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Bisad aanan cunin Hilibka Oo lagu arkay dalka Britain. DAAWO SAWIRO


Haweeneey u dhalatay dalka Birtian ayaa waxa ay noqotay haweeneedii ugu horeysay ee badbaadisa Bisad nuuca cuna Khudaarta, Biky Bahj oo ah gabar 21-sano ah ayaa uga sheekeysay wargeys ka soo baxay dalkaasi Ingiriisa waxa ayna ku nooshahay Tasberg
Bisada ayaa ah mid aanan cunin Digaaga iyo Kaluunka oo u caada ah ayadoon cunadeed ugu wanaagsan ay tahay kaliya cunista Khudaarta waxa ayna Biky sheegtay in ay ku gacan seyrtay dhowr jeer oo ay siisay hilib.
Sidoo kale Haweeneedaasi ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in tijaaboyin badan ay ku sameysay Bisadaasi ay ku aragtay in ay tahy mid aanan jecleen cunista hilibka oo u caada Bisadaha.
Waa Awood Ilaahay uu siiyay Bisadaasi waxa ayna noqotay Bisadii ugu horeysay Oo nuucaas oo kala ah oo lagu arkay aduunkaan ayadoon amuuqaalka Bisada uu yahay mid aad loo jecleysto xiligaan.

Somalia: We have no better brother than Turkey


Over 300 Somali university and high school students accompanied by the minister of higher education of the Transitional Government of Somalia landed at İstanbul Atatürk Airport on Wednesday morning, flying on a Turkish airline, Atlasjet, after being awarded a scholarship to study in Turkey. Thank you Kimse Yok Mu (Is Anybody There) for your scholarships awarded to Somali students and for welcoming them to Turkey.
Families and parents are very happy that the Turkish government has provided such an opportunity to their children. Many Somalis in the country and the diaspora appreciate this and, in fact, everyone is happy to see such a large number of Somali students receiving a scholarship.
One student said before his departure to Turkey: “This is an unforgettable moment for me, my parents and every one of the students. I was hopeless before Turkey turned its attention to my country, but now I’m so happy and my future is so bright.”
On Sept. 2, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ confirmed that 500 Somali students would study at universities in Turkey in the upcoming academic year.
The number of scholarships offered by Turkey in Somalia is very large and one could only rarely come across such a high number of grants in award programs of other governments for students from other countries.
All Turkish agencies and aid workers in Somalia are truly doing a magnificent job.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan — a pragmatic and true leader of Turkey, and a role model of the next generation — landed in the world’s most dangerous airport and paid a visit to a country where famine and drought are killing its people. Mr. Erdoğan, along with his wife and children, five Cabinet ministers, members of his Justice and Development Party (AK Party), doctors and aid workers, walked through the streets of the word’s most violent capital city and met with hundreds of thousands of people in need who lost everything in the ongoing drought and famine.
Erdoğan was the first head of state to officially visit the war-torn country since 1991. His historic visit was a glimmer of hope for the Somali people.
In half of his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York two weeks ago, Mr. Erdoğan talked about Somalia’s problems and called on world leaders to help the Somali people.
Extending our sincere gratitude to the people of Turkey for their helping hand, we believe there is no better brother than Turkey today.
The Turkish government is providing more than TL 500 million in aid to Somalia. Thanks are due to the Prime Ministry’s Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate (AFAD) and other charity organizations for collecting this money from our brothers and sisters in Turkey.
Somalia has for the past 20 years been neglected by the globe, but today we have a big brother (Turkey) who is ready to prove to us that everything is possible. This is not the first time Turkey is helping Somalia, as history tells us that this is the third major time Turkey has saved the Somali people.
Thanks to Erdoğan for having the courage to see with his own eyes the humanitarian crisis in Somalia and the words of encouragement.
A picture of him, Emine Erdoğan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu holding severely malnourished children in Somalia will be an unforgettable gesture. Remarkably, he said, “Don’t worry, the Turkish people are with you.”
Mr. Erdoğan appointed a Turkish ambassador to Somalia to reopen the Turkish Embassy in Mogadishu to coordinate and provide famine relief and help rebuild schools, roads, hospitals and water wells. The new Turkish ambassador to Somalia, Kani Torun, is a doctor and was the CEO of Doctors Worldwide.
Somalis in the diaspora have also done the best they could to show their appreciation to Mr. Erdoğan and the people of Turkey. They have contacted and met with Turkish ambassadors in Kenya, South Africa, Egypt, the UK, Denmark, the US, Canada, Australia, Qatar, Norway, Russia and Sweden.
Turkish Ambassador to Kenya Tuncer Kayalar was the first to meet with members of the Somali community in Kenya, led by exiled Somali journalists, who expressed their appreciation for the Turkish aid for drought victims.
To thank Mr. Erdoğan, they also set up a Facebook titled “Thank you PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkey for supporting Somalia.”
A friend of mine posted on his Facebook wall that his first newborn baby boy will be named “Erdoğan,” while his first newborn baby girl will be named “İstanbul.”
“İstanbul is the capital city of Turkey [sic], which is also one of the most popular names in Somali culture, and Erdoğan is the man who saved Somalia, so we don’t want to forget his name,” he said.
Many Somalis, including me, have advised the Somali president to make Mr. Erdoğan an honorary citizen of the Republic of Somalia, while others have advised the Mogadishu mayor to change one of the main roads that runs through the city center to “Erdoğan Road.”

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie help mothers and children in Somalia


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have donated money to help displaced mothers and children in Somalia.
According to Mirror, the star couple helped pay for health care for the mothers and children. The country has been struggling with its worst famine in 60 years, and the war has left many without homes. The United Nations points out that as many as 750,000 Somalians are at risk of starving to death soon. U.S. statistics say that the famine has already killed 29,000 children under five years old.
The Humanitarian Initiative Just Relief Aid has already sent its thanks to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation for sending help.
CBS News reports that the two stars have donated approximately $340,000 to expand health care.
Pitt and Jolie have been known for their incredible philanthropy. Aside from adopting their children, they donated close to $8 million according to tax records in 2006. They have also traveled to disheveled areas, such as Haiti and Pakistan, with the hope of understanding and raising awareness about recent catastrophes.

Amisom seizes two Al-Shabab members with their weapons


National Somali Forces, supported by AMISOM, have yesterday morning taken the critical high ground of Halima Haiti Hill in Karaan District, Mogadishu. A press statement from African Union Mission in Somalia said.
The statement confirmed that the early morning assault led to the capture of two al shabab fighters with their weapons. One peacekeeper was injured and three TFG soldiers.
The AMISOM spokesman Pandy Nkunda said that Al Qaeda linked Al Shabab extremist group have remained in the North Eastern side of the city from where they continue to pose a security threat.
Earlier this week, the terror group attacked a gathering of students who had turned up at the Ministry of Education headquarters to register for a Turkish Scholarship program. Over thirty students were reportedly killed among 100 more people at the same area.
“AMISOM remains committed to secure Mogadishu and its environs. However, all of us must remain vigilant and we encourage people to report anything suspicious spotted in our areas. This will make it difficult for the Al shabab to launch their attacks without hindrance.” AMISOM spokesman said.

Xeebaha Dalka Soomaaliya & Go’aankii Xaqa ahaa ee Baarlamaanka


Marxaladaha siyaasadeed ee uu dalku soo maray 21kii sanadood ee aynu ku
jirnay dagaaladan sokeeye iyo burbukan ayaa waxay abuureen in gebi
ahaanba noloshii, dhaqaalihii waxsooraarka, sida badihii, beerihii,
xoolihii inay iyaguna baaba’aan ama ay ku adeegtaan dad aan aqoon
wanaagsan u lahayn oo u adeegsanaya wejiyo ay macaash kaga heli karaan
taasi waxay keentay in xeebihii dalka soomaaliya ay duulaan ku soo
qaadaan dhammaan khubarada badaha ka faa’idaysta iyagoo doonaya inay ka
sameeyaan dhaqaale aad u adag oo Soomaalidu aysan cilmigeedu aysan
lahayn sababtoo ah xeebaha dalkeena waxay ahaayeen kuwa dihin maantayna
waa kuwa la xaalufiyey waxaana ugu wacan jahwareerka siyaasadeed ee
dalka ka jira in la boobo ama khashin sun ah lagu soo daadiyo kaddibna
xudduudihii xeebaha ee uu dalku xaqa u lahaa macaash iyo dullaal lagu
kala gato.
Go’aankii hore iyo kan maanta oo ay Baarlamaanka DFKMG ay wada gaareen
ayaa labaduba waxay yihiin kuwa farxad iyo kalsooni dheeraad ah gelinaya
shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Labaduba waxay noqdeen kuwa taariikhi ah
sababtoo weli Baarlamaanku iskuma khilaafin xudduudaha xeebaha ee dalka
Soomaaliya, laakiin arimo kale oo siyaasadeed way ku kala fikrad gedisan
yihiin tani waa arrin qarameed oo taabanaysa xudduudii dalka iyo
xeebihii iyo kheyraadkii dalka wax khiyaana ahina laguma samayn karo
kuwii ka dambeeyeyna ee u saxiixay heshiiskaa lagu magacaabayey is
afgaradka waa in la horkeenaa Maxkamadda Sare ee dalka iyadoo
dacwadooduna uu si dhaqsa u soo diyaarinayo Xafiiska Xeer Illaaliyaha
Guud ee Qaranka haddii ay taasi dhicina go’aanadda Baarlamaanka dalka ay
gaaraan wuxuu noqon doonaa fadhi ku dirir iyo sheeko aan meel loo deyan
oo aan sharci ahayn.
Hoggaanka baarista ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya waxaannu ka codsanaynaa
inay bilaabaan baaris ku saabsan deeqihii dalka soo galay iyo halkii ay
ku dambeeyeen iyagoo weliba la xisaabtamaya dhammaan xubnihii lagu
tuhmayey inay wax is daba marsisiiyeen ama ay is leeyihiin inay wax ka
dhaceen maaliyadda qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee loogu talagalay in dalka dib
loogu dhiso, ha ahaado Madaxweyne, R/Wasaare, Guddoomiye Baarlamaan, ama
Xildhibaan, ama wasiir qofkii lagu eedeeyana waa inuu si deg-deg ah isu
casilaa iyadoon uusan wax shuruud ahi uusan ku xirin kana baxaa
siyaasadda dalka ,sidoo kale go’aankii ay ka soo saareen Baarlamaanku
xdduudaha badaha ee dalka wuxuu ahaa mid xaq waana in uu sida uu yahay u
dhaqan galaa loona gudbiyaa dhinacyada kale ee sida khaldan macaashka
looga gatay xeebaha dalka sida dowladda kenya iyo shirkadaha shisheeye
shidaalka ka ganacsada lana horgeeya hay’adda qaramada midoobay si loogu
soo celiyo cabbirkii saxda ahaa ee dalku uu lahaa maalntii uu dalka
Soomaaliya qaatay xornimadiisa.
Haddaba waxaa is weydiin mudan xaalladani cakirain maxay tahay? dad
Xukun raadinaya oo aan diin shaqo ku lahayn ayaa shacabkii galaaftay oo
dhallinyaradii jaamacadaha ka Khalin jebinayey ee 20 Sanadood waddan
burbusanaa jaamacad kaga baxay maallintay calfan lahaayeen ku xasuuqay
“Hoteel Shaamow”iyo kii dhowaanahan ka dhacay wasaaradii hargaha iyo
saamaha , tani xagee bay diinta kaga qoran tahay wiil yar oo xaalad
dagaal iyo gumaysi waxbarasho ku dhex watay ma mid lagu abaalmariyaa
xasuuq xagee Kitaabka Alle kaga qoran tahay soomaaliyeey, haddii aadan u
arkayn inaysan xukun doon yihiin kooxaha weli dagaalamaya tani ha idiin
ahaato markhaati mid la duugi karana ma aha Taariikhda ayey gelaysaa,
xukunka ay doonayaan ma yahay mid ay calfan doonaan ?runtii ma aha mid
ay calfan doonaan laakiin inay waddanka gumaysi kusoo hoggaamin doonaa
ayaa cad. laakiin waa weli aan dhammaystirnayn barnaamijka dib u
Sidaa awgeed, waxaa su’aal ah maxaa hortaagan geedi socodka nabadda ee
dalka ? su’aashani jawaabteedu waa mid wejiya badan yeelan karta hase
ahaatee waxaan ku soo koobayaa mucaaradka dowladda ka soo horjeeda oo
aan weli laga helin inay ku soo noqdaan miiska wada hadalka iyo dib u
heshiisiinta iyo dowladda oo ka dhega furaysatay dib u heshiisiinta
awoodna mooday kumanaanka ciidamada shisheeye ee ku sugan caasimadda
dalka Muqdisho, iyo hubka sharci darrada ah ee weli ku sugan dalka
kaasoo ay ciidamo beeleedyadu ay ku boobaan gargaarka iyo saadka loogu
talagalay dadka ay abaaruhu iyo gaajadu ay xaalufisay ee ku nool xeryaha
qaxootiga ee ku yaal caasimadda dalk Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho, iyadoo
weliba gargaarku uu weli soo gaarayo dalka maalinba maalinta ka dambaysa
lana sii kordhinayo iyadoo loo soo raacinayo abuur beereedyo lagu
dardar gelinayo beeraleyda laguna bacriminayo dhulkii ay abuuruhu iyo
biyo la’aantu ku dhacday muddooyinka aadka u dheer.
Gabagabadii iyo faalladan ku saabsanayd xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya &
go’aankii Xaqa ahaa ee Baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa la oran karaa waa
g’aankii laga sugayey laakiin waxaa dhiman inuu go’aanku uusan noqon kii
hore oo kale lana dhammaystiro taasoo macnaheedu uu yahay in hay’adaha
sharci la marsiiyo sida hay’adda qaramada midoobay iyo dhinacyada
heshiiskii hore saxiixay, isla markaana xafiiska xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee
Qaranka uu horkeeno Maxkamada Sare ee dalka dhinacyadii sameeyey
heshiiskan khaldan iyadoo wixii caddayma ahina loo soo raacinayo, haddii
kale Soomaaliya lagama sugayo sharci iyo kala dambayn xeebaha dalka
Soomaaliyana waxay noqon doonaantaa bahala galayn iyo guri burcadeed
kuwa khashin sun ah ku daadiya kuwa si sharci darra ahi kaga
kalluumaysta iyo kuwa heshiisyo been abuur ahi ku macaasha iyagoo dana
gaar ahi adeegsanaya.
Eng. Cabdulqaadir Cumar Yuusuf (Daadurey)

Bannaanbax Ballaaran oo looga soo horjeeedo Qaraxii Muqdisho ee ugu yaraan 70-ka qof ku dhinteen


iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha DFKMG oo ku soo laabtay Xamar —
Warsaxaafadeed R.wasaaraha oo dalka dib ugu soo laabtay, booqdayna goobtii ay mashaqadu ka dhacday
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha
Xukuumada Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliyeed Prof. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta dalka dib ugu soo laabtay kadib safari uu ku soo kala bixiyay dalalka Mareykanka, Dernmark, Imaaraadka Carabta iyo weliba dalka Itoobiya, halkaasoo uu kaga soo qeybgalay shirar caalami oo looga hadlayay arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya.
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha iyo wefdigiisa ayaa maanta markii ay dalka dib ugu soo laabteen waxaa garoonka diyaaraddaha ee Aadancadde si weyn ugu soo dhoweeyey golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumada Federaalka, maamulka gobolka iyo dadweynaha degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir, waxaana ra’iisul Wasaaruhu uu halkaasi ku gacan qaaday mas’uuliyiintii soo dhoweysay.
Ra’iisul Wasaare Prof. Cabdiweli ayaa warbaahinta faah faahin ka siiyay socdaalkiisii dheeraa wuxuuna ku nuux nuuxsaday inuu guul ku soo dhamaaday, isla markaana shrikii guud ee Q/midoobay ee ay ka soo qeybgaleen isaga iyo wefdigiisu ay jawi wanaagsan ku qaateen.
Halkan kadaawo masawiro dheeri ah
Dhinaca kale, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa booqday Wakaaladdii Harkaha iyo Saamaha ee ay mashaqadu ka dhacday October 04,2011 kadib markii ay kooxda dhiigyacabka ah ee Khawaarijta Shabaab ay Qarax la beegsadeen halkaasna ku laayeen shacab tiradoodu kor u dhaafeysay 70 oo u badnaa Arday, wuxuuna R.wasaaruhu aad ula yaabay dhibaatada meesha ka dhacday iyo baaxada qaraxu saameeyey wuxuuna si gaar ah u dul istaagay bakhaar ay laheyd Wasaaradda Caafimaadka oo ay ku jirtay daawo taasoo ku baaba’day Qaraxa.
Kumannaan ka mudaaharaaday weerarkii argagixiso ee Al-Shabaab
Kumannaan mudaaharadayaal ah ayaa mudaaharaad ku sameeyay caasimadda Muqdisho si ay u muujiyaan sida iyagoo isku duuban ay uga soo horjeedaan kooxda xag-jirka ee Al-Shabaab, isla markaana ay u cambaareynayaan weerarkii is-qarxinta ahaa ee lagu dilay in ka badan 70 qof, ayna ku dhaawacmeen in ka badan 100 qof ee ka dhacay xarunta Wasaaradda Waxbarashada.
Halkan ka daawo sawiro Bannaanbaxa Muqdisho
Dibedbaxayaasha ayaa isugu soo baxay Garoonka Kubadda Cagta ee Koonis ee ku yaalla degmada Cabdulcasiis, si ay u cambaareeyaan weerarkii argagixiso ee uu dhiigga badani ku daatay ee Muqdisho ka dhacay 4tii bishan.
Iyadoo ay ammaanka si aad ah u sugayeen ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM, mudaaharaadka oo socday illaa saddex saac wuxuu ku dhammaaday si wanaagsan, iyadoo shacabkuna ay wateen boorar waaweyn oo ay ku cambaareynayaan weerarka, ayna ugu baaqayeen Al-Shabaab inay joojiyaan dilka, wadahadalna ay la galaan dowladda.
Madaxweyne Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa ka qeybgalay dibedbaxa, isagoo la hadlayay shacabkana wuxuu yiri:
“Ma dalkeena ayaan uga tagnaa dambiilayaal baxsad ah oo dalalkooda dambi ka soo galay iyo carruur caasi-waalideyn ah? Jawaabtu waa maya.
“Waxaan ka xunnahay in Al-Shabaab ay gumaadkaas ku geysaneyso iyadoo adeegsaneyso magaca islaamka, kana dhan ah shacabka Muslimka ah. Waxaan ka xuunahay in magaca Islaamka loo adeegsanayo in lagu dilo shacabka.
“Xukuumadda Soomaaliya waxaa ka go’an inay dhammeyso sanadihii fowdada iyo burburka. Waan isku duubnaaneynaa si aan u uga guuleysano argagixisada, shacabkeenana ugu horseedno mustaqbal nabad iyo barwaaqo leh.”
Garad Salad Hersi
Communication Director, office of the PM
Mobile: +252-615536608
Mogadishu, Somalia
Video: Mental illness ‘rampant’ in Somalia – Al Jazeera

URURKA WADANI (WADANI organization),By: Cumar Yousuf


Note: Ururka Wadani has no affiliation with the UCID reform group. Ururka Wadani existed before the UCID party disintegrated. We are, respectively asking the UCID reform group to search another name for their organization.
·         After we noticed that those who are assembling political parties are mainly seeking support from their tribal men, instead of those who share same ideas of how to move the country forward.
·         After every politician who wants to become a president of Somaliland is forming his political organization, and after every political party is becoming a property of one person, or group.
·         After every con-man (af-meeshar) called himself a Caqil, Suldan, Boqor, and oday.
·          After patriotic Somali-Landers who want to correct the wrongs had been ignored, and after Somaliland became a nation where the lies became the truth, and vice versa.
·         Then, we decided not to accept the status quo. The only way we can change this mind set, and save the country from this minority group is to create a grassroots political organization called, Ururka Wadaniyiinta Somaliland (or Somaliland WADANI organization) and for short URURKA WADANI.
The reason we choose this name is to unite the patriotic people of Somaliland who love their country and want to make a change. So the motto of URURKA WADANI is: First love yourself to achieve success for yourself and your family, then your country.
URURKA WADANI is open for all the Somali-Landers, and they are the owners. There will not be a group or a committee who will claim to control it or own it. Therefore, people of Somaliland will put together the final political platform of the URURKA WADANI, and the road map for Somaliland.
·         As they say “nothing is free” or “there is no free lunch”. Therefore, we are asking a grassroots fund raise to build this organization, and we are expecting the most of the fund to come from the Somaliland Diaspora. However, all Somali-Landers, both inside the country and the Diasporas have to work together to make this organization to succeed.
So, in order to cover the expenses of the organization’s registration and the initial startup cost, we need at least the following:
1.      We need to raise $20,000 US dollar to registar the organization.
a)      100 members who can contribute $100 * 100 = $10,000 US dollar, and 200 members who can contribute $50 * 200 = $10,000 US dollar.
b)      Or 200 members who can contribute $100 * 200 = $20,000 US dollar
2.      And the minimum cost to run the organization per month could be $10,000 US dollar. Therefore, we need 500 members who can contribute $20/month * 500 = $10,000 US dollar.
You can also, contribute more if you can.
At this time we are not collecting any money, all we want is to find out those who are willing to join us and support this organization financially and morally. So if you want to join us, please go to WWW.WADANI.ORG and fill up the contact form. If you have face-book account, you can find us:  URURKA WADANI.
20 years of un-recognized government of Somaliland, 10 years that we were fighting against the Siyad Bare regime, and another 10 years the Siyad Bare regime was progressed worse. Therefore, most of our people including our leaders did not work with or seen a government working for its people for all these years. As a result, many of our leaders do not understand the role of government, some of them see the government a way to steal the public fund to get rich. Therefore not only our people need to be educated but many of our leaders also need to be educated about the role of government; so we need candidates who understand the role of government and also will put the country’s interest above all else.
URURKA WADANI will oppose the government when they are not doing what they are supposed to do, and we will support them when they are doing a good job. Therefore our criticism will be a constructive one.
URURKA WADANI wants to put the power in the hand of people. We will bring outstanding candidates into the political process; the time is now for every Somali-Lander who cares about his/her country’s future to get involved. If you contribute your time and money you will become a stakeholder of this grass-root movement. If we organize and stand together, we will send a powerful message to those people who holding us back. Also these people who just want to run for a government office, we will clearly tell them: IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU, IT IS ABOUT THE PEOPLE AND THE COUNTRY.
The question is: Are you willing to stand up with us, to build a better Somaliland?
Here are fundamentals issues of URURKA WADANI:
After 20 years, we still do not have political recognition. The number one priority of URURKA WADANI is to pursue political recognition. We will campaign everywhere, knock every door, and rollover every stone to achieve recognition. Our nation’s future depends on it, and Somaliland will not settle for anything less than full recognition. 
All the experts agreed that Somaliland has a strong case to win its recognition; however we do not have a political campaign to gain our recognition. The European countries maintain the position that African Union should be first to recognize.
However, the report of 2005 African Union mission to Somaliland led by then African Union (UA) Commission Deputy Chairperson Patrick Mazimhaka concluded that “the fact that the union between Somaliland and Somalia was never ratified and also malfunctioned when it went into action from 1960 to 1991, makes Somaliland’s search for recognition historically unique and self-justified in African political history” and recommended that “the AU should find a special method of dealing with this outstanding case.”
Therefore, all we need is to influence some of the 54 African countries, to find one or two countries that will take the first step toward granting Somaliland the re-recognition it has rightly deserves.
The URURKA WADANI will put together a strong campaign to win the hearts and the minds of African leader to grant us recognition.
The United State is the greatest country in the world. We have to hire a political lobbying group to influence the people and government of United States. If we sell our story to the United States, it is possible that they may recognize us.
Patriotic Somali-Landers, especially Somaliland Diaspora has to play big role to pursue for delivering recognition for Somaliland. Everyone have to start to campaign his/her area, we cannot expect to achieve our sovereignty without effort.
Ninety-seven percent of the Somaliland voters approved the constitutions and the independence of Somaliland; therefore, anyone who is against the Somaliland and its independence cannot be part of this organization. The Somaliland law prohibited any Somali-Lander to attend what is called reconciliation conferences for Somalia; therefore anyone who attended them will not be part of this organization as well.
Tribalism is a social virus, and if we do not eradicate the use of tribalism, it will destroy our country. Patriotic Somali-Landers have to stand up and unite to stop this social disorder.
Our people need to be reminded our history:
Somaliland and Somalia united on 1960, and they formed a nation called the Somali Republic.  This new country started as democratic nation. Unfortunately tribalism caused that nation to fail, after every clan created their own political party and tribalism became stronger than nationalism. The government became so weak, then Said Bare over threw and destroyed the Somali Republic. We do not have to repeat the same mistakes again.
Therefore, anyone who attends the tribal conferences (or shil Beeledyo), especially the tribal political conferences, cannot be a member of URURKA WADANI. URURKA WADANI will welcome, if a community or clan is helping their neighborhood or community. In addition, URURKA WADANI will work with the government, to improve the economy of the nation so that any community will not have to depend on a clan for help.
We do not have bad economy, but there is a lack of vision. We need leaders who would guide our people, especially the wealth Somali-landers’ as well as Somaliland Diaspora to invest their country. We can invest many projects such as manufacturing, farming and fishing that can create many jobs for the young people who are graduating from high schools and universities.
URURKA WADANI welcomes any foreign investment. However, our lack of political recognition might hinder international investment. Therefore, we should not wait for nor depend on foreign investors for each project.
Today 20% of our people are outside the country (Qurba jog) and many of them are sending remittance to their families. We need to encourage Diaspora, in addition of the remittance, to invest in projects in Somaliland that will provide jobs and self-sufficiency to the people.
The government and the public have to develop together the government own property such the Cement factory, the Electrical companies, and commercial farming (e.g. Wajale project).
As people, we can achieve this by establishing Somaliland development bank. In order the public to invest them, the bank would do feasibility studies of those projects. The success of this bank and those projects will depend on how transparent and accountable the bank will be and also the knowledge and the honesty of the people who will manage.
We do believe, in a short time, we can create those projects and at the same time create many jobs for our people. Also many wealthy people will get the chance to invest their country and at the same time, the Diaspora will be encouraged to invest small percent of their monthly income to re-build their country.  We hope everyone who invests those projects will make profit, and ultimately, this will be a win, win situation for everyone.
First, the laws and stipulations that govern banking and investments should be put in place. We believe that there are Somali-Lander entrepreneurs who are envisioning opening private banks and creating corporations.   Therefore, it is imperative to establish laws that foster transparency and accountability.
 URURKA WADANI will promote to persuade investors both Somliladers and foreigners invest in Somaliland.
URURKA WADANI will create economic summit, and we will invite all the Somaliland intellectuals, especially those people who are expert in finance and economics to come up a creative way to foster investments.
Justice is the foundation of peace, and they say “No justice no peace”. Somaliland constitution clearly says justice is an independent branch of government, and today it is not an independent branch. The new government improved the justice system; however, it is not enough and we still need to improve it.
URURKA WADANI will hold conference, and will invite all the Somaliland intellectuals, especially those people who are expert in law such as lawyers, and former judges to come up a way we can improve our justice system, so the justice will be an independent branch of government and at the same time every Somali-Landers will get justice in his/her country.
As it is true, mostly in every African country, the problem is the corrupted leaders who often take advantage of the apathy of their people. As guardians of the fragile democracy in our country we will strive to educate the public about their rights as well as the government obligations. We will work with the Somaliland anti-corruption and good government commission.
5)      DEMOCRACY.
Our democracy needs improvement. URURKA WADANI is a democratic organization and will adhere to all democratic principles. Therefore, the central committee of the URURKA WADANI will come from each degmo (county), not from a group of friends in a Marfish (khat club).  Also URURKA WADANI will appoint a commission who will protect the rules and regulation of the organization. So here are some of the rules, and the regulations of the organization:

  • URURKA WADANI will start the democracy from the ground up, as a grassroots model. Therefore every 100 members who join the URURKA WADANI will appoint a leader, and this leader will attend the general conference of the organization. These leaders will select the central committee of the organization. Every 500 members or more will create a branch of the organization for their degmo (County). So this kind of organization-building is the kind of politics that begins in every household and it will empower every Somali-Lander to get involve and organize his/her community.


  • Oday, Caqil, Suldan, or the central committee of the organization will not select the political candidates of the URURKA WADANI. Therefore, the members of URURKA WADANI of each degmo (county) or gobal (region) will select their political candidates. Also URURKA WADANI will not appoint any controversial person to any position.


  • We elected or selected our parliament (Golaha Wakiilada & Guurtida) to represent the public and to pass legislations. However, many of them do not even show up to work. Therefore, URURKA WADANI will not appoint any position to any member of the Somaliland parliament who does not attend to work for 10 legislative sessions or 20 days a year without legitimate excuse. URURKA WADANI will campaign through the government to replace these parliament members with the reserve ones. Also URURKA WADANI will not appoint any position to any government officers who fail his job obligations.


  • URURKA WADANI will elect a chairperson and vice- chairperson who will manage the organization. Therefore, the main obligation of the chairperson and vice- chairperson are to build the organization to win more political seats. During time the chairpersons are heading this organization he/she cannot seeking nomination for the president and vice-president of Somaliland. One has to resign a year prior of his term to become the nominee of those positions.


  • URURKA WADANI will advocate the elections of parliament and Guurti to be held at same time. Also the mayors and vice mayors must be elected directly by the public in tandem, with the parliamentary elections.

6)      Khat (Qad), Extremism, Pirates, Tahriib*, and ignorance.
Khat, extremism, pirates, tahriib* and ignorance are the symptoms of bad economy, and while we are improving our economy, URURKA WADANI will educate the youth about them.
Chewing khat is not only wasting our money, it is wasting our time, destroying our health and wellbeing of our families. As an organization, we will do our best to discourage our youth to start chewing khat and influence the chewers to stop.
We do not have the exact figure we spend on khat, but the roughly estimates put the figure that it is greater than what our government collects as revenue. So this does not make any sense, and we have to stop chew khat, if we want to be a viable nation.
After someone chews khat for 8 consecutively hours, than one cannot function at all. So URURKA WADANI will not appoint anyone who chews khat regularly to anyone position.
In conclusion, the six points mentioned above are the cornerstone of the URURKA WADANI. New ideas with in the scope of this framework are welcome. I urge you to join us, and contribute to improve the conditions in our mother land.
We’re asking you to spread the words about URURKA WADANI, and please tell more people to know about it.
To join us you can go to our website WWW.WADANI.ORG and fill up the contact form or if you have face-book account then you can find us “URURKA WADANI”.
URURKA WADANI is open to any Somali-Lander who wants his/her country to be the shining star on the Horn of Africa.  Your support is needed now more than ever; so please join us so that we can build better Somaliland.
* Illegal, desperate, dangers Immigration to Middle East and Europe.
Thank you very much.
Cumar Yousuf
Oakland, California

Tageero shirka habaryoonis ee dhawaan ka dhicidoona wadanka gudihiisa oo ay taageereen jahliyda habaryoonis ee ku nool wadanka switzerland, by: afhayeenka ibraahim sheekeye‏


dhamaan waxaan shaqaalaha shabakadaha ee umada u adeega mar walba
intaa ka dib waxaan doonayaa maanta in aa halkan ka cadeeyo anigoo ah
afhayeenka beesha habaryoonis ee wadanka switzerland
anigoo ku hadlayaa afkooda ayaan rabaa in aan maanta ka dhawaajiyo
fekerka ay ka qabaan shirka dhowaan lagu qabandoono dalka gudihiisa
kaas ay reerku dantooda iyo arimahooda kaga wada hadli doonaan 
hadaba anigoo ku hadlaaya afka beesha ahna afhayeenka 
waxaanu isla qaadanay in aanu taageero shirkaas dhowaan dhicidoona
kaas ay reerku aad iyo aad ugu baahan yihiin ahna mid mihiim ah oo 
ku fadhiya maqaam xoogle.hadaba markii aanu aanu lafa guray 
aanuna aragnay in ay qaban qaabadiisu ka socoto wadanka guhiisa iyo 
debediisa, waxaan maanta halkan ka cadeenayaa in aanu la garab
taaganahay hiil iyo hooba.
waxaana doonayaa in aan in yar ka idhaahdo u jeeda shirka iyo 
cida gadhwadeenka ka ah  shirkaas waxaa hormood ka ah 
madax dhaqameedka beesha mana aha shir siyaasad ku 
saabsan wuxuu noqondoona mid u gaara reerka oo ay
dhamaantood isla qaateen  waxaana looga baahan yahay
qurba joogta in ay dhamaantood ka qayb qataan meel kastay 
joogaan. waayo maanta reer kastaa oo somaliland degan dantiisa 
iyo arimihiisa ka tashadaan markaa shirkaasana waxaa lagu dhawaaqi 
doona dhowaan wax alaale iyo wax ka dhiman ma jiraan
cidii ku farxaysa iyo cidii ka naxaysaaba shirkaasi waa mid qabsoomaya
cid loo joojonayaana ma jirto cid hor istaagi kartaana ma jirto ama
shicib ha noqoto ama dowlad ha noqoto ama madax dhaqameed 
ha noqoto.
mar labaad waxaan cadeenayaa in aan taageeray shirkaas wax kastoo looga 
baahdana aanu diyaar u nahay hadii aanu nahay reer switzerland waxaana 
nagu kalifay dhibaatooyin faro badan dantii reerka oo kala fogaatay mid galbeed 
jooga iyo mid bari joogaba habaryoonisna waxay noqondoontaa mid mustaqlakeeda
ka tashaytay, mid yar iyo mid wayna 
anigoo ah afhayeenka switzerland ibraahim sheekeye ayaa idiin soo gudbiyey 
maqaalkan aanu ku taageerayno shirkaad ay yeelandoonto bulshawaynta habaryoonis
allah mahadleh 
Afeef: Aragtida maqaalku waa mid u gaar ah qoraaga, anaguna hadaanu Oodweynenews nahay waxaanu leenahay Magacaagu yuu noqon mid xumaan ka marag kaca, haka talin masiibiyo wax makhluuqa kalla dilla,

Ogeysiis: Barnaamijka Falanqaynta SomaliChannelTv – Talaado Oct 11, 2011


Ogaysiiskaan ku Saabsan Barnaamijka Falanqaynta oo taladaada ku saabsan Goaankii baarlamaanka iyo xadaynta Badda, Qodobada uu ka koobnaan doono ayaa waxaa kamid ah.
1- Go’aankii Baarlamaanka malaga yaabaa in sida uu yahay loogu Hogaansamo.
2- Dawladaha u hanqaltaagaya Badda Soomaaliya iyo Xubnaha Dawlada ee hawlahaan wada maxaa laga yeelayaa.
3- Malaga yaabaa in ROADMAP-ka laga saaro qodobka xadaynta Badda mar hadii Baarlamaanku diiday heshiisyada ku saabsan Badda Soomaaliya.
Waxaana barnaamijku si toos ah uga bixi doonaa SomaliChannel, Talaado, saacada 8:00 fiidnimo waqtiga London, UK.
Emailka TV-ga su’aalaha iyo talooyinka loogu hagaajin karo waa: Falanqaynta@dhacdooyinka.com
Linkigaan qaado Muuqaalka ah.

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo soo arkay raadkii uu reebay is qarxintii Hargaha iyo Saamaha


Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr. C/wali Maxamed Cali (Gaas) ayaa markii uu maanta ka soo degay Magaalada Muqdisho soo eegay Xaruntii Hargaha iyo Saamaha, halkaasoo Talaadadii la soo dhaafay ay ka dhacday musiibo aad u xanuun badan, kadib weerar is qarxin ay Shabaab dad fara badan ku laayeen. Dr. C/wali Gaas oo ay wehliyeen Xubno ka [...]

Xus loogu baroor diiqayay Ardaydii lagu xasuuqay Hargaha iyo Saamaha oo ka dhacay Degmada Wadajir


Isu soo bax ballaaran oo loogu baroor diiqayay Ardaydii lagu xasuuqay weerarkii is qarxinta ee Al-Shabaab 4-tii bishan la beegsadeen Xaruntii Hargaha iyo Saamaha ayaa maanta ka dhacay degmada Wadajir ee Gobolka Banaadir. Xuskan oo ay ka qeyb galeen Arday fara badan oo ka socday iskuulada Waxbarasho ee ku yaala degmadaas, Mas’uuliyiinta Maamulka degmada, Xildhibaano, [...]

Maanso cusub oo magaceedu yahay (jacayl horta yuu ku dhcay ?, By: ahmed khaliif maxamed


Jacayl horta yuu ku dhacay
Yuu dhibay ee ulumay
Yuu dhargiyee kafulay
Yaa dhaayaha saarayeen
War kiisa ka dhugan karaa ?
Waar dhaabmaye jacayl
Ma ruux dhabadii kalumay
Aduunyana dhoowrahayn
Ma ruux dhaartuu ku dhacay ?
Waar dhaabmaye jacaayl
Ma ruux dhalan teed hagoo
Daruurtoo dhiiqaysiyo
Xareeda ka dhaansadoo
Ji dhaamaha buuqa iyo
Dhulkoo kala dheer habeen
Dharaar Iyadooy ahayn
Dhawaaqii raha maqloo
Dhabaabaco boodyoo
Cidnaba hadal aan ka dhurin
Ma ruux jin dhirbaaxayaa ?
Waar dhaabmaye jacayl
Ma af miishaar dhargoo
Intu hadalkiisa dhuray
Dadkii dhab uqaatayoo
Hadalhays Laga dhigtaa ?
Waar dhaabmaye jacayl
Ma ruux Loo dhaga taagayoo
Doraad lagu dhaadan jiray
Oo maantana dhiiqa yaal
Ma dhoohanuu ku dhacay ?
Waar dhaabmaye jacaayl
Ma ruux shaydaan dhufsaday
Intu dheelaloow La kacay
Arlada dhiilaynayaa ?
Waar dhaabmye jacaal
Ma kaftan ku dhexqaadayo
Adoon hadalkii dhamayn
Ma ruux kaa dhoofaybaa ?
Waar dhaabmaye jacayl
Ma ruux kaa dhiiranoo
Goobaan lagu dhacayn
Ragna dhuuntaa isjaray
Misana gaadiid dhexmarin
Dhawaaqaan lagaba hayn
Dhanbaal kaaga keenayaa ?
Waar dhaabmaye jacayl
Ma ruux geeldhalay arkoo
Intuu caanihii dharqaday
Dhawaaqii dhaantadiyo
Ciyaaraha jaanta dheer
Intuu dhoowr jeer isrogay
Ma ruux dheel dheelayaa ?
Qofba si u ka dhigo hooy hooy 
Waa dhalan kal gacal hooy hooy
Loowada dhanyahay hooy hooy
Dhigata geedka Iyo hooy hooy
Dhusinkuu galoo hooyhooy
Cilmibuu dhigee hooyhooy
Ma dhaqaqayee hooyhooy
Aan Is dhowrane hooy hooy
Ubad aan dhalne hooy hooy
Dhab u soo ciyaar hooyhooy
Hadhkaa labadiisa dhinac
Dhinbil kuma dhaafayoo
Wadnahaad dheehatoo
Qalbigaad dheelmisee
Hadaanad Idaba dhahlayn
Dhurwaaguba ha Icunee
Dhulkaba waan ka dhoofayaa
Adna dharag oo kifaax
Marku dhoolku da ana
Bar baar dhaantaynaysa
kolba dheegaa qabsoo
Mid baan bari dhaabayoo
Jacayl dheega usudhoo
Kabuhuu ka dhaqaaqay iyo
Danyare Ima gaa dhayoo
Cirkiyo dhulkaan isku jirnaa
Iyo dhoowr kaloo kabadan
Ayaan kaa dhowrayaa,,,,,
Ahmed khaliif maxamed

FAALLO: Madaxweynaha Wadanka Siiriya Assad Iyo Digniinta Ruushka


FAALLO (OWN) – Markii Madaxweynaha Wadanka Ruushka Dmitry Medvedev uu Madaxweynaha Siiriya u soo bandhigey laba kala-doorashadood; in uu sameeyo Isbedel, toostoosin (reform) ama in uu xukanka ka dego, arintani waxay noqotey mid saameyn weyn ku yeelatey dhigiisa la saaxiibka ah ee ee golaha Qaramada ku leh codka diidmada (veto) oo hore ay iskaga soo horjeedeen qoraalka Ingiriiska iyo Faransiiska ee cunaqabadaynta Siiriya, sababtoo ah waxa ka socda Siiriya Adduunka oo dhami ma xamilayaan taatikada iyo qaabka hogaanka siyaasada Siiriya ee diidan Isbedel dhaba, taasoo shacabka Siiriya eegayeen, keentayna nafaf badani iney u shahiidaan si ay u gaadhaan hadafkaasi. Hogaanka Siiriya waa mid geesmarey isbedelka shacabku doonayeen, balse ku bedeley arintaa in ay u isticmaalaan xoog ay ku muquuniyaan cidii madaxa la soo kacda, taasoo socotey maalmihii u horeeyey iyo todobaadyo ay ku wadeen xaaladaasi, laakiin fikirkaasi waxa uu isu-bedelay mid khaldan, sababteyna in mudaharaadyo badani isa-soo taraan, socdeyna mudo 7 bilood ah oo meelo badan oo magaalooyinka  wadanka ku faafey.
Codka diidmada ee Ruushka iyo Shiinuhuba ee ka dhacdey golaha qunsulyada qaramada midowbey oo ahayd markii ugu horeysey 10 sanadeedyadii u dambeysey, taasoo soo afjartey, weji-gabaxna ku ridey Isballaadhintii Mareykanka (hegemony) ee caalamka, hay`adaha adduunkuna ku dhaleeceeyeen in dagaalada uu horkacayo la joojiyo ee ku waajahan nacaybka Carabta iyo Muslimiinta, si kastaba ha ahaatee, arintani macnaheedu maaha in xukuumada Siiriya Ay ka xidhan tahay gaadmo weerar milateri oo ku yimaada, maxaa yeelay arintan oo kale waxay kaga iman kartaa daaqadaha, ama wadada kale ee ugu dhow oo ah (route detours) caabis dibadeed oo taageero dhaqdhaqaaqyada gudaha siiya oo abuuraya mid ka badan dhiig daadasada socota, islamarkaana xididada u siibaysa xukuumadda. Hadaba maanta Siiriya waxay u baahan tahay gacan saddexaad (third party) taasoo si dhexdhexaada u dhexgasha xukuumada iyo mucaaradka, oo horseeda gaadhista talo-wadaag iyo isbedel demoqraadiyadeed, oo laga yabaa in Ruushka iyo Shiinuhu ay door-weyn ku yeeshaan. Waayo waxa ku guuldareystey Ururka Jaamacada Carabta, kana keeni weydey xal wax ku oola.
Dhex galka ka hor, waa in la joojiyaa dhiiga qubanaya ee foosha xun ee ay ku kacayso xukuumaddu, taasoo keentay dhimasho ugu dhawaan saddex kun oo qof xilligan, iyo tobanaan kun oo dhaawacmey.
Waxaanu codkayaga ku taagereynaa hadalkii Madaxweynaha Ruushka, waxaanu ugu yeedhaynaa madaxweynaha Siiriya Bashar al-Assad inuu xukunka ka dego, joojiyana dhiiga qulqulaya ee Siiriya, waana inuu xaqiijiyaa degenaanshaha xuduuda qaranka. Waa in uu soo daayaa dhammaan dadkii la xidhxidhay, sameeyona dacwad cadaaladeed.
Laga yaabaa codka diidmada qayaxani in ay siiso Siiriya waqti dheer oo inoo saamaxaya inaan sii neefsano, rajaynana in mucaaradka Siiriya ku abuurno rajo wanaagsan, haddii kale se daaqada lagala baxo oo ay ku dhacdo sida ku dhacdey Liibiya, iyo ka horba sidii Ciraaq ku dhacdey, laakiin taa macnaheedu maaha “no veto” waan ku mahadinaynaa habka diblmaasiyadeed, laakiin sidoo kale waan u mahadineynaa axmaqiinta  Mareykanka Ingiriiska Faransiiska ee go`aanada xeerar caalimiyeed ee ay ku iclaaminayaan dagaalo ku dhisan been iyo wado-ka leexinta xaqiiqada, dimoqraadiyada iyo xuquuqda bani`aadanka.
Adduunka Reer-galbeedka ay hogaaminayaan Mareykanka, waxay kula kaceen dagaal wadanka Liibiya, kaba sii daranoo waxay abuureen midhaha xag-jirnimada iyo colaada walaalo isku-wadana, taasoo ay dandoodu ka weyn tahay helida ganacsi iyo saliid caydhin.
Waa xaqqiq iney cadahay cadhada mucaaradka Siiriya ee coda (veto-da), waana cadahay fahamka Mareykanku ku raadinayo la dagaalanka qalalaasaha dhaqaalaha ee ku aadan in la sameeyo weji-beeneed dimoqraadiyad cusub oo dagaal gumeysi dabada ku wadata.
Codka diimada qayaxan ee Ruushku kuma badbaadin karo xukuumada Siriya, xaaladeeda faraha ka baxdeyna ma soo celin karto, waxa kaliya ee isbedelka dimoqraadiyadeed iyo xasil-naantu u taala shacabka Siiriya
Madaxweyne Assad waxa uu haystaa nasiibkii u dambeeyey ee uu ku badbaadin kar wadankiisa, ma odhanayo xukuumadiisa. Shacabka Siiriya iyagoo la kaashanaya saaxiibadooda Ruushka, iyo Shiinaha, iyo wadamada dikmoqraadiyada ayaa xukunka iyo dawlada Assad inqilaabi kara. Maaha kuwa wax bedeli kara ee taangiyada, diyaaradaha iyo gantaalaha NATO, kuwaasoo aan hore u aragney sidee ay u xasuuqeen Ciraaq, Afgaanistaan, Liibiya iyo cawaaqib iyo cidhib-xumada ay kaga tageen. Tajribooyinkaasi la soo marey awgeed, Siiriya waa in ay dhegeysato waanooyinka saaxiibadood, taageeraana rabitaanka shacabka, islamarkaana ay taageeraan isbedel dawladeed talo-wadaag ku dhisan
Qore: Abdil Bari atwan is the editor-in chief of the London-based pan-Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi.   http://www.alquds.co.uk/index.asp?fname=today\07z999.htm&arc=data\2011\10\10-07\07z999.htm
Tarjume: Mohamud Hussein
Mohamud Hussein
Oodweynenews.com/ FINLAND

DAAWO SAWIRRADA:-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Oo Caawa Casho Sharaf U Sameeyey Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga Burundi Oo Muqdisho Maanta Yimid


Halkan waxaan idinkugu soo gudbineynaa Sawirrada Xaflad Casho Sharaf ah oo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Mudane Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed uu caawa xarunta Madaxtooyada Qaranka ugu sameeyey Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga Wadanka Burundi oo maanta magaalada Muqdisho soo gaaray.



Photo By:-Maxamed C/qaadir Daahir (MDC)

Dhageyso Barnaamijka Bandhiga Wareysiyada Radio Muqdisho


Barnaamijka Bandhiga Wareysiyada waxa uu ka mid yahay Barnaamijyada Maalinlaha ah ee ka baxa Idaacadda waxaana dhageystayaasha Radio Muqdisho ay dhageystaan habeen walba 09:30 fiidnimo marka laga reebo habeennimada Jimcaha.
Barnaamijka waxaa diirada lagu saaraa raad raaca ama falanqeynta dhacdooyinka maalintaas taagan kuwa ugu muhiimsan waxaana uu xambaarsan yahay macluumaad u badan Wareysiyo.
Riix Halkaan Si Aad U Dhageysato Qaybta Koobaad Ee Bandhiga Wareysiyada 09-Octobar
Riix Halkaan Si Aad U Dhageysato Qaybta Labaad Ee Bandhiga Wareysiyada 09-Octobar

Secession of Bari Region: Disintegration of Puntland. By Prof. Farjac


Secession of Bari Region: Disintegration of Puntland. By Prof. Farjac
Preamble: What Is Happening and Why?
When Somalis and the international community view the videos showing the dictator of Puntland using tanks against the people of Mudug (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GBW9fhUWnT8#! ), it reminds us the stubborn dictators such as Bashar Al-Asad against the civilian Syrians, Gheddafi against the Libyans and Ali Saleh against the Yemenis. Would anybody believe that state owned tanks are used against the people of Mudug region and that the troops of the state of Puntland took sides in warring tribal conflicts between two sister clans living in Mudug Region?
To some of us who believe that the western countries are the main supporters of the dictator of Puntland, reminds us what Noam Chomsky said “instead of supporting freedom and democracy, western countries support their docile friendly dictators as long as the dictators are keeping their population under their control”. Now, even though the he problem is that the Arab and western countries are clearly helping the dictator of Puntland, it is the responsibility of the population of Puntland to get rid of the dictator.
Despite the arms embargo on Somalia, Arab nations and western countries provided the funding for importing latest sophisticated weapons through Saracen International, a mercenary private army affiliated with former Blackwater —hired army forces. (http://beforeitsnews.com/story/245/608/Somalia:_Ship_Loaded_With_Military_Equipment_Docks_At_Bosaso_Seaport.html ), and (http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/48078-Puntland-imports-weapons-despite-the-UN-arms-embargo-on-Somalia ), (http://laasqoray.org/?p=605) and (http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/48078-Puntland-imports-weapons-despite-the-UN-arms-embargo-on-Somalia).  You should not be convinced that this is the only ship carrying the armaments for Puntland (Wikileaks Cable on Puntland).
You might be asking yourselves: What happen to the U.N. arms embargo to Somalia? The United Nations should have investigated long time ago since the dictator of Puntland and TMG and Saracen International mercenaries breached the UN arms embargo more than 12 times (Wikileaks cables on Puntland) and (http://somaliland247.wordpress.com/2010/12/13/somaliland-holds-plane-taking-illegal-military-supplies-to-puntland-in-violation-of-the-international-arms-embargo-on-somalia/).
Even though most of the politicians of Puntland know the dictator’s intentions to be a king for life in Puntland and to strengthen his powers by crushing all possible challenge tribes in Puntland, his main goal is also to expand his territory to the western and southern parts of Puntland by annexing Somaliland, Galmudug and Gal Hiran into Puntland.
The leaders of Somaliland, Gal Mudug and Gal Hiran should be much concerned about the shift of the balance of power in the northern Somalia. Now the dictator of Puntland has well trained sub-clan troops, two mercenary armies, several well armed helicopters, latest sophisticated guns, armored military vehicles, night vision goggles, large speed boats and sophisticated assault rifles with telescopic lens and silencers. The armaments are not intended to fight his pirates. They are his sub-sub clan members. These weapons are meant for other purposes. Maybe it is time that the neighboring regional states shift their priorities from investing in economic and social development to defensive military armaments. After taking care of the potential internal challengers, the neighboring regional states of Somaliland, Galmudug and Gal Hiran are next. You have been warned several times. Remember that the dictator is doing his master degree in history. Better you familiarize yourselves with the war between China and Japan in the 1800s.
Secession of Bari Region: Disintegration of Puntland.
1. Introduction and Overview
While the nations of the world are uniting and forming social, political and economic conglomerations, Somalia is disintegrating and dismembering with the formation of fiefdom tribal regional states controlled from the capitals of other countries.
The majority of the Somali population still hopes for peace and the re-establishment of a genuine Somali government. Meanwhile, to reach that stage it is necessary to bring peace in anyway possible, in the middle of the anarchy including secession and/or the creation of tribal fiefdoms.
Since our motto is “Somalia First”, in our writings, we give priority to the well being of the Somali population wherever they are. That is why under limited circumstances, we support the temporary secession of these autonomous micro states, as a last resort for unity as long as they are going to join their Somali brothers later when fair and peaceful solution is found for Somalia.
In light of the recent establishment and declaration of many regional tribal states in Somalia, the issue of secession which is deeply rooted in the Somali pastoral democracy principles and the tribal self-determination rights, is an important and timely issue in Somalia in general and in Puntland in particular. In our opinion, at least it deserves a short article worth of reading.
The purpose of this article is to explain the formation and underlying philosophical principles of the wave of autonomous and semi-autonomous mini tribal regional states in Somalia in general and the imminent dismemberment of Puntland in particular.
The fact that we chose to analyze solely the situation of the tribes of Bari Region of Puntland in this article, in no way negates the legitimate claims to secession by other tribes in the other provinces of Puntland or for that matter, that of other tribes in other tribal regional states of Somalia. Even though this article deals with specific analysis of the problems of Puntland, in reality it could be extended and applied to any oppressed tribe or ethic settings in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Australia and Europe.
While you are reading this article, we are hoping that you will be inspired to take notes and have new thoughts and solutions for the problems of Puntland, so please have a notebook and a pen with you.
As the dissatisfaction of the Puntlanders with their current dictatorship grows rapidly, so does the probability of the breakup and disintegration of the tribal regional state of Puntland.
It is a fact that the objectives and the mission in which the alliance of tribes of Puntland was established has been derailed and diverted, therefore inadequate to fulfill the ends in which it was created. It is our objective to shed light on the sources of the existing problems such a way that the problems can be solved to the best interest of all Puntlanders.
It is a fact that some of the tribes complained many times to various administrations about the injustices in power sharing, the lack of political, economic and social development in their regions.
It is a fact that some of the political, tribal and religious leaders who made several complaints about the various injustices and requested several simple concessions were insulted, jailed and accused of false horrible fabricated crimes. Those who are not yet killed are still hiding in remote areas.
Would it be a surprise to anyone if finally some of them decided to find alternative solutions for the chronic problem of Majerten State. Some of them such as Ras Asseyr and Gagaab, Nobir and Al Bari States decided to count on themselves and declare their  unilateral secession from the tribal regional alliance of Puntland. Will they be left alone? Not really. Recently the dictator sent four ministers of his cabinet with their well armed body guards entourage (fully armed with the latest technicals) to see what and why the tribal members of Ras Asseyr State are seceeding. Remember why the queen said “Let them eat cakes.” The tribal elders asked one question. Why nobody from the state of Puntland has never showed up in our region while we were part of Puntland? Everybody knows that Ras Asseyr State is the real “Gari Waa” province, not only in previous Somali regimes but also to the successive corrupt administrations of Puntland. Non of the economic, social infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, health clinics, orphanages, boarding schools, fishing boats and factories have ever been planned or allocated not only for the region of Ras Asseyr but also any area that falls east of the highway between Bosaso and Gardo. These amenities are specifically made available for the population of the minority ruling sub-clans provinces. To add insult to the injury of the population of the region of Ras Asseyr, the body guards of the visiting ministeries from Garoe killed the only obstetrician (OBGY) in the region. What a shame! Maybe you should know whose body guards killed the nurse. The dictator promised that he will pay the blood money of the nurse that “his boys” killed. What is really more offensive is that when it came to the payment of DIYA (value of a life — blood money), out of deep rooted sexism, the dictator ordered his Minister of Finance to pay from the general revenue an amount of money equivalent to half-diya since the person who died was a “woman”. We are in year 2011. Could you imagine that a life of a woman is different from the life of a man? We appeal to all Somali women to raise their voices and intervene on behalf of justice and gender equality. Please write to the dictator of Puntland to pay full DIYA. So far nothing has been paid. To please the dictator, some of these ministers are volunteering for the invasion of the State of Ras Asseyr using their clan militia. Bal Gardaradaas arka! When you hear that Puntland invaded Ras Asseyr, please ask, which clans are invading Ras Asseyr?
The problems in which Puntland suffers are in the core of its establishment and its constitution. These two factors were delibrately planted in to the system, in order to benefit the specific clans who organized the establishment of Puntland. In the representation shares of the parliament, the organizers excluded all the logical possible criteria in which every country’s representation of a parliament is based such as the size of the province or the size of the population or the revenue contribution of the province.
In addition to the problems of its inception, there are several birth defects in which Puntland was born with. Among these are deception, tribalism, hegemony, slavery, exploitation, corruption and sexism. Furthermore, Puntland has contracted dangerous infectious diseases in its infancy stage of life.
The State of Puntland is more than 13 years old, and the mistakes and problems in its foundation have never been corrected. It was promised to the delegates of the tribes that the mistakes in the distribution and shares in the representatives in the parliament would be corrected on a later date. That date never came. Lets set the record straight. Since many tribes are excluded in the parliament of Puntland, the tribal regional state of Puntland is not for all Puntlanders. It is only for specific group of sub-clans. What infuriates these tribes is that several tribes have received the lion share in the hall of tribal representatives of Puntland, therefore, dictated all social, political and economic rules and regulations.
The problem is not limited only on the absence of certain tibal representatives in the parliament, but also in the executive and judiciary branches. Furthermore, these marginalized tribes have no representation in the civil and military services. The absence in the high and law ranking civil and military service bares direct correlation of the lack of voice of these tribes in Puntland. What is amazing to all of us is that most of these tribes take a lion share in the contribution of the revenue of Puntland. They pay taxes with no representation. On the other side of the complaining tribes we have those who are the most populous tribes who received a token representation at the hall of the tribal representatives of Puntland.
If the policy of the founders was intended to fulfill tribal ambitions of hegemony, it did achieve the intended goals. But before the disintegration flares up, there is still hope to correct the ugly policies by the current administration or by the council of the tribal leaders. Nobody expects from the current administration to correct any problem. Our worry is that while we are trying to correct the existing problems, the current dictator might create more problems on the top of the existing ones.
Speaking of the department of the lack of trust and fear of the minority ruling sub-clans of loosing their status quo, the reasearchers found that if the ruling sub-clans and other tribes who pay no taxes with over representation in the hall of the tribal representatives view the needed correction of past and present injustices with myopic eyes, they too might feel threatened with the fear of loosing their majority status, then the only alternative left for the tribes of Bari Region is the secession.
Defenitevely the well armed minority sub-clans on power will feel threatened by the request of the tribes of Bari Region. Some of the members of the ruling sub-clans will object the long due corrections in terms of representation and sharing of the local financial resources from the taxes and international assistance projects.
Because of existing clan pact among the minority ruling sub-clans, definitively the minority sub-clans who have been in power previously will be on the side of the current dictator. Then one would conclude that the secessions of many tribes in Puntland would be a legitimate response to the lack of justice and understanding.
This article should be viewed with caution as a warning to the current administration and to the tribal elders of Puntland on the imminent danger of disintegration of Puntland. At the same time we are appealing directly to the intellectuals, religious leaders, women’s organization leaders, businessmen, students, politicians, tribal elders, tribal militia leaders and specifically the think tank of the sub-clans who dominated the political arena of Puntland to unite their forces and find fair and reasonable solutions for the present and past political, social, environmental and economic injustices in Puntland in such a way that the coming disintegration of Puntland can be averted. Otherwise unite all your forces to defend your status quo which could be in danger regardless of possible future consequences.
Even though the choice is yours, most of the peace loving Puntlanders have hopes that the majority of you will have the common sense to find solutions fair and just to all Puntlanders.  As the wise man said “It is better to have intelligent enemies with whom you could negotiate rationally than stupid ignorant friends”.
To avoid further dismemberment of Puntland and put an end to future secessions, it would be advisable to immediately revise and reform the representation of the tribes in the hall of shame of Puntland (parliament) or at least create temporarily a policy acceptable by the marginalized tribes. The leadership of the dominant sub-clans have to think hard and fast and come up with unilateral concession based solutions before the human waste hits the fan and more tribes assert their “God given” self-determination rights and their privilege of secession. A real change based on equality and justice is needed. If the intellectuals of the ruling sub-clans are committed to save Puntland and they are sincere in their effort to make concrete changes on the continuous abuses, they should request and seek for a peaceful genuine dialog with the oppressed and alianated tribes of Puntland.
Since it is already too late to prevent the spread of the disease, you have to find methods of containing within the limited space in which it has infected, before it contaminates more. Then start curing the symptoms of the infected areas.
You need to think of ways to soften or end your monopoly of power in Puntland or at least suspend for a term or two the revolving door for power in which your sub-clans alone take turns. Last time the buzz word was “This time is our turn”. The question is “Whose turn is the coming one?” As you have seen, the dictator want to stay in power. Get smart and start a new campaign in which the buzz word could be “This time is for —THE OTHERS”.
The introduction of an inclusive policy based on rational criteria is needed. Keep in mind that the cat is out of the bag, the giant rhynocerant realized its might much faster than thought before and the big elephant got back its limbs and is awake but still dazed. Therefore, whether you like it or not, as the poet said: “In a partnership or in a bloodshed, an inevitable radical change is bound to happen in Puntland”. Again the choice is yours. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Therefore, pull up your sleves and get ready to rumble in the mud or be smart and come to the table with reasoable offers. The poet said “Muslinimo ninkaan kuula socon mu’minimo khaas ah, gaal maxaysta kuu dhawrah ood magan gashaa dhaama.”
A well known wisdom says “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”.
It is clear to most of the people of Puntland that the status quo is not sustainable any longer. Therefore, whomever you are, whatever bias you might have, please devote your time for a noble cause by supporting justice and equality for all Somalis.
The article is intended to create a conversation among the great minds of Somalia and justice lovers of other nations. We need more writers, politicians, intellectuals, religious leaders, businessmen, businesswomen, leaders of women’s organizations, members of the armed forces, tribal militia leaders, students and most of all the courageous independent journalists and media to join the debate and break the silence. Remeber that because of their lack of education due to the continuous practices of educational discrimination by the consecutive administrations of Puntland, the population of the tribes of Bari Region can not participate in the debate on the electronic social media such as facebook, twitter, blogs or in the Somali websites. For many motives beyond the obvious reasons we want your involvement, your help and your commitment to fight for the underdog, justice, equality and fairness would be highly appreciated by many of us and rewarded by the supreme power of the world. Remember that the pen is mightier than sword. No more standing beside the wall uninvolved. Don’t be a wallflower. Nobody is going to invite you in the dance floor. Jump in and burn the floor with your never seen before funky moves. We need you to get involved and take action now. No action is not an acceptable option.
Although we cannot exhaust in this article all the factors that created the current dissatisfactions, we would like to at least mention a few of them.
We will try our best to present political, social and economic arguments and tell truthfully with honesty and candor the issues that need to be addressed, analyzed and debated in order to find fair and peaceful solutions. We don’t sugar coat the problems. We tell the truth so raw, that you might not like us. We put it on the table for you as it is.
At the same time we will avoid and exclude any arguments and real facts deemed to possibly arouse animosity which could ignite and create conflicts among the peace loving tribes of the tribal regional state of Puntland. That doesn’t mean that all the dirt will be swept under the rag.
The majority of the Somali people did not come into terms with the tribalism. Most of the intellectuals pretend that the tribal regional states of Somalia is not based on tribalism and we should not talk openly about the disease that we are infected with. We have to admit to ourselves that we are infected with the worst evolving form of chronic cancer and we are in denial. The open admission of the tumor will allow us to seek for a cure because denial will not cure us. Those who are the beneficiaries of the tribalism will try to redicule anybody who talks openly about the problem of tribalism.
Just think for a minute about the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Its establishment was based on 4.5 tribal distribution. Puntland was established on 3.5 tribal share. Somebody might mis-interpret the tribal distribution of Puntland. The revolving door policy of power in Puntland for specific sub-clans tells us that the power policy is divided into three (3) ruling sub-clans and the remaining half is for the remaining tribes of Puntland. it is a marriage made in heaven for the ruling sub-clans. A well known tribal chief who was one of the founders of Puntalmd (bless his soul) dictated to the the other tribal members that the presidency of Puntland is reserved for Majertenies while the vice presidency is reserved to the “dhulos” and the presidency of the parliament is reserved for “Ciros”. Nobody has ever challenged that authority.
The beneficiaries of tribalism who are hiding behind Somalism need to come out of the closet. As the poet said “Kii dhuumanaayee dhabarku muuqdow, waa dharaar lagu dhawrayee, dadkaaga dhinac ka raac.”
In order to avoid new conflicts or rekindle dormant existing animosities among the sister tribes of Puntland, at the advice of the Conflict Prevention Team, we intentionally omitted from the analysis most of the issues which were deemed to be sensitively flammable. We are sure that you will notice the omissions of these basic issues that are the pillars or the mother of all the problems of Puntland which could have been included in the analysis of this article. Sometimes ignorance is a bliss.
Inasmuch as we would like to avoid sensitive aspects of the major problems, nevertheless, we will touch some less sensitive unavoidable issues of common knowledge which we believe would not arouse the nerves of prozac, cymbalta, abilify, paxil and zolof cocktail users. Hence we would not be accused of inciting trouble or causing any damage to the already fragile unity of the tribal regional state of Puntland.
If one wants to see a complete picture of the existing problems in Puntland created by the successive administrations then he/she has to read some of the the literature widely written by various independent authors published on the Somali websites.
Our ultimate goal in this article is to have a united Somalia based on mutual respect, equality, fairness and justice among all tribes in every aspect of the lives of the Somali people. We believe that without justice at individual and tribal level, there will be no unity and peace in Somalia, let alone progress.
Despite the low percentage of Somali literacy and the negligible number of Italian and English educated Somalis, this article is specifically intended to be read by a mature intellectual audience that can view the arguments presented in the following pages with impartiality, or at least, the readers are expected to be open minded and associate themselves with the underdog oppressed tribes. We tollerate with our highest respect the right of others to differ from our opinion. We know that there are certain people who would never change their mind. Therefore, in your challenge, please bring on the table some solutions and plans that are better than ours. You could be the last line of defense for the unity of Puntland. Therefore, come up with recepies that could render the state of Puntland fail proof.
We hope that some of you are capable of viewing the topic impartially and considering the legitimate gripes of the tribes who want to move on with their lives and start all over from scratch to build new institutions and a better administrative infrastructure for their people.
We are hoping that impartial writers weigh in with their unbiased opinions that could benefit those who are on the far extremes of the topic of tribal secessionist movements.
This article might seriously offend the touchy current administration and its unconditional faithful fanatical supporters who are adimantly defensive on all the illegal actions taken by the dictator. As you have seen we are washing some of the dirty laundry in the open, because the consecutive administrations took for granted the silence of the intellectuals, politicians, religious leaders, media and the businessmen of the marginalized tribes.
We would like to apologize to the readers of this article if you find some incomplete thoughts, it is because this article is an extract or pits and pieces of a report based on the presentations made by the researchers of a three day conference.
We will try to provide you the needed information such a way that you can use it to make well informed rational decision. As they say “The best decisions are made by well-informed people.”
Again our apology to the readers if in some cases we are bluntly honest and describe how bad things are in Puntland. For some of you it is not something new. “Ma kuu sheegaa wax aad ogtahay?”
Warning: This article is written for the few Somalis who are able and posses the patience to read. The majority of Somalis are blood type O. They don’t have the patience to sit for a 20 minutes reading.
2. Background
In the Somali civil war, the people who tribally didn’t belong to the Capital of Somalia fled out of the Somali capital and went back to their ancestral land. After reaching their home ancestral land, the same people who were part of the leadership of the oppressive military regime of Siad Barre organized the elites of their clans and started establishing some kind of temporary administrations. The basis of establishing and proclaiming sovereign statehood of the current Somali secessionist states was based on a tribal lineage. The clans that belonged the same tribe decided to unite against a common enemy— “The others”.
Unfortunately, those who took over the leadership of the newly established states of Puntland and Somaliland, were the same people who caused the destruction and the collapse of Somalia. Instead of benefiting from the lessons learned from the causes of the collapse of Somalia, to run the new secessionist states, the leadership utilized the same techniques they had learned from their master chief Siad Barre.
It seems that their main goal was to have power in their newly established fiefdoms. The philosophy of “Jinni Cambar Helay” prevailed. The leadership of these states focused on expanding propaganda that “The Others” are the enemy. They created powerful clan and tribal militia with the pretext of defending the state from the enemy tribes. They collected money to buy weapons and salaries for the soldiers. The hidden agenda was first to dominate the people of their own region, then to extend their tentacles and expand their ambition of empire to the neighboring tribes.
Anyway, since the collapse of the brutal and oppressive military dictatorship regime of Siad Barre, there has been a tendency toward creation of regional governments in areas of relative stability. The first two tribal regional states were Somaliland and Puntland. There are many differences between the two tribal regional states, but the main relevant differences could be summarized in three points.
The first is that, even though they are based on tribal representation, the members of one of the houses of the parliament of Somaliland are elected by the people (One man/woman, one vote), while in Puntland, despite the repeated false promises of fair elections and chronic failure to honor the promises by the ruling tribe, the members of the parliament are appointed only by the tribal chiefs (http://www.somaliland.org/blog/2009/01/13/puntland-parliament-appoints-new-pirate-president/). The above link explains clearly some of the major problems in Puntland.
The second point is that in Somaliland there are few tribes missing from the arena of the parliament, while in Puntland, one tribe dominates the scene and the power of the state rotates within the sub-clans of one clan. Many tribes are not represented at all, while some other tribes received a nominal token representation.
The third point is that the two tribal regional states differ in the sense that Puntland declared itself as an autonomous tribal regional state of Somalia with the hope to join Somalia when it becomes politically stable, while Somaliland, despite the lack of international recognition broke off with Somalia and declared itself as an independent state.
Let is add a fourth point which some of the researchers considered of a great value.  It took only three years for Somalilanders to establish a new government in their homeland. Puntland waited for 10 years to do the same thing. Then out of jealousy, they decided to establish their own tribal regional government.  At least, they received the message from God much faster than Moses’ 40 years of wondering in the desert.
It is our belief that, for the well being of the population of Somaliland, the political leaders and the tribal elders have the unelianable right for self-determination and secession from Somalia after all the suffering they have endured during the Somali dictatorship.
On the other side, the establishment of Puntland was based on the coalition and cooperation of tribes of Darod descendents. The main principal objectives of the coalition were for defensive purposes against enemy tribes, security, equality, peace and justice among the allied tribes, equitable economic and social development for all the regions of the tribal regional state of Puntand.
Despite the ever present threat of an invasion by “enemy tribes” and continuous military skirmishes at the boarder towns, the mere existence of the coalition served as a deterrence for any massive invasion (if it exists), therefore, one could conclude that simply the existence of the alliance for the purpose of defense was successful.
In addition of leaving out major Darod tribes such as Sede and Ogaden descendents, in forming the alliance of the united tribes of the regional state of Puntland the founders forgot or intentionally neglected the inclusion of many tribes that are the economic, social and political backbone of the tribal regional state of Puntland.
If the reason for the neglect was lack of knowledge of the number of tribes, their size or their economic power as tax payers, the long overdue correction should have been done a long time ago. Furthermore, the past and present injustices should have been corrected in the last 13 years.
Instead of equality, justice and equitable economic development purposes, the leaders of the successive regimes of Puntland focused on accumulating personal wealth and tribal military power. Furthermore, to keep the population distracted from the looting of state financial resources, the compulsive kleptomaniac kakistocratic leadership of the tribal regional administrations of Puntland created ugly hostility and continuous conflicts among the peace loving neighboring allied tribes by arming one tribe against another.
To minimize the suffering of the marginalized population of Ras Asseyr, the political leaders who organized these separatist tribal regional states started from scratch to build and establish a self governance apparatuses where there were no governing infrastructure. The majority of the tribal political elite and technocrats of the marginalized tribes sough asylum in western countries.
After a long struggle for security, freedom and self-determination, a few tribes declared their own secession from the existing regional states of Puntland and Somaliland. Among these are Awdal, Ras Asseyr, Gagaab, Darwishland, Nobir, Makhir and Al Bari.
Recently other tribal regions imitated Somaliland and Puntland and established themselves as autonomous tribal regional states. In addition to Awdal, Ras Aseyr, Gagaab, Nobir, Al Bari, Makhir and Darwish state which seceeded from Somaliland and Puntland, there are newly formed tribal regional states. Among these are Gal Hiran, Galmudug, Hiran, Himan, Harir, Mareg, South West, Central, Piece of Land and a Beach, Azania, etc.,. We are welcoming the new regional state of Gal Hiran with open hearts, wishing the new president Mr. Cabdulkadir Bahdoon the best wishes, success and progress for the population of Gal Hiran (http://www.somaliweyn.info/pages/news/oct_11/1oct10.html).  Soon we expect the establishment of another five new tribal regional states.
Demographically speakung, the population of Somalia is very young because the population pyramid is extremely large at the base, therefore, the majority of the Somali population has never seen the days of democracy, patriotism and nationalism. The Somali population that has seen a democratic government in somalia is almost gone. The only system that the majority of the current Somali population grew up is dictatorships. More than 87% grew up in dictatorship in a period that everybody lost the individual liberty and freedom. They grew up in tribal oriented Somalia with primary loyalty to tribe, clan or sub-clan.
Puntland is blessed with peace loving people, but cursed with consecutive corrupt kleptocratic administrative regimes. Since its inception, no tangible economic infrastructure has been built or even the existing infrastructure maintained by the successive administrations. Only when a project is financed through an international donor agency, the leader of the corrupted regime of the time does move the project to the province of his own sub-clan.
On one extreme we have the members of a group of tribes who are victims of chronic injustice pushing for separation and secession; on the other extreme, we have a corrupt regime supported by sub-clan members not willing to have equality or to give up their superior political advantage.
Having briefly described some of the existing chronic problems causing the disintegration of Puntland, it is our intention to research and analyze the validity of the underlying causes that legitimize the tribal self-determination and secession rights and the consequences of such decisions.
This article should not be viewed as an encouragement for secession of a tribe or group of tribes, but as a warning that needs to be analyzed carefully and ascertain what could bring the most desired viable concrete corrective measures to prevent secession.
3. Problem Statement
Anywhere you look in Puntland, there are miriad of problems. Some of them are environmental, social, religious, political and economical. In the following paragraphs we will present only few of the many problems caused by the ugly politics of Puntland leadership.
3.1 Political issues:
3.1.1 Lack of political representation of many tribes in the parliament and unfair distribution of the tribal representatives in the parliament of Puntland. Because of the fear of military threat from the south, that want to conquer Puntlanders and subgiugate them, Puntlanders paid little attention to the unjust distribution of political power. Furthermore, many tribes that were not included in the parliament, or obtained less than their fair share were initially persuaded that the mistakes will be corrected at later dates.
3.1.2 Top government positions such as cabinet ministers, director generals, administrators of agencies, and other lucrative decision making positions are exclusively reserved to specific clans.
3.1.3 Biased Constitution favoring the status Quo. This topic is intensively discussed in the section of the “Constitution of Puntland”. This section shows who made it, the reasons that the draft of Puntland constitution was made in Padova, Italy. The instruction that were given to the author. The modifications that were made, why the Status Quo doesn’t want to change to reflect the reality of today’s Puntland, the reasons in which should be rejected.
3.1.4 Political Issues pertinent exclusinely to the dictator are not limited to the bad ethics and unforgivable immoral conduct of the dictator but also the unending embezzelement of the financial resources of Puntland. As documented in most of the free Somali websites, everybody knows that the dictator lacks diplomatic manners and insults the the intelligence of the representatives of the parliament, the tribal chiefs and any dissidents who dares to criticize his ridiculous policies.
3.2 Social and Economic Issues
3.2.1 Unfair distribution of the social-economic resources such as education, health, public sector employment, industrial, fishing, agricultural and transportation infrastracture developments.
A.  Education
i. Gender segregated schools built with the revenues from taxes and international and bilateral aid are concentrated in the regions inhabited by the ruling sub-clans, while other regions have no schools at all.
ii. Well run gender segregated orphanages (even though the enrolled pupils are not orphans) are built in the regions of the ruling sub-clans while other regions suffer for the lack of orphanage institutions.
iii. Gender segregated recreational facilities such as swiming pools, gymnasiums are made available to the regions of the ruling clans while other regions never dream these luxuries.
iv. Government paid educational equipment and teacher salaries available only to the regions inhabited by the ruling sub-clans.
v. Bilateral and multilateral donated educational projects executed only in the regions of the ruling sub-clans.
vi. Scholarships obtained through bilateral and multilateral assistance given exclusively to the students of the ruling sub-clans.
B. Health
i. Constructions of hospitals and maternal health care clinics through international assistance are concentrated on the regions of the ruling sub-clans. While the pregnant women of the other regions die while traveling to these centers with the OBGY. In other words, no clinic has been built in other regions.
ii. Medical equipment obtained through international assistance by the Diaspora of the Bari Region intended for the settlements of their tribes were diverted through government authority to the regions of the ruling sub-clans.
iii. The medices obtained from international donors are distributed only to the hospitals and clinics in the regions of the ruling sub-clans.
iv. Salaries are paid and availabble to heath care workers such as doctors, nurses, nurse aids, orderly and health care administrators working solely to the regions of the ruling sub-clans.
C. Employment
i. Government civil employment totally reserved to the members of the ruling sub-clans and mainly concentrated in the regions of the ruling clans (Mudug, Nugal and Karkar).
ii. Military employment exclusively in the hands of the ruling sub-clan.
iii. Financial guards and the gards of the Port of Bosaso, airports and customes of the boarder cities are run by dictators’ trusted clan members.
iii. The guards and the law enforcement agents of the parliament and government offices are exclusively from the ruling sub-clans.
iv. Penitentiary police, state police force (Darawish), municipal police, counter terrorism units, coastal guards (Marina), and some who are paid as forestal guards intended to fight against burning trees for charcool are all members of the ruling sub-clans.
v. Law level employment such as cleaning crews, administrative assistants are from the ruling sub-clans.
To even make their complaints heard, as the tribal chiefs of several tribes said many times that they have no one in the government (even piantone) which would allow them to see the authorities.
F. Government Infrastructure
i. Concentration of the offices of the donor International organizations in the region of the ruling sub-clans. If an agency insists to locate its offices or branches in elsewhere, they are told clearly that their staff will not be protected. If the agency insists and proves that they need to be there, then the rental lodging will be found for them such a way that it benefits member of the ruling sub-clans.
G. Transportation infrastracture
i. The transportation infrustracture is totally concentrated into specific regions, while the rest of the provinces of the tribal regional state of Puntland are inaccessible.
Instead of maintaining the main highway Galcaio-Bosaso which is really in bad shape in several segments, the dictator is using the recently offered international assistance for transportation infrastructure to build a four-lane highway between Eyl and Garoe. Would it be an express highway for pirates?
Need more examples of the myriad problems? The list of problems can go on and on with no limit.
5. Secession
“Nin Dharbaaxa Quureed Dugsaday Dhaqayadeed Maalye,
Dhashaaday sugtaa Xaajadaa Dhowrataa Abide.”
By looking back the history of the world, we see that there were only 30 states/countries in the whole world at the end of WWII. Can you imagine that currently the number is over 193 states U.N. member states.
Apart from the well known historical secessionist states such as Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Cyprus, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Taiwan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore and Papua New Guinea, a sample list of the recent publicized secessionists states are Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, , Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Eritrea, Blue Nile (Southern Sudan), East Timor,  etc.,. Currently there are many ethnic groups seeking their independence from oppressive regimes. Among these are Chechnya from Russia, Kossovo from Serbia, Ogaden from Ethiopia, Tibet from China and Kurdistan seeking their independence from Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Could somebody tell us why recently Turkey crossed the border of sovereign neighboring state of Iraq and attacked civilian Kurds in Iraqi territory at the same time Iraq did not complain to the international community about the infringement of its sovereignty? Despite refusing the access to the western allied countries specially USA to attack Iraq from the military basis of Turkey, why did Turkey send two thousands military troops to occupy the Kurdis’ region of northern Iraq, the same night ahead of the invasion by the western allies to Iraq? Why the sunni Saudi Arabian Troops occupy and help a minority Sunni rulers in Bahrain? Don’t you get headache like us, when you see a hyena bulling another hyena? That is called “Gardarro Garab Og”. Overall, this article is more informative, educational and entertaining than political.
After reading the empirical theories of the leading authorities of self-determination and secession such as M. Antič, A. Arman, H. Beran, J. Buchanan, B. Coppieters, D. Dahl, L. Diamond, A. Gillard, F. Gregorini, M. Herb, D. Horowitz, M. Huysseune, A. Kellow, Lehning, J.C. Lester, D. Livingston, P. Lynch, S. Macedo, W. McGee, N. Moore, M. Nicholson, K. Nilsen, W. Norman, A. Pavlovic, W. Ross, M. Seymour, J. Sorens, C. Sunstein, T. Ulen, D. Weinstock, and many more, the researchers were divided into several groups by topic of research. This section of the article is a summary report of their findings on secession.
The first question the researchers posed was: “What is secession?”.
Secession is the withdrawal of a clan or a tribe or a group of tribes or an ethnic group from an existing political institution or from a political tribal regional alliance system or from a nation, with the intention of establishing a new political and juridical institutions over its territory.
Regardless of how the alliance has been formed, whether the tribe or group of tribes have voluntarily joined or were born into the alliance or forced to join the alliance; if a tribe or group of tribes can not choose to secede from a tribal union, the lack of the primary political right of freedom of the kept tribe or group of tribes is called “slavery”. Since there was no agreement of slavery between the keeper and the kept, the relationship is internationally, nationally, regionally and tribally wrong and immoral. This slavery relationship between the exploiters and the exploited tribes could be social, political and economical.
The fear that surfaced recently in the debates and discussions at the past conferences was that some of the members from the slave tribes displayed behavioral symptoms of “Stockholm syndrome”. The “Stockholm Syndrome” is a psychological attachment of the abused captives with emotional feelings of loyalty to defend their abusers.
Some of the participants and presenters proposed to keep the current dictator and the current representation including the economic exploitation system in place, but proposed to request to the administration to make some reforms in the system rather than reject it totally. The majority of the participants were wondering what heavenly weed these researchers were smoking! Do you remember the reason why our beloved prophet Moses cursed idiots and stupids?
Having read this universal definition, you will not be surprised if now and then you see us using the term “slavery” to the situation of the tribes who are exploited and denied their right of self-determination and secession.
5.0 Causes and Justifications for the Rights of Secession in Puntland
Since there are many democratic liberal and conservative theories with practical application that justify self-determination and secession, in the following paragraphs, we will attempt to apply only a few of them upon agreed well established existing practical arguments that justify tribal secessionist ideologies. We will divide secession by motives behind the movements and view in various lights of the accepted pragmatic secessionism applications.
In the following paragraphs we will categorize the problems stated in a previous section “problem statement” and use them as justifications for the secession of the tribes of Bari Region.
5.1 Legal Justification for Secession
The legal and the moral arguments of the secession are based on article 1 (2) and article 55 of the United Nation’s charter. The concepts of a tribe’s self-determination and secession are important international ethical principles which guide the alliances of tribes of the Tribal Regional States of Somaliland, Puntland, Hiran, Gal Hiran, Nobir, Himan, Al Bari, Piece of Land and a Beach, Azania, Gagaab, Awdal, Ras Aseyr, Galmudug, Central, West Central, etc.,.
The right of secession is based on the concept of right of self-determination, which is the most important inalienable fundamental and sacred human right and it is recognized by the International Court of Justice. Furthermore, the Somali consuetudinal laws give primary importance to the tribal rights of self-determination and secession of their lands. Because of the Somali pastoral democracy principles and the consutudinal laws based on personal and tribal freedom rights; Somalis should accept any justification of a tribe or a group of tribes succeeding from any existing regional states. It should not be viewed as legal or illegal, moral or immoral for the simple fact that it is a God given right to be free from any abusive bondage and domination of one over another.
Most of the rational people in Puntland are for the unity of and the alliance of the tribes of Puntland with the condition of fairness, Justice and equality for all Puntland tribes.
If there is no justice, equality and fairness, then the condition which were the basis of the tribal regional alliance of Puntland has not been fulfilled, therefore, the tribes that have been wronged have the right to secede from the alliance.
We have to keep in mind that all the tribes of Puntland or for that matter any tribal regional state of Somalia is part of an alliance for their own interest, be that for security, social and/or economic development. If a tribe or group of tribes don’t find their interest fulfilled in the union, they have the legal  and moral right to leave.
One of the major reasons which caused the secession movements in Puntland is that the majority of the tribes of Bari Region didn’t find the conditions of fairness, equality and justice in which they joined for the alliance. Instead majority of them are suffering the forced exploitation and slavery conditions in the alliance of Puntland.
As long as a tribe or group of tribes are not free for their God given right of self determination, they are in bondage and slaves to those who refuse them to exercise their self-determination rights.
5.2 Political Justification for Secession
In the following paragraphs, secession will be viewed as a response and remedy for political injustice in Puntland.
5.2.1. Political Injustice
Problem:- Widespread Political Injustice.
Brief Analysis: Among the reasons for secession is the lack of fair political representation. The problem of a prolonged political injustice is manifested through the lack of participation in the hall of tribal representatives (parliament). Most of the tribes of Bari Region are not represented, while other tribes of Bari Region have a token presence in the tribal parliament of Puntland.
Despite their lack of contribution to the budget of the state of Puntland, the militarily organized and those who have inherited the military arsenal of the previous dictator of the military regime of Somalia have a strong presence in the parliament of the Tribal Regional State of Puntland .
With the continuation of the past and present political practices of the successive administrations of Puntland, we know for sure that there is no future for many of the tribes in the Tribal Regional State of Puntland.
Therefore, you have to ask the questions whether or not the current dictator is willing to correct the present and past political, social and economic mistakes? And how long can the religious leaders and the political leadership of the oppressed tribes wait for justice without thinking about secession?
For some of you who are tribally linked and fanatically supportive to the current dictator, the concept of secession is far distant and incomprehensible while some others think that they might have preventive and reactive magic solutions to bring back those who decide to secede. We believe that it will be too late to stop the secession aspirations once the gears of self-determination and secession start moving. Ask the Libyans if they are willing to go back where they were before the revolt. Once they taste the sweetness of freedom, it will be difficult to take them back to the chains of slavery.
5.2.2 Taxation and representation
Problem:-Taxation without fair and proportional representation.
Apart from the international assistance which is a very small portion of the revenue of Puntland, the state depends heavily on the financial resources from the import and export taxes of the port of Bosaso.  Puntlanders know that Bari Region is the cash caw that produces the revenue on which Puntland functions. The other regions are known to be the welfare provinces of Puntland and is not only the belief of the Diaspora from Puntland, but it is what the local population of Bari Region openly says in the political entertainment halls.
As Ainab (bless his soul) once said “Bari Region, specially Bosaso is a kitchen in which the delicious gourmet food is prepared daily, but the tables and the customers are located in other regions. What is also amazing is that the cooks are not allowed to eat or taste the food.”  As the Arab proverb says “Al cilmu fil afwaahil majaaniin.”
There are members of certain tribes who have been historically and for a very long time known to be the importers and exporters of Puntland. The importers and exporters of these tribes are the main source of Puntland’s revenue.
The problem is that the tribes of Bari Region who are the backbone of  the economy and major contributors of the revenue of Puntland such as Ugas Labe, Ali Wabeneye, Geesa Guule, Gumasor, Wadalmuge, Meheri, Ahmed Wabeneye, Biidyahan Ali, Tiinle, Kabtaanle, Aden Ali, Makame, Ali Hijijle, Abdirahin Saleban, Idigfacle of Bari and many more are not represented at all in the parliament of Puntland, while others who are also the major tax payers, and revenue makers for Puntland such as Dishishe, Dubais, Arab Salah, Awlyahan Ali, Ugar Saleman, Ismail Ali, Abdalla Danweyne, Ismail Saleman and Rer Waa Rag only have token representation.
Politically the main complaints of  these tribes could be summarized into the following points:
That some of the tribes have no representation at all, while others don’t have a fair representation in the parliament of the Tribal Regional State of Puntland. Hence, they have no political voice in the decision making process of Puntland. There are so many examples which could be cited, but for brevity reasons we will limit our examples related to the presidential election, barganing power in the approval of the nominated cabinet ministers and directorates of various agencies for development.
Since most of the tribes of Bari Region have no representatives, and those who are represented have less than a token representation in the hall of the tribal representatives, the fate of their public interest is doomed and everybody can see the emotional despair expressions in the eyes of their token minority representatives.
The negotiations and barganing for the nominations and approvals of all political positions, influential and non influential government employees, happen behind doors before the formal nominations and approvals come to the floor. An example of the decision making process could be the recent nomination of the election committee announced by the current dictator who rabber stamped his desires through the approval of the so called “tribal representatives.” If these tribes had a say, they could have objected and blocked the lack of justice in the nomination and would have rejected them through majority votes, because they would have had the fair representation votes necessary to block the nominations. But because of their lack of representation, the token members could not block the illegal and illegitimate selection of the committee members (Some of the members of the committee are known to be the hatemongers of Puntland). Therefore, the non-kosher committee has been approved through election in the parliament.
Similarly the nomination of certain ministers and directors of certain economic and social development agencies wouldn’t have passed the floor of the hall of the tribal representatives if the tribes of Bari Region had had their fair share of representatives.
The parliamentary representation share of Puntland is neither based on the size of the tribes, nor the provincial contribution to the revenue to the state budget, but solely on the ownership of a military arsenal. Isn’t that a way to encourage every tribe who desires to participate in the political process to possess a fearsome tribal militia? You guessed.
Why do we continually mention the lack of employees of certain tribes in the government? The reason is that some tribes have so many voices in the government halls to the point that they divided themselves to where these individuals do not speak on behalf of the tribe or a sub-tribe or at clan level in which they represent but to the level of their sub-sub-clan, while others who have no one in the government, have no one to speak on their behalf.
If a non represented tribe has a problem, its problems are ignored since there is no one telling to the government (dictator) the existence and the urgency of its problems.
5.3 Economic Justification for Secession
5.3.1 Economic and financial Policies
Problem:- Biased economic and financial policies.
Analysis:- Since the local financial resources obtained through direct and indirect taxation are mainly embezzled by the tyrant dictator and his offsprings, the political leaders of oppressed tribes were at least hoping and expecting some justice in sharing the meager resources from international assistance programs. These hopes never materialized. Instead, the international assistance projects such as education and health are concentrated in specific regions, while the population of other regions have never heard of let alone seen projects from international assistance.
5.3.2  Taxation
Problem:- Unfair taxation practices.
Analysis: - Unfair waiver of import and export taxation granted to specific individuals (close relatives and cronies of the dictator) by the dictator
What exacerbated the problem is because some owners of businesses and housing units obtained a waiver of taxation for unending period of time, while other owners of identical businesses and housing units have to pay excessive taxes more than four times per year (Check out the taxation of factories, hotels, and category four housing units).
In addition there is regional discrimination with housing taxation. The cities of the tribes in control of the government have lower housing and business taxes which never gets added to the revenue of the state, while the dominated tribes pay higher taxes. One could say that the dominated tribes are paying the cost of their colonization. In the economic development theories, an exemption of taxation is reserved for sectors where there is a need to encourage investment for an extended period of time or sectors where you are protecting the local production against dumping practices of foreign competitors, but not for nepotism on sectors where there is no need to expand. And if you apply this to an individual, then the logic dictates that everybody should enjoy the same tax relief. This policy works against certain businessmen of certain tribes , and puts them in a disadvantage position to compete with their counterparts in the tribes in power. The unfair taxation practices which is a breach of the social contract of the government with the population of Puntland, justifies the secession of any tribe with grievances against the regime and wishes to leave the tribal alliance of Puntland. A single person or a small group of businessmen have no way to avoid the unfair taxation or ways to challenge the regime, except to organize the businessmen of his tribe and resort to a secessionist movement for his tribe.
Again, the supporters of the tyrant regime could argue that, even though it is a violation of individual and tribal rights and a valid argument for secession, it is not a serious accusation against the regime, since it affected only a small portion of the members of the dominated tribes. Therefore, it should not be used as grounds for secession. Some of the intellectuals of Puntland, objected to and criticized in their debate the unfair and harsh practices of discriminatory taxation, especially when it is applied to economically depressed areas in the eastern and western parts of Puntland.
5.3.3  Financial Resources
Problem:- Non of the financial resources paid by the members of the tribes of Bari Region is invested back into their region.
Analysis:- Instead, a major portion of the revenue is deposited in personal foreign accounts (in Australia and Dubai) of the theving dictator. The remaining meager revenue is spent on the salaries of the cronies of  the dictator in the various departments and salaries of the dictators’ troops who are the menace to the population of Bari Region. The main duties of these troops is to terrorize the population of Bosaso through organized and planned killings of the businessmen who didn’t pay the monthly tributes directly to the dictator.
No disrespect intended to the sub-clan of the dictator, but if you read the following link you will see that the dictator’s sub-sub-clan alone has five (5) representatives in the hall of tribal representatives (http://www.lasanod.com/details.php?id=4921&linkid=183&num=1496), while large and economically productive tribes who contribute heavily to the revenue of Puntland such as Ali Wabeneye have no representatives in the hall of shame of Puntland (parlament).
The religious and tribal leaders of Bari Region requested the dictator that the neglected parts of the region form their own provinces and sub-divisions in which will encourage the Diaspora to find international assistance for the population of their cities, towns and villages with the promise not to divert the projects obtained by the Diaspora into his region as often happened. Following the slogan “Small is beautiful”, it would be better to have administratively and economically manageble smaller subdivisions in Bari Region.
The advantages and disadvantages of dividing the region into manageable smaller provinces was analyzed by Diaspora regional and city planners and found that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. There could be economic and social development competition among the residents of these provinces (subdivisions) and the cities, townships and villages within the subdivisions. Unfortunately, the dictator based his objection on tribalism, slave and slave owner relationship mentality.
We have demonstrated that the tribes who want to secede are really victims of a planed discriminatory political injustice in which the response and remedy from the oppression and political injustices is through the choice of freedom, self-determination and secession.
5.4 Social Injustices Reason for Secession:
5.4.1 Development of Social Projects
Problem:-  As we have seen in the problem statement section, all the social development programs are ubicated in the regions of the ruling clans.
Analysis:- Non of the revenue produced by the Bari Region is invested back in the social infrastructure of the region. The people of Bari Region suffered enough from the intentionally planned high illiteracy rate in the population of their region.
There are many more internationally agreed justifications for secession such as freedom from oppression and organized and planned systematic kullungs which caused lack of security in which unanimously the researchers agreed not to disseminate the details for the fear that it might stir up emotional feelings which could create animosity among the tribes of Puntland.
Comparing among the various reasons of the imminent secession of the tribes of Bari Region, the researchers agreed that the secession is closely tied to the large scale in political injustices and security rather than the social and economic injustices or all other reasons that were presented in the conference.
There should be a unique criteria for all the tribes of Somalia when it comes to secession. There shouldn’t be a flexible criteria and special provisions for some tribes while others face rigid criteria. As an ancient Somali wisdom said “Hasha maqaarka diidan, daldalool kama weyso.”
Anyway, the secession of Bari Region is nevertheless defensible on the grounds of self-determination principles alone without resorting to the serious political, social and economic injustices for which the secession of Bari Region became a response to the existing injustices.
5.5 Population and Size of the land of the secessionists
Someone might question the economic and political viability of the small tribal states. Ask yourself these questions. What is the interest of a tribe in staying in a union that does not work for the purpose the tribe joined for? The main reason of the formation of the new small tribal states is based on establishing a tribal administrative government capable of bringing peace, security and political stability in their region.
Apart from the interest in which a tribe is in for a union, the researchers asked several questions related to the viability of the size of the land and population of the tribes seeking self-determination and secession.
Does size matter?
it is not a laughing matter. Some of you will say yes, others will say no. We say, it depends. If you know how to use what little you have in the best manners, then size doesn’t matter. On the other hand, even if you have a big area, then your size doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to utilize it — as you have tasted “knowledge” is the operative key word.
The main fear of some tribes who want to secede is the size of their territory. Size has never been an issue for becoming a state. For those of you who have doubts about the viability of the tribal secessionist states such as Piece of Land and a Beach because of the size of their lands, have to study the smallest countries of the world who are socially, politically and economically advanced.
Many countries in the world are extremely small in size but that didn’t stop them of becoming fully functioning states. Practically, there are no technical considerations limiting the size of the tribe or their land. Whether it is a land locked, a coastal territory or an island, throughout the world there are examples of countries with small size of land and population who are prosperous countries.
Though small in size, countries such as Lesotho, Monaco, Swaziland, Vatican City are inside and in the middle of other countries. Therefore, a tribe or a clan surrounded by the territory of another clan or tribe could have its own independence and be a separate prosperous state inside a state.
There are many small countries with no natural resources, but who are among the most successful countries in the world, others less successful but fully functional. Following is a sample list of these countries. we start with Seychelles, Lesotho, Guinea Bissau, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Vatican City, Japan, Hong Kong San Marino, The Gambia, Bahrain, Nauru, Maldives, Tonga, Nevis, St. Kitts, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Andorra, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda.
5.6 Democracy and Secession
As we have explained in previous pages, Bari Region is the largest among the regions of the tribal regional state of Puntland. Its population exceeds 2.5 million. As everybody knows, Bosaso alone has a population exceeding 1.2 million. Therefore, they are the majority in terms of size of land and population. But the objective of this sub-section is to go beyond the secession of Bari Region into single or smaller group of tribes deciding to secede on their own. If somebody wants to argue against secession on the basis of democratic principles and of majority rule, they will find plenty of testimonials in many papers such as Dahl’s paper which argues against this belief using the concrete example of the case of Yugoslavia were the majority of the population (Serbians) voted against the secession of Kossovo, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Slovenia and supported warmongers such as S. Miloševic and V. Šešelj, who were indicted by the International Tribunal in Hague as war criminals. Dahl goes further to explain that secessions occurred against dictatorship and not against people of majority or minority.
5.7 Secession and Referenda
It would have been an excellent idea to have a referendum asking the population of Bari Region if they want to secede or stay in the union of the tribal regional state of Puntland, but unfortunately, according to the dictator of Puntland, there is neither the technical know-how and the logistics nor the financial resources to fulfill and execute this action. At the same time, we hear that there is the know-how and funds available for the three sub-clan political parties open for the other tribes to join. No other parties are allowed except the three parties belonging to the ruling sub-clans. Sorry, whether you have a religious Islamist Party, Democratic Party, Labor Party, Independent Party, Capitalist Party, Republican Party, Piracy Party, Futabiciid Party or what have you party, it seems that only the above mentioned three parties are allowed to be registered. How soon did we forget the history of Somalia’s military regime? Last time we checked out the elections of the dictator Siad Barre and Saddam Hussein, they received 99.8%. What a coincidence!.
On the second day of the conference, a team of researchers close to or acquainted with and/or knowledgable of the tribal leaders was selected to survey the opinion of the tribal leaders and politicians working for the dictator.
According to the survey carried out by the researchers and the participants of the conference asking the opinion of the tribal leaders of Bari Region including clan leaders of ruling sub-clans; we found that there was no tribe against the secession of Bari Region. But among the individuals working for the regime regardless of their tribal affiliation, at least in public, the majority of them were adamantly against the secession.
To be fair to all the participants of the conference, there was a referenda carried out at the third day of the conference asking the participants to cast their votes on the issue of secession. More than 89.4% of the participants voted for secession of Bari Region. Furthermore, we carried out a survey on the tribal leaders of Bari Region. The outcome was amazing. A whopping 98.7% favored the secession of Bari Region from Puntland.
Most of the participants were exited and jubilant in their anticipation of the bright future of a democratically free and fair government of Bari Region led by the best and brightest sincere aristarchical leadership. You could read in their eyes and faces the optimism of becoming reality the long chased dream of a free tribes of Bari Region.
6. Secession vs. Regionalism in Puntland
When successive abusive despotistic and nepotistic administrations of Puntland pursuing the same objectives designed to advance lucrative personal and sub-clan objectives, it is the right and the moral duty of the leadership of the abused tribes, clans and sub-clans to reject such administrations and provide their people with guidance and leadership that will bring alternatives with options for a better security, social and economic future.
The main guiding principles which united the group of tribes who are planning to secede is currently based on the chronic desperation of Bari Region, such that the members of their tribes would be better off than in their current political, social and economic conditions.
There were many differing opinions in the debates recently held by the politicians, religious leaders and tribal elders of Bari Region. The participants of the conference were split into two groups. One group with the solution of choosing the secession alternative, and a second group insisting on the regionalism alternative. Later we will explain the risk involved in each of the two final alternatives.
Secession and Regionalism/Autonomy ideologies were the two concepts that surfaced and dominated most of the conferences among the differing ideologies.
The Secession and Regionalism Autonomy are opposing viewpoints. The secession viewpoint was more prevalent in the atmosphere of the Bari Region Diaspora in North America and Europe, while the regionalism ideology was prevalent in the Diaspora in the Middle East.
The concepts of Secession and Regionalism/autonomy in the Tribal Regional State of Puntland will be compared and contrasted in the analyzed of this section. Certain people asked the reasons for the recent wave of secession movements of many provinces of Puntland and its consequences to both the secessionists and the remaining tribal regional state of Puntland.
Even though we have explored in previous sections some of the causes, we are going to explore some more in later sections what the probable and correct reasons could have been. To be fair to both sides –the abuser and the abused tribes –and most importantly to shift the blame from the current administration, we found that the researchers generated more questions than answers. Not because they were confused, but because they didn’t want to leave any stone unturned.
Because of the open declarations of secession movements that started with this administration, one would ask the reason why it started now. What ignited the sudden burst of secession and independence movements? Is it the new policies of the current administration that provoked the secession?  Is it the planned and organized killings of politicians, tribal chiefs, religious leaders, businessmen and normal ordinary folks by the marauding troops of the dictator controlled by one of his offspring?
But because of the succession of several bad administrations, one should be careful not to blame totally the current administration. One would ask the questions: Is it because of unsolved left over issues from previous administrations that the secessions are occurring now? Why didn’t the secessions happen during the time of the previous administrations? Was it because the leadership of the tribes of Bari Region was not politically mature before and suddenly matured within the last years of the current administration? Could it be that the current administration did something extremely worse than what previous administrations did?
Other researchers would move the blame away from any specific administration, and blame only the common policies of the various administrations. Some of the researchers justified the whole shamble with philosophical terminology that could not be comprehended by the common layman.  **Worry if you don’t understand what the people are saying.
Most of the participants in the conferences wanted to hear researchers with practical and concrete application ideologies where the problems have to be attributed to someone and with someone blamed for and not philosophical mumbo jumbo jargon that confused the participants.
What most of us question was the reason behind the rejection of the ideas of the researchers of this presentation. Was it because some of the presenters were closely associated to the administration of Puntland or was it because the lead presenter was a female?
Some of us believed the criticism made by the audience was a rejection directed at the administration, while others interpreted as sexism of Reer Bari people.
Other pragmatic researchers would limit the reason solely to endless unfulfilled and broken political promises accompanied with social and economic injustices. Therefore, they would formulate their questions in the following format. Is it the lack of fair representation of the tribes of Bari Region in the central regional government of Puntland? Or is it the lack of any social, political and economic development in Bari Region? Or should it be attributed to the lack of security or the creation of terror by the troops of the current administration? Or the combination of all the above?
One would ask “Could the reason for the secessions be not only one of the factors mentioned above by one or another group of researchers, but a combination of all of them and other hidden factors?”.
Some of the researchers would like to blame the so called “victims of injustice” and show that these tribes brought this shame and miserable conditions to themselves, therefore, responsible for their own misfortunes and miseries. Look what is happening around the world. People reject slavery and ready to die for their freedom. Look at Libya, Syria, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and all Arab countries. People are ready to die for their freedom. Freedom is a state of mind. If you value your miserable slave life, then expect more humiliation and worse slavery than the one that you are currently living in.
The clans who rule Puntland will not roll over and give up their perks and privileges in which they enjoy. Why should they? Everything comes too easy to them, and they enjoyed every bit of it. They found the people of the tribes of Bari Region who are extremely docile for them and they thanked neither God nor the people who became voluntary slaves for them.
It is very difficult to reason with the exploiters of Puntland who took for granted all the amenities offered to them without any conditions.
If the leadership of Bari Region doesn’t oppose the humiliation, slavery and exploitation of the minority sub-clans on power, the shame will pass to their future children. The rights of exploitation by the minority ruling sub-clans will be made obligatory to the present and future children of the tribes of Bari Region. The consequences of their weakness and their lack of courage to defend their rights will be forcefully passed to the future generations. It is not their right to accept the slavery bondage for the lives of the future generations. An easy example that you could grasp is the one of the ruling clan of Bahrain (Sunni sect) over the majority (Shi’a sect). We are appealing to the Arab intellectuals regardless of their Islamic sects to stand up for equality, justice and freedom for the population of Bahrain. We have witnessed the sentencing of innocent doctors doing their duties to cure those who were injured in the protest for justice.
The dictator of Puntland is preparing his offspring to take over the power and he needs your children to be their slaves. If you can not free yourself from the slavery bondage, please don’t bring children to this world. Why shouldn’t your children accept to be the slaves of the future children of the ruling sub-clans if their parents have traditionally accepted to be enslaved? “Ha dhalin, ha guursan, ha dhalin dhibaato.” Rer Bari (RB) should repudiate and reject the subjugation. An Arab or Italian proverb (couldn’t remember which one) says: “Afdalu an tamuuta waaqifan man an taciisha raakican” Oppure – “Meglio morire inpiedi che vivere in ginocchio” which roughly translates into “It is better you live one day as a lion than thousand days as a lamb”.
According to these researchers, as many of you know that India paid for its colonization. Why the people of Bari Region should be different from India? If India paid the cost of its colonization, so the tribes of Bari Region should pay for their own colonization even if the color of the colonizer is not the traditional but somebody with their own color, culture and religious believe. Then, one would ask why are the abused tribes are waking up now? The answer we got from the researchers was: India did wake up late after many years of exploitation; therefore, the populations of the tribes of Bari Region are doing the same. One of the researchers asked who will be the Gandhi of the tribes of Bari Region. We couldn’t think of anybody pacifist and smart enough like Gandhi. But no disrespect to M. Gandhi because Gandhi wasn’t afraid to fight for what he believed. The people of Bari Region are not known to be passive pacifists and rational. Most of them have fire marks on their temple. They are more like Malcolm X and Farrakhan than Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. or M. Gandhi.
Let us be clearer on this, because we are afraid that one would argue that it is always easy to blame the victims. To the question of how they pay for their colonization, we would like to bring some concrete examples.
Everybody is aware of the existence of certain businessmen (No names. Please remove the reference link table with the names of the businessmen and the amount of money they paid to the president) of some of the colonized tribes of Bari Region who even contributed not only to the financial resources needed to colonize them, but also contributed to the purchase of the military arsenals in which the troops of the dictator used to subjugate the tribes of Bari Region and strengthen the offensive and the defensive apparatus of the dictator’s troops in case the abused tribes resist the colonization.
In one of the conferences, some of us raised doubts about the motives of the researchers and politicians and their intentions in relation to the stability of Puntland. Clearly some of us favored the idea of not opening the Pandora box (Some called the black box) for the sake of the little stability of Puntland. The group wanted the things to remain the same for the sake of stability.
Some of us had a differing opinion than those who used the justification of not rocking the boat for the sake of stability.
As many of you know Benjamin Franklin once said “They that can give up essential liberties to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Those of you that value the little stability in Puntland have to realize that maybe today is the right day to bring the dirty laundry to the table and wash it openly in front of all of us in a friendly manner. If not today, then when?
Some of the researchers were much concerned about the current dictators’ intentions in the future. They argued that once the dictator establishes himself into the throne of Puntland, he will use the same techniques of Siad Barre and Gheddafi. Like in Mogadishu, you will loose some if not all the members of your families and relatives, all the precious material possessions, businesses, houses, buildings and one day you will say: “We used to live in Mogadishu. Sorry, we meant Puntland, not Mogadishu. Could be a Frodian lapsus”. The fact that some of you can not go back to your properties in Mogadishu will testify to the above statement.
It is true that not everybody has the same opinion, or same value or same expectation and aspiration for the people of Puntland. Let us be clear about our intentions ahead of time. We want to have a very peaceful prosperous Puntland based on fairness, justice and equality for all the residents of Puntland regardless of their specific clan, religious beliefs, gender orientation and ideological association. If you are objecting to our ideology and the desire for justice, or you would like to postpone it to another date, then we would like to know “When?” and “Why?”.
6.1 Analysis:- Regionalism versus Secession
Before the secession of the state of Ras Asseyr, the tribal elders of the region made several legitimate requests, but the tyrant of the kakistocratic regime of Puntland systematically and categorically denied all their requests. Furthermore, the dictator called the elders demeaning names.
The people of the tribes of Ras Asseyr State have solved their problem by counting on themselves. Most of the population of Puntland and specifically the tribes of Bari Region are sympathetic to their cause because most of them are in a similar situation.
Even though the secession of the State of Ras Asseyr is only a few months old the leadership has achieved enormous goals and become very successful.
Having seen the fast progress which the state of Ras Asseyr has made  a short time, the Diaspora, businessmen, politicians and religious leaders of the remaining tribes of Bari Region are seriously thinking secession as an alternative to the political, social and economic colonization which they are under. Their commitment to tribal liberty is paramount and very strong.
Despite the objection of the new Prime Minister of Somalia who is tribally allied with the dictator of Puntland, Ras Asseyr state obtained recognition from the Somali Transitional Federal Government and from the United Nations donor agencies.
Since the states of Ras Asseyr, Al Bari, Nobir and Gagaab through secession and self-determination declared unilaterally their political independence from the alliance of the tribal regional state of Puntland, the tribal elders and politicians of the remaining tribes of Bari Region are debating whether to join Ras Asseyr, Nobir, Al Bari and Gagaab State or secede and form their own separate independent state or seek full regional autonomy without leaving the tribal alliance of Puntland.
Even though they could be classified in to many groups, we will be focusing two main groups namely secessionists and regionalism.
The two concepts differ in the sense that the Regionalists support the unity of the tribal regional state of Puntland, but definitively favor or want to have complete control over the political, social and economic affairs of their region.
The Secessionists on the other hand are seeking methods to put an end to the long lived hardships and want to put behind them the dark days of exploitation. The newly formed states of Ras Asseyr, Gagaab and Nobir declare unilaterally full independence from what is left of the alliance of the tribal regional state of Puntland.
Through many years of living under injustice, the leadership of these tribes is mature enough to build a government of their own, based on justice and fairness among its members without receiving a shilling from the taxes they paid to Puntland.
The main reason we are exploring the topic is two fold. The first is to explain the pros and cons of each concept, and the second objective is to warn the other tribal leaders, the intellectuals, the politicians and the religious leaders in the tribal alliance of Puntland to politically weigh in and help the politicians, the tribal leaders and the religious leaders who are insisting on the unity of Puntland by giving unilaterally some concrete concessions that could change the minds and hearts of the secessionists.
6.1.1 Secession
Secessionism is a practical ideology that became successful in many parts of the world. It solves conflicts among people of the same nation. Apart from Somalia, examples closely related to Somali cases are Eritrea from Ethiopia and Jubba state from Sudan that chose secession as a means to end the conflict. The population of Southern Sudan voted for peace which meant secession.  Despite the relentless efforts by the leaders of Northern Sudan to funnel money and military armaments to destabilize the newly born state which lacks all types of political, social and economic infrastructure, the Jubba Southern Sudan is free from the abusive colonization of the Northern Sudan.
The goal of these paragraphs is not to explain the reasons for which many states sought their independence from an abusive ethnic group or a tyrant governments, but in these few paragraphs we want to mention some of the countries that unilaterally seceded from an existing country.
A similar example is the disintegration of Yugoslavia in which all other ethnic groups left the union except Serbians who were politically the dominant ethnic group. Some of you will remember the recent bloody ethnic cleansing of Bosniak and Kosovan Muslims, Macedonians, Slovenians and Croats in Yugoslavia which was broadcast in every television stations.
Most of us remember the genocide (mass graves) the Serbians committed against the other ethnic groups, especially the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina not only to the Muslims of Srebrenica which is in north-eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina but all over Bosnia Herzegovina and Kossovo.
We told you that this article will be educational, therefore, learn more about the complicity of the U.N. Dutch peacekeepers, Dutchbat, and General Philippe Morillon (France) who was the commander of the U.N. Protection Force (UNPROFOR) for Bosnia. Learn what happen to the area in which the U.N. declared as “Safe heaven” under their protection, how the U.N. peacekeeping troops didn’t lift a finger or fire one bullet to prevent the carnage and protect the innocent Bosniak lives that were trusted in their protection. Did the Europeans care to protect Muslims in the heart of Europe? Learn more how the Arab Muslim brothers turned their backs when the Bosnik Muslims asked for help to the wealthiest Muslim Arab nations. Contrast that with the methods in which the Israelis intervened and trained the Muslim Bosniak men to defend themselves, providing military equipment and fought side by side with the Bosniaks. Learn how  the Greek volunteers guards participated in the massacre of Srebrenica (the besieged enclave in the Drina Valley).
Most of the researchers were shy equating the way that black Americans were treated not long ago in USA to how certain tribes of Puntland are being treated today. Maybe because they were afraid adding insult to the injury, by pointing out the lack of justification of why these tribes are being exploited economically, socially and kept out of political decision making process, or why some clans have allocated themselves a larger share of representation while the economically productive tribes received no representation or a fraction of what they were supposed to obtain. Maybe it doesn’t hurt if you tell somebody their weakness and tell them how they can reduce it and replace it with strength, even if it takes calling them derogatory terms describing their situation. As M. Gandhi said “No man looses his freedom except his own weakness.”
After long discussions and debates with continuous analysis aimed at searching remedies and alternatives directed at ending the exploitation, humiliation and the suffering of their population; the intellectuals and tribal leaders of the tribes of Bari Region have reached decisions to take decisive steps to terminate their membership in the regional tribal alliance of Puntland. Through many years of living under injustice, the leadership of these slave tribes is mature enough to build a government based on justice and fairness among its members.
Most of the researchers and participants believed without doubts that the tribes of Bari Region will be better off in creating there own regional state than staying in exploitative slavery conditions of Puntland.
The topic of the secession has been widely debated by the participants of the conference. In the current debates among the tribal leaders and prominent politicians of Bari Region, the majority has demonstrated and expressed openly their tendency and preference for secession over regionalism.
In their opinion, the secession of Bari Region will decrease the chronic problems existing in the region gradually with time and totally eliminate its existence.
Those secessionists who unilaterally declared their independence from Puntland did so for the interest of their tribes which is not that different from the one that is being debated. Despite their differences, the tribes of Bari Region have in common many attributes of descendency, dialect, cultural, religious, social, economic and political conditions.
In these debates, even the name which the region will assume has been discussed. They asserted that if Bari Region secedes from the tribal regional state of Puntland and forms its own state, it will take the name of Puntland away from the tribal regional state of Puntland. They were very serious not to leave the name behind for the remaining of the tribal alliance of Puntland. The reason is that Puntland means the land of gods. The Egyptians of the time received cinnamon, ebony, elephant tasks and aroma from the Land of Punt. Since the time of Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_of_Punt), the north eastern coast of Somalia was known as the land of Frankincense and Myrrh, land of aromatic gums and land of gods. Only Bari Region and northern part of Sanag posses these attributes of producing cinnamon, fine woods, Arabic gums, frankincense and Myrrh. Since Sanag is known also as Makhir State, Puntland will be left for the region of Bari. Others wanted to use simply the Islamic Republic of Bari. The jury is out for the decision of the name in which the new state will take.
6.1.2 Regionalism/Autonomy
The scenario of regionalism ideology is a multi-faceted question that begs for real genuine answers.
The Regionalism is not a new concept in the Somali politics. Puntland is by itself an example. Many contemporary regional states in today’s world such as Scotland have full judicial, social, economic and political autonomy and are part of larger political entity/country.
Some of us think that the reason in which the idea of regionalism became less popular in the conference was because of the researchers who made the presentation were not good sales people and therefore, less successful than the secessionists. The proposals and concepts which the regionalists brought to the table was misconstrued and interpreted in various ways which could not benefit the population of the Bari Region. The framework and the execution plan were superb, but the presentaters were less able to respond all the inundated questions from the participants.
Despite the small number of politicians, Diaspora and tribal leaders supporting the regionalism concept, the promoters of this ideology view regionalism as the best alternative where the people of the region will have substantial political, judicial, social and economic autonomy with full control of the destiny of their own region and still be part of the tribal regional state of Puntland.
Those who are pushing for secession would have difficult rejecting a true and honest regionalism WITH NO DECEPTION. They will have all the benefits of the unity of the tribal regional state of Puntland, and will share the burden with the other provinces of the state.
The secessionist could be discouraged or at least their decisions postponed if the current dictator starts a direct dialog with the secessionist tribal leaders, accepting and guaranteeing the fair and just request for representation. Is that going to happen in the current administration? Yeah right! In your dreams!, was the answer that our researchers agreed upon.
A sincere administration looking after the interest of Puntlanders and giving priority to the unity of Puntland, would have been flexible and would have tried its best to use all available tribal diplomatic channels to persuade the secessionist tribal leaders to maintain the unity of Puntland.
The current administration led by the tyrant dictator is only interested in getting richer and aspires to a more lucrative position in the Transitional Government of Somalia. Instead to a peaceful tribal diplomacy to maintain the unity of Puntland, it is expected that the tyrant flexes his military might to subjugate any dissenting tribal militia, arresting and jailing the businessmen, political and religious leaders accusing them of heinous crimes which they have never committed.
Some of the researchers believe that the tribal regional state of Puntland has already disintegrated. Ras Asseyr State, Gagaab State, Nobir State, Makhir State and Darwish State are already gone.  The governor of Mudug went to see his cousin in Mogadishu. His main goal is to convince his cousin that Mudug want to be independent from Puntland and would like to have the Transitional Federal Government support. The dictator heard about this and fired him to be replaced with one of his cronies.
The tribal representatives and the nominal place holder cabinet members are there for their own interest. The only way in which they can pay the bills is through the salaries and the bribes which they receive by holding their positions.
Once the dictator fires them, they will be the first to campaign against him in all available media and be the front runners of the secession movements. They have a first hand knowledge of what is wrong with the administration of Puntland. The former members of the dictator’s administration are his loudest opponents
The meetings in which the dictator occasionally talks with his cronies and cabinet members is just an illusion to insure himself that there are still some people left with him. Are we in lama land?
Even though the conditions and the motives of secession of Mudug Region are different from the reasons of Bari Region, Mudug State is in its final stage of declaring its own independence.  Obviously, the organized and planned killings of the tribal chiefs, religious leaders, businessmen, politicians, students and common citizens who were slayed in Galcaio by the Death Squad of the dictator didn’t go well with Rer Mudug.
What is left of the tribal regional alliance is a partial of what was formerly known as  “Regione di Majertenia”. Just do the math. Almost 2/3 of Bari Region is gone. Makhir state is gone. Darwishland State is gone. Mudug is gone. Thanks to our stubborn dictator, it is predicted that the rest will disintegrate through partitions.
In order to save and keep together what is left of the tribal alliance of Puntland and persuade those who left to come back, there is the need for talented politicians who have the unity of Puntland in their hearts and are able to diffuse the heightened tension between the ruling and the ruled tribes.
Despite the need for organization, planning and coordination of all their efforts to defend themselves from the colonizers, the politicians and the leadership of the tribes of Bari Region have to decide whether to accept the colonization, the tyranny and the exploitation by the ruling clans or the rejection of exploitation with a prepared plan for their freedom. To be successful, they don’t need to involve everybody, but select few who have the skills and the characteristics of leadership a must.
The people of Bari Region can not afford to have indecision. The indecision brings delays in which they have to endure suffering, continuous killings, exploitation, oppression and humiliation.
Even though the regionalists were a minority in the conference, they insisted that they should be given time to push for the autonomy of the region. The participants granted the request of their colleagues for the concession of time.
A major reason of those who are seeking and insisting on the solution of the secession is their lack of trust in the ruling clans. They know that politically, the clans in power are always several steps ahead of them. Whenever they see that a deceptive policy is no longer applicable, there are several applicable new deceptive policies in the pipeline. They will come up with new lip-service promises for changing the previous bad policies.
The secessionists believe the wisdom of the poet who said: “Muslinimo ninkaan kuula socon mu’minimo khaas ah, gaal maxaysta kuu dhawra ood magan gashaa dhaama”.
Everybody wants the unity but with conditions. If their request of autonomy or a diluted version of autonomy is not offered immediately, the secessionists will have a green light to go ahead with their plan.
If all else fails, the secessionists have an already detailed written plan to execute.
After careful consideration of the various possible alternatives and deep analysis of all the possible options in each alternative of the secession, the researchers were reorganized in a mix such that each group is composed of individuals with opposite views.
In order to select the best alternative with the best effective strategic option that yields the best result suitable to their needs, and which could be implemented in the least amount of time with the least impact and consequences for the risk of secession and the highest benefit/cost ratio, we came up with the option called “Peace and Prosperity” by the researchers. It met the specifications required by of the majority of the participants. The remaining participants thought that the specifications didn’t go far enough to have the desired defense impact to eliminate the risk of secession.
Best and worst case scenarios of the possible outcomes of the secession were simultaneously analyzed and compared. Similarly, the researchers did the same for the regionalism option outcomes.
Furthermore, the benefits of the secession and autonomy were compared with possible consequences of the possible brutal merciless retaliation actions from the tyrant dictator against the population of the seceding tribes.
Among the several detailed internal documents prepared by the researchers and circulating within the Diaspora community of Bari Region are but not limited to “Effective strategies for defense”, “Political strategies”, “Foreign Affairs, Economic and Social Strategies” and a draft of a fair and just constitution totally different  from the current biased and badly written constitution of Puntland. Several other documents dealing with the rules and regulations of the number of parliament’s member tribes, the various counties of the region, the number of districts, etc., have been finalized.
According to the provisions of the new constitution of Bari Region, any member tribe of the alliance of Bari Region may withdraw its membership anytime that the council of their tribal elders decides to secede from the union of Bari Region. This provision fosters the idea of tribal federalism in Bari Region and it could be extended to non Reer Bari tribes in the event they voluntarily join the commonwealth of Bari Region. Conditions of non Reer Bari tribes for joining the alliance are detailed in the procedures of the constitution.
The harsh experience that the tribes of Bari Region endured for a long time, teaches them to carefully design a bias proof political, social and economic institutions which would promote freedom, equality, justice and transparency in every aspect of the lives of the population of the Bari Region tribal alliance.
The secessionists have to remember the third law of Issac Newton which says that for every action there is an equal force of counter action (reaction). All of them agree that the politicians of Bari Region need to have a firm policy of rejection of their colonization backed up with military power.
Even though some of the researchers are adamantly against secession of any clan or a group of tribes from the tribal regional state of Puntland, the possible tribal conflict planned by the dictator of Puntland out weighs the harm from a peaceful but highly risky secession of the tribes of Bari Region.
Maybe the fragmentation of Puntland into smaller sovereign states is in the interest of the Puntalanders and would bring genuine unity based on fairness and justice.
7. Representation and Taxation
Even though they have full authority to declare their independence from Puntland, when it comes choosing between secession and regional autonomy of the tribes of Bari Region, we would like to encourage the full autonomy or regionalism over secession.
But even with the choice of autonomy, here are some of the points in which the tribal leaders of Bari Region have drawn a line in the sand and insist on as preconditions to stay in the tribal alliance of Puntland.
7.1 Elimination of “Representation without Taxation” policy in the Central Tribal Representatives Hall; and the introduction of “No Representation without Taxation” policy in the central hall of tribal representatives. Even though both policies are heading to the same direction, the first policy translates into a policy in which the provinces that have no contribution to the revenue of the central government budget will have solely a nominal representation without voting rights. As the Americans say “Representation without Taxation is indeed Tyranny!”
Amazingly, despite the lack of revenue contribution to the budget of Puntland, the sterile provinces have the highest representation in the parliament
The second part of the first policy “No Representation without Taxation”, clearly specifies that the share of the provincial representation in the central government will be based on the proportionality of the revenue in which each province contributes to the revenue of the central tribal regional government.
7.2 Introduction of “No Taxation without Representation” policy. As it says clearly, there will be no taxation without being represented in the parliament. This phrase was coined by the Americans during their revolutionary war against Britain. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_taxation_without_representation)
7.3 Full political, social and economic autonomy of Bari Region. The tribes of Bari Region decided to have their internal regional government in which all the tribes of Bari Region will participate on equal basis without the bias for any tribe. Furthermore, a high portion of their revenue will be invested to advance the development of political, social and economic infrastructures in the region.
7.4 The capital should be moved to other cities and rotate every five years starting this year, so the other cities of other tribes would have the same economic, social and political opportunities and privileges.
Most of us know why the capital is in the middle of the ruling sub-clans. There was even a time that it has been moved to Galcaio (http://horseedmedia.net/2011/08/04/khilaafki-puntland2001/).  Strategically Garoe is the worst city to have as a capital. It is only 9 Km to the border with Ethiopia. We know that some of the conventional mortars used by Somali militia can be used for a distance of 45 miles let alone the military arsenal of Ethiopia. Therefore, after tabulating the result of the survey from the participants, we found that most of the them agreed to move the capital to Iskushuban or on a coastal city far from the border with Ethiopia.
7.5 Useful and lucrative leadership government influential position should be shared among the tribes and rotated every two years.
7.6 Minority tribes should have an affirmative action privileges which will at least reduce the current disparities and injustices. Furthermore, these tribes should be compensated from the damages and given reparation of the previous injustices.
The ruling clans have to become flexible in accepting the conditions for a new alliance.
What is the reality in the ground? Could the conditions of “No taxation without representation” or “No representation without taxation” or “Autonomy of Bari Region” be applied in Puntland?
i. Having seen what the leaders of the ruling sub-clans are fighting for is actually the financial resources and the revenue from the taxes of the tribes of Bari Region.
ii. Having seen the historical background of how the previous dictators obtained the power to rule the tribal state of Puntland.
iii. Having seen that any tribe who wants to be part of the ruling circle has to have a well built military at least capable to defeat the dictator’s troops.
iv. Having seen that the principal agreement among the ruling sub-clans is to compete among them for the ruling of Puntland but never allow any other clan or tribe to even dream to compete.
v. Having seen the blind ambition of the current dictator to build and succeed the monarchy in which the previous two dictators failed.
vi. Most of the people predict the immediate reaction of the dictator about secession or autonomy of Bari Region to be a full invasion of the main cities of Bari Region. The reality is that the dictator doesn’t give rat’s behind the secession of Bari Region as long it doesn’t include the Port of Bosaso. He will not hesitate for a minute to use brute force to anybody who wants to take the port of Bosaso away from him.
There are two levels that one might look at the above issues. The first level consists on the strategies to fight or accept colonization. The second level would be revealed in the Part III of the report.
At the first level tribal leaders of Bari Region have two choices.
1. To accept the exploitation, humiliation, subjugation and slavery not only for today but also for the future generations of the tribes of Bari Region.
2. To reject the slavery and exploitation. The second choice requires several strategies in planning, organization, cooperation and coordination of tribal chiefs, religious leaders, women’s leadership, tribal militia leaders, businessmen, intellectuals, students, Diaspora, media campaign managers and most of all financial resources.
If they accept their slavery condition everything will be normal and there will be no armed conflict in Puntland except the killing of those who refuse to pay the protection money. The population of the tribes of Bari Region would be mainly similar to livestock that could be used and channeled anyway the ruling sub-clans desire.
If they decide to refuse the exploitation, they need several strategies with concrete plans to rebel against the exploiters. The first strategy could be their need to have a well organized tribal militia capable of defeating the troops of the dictator and his allies. Freedom comes with a price tag. In addition of the available human capital and organizational skills; defending the dignity and freedom of their future generations requires financial resources to build and maintain their tribal militia during the quest for freedom. They need to invest in a strong media capable of defeating the propaganda of the ruling sub-clans.
If they don’t use their financial resources for their freedom, it is obvious that they are keeping it for the current and future exploiters of their children.
They could at least try to sacrifice their humiliated miserable sorry lives and use their money for the freedom and the dignity of their children. Look the case of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and Palestine. They have to take lessons from the Arab spring. Today or never.
Those who believe that the best defense is to have not only defensive strategy plans but also great offensive plans would like to postpone the secession for six months to prepare their militia and ride out the storm so they can have a better chance to fight in an appropriate date. They also made plans to weaken the income of the dictator.
Even though they are not in agreement, some of the importers and exporters are planning to take their business elsewhere in the natural ports of the costal areas of Bari Region and pay the taxes to their militia which could provide them full protection. Others are planning to take their business to other ports such as Berbera, Djibouti and Mombassa. Soon the boycott will be in effect, consequently, the dictator will see his income shrinking day after day.
Apart from the reaction of the dictator, these group of researchers who would like to postpone the secession asked the participants several question that were analyzed and debated in the conference. We will mention here few of the questions.
Will the other regions accept the autonomy of Bari Region? Is there anything wrong that each province be autonomous? Is there anything wrong with the policy that the representation of the parliament be based on the contribution of the revenue to the budget of the state?
Will the tribes with higher representation in the parliament accept fair representation based on size of the population?
Since the tribes who have the largest share of parliamentary representation don’t contribute to the revenue of the tribal state of Puntland, would they accept a representation formula based on a combination of the size of the population and contribution to the budget of the state of Puntoland? And what if they refuse to accept justice, fairness and equality in Puntland?
Some of you are asking what the solutions for these questions were. We are bound not to reveal the strategic actions that are currently in progress.
This section focused on the assumption that the autonomy of Bari Region is accepted. Some of researchers believe that the ruling sub-clans would not have a common ground with an autonomous tribes of Bari Region . Anything that the tribes of Bari Region propose to the ruling sub-clans would be rejected. Therefore, the tribes of Bari Region have no other choice except to focus into the secession.
8. Employment in Puntland
What is a well known characteristic in Punt land’s state employee’s composition is the lack of diversity. Only the ruling sub-clans occupy almost all the public service sectors including law enforcement, military, judicial branch, and administrative, technical, local and international NGO counterparts.
Even though the provision and the promises in which the state was established mandated equality and justice in political, social, environmental and economical aspects of the government of Puntland including the public sector employment, there has never been equality and a hint of justice in the public sector employment of Puntland.
Because of the formation of the core public service employment which is exclusively made of members of the ruling sub-clans (http://somalifans.net/2009/08/13/faallo-46/ and http://hurgumo.com/index.php/siym/gobm/puntiland/153-shaqgb1 and
http://www.hiiraanpost.net/maqaalada/soomaalidamaogocadaaldaradakajirtopuntland), it seems that it has been applied across the board to an Equal Employment Opportunity solely for the members of the ruling sub-clans. We are known to tell the truth, even when it hurts to hear.
Examples of intentional employment discrimination in the law enforcement agencies is clearly visible in the so called Marines of Counter Piracy Fleet, Presidential Guards, Financial Guards of the Port of Bosaso, Guards of the Airports of Garoe, Galcaio and Bosaso. All the employees of the Counter-Terrorism Strike Force (former PIS) are from the same sub-clan while the new Death Squad Division, the Presidential Guards, the new Puntland Intelligence Squad are exclusively from another sub-clan.
Every state employee that you ask his tribal affiliation will answer “Who else!”.  Everybody knows that these and other agencies belong exclusively to ruling clans. Who knows, you might get a low level employment if you are married to or maternally related to the ruling sub-clans.
Clear examples of the tribal employment discrimination will be found in every agency of the state of Puntland. The one of the Ministry of Finance is openly visible in the tax collectors of the port of Basaso, in the airports of Bosaso, Garoe and Galcaio, in the border check points of Galcaio, law enforcement of every barrier gate check points in the cities, towns and villages. What amazed us is the law enforcement and tax collectors in any check point belong not only to the same sub-clan but also to the same sub-jiffi.
We always wondered the ultimate goals behind so many check points on the highway between Bosaso-Galcaio. You will find barrier gates in the two extremities of the road of every village, town and city on the highway between Bosaso-Gardo, between Gardo-Garoe, between Garoe-Galcaio. The drivers of cargo trucks carrying commodities and passengers have to bribe the members of the law enforcement in every check points if they want to pass without hassle  (Insert the article as source). The trucks carrying perishable goods have to pay higher bribe rates, otherwise their products could be searched and most probably stolen or destroyed in the process of inspection. Could somebody tell us what are the objectives of so many check points on the highways, on the exits and the entrances of the cities, towns and villages? Why not take all these manpower to the borders?
If we spread a rumor that soon some of these law enforcement bodies in the check points will be sent to the front to defend the borders of Puntland, we bet that the members of the law enforcement at these check points and their barrier gates will disappear in less than a day.
One also would ask the objectives of the barrier gates within a city protecting important individuals of the regime. We counted 52 check point barrier gates in Bosaso alone. Go figure! If these individuals have to be protected from the people that they are supposed to serve, then maybe it is time they should resign from their posts, back their suitcases and leave unless they are there for their own interest. Those of you who are old enough will remember that during the military regime of absolute dictatorship of Siad Barre, none of the cabinet ministers had a body guard or a check point at their homes. Few members of the Revolutionary Council had a maximum of two body guards and not sixty well armed body guards with several technicals.
If one counts the number of the law enforcement individuals busy collecting bribes from these check points and the fire power they keep, we are sure that the state could be defended with the number of these elephant soldiers alone.
Apart from low rank civil service positions, which are almost exclusively reserved for the members of the ruling sub-clans, when a management position opens up, the administration of Puntland, through nepotism techniques, already has acting or somebody next in line to fill the position immediately. Most of the time this “favorite individual” who generally comes from abroad are either put on in the highly paid management ranks or directly placed on a top position in which the person has no knowledge or qualification of the job descriptions of the position. There used to be some employees of other tribes during the military regime of Siad Barre. Most of them were fired and replaced with the ruling sub-clan members. That this reminds you the techniques of the military regime of Somalia where somebody who recently came from the nomadic area and still his hands stink from the camel urine (habeed) is given a high ranking position with many stars on his shoulders in the Somali military?
We have seen a high corruption rate not limited within Puntland, but there are the so called “Absentee Employees” receiving salaries and perdiems while they reside in Minneapolis, London Toronto, Washington D.C. or in the major cities of the Scandinavian countries in which their main duty is to organize support for the regime of Puntland.
Although it is not a written law, it is expected from every administration to distribute the ministerial cabinet positions, the politically influential position on the bases of tribalism. The strategic and all lucrative positions are usually reserved to the most trusted members of the ruling sub-clan. Don’t ask why!. Trust is the operative key word, but we should have included individuals who are loyal, corrupt, obedient, immoral, mellow, flusy, easy going and with no deep connection with their tribes or clans, if these individuals are from other tribes.
Most of the times, the influential personalities of the same clans or tribes compete for this ministerial position of which their tribe would have received anyway.
It is usually characteristic for certain clans to buy the position from the president of the time. The most influential one who offers the highest amount receives the position of that tribe. It is up to that person whether to keep it for himself or give the position to his close relatives. In other words the position is practically nominated to a person of that tribe, but at the nomination stage, the president does not consult with the politicians or the tribal chiefs of the tribe that receives the position.
Some tribes receive a nominal ministerial office such as the Minister of Sand and Rocks. Please, don’t laugh, it is still an influential position since the Minister of Sand and Rocks can meet with the sons of the president and even though it is boring, one could participate in the meeting of the cabinet ministers without reading the Koran at the beginning or at the end of the meeting.
If, at least the administration would have realized that it is in its own interest to reduce the employment bias and nominates a charismatic Employment Affirmative Action Czar with greater flexibility and capable of grabbing the bull by the horns to correct at least some of the past and present employment injustices, then one could hope for the unity of the remaining tribes of Puntland. Otherwise, one could see the handwriting on the wall “failed state of Somalia, failed state of Puntland”.
There is a high possibility that an efficient employment czar would or might anger many of us, but as long he has the blessing of the dictator, he could perform his duties well and have concrete and tangible results that will have a great impact on the government of the tribal regional state of Puntland.
Since its inception, the corruption is at its highest stage in the tribal regional state of Puntland. Thanks to the tyrant dictator of Puntland and his sons Uusey and Kuusey who are being groomed to succeed him on the throne. We are sure that they are not Cutaya and Qusaya of Iraq or Gamal and Alaa of Egypt or Sayful Arab and Sayful Islam of Libya or Ahmed and Yahya of Yemen.
None of the known Somali dictators included their sons in their administration or the common corruption. There is a first for everything.
9.1 The Tyrant Dictator of Puntland
As we have seen recently in the Arab spring uprising, tyrant dictators never give up power easily unless they are killed or captured. The most recent examples of the unpleasant fate of stubborn dictators were Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Slobodan Milosovic of Serbia, Charles Taylor of Liberia, Husny Mubarak of Egypt and Libya’s Col. Gheddafi. We are awaiting the fate of Ali Saleh of Yemen and Bashar Al-Assad of Syria, Khalifa of Bahrain and the one of Puntland. The fact is that all these kleptocratic tyrants accumulated so much wealth yet it has not been enough for them. The embezzlement of the resources of their people made them blind to see that it is time to go. They never realized when it is enough and leave.
Power is one of the worst addictive drugs. We use this analogy for its simplicity of understanding the parallelism between the dictators, specifically the one of Puntland and the drug addicts.
Power is worse than alcohol, weed, crack, heroine, and PCP combined. Generally, one can predict the behavior of the user of one of these drugs. But when one uses a combination of these drugs, he/she will display multiple personalities and become unpredictable. Let us explain why we equate power to a combination of drugs.
1. The first addiction of the dictator is the greed for money. As the good book says “the love of money is the root of all sorts of injurious things.” The dictator used to be a banker. He worshiped and still worships the false god money. His obsession and love for money is unparalleled and unsurpassed. In his nightmares he cries “More, more and more money”. His career was always intertwined with money–Financial guard, banker, and minister of finance, ministry of planning and coordination of foreign aid. As financial guard, he collected and embezzled money, learned its value and what it can do. Later he became an experienced banker in the corrupt military regime of Siad Barre in which he worked for a long time and learned how to embezzle more money. Bankers are totally an amazing different breed from politicians. Unfortunately the problem of Puntland is that the dictator is a combination of tribal politician (in which he holds an honorary PhD degree in tribalism) and a banker. Usually, politicians love power but not money. They are not profit seekers. Their chemical high and thrill comes from exercising power and for them power is like a game of cards, let us say Dabaka Eri or Bucshiro in which they compete with others. Even when they know that they will loose the game, they still keep playing for the thrill of getting the aces of their opponents with sixes (biig). The analogy in the western world would be –Chess or Black Jack. Therefore, we should set them apart from a dictator who combines the tribal politics with banking and who uses politics in order to accumulate money (http://www.somalilandpatriots.com/news-9148-0).
Unlike one of his predecessors who shared the money of Puntland with some of the tribal chiefs, the current dictator shares the money with his offspring (http://amiinarts.blogspot.com/ ). Please observe the cartoon closely. What does the political cartoon tells you? Most of you who lived in the military regime will remember 6 years and 8 months sentences for anybody who embezzled certain amount of money. Embezzlement of the financial resources by anyone who becomes president of Puntland or the Minister of Finance is condoned and very frequently became an accepted customary rule to the point of not being considered a crime at all. Since the dictator is the top predator of the food chain in Puntland, nobody challenges him. There are no auditors checking as to why, when, where and what has happen to the financial resources of Puntland.
Since its inception, the corruption is at its highest stage in the tribal regional state of Puntland, thanks to the tyrant dictator of Puntland and his sons Uusey and Kuusey who are being groomed to succeed him on the throne. We are sure that they are not U’ttaya and Qusaya of Iraq or Gamal and Alaa of Egypt or Sayful Arab and Sayful Islam of Libya or Ahmed Saleh and cousin Yahya of Yemen, but they share similar characteristics. “Kuusey” has the same characteristics of U’ttaya Hussein, Kamal Mubarak, Ahmed Saleh and Sayful Islam Ghedafi.
In addition to the other delegated duties, his son “Kuusey” is in charge of the collection and the wire transfer of the money to personal foreign bank accounts in Dubai (UAE), Rome  (IT) and Melbourne (AU).
Don’t Hate Me Because I Love Money But It Is Not My Fault You Allowed Me to Steal
Why the night clubs are open only at night time if there is nothing wrong with dancing?  Despite the secrecy and lack of transparency of the affairs of the administration of Puntland, we have obtained from a very reliable government source, who would like to remain anonymous, that the annual rent from the fishing licenses issued to foreign fishing fleets goes straight to Kussey (One of the dictator’s offspring).
Other sources gave us the details of the revenue from taxes. A major portion of the revenue from the taxes of the port of Bosaso, airport of Bosaso, Garoe and Galcaio are deposited in a personal account of the dictator in Dubai. International aid from several countries such as Libya, Kuwait, UAE, Britain, USA, etc., is deposited in personal accounts in Italy, UAE, and Australia. The royalty fees of the oil and minerals rights from Range Resources (http://www.somalitalk.com/terry/terry38.htmlQofna) and African Oil Corporation is deposited in Australia under Ussey’s personal bank account (one of the sons of the dictator). Most of the Puntlanders are not aware that Range Resources and African Oil Corporation are also industrial toxic waste haulers that dump legally the toxic waste in Puntland without any ground preparation. For the dictator is just another source of income but for the current and future generations of Puntland it is matter of life and death. God help the people of Puntland.
In addition to all that money the dictator receives, there are businessmen in Bosaso who quite often visit him and take to him “the tributes.” Some times the money for favors of tax breaks, specific lucrative contracts, monopoly to import certain items, etc., but some times is given to him as protection money. Those who don’t give him the protection money have to pay to the leaders of the troops from Garoe.
Furthermore, the dictator owns two factories which secretly print worthless Somali shillings. These factories are located to inaccessible area near the torture center but close to the military training camp in the coastal areas south of Eyl ( http://hurgumo.com/index.php/siym/gobm/puntiland/151-warlacag ). This is increasing the inflation effects and has a huge impact on the economy of Puntland and Somalia.
Everybody knows that the dictator is always looking for a new source of revenue. He is a very creative individual when it comes to finding new sources of income. Some of trekkies of deep space nine of star trek call the dictator Mr. Frengi (an intergalactic race extremely oriented for business and have the earlobe for profit). It seems that the dictator of Puntland memorized all the Frengi rules of acquisition and combined with the rules of Power (http://www2.tech.purdue.edu/cg/courses/cgt411/covey/48_laws_of_power.htm). Oh, We almost forgot that he used to be a banker. No wonder he is obsessed of money.
The objectives of the dictator of creating piracy and terrorism in Puntland have three objectives. First is that the dictator gets economic and military aid which will further his goals. In order to get the economic and military support he created troops that create instability and terror. According to Wikileak, the dictator increased the violence in Puntland to push for greater economic and military international support to
his security services (WikiLeaks cable on Puntland). Even though he is the mastermind of the violence and the lack of security in Puntland, the dictator cries wolf and plays the terrorist card very well (Read section 9.2 Terrorism card).
{[Despite the freedom of speech granted by the second amendment of the US constitution, there are certain laws that forbid us to further disseminate the US, UK and other European classified information already published by Wikileaks]. Despite the U.S. congress repeatedly failing to pass a law that would outlaw dissemination of classified information, as long as the information is Confidential, Secret and Top Secret, we are reluctant to disseminate further even though it has been published into many Somali and international websites. We will just mention the source of the information as (Wikileaks cables on Puntland). There are more than 950 Wikileak cables published on Puntland’s current administration and its pirates. If somebody is interested they would know how to get it from the source}. We did our best to minimize the use of Wikileaks cables as a source to prove our point. We don’t have the resources or the guts of Julian Assange.
Why the Somali pirates are not in Djibouti, Saylac, Berbera, Maidh, Las Qoray, Bosaso, Buruc, Kandla, Dhurbo, Murcanyo, Bareda, Habo, Alula, Toxin, Bargal, Hurdiya, Hafun or Bender Beyla? Why the main ports of hijacked vessels are in Eyl and Harardhere? Somalis know that Eyl is the residence of the dictator’s sub-clan. The capital of Somali piracy — As the article in the following link explains, Eyl is the home base of the mother of all mothers of piracy (Wikileak cable) (http://portlandpirate.tribe.net/m/thread/fb345fc4-3392-45f8-8ff0-352f825b9126).
The pirates are from these cities and close relatives of the population of the sub-clans living in these cities. It is not only for easy inland escape route after the ransom is paid but also for the easy access of the needed logistics of food, water, kat, women and manpower in case they need military support. It is obvious to everybody that the members of other tribes are not allowed to participate and practice piracy. Any member of other tribes suspected practicing piracy will be arrested by the dictator’s troops, sentenced by his judges and killed or given harsh long sentences such a way they rot in the prisons (. Even in the favorable articles ((http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/09/world/africa/09pirate.html?pagewanted=all), in which the dictator want to use the western media to show that his administration is really fighting against piracy, shows that the pirates roam freely in Garoe, the capital of Puntland and give open interviews to the western media bragging their achievements in hijacking and kidnapping innocent seafarers. Did the administration arrest the pirates? No way!. In this article you can see that if members of other tribes try to join the lucrative piracy business, they will be eliminated.
The dictator in person participates in the raids of the pirates of other tribes preparing for their journey to the sea. He combats against the pirates of other tribes competing with his monopoly business of piracy. As the author of the article writes “One afternoon, while in Bosaso, the president personally led a sudden raid on a gang of pirates preparing to shove off into the Gulf of Aden”. (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/04/opinion/04bahadur.html?pagewanted=all)
Nobody knows whether this raid was orchestrated to show off the westerners or they were informed of the competition and wanted to crush the competition in piracy. The question is why in Bosaso? The tribes of Bosaso are not known to be pirates and they are not allowed to participate in the business of piracy. Why the dictator didn’t lead the raid of the pirates in Eyl? Why the leaders of the pirates who are also members of the security forces of the dictator never been arrested since they freely roam in Garoe? If VOA, BBC, New York Times and other international media are able to interview the leaders of the pirates in Garoe and Eyl, why can’t the administration arrest them? Why according to Bahdur, these individuals are celebrities in Puntland? Why the son of the dictator welcomed Jay Bahdur and introduced to the leaders of the pirates of his sub-clan?
In addition of being reported to the western intelligence agencies, those suspected in piracy who are members of other tribes (if they exist) are used as an escape goat and blamed for all the past and present piracy activity in Puntland. The aggressive media of the dictator and the intelligence agencies of Puntland report to the western intelligence agencies that innocent members of a whole tribe are pirates and terrorists, when pirates are really members of the administration. The pirates of the ruling sub-clans don’t like competition (Wikileaks cables). Everybody knows that piracy is a monopoly business protected by the dictator. The main reason that the dictator –who is also head of Puntland’s piracy organizations — increased the piracy activity is for financial reasons. In addition of getting his share from the ransoms of the hijacked ships, his main goal is to ask the United Nations and western countries to provide him military and economic assistance to fight against the pirates (Wikileaks cable). Despite money being the main goal of the dictator, military assistance increases his power. The western intelligence agencies are not that stupid to see through the cheap techniques played by the dictator. They dealt with dictators much and much smarter and greedier than this one. To them he looks like a dilettante amateur mushuguna. As Wikileak shows, the western intelligence agencies know for fact that the dictator  “appears increasingly determined to erode the integrity of Puntland”.
The dictator of Puntland prepared a plan to hijack a Somali owned ship from the port of Bosaso. The objective of the plan was to ask financial and military assistance to the United Nations and western countries. Among all the ships that were being hijacked by the members of his sub-clan, the hijackers of this ship were given specific orders not to bring this ship to Eyl as it was the norm and stay in the coast of Bargal. The dictator tried to make this group of pirates look like that they belong to the tribes of Ras Asseyr and not his own sub-sub-clan. As a backup plan to release the hijackers in case of failure of the plan was the capture of UAE flagged oil tanker ship MT Jubba XX.
Majority of the people working at the port of Bosaso knew the names, and sub-clan affiliation of the soldiers who pretended to be pirates and hijacked a Somali owned ship from the port of Bosaso.
Did anybody notice that whenever a Somali ship is hijacked, the pirates use it as a mother ship for a while and release without getting any ransom. This time everybody knew that the hijackers were the troops of the dictator from Garoe (http://jamrockvybz.com/forum/topics/1000man-militia-being-trained). None of the locals dared to criticize the fake pirates for the fear of loosing their family members. Even though they were trained to fight against piracy, the excuse of the troops from Garoe for hijacking the ship was that they were not paid their monthly salaries when in reality the whole operation was planned by the dictator.
The second way of getting funds from the United Nations and western countries is the use of terrorism. Puntlanders know that the troops of the dictator are the main culprits of the fake bombs in all over Puntland. As the author of this article put it “terror plots fabricated and foiled by the culprits themselves”
Piracy and terrorism are means in which the dictator gets more financial and military assistance to further his personal and sub-clan goals. The dictator really doesn’t care the innocent lives perishing in the process of reaching his goals.
A letter was prepared and sent to the appropriate authorities of the UN and the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) (http://www.somaliareport.com/index.php/post/1206.)
In addition of economic and military assistance from the United Nations and western countries, the third objective of this plan was also a political move to blame, discredit and undermine the secession of Ras Asseyr State from Puntland by labeling the tribes of Ras Asseyr as pirates. As the current dictator said: “the previous dictator used and succeeded it, why not try it again?” It didn’t work this time. It is not the dictator’s fault, it is the fault of the think tank of the ruling sub-clans in Minneapolis who devised the plan. To understand the link between piracy of Puntland and the dictator of Puntland, one has to read the book of Jay Bahadur on Somali piracy. The son of the dictator introduced the author the top leaders of the piracy business. Mr. Bahdur shows the relationship between the dictator and his administration with the leadership of the piracy.
The dictator’s love for money has reached a low level stage. Would you believe that he is still registered as a senior citizen who came as a refugee in Australia. Despite all the money he gets, would you believe that he is still withdrawing money from the Australian government as a refugee? The Somalis in Scandinavian countries, in the UK and USA understand how to draw welfare money from the government general assistance fund. In the analysis we excluded the meager income of the dictator from selling Ogadeni refugees to Ethiopia.
There are other sources of financial resources that the dictator receives from elsewhere which we would like to keep it secret for the moment.
As the great poet Mohamed Ga’al Hayow said in his Guurow called “The Letter”:
“Dheecaanka sibirkaba hadaad dhibic ka sooqaado,
ee dhuub sonkora loo geshee dhererka loo buuxsho,
dhadhenka iyo kharaarkiisu waa shey u dhalashaahe,
Afrikaankii dhowr jago qabtee dheef ku macagtoobay,
ee dhuux shanshiyo dhayla duban dhinac walba u laacay,
ee dhay labeen leh iyo qudaar dhiiga soo xirira,
Ku dhabiiltamee sheyga dhiman miiska soo dhiga leh,
dhudhunkiisa kuma waarto, waa dhaxal wareegtaae, ………….,
Dheg wax maqasha kama muuqato iyo dhaaya wax arkaahe”.
Unfortunately, there are neither detox centers nor 12 steps for money and political power addiction. As the clean patriotic poet who never got involved in the Somali clannish warfare Mr. Mohamed Ga’al Hayow said in his guurow Guda Colow: “Ninkii gooni jaleecsaday haruub guuto wada maashay, geelana xigtiisii dambiyo gulufta doonaya, waa lagu gartee, waxaa ku filan gooni naga qaad”. Let us go back to the drug addiction issues.
2. The second drug addiction is that the dictator worked for other Puntland corrupt regimes which he even tried to overthrow. He learned more corruption from his predecessor. Despite his failed coup d’etat against his predecessor, for several years he planned his detailed revenge against his major nemesis (http://wardheernews.com/Articles_09/Jan/Mohamed_Ali/02_Puntland_Presidential_Hopefuls.html). He is itching and would like to play the dangerous game of revenge which is (according to him) sweet.
3. The third drug addiction is to have more of what gives them the rush and the thrill. They want to stay high all the time. The more they use it, the more they need to satisfy their increasing addiction. Similarly the dictator is addicted to power and want to have more of it. The desire and use of power is incrementally addictive. As R. J. Maybury once said “The thrill of power comes from the use of power”. The dictator has passion, desire and enthusiasm for power. He likes to give orders and see that people obey him, but unfortunately the orders involve the lives of other people and have disastrous consequences which he enjoys.
In order to stay in power and embezzle more financial resources of Puntland, the dictator is preparing himself to be re-elected for another three years (Knock on wood!). He has announced his re-election team and nominated the election committee of Puntland. What happened to the promises that he made in his speech at the parliament when he was seeking to be elected in 2009? In the following link you can hear his well prepared election manifesto which he made many promises including free elections. (http://www.somalitalk.com/2009/jan/puntland.html) What happened to the political parties that he promised within six months? What happened to Sol Region which he said that he will liberate through sheer power? What heavenly PCP was he on when he made that speech?
As long as we are discussing about election, let us not forget what happen before. We would like to mention few of the tactics and tricks of election. Even though the dictator is the only one who will stay in power in the next term if all factors stay the same (cetris paribus), to make the process of the presidential election look legitimate, there will be candidates known as “place holders” from the same ruling sub-clans declaring their candidacy.  Remember how many candidates were from the same sub-clan of the current dictator in the last election? Exactly sixteen (16) candidates were from the current dictator’s sub-clan, and six candidates were from other ruling sub-clans (Source: ). To obfuscate the public opinion, the majority of the candidates selected the current dictator to be the spokesman for the candidates. Did any of the fake candidates who made him the spokes person for the candidates, participated in the election? Neh.
You should also ask yourself: What happen to all the animosities among the ruling sub-clans when it came competing with “The Others”? (http://africanelections.tripod.com/puntland.html#2009_Presidential_Election). At the end one would question the whereabouts of the supporters who voted for Nurudin Dirie and Adde Musse. Well, it seems that the sworn enemies, suddenly became brothers and voted for their real candidate. What happen to the phony animosity among the ruling sub-clans? Miskiin Ilka Jir! He believed that Puntland was for everybody. Now that he became an insider, would he still believe that?
Because of their lack of vision and creativity, again in the next election, there will be some “place holder” candidates from the ruling sub-clans who will declare their candidacy. Even though we already know the group that will insist and use the term “it is our turn”, we would like your opinion and your guesses which clan will fight for the dictatorship position of Puntland, if and only if Puntland stays together.
If the dictator doesn’t secure enough parliamentarians to vote for him or he senses that he could fail, despite the blackmail videos in his possession, he has devised seven (7) back up alternative strategies to stay in power. The first three consist on the dictator staying behind the scenes but others will be running the show.
Among the seven plans, a much discussed plan for him to stay in power is to make a fake coup d’etat led by his own trusted militia declaring that they have deposed the tyrant dictator and the power is in the hands of sincere officers of the military of Puntland. Many people will fall for that. It consists on a militia revolution in which the leaders of the militia of the ruling sub-clans use some of the power hungry individuals who run the militia of the oppressed tribes. The top leaders of the ruling sub-clans militia could convince or if it becomes necessity extort them to join them in the process of overthrowing the dictator. In this case the population of Puntland will be convinced that the new military regime overthrew the dictator and they will do the best for the state. The question is when the people of Puntland are going to be free from military rule?
The second alternative is the “tribalism wearing religious garment”. It is the same power of the ruling sub-clan militia using military might but this time led by individuals wearing Arab religious garment.
4. One could conclude that nobody can trust what the dictator says or promises. The most common characteristic of drug addition is deceitfulness. A symptom that the dictator became known for is his deception. In order to get what he wants, he will say and promise the moon. Just listen to his speech at the parliament (http://www.somalitalk.com/2009/jan/puntland.html: Speeches of the candidates). Carefully listen to all the promises he made in order to be elected. Is there one promise that he has fulfilled? Listen very carefully to all of his speeches and the promises he made.  Even though it is not polite to call somebody with names such as “Pathological Liar” one could easily say that he displays the symptoms.
5. Power is worse than the combination of the drugs we mentioned above. It creates a mental disorder in those who over use it. In addition to all these above explained behaviors, the dictator tries to look like a mysterious diplomat and hides his mental status with fake smiles. Apart from his natural chronic disease (which we will not reveal and never use it to criticize him), most of the time he is moody, irritable, short tempered, withdrawn and deeply depressed. With the smallest criticism, he lashes out in defensive mode and becomes a raving lunatic and aggressive. His lack of diplomacy and common sense is continuously displayed in his prepared interviews with the privileged journalists in the trusted circle. He has a bizarre behavior of using extremely obscene abusive foul-mouthed curses in the interviews when he insults parliamentarians, tribal dignitaries, religious leaders, women and intellectuals. It makes most of the people wonder if he is on heavy drugs.
Despite knowing his peculiar behavior the politicians, the tribal representatives and the religious leaders have to meet with him to talk pressing issues of their tribal constituencies. Instead of treating them with dignity and respect that they deserve even if he is refusing to fulfill their request, the dictator treated the tribal representatives and the religious leaders inhumanly and used demeaning rude vulgar language in response (http://www.kalshaalenews.com/?p=2914). (http://www.bosasopress.com/dr-faroole-ma-garwaaqsan-doonaa-in-uu-raaligelin-ka-bixiyo-xildhibaankii-uu-ku-xadgudbay).  If you are around him even for a short time, you will immediately realize that the dictator is really unfit to be a leader for Puntland.
Would you trust somebody who has a dependency on drugs, or openly tells you that he continually uses alcohol in combination with PCP, crack and heroine to reach his chemical high thrill rush? Would you trust him to take care of your beloved family?
There you have it. You answered for yourself. In the intellectual sense, that is what we want to tell you. The problem is that he is telling to the Puntlanders that he is doing all these things for them and not for himself. Denial is the first characteristics of addicts. Yes, we know that all the Libyans love Gheddafi and he believed so much his own lies.
If everybody you encounter tells you that you have a tail, most probably you will not believe them, but maybe it is better that you turn around and check out whether you really have a tail or not. If you are unable to see it, go to your most trusted primary doctor, or maybe you should use four way reflective mirrors that will allow you to see your behind.
Absolute Authority — The Building Blocks of Dictatorship to Monarchy in Process.
It is not the fault of the dictators, but the blame goes to those who voted for and the people who accepted  the biased and badly written temporary draft constitution (It is a fraud document intentionally drafted to benefit one specific group). The position of the president has unlimited powers. The administration of Puntland is a one man show since there are no legislatures. The so called legislators are composed of a body of appointees of the tribal leaders. They were not selected because of a knowledge about law or knowledge of consuetudinal law or knowledge about government functions. The tribal representative is practically sent to the house of tribal representatives to obtain a salary that pays the bill of his family. The majority of the parliamentarians are incapable of signing their own names let alone having knowledge about legislation and what constitution is. During the last presidential election of Puntland, despite their preparation and practice of writing the name of their presidential candidate, we have seen that most of the parliamentarians couldn’t write properly the name of the candidate they chose to elect.
The president who put on hold in finishing his masters degree in administration in Melbourne Australia has more knowledgeable than the tribal representatives. He becomes a dictator because of the illiterate parliamentarians who have no clue how to challenge the absolute dictatorship powers. In Puntland, there are no checks, balances and limitations of the president’s powers. Apart from the executive branch, every new president nominates his own supreme court, new judges of various levels of courts, new mayors and to some degree the city councils. The president has the power of firing and appointing new governors, Lt. Governors, mayors, police station chiefs, chiefs of security agencies, law enforcement chiefs, military commanders, directors of various agencies and city councils as it happen recently in Mudug, Karkar and Bari region.
Shouldn’t the leaders of these offices be elected by the local people, or the tribal chiefs? That proves the president has absolute, unchallenged powers which makes the president the only ruler of the tribal state of Puntland. Even in the most advanced nations of the world such as USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Scandinavian countries, there are illiterates but fortunately they don’t seek to be elected in the parliament.
The powers of the head of the government of Puntland have to be curtailed and strictly limited to the functions of a regular president in the executive branch of the tribal state. The powers of firing supreme court judges, city councils, governors, mayors and similar authorities, then replacing with his own cronies have to be taken away from any one who becomes head of state. When all the three powers of the state are concentrated into the president’s office it is called dictatorship or monarchy. We didn’t choose the term “dictator” for the current head of the regional tribal state of Puntland because of the concentration of all three powers, but because of the abuses of exercising these powers.
No disrespect intended to the dictator, and we have no prejudice against the dictator of Puntland, but we are judging him on his actions based on real facts.
A dictator who couldn’t tolerate the grievances of the tribal chiefs when they took back their vote of confidence, or couldn’t take no for an answer when the leaders of Warsangheli refused the exploitation of the minerals without being shareholders, would not be sitting back idle when the tribes of Bari Region declare their secession. Unless something tragic happens, the dictator would not listen to any reasonable Puntlander seeking to avert obvious consequences of his bad policies. Instead of diplomacy based concessions to the oppressed tribes, there will be a systematic extermination of their political and religious leaders, followed by the killing of businessmen, students and intellectuals. This is a warning to the leadership of the tribes of Bari Region. If you are not well prepared to fight to the end, don’t raise your heads.
It is a warning to the dictator and his allies in case he starts violence and invasion of Bari Region that not only the dictator and the ruling sub-clans would be blamed for the destruction of the unity of Puntland, but also other militarily capable tribes who stand the sideline and watch the folding events without interfering. We know for sure that the crimes that he commits will not be forgotten or forgiven by the people of Puntland. Any new atrocity committed by the regime and his allies will dampen a future reunification among the exploiters and exploited tribes of Puntland.
As we have seen quite often, the dictators in general (including the dictator of Puntland) are ready to fight to the end using other people regardless of the consequences for the population and the resources of their countries. They don’t care if the country crumbles or the economic, social and political infrastructure is destroyed in the process of their fighting for power. The only thing they care most is to stay in power. Forget what happen in Iraq, Libya, former Yugoslavia, Syria, Yemen or Egypt and look what happened in Mogadishu after the Exodus. The people who took charge of running Mogadishu after the civil war did not steal only mobile properties. They did not only dismantle and took the machinates of the factories of milk, cigarettes, hides and skins, sugar, meat, etc., but also dug the earth to get the underground communication wires in order to sell as scrap metals, while others sold the right to bury industrial toxic waste in the country to Italian waste hauling companies. What a shame! These individuals are still part of the Somalia Transitional Federal Government leadership.
The only peaceful way to get rid of the dictator of Puntland is to help him to become the president of Somalia. He wants to achieve what another dictator achieved and maybe more. Currently we are developing viable strategies to make him the president of Somalia. First we have to convince him that he is a big fish in a small pond that needs a bigger pond. A new think tank is selected to gather information and work hard on the organization, platform and the techniques needed to promote him to a higher dictatorship position in Somalia. But the question is “Is he ready for a bigger pond?” The frog said: “I know all the corners of this pond that I live in, I talk about this pond all the time and nothing else.”
Feuds and Tribal Conflicts in Bari Region Created By the Dictator
Recently after several conferences, the locals and their Diaspora including political and religious leadership of several tribes disseminated proclamations declaring that they are taking back their vote of confidence from the current dictator of Puntland (http://hurgumo.com/index.php/siym/gobm/puntiland/152-trbcompas). (http://hurgumo.com/index.php/9-uncategorised/147-baaq-ah).
Since the pressure was gathering steam day after day, the dictator of the administration of Puntland planned a strategy that could distract those who were opposing him. The dictator organized and planned the execution of horrible crimes by fueling a forgotten feuding tribal conflict that has been long time solved and settled by tribal elders in which blood money has exchanged hands. From reliable government sources, seems that the tribe that was accused of committing the horrible massacre was not even involved. The truth is that troops of the dictator from Garoe were responsible of the atrocities committed against unarmed civilians. Well the dictator succeeded in the revival of spent ugly conflicts between neighboring sisters clans. Seems that objective of the plan to distract the dissidents is successful for now.  The same plan has been used before, but even though the cowardly plan was well executed, seems that this time it has crossed the boundaries  and ethics of Puntlanders as his own security minister declared.
It is necessary to consider the recent conflict between neighboring clans in which their conflict was orchestrated by the dictator in order to reduce the pressure from several tribes to resign (Source). With the growth of the number of tribes withdrawing their vote of confidence  from the dictator of Puntland, so was the edginess of the dictator of Puntland. To stop and completely distract the major complainers, the dictator and some of his cronies planned a flare up of a conflict that was solved and almost forgotten not only in Bari Region but also in Mudug Region. The execution of the plan was to commit mass atrocities were against unarmed civilians who were mainly families with children and women.
The critics never cease to ask the unavoidable question: Will the tribes who were previously not involved in the conflict, seek revenge not to the tribes that had been used as a pawn but to the real culprits of the massacre? We doubt, because some of the leaders of the wronged tribes are in cahoots with the dictator. The second question is: “Will the sleeping elephant wake up one of these days, find his lost limbs and show its power?”
The often oppressed and exploited tribes of Bari Region are facing a dangerous political storm that could send a tremendous shock wave across the tribal regional state of Puntland and Somalia.
The elements fueling the tribal conflicts are mainly troops of the administration whose main mission is to stir up trouble such a way that the people who are asking for their rights loose their focus and legitimacy of their ideals.
9.2 Terrorism Card
The dictator of Puntland exploits the fear of Western countries from the terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab and Al-Itihad. Most of the western countries are aware of the relationship between the dictator of Puntland, the Somali terrorist organizations and pirates which are documented in the western media (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2010/oct/14/pirates-are-winning/?pagination=false). The western intelligence agencies don’t realize the commanders of the real terrorist organization in Puntland come under the command of the dictator. In the near future, the western intelligence agencies that provide the training and the sophisticated weapons will open their eyes and realize that the real terror organization is the dictator (New York Times). Would the real terrorist of Puntland, please stand up?
The administration is linked to most of the terrorist countries and their leaders. Until his downfall, the Libyan leader funded one of the worst terrorist organizations of Puntland led by non other than the dictator of Puntland (Wikileaks cable on Puntland)
We strongly urge the western countries to stop listening to the blatant lies of the dictator of Puntland. There is no Al-Qaeda or Islamic fundamentalists in Puntland except the merciless killers known as the Puntland Death Squad who take many shapes and forms in their various operations. These troops of the dictator mimic the style of killing of Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, and through the media controlled by the administration; they claim to belong to these Islamic terrorists organizations.
One of these days the western countries will open their eyes and realize that the administration is the real terrorist and the weapons they provide is used for the piracy business and could be used in the future by Al-Qaeda against the western countries, since the dictator and his troops have a great relationship with Al-Qaeda and the Arab citizens who financially sponsor terrorism.
If the challenging individual is from the western nations, the administration labels the individual as somebody brainwashed by the western heathen priests and Zionists with the intention of spreading Christianity, Judaism, Atheism, pornography, prostitution, drugs, and equal rights for women.
Demonizing the opponents by calling them terrorists, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, Al-Itihad and religious fanatics applied to any tribe who refuses to be exploited and dominated is the norm in Puntland not an exception. It is common knowledge that the dictators of Puntland played the card of terrorism quite often (http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/24780-Carrying-Wolf-TFG-and-Puntland-Desperately-Play-the-Terrorist-Card ) and the current dictator is not an exception. He follows in the foot steps of his predecessors who always played the terrorism card. The shame is that US, France, UK and Ethiopia fall for these cheap tricks every time the dictator cries wolf.
It is obvious to most of us, that the western countries have an intense fear of Islamist religious fanatics such as Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, Hezbul Islam, Al-Itihad, Hizbul-Shaydan, etc.,. The dictator of Puntland is the master of the art of deception when it comes to using scare tactics on western countries. He became well known for exploiting the fear of the western countries for his own interest.
To obtain funding for his troops and at the same time use the military might of western countries to weaken or eliminate the militia of all the tribes deemed to be a challenge to his troops, the dictator of Puntland often uses what is simply known to the Somalis as “The terrorism card” against several tribes of Bari Region, Makhir State, Darwishland State, Ras Asseyr State, Gagaab State and Nobir State (http://somalilandpress.com/op-edpuntland%C2%B4s-false-flag-terrorism-could-undermine-its-stability-23654).
The western countries and Ethiopia have to keep in mind that the current dictator of Puntland is the real terrorist who is in cahoots with Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, Al-Itihaad and all the other Islamic fanatics. In fact the current dictator is associated with those who openly admitted that they are part of Al-Qaeda.
The western countries supporting the dictator should look closely at the link between the dictator and the leaders of the terrorist organizations such as Al-Shabab, Al-Qaeda and Al-Itihad. They will find out about the two main meetings in which the dictator of Puntland had with three high ranking Al-Shabab and Al-Itihad leaders in Kampala. Furthermore, the loud voice of Islamic terrorist groups sponsored by Islamic Arab charities and openly self-proclaimed Islamic extremists leaders are in Garoe and nobody ever arrested them just because they are members of the dictator’s sub-sub-clan. The western intelligence gatherers could simply google and find easily the names of these leaders who openly made speeches on radios and mosques of Garoe and Galcaio and officially opened their headquarter office in Garoe. The dictator keeps this group for his own interest. Since these leaders have close ties with other terrorist organizations in the southern Somalia. They can easily mobilize some of the terrorist groups to come and help the dictator in times of need. They have done so before and they can do it again.
Some of the pirates have a dual role because the leaders of the piracy business are from the sub-sub-clan of the dictator. Some times they are leaders of the pirates of Puntland; next, they are hunting the pirates of the tribes of southern Somalia as commanders of the military of Puntland but most of the time they are the commanders of the death squad of the dictator (New York Times)
Even though the intelligence agencies of the western countries are already aware, we would like to remind them that the troops and all the staff of the anti-terrorist strike force agencies of Puntland are composed solely of the members of the minority ruling sub-clans. Furthermore, the commanders of Puntland’s anti-terrorist agencies funded by western countries use the military capabilities of these agencies to advance their tribal hegemony agenda by capturing, interrogating, drowning, torturing, murdering, and committing never heard atrocities against the population of the opposing tribes in the name of combating terrorism.These3 statement is a facts that we can back up with mentally disturbing visual aids. The human rights groups and the western countries should be aware that this administration is committing crimes against humanity.
It became a political weapon for the dictators of Puntland to cry wolf and play the terrorist card anytime the leaders of certain tribes of Puntland refuse to be exploited and colonized.
Generally, the western countries ally with dictators as long as the dictators keep full control over their population. As Noam Chomsky said “Instead of promoting democracy, the western countries support brutal dictators (such as the dictator of Puntland)” as long as the dictator conforms to the western strategic interest. It doesn’t matter what the population feels or thinks toward the western countries as long as they are under the control of the dictator. They also close their eyes to the human rights abuses of the dictator of Puntland.
The western countries that provide armaments and financial resources to the current dictator of Puntland are seen by the people as accomplices to the massacres of the innocent lives by the dictator’s troops. The conscience of the leaders of anti-terrorism agencies of the western world will not be clean knowing that the dictator uses them with the excuse of fighting terrorism every time that a tribe or a clan refuses to be subjugated, colonized and exploited.
No wonder that people develop animosity toward Ethiopia and western countries supporting the dictator of Puntland because they fall too often for the lies of the dictator of Puntland. A piece of advice to the Ethiopia and western powers supporting the dictator. To have a greater influence in Puntland and Somalia to combat against terrorism, the western countries should ally with the population and not with the dictator. If the western countries don’t ally with the people of Puntland, the consequences might be that out of desperation, the youth of many oppressed tribes of Bari Region might join any terrorist or non-terrorist organization capable of providing weapons to them just to defend themselves, protect their families, bring back their honor and the dignity of their tribes.
A major factor contributing to the majority of the population of the Third World countries being sympathetic to China is that the government of China builds projects that touch the total population and are beneficial to the marginalized people. Such projects include but are not limited to schools, hospitals, wells, waterholes, stadiums, highways and roads interconnecting the country while the colonialists built only the infrastructure connecting the location of raw materials to the ports of export. That doesn’t mean that the population of the Third World Countries becomes communists just because China built some useful projects that touch their lives. On the other side, generally, the western countries give financial aid to the fat cats of the administrations ruling the Third World Countries who embezzle and deposit the financial aid into their private accounts in foreign banks.
The economic and military support of the western countries to the dictator creates animosity in the population of Puntland toward western countries. There is no shred of evidence of a crime committed by the members of the tribes of Bari Region against the interest of the western countries. On the innumerable times that the dictator accused the tribal leaders of these three tribes of Bari Region of terrorism and of Islamic fundamentalism, the administration couldn’t provide a shred of evidence to proof that they have committed. In fact, when you ask any Puntlander, they will testify that the troops of the dictator are the real culprits of all the bomb attacks, killing of innocent lives and terrorizing the population of Puntland.
To get more financial aid the dictator goes to the oil rich Arab countries (Kuwait, Libya, UAE etc.,) claiming that Diaspora from western countries is converting the population of Puntland to Christianity, Judaism and Atheism. In order to combat against these heathens, he needs to build madarasas and mosques to religiously educate the future generations. They too fall for the lies of the dictator, because the funds are generally deposited in the personal foreign accounts of the dictator.
Another peculiar behavior that we noticed is the charities from Muslim Arab countries to Somalia. We understand that these charity organizations have an interest to keep Somalia in chaos.
We know that the main source of income of those who are terrorizing the innocent Somali population is from the Arab charity organizations. Most of the leaders that the Arab charities supports are tribalist psychopathic criminals wearing the mantel of Islamic religion garments who murdered innocent people. With the promise that they will use the funds of the charities for noble causes, the recipient leaders use the funds for purchases of weaponry that are used to kill more innocent people. That should be on the conscience of the Arab charity organizations that sponsor these terrorist organizations.
We are appealing to the governments of these Muslim Arab Countries to monitor their charity organizations. Still we remember that Arab law enforcement troops rounded up all the Somalis who sought refuge in their countries like cattle and put them in containers and shipped them out to Mogadishu in the midst of the civil war. By the way for your information, most of the people you sent back to Somalia were killed. Honestly, we don’t need Arab charities and we don’t need the new Arab twisted religions. We are secular Muslims –We are fine with what we have and God loves us the way that we are. For your information, the only infidels that we have in Somalia are the warlords and those who are using the charities that you provide to them for killing innocent lives. Please and again please, keep your charity to yourselves and stick it were the sun doesn’t shine.
History teaches us that dictators’ brute force never succeeds despite their military might and financial resources. Examples are plenty. Francisco Franco, Augusto Pinochet, Nicolae Ceausescue, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Slobodan Miloševic, Idi Amin Dada, Mobutu Seso Seko, Charles Taylor, , Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gheddafi, Hosni Mubarak, Ali Saleh and Bashar Al-Assad, etc., etc.,.
9.7 Law Enforcement Of The Dictator From Garoe.
As the little old lady said “Abata Yasir”.
The turmoil and the terrorism in Bari Region were planned by the dictator and his think tank. First and foremost, the dictator trains troops of his own sub-clan through the Kuwaiti Security company. Before the dictator sends these troops to the source of income (Bosaso), he creates the need. The Kuwaiti Security Company is known as Threat Management Group (TMG). To understand more about this company please read the following links. (http://www.informationdissemination.net/2010/12/private-army-prepares-for-war-in.html ) and (http://www.buhodle.net/news-archives/254-tmg-security-company-signs-agreement-with-puntland-state-of-somalia.html.)
The dictator secretly sent his hooligans, known as “Elephant Soldiers” -merciless killers– to terrorize the population of Bosaso. As everybody knows, the elephant soldiers assassinated tribal leaders, tribal elders, religious leaders, businessmen, students, politician and intellectuals at the mosques. Many others were killed in broad daylight in the streets of Bosaso. Even the known culprits have never been caught, let alone the unknown. This allowed the dictator to keep the people fearful and totally absorbed into the lack of security.
The plan of the dictator was to use the terror and the lack of security that his hooligans created as an excuse to send the well armed troops from Garoe to Bosaso. Now with the excuse of bringing back the peace and the lost security, the dictator brought his well trained killers from Garoe to Bosaso. These troops were trained by the Kuwait Security Company in the south part of Eyl (Wikileaks cable on Puntland) and (http://www.informationdissemination.net/2010/12/private-army-prepares-for-war-in.html). Instead of focusing into establishing security in Puntland, these lawless troops became the instigators of more violence and crimes in Bosaso.
In the beginning the main purpose of their presence in Bosaso was to keep eye on the port of Bosaso and eliminate any threat to his cash cow (The Port of Bosaso). But in reality the objectives of their presence was far from keeping eye on the source of income.
The population of Bari Region knew that the troops of the dictator were the only thugs responsible for the execution of the planned systematic killings in Bosaso. The population of Bari Region didn’t suspect the main objectives of the invasion of the troops of the dictator from Garoe because they had hopes that their presence will be a deterrent to the planned systematic killings that became daily occurrences in Bosaso. On the other side, the politicians and the tribal elders of Bari Region thought that, like previous dictators, this dictator brought his troops from Garoe to Bosaso just to control his source of income (The port of Bosaso). What the tribal leaders and the politicians of Bari Region didn’t realize immediately is that the creation of the lack of security and stability in Bosaso was part of the larger plan to bring in troops from Garoe with the objective to bring certain tribes of Bari Region into their knees.
What they didn’t know is that the whole systematic killing was part of a bigger plan to colonize Bari Region. Some of the politicians who believed that it was a plan for the dictator to keep his troops to guard the port of Bosaso — the main source of income of the dictator — understand now that they couldn’t see that far because they never expected that he would have such plans in mind.
None of the politicians, intellectuals, tribal leaders and the religious leaders that later became the target for disarmament suspected the extent of the plan for which the troops from Garoe were brought to Basaso.
When these well trained killers from Garoe arrived in Bosaso instead of fighting the alleged terrorists “elephant soldiers” and secure the peace and stability in Bosaso, they joined openly the actions of the elephant soldiers from Garoe in terms of killing the elite of the targeted tribes for disarmament.
After the arrival of his troops to Bosaso, the expectation of the population was to see a decrease in the killing and the terror, instead, the killing rate increased tremendously. Certain tribal leaders asked for the dismissal of the dictator and they took back their vote of confidence
1. (http://hurgumo.com/index.php/siym/gobm/puntiland/152-trbcompas),
2.  (http://allssc.com/?p=14657),
3. (http://hurgumo.com/index.php/9-uncategorised/147-baaq-ah).
4. (http://puntlandtalk.net/node/2136?page=2)
But since they are the major reason of the lack of security, majority of the population of Bosaso realized that the main cause of the lack of security is actually the presence of troops of the dictator. The sad fact was that the population of Bosaso could not get rid of them.
In addition to the previously existing law enforcement agencies, the dictator created variety of new law enforcement agencies. As we have seen in the section of employment, almost 99.8 percent of employees in the previous agencies belong to the ruling sub-clans. As Ahmed Girdho Aden explained in his article, there is no hope to correct the mess that the dictator has created. (http://wardheernews.com/Articles_11/Sept/Aden/11_PIS_Puntlands_Sub-clan_terror_Unit.html )
The remaining 0.2 percent are married to or maternally related to the ruling sub-clans.
In addition of PIS, darwishes, military police, regular police, highway and traffic police, regional police, state police, municipal police, forestry and wildlife police, financial guards and marine guards, the dictator created Special Forces against terrorism, piracy police, coastal police, presidential guards, PSP, death squad, security state services and the presidential secret police. It is amazing that all the employees of these new law enforcement agencies are from the sub-clan of the president. Because of his arrogance, and gross blindness, the dictator created all these bandits calling themselves “Law Enforcement”. Why not call them with what they are and what they do? Do they do any of the job descriptions expected from them to do? Not really except the death squad. They are well armed with latest technicals and the latest sophisticated machine guns provided by a well known mercenaries of South Africa known as Saracen International (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/21/world/africa/21intel.html?pagewanted=all), (http://saadaal.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=976:prince-of-mercenaries-who-wreaked-havoc-in-iraq-turns-up-in-somalia&catid=91:somali-news&Itemid=274).
They have got the presidential seal of approval to torture anybody suspected to belong to the opposition. They are really the only visible organized outlaws of Puntland covered with the mantel of law enforcement agency. These thugs are allowed to confiscate or seize properties without due process of law.
Since most of the tribal militia weapons were hidden after the presidential decree of disarming the three targeted tribes, the troops from Garoe started using painful methods of extracting information from those suspected of having knowledge of the hideouts of the tribal militia weapons.
In order to impose his will on the potential rival tribes the dictator created special force composed of well trained killers known as the “Death Squad”. The dictator gave all the necessary military equipment and torture houses needed to interrogate and extract confessions. To teach lessons to those who dare to fight back, The Death Squad adopted new techniques meant to create fear in the opposing tribes. The members of the death squad lack law enforcement discipline and human ethics. They are mostly bunch of greedy hooligans who got the opportunity to terrorize people legally. They have been given the legal dictator’s authority to carry out the cruelest unbelievable atrocities. Most of the members of the dictator’s Death Squad seem to appear psychologically disturbed individuals who enjoy the suffering and pain they inflict on people. Rumor has it that the Death Squad practices forbidden methods of punishment such as cutting off the male genitalia, anchoring the bodies with huge rocks then throwing them off the boats and drowning them in the ocean. Does this remind you the Arab poem “Alqaahu fil yamni maktuufan, wa qaala lahu: iyaaka, iyaaka an tabtalla bil maai”?
Some reported that their family members were beheaded and some were buried alive. Although we can not proof these actions of the death squad, we believe that there is some truth in the rumor because some of the members of the death squad bragged their methods of punishment when they are high from chewing kat leaves (mild narcotic common in the horn of Africa and widely consumed by the dictator’s troops).
In addition of the arrests and torture of the usual suspects with knowledge of tribal militia weaponry hideouts, real or imagined offenders of the dictator are kidnapped, interrogated, tortured, drowned, but worst of all is that most of the members of the Death Squad practice what is known in the Islamic world “Qaasuuq” which is similar to impaling through the victim’s rectum to make the victims suffer more and longer.
The dictator’s Death Squad works closely with the dictator’s Secret Police. After obtaining the information through torture, the dictator’s Secret Police takes action to confiscate the weapons of the tribal militia of the three targeted tribes. The Dictator Secret Police have green light to take direct measures to neutralize any possible threat to the regime.
After the arrival of the troops of the dictator from Garoe, taking extortion money from businessmen in Bosaso city became a booming business for the troops of the Dictator. Lately there have been conflicts among these troops. Since their main goal is to get bribes from the docile businessmen of Bosaso who never learned how to say “No”, each group of the dictator’s troops established its territorial tariff in the business sectors of Bosaso. Some of the troops encroach the territory of the other groups and conflicts among these troops flare up. They take their quarrel to the dictator who is the judge of who encroached the sector of the other group.
Even though the dictator divided the business sectors of the city of Bosaso into sectors among the thugs, the encroachments and the conflicts kept going on. After seeing what was going on, as a part time job, also the presidential guards of the dictator joined and started to moon light in the afternoons at the business sector of Bosaso not as workers but as extorters of money from the businesses.
It is unlawful and against the consuetudinal law of Somalia. It is a deprivation of rights to property and a crime against human rights and against the constitution of the tribal regional of the state of Puntland.
Some of them were known to put barrier gates near the villages between Bosaso and Galcaio. They used to stop trucks carrying commodities with the pretext of inspecting and taking all or part of the commodities. now most of them are in Bosaso. they joined the business of extortion of the businessmen of Bosaso. These thugs are given the permission to raid the businesses of militarily weaker tribes who refuse to pay bribes.
10. Disarming Potential Enemy Tribes.
Policy of Disarmament
“Marka hore dabkuu idinka dhigi dumar sidiisiiye,
Marka xiga dushuu idinka rari sida dameeraa…”
In addition of using the terrorist card against their traditional opposition tribes, the think tank of the dictator devised an internal plan aimed to weaken any tribal militia power capable of defending itself in Bari Region. The plan to weaken the military might of the traditional rival tribes was to disarm them.
With the pretext of achieving stability, the dictator issued a presidential decree to disarm the population of Puntland. Once the people heard that the troops of the dictator are confiscating weapons, everybody started hiding the weapons that were in their possession.
In the name of stability, the hooligan troops of the dictator from Garoe extended the presidential decree to include SUVs or pickups to be confiscated because they could be easily transformed into technicals. The ironical hypocrisy of duplicity is that only the members of certain tribes of Bari Region were targeted to be disarmed, while other tribes were lightly armed by the dictator. The tribes of the western and southern parts of Puntland were not included. Later some of the politicians pinpointed the three specific targeted tribes of Bari Region. The suspicion was confirmed when the guns technicals, SUVs and pickups of non targeted tribes were returned voluntarily the next week to their owners. The real goal of the policy had nothing to do with increasing security or stability in Puntland but to reduce and if possible eliminate any challenge to the dictator’s absolute power. Eliminating the only deterrence of the dictator’s abuse and exploitation is the military strategy goal of disarming the three tribes of Bari Region that could mount a challenge.
The objectives of disarming the three potential opponents are to force the opponents of the dictator to comply with the will of the dictator. As the dictator said later, the three tribes have to surrender their weapons and disperse their militia. If they refuse and don’t do what we ordered them to do, we will use force to disarm them. The dictator views these tribes as an extremely dangerous threat capable of using whatever little fire power they have to fight back with the possibility of even defeating his well armed troops and the mercenary forces of Saracen International (http://somaliwarmonitor.wordpress.com/2010/12/02/puntland-signs-a-maritime-agreements-with-african-mercenary-company-reminds-me-of-halliburton-and-cheney-former-vice-president-of-usa/). (http://www.1310news.com/news/world/article/175976–somali-regional-gov-t-defying-federal-leaders-over-contract-linked-to-blackwater-founder)
The combination of disarming the enemy and giving the confiscated cache of weaponry to the militia of the dictator’s own sub-clan is a great strategy not only to bring the enemy tribes to their knees, but also to end the loop of power sharing and the desires of other ruling sub-clans to come back to power.
Even though the think tank of the ruling sub-clans convinced the influential members of the other ruling sub-clans that the purpose of disarming these tribes is to weaken the military power of the enemy tribes, some of them realized too late that it is not in their best interest to disarm these three tribes because once the dictator is assured that there will be no challenge from these three tribes, he might turn his military might against them.
The second part of the policy of disarming the three targeted tribes also included a plan to lightly arm certain tribes deemed to be friends and supporters of the dictator’s policy. This has created inequality among the tribes of Bari Region.
The dictator gave the lightly armed tribes the green light to invade the land and the livestock of the large disarmed targeted tribes. The dictator legitimized in the courts of law all the raids on livestock, waterholes, women and frankincense farms of the disarmed tribes. The goal was to shift the blame from his troops and make it look like to a conflict between tribes of Bari Region.
Apart from the tribes who are friends of the dictator, some other tribes who have not been disarmed or received weapons from the dictator used their military ability to expand their grazing land in to the territories of other tribes without being challenged because the victims are not able to militarily defend themselves.
After the disarmament program is completed, the three tribes of Bari Region should expect retribution and a severe punishment with extreme subjugation from the ruthless troops of the dictator. Those who are lucky to escape from the killing are the ones who could escape from Puntland to other places. If they are lucky and the dictator shows mercy, their last rights before execution could be an amnesty in which they have to leave all their properties and run for their lives. It would not be that much different from the way most of them ran from Mogadishu leaving behind the corpses of their close relatives, their homes, their cars and their businesses.
After having seen what the troops of the dictator do in Bosaso and what is happening to the three disarmed tribes of Bari Region, how would somebody with his full faculties dares to propose the idea of disarmament of other tribes or even be able to convince the members of the other exploited tribes of Bari Region to be disarmed? They would be much more reluctant and possibly reject totally with terrible consequences if the ruling sub-clans force them to be disarmed.
If the policy of disarmament is intended for all tribes of Puntland, first and foremost, the military of the state, the law enforcement agencies and security forces (such as the death squad, presidential guards, anti-terrorism and all other secret police force units) have to be composed of all the tribes of Puntland and not specifically limited to the minority ruling sub-clans. It is not an easy task, but it is the first step to be completed before the idea of disarming any tribe or for that matter, disarming the population is discussed.
Would the integration of the military and other law enforcement agencies be acceptable to the dictator of Puntland or to the sub-clans in power? As we have heard before, the ruling sub-clans will say that the military arsenal which they accumulated while they were in power belongs to their sub-clan. In one case it could be partially true but not all of it. When the leaders of Puntland achieve the goals of having integrated military and integrated law enforcement, then the disarmament should not be forced on the people but it has to be worked out through the tribal chiefs, tribal elders in a sincere dialog. If there is no deception, the tribal elder with the highest influence on the tribal members could sell the good ideas to the majority of the population if the armaments are the cause of instability.
On the other side, the dictator and the ruling sub-clans know that as long as Somalia is in the current chaotic situation, disarming the population of Puntland would have huge negative effects on the defense of the tribes of Puntland. If that is the primary reason that the ruling sub-clans would not accept to disarm the members of their sub-clans, then why force the other tribes to disarm their members. What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander.
11. Bari Region
“Ma dad yara e Eeba u xukumay in ay duloobaan dheh”.
Even though the tribes of Bari Region are the majority in the tribal state of Puntland, they are considered as minority because of their lack of presence in the hall of tribal representative, in the fields of civil and military service.
The region of Bari is the most populous region with an estimated of a population exceeding 2.7 million. In the old days when Somalia was composed of only eight regions, all the area north of Mudug Region was known as Majertenia, then later changed by the military regime to Bari Region. Despite Nugal  and Karkar being separated from Bari Region, what is left of Bari Region is still the largest region of Puntland.
Economically Bari Region is known as the cash cow of Puntland. Despite being the only region contributing to the revenue of Puntland with the largest population size and the highest number of tribes suffers from a lack of representation in the parliament and doesn’t get back any of the revenue that it has generated in terms of social and economic development.
The tribes of Bari Region have been patient for more than 13 years waiting for a change of policy with the hope of a leadership focused on the most pressing needs of the population of Puntland.
Most of the religious leaders, businessmen, politicians, educated and expatriates of Bari Region often complained about the lack of political, social and economic justice in Puntland. The worst problem is that many tribes of Bari Region have no representatives, not only in the parliament but also in the civil and military service. The problems of the non represented tribes are ignored since there is no one to tell to the dictator about the existence and the urgency of their problems.
The first factor which should give higher representation to Bari Region is the absolute size of the population. The city of Bosaso alone has one million and 200 thousands inhabitants, let alone the rest of the region. The second factor is the size of land in which Bari sits. The third reason why Bari Region should  have more representatives in the hall of tribal representatives of Puntland is the number of the tribes living in the region. The fourth and probably the most important of all factors is the amount of revenue from taxes which the region generates. Practically, Bari Region is the only cash cow of Puntland while other regions are known to be welfare provinces of Puntland.
One would ask the question of why the politicians, Diaspora and tribal leaders couldn’t seek alternative solutions for the political problems instead of going to the extremes of secession. Why there is no civil disobedience, or any type of civil strive and protests instead of secession? Despite the killing that you see in Syria, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya, the dictator of Puntland is different from other the dictators of those countries who are more civilized and allow some sort of civil disobedience by just killing few to scare the population. The reprisal and retribution of those who show up in protests in Puntland would be severe. For sure none of them will be alive next day.
One might ask: why there are no direct dialog between the leadership of the tribes of Bari Region and the dictator and his supporters? But having seen how he treated those who went to meet with him, not only the insults but the way he treated them forced the leaders to be scared of him. Who is going to sit with him and have a peaceful dialog if those who went before and complained about their situation were jailed.
If an important tribal or militia leader, a businessman, a prominent politician, a well known religious leader speaks against the dictator or is suspected of signs of dissidence or complains publicly, that could mean imminent death through car accident, recipient of stray bullet with no address, bombs thrown into his house by unknown individuals, immediate arrest and disappearance, accidental stabbing from thugs that would never be caught. All the above accident examples happen to politicians, businessmen, tribal and religious leaders in Bosaso.
Read between the lines and see how the lives of resident of Bosaso have been turned upside down by the troops of the dictator from Garoe. Ask how many people are killed in Bosaso per day. Are their lives different from those who are being killed in Galcaio? No disrespect to those who lost their lives in Galcaio, but why those who are killed in Galcaio are on the media and those killed in Bosaso are never mentioned? Why the dictator stayed in Galcaio for five months to solve a conflict between two sister tribes and never spent a week in Bosaso? Most of us know that his troops had an invisible hand in fueling and flaming the conflicts on both regions. Why the administration paid blood money to the close relatives of those who were killed in Galcaio and not those who were killed and still being killed every day in Bosaso? Are those in Bosaso the “Looma ooyaan”?
(http://hurgumo.com/index.php/9-uncategorised/147-baaq-ah) (http://hurgumo.com/index.php/siym/gobm/puntiland/152-trbcompas)
After the dictator heard about the open conference of the tribes of Bari Region and its outcome, the dictator rushed immediately called some of the docile and corrupt tribal leaders of Bari Region. We receive the news that some of the tribal leaders of Bari Region are being coerced to reject the secessionists movements and ally with the ruling sub-clans. Some of them were offered money and promised more money and favors. They are used for propaganda purposes in which they have to regurgitate and disseminate propaganda materials given to them to memorize. The Media contact council group of Bari Region urges the members of the tribes of Bari Region to reject the propaganda of the media of the ruling sub-clans and totally boycott viewing the websites and listening of the radios of the ruling sub-clans. Cooperation among the media of the tribes of Bari Region is required.
Tribal profiling is applied to the tribes of Bari Region. Could you imagine that the dictator of Puntland ordered the arrest and jailing of the elite, businessmen, religious leaders, tribal militia leaders, politicians and all the influential members of certain tribes in Bosaso. Well it happen recently in Bosaso that the influential members of a specific tribe were dragged from their stores, tribally profiled openly and arrested at check points, port, airport, streets, restaurants and even those cowards who sought refuge in the mosques couldn’t be saved in the house of God and all of them were jailed and tortured except the informants of the dictator and those who run on foot to the woods.
So to answer the questions why the politicians, tribal leaders, religious leaders, women’s organizations, students and tribal militia leaders didn’t try other alternative methods different from secession; what if the answer is that they have already done all possible ways of complaining and showed their dissatisfaction to the dictator and the leadership of the other tribes? For example, some of the tribes of Bari Region requested the dictator to allow them to form administrative provinces and districts in Bari Region. The main reason was to have economically, politically and socially manageable subdivisions. The security also could be managed more easily in smaller subdivisions. The dictator based his denial on an old and obsolete policy to deny any political emancipation to the tribes of Bari Region. This is a general policy which the minority ruling sub-clans decided to enforce in any administration.
When it comes to the issue of administratively manageable subdivisions, let us not forget that the regions of Nugal and Karkar were detached from the old Bari Region (Majertenia). Furthermore, the dictator was actively involved in the creation of Karkar Region. In addition, recently the dictator signed the request for the creation of Hylan Region. Why couldn’t he apply the same principles that were used to create Nugal, Karkar and Hylan to allow the formation of other tribal regions? The politicians, tribal leaders and the Diaspora of Bari Region believe that the fear of the ruling sub-clans is that with the creation of new provinces, the voiceless tribes of Bari Region will have representations in the political arena of Puntland.
Unfortunately, the low level thinking of the think tank of the minority ruling sub-clans shows not only a myopic failed tribalism policy, but also the lack of understanding, creativity and vision.
A politically, economically and socially developed Bari Region would make Puntland prosperous and allow the ruling sub-clans to reap its fruits. On the other hand, the denial of the rights of the voiceless tribes in Bari Region would undermine all political, social and economic developments in Puntland.
The intention of the last request of the many tribes of Bari Region was to make the city of Bosaso, with a population of over a million and 200 thousands, to be a region per se with 16 districts (http://somalitalk.com/2010/01/02/warbixinta-shirkii-qurba-joogta-gobolka-bari-ee-usa-%E2%80%93-qaybtii-koowaad/). The concept is not foreign to Somalis since Mogadishu (currently Banadir Region) was part of a bigger region known as Banadir which included the currently known as Middle and lower Shabelli regions. After assessment of the population size of Mogadishu of less than a half million, the administrators decided to make Mogadishu a separate region with 16 districts. The remaining of Benadir region was divided into Middle and Lower Shabelli.
There are many tribes living in Bosaso. These tribes are segregated by sections of the city of Bosaso. Making districts of the segregated sections would give hope to the tribes living in these sections that in the future, in case of fair and free elections (which everybody doubts), the voiceless tribes would be able to have a representative from their districts. We know that in Puntland, there would not be a fair and free election in the near future, but at least it will give hope to the exploited tribes of Bari Region. Did anybody ask the dictator why couldn’t he hire the security forces from the local population? Everybody knows that Somali cities are segregated by clan, sub-clan, and sub-sub-sub-clan. Since they are that much segregated and everybody knows everybody else in his section, why not allow them to police their own people?
What we know so far is that, in Puntland there will be only three parties belonging to the three minority ruling sub-clans. The three party profiles, their platforms, their central committees and their chapters in various provinces are already prepared and decided. Other parties will not be allowed in Puntland. Sorry if you were preparing democratic party, republican party, labor party, capitalist party, liberal party or religious party.
Dealing with Zero Option
In case the tribes of Bari region succeed in their secession, what the new region will lack are experienced employees that could run the public sector of the new state. It is a critical challenge that could determine the success or the failure of the new state.
In the beginning stage the most important sectors that need skilled employees are the revenue collection and accountants of the basic expenditure sectors. A remedy policy would be to train employees from the tribes of the new state for various positions in the public sector. There is a pool of unemployed college graduates of these tribes from the Middle East and from  various Asian and western countries who returned home and settled permanently in Puntland with the hope of obtaining employment in Puntland’s public sector. To their surprise, they were clearly discriminated against. In Puntland is not what you know that counts, but who you know.
The hard part of this issue would be to find employees at the managerial level. There could be some alternatives with few options including an empty option where the region has to depend on those who are currently handling the managerial positions of Bari Region with the possible risk of being sabotaged and consequently falling on their faces.
The first alternative is to ask help from the Diaspora of Bari Region to send temporary trainers and assistance in the managerial skills. The second alternative is to look for the handful employees who never had any upward mobility in the administration of Puntland, who are now the token representatives of Bari Region in the public sector. These employees and the graduates should be trained and placed into the needed managerial positions. We are sure that some of you have various great ideas to contribute, and your contribution will be highly appreciated.
For sure there are skilled sincere employees working in all levels including managerial positions who will not undermine the efforts of Bari Region. These employees worked with many administrations, despite their dislike of one regime or the other. These excellent workers could be employed without considering this strategy as any option at all. It is different from the null option. Another alternative is to select a management team from the businessmen of the region. They have the needed skills and experience to run the whole state let alone a few easy sectors which they deal with in their daily life.
Even later, there might be the assumption that a lucky handful past or future employees from excluded tribes would have a chance to start at lower levels in the public sector employment and would work their way up to higher positions. Despite their hard work to get ahead, so far their dreams were shattered and never materialized. The top management invisible hand blocked all their efforts of getting any promotion to a higher level. Only the members of the minority ruling sub-clans were able to climb up the ladder.
Because of their lack of military power to reject the exploitation and humiliation, some of the dormant tribes gave up their aspirations for freedom and resigned themselves to their inevitable fate of slavery. Others, despite their lack of military might capable of defending themselves from the troops of the dictator, they are determined and persist to break the chains of slavery.
The colonization and exploitation of the tribes of Bari Region is unacceptable. The tyranny should be lifted from Bari Region. The troops from Garoe should go back to where they came from and leave Bari Region to the tribes of Bari Region. Secession is the hope for the tribes of Bari Region to eliminate their second class citizenship status and break the chains of slavery. If the tribes of Bari region want to defend themselves from the dictator, they have to defeat his troops. In order to defeat his merciless killers, they must put forth enough effort to trust each other and have a central committee ready to plan the military needs in terms of weaponry, manpower, economy and leadership. It is true that for the moment the organizers of the secession of Bari Region lack the needed political infrastructure to unite all the tribes of Bari Region but they are hoping to build it as fast as possible. There is a need from the prominent  politicians of the tribes of Bari Region to start coordinating their efforts of unifying the seceding tribes and intensify their contacts among themselves and with the politicians of the dormant tribes.
For sure the tribes of Bari Region will thrive in the future, once they become independent from the colonization of the ruling minority sub-clans. They have all the favorable conditions for unlimited social, political and economic growth. Possibilities are endless. As the researchers said, the sky is the limit. If you want to know more, please ask the difficult questions.
A good analogy would be in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA known also as blood sport) competition, some of the wrestlers give up immediately (through tap out) when they end up at the bottom of their opponents. Others are known for the techniques of full guard followed by submission through sleep choke, knee bar, anaconda choke, rear neck choke, Japanese neck tie choke, guillotine choke, scorpion assault and other maneuvers that would shut down the lights of the opponent despite them being at the bottom. In fact, they prefer to be on the bottom and they lure their opponent to the ground. The question is: If, in the wrestling match for freedom, the tribes of Bari Region end up at the bottom, will they give up immediately without fighting back from the bottom side or will they try to use the above submission techniques?
13. Media
“Most of the journalists know that the pen is mightier than the sword and the most technologically sophisticated weapons.”
Even though a whole article is dedicated for the main stream media of Somalia in general and the media of Puntland in particular, in the following pages, we would like to briefly describe a few issues of the media of Puntland and analyze the power of propaganda and its effects on the Somalis in general and Puntlanders in particular.
As everybody knows the Somali regional governments and the so called TFG don’t allow free media to report and do their duties. In Puntland the media is heavily controlled by the dictator. As Abdi Ali pointed out in his article “Disappointed with ..” the dictator of Puntland never allows the free media to get access to the information of Puntland (http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/27216-The-Public-s-Growing-Disappointment-with-president-Farole-of-Puntland) or (http://www.allsanaag.com/Details.asp?id=6497).  It is a common practice in every administration of every Somali regional government, the government censures the media and puts many of the journalists into jails without any court hearing or accusations.
Once arrested, most of the Somali journalists rot in jail unless they have influential tribe that could potentially challenge the regime. Did you ever ask yourself a very simple question? Why no journalist from the ruling sub-clans has ever been arrested, missing jailed or disappeared? That might help you to open your eyes.
Even though the Somali journalists have an independent organization and are members of the International Journalists Association, they failed to use their power to benefit the Somali community and stop the fragmentation of Somalia. Instead majority of them joined the bandwagon of corruption and tribalism by creating the tribal websites. We would like to appeal to the Somali journalists and Somali media to abolish and change the use of regional, city, town, village, mountain, river, valley or tribal websites. Let us use (Somali plus something or vice versa).
The researchers after explaining the various methods and techniques of propaganda campaigns which the dictator used such as Demonizing the dissidents and the enemies, Name calling, Labeling, Dysphemism, Ideograph, Oversimplification, Subversive, Black-and-white fallacy, Bad logic, Intentional vagueness, Ad Hitlerum, Disinformation, Card stacking, Hates, Ad hominem, fear, Ad nauseam, Loathes, Bandwagon, Buzzword, Red herring, Glittering generalities, Common man, Lawfare , Euphemism, Euphoria, Qur’an Holding and waving, Framing, Wearing cultural and religious garments, half-truth, Indoctrination, Censorship · Code word, Quotes out of context, Rationalization, Repetition, Transfer and Slogan, they explained the methods to counter the heavy media campaign and the means to give the population of Puntland the truth, Allowing the people to analyze and have their own critical thinking to decide how to avoid the false media campaign of the dictator.
For example one of the techniques used not only in Puntland, but also in Somalia is “religion”. Allah and Prophet Mohamed are often used in vane by the dictators and the leadership as an instrument to reach an individual goal. Religion became like a shirt or a card that is used to achieve the desired power and lucrative goals. Either you are true devoted Muslim like us and enjoy eternity in heaven, or you are a kafir that is against Allah, his prophet (pbuh) and us, and who will rot in hell at the Day of Judgment. Similarly, the same technique is used by the dictator citing patriotism, Puntlandism, Somalism by saying “You are with the administration and progress of Puntland and Somalia or you are against the people of Puntland and Somalia.
The media of Puntland is the means to spread the regime’s propaganda. The dictator of Puntland created a think tank group solely in charge of propaganda. Apart from the sub-clan media managers and journalists, some hired foreign mercenary authors continuously write on false and never heard achievements in Puntland. Any administration whose main goal is to embezzle the financial resources of the Bari Region ends up not being able to show any progress in security, the economy and social development. Hence, it resorts to oppressing people’s opinions by arresting any media member who dares to report the truth about the worsening of the security, defense, economic and social development.
The media of the dictator tries its best to discredit and diminish the credibility, the honesty and the reputation of anybody who tell the truth about Puntland and its dictator.
Despite the lack of proof to substantiate their claims, the one sided malicious unethical media propaganda campaign of the dictator of Puntland against certain tribes, creates hatred and bias against specific tribes by ruining their clean and peaceful reputation. An example would be the media campaign against the leader of Dubays. Because of rejecting exploitation and humiliation, majority of the Majerten media jumped in the bandwagon of demonizing the tribe of Dubays and labeling the leader and the tribe of Dubays as terrorists. By reading the article of Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi in the following link, anybody can understand the intentions of the dictator of Puntland (http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9708&Itemid=65 ). We understood the objectives of the barrage of media campaign against Shekh Atom. We know and it is clear to every decent Somali, the motives of the campaign of the media owned and heavily invested by the ruling sub-clans. It is not different from the media owned by Gheddafi, or Bashar Al Assad or Ali Saleh or Khalifa.
Furthermore, it aggravates the fragile, volatile and flammable situation by stirring up dormant animosity among the neighboring sister tribes. It is extremely detrimental to the basic principles of safeguarding the unity in which the tribal regional state of Puntland was created.
As everybody knows, the media owned by the ruling sub-clans regurgitates whatever the dictator and the think tankers of the ruling sub-clans tell them to disseminate.
Generally in a democracy, the Somali media is supposed to investigate the power abuses of the dictator of Puntland, but the only radio stations that are allowed to broadcast in Puntland are owned by the ruling sub-clans. The dictator assured himself not to be contradicted.
All the reporters from Puntland were given clear instructions not to report anything related to the regime or events in Puntland unless they clear first with the son of the dictator.
Since the independent reports of other radio stations based in Puntland were quite often shunned out from the circle of the regime’s news and propaganda dissemination centers, and constantly barred from contacting or entering the ministry of information, some of them mellowed and became accomplices in spreading the lies of the regime. Those who refused to conform were harassed, jailed for long periods of time without due process, and most of the times accused of treason with fabricated evidence and witnesses if and only if they were brought to courts. Some of them realized that they could not operate and function in the repressive hostile environment of Puntland and left, while others sought methods to gain access, favoritism and safety for their lives from the regime and became part of the wheels of political abuses.
Any individual who is for peace and equality for the associated tribes of Puntland is a threat to the administration. Anybody for justice will be directly attacked and labeled with negative connotations. This individual is not only a challenge to the corruption of the establishment but will be reported to the intelligence agencies of the western countries as a terrorist, Al-Qaeda member and an affiliate of Islamic religious fanatics.
The political propaganda designers, including the dictator’s speech writers also called “Puntland media think tank” lack creativity and imagination. They recycle the same old propaganda and use the same negative techniques of terrorism card so often that intelligent Somalis write about it. They lack respect for anybody who tells the truth and dares to challenge the corrupt power of the dictator.
Those who refuse the hegemony and exploitation are reported to the western intelligence agencies as terrorist linked with Al Qaeda, al-Shabab, Al-Itihad, Islamists and religious fanatics. But the worst tactic which the people are fed up with is that the dictator creates the terror just to keep the people frightened and get more military and economic support from the U.N. and western countries.
Unfortunately, with all the financial resources they invest in the media disseminating false information, including hiring mercenary foreign authors, they have no real politicians and visionaries capable of answering the real facts which we brought up in these pages.
Since they recycle the same propaganda, seems that the propaganda designers of the regime of Puntland have less imagination. How they dare to use the same propaganda used against Shekh Atom?
It was yesterday, despite the categorical denial of the top leaders of Al-Shabab of his existence (http://allafrica.com/stories/201007300837.html ), let alone the presence of Al-Shabab in the mountains of Galgala (Dubays Makhir State)
(http://www.somalinet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=251598that) (http://www.mareeg.com/fidsan.php?sid=16806&tirsan=3 ), the dictator of the regime of Puntland accused Atom’s tribe as a terrorist and Al-Qaeda affiliated organization. The reality is that Atom adamantly opposed the illegal exploitation of the minerals of Majayahan, not only to the current dictator but also to the previous administration, unless the exploiters of the natural resources (which are mainly the minerals) provide employment to the members of the tribe that resides in the location of the resources. According to the son of the dictator, the troops were hunting pirates in the mountains of Galgala (http://jamrockvybz.com/forum/topics/1000man-militia-being-trained). When did Galagala become Eyl? No wonder that the son of the dictator proposed to build a fish hatchery and fish processing plant in the middle of the desert where it never rained.
In regard to the exploitation of the Somali petroleum and minerals, generally mining and oil drilling companies working in Third World countries have less regard for the environment impact and safety. Even though majority of the oil corporations are from western countries, they know that USA and Canada have the largest petroleum reserves (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_reserves) and they are allowed to exploit with conditions regarding the safe keeping of the environment. These restrictions are not enforced in the Third World countries for the simple reason that they can bribe the corrupted regimes of the Third World countries. We will dedicate a whole separate article to the oil and minerals in Somalia in general and the one of Puntland in particular.
Was the request of Atom too much to ask? Are you that much stupid to believe the nonsense propaganda of the dictator? A well known fact is that Al-Shabab despite being a sinister organization never lie its actions. They admit, take credit and claim their involvement in the regions they operate.  The top leaders of Al-Shabab categorically denied their involvement in the mountains of Galgala (http://www.mareeg.com/fidsan.php?sid=16806&tirsan=3). The propaganda techniques used by the dictator of the administration of Puntland are methods and approaches to pure spread lies to further his sinister cause.
The administration’s tribally affiliated media used typical nonsense propaganda to manipulate the listeners’, viewers’ and the readers’ thinking and feelings to persuade them to believe that Atom was connected to Al-Shabab.
Since there was a tremendous built-in fear in Somalia from the feared terrorist organization of Al-Shabab, the dictator of Puntland used the Media technique known as “fear and panic technique”.
In the beginning, the think tank of the regime of Puntland used a carefully well orchestrated and wonderfully designed propaganda to influence our opinions, our thinking, and sometimes moved us emotionally to a point were we believed and reacted to it. The truth was far from their carpet bombing propaganda campaign against Shekh Atom who defended effortlessly the freedom and the liberty of his people from the subjugation of the tribal hegemony of the regime. Could Bari Region produce an effective leader capable of defending Bari Region from the exploitation, humiliation and subjugation?
The time that Majertenies were discrediting the Dubays’ leader, many Puntlanders were really persuaded to believe the garbage negative propaganda of the dictator of Puntland. It is because of the eagerness of many Puntlanders and the desire to believe the regime’s lies, so they can see a wholesome Puntland that they never hesitated to ally with the regime’s propaganda. They wanted to believe that the unity of Puntland is sacred when in reality the regimes’ goal was a total deception.
The administration of Puntland and its supporters reached a stage to willingly and purposefully alienate some of the clans of Warsangeli and Dhulbahante, pushing for the disintegration of Puntland and  some to re-establish Makhir State, Darwishland State or even join Issaq’s of Somaliland despite their dislike of leaving their Harti brothers. It is purely tribalism, the reason they stayed for so long in the union of Puntland, but the reality is that they should have even joined to Atheist neighboring tribes (if there were) that would give them the dignity and the respect they deserve let alone Muslim Somali Issaq tribe which they are born from, married to and dialectally and culturally related to. It reminds us the poet who said “Muslinimo ninkaan kuula socon Mu’minimo khaas ah, Gaal maxaysta kuu dhowra oo aad magan gashaa dhaama”.
The designers of the Puntland administration’s propaganda against Atom succeeded in their objective which was to extend the life of the regime. In addition of the fear techniques, terrorism card, later it became obvious that the leader of the regime used the tribal card to gain support from Majertenies. Now it started the same propaganda techniques against already exploited and enslaved tribes of Bari Region. Definitively, this move will alienate some tribes of Majertenia. We believe that it will backfire them.
Some of the intellectually challenged may not easily spot hidden propaganda designed to benefit the regime. To go around your guard, the propaganda designer of the ruling sub-clans masked, disguised and sugar coated their propaganda with patriotism, Puntlandism, unity of regional tribes and Somalism. The dictator of the administration of Puntland and the regime’s propaganda designers should not be using such slogans as Puntlandism, Somalism and any type of patriotism or unity of the Darod tribe. The main reason is that everybody knows that Puntland is the only regional government that tribally discriminated against Somalis, jailed, killed and deported Somali refugees from southern Somalia accusing them of crimes committed by his troops or revenge killings in Puntland’s own tribal conflicts (http://somalilandpress.com/op-edpuntland%C2%B4s-false-flag-terrorism-could-undermine-its-stability-23654). The regime of Puntland earned the title of “PuntArizona” for its deportation policies against Somalis from other regions including members of the Darod tribe.
Puntlanders had problem with the previous regime who sold Ogadenies to the Ethiopians, but when the current dictator followed the same policy of the previous regime selling the refugees from Ogaden to Ethiopia, all their hopes and wishes vanished (http://dazzlepod.com/cable/09NAIROBI2503/). Now the regime of Majertenia reached a stage where they want to be part of Somalia and at the same time round up innocent refugees from southern Somalia, put them in overcrowded trucks and drop them in the border between warring Somali factions. Why oxymoron leadership of Puntland want to be part of Somalia, if they are deporting Somalis from other regions? What should we expect from a dictator that excluded and openly discriminated against members of certain tribes of Puntland from holding civil service government positions?
Because of his lack of humor and charm accompanied with arrogance he hates the media including his own even when he prepares himself well for days. It is obvious that he is not savvy with the media. Another problem is that the propaganda in their websites doesn’t have taste and doesn’t appeal to the young generation. Amin Art’s propaganda has humor and reflects the truth in Somalia. It appeals to many Somalis regardless of their age or tribal affiliation. Most Somalis appreciate the artistry and the type of propaganda that Amin Arts’ depicts. Please, now and then visit Amin Arts’ website.
If the dictator of Puntland is serious about truth and justice, why doesn’t he allow the free media to report what they want see? Why not allow the free media to do investigative reporting on the issues of the rampant corruption in the administration? Why not allow transparency and embed a number of reporters from the free media in the various departments (ministries) of the tribal regional state of Puntland?
Why is there a conflict between Puntland and the free media? Why doesn’t the media that belongs to the sub-clans associated or affiliated to the dictator of the regime allow the printing of the truth about Puntland?
Literacy Rate
Apart from the high illiteracy rate, and because of our oral tradition, even the majority of those who are able to read and the intellectuals are dependent on radio stations and what is said in halls of Somali tribalistic oral fights.
Hence, this and other articles used as source and explaining the facts of past and current situation in Puntland, or which could be seen as damaging the reputation of the administration, written by the dissident and non-loyalists of the regime will never appear on the media owned and controlled by the ruling sub-clans. Not because the media of the ruling sub-clans is heavily invested, but because they have monopoly of the news of Puntland and their reporters and contributors have a free ride from the administration and they get first hand news at their homes. For that reason some of them really rank on the top of the most popular local radio stations and websites. The dictator’s media consultant which happens to be his own son has the list of their trusted media (radio stations, newspapers and websites).
In order to get any news related to the government, the other undesired reporters have to have a close relationship with the government trusted reporters who have exclusive access to the news. Furthermore, even if they get the news, before they publish any report regardless of its source, the undesired reporters have to clear it with the president’s propaganda office led by … you guessed who. Else they could disappear or face an indefinite period of detention and be accused of unimaginable crimes.  Since this article is not going to be published by the media of the sub-clans in power, it is safe to say that this article will be read by people who are neutral in the politics of Puntland.
Despite the leadership of the regime of Puntland holding foreign passports, the dictator, in his speeches to the locals has often used emotive terminologies biased against Somali individuals holding other citizenship attacking them with harsh words and depicting them as foreigners and foreign agents.
In order to build support from the western nations, the leader of the regime used the scare tactic by creating and disseminating false information in such a way that some of the decision makers of the western nations believe the blatant lies of the regime. The regime used the fear tactic by spreading lies against Atom. The leader of the regime claimed that the leaders of Dubays are associated with the well known and feared ruthless organization of Al-Shabab. What a lie!
To remain in power the current regime of Puntland has used all the means of brute force and spread the worst unbelievable propaganda against Shekh Atom who refused to accept the tribal hegemony of the aggressors and invaders of his clans territory. The leader of the regime and its supporters used every propaganda technique in the books and aggressive dissemination strategies.
Furthermore, to get support from the locals and the Diaspora, the regime organized the well planned killings of notable individuals of Puntland. The continuous relentless killing instilled panic and anxiety in the locals. The dictator blamed all the killings that his troops committed to Atom in the mountain of Galgala. Atom had only 45 young men of his own sub-clan from the Dubays tribe. How can they be in everywhere? Even if the dictator convinced you that they are the bad guys, the question is who are the guys who are killing people in Galcaio, Garoe, Gardo and Bosaso? Man! As the lady said “Wixii xunba Xaawaa leh”. If a hijacked ship by the pirates of the dictator sinks in Eyl blame Atom who is in the mountains of Galgala.
Apart from the media owned by the regime, non political organizations got involved in supporting the regime on the basis of pure tribalism. Let us examine the case of Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF).
Some of them used the name of the non-profit, non-political organization such as Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF) to rally support to the regime. Could a non-political, non-profit organization using the name of well-known to be politically neutral to all the tribes of Puntland (Puntland Diaspora Forum) get involved in taking sides on the conflict between two clans in Puntland? Please read the following link and tell us if the behavior of PDF is appropriate.
It just so happens that the president and the committee members of Minneapolis chapter of PDF were of the same sub-clan as the dictator and decided to abuse the trust of all Puntlanders of Minneapolis Minnesota who were members of the organization. These individuals have discredited and dishonored a non-political non-profit tax exempt organization. Today, PDF has become synonymous with tribal lineage of the sub-clans in power. So far nobody has apologized to the members of PDF or to the Diaspora of Puntland. Now everybody is cautious about the organization of Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF), because it has lost its credibility all over the world. Even though its founders meant well, some of the members of the ruling sub-clans fought and even now they keep fighting so hard to dominate the organization in every part of the world and use it for their own clannish interest. So now you know what it means when you hear the name of Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF). If you are for justice and equality for Puntlanders, please distance yourself from Puntland Diaspora Forum.
The branches of Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF) in the USA should be removed from the tax exempt status since they violated the rules and regulations to hold the tax exemption code privileges. http://www.raxanreeb.com/?p=60520
Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF) is not a social and economic regional organization since it became a politically tribal oriented organization. If there are other branches not heavily controlled by the members of ruling sub-clans of Puntland, we appeal to them for such propaganda to be stopped by the Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF) and also apologize openly to the people of Puntland that they lied to. Like the ostrich, you should hide your heads in the sand. “Illeen ceeb looma dhinto.” We expect that you change your names of your organizations and distance yourselves from PDF.
Puntlanders have to find those who were responsible of the media campaign against Shekh Atom. Find out the leaders who used Puntland Diaspora Forum for tribal interest and were responsible of the media campaign against an innocent religious and tribal leader.
Now, after hearing the secession of Bari Region, the dictator established a sub-clan think tank team composed of experienced politicians planning the propaganda on how to defeat and suppress the self-determination of any tribe or group of tribes planning to secede.
The one-sided media propaganda of the dictator and his supporters stirs up tribal conflicts and flares up dormant animosity among sister tribes which aggravates the tense situation. This is extremely detrimental to the fragile unity. We appeal to all the Somali media (radio stations, websites, televisions, newspapers, etc.,) to remove from their reference links of all the media owned and operated by the regime and those supporting the hegemony of the minority ruling sub-clans.
No media condemned the violent acts of the dictator’s troops against innocent civilians minding their own business in Bari Region or the use of the regime’s tanks in the conflict between two sister clans in Mudug (http://kismaayo24.com/?p=16777#ixzz1YXNhYf3u). After watching this video, ask yourself a question. What is the difference between the dictator of Puntland and Bashar Al Asad of Syria, or compare with Muammar Gheddafi of Libya, or Khalifa of Bahrain or Ali Saleh of Yemen? We think he is worse because at least those dictators are fighting for their survival on power. The conflict in Mudug is between two clans that live in Galcaio, and the troops of the dictator took sides between the two clanism helping one clan closely related to his clan and using the tanks to kill innocent civilians of another clan. Shame on you. Is it because of fear from the dictator or because the victims of the merciless killings of Bari Region didn’t belong to a militarily strong and influential tribe? Or is it because the political killing of innocent civilian lives was meant to suppress the voices of the dissidents of a tribe?
Dear friends, readers, journalists, contributors of Somali and foreign media the people of Puntland need your help. As U.S black civil rights and clergyman Martin Luther King Jr said “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”.
To Saracen International, Kuwait and Kuwaiti Security Company, Uganda, South Africa, AU, U.N. and western countries providing economic and military support, we are hoping that you remember the genocide of Rwanda or you have read or listened the audio of the book “We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families” by Philip Gourevitch.
After watching the video in the above link, you will realize that the people of Puntland are close to give up, give in and surrender. Thanks to western countries’ support to the dictator who is continually misleading them with false information about the existence of Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab and Al-Itahad in Puntland. Remember that the only terrorists in Puntland are the troops of the dictator. The killing of the innocent lives in Puntland by your weapons will be in your conscience. The dead is watching you from the grave. Please speak up for them. As Pascal said “Oppression can only survive through silence”.
14. Advantages and Disadvantages of secession
Despite the lack of literature on the Somali separatist movements, self-determination, autonomy and secession are very popular in the Somali community.  After a literature review of the existing empirically tested theories of political, economic and social self-determination and secession in various countries of the world, the researchers would like to present in this section the pros and con arguments for the secession of Bari Region.
If the ruling clans reject the request for autonomy of Bari Region, the tribes of the region are ready to secede, hence, the inevitable break up and fragmentation of the tribal regional state of Puntland might be imminent.
14.1 Benefits of Secession for Bari Region
After detailed analysis of the various aspects of risks and benefits associated with the secession of Bari Region, the Risk Assessment Coordination Team argued that the benefits of the secession of Bari Region outweighs the dangerous risks in which the population of Bari Region could face before, during and after secession.
There is a trade off between successful secession and the potential risks of the secession. In the coming paragraphs we will mention some of the benefits of the secession before we shed light on some of the risks of the secession.
If the tribes of Bari Region succeed in their secession, for sure they will have successful political, social and economic development in their newly established regional state. Some of the improvements after the secession consist of:
14.1.1 The security of the secessionist state of Bari Region will improve exponentially because the terrorist troops of the dictator will be replaced with regular law enforcement from the tribes of the region. A portion of the previously embezzled financial resources will now be used to recruit and train the best well paid law enforcement apparatus from the tribes of Bari Region to enforce the badly needed security of the community in the territories of the new state in which their tribes live.
14.1.2 The almost non existing education and health care in the region will improve exponentially every month because a major portion of the revenue will be used to build schools, hospitals, clinics and purchase school supplies, medical equipment, medicine and hire administrators, teachers and health care workers.
14.1.3 Economic development:- the leadership will have the opportunity to invest and reinvest their financial resources in economically productive sectors of the economy such as agriculture and the exploitation of the abundant marine resources and the establishment of light fishing industries, development and expansion of frankincense, myrrh and Arabic gums.
14.1.4 Development and maintenance of transportation infrastructure such as highways, roads, interconnecting arterial, bridges, ports, airports, freight and passenger intermodal centers will also become possible.
14.1.5 Development of the political infrastructure of the region. The leadership will create the two houses of tribal representation.
14.1.6 Immediate and future benefits include the recognition of the tribes of Bari Region as a separate entity in the TFG so that the region will have a fair representation of the tribes of Bari Region. A region that has been ignored for many years not only by the successive administrations of Puntland, but also by previous regimes of Somalia to the point to be considered by all Somalis as the Siberia of Somalia. The tribes of Bari Region should ask for further compensation and adjustment in their favor for the past injustices not only to the current dictatorship of Puntland (in case of autonomy) but also to the so called Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in terms of representation and a fair share of the bilateral and multilateral economic and social assistance. Any employee (teacher, health worker, law enforcement financial guards, etc.,.) who was assigned to Gaari Waa Region (Bari Region) —literally translated into “Out of sight and out of mind region”—  considered the transfer to Somali Siberia as a punishment.
Se Vuoi Cogliere Il Fiore Non Temere Lo Spino
To have these benefits, there is a hurdle to jump. God is not going to help you if you don’t help yourself. You make your destiny with your own hands.
14.2 Risks of Secession and Autonomy
The secession of Bari Region will have a direct and an indirect impact with spurious domino affects on the whole tribal regional state of Puntland. Secession in general and secession of Bari Region in particular is a risky business not only for all Puntlanders but also for all Somalis, neighboring countries and the international community.
Historically, there has been a high failure rate for the tribal regional and ethnic secessionist movements. The researchers asked “What will make the current secessionists different from those who failed before them?”
The risks which the seceding tribes will face during and after the secession takes place was analyzed by the Risk Assessment Coordination Team. The analysts explained that the high failure rate is due to several factors, but we will limit in our reporting into few main factors. On the side of the secessionists, we have two main reasons.
The researchers indicated that one of the main reasons of their failure consists on their weak political position of power within the Tribal Regional State of Puntland. They are mainly the tribes that have been marginalized. Therefore, they lack social, military, economic and political power to secede. Their current secession plan is based on desperation.
The second justification given by the researchers which is also somehow linked to the first justification is that the organizers of the failed secession didn’t have fail proof plans and consider all the contingencies needed to make it successful.
On the other side, those in power will never allow the marginalized tribes to secede. The exploiters of the oppressed tribes do not want to give up easily the perks of the colonization unless they see tremendous negative consequences and high risks for their existence with huge losses of lives. Their current policy reflects how the poet describes in the exploitation of Puntland. The Somali poet said:
“Aan ku cuno, aan kugu ciil baxo, boowe ha iga caban waana.
Aan ku rarto, aan kugu reer dhaqdo, boowe ha ina kala reebin.
Hadii aniga wiilkaygu dilo adiga wiilkaaga,
boowe walaalo baynu nahay iyo dad aan wax isla weynmaynin.
Hadiise adiga wiilkaagu dilo aniga wiilkayga,
….., wareer baad wadaa, iyo wax aan lagu walaaloobin.”
Well, it is up to the religious leaders, politicians, intellectuals and tribal leaders of the ruling clans to keep it this way or come up with substantial changes that could heal the wounds of the marginalized slave tribes.
Even though secession could actually foster harmony, unity, a fair and just alliance of all the sister tribes of Puntland, it has some risks not limited to the oppressed and oppressor tribes but also to other Somali tribes, to the neighboring countries and the international communities.
A group of researchers called “Risk Assessment Coordination Team” made the analysis on the assessment of all the risks associated with the secession and to some extent that of autonomy of Bari Region. They tested using several empirical mathematical models and evaluated the impact of all possible outcomes.
The researchers divided the negative consequences of the secession and autonomy of Bari Region into five namely:
14.2.1 Negative Consequences of Secession for Bari Region.
The questions posed by the Risk Assessment Coordination Team were:
a. Why are the secessionist tribal movements willing to struggle for their independence from the klepto kakistocratic dictatorship of Puntland?
b. Before they attempt secession or autonomy, will it be possible for the tribes of Bari Region to unite and unanimously reject the colonization and the slavery of the ruling sub-clans?
c. Could there be a secession of Bari Region?
d. Would the clans in power allow the secession of Bari Region? Or simply put — Will the ruling sub-clans accept the secession of Bari Region without putting up a fight?
e. When will  be the time where the ruling sub-clans wake up and realize that it is time to stop the nonsense politics and that enough is enough and it is time to share the resources of the region?
f. Will the dictator accept the secession of Bari Region?
A lot tougher questions were posed, analyzed, debated and answered beyond expectation of the audience by the Risk Assessment Coordination Team.
In the following paragraphs we will summarize some of the answers provided by the Risk Assessment Coordination Team.
To answer the first question, we had to consider all the impeding major factors of secession of Bari Region as well as other minor thorns making the secession less feasible.
It is a true fact that some of the tribal militia leaders, intellectuals, some of the recently nominated tribal chiefs and political leaders of many tribes of Bari Region are in the pockets and literally controlled by the ruling sub-clans.
Another fact is that the clans on power purposely created nasty deep conflicts among the tribes of Bari Region in such a way that they will never solve their internal conflicts.
According to a reliable Somali political source, in the beginning the secession and autonomy demands of the oppressed secessionists tribes will be met with a violent intensive well orchestrated smearing media-led propaganda campaign not only from the members of the privileged ruling sub-clans, but also from their own tribal members working for, or holding nominal token positions or benefiting socially, politically and economically from the administrations of the ruling sub-clans.
It seems that the odds are stacked against the tribes of Bari Region, but the million dollar question still stands. Could there be a secession of Bari Region? The answer of the researchers was … (Ooh, you have to wait until you reach section 29.7 paragraph b.)
Ooda dhacameed sidey u kala saraysaa loo kala qaada. Let us take one question at a time.
Let us analyze the various hurdles which the researchers viewed as obstacles to the unity of the tribes of Bari Region
1. Political
Problem:- The main problem of the tribes of Bari Region is the lack of trust among themselves which has been planned and executed repeatedly for a long time by various administrations for their selfish interest. A major obstacle of secession of Bari Region is the lack of political cohesiveness among the leaders of the tribes of Bari Region.
Causes:- A long standing policy of divide and rule was established by the ruling sub-clans while the tribes of Bari Region were in deep sleep. A rampant animosity, tension, ill will and incessant conflicts between various tribes, clans and sub-clans in Bari Region was carefully planned, meticulously executed and continually fueled  and maintained by the ruling sub-clans. That has created the lack of trust and animosity among the tribes of Bari Region.
To stay in power, one could say that the most successful political move of the oppressors has been the creation of an atmosphere of animosities among the neighboring sister tribes of Bari Region.
Consequences:- They might not be able to unite and form their own regional state.
Solutions:- some of the researchers suggested that there might be the need of external intervention (Probably the Diaspora of Bari Region) or  internal intervention (tribal chiefs, tribal militia leaders, etc.,.). There is no need to reach and involve every member of the tribes of Bari Region. Only the few brave leaders who really want to see their tribes free from the grip of colonization by uniting their human capital and deciding for the future of the tribes of Bari Region need be involved.
A team composed of researchers and experienced long time residents of the Bari Region analyzed the reasons behind the animosities among the tribes of Bari Region. The questions posed by the team were: Who created the conflicts? How conflicts were created? Why conflicts were created? Can conflicts be eliminated? Are there ways to eliminate conflicts that are easier and cheaper than others? Is it possible to eliminate the animosities and the continuous conflicts in a friendly manner among the tribes of Bari Region?
After lengthy debate there were several solutions that were brought to the attention of the participants. Of the eight main strategic alternatives that were brought to the audience, the researchers selected the two best strategic alternatives to solve and eliminate the conflicts among the tribes of Bari Region. The first strategy didn’t require solutions among the tribes of Bari Region and made it easy to go ahead with the secession.
The second solution, a strategic alternative proposed by the researchers and agreed to by the participants would be executed after the secession. It consists of the creation of tribal conflict resolution team called “Tribal Reconciliation Council (TRC)” composed of tribal elders, tribal media leaders, businessmen, women’s organizations leaders, religious leaders, tribal militia leaders, and intellectuals who can mobilize the members of their tribes to unite their forces and start reconciliation processes among the feuding tribes of Bari Region.  The Tribal Reconciliation Councils (TRCs) would start at the grass-root sub-clan level to the multi-tribal mix level.
The main goal of the leaders of Tribal Reconciliation Councils (TRCs) is to remove the causes that divide the tribes and created the animosity by bringing to the table the issues of contention between the tribes and through participation of all the parties involved, find fair and just negotiate and agreed solutions that will eliminate the malice and animosity among these tribes. The mutually agreed decisions will be enforced by the tribal militia of the tribes of Bari Region.
The leaders have to start a campaign of educating the members of their tribes by politically maturing them fast and showing them the advantages of peace among the tribes of Bari Region. They have to shed light on the causes and objectives of the constant conflicts and the slavery conditions in which they endured. they have to clearly show who the beneficiary perpetrators behind their continuous conflicts are.
Among the many proposed solutions in which the organizers of the Tribal Conflict Resolution Team came up with are:
That the Diaspora of Bari Region is urged to collectively write project proposals and collectively submit to donor agencies. These projects should be beneficial to them and shared by various tribes and should be established and allocated between the borders of various tribes. The main goal of these type of projects is to bring peace and cooperation among the warring tribes and have a common objective to be allied in peace and have shared resources that they can enhance, expand and develop more of these projects to protect and defend. The members of the tribes benefiting from the projects have to understand that peace among the sharing tribes is the basis for the future developments of new projects and expansion of existing ones. The projects should not be limited only to wells, waterholes, schools, hospitals, clinics, vet clinics, irrigation projects, roads, adult day care centers, communication centers, agricultural and industrial cooperatives, distribution centers but also should include projects aimed at the high participation of the tribal youth such as joint tribal military training camps, youth boot camps, sport centers, language learning centers for the youth who would like to migrate abroad,  technical schools for building skilled professionals, etc.,. Some cautions on the joint military training were brought up, and a delay of the joint military training was given some consideration.
The maintenance and expansion of these resources will be a joint responsibility of the tribes sharing the benefits of these economic and social projects. The creation of cooperation among the members of the various tribes of Bari Region would automatically solve the division and strengthen their unity.
The TRCs, through diplomacy shuttling between feuding tribes, they could ease and eliminate the animosity among tribes of Bari Region. Trusted political deal makers of the Diaspora from Bari Region are needed to build a coalition of committees not only among the military capable of defense of the region but also among all the tribes of Bari Region.
The researchers emphasized the benefits of the unity of the tribes of Bari Region. If they unite and form their own regional state, the population of these tribes could reap the benefits of their union such as building their own fair and just political institutions; education for their children by building schools and providing teachers; free health care for the population paid through the tax revenue of the newly established state; government employment which will be distributed for all the tribes in a fair and just manner; building of economic infrastructure such as highways, major arterial interconnecting cities, towns and villages; building wells and waterholes for the livestock of the nomads; development of agriculture and fishing sector; providing fishing equipment and maritime technical schools, etc.,.
A team has been assigned to cooperate with and coordinate the development efforts of the NGOs currently working in Puntland. They assumed the responsibility of getting in touch not only the headquarters of the international organizations in Somalia but also other international organizations not yet involved at all in Somalia.
2. Military
Problem:- Military Weakness of  the tribes of Bari Region.
Without disseminating the various military and diplomatic strategies presented by the researchers, we would like to congratulate this group of researchers since they made the best presentation of all. They didn’t leave any unturned stone. They were very thorough and precise in their analysis. They posed all possible question on all alternative military strategies and explained in detail all options in each defensive alternative strategy.
Even though the tribes of Bari Region are now militarily weak, the researchers posed critical questions.
a) Will the various tribes of Bari Region be able to organize militarily and defend themselves from the aggression and military hegemony of the oppressive tyrant dictator and his cruel allies who are used to the lucrative exploitation of the financial resources of the exploited tribes of Bari Region?
b) Which tribes of Bari Region are expected to lead the struggle for the freedom of Bari Region?
c) Which tribes of Bari Region would be allied to the dictator and fight along side by side with the dictators’ oppressive troops?
Most of the attendees were really impressed by the strategic plans for deterring the aggression of the colonizers that revealed minimal casualties with the maximum achievable military defensive outcome.
On the analysis of the tribes of Bari Region, some of the researchers affirm the rise of self-awareness of their militarily weak conditions. But the continued hegemony and exploitation of the successive administrations of Puntland forced these tribes to think hard about ways and means of freeing themselves from their miserable slavery and bondage.
In order to execute the secession and the separation from the oppressive exploiters, the tribes of Bari Region need to have a strong military to oppose any advances from the dictator’s military and his allies.
The most logical way is to organize, invest and build their tribal militia. These tribes have the financial resources, the unemployed and underemployed youth and the organizational skills to put together the material and human capital. The researchers view this decision as the most viable solution in which these tribes could achieve their freedom. As long as there is an imbalance in the military capability among the tribes of the tribal alliance of Puntland, there will be no Justice and fairness.
Following the strategy to minimize the risk, the tribes of Bari Region should not attempt to secede unless they are positively sure enough they can militarily defend themselves. Military might rules Puntland. To show the reality and prove this statement we have to go back to the power struggle of Puntland within the ruling sub-clans.
If you look at the historical aspect of the methods of power struggle used by the successive regimes in Puntland, you will realize that any sub-clan who is militarily strong claims the throne of Puntland. Even though most of you could write books about the struggle for power in Puntland, we would like to mention only a few episodes highlighting the main conflicts generated by the struggle for power. Ahmed Liban describes in his article (http://horseedmedia.net/2010/10/10/somaliapuntland-evenhanded-conflict-resolution/) how the clan warfare started and the details of Col. Abdullahi Yusuf in his struggle for power and the many lives lost to reach his goal. Similarly the conflict between Jama Ali Jama and Abdullahi Yusuf is worth mentioning. The sub-clan conflict between Adde Musse and Abdullahi Yusuf which forced Somaliland to take sides between two sister sub-clans in which Adde Musse made deals with Somaliland and fulfilled partially the promises he made to Somaliland (For more clarification on this and the use of the terrorism card by the ruling sub-clans, please read the following link). (http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/24780-Carrying-Wolf-TFG-and-Puntland-Desperately-Play-the-Terrorist-Card).
During the presidency of Adde Musse, his Minister of Planning and Coordination of International Relations also former Minister of Finance who is now the current dictator of Puntland planned to overthrow the presidency of Adde Musse. Some of you have hopes to see a peaceful transfer of power from somebody who is chronically addicted to power, or from somebody who broke the all the rules and regulations in the constitution for the sake of power. To overthrow the legitimately elected president, he used his tribal militia to invade the parliament of Puntland.
Everybody knows that he has lost his close relatives. It is known that he vowed for revenge and planned days and nights for several years the strategies of taking over the throne of Puntland and executing his revenge. It is still unknown how far the plan for revenge is close to be executed.
Therefore, any tribe or group of tribes who want to be free from the grip of the exploiters of Puntland has to have a well organized military power. It is not about quantity, it is about quality of the military in terms of training, equipment and leadership.
Moreover, those who are aspiring to power in Puntland, have to have a strong military, excellent media and politically oriented mature tribe, clan or sub-clan members supporting the take over.
This logic dictates that for the sake of brotherhood, a secession should be granted when a sister tribe or group of  your close-kin tribes to the ruling sub-clans express their desire to secede and form their own state.
A question that comes back more often than others could be paraphrased as “Will the clans in power and the current dictator accept compromise and solutions in which justice and fairness could be achieved peacefully?
Everywhere in the world, those in power are not willing to change their ways of life. According to a well known dictator of our times, S. Milosevic “Borders, rules and regulations are always dictated by the strong, never by the weak.” Masaakiin !!
The tribes of Bari Region should realize that Somalia is different from other nations. The current dictator and most of his allies are not realistic about the situation in Puntland and even are not aware of what happens around the world. One could draw a close association between the dictator of Puntland and the other dictators of Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, Oman, North Korea and Yugoslavia. Would you imagine that the dictator thinks he is doing everything for Puntlanders. He even believes that all the Puntlanders love him.
If the ruling sub-clans are willing to negotiate before any bad action takes place, then, the regionalist are right.  But if the status quo ruling sub-clans and the current dictator reject fair solutions to eliminate the present political, economic and social injustices, for sure, sooner or later Puntland will reach the boiling point in which the dominated tribes will not be able to tolerate and accept any longer the endless humiliation.
Who should be blamed if conflicts arise in Puntland after the tribes of Bari Region assert their God given rights of self-determination and secession?
Should the conflict be attributed to the clans whose political maturity improved somewhat and woke up much too late and asked for their independence?
Should the conflicts be attributed to the minority ruling sub-clans since they refuse to give up their status quo and refuse to accept the desires of the seceding tribes because the minority ruling sub-clans maintain military superiority?
Hence, the unwillingness of the sub-clans who currently dominate the political power of Puntland to take major steps to change the lopsided political, economic and social structure should be responsible for all the consequences and outcomes of their stubbornness. Later they should not complain of the fruits of their actions.
The leadership of the tribes of Bari Region should not forget what happened to the Bosniaks when they declared the secession. Some of the ruling clans of Puntland are not that much different from the Serbians when it comes to greed and power addiction. The Serbians tolerate to some extent the secession of Slovenia and Croatia because of the powers behind them such as Germany. Similarly, the secession of western regions of Puntland have been tolerated not only because they are not revenue contributors but because of the fear of their own well armed militia and the possible intervention of Somaliland and Ethiopia. Therefore, you Rer Bari people, you are on your own. You are the Bosniaks of Puntland. “Looma ooyaan” are your deaths.
In the beginning the ruling sub-clans will resist the secession of Bari Region but if the tribes of Bari Region organize themselves and have the guts to fight for their freedom, certain ruling sub-clans are known to become rational and know when the bluff doesn’t work and it is time to seek for compromise. Will that be too little and too late if the human waste hits the fan?
Some of the other ruling sub-clans didn’t catch up with the civilized world and lack knowledge of politics and diplomacy. The only means they know to fight fire with fire (http://crigler-somalia.blogspot.com/2007/02/fighting-fire-with-fire-is-not-answer.html). Then the lessons of history will be repeated throughout Puntland. Let us not forget the stubbornness of Russia on the freedom of Chechnya.
The efforts of the freedom fighters of Chechnya could be duplicated a hundred fold in Puntland. There are plenty of examples of guerrilla warfare in Latin America, Asia, Europe and Africa. The most memorable recent guerrilla warfare include the Afghan Mujahidins against Soviet Union, Kossovans against Serbians, Columbia, East Timor, Tamil rebels of Sri Lanka (ex Ceylon), Kurds from Turkey, Iraq and Iran.
There were doubts among the participants of the conference in the unity and the alliance between the competing ruling sub-clans and the dictator on his suicidal policy to stay in power. They might not like the secession of Bari Region, but more so, they don’t like the dictator to stay in power and drag Puntland into chaos. Regardless of their discord on many fronts, one issue that so often we have seen they have in common and united across the board is that the power stays within the ruling sub-clans. As the poet said “Two lions would fight over the carcass of the prey, but they unite their forces when a hyena desires to have a share of their prize.” Therefore, we have to remind the hyenas of Bari Region what the poet said “Ninkaan warankaagu mudin weer la marin waa.” In the old days when the ruling sub-clans of Puntland dominated the arena of the Somali politics, in a folklore dance called “Shirib”, the poet dancer said “Mar waa Rashid, mar waa Rizak, Rasuulka ha reed maraane, inta kale ma raashinaa?”.
Unfortunately, some of the power blinded irrationals in Puntland will never give up and will never surrender their status quo. Therefore, the seceding tribes have to be prepared for the inevitable show down. They have to be prepared for the worst possible military confrontation and hope for the best.
The regime would use its military might to deter the secessionists of Bari Region and force its tribes to give up their aspirations. History has taught us that it will be highly difficult to prevent secession through the use of brute force by dictators. The population of the tribes of Bari Region would defend themselves by resisting the occupying troops of the dictator. The dictator and his allies have to look around at what happened in the past and is happening now around the world such as Milosevic, Saddam, Mubarak, Gheddafi, Assad, Saleh, Qabus and Khalifa.
14.2.2 Negative Consequences of Secession for the Ruling Sub-Clans.
We have seen the risks and the negative effects in which the seceding tribes could face in case their secession materialize. But what are the risks in which the ruling sub-clans could face in case of secession and dismemberment of Puntland?
Our Way of Life
Even though it is not totally accurate, some authors believe that the history of the USA civil war was based on the southern states not willing to change their way of life. They were not willing to give up the slave labor, while the north opposed the slavery. Others argue that president Lincoln himself was for slavery. Similarly, the leadership of the well armed parasitic Somali clans who are used to exploitation of other tribes are not willing to give up easily their privileges and prestige.
What would be the predicted possible reactions of the dictator in the case of secession of Bari Region?
The tyrant dictator of Puntland didn’t care much about the secessionist tribes of Ras Asseyr, Nobir, Gagaab and Al Bari, for the simple fact that he considered them as dead weight provinces that would not harm the revenue which he embezzles.
But the dictator in the beginning will utilize all the available media to accuse the people and the leadership of the oppressed tribal alliance of Bari State of plotting and committing unimaginable crimes against the western countries. The dictator and his supporters did use these propaganda techniques before on Shekh Atom. In addition of lying to the supporters in the international community, the dictator will even go further and hire mercenary individuals from abroad and from several clans of Puntland to invade the main cities of Bari State. let us not forget that Saracen International was and is a mercenary organization. Dofar weligiis ma daahiro. recently all the mercenary organizations use a politically correct names such as security forces. Google and you will find all types of mercenary organizations.
Why Bari Region is different from the other regions that unilaterally seceded from Puntland? The dictator didn’t care much about the secession of Darwishland, Makhir, Asseyr, Gagaab, Al Bari and Nobir because, as we have said above, the dictator considers them sterile and unproductive. He wouldn’t even care if the rest of Bari Region secedes as long as the Port of Bosaso is under his control. that is why he brought the soldiers from Garoe to Bosaso. Therefore, the whole issue is about money. The perks that come with the power of ruling Puntland are just an accessory but not important to him. What about the staunch supporters of the dictator? Would they easily give up the perks?
To save face, the dictator of Puntland, instead of diplomacy and political maneuvers based on concessions, first and foremost, will resort to an all out war made of a combination of a nasty media campaign disseminating disinformation against the oppressed tribes of Bari Region and the use of brute force to deny the secession of the oppressed and militarily weak tribes of Bari Region. That could backfire on the dictator and his allies, because it might precipitate the process of further disintegration of the tribal regional state of Puntland and make it difficult future reconciliation among the tribes of Bari Region and the rest of Puntland.
Consequences:- The militarily weak oppressed tribes might be forced to resort to unconventional methods of warfare to end the control of power by the dictator of Puntland and end the reign of the powers that dominated Puntland for the last 13 years.
With regard to the ruling sub-clans, their position will worsen after the secession of Bari Region. Leaving out some of the sensitive issues which are intentionally omitted, we could summarize the disadvantages to the ruling sub-clans as follows.
a. Apart from the dictator’s loss of the revenue from the port of Bosaso, the international assistance and the oil and mineral royalties from Range Resources and African Oil company (ex CANMEX), the main losers will be the tribal chiefs, civil servants, military and non working dictator appointees who will loose their salaries. Those who loose their source of income have to find other sources of compensation by resorting to robbery and similar activities. Therefore, the security of their provinces will diminish to a point of chaos similar or worse than that of Mogadishu.
b. Inter-tribal conflict will escalate further and the tribes with no military power will suffer most.
c. The lack of any new financial infusion from Bari Region to the economy of the regions of the ruling sub-clans will cause economic and social stagnation. Most of the projects from the international donor agencies will dwindle and disappear totally.
d. Threat of inhalation from the south. It is in the interest of the ruling sub-clans to have a tribally united Puntland not only for defensive purposes, but mainly for economic and social development.
The researchers found that the dominant minority sub-clans who monopolized the power of Puntland are the ones who will suffer most if the trend of secession continues at this rate. The member tribes of Puntland located on the boarders, will feel the effect of the secession in terms of defense. The existence of the tribal alliance of the tribal regional state of Puntland was a deterrent to invasion from the south and west.
In the event of a secession, the regions on the border of Puntland could be invaded. In the event of a successful secession by the dominated tribes from the grip of the ruling sub-clans through assertion and use of military power, the newly established secessionist state of Bari would be completely involved with building military defenses and the long-time neglected political, social and economic infrastructure of their regions, probably would have fewer resources to waste on the defense of their former oppressors.
There is a possibility of an invasion of the regions of the ruling sub-clans, and the possibility that they would not be able to defend themselves from a large invasion with the possibility of being annexed and dominated. Will they have the time to lick their own self inflicted wounds?
As many of you know, the neighboring southern Somali tribes who had a long standing historical grudge against Puntlanders might temporarily settle their differences and take advantage of the chaos in Puntland. For sure they will sense the weakness of their arch rival enemies and immediately plan their revenge on a mass scale by invading in full force with all their might to the fragmented Puntland. They might even conquer and settle permanently in Puntland. After all when the Darod came from the Hadramut region of southern Yemen through the boat on the coastal areas of Ollog and Damo, the Jabarti landing was their territory. It could be divine poetic justice for the Somali southern tribes.
Maybe if the ruling sub-clans had been led by intellectuals rather than myopic kakistocratic individuals, they would have received better advice that could satisfy most of the tribes and save the volatile alliance of the tribal regional state of Puntland. If there would have been more united rational tribal leaders watching out for the best interest of Puntland, their first choice would be to get rid of the dictator and it is the easiest way to keep the state together. But keeping the dictator in the driver’s seat of the sinking boat of Puntland is a strategic burden for the other ruling sub-clans. The policy might be technically right, but it is pragmatically wrong. It makes the other sub-clans accomplices of open hegemony, corruption, embezzlement of the state’s financial resources and most of all the dismemberment and disintegration of Puntland. They should distance themselves from the dictator by openly opposing his destructive policies using all the means available to them. Intervention is much better than no intervention. All the things must come to an end. A cry for freedom, justice and equality through secession by the tribes of Bari Region could bring down not only the long reign of the ruling sub-clans of Puntland in Puntland alone, but also could terminate their influence in the Somali Political arena.
e. Currently in the TFG, the ruling sub-clans of Puntland have obtained a lion’s share of the tribal representation of the Somalia (TFG). It is because the ruling sub-clans represent the voiceless unrepresented tribes of Bari Region. Several times that the leaders of the TFG invited the tribal chief of Puntland, the current dictator forbade and even denied any tribal chief to leave the state of Puntland by (air, sea and land). We could even site what happen to one of the major tribal chiefs of Sol region when he returned to the state. Anybody who participated his welcome back party at the airport was punished. Therefore, as we have said above, the secession of Bari Region, definitively will terminate the influence of the minority ruling sub-clans in the Somali political arena.
14.2.3 Negative Consequences of Secession for the Other Tribes of Puntland.
Apart from the disadvantages of the secession to the ruled and ruling clans, the secession of Bari Region regardless of methods by which they obtain their independence, will have a tremendous economic, social and security risk impact and repercussion on the remaining tribes of the alliance of Puntland. The state of Puntland might suddenly reach the stage of dismemberment and inter-tribe fighting. Once Puntland is disintegrated and broken into small pieces with inter-clan conflict based on territories in which each tribe aspires to expand its grazing land by grabbing the grazing land of the militarily weaker neighboring tribes, this might cause bloodshed and exodus of many Puntlanders to other regions in which most probably they are not liked.
With the disintegration and dismemberment of Puntland, the long awaited dream of obtaining international recognition of Somaliland might materialize because they could easily move in and annex the western part of Puntland into their territory. Let us not forget that one of the conditions by the international community to recognize Somaliland was a united colonial border of ex British Somaliland.
14.2.4 Negative Consequences of Secession for All Somalis and the Neighboring Countries.
Everybody knows that the toxic waste(nuclear, industrial, chemical, spent fuel, etc.,.) hauling and disposal corporations of the advanced nations are constantly looking for ways and methods to reduce their costs. Instead of processing and depositing appropriately, they are constantly seeking for cheaper methods of disposal including dumping into the defenseless coasts of Third World countries. The EU authorized toxic waste hauling companies to send the their toxic waste to third world countries (http://www.indepthnews.net/news/news.php?key1=2011-07-22%2011:56:56&key2=1)
But once they find the unguarded coasts of Puntland they will increase the current dumping rate of the nuclear and toxic waste to the Puntland coast. The toxic waste barrels dumped along the coast will take not more than a year to corrode and hell gets loose if another Tsunami doesn’t come and beach the barrels out like it did in the last Tsunami. The toxic waste is going to affect not only the coast of Puntland or Somalia alone, but also the marine resources and livelihood of the coastal population of the neighboring countries of Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Kenya, Tanzania, etc.,. The toxic waste dumping in Puntland coastal areas would have disastrous consequences not only to the marine ecosystem of the region but also to the economy and health of the populations of these countries.
14.2.5 Negative Consequences of Secession for the International Communities.
The risks of secession of Bari Region to the international community is not limited solely to the neighboring countries of the Middle East and Africa but also to countries far from Puntland. The fragmentation of Puntland will be detrimental to the international community in many reasons. The chaos will transform Puntland into a heavenly hide out, a breeding and flourishing ground for terrorism of all sorts, mercenaries, drug smugglers, a huge market for illegal arms dealers and basis for attacking not only the western countries but also African and Middle Eastern democracies and dictatorships.
The chaos of Puntland will definitely be beneficial to some members of the ruling sub-clans who monopolized the business of piracy. Despite the dictator’s protection of the monopoly of piracy in Puntland, they can not openly operate their piracy activities. In case of chaos in Puntland, they will have freedom with no restrictions to expand their piracy operation to deeper waters far away from Puntland yet still have fully operational home bases in the coastal areas of Puntland. Regardless of the lucrative gains in piracy and maybe some protection of the Somali coast from illegal fishing, it is going to affect negatively the international shipping community and consequently the prices of the commodities around the world.
Are you with us so far? Then make your own conclusion.
17. Conclusion of Secession and Autonomy of Bari Region: Disintegration of Puntland. Part I
Despite all the above empirical secession theories supported by the overwhelming evidence of the many countries in the world in which these theories have been practically applied, justify and legitimize the badly needed secessions in which most of the abused and exploited tribes of Bari Region view as a liberation from past and present social, economic and political injustices; their desire for freedom could be objected and denied by the minority well armed ruling sub-clans who are used to colonize and exploit them.
If the minority sub-clans on power are not willing to negotiate on sharing power, and distribution of the social and economic development of Puntland, then there is no reason not to accept a peaceful smooth secession of the tribes of Bari Region.
The fear of the tribes of Bari Region from the minority ruling sub-clans resorting into military supremacy against them because of the financial resources of the exploited tribes might create the worst chaos of Somalia in Puntland.
According to Stalin, a tribe has the right to freely determine its destiny. But according to B. Bryan “Destiny is not matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved”. An Italian proverb says “Se vuoi cogliere il fiore non temere lo spino.” The people of the tribes of Bari Region have to determine their destiny and achieve it with dignity. Philosophically, dignity is a way of being to be learned from birth. This is the advice that the researchers gave to the oppressed tribes of Bari Region. They have to speak up and whatever it takes, fight not only for their today’s freedom but also for the dignity and the future of their children now because it is a noble pursuit. To be persistent on their goals, they should keep their eyes on the prize. The tyranny has to end now. The indecision brings its delays. They need the stamina to fight the first eight rounds before they resort to the dirty techniques the dictator uses.
They need decisive quick victories in the first battles of the war. They might loose some of the battles but they will win the war for freedom. To achieve that goal they need to be well armed and have an effective media campaign that exceeds the media of the ruling sub-clans.
Since you have read the summary of “Part I” of the report of the conference of the secession and autonomy of Bari Region, we thought that you should write from your mind “the conclusion of Part I” of the article on secession and autonomy of Bari Region. Anyhow, using logic, only one of the above mentioned injustice claims is grounds for and sufficient to grant and legitimize the secession of the remaining tribes of Bari Region.
Once a tribal leader clearly understands and proves such discrimination to the members of his tribe, he has the moral principal, political obligation and religious duty to decide for the secession and the well being of his tribe.
The reality is that the leadership of seceding tribe or group of tribes does not require justifying and proving that they are victims of any injustices or oppression to justify their secession. Simply they have their God given right to secede at any time if they choose so.
Dear reader, we know for fact, that Somalis are very argumentative, and those who support the current dictator will never accept any obvious reason that could clearly justify the secession of any tribe from their grip of power in the tribal regional state of Puntland.
Therefore, if you don’t accept any of all the reasons we mentioned in the previous pages, find only one justification that could legitimize the autonomy and secession of the tribal regional states of Puntland or that of Somaliland from Somalia; then apply the same notion and principles that you used to justify for the secession or autonomy of the alliance tribal regional states of Puntland and Somaliland then apply the same principles to any Somali secessionist tribal movement.
There is no way that you can have a double standard by accepting one and rejecting another. Nobody will accept from anybody to use two different criteria for things that are similar. When you toss a coin, you can not say “Heads I win tails you loose and vice verse”. You can not have both ways. Stick with one.
Some of those who reviewed this article before publishing argued that certain readers with mediocre mentality and those who are blinded by the poison of tribalism and hatred will not have the rational thinking to view and acknowledge non of the existing problems explored in the previous pages and will not be able to comprehend and clearly see the objectives of this article. But beware of anybody who tries to convince you that the issue of discussion is above your intelligence, or that you don’t have the expertise and the topic should be left to the masters of the field. We are against belittling others. Don’t let your dark instinct take control of you. Please do your homework before challenging this article. If you are challenging, please show facts in which everybody can trace its sources.
Having seen the alternatives which could bring the collapse of Puntland, we recommend the peaceful solutions for the cohabitation of all tribes of Puntland with justice, fairness and equality.
Should the dictator of Puntland accept the regional autonomy of Bari Region? We think that there are no other acceptable alternatives to keep the tribes of Puntland together. The other alternatives will have disastrous consequences and gloomy outlook for the population of the tribal regional state of Puntland. It is in the interest of the other ruling sub-clans to distance themselves from the agenda and madness of the dictator. We believe that there are some collectively agreed options that could satisfy all the concerned parties. It is our firm belief that it is in the interest of all Puntlanders and all Somalis to cohabit peacefully and resolve their problems in sincere dialog. Dictatorships are not in the best interest of Somalia.
The dominance of a clan over others is not any longer socially, politically, ethically, morally, spiritually and religiously acceptable and has to stop immediately. Please join the conversation and speak up for the voiceless people. We would appreciate your ideas. We need your support and your endorsement for equality, justice, fairness, freedom, independence, self-determination and autonomy. There might be issues that you don’t agree with us, but as the British proverb said “Don’t throw the baby with the bath water.”
Before closing the conference, the participants were asked their preference on were and when the next meeting should take place. After a short discussion the participants decided to have it in Dubai (UAE) in the first week of December 2011. The event planners have been selected and they announced that everybody is welcome to participate. The presenters have to be registered and submit their presentation in the second week of November 2011.
The Voice of the truth

Somaliland: Working in Somaliland Part 1


Lain will be writing to Somalilandpress.com about her experience in Somaliland and will be offering tips to anyone who may want to visit the unrecognized republic along the way – discover Somaliland from a Non-Somali perspective. We shivered in the pre-dawn gloom and regretted having gone to bed so late the previous evening but not as much as we regretted turning up for the bus thirty minutes early. It left at least thirty minutes late from Meskal Square in Addis Ababa. The first hour of the journey through the darkness was accompanied by the crackle of static over the radio as the bus assistant kept searching in vain for a radio station. Giving up he turned it off and we instantly turned on our personal music. This seemed to give him an idea as loud Ethiopian music blared out of the speakers for the rest of the thirteen hour journey to Jijiga. The only respite was when an Ethiopian soap opera came on the television screens and we inwardly prayed for the music to come back. Jijiga is an h-shaped town in the Somalia region of Ethiopia. With a different ethnicity and mother tongue to the rest of the country it acted as a halfway house for us between the cosmopolitan Addis and the more conservative Hargeisa to which we were heading. The one female amongst us covered up as we searched for a restaurant and somewhere to buy a beer, the last we would be drinking for some time. We bonded over a drink and talked long into the night swapping our fears and hopes. Early the following morning we left Ethiopia driving to our new home; Hargeisa, Somaliland. The road from the border to the capital had suffered from recent rain damage so the transport sent by the University was off-road for the first thirty kilometres through the greenery which will be gone in a few weeks when the sun forces all life, humans included, to recede from its oppressive heat. The most impressive moment was climbing a two metre high bank to regain the paved road and speed the last sixty kilometres to the capital city and our house in the city. The greenery won’t last but at the moment it brings comfort to those of us from less arid climates as the green shrubs start to flower around Hargeisa. The house itself is large and contained behind a perimeter wall topped with perpendicular shards of broken glass which have been cemented into place. A turquoise gate leads to a simple yard and veranda, the door of which was locked when we arrived. In fact all of the doors were locked and none of the keys were labelled so the first thirty minutes in our new home were spent trying keys in different locks before we could move into our new rooms. Despite having a mountain of keys none of them opened the front door to the kitchen necessitating a lengthy walk around the yard to get to the back door and in. From our flat roof-top terrace we can see downtown Hargeisa which is a thirty minute walk or twenty minute minibus ride away. A petrol station sits around fifty metres from our building and serves all manner of western goods including what appears to be alcohol-free beer but is actually a malt imitation drink which is absolutely disgusting. One hundred metres in the opposite direction between us and the desert skyline is a large, popular hotel which probably has the best facilities in the country. It has reasonable Wi-Fi, a cool shady interior and Premier League football. Over the hill, which forms our desert skyline, are scattered some smooth sandstone boulders which offer some decent rock climbing potential with steep climbing to keep my arms strong. Our presence by those rocks causes great interest to the local children who come to watch the strange white creatures who crawl like insects all over giant stones near their houses. Our early days have been spent settling in. We’ve explore the market under the careful auspices of our armed guard Ahmed who barely speaks but watches over us silently and would keep us away from hassle if there were any. Hargeisa is a remarkably hassle-free place. People will call out to us to ask how we are and try to engage in conversation which can occasionally be tiring when we are attempting practical tasks like going for gas or shopping for household essentials. Despite this it is never a chore to talk to the friendly locals. We are asked about our nationalities, cities, football teams, jobs and our view of Somaliland. We spent Sunday morning sitting on uncomfortable benches watching animated Somali speeches as the Universities Class of 2011 graduated. Each faculty leader gave a long speech as did several industry leaders and finally the President of Somaliland who was only twenty metres from where we were sitting! Digital cameras were frequently aimed in our direction by well-dressed graduates who were adorned in flowing black gowns and rotor board hats, some of which perched upon beautiful headdresses which matched the faculty sashes they all wore. About one third of the graduates were women which is always encouraging to see. No African city is spotless and Hargeisa has its problems with litter. Frequent winds blow through displacing the rubbish from the ground and throw plastic bags of blue, white and green up into the air. Often they get stuck on the thick spikes of the bare trees which grow around the city. Early one morning whilst drinking tea on the roof we witnessed a mini cyclone tear through the streets by the petrol station. It threw thousands of multi-coloured plastic bags and other pieces of rubbish hundreds of feet up into the air. We stood and watched them swirl around above our heads; their colours were set against the azure-blue backdrop of a clear sky. We watched them slowly float down towards the dry and dusty earth. They looked like a cavalcade of kites as they drifted down, apparently aimlessly, looking for the right place to settle and flower. I looked around at my new colleagues beside me; we had come from all over the world, drifted and settled in Hargeisa where we were hoping to flourish. It felt like we had just done exactly the same thing as the bags by falling into place here. We were Hargeisa flowers.

SAWIRKA MAANTA. Nin Ay Afartiisa Xaas Wada Garaacayaan


Sawirka maanta ee shabakada caalamiga ah ee Oodweynenews waa sawir ku saabsan Nin  wada  qabey Afar Dumar ah oo si qarsoodi ah u kala qarin jirey Xaasaskiisa, si qarsoodi ahna u guursadey Afartoodaba, markii ay ogaadeen ayaa waxay ku tashadeen inay isugu tagaan , waxaanay u garaaceen si xun oo  lafaha ayay ka jabiyeen, waxaana loo qaaday  Cisbitaalka  isagoo nolol iyo geeri mid toona ah  , Markaa Sawir Hadhsato maxaad ka odhan lahaydeen Arintan Foosha Xun. DAAWASHO WACAN


Djibouti education minister sacked over meeting with opposition


Djibouti(SomalilandPress)–Djibouti education minister Dr Adawa Hassan Ali has been abruptly sacked from the government after less than 5 months on the job over a secret meeting with a preeminent opposition leader in Ottawa. Dr Adawa was on an official meeting in Montreal when he decided to go on a trip to the Canadian capital. Sources close to Dr Adawa confirmed to SomalilandPress Ottawa Bureau that Djibouti education minister, during his Montreal sojourn, had a long phone conversation with Hussein Abdourahman Andholeh leader of the Djibouti Democratic Coalition and son of the legendary union leader and political figure Abdourahman Andholeh. Dr Adawa then decided to go to Ottawa to meet Hussein Abdourahman Andholeh. Following the meeting, Dr Adawa went on to meet with the sizeable Djiboutian community in Ottawa and while greeting his fellow citizens he inadvertently spilled the beans of his contact with Mr Hussein Abdourahman. The chatter was the picked up by the very active Djibouti intelligence services in Djibouti. Upon his return in Djibouti, Dr Adawa was promptly excluded from the cabinet and fearful for his safety subsequently fled to Ethiopia where he currently resides.This whole episode illustrates the dictatorial nature of the Guelleh regime and the absence of the democratic liberties that we take for granted in Somaliland. While Somaliland in the country or abroad fervently advocate for the candidate of their choosing, Djiboutian abroad are constantly spied onSomalilandPress Ottawa Bureau

Badhasaabka Sanaag Oo Degmooyinka Galbeedka Ugu Ambababxay Soodhoweynta Madaxweynaha Somaliland.


CEERIGAABO(OWN)- Badhasaabka gobolka Sanaag Cali Cabdi Hurre ayaa caawa abbaara 10:00-pm wuxu magaalada Ceerigaabo uga ambabaxay dhinaca degmooyinka Ceel-afweyn iyo Gar-adag ee galbeedka Sanaag waxana badhasaabka socdaalkiisu salka ku hayaa soodhowaynta Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) oo isagoo maalmahanba socdaal ku marayey gobollada bariga Somaliland la filayo burrito inuu kusoo began yahay degaannada gobolka Sanaag.

“Waxan u ambabaxay dhinaca Ceel-afweyn oo inkastoo aan waqtiga xaggaas idiinka soo sheegi doono la filayo burrito inuu Madaxweynuhu kusoo began yahay”. Sidaas waxa yidhi badhasaabka Sanaag Cali Cabdi Hurre oo isagoo dhexda kusii jira aannu khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhnay.

Dhinaca kalena waxa magaalada Ceerigaabo gudeheeda laga dareemayaa diyaargarowga shacabka ee soodhoweynta madaxweynaha iyo weliba adkaynta nabadgelyada oo ciidammada birmadka boliisku iyo millateriguba kaga jitraan halkaas.
Waxa sidoo kale iyaguna jira dhaqdhaqaaqyada kusaabsan madaxda xukuumadda iyo madax-dhaqameedyada kasoo ambabaxaya degaannada la filayo inaan madaxweynuhu gaadhi doonin gaar ahaan Sanaag-bari.
Sikastaba ha ahaatee booqashada madaxweynaha Somaliland ee gobolkan Sanaag ayaa u muuqata mid bulshadu rajaynayaan kana filayaaan jawaabta ballan-qaadyadii hore iyo waxqabadka xukuumadda ee ay gobollada kale ee Somaliland kala siman yihiin.
C/laahi Xuseen Darwiish
Oodweynenews.com/Ceerigaabo Office.
Email: gxdarwish@hotmail.com
Tell: 00 252 2 4475343-mobile.

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