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Qaxooti Mozambique ah oo u cararay Malawi


Kumanaan dibadda ku hoyana Tianjin


In ka badan saddex kun iyo bar ayaa ku hoyanaya hoyi' ku meel gaar ah magaalada dekadda Tianjin ee Shiinaha.

Roob ma hiigaan ah, oo onkod iyo hillaac badan oo...


Awdalpress - Borama - Saacadahanba waxa magaalada Borama iyo nawaaxigeeda ka da'aya roob ma hiigaan ah oo kala xidhay isku socodkii magaalada, laakiin wax khasaara ah oo uu illaa immiga geystay lama soo sheegin.
Roobabka xilligan ka curtay degaannada gobolka Awdal ayaa qaboojiyey kulaykii ka jiray degaanka. Sidoo kale waxa ku diirsaday shacabka oo muddaba aad uga cabanayey roob la'aan iyo abaar. Shalay oo ugu danbayseyna waxa dadka xoolaha dhaqatada ah iyo beeraleyda la gaadhsiinayey kaalmo raashin ah. Oo ay dawladda Somaliland ugu deeqday.
Duruufaha roob la'aaneed ee keenay biyo yaraanta iyo abaaraha ayaa dadka degaannada Awdal ay muddaba aad uga qaylinayeen. Balse roobkan ka curtay xillan ayaa rajo fiican gelinaya.

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Daawo: Gaadiidlayda Noa ee Barbara u baxa oo koox...


Khilaaf la sheegay inuu hadheeyey Hogaanka Xisbiga...


Gudoomiye Cirro oo musharaxa maadaxweyne ku xigeenka ka saaray Axmed Muumin Seed,
Gudoomiye Cirro oo musharaxa maadaxweyne ku xigeenka ka saaray Axmed Muumin Seed,
Hargaysa(Waaheen)Khilaaf siyaasiya ayaa ka dhex abuurmay hogaanka sare ee Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee waddani kaas oo salka ku haya musharaxa madaxweyne ku xigeen ee Xisbiga Waddani Cida Noqonaysa,ka dib markii gudoomiye ku xigeenka Xisbiga Waddani mudane.Axmed Muumin Seed uu ku war helay Heshiis Qarsoodi oo Uu Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Waddani Mr. C/raxmaan Cirro la galay Odayaasha iyo Siyaasiyiin Reer Awdal ah kaas oo ay ku heshiiyeen Musharaxa madaxweyne Ku Xigeen laga dhigo Siyaasi kale oo aan ahayn Axmed Muumin Seed islamarkaana ay reer Awdal iska soo dhex Xulaan Si loogu Ansixiyo Shirweynaha Xisbiga Waddani iyo Shirka Golaha Dhexe oo la Filaayo inuu dhawaan la qabto.
Ugu yaraan sadex Siyaasi ayaa midba dhankiisa ula heshiiyay Gudoomiye Cirro inuu ka dhigo madaxweyne ku xigeenka Xisbiga waddani iyada oo taasina ay ismaan dhaaf sababay khilaaf Laba Garab ukala jabiyay Hogaanka sare ee Xisbiga Waddani oo haatan soo ifbaxaaya ay ka dhex samaysay.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Xisbiga Waddani Axmed Muumin Seed iyo Xoghayaha Guud ee Xisbigaasi Mudane. Maxamed C/laahi Uurcade ayaa isku dhan Noqday iyaga Dabayaaqadii todobaadkii Hore Gudoomiye Ciiro u Diray Warqad ay kaga Codsadeen inuu ka laabto islamarkaana uu joojiyo Heshiisyada Qarsoodiga ah ee uu la galaayo odayaasha Reer Awdal iyo Siyaasiyiin Taageersan Xisbiga Waddani ee ka soo jeeda Gobalka Awdal,balse waxa la sheegay inuu Gudoomiye Cirro ugu jawaabay ku xigeenkiisa in aanu ka noqonayn heshiiska uu la galay isaga oo Axmed Muumin seed ugu Bushaareeyay inuu Nasiibkiisa ka qaado shirka Golaha Dhexe,ee xisbiga Waddani,sida ay Shabakada Daadmadheedhnews u sheegeen ilo wadareedyo u dhuun daloola Hogaanka Sare ee Xisbiga Waddani, taasina ay cadho xoogan ku abuurtay G/ku xigeenka Xisbiga Waddani iyo Xoghayaha Guud ee Xisbigaasi,iyada oo warku intaasi uu daraayo inay maalintii shalay ay toosa xarunta xisbiga looga dareemay khilaafka Hogaanka Sare ka dhex bilaamay ee Huursanaa mudada dheer
Isku soo wada xoodoo waxa wali daahsoon halka uu ku dambayndoono khilaafkaasi iyo labada garab cida mudhaha ka gurata ee guushu raacdo, xisbiga Waddani ayaa ah xisbi wali ku Cusub saaxada Siyaasada marka laga reebo Gudoomiyaha Xisbigaasi Mr.cirro,oo isagu mudo Toban Sanno ah ka dhex muuqday Siyaasada Somaliland,ahna gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada ee mudo kordhinta ku fadhiya Aqalka Baarlamaanka Somaliland, balse Siyaasiyiinta kale ee ku jira Xisbiga Waddani ayaa intooda badani ay yahiin kuwo haatan bar bilaw u tahay Nidaamka Siyaasadeed ee Somaliland, halka inta ugu tonka weynina tahay Qaar laga soo caydhiyay Xilalkii ay ka hayeen Xukuumada haatan talada Dalka Somaliland, gacanta ku haysa ee Axmed Siilaanyo, islamarkaana Xisbiga Waddani u doortay inay ku miciinsadaan oo ay kaga Aargoostaan Xukuumada Siilaanyo iyo Xisbiga Kulmiye ee ay hore uga tirsanaan jireen.
Source Daadmadheedhnews.net

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Dalka China oo qaraxyo dab aad u weyn dhaliyey uu ka...


Awdalpress - London - Dhul weyne ay warshaduhu dhinaca isku hayeen ayaa la sheegayaa in uu illaa immiga holcayo. Illaa immigana lama garanayo sababta dabka dhalisay, inkasta oo la sheegayo in la isku qarxiyey. Waxana dabkan ku geeriyooday dad aad u badan oo kor u dhaafay konton qof, sidoo kale waxa ku basbeelay hanti malaayiin doollar gaadhaysa.
Halkan ka daawo.

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Daawo: Xildhibaan Qabile oo ka dayriyey Xeerka...


Faallada Shabakadda: Hadal haynta gardarrada Dr....


Aqoonyhanka reer Hargeysa ee Dr. Bulhan oo ah shakhsi hadalkiisu uu miisaan ku leeyahay Somaliland, horena aan looga baran in uu si badheedh ah u aflagaadeeyo siyaasiyiinta amma dadka kaleba, ayaa maalintii shalay ahayd si badheedh ah oo aan geedna loogu soo gabban u weeraray Prof. Ahmed Samatar. Waxana hadalkaasi magaalada Hargeysa iyo degaanka Somalilandba geliyey guux taban, oo dad badan ula egaaday mid aan munaasab ku ahayn labada aqoon yahan midkoodna. Isla markaana deel qaaf ah.
Dr. Bulhan iyo Prof. Ahmed Samatar ayaa ah laba aqoon yahan oo haddii ay u wada saftaan koox kaliya ka midho dhalin kari lahaa siyaasadda Somaliland. Balse waxa la yaab noqotay cadaawadda uu Dr. Bulhan u hayo Prof. Samatar, taasi oo uu Bulhan caddeeyey in uu muddaba ka aammusnaa xumaan uu ka dhex arko siyaasadda Prof. Ahmed Samatar iyo halganka uu ugu banbaxay gooni isku taagga Somaliland. Laakiin waxa ay dadku is weydiinayaan sababta uu Dr. Bulhan xanaaqa intan le;eg ula dul dhacay Prof. Samatar.
Si kasta ha ahaatee, dad badan ayaa waxa ay leeyihiin Dr. Bulhan waxa uu ku hadlay fikir uu ka qabo dhaq dhaqaaqa Dr. Ahmed I Samatar. Ammaba waxa hadalka Dr. Bulhan u egyahay mid la odhan karo, MARTIYI MARTI WAY KA NAXDAA. Halka dadka qaarna ay u arkaan in ay Somaliland ku wada filan tahay Dr. Samatar iyo Dr. Bulhan.
Dr. Bulhan inkasta oo uu qoraallo badan iyo doodo badan ka sameeyey nacaybkii uu u qabay rajiimkii Siyaad Barre iyo qabiilkii uu ka soo jeeday, haddana lama arag isaga oo sidan u aflagaadaynaya shakhsi la mid ah Dr. Ahmed Ismail Samatar oo kale. Sababaha uu aflagaadadiisa u cuskadayna uma muuqdaan mid Prof. Ahmed Samatar qabata amma miisaan leh. Hase yeeshee, waxa ay u muuqataa maagis caddaan ah, oo aan geedna loogu soo gabban, jawaabtana waxan ka sugaynaa Pro. Ahmed Samatar ama cidda kale ee u dhuun daloosha siyaasadda Dr. Bulhan uu ka duulayo amma meesha ay colaadda Dr. Bulhan ka soo maaxanayso.

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Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Oo Shacabka Iyo Ciidamada...


Hargeysa(Waaheen)-Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ayaa Tacsi tiiranyo leh gaadhsiiyay Ciidamada Qaranka ,iyo guud ahaan bulshada somaliland geerida Alle haunaxariistee Xidigle Marxuum Faarax Caraale oo malintii shalay ku geeriyoday Magalada Hargaysa
War-saxafadeed kooban oo uu soo saaray Af-hayeenka Madaxtooyada Somaliland ayaa waxa ay u dhignayd sidan :-
"Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, Mudane, Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo waxa uu tacsi u dirayaa, Saddexda Ciidan qaranka gaar ahaan ciidanka Militeriga oo uu ka tacsiyadaynaayo geerida ku timid alle ha u naxariistee Xidigle Marxuum Faarax Caraale Waabari oo 11/08/2015, (shalay) u geeriyooday toogasho uu u geystay mid ka mida ciidanka qaranka, halka uu dhaawac culusi soo gaadhay taliyihii aaga galbeedka gaashaanle sare Xasan Caaqil oo hada lagu daawaynaayo Cusbitaal kuyaal Jabuuti, madaxweynuhuna waxa uu alle uga baryayaa inuu caafimaad sareecana siiyo sarkaalka.
Sidoo kale waxa uu madaxweynuhu tacsi taa la mida u dirayaa Qoyskii, Eheladii, Qaraabadii, Asxaabtii iyo shacbiga Somaliland, waxaanu Madaxweynuhu marxuumka Alle uga baryayaa inuu naxariistii jannatu fardawsa ka waraabiyo, ciidamada kala duwan ee qaranka somaliland, Qoyskii, Eheladii, Qaraabadii, Asxaabtii iyo shacbiga Somaliland ee uu ka baxayna Samir iyo iimaan saadiqa ka siiyo."

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Xukuumada Somaliland oo markii ugu horeysay ka...


Hargeysa(Waaheen)Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil Saylici ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay casho sharaftii ay dawladu u samaysay Qurbajoogta Somaliland. madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa sheegay in qurba joogta Somaliland kaalin weyn kaga jiraan horumarka dalku uu maanta ku socdo,sidoo kalena ay tahay in la casuumo markay dalka yimaadaan si loo dhiirigeliyo.
madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland ayaa dawladiisa ka difaacay eedo uga imanaayey shacabka oo ahaa inay martiqaad u fidiyeen qurba joogta Somaliland xili dadka qol qol joogta ahi dhibaataysan yihiin,waxaanu yidhi isaga oo ka hadlaaya arrimahaasi.
"Waxa maalmahan aad saxaafadda lagaga hadlayay dadka qurbajoogta ah oo laf-dhabarta Ummadda reer Somaliland ah oo casho sharaf loo sameeyay in aad loo hadal hayay ama la leeyahay dad baa la casuumayaa, Ummaddiina abaarro iyo gaajo ayaa haysa, haddii aanu nahay madaxda qaranka ka qurbejooga ahna annaga uun baa ka masuul ah oo maanta ILAAHAY xilka noogu dhiibay, ka waddanka joogana Annaga ayaa ka masuul ah. Qurba jooga in maalin xaflad loo sameeyana way mutaysteen oo waa laf dhabarta Somaliland,"Ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Saylici. Madaxweyne xigeenku waxa uu ku sababeeyay munaasibaddan in looga dan lahaa in qurbejoogta dalka timid ee xaaladdiisa aragtay wax taraan dadka abaaruhu saameeyeen "Qurbjooga maanta yimid waaa kuwa arkay dhibaatada maanta Somaliland ka jirta, ee abaaraha arkay, ee barrito wax ka soo tari doona. cashada yar ee la sameeyayna in la eego maaha."

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USA: Soomaali xabsi daa'in lagu xukumay


USA oo baareysa in Daacish ay haysato hub Kiimikaal ah


Guantanamo: Maxaabiis loo soo rarayo gudaha USA


IJA and AU officials to deport opposition politicians


The interim Jubaland administration (IJA) and African Union (AU) forces in Somalia (AMISOM) high-ranking officials are expected to deport opposition politicians in Mogadishu.
The move came after president of interim Jubaland administration sacked former regional governor of Gedo and several officials who were among Gedo administrative officials
A Somalia's officer, Col. Abdirashid Mo'alim Gaas told Shabelle Media that Ethiopian troops serving under AMISOM banner and IJA officials had decided expel opposition figures after fired officials boycotted sacking.
"We must deport all opposition politicians from Gedo region to Mogadishu because they opposed a decree which Jubaland president fired former Gedo governor and others" he added.
The deportation comes days after opposition of Jubaland admin and president of IJA, Ahmed Mohamed Islaam signed new agreement in Doolow town in south of Somalia's Gedo region.

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Musharrixiinta Jubbaland oo faah faahiyay waxqabadkooda


Galmudug oo ku baaqday in Mooshinka ka dhanka ah...


Cadaado ( Sh.M.Network)-Madaxweynaha Maamulka Galmudug Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa ugu baaqay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya in ay joojiyaan Mooshinka ay ka gudbiyeen Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Max'ud.
Canbdikariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa tilmaamay in ka maamul ahaan ay donayaan in wax badan ay uga duwanaadaan Maamullada kale islamarkaana ay ugu baaqayaan xildhibaanada in ay ka waantoobaan waxyaabaha dalka dib u celinaya.
Hadalka Madaxweynaha Galmudug ayaa yimid xilli aad loo hadal haayo Mooshin ka dhan Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Max'ud.

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Xildhibaano BF ah oo diiday doorashada Jubba


HRW calls for investigation into AU troops’...


African Union (AU) forces in Somalia (AMISOM) should impartially investigate the killing by alleged Ugandan army troops of six men at a wedding on July 31, 2015, in the Somali port town of Merka. The investigation should be carried out with maximum protection for witnesses, and the Ugandan government should fairly prosecute any of its soldiers responsible for criminal offenses.
Witnesses told Human Rights Watch that following a bomb attack on an AMISOM convoy, Ugandan forces entered several nearby houses in Merka's Rusiya neighborhood. At one house, where the Moalim Iidey family was celebrating a wedding, the soldiers separated the men from the women and shot the six adult men - four brothers, their father, and an uncle. Four died immediately, one brother hid under a bed after being shot but later died, and the father died during the night after the soldiers allegedly refused to allow the family to take him to the hospital.
"African Union forces in Somalia face difficult challenges, but that makes respecting the laws of war even more crucial," said Maria Burnett, senior Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. "Gunning down people at a wedding or anyone else in cold blood as punishment for insurgent attacks will only make things harder for the African Union forces in the future."
Under international humanitarian law applicable to the armed conflict in Somalia, parties to the conflict, including troop-contributing countries to the peacekeeping force, have an obligation to investigate alleged war crimes by their forces or forces under their jurisdiction, and appropriately prosecute those responsible.
One witness told Human Rights Watch: "After the explosion everyone in that area ran, because people fear AMISOM a lot. I think the family thought they would be protected because they were celebrating a wedding and thought that would stop AMISOM from killing them. Instead AMISOM turned the wedding into bloody event."
Those killed were Moalim Iidey Heyle, Omar Moalim Iidey, Yusuf Moalim Iidey known as "Bikole," Hussein Moalim Iidey, Siid-Ali Moalim Iidey, and Aweys Hassan Hussein known as "Hamarow."
In 2012, AMISOM troops supporting the Somali army helped retake Merka from the Islamist armed group Al-Shabab. AMISOM forces have remained, but Al-Shabab maintains control over large portions of surrounding rural areas of the Lower Shabelle region. The AMISOM forces now based in Merka are from the Ugandan People's Defence Forces (UPDF).
AMISOM issued a news release on August 4 stating that its supply convoys had come under repeated attack by Al-Shabab in Merka and that its forces had responded "proportionately" in "self-defense." The statement also said AMISOM would address allegations of civilian deaths and that the detachment commander had been recalled for questioning.
"AMISOM needs to carry out credible investigations into the events in Merka and elsewhere that would show Somalis that it is committed to holding abusive troops to account," Burnett said. "The investigation needs to include more than questioning AMISOM's own soldiers and it will require providing protection to witnesses so that all accounts can be heard."
The other recent alleged killings of civilians by AMISOM forces in Merka should also be investigated, Human Rights Watch said.
Six witnesses told Human Rights Watch that on July 21, 2015, alleged AMISOM forces had killed at least 11 civilians, including a woman, two teenagers, and two elderly men, in separate incidents in the Jujuuma, Aw Balle, and Rusiya neighborhoods of Merka. AMISOM initially denied reports of civilian deaths and said that its forces had killed five Al-Shabab fighters during a patrol operation.
AMISOM carried out a preliminary investigation into the July 21 killings, and has since created a board of inquiry to look into both that and the July 31 incidents in Merka. None of the survivors of either incident interviewed by Human Rights Watch have yet been interviewed by AMISOM investigators.
Witnesses to both the July 21 and 31 incidents told Human Rights Watch that they feared reprisals from both Al-Shabab and AMISOM. Al-Shabab has executed civilians for allegedly assisting AMISOM forces. AMISOM leadership and troop-contributing countries will need to work carefully to ensure that witnesses who are interviewed are provided confidentiality and necessary security, Human Rights Watch said. This may involve bringing witnesses to Mogadishu and interviewing them in safe locations.
In addition to the AMISOM inquiry, the AMISOM spokesman told Human Rights Watch that a joint oversight committee made up of AMISOM and Somali government representatives will also be established to investigate the civilian deaths in Merka. A 2013 joint investigation into abuses by AMISOM forces in Mogadishu was marred by serious procedural flaws. For the joint committee to provide effective oversight, the Somali government should ensure that the work of the committee is transparent, includes competent personnel and gives priority to protecting witnesses, Human Rights Watch said.
The AU Peace and Security Council deployed the peace support troops known as AMISOM to Somalia in 2007 under a United Nations Security Council mandate. Since then, AMISOM's mandate, size, and geographical presence have steadily increased. AMISOM is currently conducting a new offensive against Al-Shabab in several regions of south-central Somalia.
On July 28, 2015, the UN Security Council renewed AMISOM's mandate until May 2016, in a resolution that largely failed to underscore the importance of accountability for abuses by AMISOM forces. The Security Council resolution, however, said the AU should share information gathered through its newly established Civilian Casualty Tracking Analysis and Response Cell with relevant stakeholders, including the UN.
"The military operations in south-central Somalia make accurate information and reporting on abuses against civilians increasingly urgent," Burnett said. "The willingness of AMISOM and troop-contributing countries to allow scrutiny of their conduct will be indicative of their commitment to accountability."HRW

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Xildhibaan Goodax: ” Madaxweynaha Howshii qaranka...


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network)-Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Goodax Barre oo ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee Mooshinka ka gudbiyay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa sharraxaad ka bixiyay sababaha Moshinkooda.
Mudane Goodax ayaa ugu horreyn uga Mahad Celiyay sida uu ugarwaaqsaday in Mooshin uu ka horyaallo Baarlamaanka, isagoo dhanka kale ku eedeeyay in uusan ka warcelinin eedeymaha ay ku soo oogeen sida uu hadalka u dhigay.
Cabdullaahi Goodax ayaa dhanka kale tilmaamay in Madaxweynaha uu lumiyay Kalsoonidii Shacabka islamarkaana uu ku guul dareystay Kalsoonidii ay horay u siiyeen.
" waxaan codsaneynaa in Madaxweynuhu uu is casilo " ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Goodax Barre.
Qodobada Madaxweynaha lagu soo oogay ee Baarlamaanka Mooshinka ay uga gudbiyeen ayaa waxaa ka mid ah qodobo Dastuuri ah sida Lunsasho Hanti Guud iyo qodobo kale.
Dhinaca kale Siyaasiga Cabdullaahi Dheere oo isna ka hadlay arrintaan Mooshinka ayaa Baarlamaanka ka dalbaday in ay joojiyaan Mooshinkaas oo uu sheegay in Howlaha horumarineed ee dowladda uu hagal daacinayo sida uu hadalka u dhigay.
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo shalay shir jara'id oo uu qabtay kaga hadlay Mooshinka ka dhanka ah ayaa Koox yaroo qaswadayaal ah ku tilmaamay Xildhibaanada Mooshinka ka gudbiyay.

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Daawo:- Jawaari oo aqbalay Xilka Qaadista Xasan Sheikh


Guddoonka baarlamanka federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa goor dhaweyd aqbalay mowshinkii ay xildhibaanno ka mid ah baarlamanka ka keeneen madaxweynaha dawlada Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo ay ku dalbadeen in Xilka laga Qaado.HALKAN KA DAAWO VIDEO
War uu soo saaray guddoonka baarlamanka ayaa lagu sheegay in guddoonku aqbalay mowshinkaasi, waxaana war-saxafadeedka ku xusan Afar qodob oo la xiriira arrinta ku saabsan mowshinkaasi.
Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa tan iyo Markiii uu soo baxay Mooshinka ka dhanka ah Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya waxaa siwayn looga Dareemay Dhaq-dhaqaaq siyaasadeed oo Xoogan.

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