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Wafdi Horudhac U Ah Wufuud Ka Qeyb galeysa Shir Dib U Heshiisiin Ah Oo Beledweyne Gaaray “SAWIRRO”


Wafdigani oo isugu jira Xildhibaanno,siyaasiyiin,aqoonyahano,waxgarad,iyo Odayaal dhaqameedyo ka yimid magaalada Muqdisho ayaa soo gaaray magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan, iyadoo wafdiga uu horudhac uu u yahay wufuud kale duwan oo maalmaha soo socda soo gaari doono magaalada kuwaasi oo ka qeyb gali doono shir dib u heshiisiin ah islamarkaana aayaha gobolka looga hadlayo, waxaana wafdigaasi ee uu hogaaminayay Xildhibaan Abuukaate Daahir Xasan Cabdi ku soo dhaweeyay garoonka diyaaradaha Ugaas Khaliif ee magaaladaasi.
Shirka oo la filayo in dhawaan uu ka furmo magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galaya qeybaha kale duwan ee bulshada gobolka, waxaana diiradda lagu saari doono dib u heshiin dhex marta beelaha wada daga Hiiraan, iyo ka hadalka aayaha gobolka Hiiraan.
Odayaasha dhaqanka ee soo gaaray magaalada Beledweyne ayaa ka hadlay dareenkooda ku aadan ka qeyb galka shirka, iyagoo sheegay in shirkani uu ku soo aaday xiligii loo baahnaa in ay aayahooda ay ka tashadaan dadka reer Hiiraan, waxaana shirka ay ka rajeeyeen in uu ka soo baxo waxyaaba mira dhal u ah dadka Soomaaliyeed.
Tawane Sabriye oo ah aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed oo qurbo joog ah islamarkaana qeybta ka ah wafdigii maanta soo gaaray magaalada Beledweyne ee Xarunta gobolka Hiiraan oo warbaahinta Qaranka la hadlay ayaa muujiyay sida loogu baahanyahay in bulshada gacmaha ay isqabsadaan oo ay ka tashtaan aayahooda.
Prof Axmed Muumin Warfaa oo ah aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed marna isku soo sharaxay xilka madaxtinimo ee dalka oo isna qeyb ka ahaa wafdiga ayaa ku booriyay in ay dar dargaliyaan xoojinta midnimada iyo ka shaqeynta horumarinta aayaha gobolka, wuxuuna jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee reer Hiiraan uu ka codsaday in ay taageeraan howlahani kana soo qeyb galaan shirka.
Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan C/fitaax Xasan Afrax ayaa tilmaamay in uu aad ugu faraxsanyahay wafdigani in uu ku soo dhaweeyo Magaalada Beledweyne, isagoo u sheegay in ay yihiin kuwii lahaa talada lagu horumarinayo gobolka loona baahanyahay in si dhab ah looga shaqeeyo arrintaasi oo mudnaan gaar ah u leh dadka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan dadka wada daga gobolka.
Xildhibaan Abuukaate Daahir Xasan Cabdi ayaa isna sheegay in shirkani uu ku soo aaday xiligii loo baahnaa in ay aayahooda ka tashadaan dadka reer Hiiraan, waxuuna shirka uu ka rajeeyay in uu ka soo baxo waxyaaba mira dhal u ah dadka Soomaaliyeed.
Mustaf Xuseen Cabdulle (Hiiraan)Share

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Milkiilaha Maka Al-Mukarama oo weerarka u sababeeyey arrin uu ku dhaqaaqay guddoomiyaha Hodan iyo Jawaabta


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Gudoomiyaha Degmada Hodan ee Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir C/qaadir Cali Kullane, ayaa waxa uu ka jawaabay eedeymo kaga yimid Milkiilaha Hotelka Maka Al Mukarama Gurey Xaaji Xasan. Hoteelku waxa uu ku yaala Degmadaasi Hodan.
Gurey Xaaji Xasan, Milkiilaha Hotelka Maka Al Mukarama, ayaa Maamulka Degmada Hodan ku eedeeyay inay u diideen in uu xirto wadada horumarta Hotelka, sababo ku aadan weerarka Jimcihii oo kale oo uu ka baqaayay, in Shabaabku ku beegsadaan Hotelkiisa.
C/qaadir Cali Kullane, ayaa ku waramaya in wadada uu dalbaday Milkiilaha inuu xirto, ay tahay wado muhiim u ah isu socodka bulshada ku nool Degmada Hodan iyo qaybaha kale ee Magaalada Muqdisho.
“Wadada uu yiri aan xirto waa wado ay wada isticmaalaan dadka ku dhaqan Degmada Hodan iyo inta kale Magaalada Muqdisho. Wadadaas waxaan ugu diidnay inuu xirto danta guud.” Ayuu yiri Gudoomiyaha Degmada Hodan.
“Degmada Hodan waxaa ku yaala Hoteelo badan, hadana wadooyinka uma wada xirna, si xeeladeysan ayay ammaankooda ku sugtaan. Hoteelada qaar waxay lee yihiin saddex bar kontorool iyo ciidan badan.” Ayuu yiri Gudoomiyaha.
Waxa kaloo uu yiri “Hotelka Maka Al Mukarama wuxuu lee yahay hal bar kontorool oo keliya, ciidan badana ma jooggaan. Masuuliyad daro uu sameeyay ninka Hotelka iska leh maaha inuu anaga nagu soo eedeeyo.”
Kullane waxa sidoo kale uu yiri “Hadda ka hor laamaha ammaanka waan u sheegnay, hadana waan ugu celineynaa. Wixii Hoteelada Degmada Hodan ku yaala ka dhaca, aniga la igalama xisaabtamaayo ee waxaa si shakhsi ah loogala xisaabtamayaa dadka iska leh.”
Gudoomiye Kullane, ayaa hadalkan caawa ka sheegay Warbaahinta Magaalada Muqdisho qaarkood.Caasimada Online
Xafiiska MuqdishoCaasimada@live.com


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Somalia hotel siege ends, 14 dead


Somalia ends deadly hotel siege, toll up to 14


WARAYSI: GEN: MORGAN oo ka hadlay Xaalada Somalia iyo Somaliland


Gen: Maxamed Siciid Xirsi (Morgan) ayaa mudo dheer kadib waxa uu waraysi siiyey Madasha #60 isagoona ka hadlay arimo badan oo quseeya guud ahaanba dalka Soomaaliya Iyo dhibaatada laga dhaxlay dagaaladii salka ku hayey Qabiilka.
Wariye Cali Xaraare oo waraysigaan la yeeshay ayaa wuxuu ugu hor dhigay Su’aalo la xidhiidha xaalada dalku uu marayo 25-sano kadib, dagaalo uu ku galay deeganada Jubooyinka iyo maamulka Jubaland ee hada laga dhisay,  Qaabka ciidamo soomaaliyeed loo dhisi karo, Fikrada uu ka qabo in Soomaliya cagaheeda dib ku is taago, Faragelinta shisheeye iyo Arimo kale oo Xasasi ah.
Sidoo kale waxaa wax laga waydiiyey Gurigi u ah madaxtooyada maamulka Somaliland oo uu isagu dhisay, Dawlada uu Hogaamiyo Madaxwayne Xasan sheekh iyo sidoo kale Dhibaatooyinka ka taagan dalka Soomaaliya ee ay ugu danbaysay Weerarkii Hotel maka Al-mukarama.

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Somalia: UN Somalia Envoy Condemns Deadly Terrorist Attack On Mogadishu Hotel


The top United Nations official in Somalia has strongly condemned yesterday's terrorist attack on a hotel in Mogadishu city that resulted in the death of many civilians, including the Somali Federal Government's Permanent Representative to the UN Office in ...

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15 dead in Somalia hotel attack, militants end siege -Al Shabaab says fighting over, some attackers escape


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“Saylici Khaatumo & Awdal Qurbaha laga Maqlaa” (DHEGAYSO)


Madaxweynaha ku Xigeenka Somaliland C/raxmaan Saylici oo Safar ku Joogaa Washington ayaa Laanta Af Somaliga ee VOA-da u sheegay in Maamulka Khaatumo’ aanu Awood badan lahayn isla markaana afka uun uu ka jiro” Maamulkaasi Dibadaha uun buu ka Jiraa anagu war badan uma aragno” Ayuu yiri.
Sidoo kale wuxuu carra baabay in Dadka G.Sool ay yihiin Somaliland isla markaana  la Qanciyay Tabashadoodii” Shir baa socda Odayaasha Buuhoodle iyo kuwa Burco waana la soo afjarayaa Tabashada Beelaha” ayuu yiri.
Buuqa Siyaasadeed ee ka aloosan Gobolka Awadal ee uu Asal ahaan ka soo jeedo buu ka hadlay isaga oo xusay in Dadkaasi ay Maamulka Awood ku leeyihiin Hayadii Qaarkood ay ka howl-galaan”wuxuu beeniyay in Amaan daro ay ka Jirto Deegaankaasi.
M.ku Xigeenka ayaa Gaba Gabadii sheegay in Magaalada Washington uu kula kulmay Madaxda Shirkad Baadhitaan Shidaal ka wada Somaliland isla markaana dhawaan Somaliland imandoonta.DHEGAYSO HALKAN

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SOMALIA: Why President Mohamoud Should Change Mind? By Abdiqani Farah


Why President Mohamoud Should Change Mind?
Abdiqani Farahabdiqani@thestraighter.comMarch 30 2015
Abdiqani Farah is the founder at The Straighter, a research and public relations firm based in Minnesota, USA.
If the three-year rule of President Hassan Sh. Mohamoud is to teach us anything it is this: contrary to the political gestures and the worried-looking face the president portrays to the public, he is not quite serious in keeping his presidency intact. He does not seem to have a plan in place for this battleground nation. In fact, he is not a power-mad creature. Faced with two hard choices, he likely procrastinates on the top 20 percent that could leave a significant impact on him.
Quite ironically, he seems to have confused power with playful diplomacy. When he is receiving credentials from a diplomat, for instance, the world may think that Somalia is picking up. There is nothing far from the truth. We do not want to be lied to by aid brokers and mafia middlemen who supply money and cameras that lead nowhere.
Back in 2012, I argued that he could become an absolute king if he wanted to. And 18 months before the ill-projected, foreign purported elections in Somalia in 2016, I am going to repeat myself and give the poor president a piece of advice. But I am going to come from a different perspective today. I am going to demystify the geopolitical ground for the president. But he’s to divorce the past.
Anyone who considers local geopolitics must also visit other denominators. These denominators are represented by two competing powers all of which contribute to the crisis that the president has to fix. Analyzing these dynamics requires a book and is beyond this piece. I am going to quickly mention the puzzle joints for future goof-ins. We can categorize these powers into three.
The first one is local forces. This type of power has a foreign tone and color because of the outside assistance they receive. When you look at the settings of the current situation in Somalia, almost every group in the country is armed, whether hidden or otherwise. What is means is that they are opted for armed mutiny than any other means of political resolution.
The second one has to do with regional powers. These are, Kenya, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Yemen to name a few. National interests ranging from security to economic reserve to geographical swelling, Kenya and Ethiopia have the most immediate interest in Somalia. This is a known fact. The game of the day must balance it out for the betterment of greater Somalia.
Another unavoidable interest-seeking entities are the United States, the UK, Turkey and Iran. Each and everyone of these countries has a direct presence in Somalia. In reality, some of them have military presence there. There is nothing to be ashamed of. If the president cannot tell the public why, somebody else will.
Worse yet, these rivaling powers have somewhat helped him get elected in 2012. Installing a friendly government in Somalia seemed the right choice to many in the West. But how friendly and, ultimately, compromising on national interests can a leader be? To get the endorsement of these powers is one thing; to reciprocate and thank them is another. This is where the president got it wrong in the first place.
If the president is really serious in taking up his armies and die in the hard-course, here is what he should consider, or at least he should have done in the past. But this requires a huge self-transformation. He has to depart from pedestrian, clan-based, thinking and come in terms with reality.
And because he is playing high politics, he should listen to nobody. No matter what the so-called advisers at Villa Somalia are asking him to buy, he owes everything to himself. It is far better to listen to the devil’s advocate once in a while than to be preoccupied by a minimalist. A true leader neither agrees with anyone nor denies facts. After all, these advisers are owned by the UNDP. They are consuming poisonous dollars.
Without belaboring much, here is the basis for my advice–the president should consider a safer place to work from. He should consider moving the presidency to the heartland Somalia. Mogadishu is not safe for the newborn to grow. There is no shame involved. Lots of countries changed their capitals for different reasons. Others still maintain two power hubs, one for the executive and the other for the legislative. Even Russia moved its capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg in the 14th Century and switched it back to Moscow in 1918. Russia did this to get closer to Europe, but we can do it for the purpose of security and political culture. This will give the president time and space to think.
The second strategic move for the president is to publicly admit an absentee fault to Hargeisa. This is the last known second capital of Somalia. It is definitely a yes-yes option for a capital but things went awkward and remedies must be found before anything else. And in my view, the president should set himself at high speed to fix things once and for all. This issue is highly fragile and too sensitive to be handled by egotistical leaders.
As a head of state, he can make deliberate concessions on behalf of our late father, Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre. He should also seriously condemn the actions that followed. He should play this tactic very, very careful as it is so delicate to melt away all his powers.
Once seated safely, the president should mobilize real forces on which he could depend in the years ahead. By real forces, we mean people in uniforms for different purposes. While the declaration of peaceful and progressive statues demand longer term commitment, an iron hand can do more than empty talk does. And if he is going to be remembered as a statesman, he has to value national interest above all else.
One big problem: from Lawya Caddo to Raaskambooni, the country shares long border with hostile neighbors. These neighbors have been the fuel to every internal problem. Securing peace with these neighbors is vital no matter which party runs the business. In fact, a secured Somalia can uplift huge headache out of their pats.
But you cannot have peace with foreigners while your people are not at peace with you. You cannot buy peace. You can only build it gradually with integrity and ethics.
In sum, nations are built with great aptitude and home-grown willingness to confront challenges when they arise. It is all about being prepared for the worst that may not even come to pass. For the president to implement any strategic plan, therefore, there are couple of issues that he needs to buy into: (1) democracy has failed in Africa and won’t work in Somalia soon, (2) donated money never satisfies the politics of gaming and negotiations, (3) all others want you to fail if they can get a dime of interest in the process and (4) there is no single set of honesty in calculated aid. Truth? The ultimate aim of aid is to promote democracy.
The 2016 democratic elections? Drop this idea for good. It really won’t work, at least the way it is preached. Anyone who advocates for democratic elections in Somalia in 2016 is like a blind man driving a car with no lights on. They put a forward gear and asked you to drive it? The chances are you will hit your own house.
Abdiqani farah, founder & manager of The Straighter, a research and public relations firm based in Minneapolis, MN.abdiqani@thestraighter.com
Abdiqani Farah, founder & manager,
The Straighter, a research and public relations firm based in Minneapolis, MN.abdiqani@thestraighter.comwww.thestraighter.com

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