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Dhagayso: Wasiir Abgaal oo Suldaan Wabar ugu Hanjabay inay Gacan ku soo dhigi doon shirgana la tiigsan doonaan.


Abwaanad Xaali Cagayar oo Sameysay Hees ay ku amaanayso Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland.


Abwaanad Xaali Jamac oo ka mid ah Qurbajooga Somaliland eek u dhaqan Waddanka ingiirska gaar ahaan Magaalada Shiffield isla markaana ah afhayeenka Uruka Tusmo ayaa hees Qiiro badan u sameysay Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland
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Madaxweynaha Turkiga oo Jabuuti Gaadhay Berrina ku Waajahan Somaliya.


Djabuuti(Waaheen) Madaxweynaha Turkiga Recep Tayyib Erdogan ayaa xalay gaaray Magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Jabuuti, halkaasoo ay uga billaabatay booqasho maalin ah, iyadoo berri ay isaga iyo wfdiga la socda Tagidoonaan  Muqdisho.
Erdoga ayaa boqosho uu shalay ku imaan lahaa Muqdisho u baajiyay geerida boqorkii Sucuudig, iyadoo weli ay xiran yihiin waddooyinka Muqdisho qaar ka mid inkastoo qaarkood la furay.
Socdaalka Muqdisho ee Erdogan ayaa wuxuu ku furi doonaa mashaariic ay Turkigu hirgeliyeen oo uu ku jiro dhisme laga hirgeliyay garoonka Muqdisho ee diyaaraduhu ay soo cago-dhigtaan.
Madaxda Somalia ayaa sheegay in qaraxada ay geysanayso Al-shabaab aysan hakin doonin booqashada Erdogan, iyadoo imaanshihiisa ay qayb ka tahay safarro uu ku marayo dalal Afrika ka mid ah.
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War Deg-deg ah: Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha Somaliland oo soo qabtay Markab Hubsida.


Berbera (Waaheen)Ciidamada Ilaalada Badaha Somaliland ayaa Xallay Gacanta ku soo dhigay Markab Hub, Dabaabado, iyo Diyaarado Sidda.
Wararka Hordhaca ah ee naga soo gaadhaya n ayaa shagaya in Saanadan Milatari loowadday Waddanka South Sudan, oo dhawaan Ka madaxbaanaday Sudan, Markabkan ayaa waxa baadhis ku wadda Ciidamada Sirdoonka Somaliland.
Siday Wararku sheegayaan saanadan milatari ayaa waxa ilaalinteeda la wareegay Ciidan ka Somaliland oo haatan gacanta ku haya.
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Masuuliyiinta Boorama Oo Ka Hadlay Weerarkii Lagu Soo Qaaday Saldhiga Booliska Iyo Baaqyada Ay Direen


Boorama(Waaheen)-Masuuliyiintka gobolka Awdal ayaa ka hadlay weerar lagu xidhiidhiyay kooxda suldaanka buuraha galay ee lagu soo qaaday saldhiga booliska ee Borama.
Masuuliyiiintan ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka Boorama inay u midoobaan nabada, waxa sida oo kale ay falkan ku xidhiidhiyeen Suldaan Wabar oo hore ugu dhawaaqay inuu gobalkaas ka goynaayo Somaliland inteeda kale.
Ugu horayntii badashaab ku xigeenka Awdal Cabdiraxmaan xaaji Nuur Suugaal oo dhacdadan ka hadlaayay waxa uu sheegay in aan weerarku gaysan wax khasaare ah, waxaan isaga oo arimahan ka hadlaayay uu yidhi“Dadweynaha gobalka Awdal waxaan leeyahay waa in nabada la ilaaliyo, waxaynu dadka kaga horaynaa waa nabada, gobalkanina waxa uu gobalada kaga horeeyaa waa nabada oo culimada,aqoonyahanka iyo salaadiintuna ha ka hadlaan arimaha jira, arinta xalay dhacday run ahaantii labadii iyo badhkii habeenimo ayaanu ku war helnay rasaasta dhacaysa, weerarkii la soo qaaday laguma guulaysan wax dhibaato ahana kama dhicin, dadweynaha  waxaan leeyahay soo sheega hadaad aragtaan cid nabada ku duulaan ah, waxa jira dad gobalka ka baxay oo jooga dhinaca haxadka Itoobiya kuwaas ayaanuna filaynaa inay soo qaadeen.”
Maayarka Borama Saleebaan Xasan Xadi ayaa isaguna dhankiisa waxa uu yidhi “Horta Rasaas way dhacday laakiin, sida loo buun-buuninayo may ahayn, Ciidanka Booliskuna kolay wax way rideen markay maqleen Shanqadha xabbadda dhinaca kale laakiin wax weyn may ahayn ee markii Xabbadda Ciidanka ay maqleen meesha way ka yaaceen(Kooxda Booliska Rasaasaysay), laakiin, wax weyn oo dhacay oo la odhan karo wax khasaare ah ayaa dhacay ma jirto”
Maayarka oo hadalkiisa sii wataa waxa uu yidhi “Nabadu cidwalba waa u dan ee waa inay dadweynaha reer  Awdal ku da’daalaan oo cid kasta oo nabadooda ka horimanaysa ay iyaguna ka hor yimaadaan, xabadi gidaarada saldhiga way ku dhacday laakiin wax dhibaato ah oo kale oo dhacay a jiraan.”
Weerarkan lagu soo qaaday saldhiga booliska Boorama ayaa ah kii labaad ee noociisa oo kale ah ee lagu xidhiidhiyay  kooxda uu hogaamiyo Suldaan Wabar ee buuraha gashay.
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Madaxweynaha Turkiga Oo Heshiisyo La Gaadhay Itoobiya Kana Baaqday Safarkiisii Muqdisho


Addis Ababa(WD)-Madaxweynaha dalka Turkiga Recep Tayyib Erdogan ayaa soo gaadhay dalka Itoobiya isaga oo heshiis dhinacyada ganacsiga iyo maalgashiga ah la gaadhay raysalwasaaraha Itoobiya Desalegn Hailemariam.Sida oo kale waxa lagu soo waramayaa in madaxweyneha Turkiga iyo raysal wasaaraha Itoobiya ay ka wada hadaleen ciidanka AMISOM ee Itoobiya ka Jooga Somaliya iyo sidii masidka Najaashi loo balaadhin lahaa loogana dhigi lahaa goob dalxiis.Sida oo kale waxa uu ka baaqday madaxweynaha Turkiga Erdogan socdaal uu ku tagi lahaa dalalka Somaliya iyo Jabuuti kadib markii uu geeriyooday boqorkii dalka sucuudiga Boqor Cabdalah Bun Cabdulcasiis isla markaana uu dib ugu duulay dalka Sucuudiga oo uu kaga qaybgalaayo tacsida boqorka Cabdalah.Erdogan ayaa si kooban Addis Ababa ugu sheegay warbaahinta inuu dib ugu laabanaayo  Riyadh  “Waxaan go’aansannay inaan aadno Riyadh oo aan kaga qaybgalaayo aaska boqorka Saudi Arabia Cabdalla Bin Cabdicasiis. Balse waan sii wadayaa safarkii aan ku tegi lahaa Somalia iyo Jabuuti.” Waxa soo baxaaya warar sheegay inuu Muqdisho maalinta Axada dib ugu soo laaban doono madaxweynaha Turkiga Erdogan inkasta oo afhayeenka madaxtooyada Somaliya Daa’uud Aways aanu sheegin wakhti cayiman “Booqashadii Erdogan uu maanta oo Jimco ah ku imaan lahaa Muqdisho way baaqatay, wuxuuna aaday Saudi Arabia, mana ogin xilliga uu imaan doono Muqdisho.”Erdogan madaxweynaha Turkiga ayaa wakhtigan danaynaaya in uu xidhiidh  ganacsi oo xoogan la yeesho qaarada Afrika oo wakhtigan dalal badan u suxul duubayaan inay xidhiidh ganacsi la yeeshaan.
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Erdoğan attends Saudi king’s funeral, set to visit Somalia


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who cut short his Africa tour, attended the funeral of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah on Friday and plans to head back to Africa to visit Somalia, where a bomb attack reportedly targeted a Turkish delegation in Mogadishu.

Somalia: Al Shabaab liberated from villages under blockade


TIYEGLOW, Somalia Jan 24, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Somali government forces aided by African Union peacekeepers removed Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabaab militants from three villages in Bakool region of southwestern Somalia on Friday, Garowe Online reports.

Ciidamada Geerisa oo xanibay maayar ku-xigeenka Borama


Geerisa(Waaheen) Ciidanka Geerisa degan ayaa doraad xanibay Maayar ku-xigeenka Borama Maxamed Maxamuud Dheereyste oo ku sii jeeday magaaladda Saylac, halkaas oo is maandhaaf ku dhex maray isaga iyo ciidanka.
Illaa hada lama oga sababta ay ciidanku u xanibeen Maayar ku-xigeenka hase yeeshee waxa la sheegay in ciidanku ku wargaliyeen in Taliyaha qaybtu amar ku siiyey in gaadhiga laga shakiyey dhaqdhaqaaqiisa sidaa darteed na aanu ugu safri Karin Saylac.
Maayar ku-xigeenka ayaa wakhtiga la qabtay oo ahayd duhurkii ku socday sida ay dawladda Hoose ee Borama ku doodayso magaaladda saylac, halkaas oo uu ka soo qaadayey qalab Korontada Qoraxda laga dhaliyo ah oo ay hay’adda IOM ku caawisay Dawladda Hoose ee Borama, kaasoo ka soo dagay dekedda Saylac.
Ciidanka Gaarisa ayaa la sheegay inay mar danbe soo daayeen kadib markii madaxda sare ee xukuumaddu soo dhex galeen arrintan isla markaana raaligalin ka siiyeen Maayar ku-xigeenka dhacdadan, hase yeeshee Dawladda Hoose wali waxay ku adkaysanaysaa in arrintan la baadho oo talaabo laga qaado cidii amarka bixisay.
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“Awdal Waxa Ka Jira Dayac Bil Iyo Badh Socday Oo Aan Loo Baahnayan, Dhibaato Badana Ay Inooga Imankarto.” Musharax Ku Xigeenka Ucid


Hargeysa(Waaheen)-Mushurax ku xigeenka xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee UCID Cabdirashiid Xasan Mataan ayaa sheegay in dayac badan ka jiro xal u helida arimaha gobalka Awdal isaga oo xukuumadda ku eedeeyay dhayalsi.Sida oo kale Cabdirashiid Xasan mataan waxa uu socdaalka madaxweyneha ku sifeeyay ollale socda iyada oo dhibaatooyin badan ay dalka ka jiraan, waxaanu sidan ku sheegay musharax ku xigeenku isaga oo waraysi gaar ah siinaayay wargeyska Waaheen.
Ugu horayntii musharaxa oo la waydiiyay sida uu u arko weerarkii lagu qaaday saldhiga booliska Boorama waxa uu yidhi “Arintaas wax badan kama odhan karo oo baadhis ayaa socota sida ay sheegeen masuuliyiintii gobalkaasi, laakiin Awdal waxa ka jira dayac bil iyo badh socday  oo aan loo baahnayan, hadii uu sii jirana dhibaato badan ay inooga imankarto xukuumadduna ay dhayalsanayso, guurtida iyo guddoomiye Saleebaana ay yidhaahdeen arin nootaala maaha, waana arin inoo taala oo ay tahay in laga howlgalo.”Sida oo kale musharax ku xigeen Cabbirashiid Xasan Mataan isaga oo ka hadlaayay  socdaalka madaxweynaha waxa uu yidhi“Socdaalka madaxweynahu waa ollale aan wakhtigiisii joogin, waxa inoo yaala hawlo ka badan in aynu wakhtigan ollalayno, waxa inoo yaala waxyaabo qabyo ah oo tabashada Awdal ay kaw ka tahay inuu wax ka qabto, manay dhicin, markaas sodaalkan madaxweynuu waa ollale aan wakhtigiisii ahayn waxna aan ina tarayn.”Amniga gobalka Awdal ayaa maalmahan laga dayrinayaa kadib markii mid ka mid ah salaadiinta gobalkaasi uu buuraha galay sheegayna in gobalka Awdal uu ka jaraayo Somaliland inteeda kale.
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RW Shamarke:” Taageero hor leh ayuu na siinayaa Turkey-ga”.


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network)-Isagoo la hadlayay Raadiyaha ku hadlay Afka dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa Ra’iisul Wasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmarke faah faahin ka bixiyay booqashadii Madaxweynaha Turkey-ga maanta uu ku soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho.
RW Sharmarke ayaa xusay in dowladdu ay ka warqabato xirnaashaha waddooyinka Magaalada Muqdisho kuwaas oo uu sheegay in looga golleeyahay xoojinta ammaanka Caasimadda sidaasina ay u garawsadaan shacabku.
Mudane CCC Sharmarke ayaa xusay in Heshiisyo kala duwan ay la saxiixaneyso dowladda Soomaaliya Madaxweynaha Turkey-ga oo xagga Amniga iyo dhaqaalaha ay qeyb ka yihiin.
ugu dambeyn ayuu Ra’iisul Wasaaruhu xusay in booqashada Madaxweynaha Turkiga markii labaad uu ku yimid Muqdisho ay muujineyso wax ka qabashada dhinaca ammaanka dowladdu ay kaalin fiican ka geysatay isagoona u mahad celiyay taageerada lama ilaawaanka ah ee Turkey-gu u fidiyeen Soomaaliya.

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Daawo Sawirro: Booqashada iyo Soo dhaweynta Madaxweynaha Turkey-ga oo Muqdisho ka socota


Erdogan oo Booqday Magaalada Muqdisho


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo faallo ka diyaariyay Waxqabadka Turkey-ga ee Soomaaliya


Kaalinta Turkiga ee Soomaaliya: Taageerada Niyadsami leh ee Waqtiga Adag
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, MUDANE, Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud
Mogadishu, 22-ka, Jannaayo 2015
Waxay Soomaaliya ka soo kabanaysaa hadimooyinkii gaadhay. Ciidamada Qalabka sida ee Soomaliyana, waxay si wadajir ah ula hawlgalayaan kuwa midowga Afrika, iyagoo dib-u-hantay inta badan xarumaha dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed iyo kaabayaasha muhiimka ah ay ka mid yihiin; dekadda Barawe, islamarkaana uu horumar lixaad leh ku tallaabsanayo qaab-dhismeedka dawladdeenna muddo kooban marka la eego awoodda iyo fulintooda, si loo xaqiijyo ‘higsiga ‘qorshaha ee 2016’– sannadkaas oo aynu qaban doonno doorashooyin guud.– taasoo aynu si dhab ah u xaqiijin doono.
Mid ka mid ah arrimaha aan soo xusayna suuragal ma noqoteen, hadddii aanan taageero iyo kaalmo deeqsinimo leh ka helin beesha caalamka, gaar ahaan dalka Turkiga – iyo madaxweynihiisa–isagoo tusaale waafi ah u noqon kara kaalinta wax-ku-oolka ah ee ay ka qaateen dib-u-soo-kabashada dalka.
Waxay Dawladda Turkigu soo bandhigtay horumar baahsan oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya, iyadoo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Soomaliyeed fursad u siisay inay ka wada faa’iidaystaan wax qabadka ku salaysan ajendada lahaanshaha bulshada, taasoo sare u qaadday dareenka shacbiga, kalsoonida iyo niyadsamida ay u hayaan taageeradooda joogtada ah. Wuxuuna Turkigu si buuxda isu waafajiyey baahida jirta, isagoo isku-dhafaya dadaallo kala duwan oo ku wejahan hab-raacyada taabbagelinta horumarinta ee ay ka mid yihiin; gargaarka bini’aadminnimada, horumarinta mashaariicda iyo hirgelinta maalgashiga dalka..
Dawladda Turkigu, waxay kaloo xaqiijisay in taababgelinta iyo joogtaynta horumarintu aysan ahayn oo keliya awaaiir dibadda laga soo waariday, baahida ka tarjumaysa jaran-jarada siyaasadda, taasoo marna talaabo la qaadayo. Balse hawlgalka Turkigu, waa mawjad mashaariic ah oo mar keliya la wada hirgelinayo, waxayna ku dhisan tahay awood dabiici ah, iyadoo safka hore ay hawlgalladaas kaga jiraan dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed. Wuxuu Turkigu maalgeliyey kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha, dhismayaasha cisbitaallada, dib-u-dhiska dhismayaasha hantida dawladda iyo qodista ceelasha. Waxay tababarro u fidiyeen Dhakhaatiirteenna, macallimiinta iyo shaqaalaha rayidka ah. Waxay Turkigu deeqo waxbarasho u fidiyeen in ka badan 1,000 arday, iyadgoo fursad u siiyey inay ubadkennu dibadaha aqoon dheeraad ah ka soo qaataan.. waxay dalka soo galiyeen ganacsi is-beddelo lixaad leh ku sameeyey muuqaalka magaalada Mogadishu, islamarkaana ku dhiirregeliyey inay shirkado fara badan dalka yimaadaan, ayna is-bedel ku sameeyaan maalgashiga iyo mashaariicda wax-soo-saarka dalka, ayna ka mid yihiin; soo celinta adeegyada dekedda iyo garoonka diyaaradaha oo sare u qaadday dakhliga iyo dhaqaalaha dalka. Maanta, imaatinka rakaabka la socda shirkadda Turkish Airlines’ ee hawada sare ee Mogadishu ka soo degaysa, waxay si joogto ah inoo xusuusinaysaa xasiloonida sii kordhaysa iyo kalsoonida aynu ku qabno taageerada deeqsinnimada leh ee Turkigu noo fidinayo.
Marna Turkigu lama sugayaan maalgelinta taageeradooda ilaa inta xasilooni buuxda uu dalku ka gaarayo, waxayna maalkooda u hurayaan sidii uu dalku horumar taam ah ku xaqiijin lahaa. Halka maalgeliyayaasha kale ee caalamiga ahi ay qorshohooda ka hirgaliyaan meelo kale oo dunida ka mid ah, waxayna Turkigu dadkooda u soo diraan gudaha Soomaaliya , iyagoo sare u qaadaya xaddiga ugu sarreeya ee khibradda iyo dhaqaalaha maalgelinta ku habboon. Hay’adaha gargaarka ee dalka Turkigu, waxay si toos ah taageero u gaarsiiyaan dadka tabaalaysan, si ay u kordhiyaan saamaynta waxtarka leh ee ay adeegyadaasi u leeyihiin. Waxanan tusaale u soo qaadan karnaa Tababarrada ay ka fuliyaan cisbitaallada magaalada Mogadishu, wuxuuna Turkigu ku qalabeeyey cisbitaalka 400-sariirood, iyagoo tabbabaro xiriir ah ay u fudinaya dhakhaatiirta Maggaalada Mogadishu ka hawlgala, si sare loogu qaado khibraddooda dhinaca gargaarka caafimaadka ee ay bukaannadu u baahan yihiin. Tallaabooyinkani waxay daah-fureen in hay’adaha horumarinta Turkigu ay ku sifoobaan la hawl-galayasha ugu haboon ee si siman ula shaqeeya hay’adaha dawladda, bulshada maxaliga ah iyo ganacsatadaba.
Isku soo wada duuboo, madaxweynaha dawladda Turkiga Muadane Recep Tayyip Erdogan, wuxuu kaalin hormuudnimo ka qaatay hawlgalkaas.
Laga soo bilaabo ilaa horraantii sannadkii 2011-kii isagoo xilligaas ahaa ra’iisul wasaare, ayaa waxa uu booqasho ku yimid dalka Soomaaliya– isagoo noqday mas’uulkii ugu sarreeyey ee darajadiisoo kale gaaray oo cagta soo dhiga dalkeenna in ka badan 200! Isaga ayaana indhaha caalamka ku soo jeediyey, wuxuuna shucladda u qaaday baaqii caalamiga ahaa ee sida tooska ah uu ugu soo bandhigay beesha caakamku inay wadajir ahaan uga qayb qaadato dib-u-dhalashada iyo horumarinta dalka Soomaaliya.
Laga soo bilaabo dib-u-cuarashadaas, Turkigu wuxuu Soomaaliya ula dhaqmayey la-hawl-gale isku-dheellitiran, isagoo xurmaynayey codsiyadii kala duwanaa iyo mudnaan-siinta barnaamijyada dib-u-soo-kabashada ee ay Soomaalidu soo jeediyeen. Waxay Aragtida dawladda Turkiga ku salaysan tahay hadaf ku wejahan Mustaqbalka Soomaaliya ee dhinacyada la-hawlgalka ganacsiga, fursad siinta tallabooyinka horumarinta, isku-dheellitirka xiriirrada waafaqsan is-qadarinta, iyo iskaashi yiddidiilo leh. Kaalinta Turkiga ee dhinacyada horumarinta iyo xasilinta dalka Soomaaliya, waxay astaan muhiim ah u tahay hab-raaca Taageerada Niyadsamida leh ee Waqtiga Adag ee uu dalku imminka marayo, annagoo si weyn u rajaynayna inaynu saaxiibtinnimo waarta ay na dhex mari doonto xilliga barwaaqada ah ee mustaqbalka nagu soo foolleh.

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Somalia: The President: “We welcome our Turkish friends back to Somalia”


25 January 2015, Mogadishu: HE President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today welcomed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey to Somalia.
He paid tribute to the significant contribution the Turkish government and people have made to aid and development initiatives in Somalia and acknowledged Turkish commitment even in the face of significant risks.
“I am delighted to welcome President Erdoğan back to Somalia. The friendship between Turkey and Somalia is long – beginning in the 16th century with ties between the Ottoman Empire and the Adel Sultanate.
“More recently, Turkey has been fearless in her commitment to supporting Somali-led development in Somalia. Turkey has not waited for the conditions to be right to wait to invest, their investment has instead helped create the right conditions for stability and growth. The friendship and support Turkey has shown towards Somalia is something that will be forever cherished,” the President said.
Turkey, in partnership with the Federal Government of Somalia, has launched various development and infrastructure projects in Somalia, ranging from health and sanitation projects, including the construction of numerous hospitals, to the construction of roads and buildings, and the rehabilitation of Aden Adde International Airport. Places of worship have also been restored, and many Somalis are currently being educated in Turkey.
Today, President Mohamud and President Erdoğan opened the new terminal of Aden Adde International Airport, the new Somalia-Turkey Education and Research Hospital. Bilateral discussions concentrated on the increasing dialogue and cooperation between Somalia and Turkey regarding economic, social and security issues. New development agreements were signed focusing on elements of military and security cooperation, youth and sports initiatives, marine transportation, police support and cooperation between Turkish National Radio TRT and Somali National TV.
“We thank Turkey for her ongoing development assistance in support of economic, military, social, infrastructure partnership and humanitarian aid initiatives. The Somalia people are grateful for Turkey’s friendship throughout the years and we look forward to strengthened ties between our countries,” said President Mohamud.

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SOMALIA: Erdogan’s speech keynotes


President Erdogan addressing a speech in the Somali capital of Mogadisgu has said that his government is working on building one of the biggest Turkish embassies in the world, to foster the brotherly relations between Turkey and Somalia.
“We are standing with you and I’m happy to visit Mogadishu second time to show our solidarity with you,”Said Erdogan.
Erdogan assured the people of Somalia that though times will be over by saying,” Im Sure you will overcome current obstacles and there are visible progresses made since my last visit,” He added.
He also stated that Turkish government will build over 10,000 houses in Mogadishu.
Somali  president Hassan shiekh Mohamud has thanked Turkey and their President for their brotherly support.
Turkey had already launched vital infustructure projects in and around Somalia’s war-ravaged capital, Mogadishu.

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SOMALIA: Erdogan pays Historic landmark visit to Somalia


Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan have arrived today Somali Capital Mogadishu for the second time.
Erdogan leading large delegation including Turkish ministers and Business people have been warmly welcomed at Adde Adde International Airport by the President of the federal government of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and other Senior Somali government officials.
Erdogan has then opened the newly Turkish-Built terminal of Adden Adde International Airport. Both Presidents have addressed a brief speech at the inauguration ceremony of the new terminal.
President Erdogan was later escorted to Mogadishu’s former Digfer Hospital, which was renamed now to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after renovations by Turkish authorities. Erdogan had opened the new building of the hospital.
The security of Mogadishu has been beefed up by Somali Government forces as thousands of security personnel were deployed to Mogadishu’s main roads to counter any attack during Turkish president visit.

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SOMALIA: Turkey’s Role in Somalia: a Model of Solidarity in Tough Times


By HE the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud
Somalia is recovering. Somali national forces, working with those of the African Union, have regained control of the most of Somalia’s population centres and critical infrastructure such as the port of Barawe, our government structures are growing stronger by the month in capability and execution, and the ‘Vision 2016’ plan – in which year we will also conduct elections – is becoming a reality.
None of this would have been possible without the support and generosity of the international community, among whose nations Turkey – and its President – have played a prominent, exemplary role.
Turkey has shown the way in developing a holistic, on-the-ground partnership with Somalia that has supported us in growing according to a nationally-led and owned agenda. Turkey has tied its various efforts together in an integrated development model that combines humanitarian aid, development projects and financial investment.
Turkey realised that sustainable and comprehensive development could not rest alone on a externally-authored, politically driven hierarchy of needs, satisfied one at a time. Turkey’s aid came all at once. It came as a force of nature, putting Somalia’s development issues in the forefront. Turkey has invested in infrastructure, building hospitals, rebuilding destroyed government property and digging wells. It has provided training to our doctors, teachers and civil servants. Turkey has set up more than 1,000 scholarships to enable our young people to study abroad. It has brought in businesses that changed the face of Mogadishu and encouraged its entrepreneurs to come to the city and transform state enterprises, including returning the port and the airport to profitability. Today, the arrival of Turkish Airlines’ passenger jets in the skies above Mogadishu is a daily reminder of Somalia’s growing stability and confidence, and of Turkey’s generous support.
Turkey did not hold back, waiting for stability before it invested. Instead, it invested to achieve it. Where other international partners chose to plan their interventions from elsewhere, Turkey put its people on the ground in Somalia to maximise the efficient use of their human and planning resources in support of their financial resources. Turkish aid workers delivered their aid directly to the beneficiaries, to maximise impact. The training hospital in Mogadishu illustrates the point. Turkey has built a 400-bed hospital and set up a training scheme for Mogadishu’s doctors to enable them to better assist the sick. This approach has enabled Turkish development agencies to form real partnerships with the government, local population and businesses.
In all of this, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has played an instrumental role. As early as 2011, as Prime Minister, he came to Somalia himself – the first leader of his stature to set foot in our country for 20 years! He spoke up for us abroad. And he championed the model of a direct on-the-ground holistic development partnership.
From the outset, Turkey has treated Somalia as an equal partner, respected our requests and insisted on our input. Turkey’s perception of Somalia as a future trading partner enabled us to approach our relationship from an equal footing, leading to mutual respect and enthusiastic cooperation. Turkey’s role in the development and stabilisation of Somalia has been a model of solidarity in hard times, and we look forward to it being a friend in the more prosperous times ahead.
___RBC Radio

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Madaxweynaha Zambia oo la dhaariyay


25.01.2015. Warka Galabnimo Ee Radio Hargeysa

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