la Weerari Gaaray


Masuuliyiinta Federaliga ee Mareykanka ayaa sheegay inay xabsiga u taxaabeen nin ay ku sheegeen inuu doonayay inuu weerar aragagixiso ku qaado dhismaha congresska Mareykanka ee Capitol Hill loo yaaqaan ee ku yaala magaaladan Washington.
Saraakiisha amaanka ayaa sheegay in ninkan la tuhunsanyahay, oo 29 jir ah una dhashay Moroco, uu doonayay inuu isticmaalo wax uu moodayay iney ahaayeen walxaha qarxa, si uu ugu weeraro dhismaha Congresska.
Waxey sheegeen in waxyaabahaasi Qarxa ay horey uga dhigeen kuwo aan shaqeyeeneyn hay’adaha sirdoonka, isla markaana aysan Qatar ku heyn shacabka mareykanka.
Booliska gaarka ah ee ilaaliya dhismaha Congresska ayaa sheegay in ninkan oo lagu sheegay magaciisa Amine El Khalifi, la qabtay ka dib markii muddo dheer ay baaris ku hayeen oo ay daba socotay laanta Dhexe ee Dambi baarista Mareykanka ee FBI.   waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in ninkan la qabtay uu dalka Mareykanka ku joogay sharci darro, welina lalama xiriirinin ururka Al-Qacida.
Xarigga ayaa ku soo beegmay maalin ka dib markii nin u dhashay dalka Nigeria lagu xukumay Xabsi daa’in dalkan Mareykanka, isagoo lagu eedeeyay inuu isku dayay inuu soo rido duulimaad dayuurad uu u kala gooshayay magaalada Amsterdam ee Dalka Netherland iyo Mareykanka, maalintii ciidda masiixiga sanadii 2009kii, isagoo waxyaabaha qarxa ku soo hoos qarsaday nigis uu xiraa.
Saraakiisha Mareykanka ayaa ku eedeeyay weerarkaasi fashilmay ee uu fulin rabay Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Al-qacidada Fadhigeedu yahay dalka Yemen.

Falanqeyn: Heshiiskii Garoowe


Wasiirka Dastuurka DKMG, Cabdi Xoosh Jibriil iyo khubaro kale ayaa ka hadlaya waxyaabihii lagu heshiiyey shirkii magaalada Garoowe.

Barnaamijka oo dhameystiran qeybta hoose ka dhageyso.


Falanqeyn: Heshiiskii Garoowe


Wasiirka Dastuurka DKMG, Cabdi Xoosh Jibriil iyo khubaro kale ayaa ka hadlaya waxyaabihii lagu heshiiyey shirkii magaalada Garoowe.

Barnaamijka oo dhameystiran qeybta hoose ka dhageyso.

Dowladda sidee u aragtaa shirka London


Afhayeenka dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Yariisow ayaa ka jawaabaya.

Dowladda sidee u aragtaa shirka London


Afhayeenka dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Yariisow ayaa ka jawaabaya.

Guurtida Somaliland oo kulan la yeeshay Xildhibaanno ka Socdda Baarlamanka Jabuuti


Hargeysa(RBC):-Guddida joogtada ah ee golaha guurtida Somaliland, ayaa kulan xog-waraysi ah la yeeshay Xidhibaanno Haween ah oo ka socda Baarlamanka Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti.
Kulankaasi ayaa ka dhacay Xarunta golaha guurtida ee Somaliland, waxaana guddoominayay Gudoomiye ku-xigeenka Golaha Guurtidda Somaliland Sheekh Axmed Sheekh Nuux Furre. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Koowaad ee golaha Guurtidda Somaliland Sh. Axmed Shekh Nuux Furre oo ka hadlay halkaas ayaa sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay kulankaas, waxaana u mahadceliyay Xildhibaannada Baarlamanka Jabuuti oo Jimcihii booqasho afar maalmood ah ku yimi Hargeysa.
“Waad mahadsantihiin hawshaas ee aad isku xil qaanteen ee Somaliland ku timaadeen ee aad hawlahaas oo dhan isku xil saarteen oo aad ku marten hay’addaha dawladda oo dhan.”ayuu yiri Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka golaha guurtida, ahna ku-simaha Guddoomiyaha golahaas Sheekh Axmed Sh. Nuux Furre waxaanu inta sii raaciyey oo uu yiri “Waa markii koowaad ee Wefti Xildhibaanno Haween ah oo Baarlamanka Jabuuti ka socdaa noogu yimaaddo Somaliland, waxaana la ydihaadaa Haweenku waa ka daacadsan yahay Ragga. Waxaanan qabaa in farriimaha laydiin dhiibo waxba aydin ka hagaranayn, waxaanan filayaa intii aydin joogtaanna in aydin wax kasta ku sii ogaateen.”
Guddomiyaha Guddida Joogtada aha ee Golaha Guurtida Maxamud Aw-Axmed oo isna kulan kaasi ka hadlay, ayaa sheegay in golaha Guurtidu uu si weyn u soo dhowenayo Haweenka Xildhibannada ah, waxaanu uga xog-warramay sooyaalka taarikheed ee Somaliland ay soo martay, iyo Marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee golaha Guurtida Somaliland kala soo dabaasheen Somaliland, waxaanu xusay in Golaha Guurtidu yihiin laf-dhabarta Somaliland.
“Golaha Guurtida ee Somaliland waxa uu soo maray marxalado baban, waxaanu ahaa Aasaska Somaliland, Golahani siyaasada ma dhexe galo.Waxa uu xaliyaa wixii dhibaato ah ee soo kala dhexgala beelaha Somaliland.” ayuu yidhi Maxamuud Aw-Axmed.
Dhinka kale, waxa iyaduna halkaasi ka hadashay Afhayeenka Xildhibaannada Haweenka ah ee ka socda Baarlamanka Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti Marwo Caasha Maxamed Rooble, waxayna mahadnaq u soo jeedisay masuuliyiinta Somaliland, waxaanay intaasi ku dartay in si fiican oo niyad sami ah iyo soo qaabbilaad diirran ay kala kulmeen Maamulka iyo Shacabka Somaliland.
Si kastaba ha ahaatee Haweenka Xildhibaannada Jabuuti oo ka kooban shan xubnood oo Xildhibaanno ah ayaa dalka ku sugnaa muddo saddex maalmood ah, waxaanay kulammo kala geddisan la qaateen qaar ka mid ah laamaha dawladda, Baarlamanka (Guurtdia iyo Wakiillada) Somaliland, waxaanay Jabuuti dib ugu laaban doonaan Isniinta Berri.
RBC Radio
Xafiiska wararka Hargeysa.

Xafladii Taageerada Khaatumo State Ee Columbus, Ohio- (Sawiro)-


Waxaa Xalay lagu qabtay magaalada Columbus ee gobolka Ohio, Xaflad si fiican losoo abaabulay oo lagu taageerayo..
maamul goboleedka Khaatumo state of Somalia.
Xafladan waxaa kasoo qaybgalay jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Magaalada Columbus iyo madax ka socota gobolka Ohio. Waxaana halkaas lagusoo bandhigay heeso, suugaan aad loola dhacay.. hoos ka daawo..
Halkan Hoose Ka Daawo Sawirada
Riix Halkan

DAAWO: Waxgaradka iyo Cuqaasha Togdheer oo dhaliilay Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo

Never belonging


By:Bashir Goth
As an expatriate, one lives in perpetual split personality. As you work and socialize with the citizens of the country you adopted for your expatriate life, you develop a sense of belonging and you rarely remember that you had another country or culture; particularly if you have spent a long time in a certain place.
You may think that you have mastered the local language, the history, the cultural nuances of the local people and their culinary tastes, but then by the time you think you have become fully blended and integrated, an innocent fleeting comment or a subtle gesture may jolt you awake and make you realize that integrating is not like being and that being comes with childhood memories ingrained in one’s formative years through the mother’s bedside stories and not through learning in adulthood. What you learn and experience in adulthood gives you knowledge and enables you to find your way in life but it does not necessarily change your being. It is after many years living as an expatriate that I have come to conclusion that lacking that factor of being is the secret that keeps the person as an expatriate and not necessarily the lack of knowledge about the local culture or lack of legal citizenship for that matter.
I met some people who have become citizens of countries that they had migrated to and have lived in them more years than they ever lived in their original homelands, but who still see their original places as their home country. The fact that they have lived, educated, worked and have become citizens with full rights did not change that inside feeling of being alien and an expatriate.
On the other side, when you live many years away from your original country what you have about it is only a memory. The country, the people, the culture and the values you have in your memory may not exist anymore but you still cling to those worn out threads as dearly as you could.
I always find it difficult to understand how many of my fellow Somalis who lived most of their adult lives outside Somalia keep reminiscing about the country they once knew without realizing that what they know about Somalia exists only in their own memories. I received emails from friends who returned home recently after living more than 35 years in the West. And as excited as they were in going back, they were shocked when they could not find the country that they had been dreaming of. They suddenly felt alien and as expatriates in a place they considered as their own homeland.
This may lead the expatriate people, particularly African expats, to living in two different personalities. On one side, they may need to develop a strong sense of belonging to their places of work and residence and on the other side they may have a strong desire to cling to their childhood home even if it remains only a figment of imagination. But while some people may find it quite easy to reconcile between the two worlds and blend to the mainstream culture, others may cocoon in their own psychological enclaves and may forever live in a mental barren land.
Being an expatriate has therefore its ups and downs and its own exotica as well, as we read in the literature of the Europeans colonizers in Africa and elsewhere.
But the truth of the matter remains that once an expatriate always an expatriate. I once read a story about an American cross-country truck driver who saw a couple in different parts of the country. Perplexed by their nomad life, he approached the husband and asked him where he called home. The husband looked at his wife who was sitting close by and said: “Where ever she is.”
So in today’s globalized world, where one may not know where business and life will take him the next day, it may be safe to say that your home is wherever your spouse and your family are.
Bashir Goth
Source: Online Opinion – Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate.

London Conference on Somalia: fears and Expectations a biased report from Aljazeera


The following piece is part of our continuous coverage on the upcoming conference on Somalia in the British capital. Our policy of encouraging free and open discussion of the issues or presentations of all facts and opinions is always open to all regardless of view/political affiliation or beliefs.
OPINION | February 19, 2012
By:Dr.Yusuf Dirir
On February 16th, 2012 The Aljazeera centre for media research published a report in its Arabic website that is misleading, superficial and lacks the neutral stance that Aljazeera is known to offer to its faithful followers from all over the world. This departure from factual and unbiased information will only damage the brilliant stature and the credibility of Aljazeera. Aljazeera reporters, editors and researchers must do a thrall research and do justice to all before they embark on publishing a prejudiced and damaging report such as the one in hand. http://studies.aljazeera.net/reports/2012/02/2012216113244122683.htm
It is inaccurate to say that Somaliland got its independence from Great Britain on June 27th 1960 as the Aljazeera report indicates. Somaliland got its independence from Britain on June 26th, 1960. Furthermore, the author of the report ignores to highlight the cause of Somaliland’s recuperation of its independence from Somalia.
The people of Somaliland were militarily, politically and economically dominated and oppressed for 30 years by the people of Somalia. There was a well documented but not widely reported genocide that was perpetrated against the Somaliland people for at least ten years before the defeat of Siyaad Barre’s dictatorial regime. Thereafter, Somaliland came to the conclusion that there was no benefit for it to remain in a union with a politically doomed to failure and corruption riddled Somalia.
The Somaliland’s decision to leave the Somaliland-Somalia union was approved through a democratic national referendum that was held in 2001. This referendum took place only after the Mogadishu warlords undemocratically tried to persist in dominating Somaliland through military, economic and political intimidation subsequent to the Somaliland led defeat of Siyaad Barre’s regime and that is when Somalia warlords in Mogadishu unilaterally announced an unbalanced Somalia subjugated and made in Somalia for Somalia exclusive government and without consultation with Somaliland.
Later on, the Somalia warlords adopted a new illegal name for their state “The transitional Federal Government of Somalia” instead of the bilaterally Consensual name officially given to the Somaliland-Somalia union in July 1st, 1960 “the Somali Republic” this was again done singlehandedly by the warlords in Mogadishu with out seeking the input of Somalilanders.
Somaliland is democratic and in peace with itself and with the international community. Thanks to Somaliland, it is continuously fighting against sea pirates, terrorists and warlords and because of Somaliland; terrorism didn’t spread from Somalia to the Arabian Peninsula and to the rest of the world. Despite its meager economic capabilities, it is little known that Somaliland has even extended humanitarian aid to Somalia during the last Somalia famine.
It is an exaggeration to say that some tribes in Somaliland are forming their own administrations and Somaliland is crumbling from inside, as again incorrectly indicated by the Aljazeera report. That is very untoward and far from the truth; Somaliland has had exemplary internationally monitored multiple free and fair elections since 2001. There is no Arab country that can match Somaliland’s record in democracy and human rights. Thus, the Arab and Muslim worlds must be proud for what Somaliland has achieved without or with diminutive external help.
Apart from the State of Kuwait, which is renovating Somaliland’s airports no single Arab or Muslim country has contributed to the development of Somaliland. There where even Arab countries that participated and encouraged the genocide in Somaliland in 1980s. The planes and South African apartheid era pilots that bombarded and destroyed Somaliland cities killing hundreds of thousands of civilian mostly children, women and elderly were unfortunately funded by a sisterly Arab country.
After all these happenings and positive developments in Somaliland some Arab countries are still supporting and encouraging the dismemberment of Somaliland through media cant and giving financial support to terrorist groups, which came into being within the last few months and were organized by few power hungry individuals, who are desperately struggling to get political power through international coercion, misinformation and violent means. These few individuals badly failed to contend in the democratic multiparty political system in the Somaliland’s Political arena. These handful people who are mostly Somaliland nationals with USA citizenship were defeated both militarily and politically by the Somaliland people and their activities ceased to exist within Somaliland borders.
Somalilanders are not only the first Somali migrant community to Qatar, but are among the first Arab communities that contributed and are still contributing immensely in so many tangible ways to the development and progress of the State of Qatar and other Arabian Gulf countries.
Somalilanders acknowledge and are also natural admirers of the State of Qatar, its leadership and Aljazeera for their positive role in the pan Arab affairs and are surprised to read this biased report in Aljazeera’s website. I hope Aljazeera and the rest of the Arab media will encourage positive developments in the Arab and Muslim world such as the democracy, peace and the prosperity in Somaliland and not back the enemies of Somaliland. I hope Aljazeera and the rest of the Arab media will seek and use expert and impartial parties in their reports. The people of Somaliland and its democratically elected government deserve and ask for nothing but justice.

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