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Nin ku jiray liiska Argigixisada Boliiska Kenya oo Mombassa lagu dilay


Ninkaan oo lagu Magacaabo Xuseen suleymaan ayaa waxaa si wayn u doon doonayay Boliiska Argigoxisada ka hortaga ee dalka Kenya isagoo loo haystay falal Argigixisnimo.
Xuseen ayaa waxa la dilay xili uu ka qayb galayay Maxkamadeynta walaashiis oo ayadana la soo taagay Maxakamada Magaalada mombassa loona haystay falal Argigixisnimo.
Xuseen Sulaymaan ayaa waxa uu ku jiray Liiska Boliiska ka hortaga Argigixisada waxa ay boliisku sheegeen in ninkaasi uu ahaa maskaxdii ka danbeysay Rabshado maalmihii dambe ka socday Magaalada Mombassa uuna tababar la soo qaatay Xarakada AL-Shabaab ee Soomaaliya ka dagaalanta.
Boliiska ayaa intaasi ku daray in Ninkaasi uu doonayay in Mabda’ Jihaadiisanka iyo xagjirnimada uu ku faafiyo Magaalada mombassa iyo guud ahaan dalka Kenya.


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Dagaal Beeleedyo ka socda Mooyaale Oo dad farabadan ay ku dhinteen


Wararka laga helayo Magaalada Moyaale ee Gobalka Liibaan ee Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia ayaa ku soo waramaya in Dagaal Beeleedyo maalmihii danbe ay hareeyeen Magaaladaasi.
Wararka ayaa sheegaya in in ka badan 17 Ruux ay ku geeriyoodeen halka tiro ku dhawaad 20 kale ay ku dhaawacmeen dagaal beeleed ka dhacay Magaalada Moyaale una dhaxeeyay Laba Beelood oo wadaga Magaaladaasi.
Goob joogayaal ku sugan Magaalada Mooyaale ayaa Warfidiyeenada u sheegay in Dagaal Beeleedyada ay u dhaxeeyaan Qabaa ilada Borana iyo Gabra ayna maalinba maalinta ka dambeysa ay Magaalada soo buux dhaafinayaan Maleeshiyo beeleedyo aad u hubaysan oo kasoo kala jeeda labada beel ee dirirto ka dhaxeyso.
Dadka deegaanka ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in gurya farabadan dab la qabadsiiyay, dad farabadana lagala dagay gawaarida ku socdaaleysa wadooyinka soo gala iyo kuwa kabaxa Magaalada Mooyaale ee Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia.
Wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in ku dhawaad 800 oo qoys ay ka barakaceen deegaanka ayna ku dacdaraysanyihiin duleedyada Magaalada Moyaale ee ku taala Xuduudka Ethiopia iyo Kenya.


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Xildhibaan Max’ed Warsame Feysal oo Muqdisho lagu aasay


Allaha u naxariistee Xildhibaan Max’ed Warsame Feysal oo ahaa Guddoomiyihii Guddiga Arrimaha Bulshada Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya islamarkaana shalay Weerar qarax ah lagu qaarijiyay ayaa maanta waxaa aas qaran loogu sameeyay Magaalada Muqdisho.
Xildhibaanka Aaskiisa waxaa ka qeyb galay inta badan Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya , Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Mudane Max’ed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari iyo Ra’isal Wasaare Saacidkii ay Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka Kalsoonida kala noqdeen.
Inta badan Masuuliyiintii ka soo qeyb gashay aaskani Qaran ayaa tacsi u diray ehellada iyo dhammaan Umadda Soomaaliyeed ee uu ka geeriyooday Xildhibaanku.Madaxweynaha Oo Ka Tacsiyeeyey Geeridii Xildhibaan Maxamed Warsame (Feysal) War-saxaafadeed
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamud ayaa tacsi u diray Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, dhammaan xildhibaanda Qaranka iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo uu uga tacsiyadeeyey geeridii ku timid Marxuum Maxamed Warsame (Feysal) oo ku geeriyooday Magaaladda Muqdisho.
Madaxweynaha ayaa yiri “Innaa Lillaahi wa inaa Illaahu raajicuun, Geeridu waa xaq, waxaana EEBBE ka baryayaa inuu Samir iyo Iimaan uu naga siiyo marxuum Maxamed Warsame , isagana uu janaddii EEBBE ka waraabiyo. Dhammaan eheladdii, asxaabtii iyo xildhibaanadaba waxaan leeyahay Samir iyo Iimaan EEBBE ha naga wada siiyo, innagana aan u soo wada duceyno in Illaahey uu janadii fardowsa ka waraabiyo.”
Ugu dambeyntii Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa ku amray Hey’adaha amniga in ay sida ugu dhaqsaha badan war uga keneen sababaha ka dambeeyey qaraxa lagu dilay xildhibaanka isagoona umadda Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay in ay meel uga soo wada jeestaan kooxaha nabad diidka ah ee bartilmaameysanaya Masuuliyiinta Dowladda iyo dhammaan shacabka Soomalaiyeed.


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Dhegayso Codka: Koomiishanka Doorashooyinka Qarranka Somaliland Oo Ku Dhawaaqay Wakhtiga La Qabanayo Diiwaangelinta Codbixiyayaasha Somaliland


Sabti 07 December 2013 Hargeysa (Halbeegnews)– Todobada xubnood ee koomiishanka doorashooyinka qarranka Somaliland ayaa shir jaraa’id oo ay saaka ku qabteen xarunta koomiishanka ee caasimadda Hargeysa waxay ku dhawaaqeen wakhtiga loo asteeyey diiwan gelinta codbixiyayaasha waxaana ay faahfaahin ka bixiyeen kharashka ku baxaya iyo weliba qaabka loo gallayo diiwan gelinta, hoos ka dhegayso shirka jaraa’id ee ay qabteen oo uu hadlayo afhayeenka koomiishanka doorashooyinka qarranka Somaliland Mr. GeelleHalkani Hoos Ku Dhegayso Mp3 Aaladaada ComputerkaGeeleHalkani Hoos Ku Dhufo Barta Cad iyo Madaw Oo Ku Dhegayso Mobilekaaga

Halbeegnews, Hargeysacontact@halbeegnews.com


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Hanti-Dhawrka Qarranka Oo Goor Dhawayd Xabsiga Dhigay Xisaabiyahii Guud Ee Telefishanka Qarranka Ismaaciil Guuxaaye


Sabti 07 December 2013 Hargeysa (Halbeegnews)– Wararka hadda Halbeegnews xafiiskeeda wararka ee Hargeysa ku soo dhacaya ayaa tibaaxaya in ciidamadda booliiska ee ka amar qaata hanti dhawraha guud ee qarranku ay xabsiga goor dhawayd dhigeen xisaabiyahii guud ee telefishanka Qarranka Ismaaciil Guuxaaye.
Xadhiga xisaabiyaha guud ee telefishanka qarranka Guuxaaye ayaa ka danbaysay ka dib markii saaka uu si caad ah shaqadiisii ugu soo laabtay maareeyaha telefishanka qarranka Khadar Cali Gaas, waxaana maalmahii ugu danbeeyey ay hanti-dhawrka guud ee qarranku baadhitaano ku samaynayeen xafiiska lacagaha iyo xisaabaadka ee telefishanka qarranka, shaqaalaha iyo weriyayaasha ayaa laga xanibay lacagtii mushaharkooda ahayd balse markii danbe ayaa loo sii daayey, waxaana xisaabiyaha la geeyey saldhiga dhexe ee Hargeysa oo uu ku xidhanyahay
Waa Xisaabiyahii labaad ee ka hawl gala telefishanka qarranka ee hanti dhawrku xabsiga dhigaan, iyadoo muddo hadda sannad laga joogana ay hanti dhawrku xabsiga u taxaabeen xisaabiyahii ka horeeyey kan maanta la xidhay, balse muddo markii ay baadhayeen ay iska sii daayeen.
Hanti dhawrka guud ee qarranka ayaa lagu eedeeya inaanu si hufan shaqadiisa u gudan, isla markaana uu yahay mid magac u yaall ah, wallow markay noqoto gudaha wasaaradda warfaafinta markastaba fartu ay ku godnayd inay ahayd meel musuq maasuqu biyo dhigay.
Warar dheeraad ah oo arrintani ku saabsan kala soco HalbeegnewsHalbeegnws, Hargeysacontact@halbeegnews.com


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Islaamka iyo Xuquuqda Insaanka-DHAGEYSO


Maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 10-ka December, waa maalinta loo asteeyay maalinta Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqda Insaanka.
Waxaa la xusuustaa xaaladaha xuquuqul-Insaanka ee ka jira dunida iyo sida wax looga qaban karo tacaddiyada jira ee ka dhanka ah bani’aadminimada.TUBTA CAAWA 09 12 2013
Dalkeenna Soomaaliya waxa uu ka mid yahay meelaha laga xuso maalinta Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqda Aadanaha.
Islaamku waxa uu Ilaaliyay Xuquuqda Insaanka, waxa uuna karaamo goonni ah siiyay aadanaha oo dhan.
Islaamka iyo Xuquuqda Islaamku waa mowduuca toddobaadkan ee barnaamijka Tubta Toosan, waxaana nagala qeyb gelaya Sheikh Muuse Macallin Cagaweyne.TUBTA CAAWA 09 12 2013


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SOMALIA: A Somali opposition MP assassinated, fingers pointed at the President


A Somali opposition MP assassinated, fingers pointed at the President
Daahir Sheikhdaahireeto1@hotmail.comDecember 11 2012OPINIONOn 06/12/2013, MP Mohamed Warsame Mohamed ( a.k.a. Faisal) was brutally assassinated in front of the presidential palace ( Villa Somalia) in Mogadishu. reports suggest that an explosive device was taped in his car which blasted shortly after leaving the Palace., Mr. Faisal dead minutes after the attack.
A reliable sources say that President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed called Mr. Faisal and reguested him to come to the presidency for discussion, the MP accepted the President’s suggestion and drove to the palace. the source say PM’s car was checked in three heavily guarded security check points on the road to the presidential palace, some of them run by Amisom( AU peace keeping mission in Somalia) We do not know what the two men descussed, but we do know they were staunch political rivals.The esplosion took place after the meeting had ended and Mr.Faisal drove just few miters outside the main gate of the heavily guarded presidential compound.
Mr. Faisal , who hails from the semi autonomous region of Puntland where the islamists have less political influence, was dubbed as “liberal” and “federalist” and he had been staunchly opposing what he called ”damul-jadiid power grab”, (Damul-jadiid are the Somalia branch of the Muslim Brotherhood) and the inner cirle of president Hassan Shelkh Mohamud.
But the important clash of ideas between “Damul jadiid” and MP Faisal and his colleagues has been escalated by the recent political infighting between president Mohamud and the outgoing prime minster Abdi Farah Shirdon, Mr. Faisal, who was the chairman of an important parliamentary commitee, spreadheaded the PMs who were against the motion to oust the prime minster and as he was good debator he had became the media man of Shridon’s camp. he was interviewed by many local and international media outlets including BBCSoamali and VOASomali in the run up to the parliamentary session that Shirdon was voted out. the most interesting debate on the political bickering between Mr Faisal and his rivals was held by BBCSomalia service on 29/11/2012, in that debate he made several accussations against the president and his “Damul jadiid” group, he openly accused the president of power grab and unconstitutional steps. he warned that “Damul jadiid” were taking the country into a dark path, may be like that of Egypt. Mr. Faisal explicitly warned that the MPs have good information that president Hassan will use his security forces called (Alfa group) to intimidate or harm the MPs who oppose his plan to impeach the prime minister. that foretelling is very important for the investigation of Faisal’s assassination, if there will be one. Some sources say that the MP was verbally threatened by his opponents.
Interestingly Al shabaab terror group did not so far claim the responsiblity of this killing. As demonstrated by the recent Westage Mall attack, Al shabaab do not miss their words in such occasions and always rush to claim their heinous acts. To kill a MP in front of the presidential palace would be major publicity for Al shabaab. The lack of claim by Al shabaab will understandably fuel the suspicion that the MP was assassinated by the security forces he foretold.
Although one can not rule out that Al shabaab was involved in this bombing, some Somali MPs. the outgoing prime minister, Puntland and relativies of the slain MP all explictly or implicitly, point fingers at president Mohamud being behind this assassination. Some securtiy experts who contributed to this piece see the time, the place and the situation suggest that this is not necessarily the work of Al shabaab. The former central bank governor Yusuf Abrar has reportedly risigned because of fear of her life after she refused to sign up corruption deals, and some source say that she was threatened by some of the president’s close aides..
The election of Hassan Sheikh Mahamoud as president in Sept. 2012, was applauded by Somalis and the West as a major success and important step toward peace and stability in the troubled Horn of Afircan nation, some analysts suggested that Somalia may recover from its number one failed state status. unfortunately these assumptions soon turned to be elusive and the president did not live up to the expectations . he did not came up with strategies and policies that can bring the country back together and end the 23 -year- long catastrophe. His authortirian style of rule remembers the Somali people the days of Siyad Barre, the former military ruler of Somalia, and even some claim Mr Mohamud is dictator in the making.
Ironically president Mohamud stood in fornt of the UN General Assembly in last September and criticized Bashar Al Assad of Syria for killing his own people, he was right because Assad’s slaughter is contemptible , but if it turns out that Mohamud was behind the killng of his own MP that is typical of Assad’s tatics of bomb assassinations in Syria,Lebanon.and elsewhere.
The recent political infighting, the dramatic resignation of the central bank governor, the assassination of MP Faisal, the strained relations with the regions ( Puntland/Jubbaland/Somaliland),the unabated rape scandals, and the quarreling with the EU for direct aid, all point out that the high hopes put on Mohamud’s govermnent are dashed and the credibility of the president himself is seriously damaged if not destroyed.
Daahir Sheikh
Daahir Sheikh is Somalia politcal analyst
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SOMALIA: President Mohamud: “Human Rights must be protected, adopted and supported by Somali society”


His Excellency Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, today marked International Human Rights day.The President said: “Somalia witnessed abuses of human rights through two decades of civil war and the first step to take when addressing any problem is to admit there is one. Today, I want to send the message that human rights abuses have no place in the new Somalia.”
“I want to reiterate the government’s commitment to upholding human rights. We are working towards a position where there are no human rights violations in Somalia and we abide with best international practice in human rights. Practical steps have already been taken with numerous resolutions adopted by the Government at the United Nation Human Rights Council. New laws have also been introduced protecting human rights and the government’s political agenda has supported, and will continue to support, those laws.
“The Federal Government has adopted a Human Rights Road Map 2013 – 2015 which lays the foundation for improving the protection and promotion of human rights in Somalia. The Roadmap defines the government’s responsibilities and sets goals to be achieved in a short period of time in collaboration with civil society, NGOs and our international partners.”
“We know that the world is watching Somalia closely and we will take the criticism we receive in this area constructively. We will not hesitate to take the appropriate action, however tough that may prove.
We must have accountability and demonstrate that nobody is above the law.”
“Human rights however cannot just be enforced by the government and enshrined in law they must be protected, adopted and supported by society. For, in the last resort, human rights depend not upon judges or government, but upon the Somali people.”
“Much has been achieved in a year but there is still a long way to go and there can be no complacency. It won’t happen overnight but we must as a society continue to work together to consign Human Rights abuses to history.”
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SOMALIA: President Mohamud: “Human Rights must be protected, adopted and supported by Somali society”


His Excellency Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, today marked International Human Rights day. The President said: “Somalia witnessed abuses of human rights through two decades of civil war and the first ...


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10.12..2013. Barnaamijka Casharka Tafsiirka Qur,aanka Kariimka Ah.


10.12.2013.Salaasa.Barnaamijka Saxansaxo.


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GAROWE, Somalia Sep. 27, 2013 (Garowe Online) - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud addressed the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Sep. 27, calling on the international community to increase assistance to the country’s ...


Daawo Muuqaalka masuulka loo magacaabayo Ra’iisul wasaaraha


Wasiir Warancade oo xaflad casho sharaf ah loogu sameeyey galbeedka London.


Habeenimadii Salaasadii oo ay taariikhdu ahayd 10/12/2013, waxaa ka dhacday galbeedka magaaada London xaflad si heer sare ah loo soo agaasiamay, soona qabanqaabiyeen gabdhaha galbeedka London oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Siraad Muuse Wasame, Xarakaad caare iyo Aamina Cumar Qooblow, taas oo ujeedadu ahayd soo dhawayn casho sharaf lagu soo dhaweeyey Wasiirka Wasaarada arimaha gudaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Cali Maxamed Warancade oo maalmahanba ku sugnaa magaalada london, waxa madashaas ka soo qayb galay danjiraha Somaliland u fadhiya UK Ambassador Cali Aadan Cawaale, Agaasimaha Telefishanka qarranka SL ee Europe mudane Cabdiraxmaan Aadan Dheri, madaxda jaaliyada Somaliland ee west London Community, iyo dhamaan qaybaha bulshda kala duwan ee Somaliland ee deggan London.
UUgu horayntii waxaa madasha hadal qiime leh ka soo jeediyey madaxdii kala duwaynd ee ka soo qab gashay xaflada, iyo waliba waxa goobta looga duceeyey madaxweynihii hore ee Jamhuriyada SL Mudane Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo hooyadii dhawaan ay ku geeryootay magaalada Boorama inuu Ilaahay u Naxariisto, oo Janada Fardowsa geeyo.
Waxa sii raacaday uugu danbayntii khudabadii uu ambassador Cali Aadan ee uu ku soo dhaweeyey Wasiir Warancade oo ku bilaabay mahadnaq uu u soo jeediyey gabdhihii ka soo shaqeeyey xalfladn quruxda badan, intaas waxa uu ku daray waxooga yar oo warbixin ah oo ku saabsan socdaalkiisa iyo wadankiiba inakstoo oo uu ugu horyntiiba sheegay Ambassadoor-ku in Habeenimada Sabtida soo socota in uu si balaadhan oo xog waran ah uu uula kulmayo dhamaan Jaaliyada SL ee wadankan UK oo ka dhici doonta Malgaaladan London, waxaa intaas sii raacday heeso wadaniya iyo kuwo dabacsanba oo ay goobta ka qaadeen fanaaniinta Saynab Cige,Yusuf dheere iyo Cabdi Cumar.
waxay xafladii ku soo dhamaatay jawi aad u degen iyo farxad.
Ali xiis
Waaheen Media Group


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Kooxaha Ka Qayb Qaadan Doona Koobka Eerope League ee Isaga soo Haray Champions League


Koobka Uerope League waxaa ciyaaro kooxaha ku soo baxa kaalimaha labaad iyo sadexaad marka ay ciyaarayaan Horyaalada kala duwen ee qarada yurub waxaa kaloo ciyaara kooxaha ku soo baxa kaalinta 3aad ee Group da koobka Uefa Champions League Hadaba waa kuwaan kuwii isaga soo haray koobka dhagaha dhaadheere ee Champions League.
Shakhtar Donetsk
Viktoria Plzen
FC Porto


Web link Exchange

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