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TVIYADA Caalamka waxey sheegen somaliland iney...


TVIYADA Caalamka waxey sheegen somaliland iney noqtey waddankii ugu horeey ee aduunka qalabka indhah, ku istcimaala doorashada 2017;by fuaad qawdhan arimaha bulshada london
Fu'aad Qawdhan | November 12, 2017
Bushaaro ku socota, dadweynaha somalliland mog tahey bulshada somalililand iney noqto dowladii ugu horeysey ama bulshadii ugu horeeysey ee qalbka indhah u itcmaasha doorashda 2017.
Waxaa isoo daraya tviyada callamka oo hadal haya qalabka somaliland u itcmaashey doorashada 2017 ee indha iney tahey horomer u soo kordhey somaliland iyo calamka odhan, sidaa waxaa shegey doodo kadhacey tviyada
Waxaa tviiyada oo dhan ay heegeen doodihii ka dhacey eey isku raceen iney tahey somaliland waddanka qudha ee caalamka u isticaamley qalabka indhah doorashad cardka codbixinta waxey na sheegey iney kaga deydaan calamka oodhan waa hormer u soo kordhey calmka beey yidhadeen.
DOODYANHADA qaar baa ku baaqey dalka somaliland waa in calamka oodhan u soo jeestaan, horemrka aay ka gaadheen dimuqraadiyada waa dad jaceyl iney noqdaan waddan calan jira leh oo calamka odhan yaqaano, beey yidhaahdeen ,
Waxaa hubaala walaal hadii aaynu nabadaa ku wadno mahadnaq illaheyna badino ineynu noqoneyno dad gaadha himiladooda, waxaa ugu baqaayaya bulshada somaliland oodhan waa iney ilaahey u mahad naqaan ducada badiyaan inuu ilaahey ina siiyo dowlad madax banaan, calamkuna odhana dalkeena u soo shaqo tagaan.
facebook; fuaad qawdhan

Gudoomiyaha Makamada Sare ee Somalililand oo...


Hargeisa(ToggaHerer ):-Gudoomiyaha Maxkmada sare ee jamhuuriyada Somaliland ahna gudoomiyaha maxkmada dastuuriga ah Dr Aadan Xaaji Cali ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay wafti culus oo uu hor kacayay Safiirka EU-da Safiiro ku xigeen iyo diblmaasiyiin kale oo ka kala socday wadamadaBelgium, Denmark,EU, Filand,Uk, Sweden, iyo Swizerland,Ujeedada waftigan dalka u yimaadeen ayaa ah sidii ay ugu kuur gali lahaayeen habsami uocodka doorashada madaxtooyada Somaliland oo maalinta bari loo dareeri doono codbixinteeda,13 bishan November.
Kulan uu gudoomiyaha maxakmada sare ku qaabilay waftigan ayaya waxa ay kawada hadleen arimo dhowr ah kuwaasi oo ay ugu muhiimsanayed sidii ay wax uga ogaan lahaayeen arimaha sharciyada Somaliland iyo Heerka uu marayo hadii ay cidi cabasho ula timaado khusaysa natiijada doorashada
Sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha maxkmada sare Dr Aadan Xaaji Cali ayaa xubnahan warbixin kasiiyay shuruucda dalka ee uu muwaadiniinta siinayo dastuurka dalka iyo mudada ay uu u ogolyahay in asxaabtu ay soo gudbiyaan cabashadooda
Waftigan balaadhan ee ka socday wadama Somaliland ay xidhiidhka wayn leeyihiin ayaa sidoo kale kulan isla maanta la yeeshay komishanka qaranka Somaliland iyagoo la kulmi doonana murashixiinta xisbiyada tartamaya
Waftigan ayaa dalka ku sugnaandoona ilaa maalinta salaasada iyagoo sidoo kale maalinta bari ah socdaal indhi indhayna ah kusoo mari doona goobaha ay ka socoto codbiixntu.
Gabagabdiina waxaa uu Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Sare Somaliland Si Qoto Dheer uga dhegaystay Aragtiyaha Iyo Qorshayaasha Kala Duwan ee Ay Ka Aamin San yihiin Dawlada Somaliland.
Waxaana Ay Ku Diirsadeen Si Nabad Galyada leh ee aan Ka Jirin Geeska Africa ee Shacabka Somaliland iyo Qarankiisu u Nool yihiin,
Waxaana Gudoomiyuhu khudbad dheer oo u jeediyey uga Waramay Sharciyada kala duwan ee Qaranka Dhinaca Doorashooyinka iyo Sidii Nabadgalyada ahayd ee Ay Hore dalka uga Soo Qabsoomeen doorashooyinkii Ka Horeeyey.
Wufuudan Kala Duwan ee Ka Socota Dalalka Beesha Caalamka Ee Daneeya Qadiyada iyo Madax Banaanida Somaliland Labadii Todobaad ee Lasoo Dhaafay Dalka Somaliland Kusoo Qulqulayey Iyadoo Arrinta Xiisaha leh Ee Saraakiishan Ka Socoda Beesha Caalamku ay uga qayb qaadanayaan Doorashada Madaxweynenimada Somaliland Tahay Nabad galyada Kala Danbaynta iyo Dimuquraadiyada Ka Jirta Dalka Somaliland.

Madaxweynaha Hirshabeelle oo dib ugu laabtay Jowhar


Madaxweynaha Hirshabeelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa gelinkii dambe ee maanta dib ugu laabtay magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta dowlad goboleedka Hirshabeelle.
Madaxweyne Waare ayaa maalmihii la soo dhaafay waxa uu ku sugnaa magaalada Muqdisho isagoo ka qeyb galay kulankii ay madaxda dowlad goboleedyada dalka iyo Dowlada Federalka ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdisho.
Wafdiga la socday Madaxweyne Waare ayaa waxa garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Jowhar ku soo dhoweeyay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Hirshabelle Sheekh Cismaan Barre Maxamed,Wasiiro,xildhibaano ka tirsan baarlamaanka Hirshabelle iyo mas'uuliyiinta maamulka degmada Jowhar iyo kan gobolka Sh/dhexe.
Shir jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtay xarunta Madaxtooyada Hirshabelle ayuu Madaxweynaha Hirshabelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare uu uga warbixiyay safarkii uu ku tegey magaalada Muqdisho, waxana uu xusay in Muqdisho uu ugaga soo qeyb galay shirkii Madaxda Dowlad goboleedyada iyo dowlada federalka,uuna la kulmay hay'adaha samafalka isla markaana mashaariicyo kala duwan laga fulin doono dhowaan dowlad goboleedka Hirshabelle.
Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha Hirshabelle ayaa ka hadlay dagaalada ay dowlada Federalka ku dhawaaqday inay la galayso ururka Al-Shabaab waxana uu si gaar ah u soo hadal qaaday dagaalka ka dhacay degaanka Basra.
Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysigaQolka Ay Isku Bartaan Guurdoonka Soomaaliyeed Mareykanka 001 7124326996 United kingdom 00443306061358Sweden 0046840308879Soth AFrica 0027121003058Norway 004721939528Belgium 003225887027Australia 0280725143Ausria 4312675954RIIX Number 8 Kadibna 5454

Muwaadin u dooro hogaaminta shanta sanno ee soo...


Muwaadin U Dooro Hogaaminta Shanta Sanno Ee Soo Socota Ee Dalka S/land Halgamaa Samo Talisa,Oo Hall Adayg Iyo Hadaf Cad Lagu Yaqaano
Nin daneeya baahida dalkoo danaha guud eega
Nin daryeela maatida dadkoo dayrin noloshooda
Daldaloolka nin naga awdayoo naga daboolaaya
Daba socodka duumada qabiil naga dawaynaaya
Dulqaadkaaga Eebow adaa lagu dakeeyaaye
Deeqdaadu Eebow adaa dunida gaadhaaye
Qofkaad doorto Eebow adaan cidina diidayne
Noo door Allahayow adaan kaa dalbanayaaye
Erayadii iyo Qalinkii:Abwaan Sacad X Maxamuud Gadhle .
Waa qormo kalsan iyo kor waayeel loogu wanqalay,waa qormo kama"a iyo kasba laga ilaashay,waa kalmado ku haboon in Bulshada S/land loogu iftiimiyo Sooyaalka Halgamaa Samo Talisa,Hogaamiye Hido dhwara oo nolosha Bulshada ku dhaqan S/land aqoon gaara u leh,hogaamiye tacabka Xoolo dhaqashada iyo wax soo saarka Beeraha jecel,hogaamiye aan jeclaysan in uu ku noolaado dalka dibadiisa iyo qurbaha,hogaamiye Dulqaad,Daacadnimo,Hall-adayg,Karti,Kalsooni badan,iyo Go"aan Qaadasho Lagu Yaqaano.
Waa qormo Bulshada S/land ugu iftiiminayo Sooyaalka halgameed iyo Hogaamineed ee Murashaxa Madaxwaynaha Xisbiga Kulmiye,Muj Muuse Biixi Cabdi, oo kaalin mug leh ku lahaa Halgankii dib u xoraynta qaran,Shirarkii dib u heshiisiinta Beelaha S/land,dib u dhiskii dalka iyo soo celintii hanaankii dawladnimo ee burburay,iyadoo si gaara farta ugu fiiqi doono kartidii iyo kalsooniduu muujiyay uguna soo dhabar adaygay,Duruufihii Qalafsanaa ee S/land ka jiray bilawgii Sannadihii Sagaashamaadkii,iyadoo Bulshada S/land marnaba iloobi Karin dhibtii iyo hadimooyinkii u soo dhabar adaygay in ay Bulshada S/land ku noolaato Nabada ay maanta ku nooshahay,isagoo Muj Muuse Biixi Cabdi hormood u noqday Masuuliyiintii u guntaday in ay Ciidamadii wadooyinka taagnaa ee xoogagii Snm noqdaan Ciidan Qaran .
Dhinaca hogaaminta Muj Muuse Biixi wuxuu gudoominayay Shirkii Balay- gubadle, Shirkaasi oo lagu soo doortay Madaxwaynihii u horeeyay ee S/land, Alle ha u Naxariistee Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali (tuur),mudadii uu shirka hagayayna waxaa lagu xasuustaa hal adayg ,hawlkarnimo,hogaamin suuban.
Sidoo kale Muj. Muuse Biixi waa shaqsiyad karti badan oo u dhabar adayga waayaha uu dalkiisa iyo dadkiisu ku sugan yihiin,waxaanu kaalin mugleh ku lahaa dib u heshiisiintii iyo midayntii xoogagii Snm,waxaanay taariikhdu ka marag kacaysaa inuu yahay halgamaa samo talisa,waa hogaamiye Wadaniya Wadankiisana jecel, iyadoo aan marag uga dhigayo habka nololeed ee uu u raadiyo nolosha qoyskiisa.
Mar kale waxay Taariikhda ku xusan in Alle ha u naxariistee Marxuum Madaxwayne Maxamad X Ibraahin Cigaal,markii lagu soo doortay Magaalada Boorama ugu magacaabay Muj Muuse Biixi Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha,waqtigaas oo dalku ku jiray Duruufo qalafsan,Burbur Dhaqan, Dhaqaale,Nabadgalyo daro,iyo Dawlad la,aan,waxaanu Gudoomiye Muuse Biixi kaga gudbay Dulqaad,Daacadnimo,Hall-adayg, Karti, Kalsooni badan,iyo Dhabar adayg.
Mar kale taariikhdu waxay ka marag kacaysaa in uu muddo xileedkiisii ku guulaystay,qaramaynta ciidamadii Snm ee wadooyinka taagnaa,isagoo kaashanaya Guurtidii iyo Wasiiradii,sidoo kale isagoo kaashanaya Golihii Wasiirada iyo Golayaashii Wakiilada iyo Guurtida,waxuu ku guulaystay in la soo celiyo nidaamkii dawladeed iyo kala dambayn S/land ka hano qaada, waxaanu kaalin mug leh ka soo qaatay soo celinta Maamulkii iyo kala dambayntii,isagoo muddo xileedkii Muj Muuse Biixi Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha uu dhamaystiray in la soo celiyo Cashuur ururinta Cashuuraha Dawlada Dhexe si ay Dawlada S/land dhaqaale u hesho .
Sidoo kale Muj Muuse Biixi wuxuu kaalin mug leh ka soo qaatay dib u dhiskii iyo dayactirkii guud ahaan Xafiisyada Wasaaradaha iyo Xarumaha kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha ee Burburay,sida Kastamada Dugsiyada,Saldhigyada, Sariimadaha, Cusbitaalada .
Isku soo wada duuboo waxay taariikhdu ka marag kacaysaa in Murashaxa Madaxwaynaha Xisbiga Kulmiye,Muj Muuse Biixi Cabdi in uu guulo la taaban karo ka soo hooyay xilkii loo igmaday waqtigaasi,maantana Muj Muuse Biixi Cabdi waa Murashaxa Madaxwayn ee ugu mudan in loo doorto Madaxwaynaha S/land Maalinta doorashada ee ku beegan 13/11/2017, ugu dambayn waxaan qormadan ku soo gunaanadayaa Gabay Duco ah .
Nin daneeya baahida dalkoo danaha guud eega
Nin daryeela maatada dalkoo dayrin noloshooda
Daldaloolka nin naga awdayoo naga daboolaaya
Daba socodka duumada qabiil naga dawaynaaya
Duulaan colaadiyo ninaan dirirna keenaynin
Darifyada nin wada gaadhayoo dacalna seegaynin
Noo door Allahayow adaan kaa dalbanayaaye
Noo door Allahayow adaan kaa dalbanayaaye
Noo door Allahayow adaan kaa dalbanayaaye
Erayadii iyo Qalinkii: Abwaan Sacad X Maxamuud Gadhle .

50 Sano ka Dib ayay ku Noqdeen Somaliland iyagoo...


Aamina Nuur Maxamed oo ku magac dheer Aby Thomas iyo Daauud, waxay ka mid yihiin kormeerayaasha caalamiga ah ee ka qaybgelaya doorashada madaxtinimada Somaliland. Waxay u dhasheen dalka Maraykanka hase ahaatee magacyadan Soomaaliga ah waxay qaateen 50 sano ka hor xilli ay ka shaqayn jireen Sool iyo Saaxil.
Haddaba warbixin si gaar ah u eegaysa arrimahan iyo weliba sheekooyin kale oo xiisa leh waxaa Hargeisa ka soo diyaariyey Ismaaciil Xuseen Farjar.

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Somaliland Election Observers

Wariye Caan ah Telefishanka Ruushka Oo Madaxa Iska...


Soo Saaraha Barnamij Caanka ah Telefeeshinka Ruushka Boris Notkin ayaa maydiiksa laga helay bishii November 11-keedii gurigiisa oo ku yaala xaafada Duleedka Moscow , ninkaas ayaa qoray warqad nabadgelyayn ah sheegayna inuu is-diley isaga oo ka takhalusay cadaabka uu ku hayo xanuunka kansarka.
"Waxaan rabaa inaan naftayda iskaga qaado si ikhtiyaari ah, sababtoo ah waxaan runtii la daala dhacayaa cadaabka iyo dhibaatada," ayuu ku yidhi Notkin warqada uu qoray.
Horaantii warbaahinta qaarkeed ayaa soo warisay in jidhka Nautkin laga helay rasaas. Waxayna sheegeen inuu la il daran kansarka aan la daaweyn, taasoo keentay in uu is dilo.
Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Warbaahinta ee Golaha Federaalka ee Ruushka Alexei Boschov ayaa tacsi u diray ehelka iyo asxaabta ku saabsan geerida weriyihii telefishanka waxaana uu sheegay in warku uu naxdin ku noqday.
Warqabadka ToggaHerer

Assembly of global aid body concludes in Turkey


The seven-day summit of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) concluded in Turkey’s Mediterranean resort city Antalya on Saturday.
Around 1,500 guests from Turkish and international aid organizations attended the IFRC general eeting from Nov. 5-11. Humanitarian crises in Myanmar, Somalia, Iraq and Syria were discussed in the summit.
The assembly also elected a new IFRC president as well as four vice presidents — including Turkish Red Crescent head Kerem Kinik as vice president for the Europe region — and board members for the next four years.
Kinik was elected as vice president for Europe region. He received 116 votes out of 189.
Italy’s Francesco Rocca was elected as IFRC president after securing 98 votes. Rocca, who is also the head of the Italian Red Cross, has in the past served as the organization’s vice president.
Senegal’s Abdoul Azize Diallo, running unopposed, was elected vice president for the Africa region, Venezuela’s Miguel Angel Villarroel Sierraalta for the Americas and China’s Chen Zhu was elected as vice president for the Asia Pacific Region.
Henry Davison Award
At the gala dinner on the first day of the summit, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu spoke about the current refugee situation in Turkey and emphasized that the country will remain at the forefront in dealing with humanitarian crises.
During the event, a short film about the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was shown to the audience. Also a dance troupe performed traditional Turkish dance.
On the second day of the event, the IFRC general assembly paid tribute to Red Cross and Red Crescent’s volunteers and staff, who lost their lives in the line of duty during the opening ceremony.
At the ceremony, former IFRC President Tadateru Konoe also addressed the audience and thanked the Turkish Red Crescent, its president and staff for their generous efforts.
On Thursday,Turkish Red Crescent Society officials paid a visit to the newly elected IFRC president Francesco Rocca.
Kinik also held meetings with his counterparts from America, Britain, Spain, Denmark, Somalia and Northern Cyprus.
On Friday, the IFRC’s newly elected president handed the Turkish Red Crescent the Henry Davison Award for its efforts to aid Syrian refugees in Turkey.
The post Assembly of global aid body concludes in Turkey appeared first on Shabelle.

Assembly of global aid body concludes in Turkey


The seven-day summit of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) concluded in Turkey's Mediterranean resort city Antalya on Saturday.
Around 1,500 guests from Turkish and international aid organizations attended the IFRC general eeting from Nov. 5-11. Humanitarian crises in Myanmar, Somalia, Iraq and Syria were discussed in the summit.
The assembly also elected a new IFRC president as well as four vice presidents -- including Turkish Red Crescent head Kerem Kinik as vice president for the Europe region -- and board members for the next four years.
Kinik was elected as vice president for Europe region. He received 116 votes out of 189.
Italy's Francesco Rocca was elected as IFRC president after securing 98 votes. Rocca, who is also the head of the Italian Red Cross, has in the past served as the organization's vice president.
Senegal's Abdoul Azize Diallo, running unopposed, was elected vice president for the Africa region, Venezuela's Miguel Angel Villarroel Sierraalta for the Americas and China's Chen Zhu was elected as vice president for the Asia Pacific Region.Henry Davison Award
At the gala dinner on the first day of the summit, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu spoke about the current refugee situation in Turkey and emphasized that the country will remain at the forefront in dealing with humanitarian crises.During the event, a short film about the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was shown to the audience. Also a dance troupe performed traditional Turkish dance.On the second day of the event, the IFRC general assembly paid tribute to Red Cross and Red Crescent's volunteers and staff, who lost their lives in the line of duty during the opening ceremony.At the ceremony, former IFRC President Tadateru Konoe also addressed the audience and thanked the Turkish Red Crescent, its president and staff for their generous efforts.
On Thursday,Turkish Red Crescent Society officials paid a visit to the newly elected IFRC president Francesco Rocca.
Kinik also held meetings with his counterparts from America, Britain, Spain, Denmark, Somalia and Northern Cyprus.
On Friday, the IFRC's newly elected president handed the Turkish Red Crescent the Henry Davison Award for its efforts to aid Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Dhageyso Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle

Hadduu Ismaciil Yare maro jidkii Jugsoo dhacay, ...


Hadduu Ismaciil Yare Maro Jidkii Jugsoo dhacay, Musharax Cirro Mala Iman doonaa ku-dhacii Rayaale?
Abdirazak Askar
Natiijadii doorashadii 2010 markii la iclamiyey ayaa war bulshadaSomaliland aad iyo aad uga xumaadeen waxay ka maqleen XoghayihiiXisbigii Udub oo loogaga adkaaday doorshadaa, waxa uu ku dhawaaqay inayna aqbalayn natiijada oo loogaga shubtay. Hadalkaasi waxa uubulshada ku abuuray warwar ay ka cabsi qabeen in xasilooni daro dalkaay ka dhacdo. Basle wax yar kadib waxaa warbaahinta yimid oo la hadlay Daahir Rayaale Madaxweynihii wakhtigaa ahaana Gudoomiyihii XisbigiiUdub.
Haddaba, waxaa xusid mudnayd oo aad loola dhacay talaabadiigeesinimada lahayd ee uu qaaday Mudane Rayaale iyo sida uu ugadamqaday shakhsiyaadka magaciisa iyo sharaftiisaba inay baabiiyaandoonayey. Mudane Rayaale waxa uu wakhtigaa shacabka ka jaray waran kutaagnaa, isaga oo tixraacaya hadaladii masuuliyiintiisii wakhtigaasiku daadafeeyeen natiijada doorashada, waxa uu sheegay hadaladaaragaasi faafiyeen inayna waxba ka jirin oo uu aqbalay maxsuulkanatiijada doorashada .
Haddaba, markaad eegto shakhsiyaadka garbaha ka taagan murashax cirowaxaa ugu fadalo cad-cad Ismaciil Yare kana mid ahaa xubnihii xagadambe kaga soo biiray xisbiga wadani, oo shakhsi weerar, afxumo iyohanjabaado ay kasoo burqanayeen lagasoo bilaabo maalintii uu xisbigawadani kusoo biiray illaa maalintii u dambaysay ollolaha doorashadaee xisbiga wadani u lahaa oo uu si aad u foolxun oo laga yaxyaxay uu uaflagaadeeyey Madaxweynaha talada kasii dagaaya ee Silaanyo. Haddaba ,Ismciil yare haduu maro jidkii jug soo dhacay , Musharax Ciro malaiman doonaa geesinimadii iyo ku dhacii Mudane Rayaale .
Talaabadaa uu qaaday Daahir Rayaale wakhtigaas waxay ka mid ahaydwaxyaabaha taariikhda u galay ee ay Shacabka Reer Somaliland guda iyodibedba ay u ogyihiin , sharaf iyo abaalna ay ugu hayaan.
Gabagabadii, waxaan iga talo ah oo aan kula talinayaa Musharax Cirohadii aad guuldaraysato in Raga kugu wareegsan ee uu ugu horeeyoIsmaciil yare in haddii ay maraan jidkii jugsoo dhacay , Alle Mamariyee... in aanad illaawin marinkii Muwaadin Rayaale.
Cabdirasaaq Askar
Hargeysa ,Somaliland

Beesha Warsangeli iyo Mowqifkoodii midnimada...


13th November 2017 admin Category :
Wakiilkii Suldanka Beesha Warsangeli Allah ha u naxariistee Ismaaciil Suldaan Maxamuud Cali Shire, ayaa Isaga oo Burco ku sugan sanadkii 1991 waxa uu u sheegay beesha Isaaq oo markaas jidbaysnayd in laga shaqeeyo Wadaninimo, lagana shaqeeyo midnimada Soomaaliya iyo amniga.
Geesinimo ka weyn ma jirto adiga oo ka soo jeeda beesha Daarood, oo Burco ku sugan 1991, Iyaga oo Beesha Isaaq gacanta ku dhigeen hubkii qaranka Soomaaliyeed u yaalay waqooyiga Soomaaliya dhamaantiis, inaad ku tiraahdo ku shaqeeya wadaninimo, kana shaqeeya amniga iyo midnimo Soomaaliyeed sidii loo heli lahaa. Colaadda iyo nacaybka markaas Burco iyo Hargaysa talay waxaad ka garan kartaa Isimka ugu horeeya muuqaalka hoose hadaladiisa oo hadda dugsiyo ku yaala magaalada Hargaysa loogu magac daray

U.S. Conducts Airstrike in Support of the Federal Government of Somalia


In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Somalia against al-Shabaab on Saturday, Nov. 11 at approximately 4:30 p.m. local Somalia time, killing one enemy combatant.
The operation occurred near Gaduud, about 250 miles southwest of the capital, Mogadishu.
Prior to this strike, U.S. forces observed the al-Shabaab combatant participating in attacks on a U.S. and Somali convoy. U.S. forces subsequently conducted the strike under collective self-defense authorities.
Al-Shabaab has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and is dedicated to providing a safe haven for terrorist attacks throughout the world. Al-Shabaab has publicly committed to planning and conducting attacks against the U.S. and our partners in the region.
U.S. forces will continue to use all authorized and appropriate measures to protect Americans and to disable terrorist threats.
This includes partnering with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali National Security Forces (SNSF); targeting terrorists, their training camps and safe havens throughout Somalia, the region and around the world.
The post U.S. Conducts Airstrike in Support of the Federal Government of Somalia appeared first on Shabelle.

Poject M&E

U.S. Conducts Airstrike in Support of the Federal...


In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Somalia against al-Shabaab on Saturday, Nov. 11 at approximately 4:30 p.m. local Somalia time, killing one enemy combatant.
The operation occurred near Gaduud, about 250 miles southwest of the capital, Mogadishu.
Prior to this strike, U.S. forces observed the al-Shabaab combatant participating in attacks on a U.S. and Somali convoy. U.S. forces subsequently conducted the strike under collective self-defense authorities.
Al-Shabaab has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and is dedicated to providing a safe haven for terrorist attacks throughout the world. Al-Shabaab has publicly committed to planning and conducting attacks against the U.S. and our partners in the region.
U.S. forces will continue to use all authorized and appropriate measures to protect Americans and to disable terrorist threats.
This includes partnering with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali National Security Forces (SNSF); targeting terrorists, their training camps and safe havens throughout Somalia, the region and around the world.

Kenyan troops complicit with Al Shabaab charcoal exports says UN


Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) units assigned to the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom) are complicit in the militant group Al Shabaab’s exports of charcoal, which earns the group about $10 million annually, a team of United Nations monitors claims in a new report.
According to the UN, Al Shabaab ships charcoal from ports in southern Somalia where KDF units are stationed, Kenya’s Daily Nation reported on Monday.
“Amisom, whose KDF contingents remain deployed at the ports of Kismayu and Buur Gaabo, has neither assisted the Somali authorities in implementing the charcoal ban nor facilitated Monitoring Group access to charcoal exporting ports,” the report stated.
Poor implementation of the five-year-old UN Security Council ban “enables Al Shabaab financing and undermines counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency efforts in Somalia,” said the report.
As an example of Shabaab’s continuing ability to thwart counter-insurgency efforts, the UN team cited an attack on a KDF base at Kulbiyow on the Kenya-Somalia border that killed at least 67 Kenyan soldiers at the beginning of 2016.
Furthermore, over the past two years Al Shabaab militant attacks have left dozens of civilians and police officers dead.
And neither is this the first time the UN has accused the KDF of being complicit with Al Shabaab in regards to the charcoal export ban.
The UN’s Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group said last year that Kenyan troops assigned to Amisom were receiving $2 per bag of charcoal illegally shipped from the port of Kismayo.
The 2016 UN report stated that this complicity may have earned the Kenyan soldiers $12 million in proceeds.
In addition to this complicity Al Shabaab’s capture of sophisticated weaponry from Kenyan and Amisom bases has increased the ability of the jihadist group to further endanger Somalia’s security.
In January this year an attack by Al Shabaab on the KDF’s Kulbiyow base enabled the organisation to capture sophisticated weaponry, including a 105mm howitzer, an armoured personnel carrier, an 81mm mortar launcher and a heavy machine gun, the new report added.
Furthermore, the militants are reported to have used more powerful 120mm mortars, which are suspected of being seized from an Amisom Burundian base in 2015 during an attack on a joint Uganda-Somali National Army base at Baledogle.
In another worrisome sign of Al Shabaab’sincreasingly diversified arsenal, FBI laboratory analyses have shown that the insurgents are now using an ingredient in fertiliser to make vehicle-borne bombs, the UN team says.
“The potential use of home-made explosives by Al Shabaab would allow the group to rely less on the process of harvesting explosives from munitions, which is slow and labourious,” the monitoring team pointed out.
Weapons are also being illegally imported into Somalia via the country’s Puntland region aboard dhows sailing from Yemen and the Makran coast of Iran.
However, Iranian authorities strongly denied during a meeting in September with UN monitors that they were involved in a shipment of weapons to Somalia.
In addition to the money it earns from charcoal exports, Al Shabaab is also financing its operations partly through “taxes” it levies on vehicles travelling on roads it controls.
“Large trucks are usually taxed $1,000 with receipts issued by Al Shabaab to prevent double taxation at subsequent checkpoints,” the UN report outlined.
Other monthly fees earned by Al Shabaab range from $10 paid by market traders to as much as $70,000 paid by major companies.
Despite Somalia’s federal government warning businesses against getting involved with the militants financially, the inability of Mogadishu to fully monitor these payments restricts its abilities to effectively enforce its warnings.
Federal institutions likewise remain “incapable of addressing pervasive corruption,” the monitors observe.
The post Kenyan troops complicit with Al Shabaab charcoal exports says UN appeared first on Shabelle.

Kenyan troops complicit with Al Shabaab charcoal...


Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) units assigned to the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom) are complicit in the militant group Al Shabaab's exports of charcoal, which earns the group about $10 million annually, a team of United Nations monitors claims in a new report.
According to the UN, Al Shabaab ships charcoal from ports in southern Somalia where KDF units are stationed, Kenya's Daily Nation reported on Monday.
"Amisom, whose KDF contingents remain deployed at the ports of Kismayu and Buur Gaabo, has neither assisted the Somali authorities in implementing the charcoal ban nor facilitated Monitoring Group access to charcoal exporting ports," the report stated.
Poor implementation of the five-year-old UN Security Council ban "enables Al Shabaab financing and undermines counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency efforts in Somalia," said the report.
As an example of Shabaab's continuing ability to thwart counter-insurgency efforts, the UN team cited an attack on a KDF base at Kulbiyow on the Kenya-Somalia border that killed at least 67 Kenyan soldiers at the beginning of 2016.
Furthermore, over the past two years Al Shabaab militant attacks have left dozens of civilians and police officers dead.
And neither is this the first time the UN has accused the KDF of being complicit with Al Shabaab in regards to the charcoal export ban.
The UN's Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group said last year that Kenyan troops assigned to Amisom were receiving $2 per bag of charcoal illegally shipped from the port of Kismayo.
The 2016 UN report stated that this complicity may have earned the Kenyan soldiers $12 million in proceeds.
In addition to this complicity Al Shabaab's capture of sophisticated weaponry from Kenyan and Amisom bases has increased the ability of the jihadist group to further endanger Somalia's security.
In January this year an attack by Al Shabaab on the KDF's Kulbiyow base enabled the organisation to capture sophisticated weaponry, including a 105mm howitzer, an armoured personnel carrier, an 81mm mortar launcher and a heavy machine gun, the new report added.
Furthermore, the militants are reported to have used more powerful 120mm mortars, which are suspected of being seized from an Amisom Burundian base in 2015 during an attack on a joint Uganda-Somali National Army base at Baledogle.
In another worrisome sign of Al Shabaab'sincreasingly diversified arsenal, FBI laboratory analyses have shown that the insurgents are now using an ingredient in fertiliser to make vehicle-borne bombs, the UN team says.
"The potential use of home-made explosives by Al Shabaab would allow the group to rely less on the process of harvesting explosives from munitions, which is slow and labourious," the monitoring team pointed out.
Weapons are also being illegally imported into Somalia via the country's Puntland region aboard dhows sailing from Yemen and the Makran coast of Iran.
However, Iranian authorities strongly denied during a meeting in September with UN monitors that they were involved in a shipment of weapons to Somalia.
In addition to the money it earns from charcoal exports, Al Shabaab is also financing its operations partly through "taxes" it levies on vehicles travelling on roads it controls.
"Large trucks are usually taxed $1,000 with receipts issued by Al Shabaab to prevent double taxation at subsequent checkpoints," the UN report outlined.
Other monthly fees earned by Al Shabaab range from $10 paid by market traders to as much as $70,000 paid by major companies.
Despite Somalia's federal government warning businesses against getting involved with the militants financially, the inability of Mogadishu to fully monitor these payments restricts its abilities to effectively enforce its warnings.
Federal institutions likewise remain "incapable of addressing pervasive corruption," the monitors observe.

Markab quusay afar qarni ka hor oo raadkiisa la heley


Koox quusayaal ah oo gunta hoose ee badda ka baara maraakiibta quustay ayaa heley mid ka mid ah agabkii saarnaa markab quusay sanadkii 1606-dii, kaasi oo laga lahaa dalka Spain.
Markabkan ayaa waxaa lagu magacaabi jiray San Francisco, wuxuuna u kala gooshayay dalka Filibiin iyo Mexico ka hor intii uusan degin dabaylo badda ka kacay awgood, waxaana la sheegay in uu waday badeeco qiimaheedu gaarayo malaayiin doolar.
Halka uu ku quusay ayaa horey loo waayay, balse sheeygan la heley oo ah dhagixii laga ridayay gantaalka ku rakibnaa markabka ayaa la sheegay in uu yahay raad cusub oo horseeda kara in la helo haraadiga markabka.
Dhagaxan ayaa waxaa soo heley nin u dhashay dalka Australia oo lagu magacaabo Ian McCann, wuxuuna kasoo heley gunta hoose ee badda isaga oo qeyb ka ahaa koox quusayaal ah oo uu hoggaaminayo ninka lagu magacaabo Dr Jun Kimura oo ka tirsan jaamacadda Tokai ee dalka Japan.
"Markii aan dhaxaga soo saarnay oo aan la tashanay dad qubaro ah ayaan ogaanay in uu qeyb ka ahaa markabkii quusay ee San Fransisco" ayuu yiri Dr Jun.
Mashruucan oo ay maalgelisay dowladda Japan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyay oo lagu baadigoobayo markabkan quusay oo la aaminsanyahay in uu wadday alaabo aad qaali u ah.
Raadka hadda muuqda waa mid rajo cusub keenay, waxaana sahanka labaad la dirayaa sanadka soo socda horaantiisii.
Haddii la helo markabkan waxa rajo yeelanaya maraakiib badan oo badda ku quusay, waxaana la rumeysanyahay in hadda gunteeda ay taalo hanti aad u badan oo maraakiib quustay saarnayd.
Markabkan ayaa waxa uu taariikh ku lahaa adduunka, maadaamaa xiligii uu quusayay uu saarnaa barasaabkii Filibiin ee gumeysigii Spain Don Rodrigo de Vivero Velasco.
Barasaabka oo ka badbaaday masiibada ayaa buug uu ka qoray waxa uu ku faahfaahiyay wixii dhacay.
Boqolaal qof oo kale ayaa burburka markabka ka badbaaday, kuwaas oo markii dambe si nabad ah ku gaaray dalka Mexico.
Waxaa gacan weyn gurmadka ka geystay boqorkii Japan, kaas oo markab markaas la dhisay sii saaray dadka, kuna daray wakiilo isaga ka socda, kuwaas oo la sheegay in ay noqdeen dadkii ugu horeeyay oo reer Japan ah oo ka talaabay badda Pacific inta la ogyahay.

Somali Elder shot dead in Mogadishu


Unidentified gunmen have shot and killed a prominent Somali elder in Mogadishu on Sunday night, Police and witnesses said.
Hassan Jaciir, the elder who involved in the recent parliamentary election and voted for Federal MPs from HirShabelle state, was gunned down in Mogadishu's Bakara market.
The killers have managed to escape the scene following the shooting of the elder.

Polls open in Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland


Voting kicked off at 7 a.m. in the breakaway region of Somaliland on Monday as over 700,000 voters lined up in queues to vast their ballot to elect their fifth president.
Queues started forming in a number of the stations as voters lined up to vote in 1,642 polling centers.
“I am very happy to vote and I will give my vote to the most suitable candidate,” Sagal Mohamed told Xinhua.
Muse Bihi Abdi will be defending the ruling party seat while former House Speaker Abdirahman Irro is vying in Wadani ticket. Faisal Ali Warabe is running under Justice and Development Party (UCID).
This is the first poll in Somaliland to use a new voter registration system, which itself marks the first use of iris-scan biometric technology in an African election.
Meanwhile, a 60-member team of international observers from 27 countries is monitoring the polls.
The international election observation mission (EOM), which has been invited by Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission (NEC), said it will conduct its observation activities in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, emphasizing the impartiality and independence of that observation.
The EOM is led by the Development Planning Unit (DPU) at University College London (UCL), and Somaliland Focus UK.
This EOM marks the fourth election in Somaliland observed and reported on by DPU and Somaliland Focus since 2005.
“Preparations for this mission have been intense, and we are very appreciative of the invaluable assistance we have had from so many stakeholders in Somaliland, and from the British government in funding this mission,” Michael Walls of DPU, chief observer on the EOM.
“Now that we are seeing the hard work bear fruit, we are hoping we will see a spirited and peaceful polling day marking another step in Somaliland’s democratic development,” Walls said.
The post Polls open in Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland appeared first on Shabelle.

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Oo Saaka...


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Oo Saaka Codkiisa Ka Dhiibtay Xarunta Hay'adda Shaqaalaha Dawladda
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo iyo marwadiisa koowaad marwo Aamina-weris Sheekh Maxamed Jirde oo gudanaya waajibaadkooda muwaadin-nimo ayaa saaka ka codeeyay xarunta hay'adda shaqaalaha dawladda ee magaalada Hargaysa.
Goobtaasi oo ah meelaha ay dadweynuhu ka codaynayeen komishankuna ay dhigeen sanaaduuqda codbixiyaaysha ee doorashooyinka madaxtooyada Somaliland ee lagu dooranayo madaxweynaha bedeli doona madaxweyne Silaanyo.
Xarunta hay'adda shaqaalaha dawladda ayaa waxa madaxweynaha kusoo dhaweeyay Guddomiyaha komishanka doorashooyinka qaranka Somaliland iyo musharaxiinta xisbiyadda KULMIYE iyo UCID oo iyaguna isla goobtaasi ka dhiibanayey cod kooda .

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