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Jarmalka oo shuruuc kasoo saaray magangelyo doonka


Xukuumadda wadaagga ah ee Jarmalka ayaa faahfaahin ka bixisay qorshe lagu adkaynayo shuruucda magangelyo doonka oo qeyb ka ah dadaalkeeda ugu dambeeya ee ay ku xakamaynayso qulqulka muhaajiriinta.

Van Gaal oo ka cabsi qaba in la eryo


Tababaraha Manchester United Louis Van Gaal ayaa sheegay in uu wadnaha farta ku hayo, oo haddii kooxdiisa looga guulaysto kulanka ay caawa la yeelanayso kooxda Derby County inuuba ka cabsi qabo in shaqada tababarenimo laga eryo.

Ban Ki Moon oo Taageeray Go'aanadii Madasha


Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Ban Ki Moon ayaa soo dhaweeyay go’aamada ka soo baxay shirkii wadatashiga ee Muqdisho.

Ban Ki Moon oo Taageeray Go'aanadii Madasha


Gudoomiyihii Degmada Magaalo-Cad Oo Is-Casilay iyo...


Magaalo-cad(Awdalpress) gudoomiyaha degmada magaalo-cad bashiir cumar warsame ayaa xilkii gudoomiynimo ee degmadaasi iska casilay kaasi oo u sababeeyey ka dib markii xukuumada dhexe iyo maamulka gobolka Awdal waxba ka qaban waayeen baahiyaha ka jira degmadaasi isla markaasina dhagaha ka furaysteen qoraaladii uu u gudbiyey .
gudoomiyaha bashiir oo khadka telefanka ugu waramayey shabakada Awdalpress ayaa dhaliil u soo jeediyey gudoomiyaha Gobolka Awdal maxamuud saleebaan ramaax . sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay in is casilaadiisa ay daba socoto handadaad kaga timiday xukuumada dhexe iyo maamulka Gobolka Awdal ka dib markii bulshada ku nool deegaanadaasi si balaadhan u soo dhaweeyey musharax madaxweyne ku xigeen ee Xisbiga Wadani Maxamed Cali Awcabdi oo deegaanadaasi booqday .
si kastaba ahaatee Degmada Magaalo-cad ayaa ka mid ah degmooyinkii uu magacaabay madaxweynihii hore Somaliland daahir riyaale kaahin isla markaasina waxay xukuntaa oo hoos yimaada 11 tuulo ,waxaanay ka mid ah tahay degmooyinka ugu balaadhan ee hoos yimaada magaalada Boorama ee xarunta Gobolka Awdal .
bashiir cumar warsame gudoomiyaha xilka iska casilay ayaa sheegay in aanay degmadu helin kabkii loogu tala galay isla markaasina ay ka qatan tahay adeegyada halbowlaha u aha jiritaanka bilaa'idamiga sida Biyaha ,Waxbarashada iyo caafimaadka .
mar aanu waydiinay xisbiga uu gudoomiyuhu ku biirayo maadaama uu xiligii iska casilay waxaa uu sheegay in xisbiga mucaaridka ee WADANI uu ku biiri doono isla markaasina saaxda siyaasada ka sii muuqan doono .
la soco maqalka wareysigani .
The post Gudoomiyihii Degmada Magaalo-Cad Oo Is-Casilay iyo Muxuuse Isku Casiley? appeared first on Awdalpress.com.


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U.N. praises Somalia deal on model for electoral...


United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised an agreement by Somalia's government on Thursday on a model for the electoral process to establish a new, bicameral federal parliament in 2016, a U.N. spokesman said.
"He particularly applauds the commitment to representation of women and minority groups, including that women will comprise 30 percent of the next parliament," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.
U.N. special envoy to Somalia, Michael Keating, said the model envisages a lower house of 275 members, based on a current power-sharing formula between clans, and an upper house of 54 members, based on equal representation of existing, emerging and prospective federal states and an allocation of additional seats to breakaway regions of Somaliland and Puntland.
"This is the culmination of almost six months of intense consultations," Keating told the U.N. Security Council on Thursday. "It may be a watershed moment, marking the growing political maturity of a federal Somalia."
After the optimism that followed the 2012 election many diplomats had hoped for a "one person, one vote" system in 2016, but progress has been dented by frequent attacks by al Shabaab militants, as well as political infighting and corruption.
Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said in July that the country would not be able to hold a popular vote for its planned 2016 elections.
In Somalia 2012 elections, members of parliament were chosen by elders and then those lawmakers chose Mohamud as president. It was Somalia's first election since 1991, when warlords ousted president Mohamed Siad Barre, plunging the country into years of war and chaos.
Source: Reuter


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Announcing political ‘breakthrough,’ UN envoy says...


The Security Council heard today from the top United Nations official in Somalia that success in the country this year will depend upon managing threats, notably those posed by the terrorist groups Al-Shabaab, while announcing a "breakthrough" political achievement.
"It gives me particular pleasure to share some breaking news with you," the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Somalia, Michael Keating, told the 15-member Council during an update on the situation in the country.
"This morning, a decision was taken by the Somali Cabinet on the electoral model to be used later this year. This is the culmination of almost six months of intense consultations. It may be a watershed moment, marking the growing political maturity of a federal Somalia," he said.
Separately, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon congratulated the Somali leadership on this decision, noting that it paves the way to a timely transition at the expiry of the current institutions' term.
"He particularly applauds the commitment to representation of women and minority groups, including that women will comprise 30 per cent of the next Parliament, in line with the Mogadishu Declaration of December 2015," said a statement issued by Mr. Ban's spokesperson.
The UN chief also reiterated the urgency of establishing a political roadmap towards universal suffrage in Somalia by 2020, to ensure continued momentum in the country's transition to democracy.
In the Security Council, Mr. Keating, who is also the head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), said the electoral model is Somali-devised, Somali-led and Somali-owned, adding that real momentum could and should result from the "breakthrough" achieved today.
Meanwhile, he said his two weeks as Special Representative in the horn of Africa nation "have not been Somalia's easiest" - marked by tough political negotiations and marred by two terrorist attacks.
"Somalia's security requires a comprehensive approach," he continued, highlighting the UN Secretary-General recently announced Plan of Action for Preventing Violent Extremism. "Our political, security, development and human rights efforts must proceed together."
Noting that military and counterterrorism efforts need to be accompanied by stronger policing and rule of law, Mr. Keating added that a priority must be to strengthen federal and regional capabilities within Somalia as a basis for a longer term transition plan for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which has been in the country since 2007.
"Too many civilians and too many soldiers are dying. Al-Shabab remains a potent threat," the UN official warned, while nonetheless stating he is encouraged by the commitments made by the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, to security sector reform.
Turning to the humanitarian situation, Mr. Keating said the situation is very concerning. "Millions of children, women and elderly people are acutely vulnerable and in total some 4.9 million people, representing 40 per cent of the total population, are in need of humanitarian assistance."
According to UN estimates, over 1.1 million civilians remain internally displaced and some 300,000 children under age five are acutely malnourished. Millions also lack access to basic healthcare, water and sanitation. The head of UNSOM called for the UN's recently launched humanitarian response plan to be "generously" supported.
Source: UN


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Van Gaal oo ka cabsi qaba in la eryo


Jarmalka oo shuruuc kasoo saaray magangelyo doonka


Wadahadallada nabadda Suuriya oo furmaya


Banaadir Waa Bar Kuma Taal, Boosna Kuma Laha Aqalka...


Dulmi ayaa lagu heshiiyay, xaq dad leeyahay ayaa la go'aamiyay in beelo kale lagu qanciyo, is-afgarad waxaa lagu gaaray in shacbiga G/Banaadir madaxa cagta laga saaro, Madal ku sheega Wadatashiga Qaran ayaa soo saartay in ummadda G/Banaadir aan wax wakiil ah ku yeelan doonin Aqalka sare ee loo dhisayo Soomaaliya, 54-xubnood ayaa Aqalkaasi loo qoondeeyay inuu ka koobnaado, tiradaasi waxaa loo qeybshaySomaliland 11, Puntland 11, Galmudug 8, K/galbeed 8, Jubbaland 8, Hiiraan iyo Sh/dhexe 8, halka Banaadirna laga siiyay eber (0).
Waa nasiib daro tiradii ay lahayd bulshada Banaadir in lagu qanciyo Somaliland iyo Puntland si Aqalka hoose ee (Paarlamaanka) loogu soo xulo 4.5, haddaba hab qeybsigaan ma cadaaalad baa, ma xaq daraa, mise waa xal, sideese G/Banaadir u soo dhacsan karaa xaqa uu ku leeyahay Aqalka sare ee laga qaaday?
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmail: Ishabaydhaba@hotmail.com


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Wararka Dibada: Maxaa Kala Qabsaday Madaxweynaha...


Madaxweynaha IRAN, Xassan Roxaani oo todobaadkan booqasho ku maraya dalalka Italy iyo France ayaa amaro uu dul dhigay dowladahaasi ku khasbay inay wax ka bedalaan goobaha uu booqanayo iyo waliba kulamada uu ka qeyb galayo.
Booqashadii Madaxweynaha IRAN ayaa ah safarkii ugu horeeyey oo uu ku yimaado dalalka Midowga Yurub intii cunaqabateynta laga qaaday dalkaasi IRAN, wuxuuna Xassan Roxani booqday intuu ku sugnaa magaalada Roma Madxafka weyn ee magaalada Roma.
Balse waxaa dood ka dhalatay Asnaabta badan ee yaal Madxafka Taariikhiga ah ee Roma.
Xassan Roxaani ayaa sheegay inuusan dooneyn intuu booqanayo goobtaasi inuu arko Wax Asnaab Qaawan ah, taasi oo keentay in maamulka Madxafka uu Sanaadiikh waaweyn ku qariyo Asnaabta Qadiimka ah oo ay ka muuqdaan Haween Qaawan, wuxuu sidoo kale hogaamiyaha IRAN diiday in lagu sawiro Sanabyada kale ee hogaamiyayaashii hore ee Yurub ee goobtaasi yaal.Arrintan ayey dad badan oo u dhashay dalka Talyaaniga ka caroodeen iyagoo sheegay in Hogaamiyaha IRAN uu doonayo inuu ku khasbo dalkooda fikirkiisa Islaamiga ah, waxayna ku dhaliileen maamulka Madxafka iyo dowlada Talyaaniga inay isu duleysay hogaamiyaha dowlada Islaamiga ah ee IRAN.
Xassan Roxani ayaa intuu ku sugnaa Roma sidoo kale booqday xarunta Vatican halkaasi oo uu kula kulmay Baadariga Kirishtaanka Katooliga Pope Francis. Wafdiga IRAN ayaa kadib u gudbay dalka France.Booqashadii Paris
Roxaani ayaa Khamiistii shalay lagu waday inuu kulan QADO ah la yeesho Madaxweynaha France Mr.Francois Hollande, balse Qadadaasi ayaa la baajiyey kadib markii uu muran ka dhashay Listiga cuntada iyo cabitaanka goobta qadada la keenayey.
Wafdiga IRAN ayaa sheegay in Cuntada iyo Cabitaanka laga dhigo mid Xalaal ah, isla markaana goobta laga qaado wax walba oo uu Khamri ku jiro. Arrintan ayuu diiday Madaxweynaha France Francois Hollande oo sheegay in Khamriga (Wine) ee ku jiray Listiga Cabitaanka aan laga saari kari maadaama ay tahay dhaqankooda, isla markaana khamrigaasi oo uu Faransiiska caan ku yahay la saaro munaasabadaha ka dhaca xarunta Madaxtooyada Paris.
Francois Hollande, Madaxweynaha France ayaa usoo jeediyey Madaxweynaha IRAN iyo wafdigiisa in Qadada loo bedalo Quraac, balse wafdiga IRAN ayaa sheegay in Quraacda ay tahay Raqiis, waa sida ay baahiyeen saxaafada France.
Marka laga yimaado dhaqanka isdiidan ee IRAN iyo reer Yurub, hadana booqashada hogaamiyaha IRAN ayaa ah mid salka ku heysa Ganacsi, dowlada IRAN oo laga qaaday cunaqabateynta caalamiga ah ayaa dooneysa heshiisyo waaweyn oo ganacsi la gasho dalalka Yurub, sidoo kale dowladaha Yurub ayaa iyagu xiiso u qaba dalka IRAN oo ay doonayaan shirkadahooda inay maalgashadaan.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmail: Ishabaydhaba@hotmail.com


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Somali-born man gets 9-year sentence for supporting...


Mahdi Hashi, who pleaded guilty to conspiring to provide material support to the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab, was sentenced Friday to nine years in prison, according to the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
Hashi, 26, had traveled from Britain to his native Somalia to join the Somali group that the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in March 2008, the U.S. attorney's office said in a statement.
"This defendant left his family and his adopted home in the United Kingdom behind so he could offer himself in support of al-Shabaab, a violent terrorist organization that has demonstrated its capabilities and motives in numerous terrorist attacks and that has publicly called for attacks against the United States," said Robert Capers, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.Al-Shabaab wants to turn Somalia into a fundamentalist Islamic state, according to the experts. The group has been blamed for attacks in Somalia that have killed international aid workers, journalists, civilian leaders and African Union peacekeepers. It also has a history of striking abroad.
In Somalia, Hashi was affiliated with American jihadist Omar Hamami, his band of American fighters, and others associated with Al-Shabaab's suicide bomber program, according to federal prosecutors.
Hamami, who built a following in militant circles in the West for his idiosyncratic jihadist rap videos and had a U.S. bounty on his head, was among two notable jihadists reportedly killed in Somalia in 2013.
What is Al-Shabaab?
Capers said the prison term "sounds a warning to others who offer support to terrorist groups that pose a threat to the United States and our allies around the world."
Between December 2009 and August 2012, Hashi conspired to support the group before he was apprehended by local authorities in East Africa, according to the statement. He was deported to New York for prosecution in November 2012.
Hashi and two co-defendants pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges in may 2015, according to federal prosecutors.
Federal prosecutors said Hashi was among the foreign fighters recruited by Al-Shabaab to have lived, trained and fought alongside other native Somali fighters.
The foreigners became the face of Al-Shabaab's fundraising and propaganda efforts and were more easily able to cross international borders to carry out terror operations, according to the statement.
Hashi moved to Britain with his family as a 6-year-old, fleeing the civil war in Somalia, his father told CNN in 2013. He grew up in London.
When he turned 16, Britain's MI5 secret service asked Hashi to become a spy, willingly or not, according to his father, Mohamad Hashi.
Mahdi Hashi filed an official complaint and his local lawmaker met with MI5 representatives. But the younger Hashi returned to Somalia when the pressure persisted, according to his family. "He was being harassed all the time," his father told CNN.
Mahdi Hashi traveled to Egypt and Syria as a teenager. Then, in 2010, his family said, Hashi returned to Mogadishu. He got married and had a child.
Hashi's British citizenship was stripped from him shortly before he was put on a plane to the United States in 2012.
Source: CNN


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Madaxweynaha oo Addis Ababa uga qeybgalaya Shir...


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa ka degay magaalada Addis Ababa, oo uu kaga qeybgeli doono Shir MadaxeedkII 26-aad ee Midowga Afrika.
Shir Madaxeedka Midowga Afrika ayaa arrimaha ugu waaweyn ee lagu soo qaadi doono waxaa ka mid ah colaadaha ka aloosan dalalka Burundi iyo Koonfuurta Suudaan.
Madaxa Guddiga Sare ee Midowga Afrika, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma ayaa dhankeeda waxay xusuusisay madaxda Afrika in laga dhabeeyo, lana fuliyo balanqaadkii hore loo gaarey ee ahaa in qaaradda Afrika laga ciribtiro colaadaha.marka la gaaro sannadka 2020.
Waxaa sidoo kale shirka barbar socon doona shir madaxeed gaar ah oo madaxda IGAD ay kaga hadli doonaan arrimaha Soomaaliya iyo shir madaxeed iyana gaar ah oo ay isugu imaan doonaan madaxda dalalka ciidammada ay ka joogaan Soomaaliya oo looga hadli doono hawlgalka nabad ilaalinta Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM.
Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, ayaa inta shirkan uu socdo waxaa uu shir guddoomin doonaa shir ay isugu imaanayaan madaxda Bariga Afrika ee ku jira Taliska Ciidammada Gaarka ee Bariga Afrika. Shirkan ayaa waxaa looga arrinsan doonaa xasaradda ka aloosan dalka Burundi iyo sidii dalkaasi ciidammo nabad ilaalin ah loogu diri lahaa.
Madaxweynaha ayaa kulamo la qaadan doona madaxda ka qeybgaleysa Shir Madaxeedka Midowga Afrika, oo ay ka mid yihiin Madaxweynaha Masar Abdel Fattah el-Sisi , Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Ban Ki Moon iyo madax kale.
Shirkan waxaa ka qeybgalaya 54-ta dowladood ee xubnaha ka ah ururka, iyadoo wasiirada arrimaha dibedda ee dalalkan ay horay u yeesheen kulamo ay ku diyaarinayaan ajendaha shirka.


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Daawo Hees ay qaadayso Farxiya Fiska


Daawo warbixin ku saabsan Dadab


Isticmaal Caqli Iyo Maskax:- Si Mucjiso Ah Ayuu Isu...


Markii uu wiilkiisa u tegay ayuu u sheegay inuu doonayo inuu guursado gabadha uu dhalay Bill gate oo ah ninka dunida ugu taajirsan, isla marakaana u diyaariyay arooskooda iyo wixii ku bixi lahaa, isagana uu ka rabo oo keliya inuu ka ogolaado.
Wiilka oo aad u yaaban ayaa muujiyay in aanu diyaar u ahayn, waayo muu arag. Laakiin odayga aabihii ayaa ku yidhi :aEU haddii aad aragto wax dhab ah inay ku cajibin doonto, oo aad raali ku noqon doonto iyadoo weliba uu aabo u yahay ninkaasi dunida ugu taajirisani, ee adigu iga ogolow inaad guursato. Wiilkii ayaa aabihii ku yidhi waayahay waan kaa aqbalay, si kasta oo ay tahay aabo.
Aabaha ayaa u tegey Bill Gate, waxana uu ku yidhi :aEU Waxaan inantaada u hayaa wiil u qalma kuna haboon inuu guursado, markaa waa inaad wiilkaasi u guurisaa gabadhaada?
Bill Gate isagooA yaaban ayuu si fudud ugu yidhi :aEU Waa sax, laakiin inantaydu weli way yartahay oo may gaadhin guurkii.A Aabaha ayaa markaasi ku yidhi :aEU laakiin ninkan aan u doonayo inantaada waa ku xigeenka baanka aduunka?aEU Bill Gate ayaa madaxa ruxay oo yidhi aEUoe haddii uu ninkaasi yahay waan ogolahayaEU.
Maalintii ku xigtay ayuu odaygu u tegay madaxa baanka aduunka waxaana uu ka codsaday inuu wiilkiisa u magacaabo ku xigeenka baanka isagoo sheegay inuu shaqadaasi aad ugu wanaagsan yahay. Madaxa baanka ayaa u sheegay in wakhtigan ay badan yihiin ku xigeenadiisu oo aanay suurtagal ahayn in qof kale la magacaabo.A Odayga aabaha ah ayaa markaasi ku yidhi aEUoe Laakiin ninkan aan dhalay ee aan wadaa wuxuu xidid la yahay Bill Gate oo uu inantiisa qabaaaEU.
Madax baanka aduunka markii u arinkaasi maqlay ayuu ku jawaabay aEUoe hadii uu sidaasi yahay waan ka dhigay ku xigeenka madax baanka aduunkaaEU.A A Akhriste odaygu wuxu is waafajiyay danaha saddex qofA isagoon mid kasta u tusay inuu ka kale dan u yahay.A Sidaasi ayay dadku mar kasta dantooda u eegaan, haddaba waxa loo baahan yahay in hawl kasta loo adeegsado maskax iyo caqli.


Web link Exchange

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SONNA http://sonna.net
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GAMESINDEX http://gamesindex.co.uk
BINH http://binh.biz
SOMALIINDEX http://somaliindex.co.uk
Qurandownload http://qurandownload.org
AZVOX http://azvox.net
AZVOX http://azvox.com
Webdesigncompany24 http://Webdesigncompany24.com
Webdesign36 http://Webdesign36.com
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Wuxuu Isku Daya In uu Ogaado Ruuxda, Laakiin Wuu Ku...


Galabnimo bish Feberweri ay ahayd 6, sanadkii 1921, ayuu Injineerka dabka ee Thomas Lein fadhiistayA si uu cashadiisa u cuno sidii caadada galab kasta u ahayd keligii. Markii uu cashadii ka kacay ayuu xabad sigaar ah shitay , si degan koob cafee ah soo qatay.
Isaga oo aan dhamayn ayuu istaagay oo dabkii makhsinka shiday, waxaana uu jejebiyay tuunbooyinka dibedda uga saarayay qiiqa, ka dibna wuxuu si adag u wada xidhay daaqadihii iyo albaabadii, waxaana uu ku soo noqdayA sariirtiisa qolka fadhiga u taalaly.
Halkaasi ayuu ku lulooday waxaana uu seexday hurdo aanu mar daneb ka soo toosinba.A Maydkiisa ayaa guriga laga soo saaray maalintii ku xigtay oo ku yaallay magaalada Detroit ee Maraykanka . Booliiska ayaa qolkiis ka helay warqad cadaynaysa sababta dhiamshadiis.
Waxaana uu ku qoray inuu sidan u yeelay si uu u xaqiijiyo inay jirto nolol kale , iyo nooca ay tahay ? A Baadhayaasha ayay jawaabta suaEU(tm)aashani ku adkaatay ilaa ay ogaadeen in Thomas uu afar todobaad ka hor dhimashadiids uu wargeys ku qoray inuu baadhis ku samaynayo ruuxda iyoA nafta ku jirta qofka.A Taasi oo muujisay jawaabta warqadii uu qoray inuu yahay nin raadinayay ruuxda laakiin waddo khalad ah maray oo aanu ku xaqiijin Karin marnaba.


Web link Exchange

Websites Friends
SONNA http://sonna.net
HALGANKA http://halganka.net
SOMALI-NEWS http://somali-news.com
GAMESINDEX http://gamesindex.co.uk
BINH http://binh.biz
SOMALIINDEX http://somaliindex.co.uk
Qurandownload http://qurandownload.org
AZVOX http://azvox.net
AZVOX http://azvox.com
Webdesigncompany24 http://Webdesigncompany24.com
Webdesign36 http://Webdesign36.com
Webdesiger-nin http://webdesigner-in.co.ukhttp://binh.bizhttp://clouda.co.ukhttp://cmscasts.comhttp://coloindex.nethttp://drupaltraining.bizhttp://games-trailers.co.ukhttp://gamesindex.co.ukhttp://halganka.comhttp://holiday-to.euhttp://holidays-to.comhttp://homesgb.co.ukhttp://internfinder.co.ukhttp://jobslog.co.ukhttp://newsindex.co.ukhttp://quraan.euhttp://qurandownload.orghttp://resor.co.ukhttp://serverburst.co.ukhttp://serverburst.nethttp://shopislam.orghttp://somali-music.nethttp://somali-news.comhttp://somaliindex.co.ukhttp://somaliindex.comhttp://somaliindex.nethttp://somaliindex.co.uk

Xukun Ku Dhacay Mahdi Xaashi


Nin Soomaali ah oo lagu magacaabo Mahdi Xaashi sannadkii 2012-ka laga soo qabtay Bariga Afrika ayaa maanta maxkamad ay ku ridday xukun sagaal sano ah xiriirka uu la lahaa Al-Shabaab darteed.

Xukun Ku Dhacay Mahdi Xaashi

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