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wadaad caan ah oo ku geeriyooday Bangaladhesh


Hogaamiyihii hore ee xisbiga islaamiga ee ugu weyna dalka Bangladesh, Ghulam Azam, ayaa geeriyooday, wuxuuna ahaa 91 jir.

Caabuqa Ebola ayaa lagu arkay wadanka Mali


Dowladda Mali ayaa ku dhawaaqday kiis kii ugu horeeyay ee Ebola ah ee dalkeeda lagu arko, Gabadh laba-sano jir ah ayaana laga helay.



Qaramada Midoobay ayaa loogu baahanyahay si ka badan sidii hore waqtigan oo ay jiraan dhibaatooyin badan. Saboolnimo, cudur, argagixiso, takoorid iyo isbedelka cimilada ayaa keenay dhimashada iyo dhaawaca dad badan. Malaayiin dad ah ayaa weli waxaa haysta dhibaatooyinka dhiigmiirashada cambaareynta mudan ee ka timaada ku shaqeysiga qasabka ah, ka-ganacsiga dadka, adoonsiga xaga galmada ah ama xaaladaha aan laysku aamini karin ee ka jira warshadaha, beeraha ama fagarayaasha iyo goobaha macaadinta laga qodo. Dhaqaalaha aduunku weli waa garoon ciyaar oo aan sinnayn.
Asaaskii Qaramada Midobay wuxuu ahaa ballanqaad adag oo rasmi ah oo loo sameeyay dadyowga aduunka in la soo afjaro weerarrada noocaas ah ee  lagu hayo karaamada bani’aadamka iyo in loo horseedo mustaqbal wanaagsan. Waxaa jiray dib-u-dhacyo xanuun badan, waxaana harsan shaqo badan si loo xaqiijiyo aragtida Cahdiga Qaramada Midoobay. Laakiin waxaa dhiirigelin inoo ah guulihi aan gaarnay.
Himilooyinka Horumarinta Kunleyda ah ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa dhiirigeliyay ololihii ugu guusha badnaa ee weligeed loo qaaday dabargooynta saboolnimada. Heshiisyada Qaramada Midoobay ee wax ka qabashada sinaan la’aanta, jirdilka iyo midab kalasooca ayaa ilaaliyay/difaacay dadka, iyadoo ay jiraan heshiisyo kale oo deegaanka ilaaliyay/difaacay. Nabad ilaaliyeyaasha Qaramada Midoobay ayaa kala dhexgalay xoogagga colaadda ka dhexeysa, dhexdhexaadiyeyaasheena waxay xalliyeen khilaafaad, shaqaalaheena gargaarkana waxay dadka gaarsiiyeen gargaar nolol lagu badbaadinayo.
Waqtgan xasaasiga ah, aynu mar kale sii adkeyno ballanqaadkeenii ahaa awood-siinta dadka la liido iyo kuwa dhibaatada u nugul. Munaasabadda Maalinta Qaramada Midoobay aawgeed, waxaan ugu baaqayaa Dowladaha iyo shakhsiyaadkaba inay ka shaqeeyaan danta guud iyo wanaagga guud.

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“Sawirro”Madaxweynaha oo booqasho taariikhi ah ku tagey Ceelbuur iyo Beledweyne


Madaxweynaha oo ay wehliyaan wasiirka warfaafinta Mustaf Sheekh Cali Dhuxulow,wasiir ku xigeenada Arrimaha gudaha iyo Xanaanada xoolaha,Mudanayaal Baarlamaanka ah iyo taliyeyaasha ciidamada Nabadsugida,iyo Xooga dalka ayaa maanta gaaray degmada Ceelbuur ee gobolka Galguduud halkaasoo ah magaalo taariikh weyn leh islamarkaana xadaardeedu ay fogtahay.
Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu horeyn salaan sharaf ka qaatay cutubyo katirsan ciidamada Qaranka iyo kuwa AMISOM isagoo kulan la qaatay saraakiisha ciidamada kaasoo looga hadlayay xaaldaha amaanka,nolosha dadka iyo guud ahaan sidii loo horumarinlahaa,
Degmada Ceelbuur oo mudo dhowr bil ah gacantooda ka maqan Argagaxisada Al-Shabaab ayaa dadkii ku noolaa waxay ku suganyihiin meel duleedka ka ah kadib markii ay Al-Shabaab ceelasha biyaha kala baxeen Bamkii biyaha kasoo saarayay taasina ay keentay in dadku ay aadaan goobo ay biyo nadiif ah ka helaan,
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya mudane Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud oo meel fagaare ah kula ahdlay dadka reer Ceelbuur ayaa sheegay in dowladu ay keeneyso matooro dabka dhaliyo sid ay dadku guryahooda ugu soo noqdaan,dawooyin uu cusbitaalku isticmaalo iyo raashin gargaar ah waxa uuna intaa raaciyay in dowlada Soomaaliya aanay waxba ka hagran doonin dadka deegaanka.
Madaxweynaha ayaa intaa kadib booqday degmada Ceelbuur gaar ahaan saldhiga Booliska iyo warta uu Togga Ceelbuur biyaha kusoo shubo halkaasoo raxmada alle ay xareed dhigtay.
Xubnaha la socday madaxweynaha oo uu ka mid ahaa wasiirka warfaafinta Soomaaliya mudane Mustafa Sheekh Cali Dhuxulow ayaa sheegay inay u istaagi doonaan sidii degmada loo horumarinlahaa,Ceelbuur waa magaalo taariikh weyn leh islamarkaana ay ku yaalaan goobo dhisnaa ku dhawaad 100 sanadood waxeyse xiligan u baahantahay in wax badan ay u qabtaan dadkeeduayuu yiri mudane Msutafa Sheekh Cali Dhuxulow
Madaxweynaha ayaa intaa kadib booqday degmada Beledweyne ee gobolka Hiiraan waxaana halkaasi kusoo dhaweeyay gudoomiyaha gobolka C/Fataax Xassan Afrax iyo ku xigeenadiisa waxaana madaxweynuhu uu kulan la qaatay odayaasha dhaqanka ee reer Hiiraan kuwaasoo uu kala hadlay in si deg deg ah loo joojiyo dagaalada kusoo noq noqday deegaanka Deefow ee gobolka Hiiraan kuwaasoo u dhaxeeya dad walaalo ah oo deegaanka wada dega,
Mudane Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud waxa uu u sheegay dadka deegaanka in aan loo baahneyn in dhiig Soomaaliyeed ku daato xiligan si macno daro ah iyadoo loo dhaqaaqay dib u dhiska wadanka oo meel wanaagsan maraya.
Madaxweynaha iyo xubnaha la socday ayaa isla maanta dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo booqashooyinka gobolladu ay yihiin kuwo macno weyn ku fadhiyo taasoo meesha ka saareysa in aanay kala warqabin dowlada iyo dadka ay metesho.

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Lax dhashay neef yar oo laba madax leh. Bal Mucjisadan la yaabka leh ee usbuucan la arkay nala daawada.


Ninka beeralayda ahi waxa uu moodayey in ay indhihiisu wax kale u sawirayaan, kadib markiia ay lax adhigiisa ka mid ahi dhashay neef laba madax leh.
Inkasta oo ay qaab darantahay, haddana neefka yari aad buu u caafimaad qabaa, hooyadiina si fiican ayey isha ugu haysaa.
Meesha uu ku dhashay waxa ay ahayd Hohhot oo woqooyiga China ee xiga dhinaca gudaha Mangolia, marka sawirka laga soo qaadayna waxa loo malaynayaa in neefka yari jiray laba maalmood.
Xayawaankan layaabka lihi waxa uu leeyahay afar indhood, laba af iyo laba san, si kastaba ha ahaatee waxa uu awoodaa in uu naaska hooyadii si caadi ah u jaqo iyo in uu sida xoolaha kale soc socdo hareeraha hooyadii.
Xaaladdan naadirka ah ee uu neefku ku dhasho laba madax waxa loo yaqaannaa Polycephaly, si dhif ahna waxa laga dhex helaa boqortooyada xayawaanka ( Animal kingdom ). Dhinaca Adamaha waxa weli la hayaa dhacdo kaliya oo taariikhda gashay oo ilma yari oo ku dhashay laba madax sidaana ku badbaaday. Mataanihii isku dhejisnaa ee Abby iyo Brittany Hensel ayaa ahaa kuwo ku dhashay laba madax iyo jidh kaliya, kuwaasi oo illaa immiag nool da’dooduna ay tahay 24 jir.

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Maamule dugsi oo wakhti hore dhintay ayaa intii uu noolaa oggolaaday in qalfoofkiisa la dhigo fasalka dugsi Bayoolajiga lagu barto


Maamule dugsi ayaa intii uu noolaa ku dardaarmay in marka uu dhinto Qalfoofkiisa wax lagu barto, waxana uu oggolaaday in la sudho dugsigiisii uu maamulaha, gaar ahaan fasalka Biologyga lagu barto in ku dhaw muddo 50 sano ah.
Lafaha Alexandru Grigore Popescu ayaa lagala soo wareegay dugsiga hoose ee Puchenii Mosneni oo ku yaalla baadiyaha koonfurta bari ee Romania oo ku taalla gobolka Prahova, kadib markii saraakiisha faya dhawrku ogaadeen in lafahani yihiin kuwo run ah.
Laakiin waxa hoosta laga xarriiqay in xaqiiqdu ay ahayd rabitaanka macallinka in lafihiisa shaybaadhka la sudho.
Qalfoofka Macallinka waxa meesha looga qaaday in si xirfadaysan loo hubiyo iyo sidii gaar ahaan loo xafidi lahaa.
Immiga waxa loogu soo celiyey fasalkii  rabitaanka carruurtii wax ku baranaysey.
Macallin taariikhda dhiga oo la yidhaa Sorin Stanciu ayaa yidhi, ‘  Macallinkani markii uu 10 sano dugsigan wax ka dhigayey ayaa maamule loo wareejay, waxana uu caan ku ahaa sida aanu weligii xiisaddiisa uga maqnaan amma uga habsaamin. Qalfoofkiisuna waxa uu yaallay illaa iyo 60-kii kadib markii uu dhintay ayaa noqotay mid loo arko in uu mar walba fasalkii joogo.’
‘ Waxan filayaa in qalfoofkayagu xaqiiqdii noqon karaan mid ay ardayda ka qalin jabinaysa cilmiga sayniska iyo gaar ahaan ka dhakhtarnimadu ay wax ku bartaan.’

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Heshiiskii Gadabuursiga iyo Ingiriiska ee lagu magacaabi jiray…Anglo-Gadabuursi Treaty


Beelaha Gadabuursi oo taariikh facweyn leh, degaankooduna uu kala fidsan yahay dhulka Ismaamulka Somalida iyo Oromada, Somaliland iyo Djabouti, waxana tiro ahaan lagu qiyaasaa illaa 2 Milyan. Waana qabiil facweyn oo taariikh qoran leh. Wakhtiyadii gumaystuhu uu dhulka yimid ama uu sahanka ku jirayna la galay heshiisyo. Sidoo kale waxa ay lahaayeen boqortooyo facweyn oo ay hoggaanka u hayeen Ugaaska iyo boqolka oday.
Wakhtiyadii qarniyadii 16 illaa iyo 19tobnaadna waxa ay caan ku ahaayeen dagaallo ay kula jireen boqorradii Abasiinaya iyo gumaysigii caddaa. Taasi oo ay ka dhaxleen bur bur iyo dhibaatooyin badan. Laakiin waxa ay ahaayeen qabiilka kaliya ee aan dagaal lagaga adkaan amma aan ku jabin.
Xilligan aan ku jirro ayaad mooddaa in uu soo muuqdo in taariikhdii noocaasi ahayd ay dib u soo muuqanayso, waxana marba marka ka dambaysta sii xoogaysanaysa midnimadooda, fahamka waayaha ay ku jiraan iyo garaadka siyaasiyga ah oo heer walba leh. Da’yarta cusub ayaa ah kuwo aqoon iyo karti aan caadi ahayni ay ka dhex muuqato.
Taariikhdu waa ma guurto waana ay soo noq noqotaa, waxanan bal maanta dib u jalleecaynaa, qayb ka mid ah taariikhda Gadabuursiga ee aan mawduuceeda kor ku soo xusnay. Si fiicanna halkan uga akhriso:
December 11keedii, sannadkii 1884kii  bil kabacdi markii albaabada loo furay Heshiiskii Berlin ee lagu Qaybsanayay Qaarada Afrika, Ayaa Saakiil ka socday Imbaraadooriyadii Ingiriisku ay u soo guntadeen sidii ay si buuxda gacanta ugu dhigi lahaayeen, dagaannadii loogu qorsheeyay heshiiskaas.
Iyaga oo adeegsanaya khibrado iyo warbixino fara badan oo ay ka heleen Sahamiyayaashii ay u soo dirsan jireen bariga Afrika oo uu ugu Caansanaa  Sir Richard Burton, ayaa waxa ay bilaabeen in ay heshiis la galaan beelihii Soomaliyeed ee ku dhaqanaa dagaanadaas gaar ahaan kuwii la dherernaa xeebta badda cas.
Beelahaas soomaliyeed Waxa ka mid ahaa qabiilka Gadabuursi oo ahaa ka ugu horreeyey ee ingiriisku heshiis la saxeexdo, Heshiiskaas oo ka dul dhacay markabkii ay wateen Saraakiishaasi Taariikhdu Markii ay ahayd 11 Dec 1884, Heshiiskaas oo ahaa mid lagu saxeexay saan.
Saanta Heshiiska lagu kala saxeexday waxa kaydiyay Xaaji Jaamac Muxumad Ugaas Cilmi oo ka dhaxlay Awawgii Ugaas Cilmi oo ka mid Odayadii Heshiiska u saxeexay Beesha Gadabuursi. Xaaji Jaamac (Alle u naxariistee) ayaa saantan soo bandhigay 1974 halkaas oo lagu soo qoray wargayskii xidigta oktoobar. waxa sidoo kale lagu soo bandhigay machadkii akaadamiyada dhaqanka iyo taariikhda ee soomaaliyeed, Xafladii bandhigana ay ka soo qayb galeen saraakiil sarsare oo ka tirsan xukuumadii jamhuuriyada soomaliyeed. Halkaas ayaa waxa la dhigay nuskhooyin ama koobiya ka mid ah heshiiskan sidii cidii taariikhda baadhaysaa ay u hesho. Haddana waxaan halka idiin ku soo bandhigayaa nuqulkii Heshiiskaas Anglo-Gadabuursi Treaty.
we, the undersigned Elders of the Gadabursi tribe, are desirous of entire into an agreement with the British Government for the maintenance of our independence, the preservation of the order, and other good and sufficient reasons.
Now it is hereby agreed and covenanted as follow:
Article I The Gadabursi tribe do hereby declare that they are pledged and found never to cede, sell, mortgage or otherwise give for occupation, save to the British government, any portion of the territory presently inhabited by them or being under their control.
Article II All vessels under the British flag shall have free permission to trade all ports and places in the territories of the Gadabursi tribe.
Article III All British subjects, residing in, or visiting, the territories of the Gadabursi tribe, shall enjoy perfect safety and protection and shall be titled to travel all over the said limits under the safe conduct of the elders of the tribe.
Article IV The traffic in slaves throughout the territories of the Gadabursi tribe shall cease for ever and the Commander of Her Majesty’s vessels, or any other British Officer duly authorized, shall have the power requiring the surrender of any slave, and of supporting the demand by force of arms by land and sea.
Article V the British Government shall have the power to appoint an agent or agents to reside in the territories of the Gadabursi tribe, and every such agent shall be treated with respect and consideration and be entitled to have for his protection such guard as the British Government deem sufficient.
The above written treaty shall come into force and have effect from the date of signing this agreement. In token of the conclusion of this lawful and honorable bond
Jaamac Rooble
Maxamed Cali Bolol
Ugaas Cilmi Warfaa Ugaas Rooble
Raage Kheyre
Waaberi Iidle
Ducaale Dubbad
Caamir Cigaal
Geele Shirwac
Warfaa Rooble
Yoonis Buux
Fredrick Mercer Hunter (Bombay Staff Corps)
Percy Downs (First Grade Officer I.M)
Defferin (Vecery and Governer General of India)
Also the Agreement was ratified by
H.M Durand (Officiating Secretary to the indian Foriegn Department) in 25th Feb 1885 .
the former for themselves, their heirs and successors, and the latter on behalf of the British Government, do each and all in the presence of witnesses affix their signatures, marks, or seals at Zaila on the eleventh day of December one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, corresponding with the twenty-fifth of Safar one thousand three hundred and two.

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Magdhaw la siinayo shaqaalaha Ebola


Xildhibaan Cali Bare Oo Ka Hadlay DASTUUR Jabenta Guddoomiye Cirro


Guddoomiyaasha Sedexda Xisbi Oo Ka Warbixiyay Kulan Ay La Yeesheen Deeq Bixiyayaasha


Weerar ka dhacay dalka Tunisia


Video: Q.1-aad Waraysi madaxwaynaha Puntland


SOMALIA: Foreign Minister says more countries willing to invest Somalia


Mogadishu (RBC) The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion of Somalia Dr Abdurahman Duale Beileh said that the countries willing to engage to invest Somalia are increasing with the hope that peace and stability is returning back.
“The world now sees Somalia as potential place for investment due to the huge deposit of resources we have.  Our resources whether it is sea and are totally untapped.” the minister said.
Mr Beileh mentioned that his visit to numerous countries in the world gave him that the country needs to benefit from the foreign direct investment [FDI] as the federal government already announced that Somalia is open for investment.
“The sole worries were lack of security but that trend seems to be have ended. The world knows that there is a real opportunity here.” the minister added.
Last week, a high level business conference on Somalia’s oil and gas was wrapped in London bringing a hope that Somalia will produce its oil within six years.
Meanwhile the government warned what it has termed as secret contracts between foreign companies and local agents in Somalia seeking to benefit from the chaos and lawlessness period.
RBC Radio

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Somalia: Somalia’s Federal Governance: Progress and Challenges


Somalia’s Federal Governance: Progress and Challenges
Hon. Marian Arif Qassim
Hon. Marian Arif Qassim
Somalia, the horn of Africa, country with the longest shoreline, the beautiful land of pastoralists and farmers with an enjoyable year-long warm weather, became a failed state after thirty years of independence. The stateless status persisted for almost a quarter of a century, with incalculable loss of lives and capital.
Civil war, internal and external displacement of entire communities, devastating recurrent famine seasons and ruthless terrorist activities rendered Somalia a unique place whose initial collapse was a shock and its final successful back to the international arena as a member state was a sigh of relief.
After such a destructive civil war, the only thing that Somalis from North to South and from East to West fully agree is that there is no space for another unitary centralized system of government for their homeland. They are also unanimous that a decentralized administration could be a good option for Somalia. The Federal name was chosen because federalism was more familiar to the people of Somalia for a long time, having been the dream of Hisbiya Dastuur Mustaqil – one of the pre-independence political parties of the country more than sixty years before. It is also possible that the newly established Ethiopian federation had inspired the Somali politicians of the civil war era to follow their example.
The federalization process of Somalia is in full motion, but not complete. So far the new name of the republic is: The Federal Republic of Somalia and we have a provisional constitution that provides general guidelines and basic rules whose aim is to structure and shape the future federal state of Somalia. Together with political stability and security, the Somali government is determined to finalize all the necessary constitutional amendments, complete the formation of the federal entities of the country and gradually build the federal institutions of the central administration.
However, while the implementation of Somalia’s federalization task is gradually gaining momentum, it seems that the majority of the Somali people are at a complete loss about the type of federalism, suitable to their country.
The sixty and more federal states and devolutions of the world behave between a centralized unitary government style and a very lose federalization brand. In some states the federal government is very powerful while in others the regional entities are more dominant than the central administration. The existing federal states of the world are divided into executive, parliamentary and monarchy.
The most vital equilibrium for the Somali federalism is to divide fairly the powers of the government between the center and the regions on one side and to preserve the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country on the other. In other terms, the level of the power sharing should not jeopardize the freedom of the regional entities to manage autonomously their own regional affairs and at the same time keep together Somalia as one nation and one people.
While the federal government of Somalia is trying its best to be fully engaged in its federalization duty, the hazy concept of federalism, not very clear to many Somalis, has both supporters and opponents within our population. As a Constitutional Review Committee, we had the possibility to listen both the opponents and advocates of the federalism and highlight the most important issues of contention in order to reach a middle ground for the interest of Somalia and its people.The Voice of the Opponents of Federalism
Despite the good will of the leaders of Somalia to preserve the unity of the country within a federal system of government, opponents of federalism label it as harmful and extremely scary political strategy. Many people argue that the federal system is not suitable to Somalia because of its people’s homogeneity: same religion, same language and same culture. The advocates of this theory believe that federalism is introduced not to keep Somalis together but to divide them.
They also believe that the ongoing clan based regional states are very much damaging and divisive. They campaign that clanism is the opposite of nationalism and the antithesis of the Somali-ness itself. The more clan based entities are established, the more the Somali people will be physically divided, emotionally distanced and their eventual voluntary reach-out demonized. Somalis are usually bonded by very beautiful and very much respected affinal relationship. The more they are separated by clan based federal entities, the less mixed marriage will occur and consequently the general Somali-ness will fade gradually.
Another set-back was spotted by the critics of the newly introduced system of government. The pastoralist occupation of the majority of the Somali people will not profit from the controlled borders of the federal entities. While farmers are permanently settled and emotionally attached to their land, the pastoralists’ movement from one place to another is an unavoidable reality in Somalia. In search of better grazing for their livestock, pastoralists move from one region to another and sometimes try to cross the borders of Somalia with Kenya and Ethiopia. Regional state borders may reduce the limitless freedom of movement of the pastoral society of Somalia and consequently create disagreement and clashes between neighbor clans, there is no doubt that their optimal grazing interest is better safeguarded by a common borderless national territory, the opponents underlined.
The right of the minority clans within the regional states is another issue that has been raised. The critics of federalism underlined that minorities are better protected in a regional autonomy decentralized option. They argue that the clan division of the Somali society is the most dangerous element for a federal system to prosper; if neighbor clans are suspiciously vigilant to each other, sub-clans from the same root are skeptical about the majority justice to the minority.
The minority clans believe that they will not get the deserved share of traditional importance and political position within their clans of origin. It is a common knowledge that the suspicion between big clans and minorities of the same root is more deeply embedded in the hearts of the Somali people than the mistrust towards distant clans out of their ancestral family.
Traditionally, the critics underline that the justice of the clan system is highly questionable, there is no minority right in the clan system of Somalia; like the pastoralists, the minorities within the big clans of the country believe that they feel better protected socially and politically in a Somali state environment where their status as citizen is more beneficial than their minority sub-clan status.The voice of the advocates of Federalism
The advocates are convinced that there is no better solution than federalism to reshape the failed state of Somalia as a successful future republic. The civil war divided the Somali people severely; the deeply rooted scars of the war left after almost a quarter of a century, emotional wounds and grievance, mistrust and negative suspicion is still highly perceived among Somali clans. They emphasize that the clan based regional states are in reality, the first antidote against grievance and the first step towards a positive healing process for the Somalis to regain their mutual trust and reciprocal respect.
The pro federalism group is also convinced that a central and local clear-cut power sharing plan is the only solution that could bring back the Somali people together again, many of them are skeptical that other types of decentralized system of government could give almost the same result as federalism.
The supporters of federalism believe that the regional states will be able to organize better education and health for their community, better policing system and less crime rate are possible because of the access to personal data base through clan relative’s information gathering, local business opportunity and community development programs have also been underlined.
As a conclusion, the advocates of clan federalism argue that everybody knows that what motivates people is not their ancestral clan of origin, the actual clan members’ unity has a very short life span. History teaches that Somalis are in search of their own roots only in times of war and poverty, famine and war are the major triggers of clan loyalty and unity, at the same time war and fear are the main cause of hatred and mistrust between rival clans. Once peace prevails throughout the country, Somalis like any other society in the world will move from one region to another confidently; instead of their clan relationship, pursuit of better life and happiness will be the main rationale that will bring Somalis together again.
Pro federalists consider that another important benefit of the federal system is that there is no space for dictators to thrive. The chance to tighten their deadly grip of sole rulers of the country and enjoy indisputable power will be minimal in a federal administration. The majority of the regional states will be able to enact suitable laws through the lower and upper house of the country in order to contain eventual power abusers with despotic inclination within the federal leadership of the country.The Essential steps for Optimal Federation
The essential steps for optimal federation are first and foremost to give the population of Somalia the opportunity to learn and understand the concept of federalism and its different types. A team of federal experts with Somali counterparts should explain what are the strengths and weaknesses of the new system of governance. The Somali people should be given options to study thoroughly and decide the best federal form suitable to their country and its people, considering their livelihood, character, culture and religion. The option to adopt federal system should not look imposed, Somalis both at home and Diaspora must feel that such a system of government was chosen and agreed upon by the Somali people, without foreign pressure and intervention.The following steps are essential for optimal federation for Somalia:
1) Chose the right type of federation for Somalia considering its geographical location, its clan background, its agro-pastoral activities and its Islamic religion.
2) Agree upon clear, unequivocal division of state powers between the center and the regional entities, respecting the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the country.
3) Divide the powers of the highest offices of the country unmistakably; choose between a parliamentary system with a ceremonial President and a powerful Prime Minister or an executive government with President and a Vice president.
4) Consolidate the creation of the two houses and balance the power of the two legislative bodies avoiding majority dominance over minority, while the lower house is usually based on the number of the population, the upper house should be based on equal representation from all regional states of the country regardless of their population size like many other successful federal states in the world.
5) Finalize the federalization process by establishing the regional states of the country at grass root level and prepare both the federal institutions and the number of the future regional entities of the country.
6) Transparent and reasonable resource sharing plan between the federal government and the regional states; poor regional entities must be able to enjoy a share of the national resources through the federal administration.
7) General census of the Somali people and emanation of the Somali citizenship law; options include purely ethnic (everybody whose parents are Somali will be automatically a Somali citizen) or confer importance to the territoriality element of the citizenship and consider citizens only Somalis whose parents were born within the borders of the Somali Republic.
8) Establish political parties for the country and prepare for elections after the end of the mandate of the current federal parliament of the Somalia.
9) Separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judiciary of the country; the check and balance mechanism must be clear and unambiguous
10) Formation of honest and reliable justice system for the country including tough conditions for the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court justices.
11) Define the borders of Mogadishu – the capital city and prepare the law of its special status as the center of the nationhood and the home of the Somali-ness.
12) Finalize the provisional constitution of Somalia and prepare the Somali people for a general referendum in all the regional entities of Somalia.
Hon. Marian Arif Qassim
Member of the Somali Parliament, and the Chair of the Constitutional Review and Implementation Committee of the Federal Parliament of Somalia

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WHO oo cudurka Ebola tallaal u sameynayso


Qaybta 2-aad Waraysi Madaxwaynaha Puntland


Madaxweynaha Oo Shacbiga Ku Bogaadiyay Curashada Sannadka Cusub Ee Hijriyadda


Hargeysa (Somaliland.org)-Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa dhambaal hambalyo ah u diray shacbiga Somaliland oo uu ku bogaadiyay curashada sannadka cusub ee islaamka ee 1436 Hijiriyada.
Sidaasna waxa lagu sheegay war-saxaafadeed ka soo baxay xafiiska afhayeenka madaxtooyadda Axmed Saleebaan Dhuxul, waxaanu u dhignaa sidan:-
“Madaxweynaha JSL, Mudane. Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo, waxa uu Munaasibadda Sannadka Cusub ee Islaamka 1436 (Hijiriyada), awgii oo ku beegan Sabtida Beri oo taariikhdu tahay 25.10.2014, Hambalyo, Bogaadin iyo ducaba u dirayaa Guud ahaanba shucuubta islaamka gaar ahaana Shacbiga Somaliland Meelkasta oo ay Joogaan.
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland waxa uu ILLAAHAY Kabaryayaa inuu Shacbiga Somaliland iyo shucuubta islaamka guud ahaanba sanadkan Sanadkiisa ku gaadhsiiyo Bash-bash, Baadhaadhe iyo Barwaaqo, inta Buktana uu ka Dulqaado Xanuunka, inta Caafimaad qabtana uu u siyaadiyo, intii dhimatayna uu naxariistii janatu fardawsa ka waraabiyo.
Sidoo kale Madaxweynuhu wuxuu Hambalyo taasi la mid ah u dirayaa Wadamada Islaamka iyo shacbiga Muslimiinta ah ee ku nool dunida dacaladeeda oo uu leeyahay sanad wanaagsan oo wacan.
Ugu danbayna waxa uu Madaxweynuhu shacbiga Somaliland ugu Baaqayaa inay nabad-gelyada iyo Qaran-nimada Dalkeena, heegan u ahaadaan meelna uga soo wada jeedaan oo ay indho dheeraada u yeeshaan sidii ay hore-ba ugu soo jeedeen si aynu u gaadhno himiladeena qaran-nimo.”

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Dr. Bedal Cali Cumar Oo Shaaciyay Inuu U Tartamayo Doorashadda Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland


“Waxaan Madaxweynaha Uga Mahad celinayaa Inuu Dhalinyarrada ka dul qaaday qoddobadii Dabarka ku ahaa ka qeybgalka Siyaasadda”
Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Dr. Bedal Cali Cumar oo ka mid ah dhalinyaradda aqoon-yahanadda ah, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inuu u tartamayo doorashadda Golaha Wakiiladda ee lagu wado inay dalka ka qabsoonto badhtamaha sannadka fooda inagu soo haya ee 2015-ka.
Bedal Cali Cumar waxa uu sheegay inuu danaynayo inuu ka qeyb galo Goleyaasha hoggaaminta, waxaanu madaxweynaha Somaliland ku ammaanay sida uu dhalinyaradda uga qaaday qoddobadii caqabadda ku ahaa inay ka qeyb galaan ka qeyb galka Siyaasadda.
“Waxaan halkan ku caddaynayaa inaan iclaamiyo inaan isku soo sharaxo doorashadda Golaha Baarlamaanka ee gobolka Maroodi-jeex, waxaan aaminsan nahay inaan mansabkaasi guul ka soo hoyn karo, iyadoo aanu wato taageereyaashaydii, muddo dheer ayaan ka baaraan degayay inaan ku dhawaaqo murrashaxnimadayda, imika ayay suurtogal noqotay markii inaan shaaca ka qaadno. Waxaan qabaan inaan ka mid noqon doona dhalinyaradda tirada badan ee xubnaha ka noqday Goleyaasha qaranka,”ayuu yidhi Dr. Bedal Cali Cumar.
Bedal waxa uu Madaxweynaha Somaliland ku bogaadiyay inuu dhalinyaradda u fududeeyay inay ka qeyb galaan tartamadda doorashooyinka dalka, ka dib markii uu hoos u dhigay da’da dhalinyaraddu iskugu soo sharixi karto doorashooyinka Goleyaasha deegaanka iyo Wakiiladda.
Bedal Cali Cumar oo hadalkiisa sii watay wuxuu yidhi “Xeerarka iyo shuruucda dalkeenu maanta waxay si weyn fursad u siinayaan dhalinyaradda, oo afar sanno ka hor aan wax cod ah ku lahayn goleyaasha hoggaaminta dalka, arrintaasi waxay igu dhalisay inaan isku sharaxo xubin Baarlamaan si aan dadkayga iyo dalkaygaba ugu shaqeeyo sidii aan awalba ugu shaqeynayay ee aan uga hawl-galayay bahda caafimaadka.”
Murrashax Bedal Cali Cumar waxa uu ka shaqeeyaa wasaaradda caafimaadka, gaar ahaan waxa uu ka mid yahay masuuliyiinta xanaanooyinka caasimadda Hargeysa oo uu muddo dheer ka soo shaqaynayay, waxa kale oo uu ka mid yahay dhalinyaradda taageera horumarinta ciyaaraha caasimadda, waxaanu aasaasay kooxo kala duwan.

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Madaxa Xafiiska Qaaxada Somaliland oo ka waramay aqoon-korodhsiyo ay ku tageen Afrika


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxa Xafiiska Heer Qaran ee Xakamaynta Xannuunka Qaaxada (TB-da) ee Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Somaliland (NTP Manager) Dr. Sayid Ismaaciil Xasan, ayaa ka warbixiyey tababaro aqoon-korodhsi oo saraakiil xafiiskiisa ka tirsan ku qaateen dalalka Kenya iyo Rwanda bishan October ee 2014.
Dr. Sayid Ismaaciil Xasan, ayaa qoraal uu soo saaray xalay ku sheegay inay Hargeysa ku soo laabteen Salaasadii toddobaadkan, kadib markii ay soo dhamaysteen aqoon-korodhsiyo muddo 15 maalmood ah ay ku qaateen magaalooyinka Nairobi iyo Gigale ee dalalka Kenya iyo Rwanda, isagoo xusay inay aqoon fiican oo waxtar leh barteen muddada ay safarka shaqo ku maqnaayeen.
Waxa Dr. Sayid Ismaaciil Xasan ku bilaabeen qoraalkiisa noocyada aqoon-korodhsiga ay ku qaateen magaalada Nairobi, waxaannu yidhi; “Safarka aannu magaalada Nairobi ee Kenya ku tagnay waxa ujeeddadu in la dardargeliyo mashruuca la yidhaah PAL/PPM (programme of PAL/PPM) ee Somaliland, kaasoo siyaabaha lagu adkayn karo ee aannu ku heshiinay hay’adaha naga caawiya, waxaanna noo qabsoomay wax weyn oo insha Allaah aan dhawaan ku dhaqaaqi karno, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin;
? Sidii loo adkayn lahaa isku xidhnaanta xarumaha caafimaadka ee gaarka loo leeyahay (Privates) iyo kuwa dawliga ahaba si loo cidhib tiro xannuunka qaaxada
? In la adkeeyo sidii ay u wada shaqayn lahaayeen labada mashruuc ee loogu talogalay isku xidhka xarumaha caafikaadka (Programmes of ACSM and Pal PPM)
? Ina la xoojiyo, lana adkeeyo mamnuucista dawooyinka lagu daweeyo qaaxada ee suuqyada lagu iibiyo ama yaal
? In la qoro wacyigeliyeyaal shaqaale ah oo loo tababaro sidii ay uga hawlgeli lahaayeen wacyigelinta ka hortaga xannuunka qaaxada (TB-da)
? In la isku xidho wada shaqaynta xarumaha TB-d (TB centers) iyo xarumaha kale caafimaadka; sida MCH-yada ilaa heer gobal iyo degmooyinba
? Adkaynta wacyigelinta dabar-goynta qaaxada ee la mariyo hay’adaha warbaahinta
? Kor-u-qaadista wacyigelinta xannuunkan qaaxada si looga hortaga inuu inagu dhex faafo xanuunka MDR ee ah xannuun la qabsaday dawada qaaxada.
Waxa kaloo oo aannu tagnay magaalada Gigale ee dalka Rwanda oo aannu ku qaadanay laba tababar oo aqoon is-weydaarsi ah, kuwaasoo kala ahaa;
1. Sidii loo samayn lahaa qaab wanaagsan oo la xidhiidha daawaynta carruurta qaaxadu ku dhacdo, la isuguna xidhi lahaa dhammaan xarumaha carruurta lagu daweeyo (Child TB care guidelines)
2. Sidii la isaga dhawri lahaa, la isagana ilaalin lahaa fidista xannuunka qaaxada dhammaanba xarumaha shaqada iyo qaabkii looga hor tagi lahaa (Infection Control)
Si wanaagsan ayey noogu soo dhammaadeen, waxaanna na siinayay tababarkaas hay’adda USA AID oo dhawaan ku soo biirtay caawinta xannuunka qaaxada (TB-da),” ayuu Dr. Sayid ku yidhi qoraalka uu soo saaray.
Waxa kale oo uu ka xog-waramay waxyaabaha u qabsoomay muddada uu xilka hayey, waxaannu yidhi; “Muddo 8 bilood ah oo aan xilka hayey hadaan wax yar ka taabto waxyaabaha ii qabsoomay, waxa ka mid ah;
• Ballaadhinta xarumaha daawaynta iyo daryeelista xannuunka qaaxada oo ahaa 14 goobood, waxa hadda laga dhigay 18 xarumood.
• Hirgelinta xarun la xidhiidha daawaynta iyo baadhitaanka xannuunka TB-da ee la qabsaday dawooyinka (MDR Center) oo aannu hadda ku dawaynayno, kuna xannaanayno dad tiradoodu dhan tahay 95 bukaan socod ah, adeegaas oo loo raadsan jiray wadammada shisheeye, iyadoo inta badan dad bukaan ah u dhiman jireen la’aanta daawadan MDR-ka la yidhaa, waxaannu Wasiirka Caafimaadku dhawaan ku guulaystay inuu furo xarun cusub oo ah goob hadda la soo hiigsado, adduunkuna isha ku hayo.
? In aanu hirgalino isku xidhno caafimaad-wadayaasha iyo Isu-duwayaasha Wasaaradda Caafimaadka iyo xannuunka qaaxada oo runtii aan laga war hayn jirin markii hore, waxaanan ku dedaalnay sidii isu-duwayaashu ugu dhug-yeelan lahaayeen arrintaas, wada shaqayn fiicana uga samayn lahaayeen.
Waxa aannu muddada aan joogay helnay inay nala shaqeeyaan, taageerana ka helno labada hay’adood ee kala ah;
• USA Aid Supporting
• QADAR RED CRESCENT, kuwaasoo ku yimi Somaliland bishii la soo dhaafay marti-qaad Wasiirka Caafimaadku u fidiyey, waxayna ballan ku qaadeen inay qayb libaax ka gaystaan taageerada la-dagaalanka iyo dawaynta xannuunka TB-da.
Waxaan bulshadda reer Somaliland, heer gobol iyo heer degmoba ugu baaqayaa in la-dagaalanka xannuunka qaaxadu yahay waajib idin saaran oo ay muhiim tahay in laga wada qaybqaato. Dhammaan ganacsatada, culimada, madax-dhaqameedkuba waa inay ka qaybqaataan sidii looga hortagi lahaa, loolana dagaalami lahaa xannuunka TB-da.
Waxa kaloo muhiim ah in laga wada qaybqaato taakulaynta iyo ka war haynta dadka bukaanka ah, sidoo kalena loo xakamayn lahaa in xannuunkaas TB-du ama qaaxadu innagu dhex fido, mana aha in cid gaar ah lagu haleeyo hawshaas, waxaanan idinka codsanayaa wada shaqayn buuxda si aynu waddanka Somaliland uga cidhib-tirno xannuunka dillaaga ah ee qaaxada (TB-da),” ayuu yidhi; Dr. Sayid Ismaaciil Xasan.

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Xukuumadda Oo Hay’addaha QM Kala Shirtay Hanaankii Looga Hortagi Lahaa Cudurka EBOLA


Hargeysa, (Somaliland.Org)- Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa shalay kulan la yeelatay hay’addaha qaramada midoobay ee dalka ku suga, kulankaasoo lagaga wada hadlay laguna dersay sidii looga hortegi lahaa cudurka caalamka ku cusub ee EBOLA oo haleelay dalalka galbeedka Afrika, isla markaana ku dilay kumannaan ruux oo u dhashay wadamaddaas.
Kulankan lagaga hadlayay halista cudurka EBOLA iyo sidii looga hortegi lahaa, wada-jirna wax looga qaban lahaa oo lagu qabtay xarunta wasaaradda caafimaadka Somaliland, isla markaana ay soo qaban qaabisay wasaaradda caafimaadka Somaliland ayaa lagu soo bandhigay macluumaad la xidhiidha cudurka EBOLA, qaabka ugu habboon ee looga hortegi karo iyo sida loogu baahan yahay in wada jir wax looga qabto ka hortaggiisa.
Kulankan oo ay ka soo qayb galeen wasaaraddaha caafimaadka qorsheynta qaranka, duulista hawada, arrimaha gudaha iyo hay’addaha qaramada midoobay ee dalka ka hawl-gala ayaa lagu lafo guray sida ugu wanaagsan ee la iskaga kaashan karo ka hortagga cudurka EBOLA.
Ugu horeyn agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda caafimaadka Dr. Cismaan Xuseen Warsame oo kulankaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in kulankan ay ku casuumeen hay’addaha ay wada shaqeyntu ka dhexayso wasaaraddiisa sida WHO, UNICEF iyo IOM iyo dhamaan daneeyaasha arrimaha caafimaadka. Sidoo kale wasaaraddaha iyo hay’addaha dawladda ee ay arrinta lagaga hadlayaa khusayso.
Waxa kale, oo uu sheegay in ay kulankan u soo qaban qaabiyeen sidii diyaar garoobi lahaa in cudurka Ebola aanu usoo gudbin dalka Somaliland, maadaama ay jiraan ilaa 53 goobood oo dalka laga soo galo.
Agaasmaha Guud ee wasaaradda duulista hawada iyo gaadiidka cirka Cumar-sayid oo kulankaa ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inay ka hortagga cudurka EBOLA hore ugu dhaqaaqeen, isla markaana ay ku wargeliyeen diyaaradaha soo qaada rakaabka ee dalka yimaada oo u sheegeen inay soo qaadi karaan oo keliya rakaab sita waraaqo caafimaad oo waqti dhaw ah, waxaanu xusay inay madaarka caasimadda Hargeysa ka sameeyeen xafiis ay siiyeen wasaaradda caafimaadka oo lagula soconayo dhammaan dadka madaarka ka soo degaya xaaladooda caafimaad, waxaanu ballan qaaday agaasimuhu inay madaaradda kale ee dalkana ka samayn doonaan, isagoo intaa ku daray inay ogyihiin in madaaradu yihiin goobo xuduud ah oo dalka laga soo galo. “Waxaanu Nairobi ku wargelinay inaanay dalkooda ka soo dhoofi karin cid aan sidan waraaqo caafimaad oo waqtigoodu dhaw yahay oo ugu badnaan baadhis caafimaad soo maray toban cisho gudahood. Waxa kale oo aanu madaarka Hargeys xafiis ka siinay wasaaradda caafimaadka, anagoo ku baraarugsan halista cudurka EBOLA leeyahay, waxaanu ku talo-galnay in halkaa lagu baadhi karo cidda laga shakiyo.” Ayuu yidhi agaasimaha duulistu.
Wasiir ku-xigeenka wasaaradda caafimaadka Nimco Xuseen Qowdhan oo halkaa ka hadashay ayaa sheegtay in go’aamada lagu gaadho shirkan ay u gudbin doonaan shirka golaha wasiirrada ee maanta, oo lagaga dhawaaqi doono guddi heer qaran ah oo qaabilsan ka hor-tagga cudurka EBOLA. “Waxaynu kulanka u qabanay in aynu ka soo saarno go,aammo iyo qorshe cad oo wax lagaga qabanayo ka hortagga cudurka EBOLA oo ah mid aad u halis badan, isla markaana haddaan wada-jir looga gaashaaman, lagana hortegin aanay wasaaradda caafimaadka oo keli ahi waxba ka qaban karin,w axaananu kulankan ku soo marti qaadnay hay’addaha dhanka caafimaadka aanu ka wada shaqayno iyo wasaaradaha ay arrintani khusayso oo ay ka mid yihiin wasaaradda arrimahaha gudaha oo waaxda socdaalku inagala joogto, wasaaradda qorsheynta qaranka oo wax kasta oo qorshe qaran ah qaybteeda ka qaadata iyo wasaaradda duulista oo ah xad la iskaga soo gudbo iyo marin dalka laga soo galo, markaa maanta (shalay) go,aamada halkan ka soo baxa waxaanu horgayn doonnaa shirka golaha wasiirrada, waxaana lagu dhawaaqi doonaa guddi qaran oo ka hawlgala ka hortagga cudurka Ebola.” ayay tidhi wasiir ku-xigeenka wasaaradda caafimaadka Somaliland.
Wasiirka qorsheynta qaranka Dr. Sacad Cali Shire oo halkaa ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inaan la iska eegin keliya dadka ajaanibka ah ee dibadda ka imanaya, balse, dadkeena ama Soomaalida oo guud ahaan ah dad socod badan laftooda fiiro loo yeesho haddii qofku soo maray waddamada xilligan xanuunka loo tirinayo inuu ka jiro, waxaanu yidhi, “Waad ogtihiin oo dadkeenu way socod badan yihiin mana aha in aynu iska eego oo keliya dadka ajaanibka ah ee xanuunku dalalkooda ama kuwa ku dhaw ka jiro, laakiin waa inaynu aad u taxadarnaa, sababtoo ah ma lihin awood aynu wax kaga qabanno haddii uu ina soo galo ALLE ha inaga badbaadiyee, waxaad ogtihiin diyaaradda Itoobiya oo maalin kasta inoo timaadda waxay tagtaa ugu yaraan 46 caasimaddood oo ku yaalla dalalka Afrika waxaana ku jira kuwa xanuunku ka jiro, markaa waxaa lagama maarmaan ah inaynu ku baraarugsanaanu dhamaanteen inaynu u diyaar garawno ka hortagga xanuunka EBOLA oo aynaan ka daba-tag waxba kaga qaba karayn.”
Dr Sacad Cali Shire oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaa ku daray in loo baahan yahay in aan wasaaradda caafimaadka oo keliya lagu hallayn, balse loo baahan yahay in xil guud la iska saaro, isla markaana laga wada shaqeeyo ka hortagga xanuunkan, isagoo kula dardaarmay waaxda socdaalka Somaliland inay xuduuddaha dalka oo dhan si dhaw ula socdaan cid kasta oo dalka soo galaysana ogaadaan faya qabkeeda.
Gavin Roy oo u hadlayay hay’addaha qaramada midoobay,ayaa dhankiisa ballan qaaday inay Somaliland kala shaqaynayaan ka hortagga cudurka EBOLA oo uu sheegay inuu yahay mid halistiisa leh, isla markaana u baahan in wada-jir iyo iskaashi lagaga hortago.
Taliyaha waaxda socdaalka Somaliland Gaashaanle sare Maxamed Cali Yuusuf ayaa sheegay in ciidamadooda oo ku sugan dhamaan goobaha laga soo galo dalka ay amar ku haystaan inay baadhaan qof kastoo dalka soo galaya xaaladiisa guud ee caafimaad iyo baasaboorka uu sito inuu soo maray waddamada xanuunka Ebola loo tirinayo.

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