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Shacabka Dhoqoshey oo Muujiyey in Xisbiyada Mucaaridku kaga awood Badan yihiin Xukuumadda. By Kadiye Diiriye Nuur


Bismillah dhamaan waxaan salaamaya Umadda Islaamka meelkasto ay joogto, waxa kale oo aan halkan ka salaamayaa dhamaan warbaahinta madaxa
banaan ee sida hufan u soo tabisa wararka dhex dhexaadka.
Maanta  waxaan doonayaa in aan halkan kaga hadlo mawduuc ku saabsan safarka Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ee ku maraaayo goboladda bariga
Somaliland, waxa jirto degmooyin hoos taga gobolka Togdheer oo uu madaxweynuhu kala kulmay soo dhaweyn aad u liita sida degmada Dhaqoshay.
Mudadii Afarta Sano iyo badhka ahayd ee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Xilka hayey Degmada Dhaqoshay wax la taaban karo kamuu qabanin, Degmada
Dhoqoshay wakhtigii uu Mucaaridka ahaa Madaxweynuhu waxay la garab taagaanaayeen Cod iyo cudud, balse umuu abaal gudin taasina waxaa
caddeynaysa soo dhaweynta liidata  ee uu kala kulmay degmada Dhoqoshey waxaanu ku soo beegmay  Madaxweynuhu goor Habeenimo ah taas oo
muujinaysa in aan Madaxweynuhu dan ka la lahayn Degmadaasi Dhoqoshey, Balse Dadweynaha Degmada Dhoqoshey oo ah dad feejigan ayaa
muujiyey in aan Xukuumada Kulmiye cod iyo Taageero  ku lahayn Dhoqoshey oo aan u muujin soo dhaweyntii hore uu uga bartay Madaxweynuhuu
iyadoo meesha ay joogeen Waftiga xukuumada oo iyagu ku soo dhaweyey Madaxweynaha sidoo hore uga dhacday Faraweyne.
Waxa xusid Mudan in dhawaan uu Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID uu taagay Degmada Dhoqoshey isagoo halkaasi ka balanqaaday inuu 10 arday dugsiga
sare ka bixin doono, Iskuulka sare ee degmadaasina jiigan saari doono. Balse Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Dadweynaha Reer Dhoqoshey balan qaad umuu
samayn , Dhagax umuu dhigin Mashaaric horumarineed oo xadhiga ka jarayna muu jirin taasi waxay Muujinaysa in safarka Madaxweynaha ee
dhoqoshay yahay mid hinaase Faysal ah ee aanu ahayn mid xaqiiqo raadin ah.
Degmada Dhoqoshey Waa degmo Guun ah taarikh wayn ku leh Dalka somaliland marmarka qaar waxa laga sahamiyaa kolba Guusha dalka Cida talada
u qaban doonto waxa soo baxday in aan Xukuumada kulmiye Taageero ku lahayn, oo ay kaga awood badan yihiin labada Xisbi Mucaarid ee WADANI
iyo UCID.
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UN Envoy hails approving UN rule on the rights of the child


Mogadishu, 20 January 2015 –The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, welcomed Somalia becoming party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at a ceremony led by the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, at a local School in Mogadishu. Hundreds of schoolchildren witnessed the ceremony. The Convention sets out the measures states need to take to protect and promote the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of all children.
“I welcome the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by Somalia. This is an important step forward in the protection and promotion of the rights of all children in Somalia,” said SRSG Kay.
“As the nation recovers from decades of conflict, the Federal Government and its international partners have a duty to protect and serve Somalia’s most vulnerable communities,” said SRSG Kay. “I hope Somalia will now also begin the process of becoming party to the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The United Nations stands ready to support the Somali authorities in that regard.”Press Release

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Faah Faahin dheeraad ah oo ka soo baxeysa Dagaalkii Deefow


Baladweyne ( Sh.M.Network)-Waxaa faah faahinno dheeraad ah uu ka soo baxayaa dagaal maanta ka dhacay Deegaanka Deefow ee Gobolka Hiiraan.
Sidailo deegaanka ah ay xaqiijiyeen ku dhawaad 20 qof  oo u badan dhinacyada dagaalamay ayaa dagaalkii maanta ka dhacay Deefow ku dhintay halka tiro kale ay ku dhaawacmeen.
Xaaladda ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in haatan ay yara degen tahay iyadoo deegaanka ay ku sugan yihiin mid ka mid ah Maleeshiyo Beeleedyadii halkaas saaka ku diriray.
Weli waxaa jirta Cabsi ku aadan in mar kale uu dagaal meeshaasi ka qarxo iyadoo durba qax xoogan uu ka bilowday deegaanka.

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Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo Qalinka ku duugay Sharciga Xuquuqda Caruurta


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network)-Isagoo ka qeyb galayay Munaasabad ka dheceysay Dugsiga Sare ee Xamar Jajab ayuu Madaxweynuhu Qalinka ku duugay Heshiiska Xuquuqda Caruurta.
Madaxweynaha oo kadib Saxiixiisa hadlayay ayaa tilmaamay in Heshiiskaan uu Muhiimad weyn u leeyahay Caruurta Soomaaliyeed uuna u soo dhicinayo Xuquuqdooda kala duwan.
Sidoo kale Wakiilka Gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay Ambassador Nicolas Key oo ka hadlay Munaasabadda ayaa soo dhaweeyay Saxiixa Madaxweynaha.
Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ay kol dhaweed meel mariyay Sharciga Xuquuqda Caruurta Soomaaliyeed.

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Djibouti starts building 2 Chinese-funded airports


DJIBOUTI (Sh M Network) – Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh laid the first stone of a new Chinese-funded airport, part of an effort to turn the small Horn of Africa state into a regional travel hub at a cost of $599 million.
The investment, to be provided by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), will pay for the new Hassan Gouled Aptidon international airport in Ali-Sabieh, 25 km (15 miles) south of the capital.
The 1.5-million-passenger-per-year capacity airport, whose construction began on Monday, is to open in 2018 with runways big enough for modern commercial jets. It will also be able to handle 100,000 tonnes of cargo annually and generate 500 jobs.
“Its main aim is to enable our country to build a regional hub in the air transport sector,” Transport Minister Moussa Ahmed Hassan said.
The $599 million will also cover the construction of a second airport in the north, near the Seven Brothers islands, with an annual capacity of 350,000 passengers when it opens in 2016, rising to 767,000 by 2021.
Air travel has increased in sub-Saharan Africa in recent years as economies have grown on a continent short of well-maintained modern road and rail networks.Reuters

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Somalia ratifies UN convention on the rights of the child


NEW YORK, 20 January 2015– As the world enters into the 26th year of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Somalia has become the 194th state party to ratify the Convention, setting a course to improve the lives of its youngest citizens.
“By ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the government of Somalia is making an investment in the wellbeing of its children, and thus in the future of its society,” said UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake.
UNICEF applauds this important step for Somalia and looks forward to supporting the nationwide effort to translate the rights of the Convention into practical action for every child.
“The central message of the Convention is that every child deserves a fair start in life,” said UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake. “What can be more important than that?”
The ratification process will be finalized once the Government of Somalia deposits the instruments of ratification with the United Nations in New York.###Note to editors:  UNICEF has worked in Somalia since 1972, developing a nation-wide network of partnerships with over 200 international and national NGOs and community-based organizations to deliver programmes and services in the areas of health, nutrition, WASH, education and child protection.  The programme is implemented and monitored by more than 160 staff based in Mogadishu, Baidoa, Galkayo, Hargeisa and Garowe.About UNICEF:
UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do.  Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.
For more information about UNICEF and its work visit: www.unicef.org
Follow us on Twitter and FacebookFor further information, please contact:
Susannah Price, UNICEF Somalia, Mobile: +254 722 719867; sprice@unicef.org
James Elder, UNICEF Eastern & Southern Africa Mobile: +254 71558 1222; jelder@unicef.org
Melanie Sharpe, UNICEF New York, Mobile: +1 917 251-7670; msharpe@unicef.org

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Somali women released from Kampala jail


KAMPALA (Sh M Network)-– Ugandan authorities on Monday dropped terror charges against two Somali women.
“The Director of Public Prosecutions has lost interest in prosecuting the two,” Edward Muhumuza, a state attorney, told reporters.
He presented an official letter dated Jan. 15 to Magistrate Pamela Acaye to withdraw the case against the two women, with no specific reason given.
Hodan Ahmed Dahir, 23, and Yasmin Abdullahi Aden, 20, were arrested in September of 2014 from Kisenyi, a Kampala suburb, together with 17 others.
Police detained the suspects after alleged intelligence reports that they were plotting to attack Kampala shopping malls.
The Ugandan prosecution then brought charges of aiding terrorists, abetting terrorism and belonging to the terrorist groups Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda against ten of the suspects, including Dahir and Aden.
Magistrate Acaye has discharged the duo and remanded the remaining eight males in custody.
Ugandan, like Kenya, faces terror threats from Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabaab over the deployment of peacekeeping troops to Somalia.
Somalia has remained in the grip of on-again, off-again violence since the outbreak of civil war in 1991.
Last year, fractious Somalia appeared to inch closer to stability after government troops and African Union forces – deployed in the country since 2007 – drove Al-Shabaab from most of its strongholds.
The militant group, however, has continued to mount attacks against government forces and African peacekeepers.ANADOLU AGENCY

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Somalia: UN Envoy Kay welcomes Somalia’s adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child


For Immediate Release
PRESS STATEMENT 61/2015UN Envoy Kay welcomes Somalia’s adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the ChildMogadishu, 20 January 2015 –The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, welcomed Somalia becoming party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at a ceremony led by the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, at a local School in Mogadishu. Hundreds of schoolchildren witnessed the ceremony. The Convention sets out the measures states need to take to protect and promote the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of all children.
“I welcome the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by Somalia. This is an important step forward in the protection and promotion of the rights of all children in Somalia,” said SRSG Kay.
“As the nation recovers from decades of conflict, the Federal Government and its international partners have a duty to protect and serve Somalia’s most vulnerable communities,” said SRSG Kay. “I hope Somalia will now also begin the process of becoming party to the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The United Nations stands ready to support the Somali authorities in that regard.”

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Somalia: Somali President Signs the Convention of the Right of the Child


Signing of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
Tuesday 20 January 2015, 10am
Mr Nick Kay, Special Representative for the Secretary General
Mr Steven Lauwerier, UNICEF Representative for Somalia
Interim Ministers of the Federal Government and Members of Parliament
Mr Mahad Ahmed Mohamud, Principal of Hamar Jajab School
Staff and students of Hamar Jab-Jab School
I am delighted to be here with you today to celebrate the signing of a very important document – the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sometimes, documents don’t seem very important. Sometimes their connection with our everyday lives is not very clear.
But today, I am happy to say, this document is one of the most important that I can sign as President of Somalia.
Do you know why?
Because this piece of paper is all about you- all about the children of Somalia, and the children of the world.
This document – which is called the Convention of the Rights of the Child – was written in recognition that children need special care and assistance so that they grow up able to take their proper place in the community.
Growing up is a bit like taking a journey- except that you are not exactly sure where you are going or how to get there. There are many new things to learn, new experiences to go through; new choices to make.
Growing up in Somalia can be difficult. Some of you may have memories of tough times that you and your families have gone through. Some of you may be wondering what the future holds for you.
Thanks to God, I am not just a President, but also a father. It is a father’s job to look after his children, to provide a safe home for his children to grow up- a place where they can feel loved, protected and cherished.
As President, my job is quite similar. It is my job not just to look after my own children, but all the children of Somalia. It is my job- working with my government, and our international partners, like the United Nations – to make sure that your homes are safe and that your mother and father have everything they need to look after you. It is my job to make sure that you have a school to go to and that your teachers can teach you well. It is my job to make sure that when you grow up, you can have a job and work to support your own families.
It is my hope that we will create a Somalia that is safe and peaceful for you to grow up in.
And we are doing that. My government has worked very hard over the past two years to build a country that you will be proud to call your home. We have built roads and put in lights so that you can walk safely along those roads. Through programs such as UNICEF’s ‘Go To School’ program, we have worked together to re-open schools, trained teachers and put children back into school. With our partners in the United Nations, we have set-up new health clinics, given injections to children to stop them from getting sick, and made sure that food and water get through to people living in areas where those things are scarce. We have started to write laws that will protect you and your families from people who seek to destroy our country. We have started to create opportunities for people to safely open businesses to generate money to look after their families and contribute towards running Somalia. We have achieved a lot, and we have much to do.
Today, I have signed the Convention of the Rights of the Child. This means that Somalia sees you with all the human dignity and worth of an adult.
As President, and together with the Parliament, I have agreed that the Federal Government will protect your rights as a child through our legal system. We have promised you full and equal access before the law. We have promised to make sure that you never have to become a soldier until you are old enough to make that decision for yourself. We have promised to support your families to love and care for you and not to abandon you, or try to profit from you. We have promised to protect you from people who may have bad intentions. We have promised that regardless of whether you are a boy or a girl, you will have equal access to all the opportunities that life will bring you: to have a good education and to get a good job. We have promised to respect your right to thinking independently and to express those thoughts.
But any agreement has two sides. With rights come responsibilities.
So today, I want to remind you of your responsibilities. You are Somali. This is the first thing and it is the most important thing. You are part of one people, one nation, and together we are creating one future.
Stay in school. Learn as much as you can. Put your learning into practice.
Respect your teachers, your parents and your friends. Treat them as you want them to treat you. Listen to them, set an example through your own behaviour.
Look to the future. We cannot allow the past to bind us. If and when you hear stories about Somalia in the past, you must not be held captive to that. You must think of the Somalia you want in the future, and then you must make that happen.
Daud Aweis
Office of the President
Federal Republic of Somalia
Email: daweis@presidency.gov.so

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ISIS oo Madaxfurasho ka rabta Japan


Somalia's year of delivery


Nicholas Kay is the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Somalia, a position he has held since June 2013. Prior to that, Mr. Kay served at the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office, holding a number of positions ...

Somali Islamist militants praise strikes at "heart of Crusader"


The group is fighting African Union peacekeepers and a Western-backed government in Somalia where it wants to impose its own brand of strict sharia law across the country. (Writing by Drazen Jorgic; editing by Edith Honan and Ralph Boulton)

Khudbadda Madaxwaynaha Maraykanka Obama


Boko Haram: 200 ayaan ku dilnay Baga


G.ku Xigeenka Waddani oo Booqday Ugaas C/rashiid Roobe Doodi (Sawiro)


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Xisbiga WADDANI Mudane Axmed Mu’min Seed ayaa maanta booqasho ugu tagay goobta  uu magaalada Boorama Ka Degen yahay Ugaaska Beelaha gobolada Galbeedka Somaliland ugaas C/rashiid Ugaas Roobe Ugaas Doodi oo maalintii shalay ahayd soo gaadhay Magaalada.
Salaan diiran ka dib oo labada dhinac is waydaarsadeen ayaa ugaasku gudoomiyaha ugu waramay ujeedka safarkiisa isaga oo sheegay in uu gobolka u yimid sidii uu uga qaybqaadan lahaa shirwaynaha WADAJIR Ee Beelaha Gobolada Galbeedka Somaliland uga qabsoomi doono maalinta barri ah degaanka Gob ee Gobolka Awdal.
Uga Danbayn Ugaaska ayaa u duceeyay Gudoomiye kuxigeenka WADDANI Md Seed,waxa uuna kullankaasi ku soo dhamaaday jawi degen.C/rashiid C/laahi CumarBoorama-Somaliland

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Puntland:- Maxaa lagu Xasuusandoonaa Aadan Cadihii Labaad ee Somaliya (Saiwro)


(Garowe Galgalanews) Waxaan qormadaan hadii ilahay idmo ku iftiimin doona waxqabadii xukumadii Dr. C/rahman Maxamed Maxamud (Faroole) 2009 ilaa iyo 2014 hadii eebe idmo:
İlaah bay mahadi usugnaatay, qoraalo badan baa laga sameeyay guulihii iyo wax qabadkii dowladii Dr. Cabdiraxman Maxamed (Farole), sidoo kale qormadan kooban waxaan kutilmaami doonaa isla waxqabdkaas uu gaaray maamulkii Dr. Farole.Taariikh kooban:Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed (Farole) waa aqoonyahan lajaanqaaday cilmiga casrigaa waxa uu sameeyay 2 Diplma oo kala ah caafimaadka dadwaynaha (Public Health) iyo tirakoobka (Statictics), 2 Bachelor degree oo kala ah Bachelor of commerce(Ganacsiga) iyo Bachelor of political science (Cilmiga Siyaasada) , Master degree maamulka iyo maaraynta ah iyo Ph.D taariikhda ah (History).Waxbarashadiisa waxa uu kuqaatay wadanka Somaliya, Lebanon,Australia iyo USA oo distance learning ah.
Dr.Faroole shakhsi ahaan waa siyaasi kusoo jiray saaxadda siyaasadda ama xafiis dowladeed muddo 40 sano ah, waxa uu soo noqday gudoomiye gobol, agaasimaha guud ee bangiga ganacsiga iyo kaydka Soomaaliyeed (Somali Commercial and Savings Bank), wasiir maaliyadeed, wasiirka qorshaynta iyo xiriirka caalimigaa ee Puntland, wasiir dowladii Cali Mahdi iyo madaxwaynaha dowladda Puntland.
Guulihii arimaha gudaha Puntland iyo Somaliyaba:
• Dr. Farole markuu xilka lawareegay january 2009 waxa uu soo dhisay dowlad kaduwan kuwii horay uga shaqayn jiray Puntland oo ku iman jiray ninkaan wasiir nooga dhig ama noogee, laakiin taas badalkeeda Dr. Farole goluhuu magacabay waxay ahaayeen dad lagusoo xushay aqoon iyo khibrad oo ay kadhexmuuqdeen aqoonyahano sarsare,
Sidoo kale waxaa isbadal uu kusameeyay dhamaan masuuuliyintii dowlada sida taliyayaasha ciidamada, gudoomiyayaasha gobolada iyo agaasimayaasha wasaaradaha maantana way muuqdaan. hawlwadeenada wasaraadaha, gudoomiyashaaha gobolada iyo taliyaayashuba waxay noqdeen kuwa lajaanqaaday isabdalka iyo horumarka socda.• Dr. Farole waxa uu bilihii hore uu xooga saaray sidii loo heli lahaa dastuur dhamaytiran oo lajaanqaadi kara demuqraadiyada asaasna u ah diinta Islaamka kaas oo muddo soo socday kana mid ahaa waxyaalihii uu balanqaaday. İslamarkiiba waxa uu magacaabay Dr. Cabdi Xasan Jimcale oo ahaa allaha unaxariitee xidig kadhexmuuqda reer Puntland aqoon durugsana lahaa Ph.D giisuna uu ahaa shuruucda dastuurka( Constitutional Law). Waxaa taaba galay oo lahelay dastuur dhamaytiran oo kusalaysan nidaam xukun baahsan iyo xisbiyo (Decentralisation and Multipartism). Sidoo kale calan, astaan iyo hees qaran oo Puntland gooni u ah oo intuba kamid ah aasaaska dowladnimo.
• Dr. Farole waxa uu xil iska saaray dib usoo kabashada dowlad Somaliyed iyo taabagalinta dowlad federaal ah oo kahana qaada Soomaaliya taas isagoo daba jooga waxa uu qaatay door muuqda waxa uuna kamid ahaa shakhsiyaadkii inaka soo saaray ( 6 signatories) d kumeelgaarnimadii aan muddo 12 sano ah kusoo jirnay. Arintan si uu uga dhabeeyo waxa uu huray dhaqaale iyo dadaal dheeri ah waxaana ugu waawayynaa shirarkii Garowe 1 iyo 2, kii gaalkacyo kuwaas oo aasaas u ahaa dhalashada dowlad federaal ah oo aan kumeel gaar ahayn iyo dastuur Soomaaliyeed.
Waxa uu dhowr jeer isaga daba noqday Djabouti, Kenya, Ethiopia iyo waliba Muqdisho arimo hawshaan laxiriira, ugu danbayna wuu kuguulaytsay inay Somaliya yeelato dowlad aan kumeel gaar ahayn oo federaal ah.
Sidoo kale waxa uu kharash iyo waqti galiyay shirarkii wada tashiga iyo isdhexgalka Somliyeed sida: kuwii haweenka, culimada iyo isboortiga oo dhammaan uu usameeyay agaasim fiican si guul lehna kusoo idlaaday.
• Dr. Farole waxa uu xooga saaray isbadalna kusameeyay amniga Puntland. January 17, 2009 waxa uu golaha wasiirada lamagacaabay gudiga tirakoobka iyo dib uhabaynta ciidanka oo uu gudoomiye u ahaa Col. Maxamed Xaaji Cali Shirwac.
Waxa uu qaabeeyay oo dhisay ciidamo kala duwan oo dhamaantood hal meel ka amar qaata sida kuwa daraawiishta, nabad sugida , sirdoonka, asluubta, ciidmada hawlgalada iyo ciidamada badda( Puntland Marine forces) oo isagu aasaasay, ciidan lagu faanana ah.
Dhamaan noocyadan kala duwan waxa uu usameeyay hogaamo tayo leh iyo dhiiri galin. Ciidamadaani waa kuwa kuguulaystay nabad sugida deegaanka,ladagaalanka argagixisada iyo burcad badedka oo aan dareensanayn labaduba khatartii ay kuhayeen Puntland iyo heerkii ay marayeen.
Ugu danbayn waxa uu katakhalusay burcad badeedii sidoo kale waxa uu gacan adag kuqabtay argagixisadii inbadana maxkamado lahorkeenay.
• Dr. Farole sidoo kale waxa uu xooga saaray horumarka bulshada iyo deegaankaba. Waxa uu hirgaliyay mashaariic horumarineed oo isugu jira dhinacyo badan sida dhismaha iyo tayaynta xarumaha dowlada(İnstitutional Building), kaabayqaasha dhaqaalaha,waxbarshada, caafimaadka iyo deegaanka.Waxaan kaxusi karnaa mashaariicdaas wasaaradaha ladhisay oo ilaa 14 wasaaradood gaaraya, madaxtooyada, aqalka baarlamka , jeelal uu kamid yahay jeelka ugu wayn Somaliya oo Garowe kasocda, jaamcada maakhir, garoomada Bosaso,Garowe iyo Gaalkacyo ,balaarinta dekeda Bosaso, dayactirka wadada dheer ee isku xirta Bosaso iyo Galkacyo, mashaariicda ciidanka badda iyo kan baaritaanka shidaalka iyo mashruucii ugu balaarnmaa mashruuc bulshada caalmku Somaliya kahirgaliso burburkii kadib oo ahaa kii deegaanka( deegaankaagu waa noloshaada) oo ahaa lacag kudhow $40 Million.
Sidoo kale waxa uu sare uqaaday miisaaniyada Puntland oo hada meel wanaagsan joogta saddex laabna korartay. Dhammaan mashaariicdani may ahayn kuwo fadhi kumiyid ee waxaa lagaliyay dadaal iyo qoraalo badan.
Waxaa xusid mudan in dhamaan mashriicdani ay wada saxiixanyihiin lkn aan qaybtood wali labilaabin.Madaxwayhuhu waxa uu taaba galiyay doorashooyin shacabku wax doorto, markay qalalaaso dhacdayna muujiyay tanaasul iyadoo barnaamijkaas uu galay dhaqaalo iyo shaqo aad ubalaaran taasna waxay gashay taariikhda.Siyasada Arimaha dibadda:
Dr. Faroole intii uu xukunka hayay waxa uu sameeyay siyaasad arimo dibadeed oo kuqotonta isfaham demuqraadiyad iyo aqoon(Transparency and Professionalism).
Si loo hirgaliyo xiriir toos ah oo lala yeesho bulshada caalmka iyo dariskaba March 1, 2010 madaxwaynuhu waxa uu wasiiru dowlaha qorshaynta iyo xiriirka caalamigaa u magacaabay Dr. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi oo ah siyaasi iyo aqoonayahan kunoolaa USA. Dr. Farole waxa uu kuguulaystay in Puntland loo arko lagu daydaha Somaliya ama cidda wax laga waydiiyo arimaha Somaliya, iyo sidoo kale in EU, USA, IGAD iyo carabtaba lalayesho xiriir toos ah oo aan meel loosoo marin.Puntland waxay door muuqda kaqaadatay dhamaan shirarkii Soomaaliyeed dibad iyo gudahaba.Gabagabo iyo Gunaanad:
Waxaan qormadaan kusoo gabogabayn Dr. Farole waxa uu horay uqaaday talaabooyin badan oo dhanka hormarka ah waxa uuna si qurux badan reer Puntland ugusoo celiyay amaanadoodii, taas oo taariikhda gashay muujisayna bisaylka siyaasadeed ee isaga iyo dadka Puntland.
Dhanka kale Dr. farole waxa uu ahaa shakhsi aan eegan dan shakhsi, waxa uu ahaa mid aan katanaasulin waxa dadka Puntland ay xaqa uleeyihiin dhanka siyaasada iyo mashaariicdaba.
Ugu danbayn waxaan kusoo afmeerayaa tuduc kamid ah qormo gabay ahaan uqornayd oo Professor Togane Dr. Farole kaqoray:
Faroole decided to seize the MAGIC Mandela Moment
Faroole decided that it is better to be loved by the Somali people than feared by the Somali people.W/Q: Cabdiqadir Shiikh Xaamid. Student at Ankara University,TurkeyEmail: xaamid19@gmail.com 

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Ceerigaabo oo Wado Laami ah Xadhiga laga Jaray ( VIDEO)


(Ceerigaabo-Galgalanews) Madaxweynaha JSL Md Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo ayaa maanta xadhiga ka jaray Toban KM oo ka mid ah wadada laamida ah ee Ceerigaabo oo laga hirgeliyey dhanka Tuulada Ina Af Madoobe, halka sidoo kalena uu dhagax dhigay Daammur saarista 30 Km ookale  la hayo agabkoodii.
Sida La ogyahay 10 Km oo kale oo ka mid ah wadadaasi gaar ahaan dhanka Ceerigaabo ayaa daamurkii lagu shubay taasoo dhowaan xadhiga laga jari doono.

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Somaliland:- Maalintii 6-aad iyo Mashaariicda M.weynuhu fuliyey (Sawiro)


(Hargaysa Galgalanews) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo oo habeenkii xalay ahaa  isaga iyo weftigii uu hogaaminaayey ay seexdeen Caynaba ayaa saaka waxa uu khudbad ka jeediyey fagaaraha saynaba oo ay isu soo baxeen kumanaan dad ahi, ka dib markii ay khudbadii dhamaatay ayaa waxa uu madaxweynuhu u dhaqaaqay mashaariic dhawra oo laga hiregeliyey caynaba, oo ay ka mid yihiin Saldhiga booliska Jeelka weyn ee caynaba, sidoo kale waxa uu madaxweynuhu dhagax dhigay xarunta xanaanada xoolaha ee caynaba, Maxkamada degmada caynaba iyo garoonkubada cagta ah oo gobolku yeelan doono.
intaasi ka dibna waxa madaxweynuhu gaadhay ina-afmadoobe oo uu si rasmiya xadhiga uga jaray wejigii koowaad ee wadada ceerigaabo halkaasi oo uu madaxweynuhu hore u dhagax-dhigay, nasiib wanaagna uu isla isagu maanta furay himiladii maalintaasi la hiigsanaayey oo qayb ka mida hirgashay laguna talaabsaday iyada oo guud ahaan shacbiga somaliland iyo xukuumaduba u tafaxayteen sidii ay u noqon lahayd mid rumawda oo midho dhal ah, sida muuqata ee aynu maantaba arkayno waxa cagta la saaray laamigii u horeeyey ee ceerigaabo looga baydhi-doono insha allaa.
dhismaha wadadan cusub ayaa dhamayd inta uu madaxweynuhu maanta furay 10Km iyada oo uu madaxweynuhu dhagax dhigay 100KM oo isugu jira wax caro kaawadu u dhamaystiran tahay iyo in la tumay oo u baahan uun in la saaro caro kaawada iyo daanburka, insha allaa waxa lagu rajo weyn yahay inay dhawaan hirgelidoonto 100km oo laami ah.
Madaxweynaha oo soo kormeeray wadada ceerigaabo ayaa ku soo noqday degmada Qoryaale oo madaxweynaha loogu qado sameeyey si weyna ay ugu soo dhaweeyeen cuqaasha, waxgaradka iyo dadweynaha deegaanku, waxaanu madaxweynuhu goob fagaare ah kula kulmay dad tiro badan oo halkaasi isugu soo baxay.
ugu danbayntiina waxa uu madaxweynuhu dhagax dhigay wado 4 Km ah oo ay iska kaashadeen dadweynaha degmada qoryaale hadana ay baneeyeen oo ay ka diyaar u yahay in la saaro laamigii, isaga oo madaxweynuhuna ku hambeeyey sida ay u dedaaleen ee ay wax u wada qabsadeen ka deegaan ahaan.
ugu danbayntiina waxa weftiga madaxweynuhu ku soo caraabeen magaalada burco oo ay soo gaadheen xili habeenimo ah balse aad loogu soo dhaweeyey Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa, waxaana madaxweynaha loo gelbiyey Madaxtooyada Burco oo uu madaxweynuhu ku degay, ka dib markii uu magaalada soo gaadhay shacabkuna si balaadhan u soo dhaweeyeen.Xafiiska Warfaafinta ee Somaliland

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M.Siilaanyo oo booqday Degmadii uu ku Dhashay ku Xigeenkiisu (VIDEO)


(Dhagax-Dheer-Galgalanews) Madaxweynaha Somaliland ayaa Booqday Degmada Dhagax-Dheer ee uu ku dhashay Madaxweyne ku Xigeenka Somaliland C/raxmaan Saylici’ waxana uu Hadal uu Jeediyay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo inuu Tabashada Dadka deegaankaasi wax ka qabandoono.
Madaxweynaha ayaa Maalmahan Safaro ku Marayay Degmooyin badan oo ka mid ah Somaliland’ taasi oo dadka qaarkood ku tilmaameen Gol-Gol Doorashado iyo sidii Dadka Gobolka Awadal looga dhaa dhicin lahaa inay wixii ay tabanayaan la yimaadaan Miiska.

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Puntland:- Golis oo Qiratay inay Xidhay Shan Degel Wareed (DHEGAYSO)


(Bosaso-Galgalanews) Shirkada Golis ayaa Qiratay inay Aqbashay Amarkii Madaxtooyada isla markaana lagu xidhay ilaa Shan Degel wareed oo Gudaha PL laga Mabnuucay’ Cumar Faaruuq  oo ah Madaxa Suuq-gaynta Shirkadaasi  ayaa Radio Daljir ee Magaalada Bosaaso uga waramay Xanibadaa Mareegahaasi.
Cumar Faaruuq ayaa Ka Jawaabi kari waayay Su’aal  La waydiiyay oo ahayd’ Shirkada Golis hadii ay Ganacsi Dhex dhexaad ah tahay Sidii qayb ugu Yeelatay inay Dhex gasho Warbaahinta & Dowlada”
Ururada Caalamka sida RSF ee degen Dalka France’iyo CPJNUSOJ’ iyo Ururka Warbaahinta Puntland ee MAP ayaa si wada Jir ah ugu Dhaliilay Xukuumada PL iyo Shirkada Golis Talaabada ay qaateen inay tahay mid Guracan oo Hareermarsan ilaalinta Xuquuqda Hadalka’
Xanibaada Degel wareedyadaasi ayaan loo marin Hab Sharciga wafaaqsan oo aan la La soo marin Maxkamda’ isla markaana lagu deg degay.

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