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Akhriso Magacayada dadkii ay Diyaaradaha Mareykanka...


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Farsooley (Caasimadda Online) - Diyaaradaha Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa shacab Soomaliyeed ku laayay deegaanka iimeey oo ka tirsan Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ee koonfurta dalka Soomaliya.
Duqeyntaas oo ka dhacday dhul baadiya ah oo hoos yimaad deegaanka Farsooley waxaa lala beegsaday isku imaatin xilligaas ay ku sugnaayeen dad shacab ah.
Qaar katirsan Meydadka dadkii shacabka ahaa ee lagu xasuuqay Farsooley ayaa isla deegaanka lagu aasay waxaana warbaahinta uga warbixiyay wixii dhacay Ugaaska Beesha Garre oo sheegay in dadka la laayay ay ahaayeen shacab xoola dhaqata ah oo kasoo jeedo beesha Garre.
Hoos ka akhri qaar katirsan Magacyada dadkii lagu dilay duqeynta
1.Macalin Cabdow Fiilow Muudeey 45 sana jir ah
2.Aamino Macalin Cabdow Fiilow 17 sana jir ah
3.Cusmaan xuseen cabdi (osman jiis )43 sana jir ah
4.Yuuqaney Cusmaan xuseen oo 5 sana jir ah
5.Maxamed cabdi caliyow garboole 38 sana jir ah
Waxaana halkaas ku dhaawacmay
1.safiyo Cusmaan xuseen oo 1sano iyo bar jir ah ayado aabahed iyo walaasheed ka weyn
2-Maxamed Nuur Xuseen Cabdi oo 23-jir ah asigana dhaawaciisa waxa uu yaalaa isbitaal madiino ee magaalada muqdisho .

Golaha Aqalka Sare oo Ansaxiyay Xubin kamid noqonaya...


29 Mudane ayaa codka kalsoonida siiyey Abuukaate Muumino Sheekh Cumar, taas oo Xubin ka noqoneysa Gudiga Dib-u-eegista iyo Hirgalinta Dastuurka kadib hortagitaankeedii Golaha Aqalka Sare. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Koowaad ee Aqalka Sare Abshir Bukhaari ayaa sheegay in sirasmi ah Abuukaate Muumino Sheekh Cumar ay uga mid noqotay Gudiga Qaabilsan Arrimaha Dastuurka. Ansixinta xubnaha Golaha Aqalka [...]

Rouhani: Sacuudi Carabiya Waxay baryaysaa...


Go'aanka Maraykanku ee magaalada Jerusalem inay tahay caasimadda Israel, Tehran ayaa kor u qaadday cambaareynta wadamada Carabta, gaar ahaan Sacuudi Carabiya, kaas oo Madaxweynaha Iran Xasan Rowhani ku eedeeyay inay u rukuucday Israel.
Rohani ayaa sheegay intii uu hadal ujeedinayay baarlamaanka Iran Maanta: "Waxaa jira dawlada jaar ah oo had hadlaya dhibaato nagama dhaxayso ... Sacuudiyiintu ha joojiyaan weerarrada Yemen,ha joojiyaan saaxiibtinimada iyo xidhiidhka Israel, kama doonayno Sacuudiga intaa in ka badan, "Kadibna wax dhibaato ah kuma yeelan doonto Sacuudi Carabiya,xidhiidh wanaagsan la yeelan karnaa".
Madaxwaynaha Iran ayaa yidhi: "kama aamusi doonno mu`aamarada cusub ee Suhyuuniyada Maraykanka ee magaalada Jerusalem," isaga oo intaa ku daray in waddankiisu "qaadi doono talaabo kasta oo lagu taageerayo dadka Falastiiniyiinta ee ka hortaga mu`aamarada".
Sidoo kale afhayeenka baarlamaanka Iran Ali Larijani ayaa ku eedeeyay hay'adaha Carabta iyo kuwa Islaamka inay Gacmaha ka laabteen waxay awadaan Maraykanku.
Waxa uu intaa ku daray: "Haddii dalalka Carabta kala saari waayaan xisaabaadka ay la leeyihiin Maraykanka iyo Arrinta Qudus, waxay lumin doonaan sharafta dhabta ah."
Larijani wuxuu ugu baaqay wadamada Islaamka in ay Joojiyaan Xidhiidhka ay la leeyihiin Mareykanka.
Warqabadka ToggaHerer

Qaramada Midoobay oo sheegtay in 2,078 qof oo rayid...


Warbixin ay maanta soo saartay Qaramada Midoobay ayaa lagu sheegay in Colaadda hubaysan ee Soomaaliya ay weli khasaare culus u geysato dadka rayidka, burburiso kaabayaasha iyo qaab-nololeedka, barakiciso malaayiin dad ah, kana horistaagto bulshada u baahan gargaarka bani'aadanimo
Warbixinta oo lagu magacaabay "Ilaalinta Dadka Rayidka, Dhisidda Asaaska Nabadda, Amniga iyo Xuquuqul Insaanka Soomaaliya", ayna soo saareen Xafiiska Xuquuqul Insaanka Qaramada Midoobay iyo Hawlgalka Kaalmeynta Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya (UNSOM) waxay ka hadashay mudii u dhaxeysay 1dii Janaayo 2016 ilaa 14ka Oktoobar 2017.
Warbixinta ayaa lagu xusay in Qaramada Midoobay ay diiwaangelisay tiro gaareysa 2,078 oo ah dhimasho dad rayid ah iyo 2,507 oo dhaawacyo ah, in ka badan kala bar khasaaraha (boqolkiiba 60) waxaa loo aaneeyay Al-Shabaab, boqolkiiba 13 waxaa loo aaneeyay maleeshiyo beeleedyo, boqolkiiba 11 waxaa loo aaneeyay dhinacyada xoogagga Dowladda, oo ka midyihiin ciidamada milleteriga iyo booliska, boqolkiiba afar waxaa loo aaneeyay Hawlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AMISOM), boqolkiiba 12 na waxaa loo aaneeyay dad weerarro geystay oo aan la aqoonsanin ama aan la xaddidin.
Sidoo kale Warbixinta Qaramada Midoobay ayaa lagu sheegatay in dhacdadii ugu xumayd ee hal maalin dhacda ay ahayd, dhacdadii Zope ee 14kii bishii Oktoobar, ee ay saraakiisha dowladda Soomaaliyeed u aaneeyeen Al-Shabaab, taas ee 1dii December si rasmi ah loo diiwaangeliyay inay ku dhinteen ugu yaraan 512 qof, iyo 316 qof oo ku dhaacantay.
Dhanka kale Qaramada Midoobay ayaa warbixinteenda ku sheegtay in Colaadda ay saameyn dheeraad ah ku yeelatay carruurta, kana dhigtay kuwo la kulma "xadgudubyo ba'an xilliyada ay socdaan hawlgallada ciidan, waxaana xadgudubyadaas ka mid ah dil, dhaawicid iyo xarig iyo xabsi gelin ay u geystaan ciidamada amniga ," Waxaa intaa sii dheer, warbixinno sheegaya in qorista caruurta la askareynayo ay aad u korortay. Intii lagu jirey 10kii bilood ee ugu horreysay sannadka 2017, tiro kiisas dhan 3,335 oo ah carruur ciidan laga qortay ayaa la soo tebiyay - boqolkiiba 71.5 waxaa loo aaneynayaa Al Shabaab, boqolkiiba 14.6 waxaa loo aaneynayaa maleeshiyo beeleedyo, halka boqolkiiba 7.4 loo aaneynayo Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka.
Ugu danbeyntii Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada Xubnaha ka ah ayay Qaramada Midoobay ku boorisay inay ansixiyaan tallaabooyin sharci iyo kuwo siyaasadeed oo ay ku jiraan kuwo ku saabsan sharci fulinta, si loo xaqiijiyo in baaritaan wax ku ool ah la sameeyo, isla markaasna dacwad lagu soo oogo kuwa geysta xadgudubyada iyo tacaddiyada halista ku ah sharciga calamiga ah ee xuquuqul insaanka iyo sharciga caalamiga ah ee xilliyada colaadaha, dhibanayaashana loo helo xaal marin wax ku ool ah.PUNTLAND POST
The post Qaramada Midoobay oo sheegtay in 2,078 qof oo rayid ah ay sanadkan ku dhinteen Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.

Xildhibaan jaamax faarax (Jaamax Riyo ) Oo Maanso Ku...


Hargeysa(Toggaherer)-Xildhibaan jaamax faarax (Jaamax Riyo ) Oo Maanso Ku Maamuusay madaxweynaha Cusub Somaliland.
Daawo Muuqaalkaasi maansadaasi uu jaamac faarax(Jaamac Riyo ku Maamuusayo Madaxweynaha cusub Ee Somaliland Md-Muuse Biixi Cabdi.
[embedded content]

UN report says 2,078 civilians killed in Somalia 2016-2017


Armed conflict in Somalia continues to exact a heavy toll on civilians, damaging infrastructure and livelihoods, displacing millions of people, and impeding access to humanitarian relief for communities in need, a UN report published on Sunday said.
Entitled “Protection of Civilians: Building the Foundation for Peace, Security and Human Rights in Somalia,” the report by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) covers the period from 1 January 2016 to 14 October 2017.
During this period, UNSOM documented a total of 2,078 civilian deaths and 2,507 injuries. More than half the casualties (60 per cent) were attributed to Al Shabaab militants, 13 per cent to clan militias, 11 per cent to State actors, including the army and the police, four per cent to the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), and 12 per cent to unidentified or undetermined attackers.
“Ultimately, civilians are paying the price for failure to resolve Somalia’s conflicts through political means,” said the head of UNSOM, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia Michael Keating. “And parties to the conflict are simply not doing enough to shield civilians from the violence. This is shameful.”
Civilians were the victims of unlawful attacks – by being directly targeted and through the use of indiscriminate bomb and suicide attacks – by non-State groups. Such attacks, which are prohibited under international human rights and humanitarian laws, are, in most cases, likely to constitute war crimes, and it is imperative that perpetrators are identified and held accountable, the report says.
The worst incident on a single day was the twin bomb blasts in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on 14 October, attributed to Al-Shabaab by Somali government officials, in which at least 512 people are officially recorded to have died as of 1 December, along with 316 injured.
“This barbaric act was the deadliest attack with an improved explosive device (IED) in Somalia’s history and surely one of the worst ever on the continent, if not the world,” Special Representative Keating said. “Sadly, its impact will be felt for a long time.”
A significant number of recorded civilian casualties – 251 killed and 343 injured – was attributed to clan militias, in areas where federal or state security forces are largely absent. “The drought has intensified clan conflict due to competition over resources. These conflicts are exploited by anti-government elements to further destabilize areas, diminish prospects for lasting peace and weaken civilian protection,” the report states.
It goes on to note that although the number of casualties attributed to the Somali National Army and Police, as well as AMISOM, was significantly smaller than those attributed to Al Shabaab militants.
“Nevertheless, such casualties are of utmost concern as they undermine the Somali population’s trust in the Government and the international community, which in turn expands the space in which anti-government elements continue to operate,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.
“While achieving the balance between human rights and security is challenging, the respect of human rights and the protection of civilians are essential as the foundation of a strong, legitimate State that works for the benefit of all its people,” he said.
Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency routinely disregards international human rights law when carrying out arrests and detentions, according to the report, which adds that journalists and people suspected of belonging to Al Shabaab are often detained without charge.
The report flags that information on the conditions of people living under Al Shabaab control is scant. Verifying human rights violations and abuses in those areas remains problematic due to the lack of access and fear of reprisals.
The conflict has disproportionately affected children, exposing them to “grave violations during military operations, including killing, maiming and arrest and detention by Somali security forces,” the report says. In addition, reports of recruitment of children increased sharply. In the first 10 months of 2017, 3,335 cases of child recruitment were reported – 71.5 per cent attributed to Al Shabaab, 14.6 per cent to clan militia, and 7.4 per cent to the Somali National Army.
In line with international humanitarian law, the primary responsibility for protecting civilians lies with the parties involved in the conflict and the Somali authorities. According to UNSOM, while there have been some positive developments, much remains to be done to achieve an adequate level of protection for civilians.
The UN Mission considers the implementation of an agreement on Somalia’s National Security Architecture – reached by the Federal Government and the Federal Member States in April this year – as central to achieving sustainable security sector reform. The agreement provides an opportunity to ensure that Somali-led security institutions are accountable and can protect citizens in accordance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law, with the continued support of the United Nations and the international community.
Among its recommendations, the report urges parties to the conflict to take all feasible precautions to protect civilians and civilian installations   by ceasing the use of all IEDs and the firing of mortars, rockets and grenades from and into populated areas. The report also calls for all unlawful armed groups and militia to be disbanded.
In addition, the report encourages AMISOM to strengthen its accountability measures regarding incidents involving civilians, by conducting effective investigations and judicial proceedings concerning serious allegations attributed to AMISOM and other international troops, holding perpetrators accountable and providing adequate assistance and effective remedies for victims.
The report also urges the Federal Government and Federal Member States to adopt the legislative and policy measures, including with respect to law enforcement, to ensure the effective investigation and prosecution of serious violations and abuses of international human rights law and humanitarian laws, and an effective remedy.
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UN report says 2,078 civilians killed in Somalia...


Armed conflict in Somalia continues to exact a heavy toll on civilians, damaging infrastructure and livelihoods, displacing millions of people, and impeding access to humanitarian relief for communities in need, a UN report published on Sunday said.
Entitled "Protection of Civilians: Building the Foundation for Peace, Security and Human Rights in Somalia," the report by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) covers the period from 1 January 2016 to 14 October 2017.
During this period, UNSOM documented a total of 2,078 civilian deaths and 2,507 injuries. More than half the casualties (60 per cent) were attributed to Al Shabaab militants, 13 per cent to clan militias, 11 per cent to State actors, including the army and the police, four per cent to the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), and 12 per cent to unidentified or undetermined attackers.
"Ultimately, civilians are paying the price for failure to resolve Somalia's conflicts through political means," said the head of UNSOM, the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia Michael Keating. "And parties to the conflict are simply not doing enough to shield civilians from the violence. This is shameful."
Civilians were the victims of unlawful attacks - by being directly targeted and through the use of indiscriminate bomb and suicide attacks - by non-State groups. Such attacks, which are prohibited under international human rights and humanitarian laws, are, in most cases, likely to constitute war crimes, and it is imperative that perpetrators are identified and held accountable, the report says.
The worst incident on a single day was the twin bomb blasts in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on 14 October, attributed to Al-Shabaab by Somali government officials, in which at least 512 people are officially recorded to have died as of 1 December, along with 316 injured.
"This barbaric act was the deadliest attack with an improved explosive device (IED) in Somalia's history and surely one of the worst ever on the continent, if not the world," Special Representative Keating said. "Sadly, its impact will be felt for a long time."
A significant number of recorded civilian casualties - 251 killed and 343 injured - was attributed to clan militias, in areas where federal or state security forces are largely absent. "The drought has intensified clan conflict due to competition over resources. These conflicts are exploited by anti-government elements to further destabilize areas, diminish prospects for lasting peace and weaken civilian protection," the report states.
It goes on to note that although the number of casualties attributed to the Somali National Army and Police, as well as AMISOM, was significantly smaller than those attributed to Al Shabaab militants.
"Nevertheless, such casualties are of utmost concern as they undermine the Somali population's trust in the Government and the international community, which in turn expands the space in which anti-government elements continue to operate," said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein.
"While achieving the balance between human rights and security is challenging, the respect of human rights and the protection of civilians are essential as the foundation of a strong, legitimate State that works for the benefit of all its people," he said.
Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency routinely disregards international human rights law when carrying out arrests and detentions, according to the report, which adds that journalists and people suspected of belonging to Al Shabaab are often detained without charge.
The report flags that information on the conditions of people living under Al Shabaab control is scant. Verifying human rights violations and abuses in those areas remains problematic due to the lack of access and fear of reprisals.
The conflict has disproportionately affected children, exposing them to "grave violations during military operations, including killing, maiming and arrest and detention by Somali security forces," the report says. In addition, reports of recruitment of children increased sharply. In the first 10 months of 2017, 3,335 cases of child recruitment were reported - 71.5 per cent attributed to Al Shabaab, 14.6 per cent to clan militia, and 7.4 per cent to the Somali National Army.
In line with international humanitarian law, the primary responsibility for protecting civilians lies with the parties involved in the conflict and the Somali authorities. According to UNSOM, while there have been some positive developments, much remains to be done to achieve an adequate level of protection for civilians.
The UN Mission considers the implementation of an agreement on Somalia's National Security Architecture - reached by the Federal Government and the Federal Member States in April this year - as central to achieving sustainable security sector reform. The agreement provides an opportunity to ensure that Somali-led security institutions are accountable and can protect citizens in accordance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law, with the continued support of the United Nations and the international community.
Among its recommendations, the report urges parties to the conflict to take all feasible precautions to protect civilians and civilian installations by ceasing the use of all IEDs and the firing of mortars, rockets and grenades from and into populated areas. The report also calls for all unlawful armed groups and militia to be disbanded.
In addition, the report encourages AMISOM to strengthen its accountability measures regarding incidents involving civilians, by conducting effective investigations and judicial proceedings concerning serious allegations attributed to AMISOM and other international troops, holding perpetrators accountable and providing adequate assistance and effective remedies for victims.
The report also urges the Federal Government and Federal Member States to adopt the legislative and policy measures, including with respect to law enforcement, to ensure the effective investigation and prosecution of serious violations and abuses of international human rights law and humanitarian laws, and an effective remedy.

Dhageyso:-Warka Duhur ee Idaacadda Shabelle

Sawirro:-QM oo sheegtay in 2017 Soomaaliya lagu dilay 2,078 Qof


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa soo saaray Warbixin la xariirta tirada dadka lagu dilay Sanadkan Gudaha Soomaaliya.
Waxaana Warbixinta lagu sheegay in Guud ahaan 2016 illaa 2017 Soomaaliya lagu dilay 2,078 Qof.
Sidoo kale Warabixintani ayaa lagu sheegay in 4,585 Qof ay waxyeelo soo gaartay Sanadkan 2017, kuwaas oo lagu eedeeyay dhinacyada Al Shabaab, Maleeshiyaad, Dowladda iyo Ciidamada AMISOM.
Al Shabaab    60%
Maleeshiyaad 13%
Dowladda       11%
AMISOM.        4%
Ugu dambeyn waxaa Warbixinta lagu xusay deegaanada ay ka dhaceen dilalkaasi, gaar ahaan Maamul Goboleedyada Dalka.
Soomaaliland 208 Qof
Puntland  413 Qof
Galmudug 261 Qof
Jubbaland 434 Qof
Koonfur Galbeed 735 Qof
Hirshabelle 269 Qof
Banaadir 2,265 Qof.
Halkaan hoose ka Akhriso:-
http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24991536_13616788439... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24991536_13616788439... 768w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24991536_13616788439... 80w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24991536_13616788439... 265w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24991536_13616788439... 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24991536_13616788439... 560w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" />http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/FB_IMG_1512901748248... 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/FB_IMG_1512901748248... 80w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/FB_IMG_1512901748248... 265w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/FB_IMG_1512901748248... 560w" sizes="(max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px" />http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/7-300x225.jpg 300w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/7-80x60.jpg 80w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/7-265x198.jpg 265w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/7-696x522.jpg 696w, http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/7-560x420.jpg 560w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" />
The post Sawirro:-QM oo sheegtay in 2017 Soomaaliya lagu dilay 2,078 Qof appeared first on Shabelle.

Kuuriyada Waqooyi oo laga dalbatay in ay dagaal ka fogaato


Kuuriyada Waqooyi ayaa aqbashay in mustaqbalka xiriir wanaagsan ay la yeelato Qaramada Midoobey ka dib markii sarkaal sare oo golaha ka tirsan uu booqday Pyongyang.

Guddoomiye Jawaari oo ka qeybgalay munaasabad ay ku...


Muqdisho(SONNA):- Munaasabadaan oo ay ku qalin jabinayeen in kabadan 500 oo arday oo dhameysatay waxbarashada kuliyadaha kala duwan ee jaamacadda Somali International University (SIU) kaasi oo uu soo qaban qaabiyay Maamulka Jaamacada SIU ayaa lagu qabtay Magaalada Muqdisho
Munaasabada ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliya Prof, Maxamed Sheikh Cusmaan Jawaari,Wasiiro ka tirsan Xukuumadda Soomaaliya, Maamulka Jamaacada SIU, Waalidiin, Macalimiinta wax ka dhiga jamacadda Aradyda wax ka barta Jaamacadda SIU iyo marti sharaf kale
Xasan Xuseen Gutaale oo ku hadlayay magaca waalidiinta ayaa u mahad celiyay Maamulka iyo macalimiinta Jaamacadda SIU sida hagar la'aanta ah uga qeyb qaateen wax barashada Ardayda soomaaliyeed.
Madaxa Xiriirka Caalamiga ee Arimaha Dibadda Dr. Andraw Okela oo ka socday Jaamacada Makareeri ee dalka Uganda ayaa ka hadlay muhiimada xiriirka labada jaamacadood ee Makareeri iyo SIU.
Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Caalamiga ee Soomaaliya (SIU), Shaafici Diiriye Cabdi ayaa ka warbixiyay tirada ardayda ka qalin jabisay Jaamacadda iyo kuliyadaha ay ka qalin jabiyeen.
Wuxuuna sheegay in tirada ardayda qalin jabisay ay gaarayaan in ka badan 500-Arday,kuwaasi oo dhameystay kuliyadaha ay bixiso Jaamacadda.
Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Sheikh Cusmaan ayaa ku booriyay ardayda ka qalin jabineysa jaamacadda in ay sii laba laabaan wax barashadooda isla markaana ku dadaalaan horumarka dalkooda hooyo
Gabagabadii munaasabada ayaa wax shahaadooyin la gudoonsiiyay Ardayda dhameysatay waxbarashada heerka koowaad ee jaamacadda.

UN oo Kuuriyada Waqooyi ka dalbatay in ay dagaal ka...


Mr Feltman wuxuu la kulmay saraakiisha ugu sareysa Kuuriyada Waqooyi oo uu ka mid yahay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Ri Yong-ho
Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobey ayaa madaxda Kuuriyada Waqooyi u sheegay in "si degdeg ah" loogu baahan yahay in la ilaaliyo khadadka looga fogaanayo halista dagaal in uu dhaco, sida warbixin lagu sheegay.
Qoraalka ka soo baxay UN ayaa imaanayo ka dib markii Pyongyang uu booqday Jeffrey Feltman oo ah sarkaalkii ugu sareeyay ee Qaramada Midoobey ee booqda dalka go'doominta lagu hayo muddo lix sanno ah.
Kuuriyada Waqooyi waxay sheegtay in ay ogolaatay in si joogto ah ay xiriir ula sameyso Qaramada Midoobey.
Xiisadda ka dhalatay hubka halista ah ee Kuuriyada Waqooyi ayaa sare u sii kacday ka dib markii ay tijaabisay gantaal caag ka sameysan oo ah nooca qaaradaha isaga gudba.
Maamulka Pyongyang ayaa sheegay in gantaalka uu ahaa midkii ugu hormarsanaa, kaas oo lagu duqeyn karo dalka Mareykanka.
Tijaabada waxay qeyb ka ahayd tijaabooyiin joogto ah oo Kuuriyada Waqooyi ay ku sameyneysay nukliyerkeeda iyo gantaallada xambaari doona. Waxayna tallaabooyiinkaasi oo dhan jawaab u yihiin cunna qabateynta Qaramada Midoobey.
Kuuriyada Koonfureed iyo Mareykanka ayaa dhankooda sameynaya dhoolatus militari oo awooddooda ay ku muujinayaan.
Mid ka mid ah sawirraddii ugu dambeeyay ee laga qaaday hoggaamiyaha Kuuriyada Waqooyi Kim Jong-un
Axaddii, Kuuriyada Koonfureed waxay sheegtay in ay ku biirayso Mareykanka iyo xulafadiisa oo cunna qabateyn dheeraad ah saaraya Waqooyiga.
Labaatan shirkadood iyo 12 qof ayaa lagu daray diiwaanka cunna qabateynta oo Axadda dhaqan gali doono.
Tallaabada maamulka Seoul waa middii labaad oo bil gudaheed la qaado, waxaana laga damacsan yahay in laga jaro dakhliga caalamka ee caawin kara horumarinta nukliyerka Kuuriyada Waqooyi, sida uu sheegay sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Kuuriyada Waqooyi.
Cadaadiskan wuxuu dheeraad ku yahay cunna qabateynta uu Golaha Amniga ee Qaramada Midoobey saaray maamulka Kim Jong-un.

Khilaaf ka taagan guddi doorasho oo uu magacaabay...


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Garoowe (- Online) - Xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka Maamulka Puntland ayaa ka horyimid xubno gaaraya 7 oo uu magacaabay madaxweynaha Maamulka Puntland C/wali Maxamed Cali Gaas,kuwaas oo ay xildhibaannada diideen.
Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa magacaabay 7 xubnood oo uu ka koobnaanayo Guddiga doorashada Madaxweynaha ee Puntland,taas oo dhaceysa Sanadka 2019ka.
Xildhibaannada ayaa diiday Magacaabista Guddigaas oo ay ku doodayaan in qaarkood aysan ku saleysneyn sharciga Puntland halka XIldhibaannada qaar ay guud ahaamba xubnaha guddiga ku diideen in ay u badabyihiin kuwo u janjeera dhinaca Gaas.
Madaxweyne Gaas oo shalay ka laabtay Muqdisho ayaa markii uu tagay magaalada Garowe waxaa uu la kulmay XIldhibaannada diidday Guddiga doorashada Puntland ee 2019ka.
Kulankaas ayaa ku dhamaaday isfaham waa waxaana wali jira khilaafka u dhaxeeya Gaas iyo Xildhibaannada diiddan magacaabista Guddigaas oo ay ku eedeeyeen in uusan ahayn Guddi dhex dhexaad ka noqon kara doorashada Puntland ee 2019-ka.- OnlineXafiiska Garoowe-@live.com

UN: 2,000 oo qof oo lagu dilay Soomaaliya laba sanno gudahood


Qaramada Midoobey ayaa sheegtay in illaa 2,000 oo qof in lagu dilay Soomaaliya tan iyo bilowgii sanadkii 2016-kii.

Kuuriyada Waqooyi oo laga dalbatay in ay dagaal ka...


Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobey ayaa madaxda Kuuriyada Waqooyi u sheegay in "si degdeg ah" loogu baahan yahay in la ilaaliyo khadadka looga fogaanayo halista dagaal in uu dhaco, sida warbixin lagu sheegay.
Qoraalka ka soo baxay UN ayaa imaanayo ka dib markii Pyongyang uu booqday Jeffrey Feltman oo ah sarkaalkii ugu sareeyay ee Qaramada Midoobey ee booqda dalka go'doominta lagu hayo muddo lix sanno ah.
Kuuriyada Waqooyi waxay sheegtay in ay ogolaatay in si joogto ah ay xiriir ula sameyso Qaramada Midoobey.
Xiisadda ka dhalatay hubka halista ah ee Kuuriyada Waqooyi ayaa sare u sii kacday ka dib markii ay tijaabisay gantaal caag ka sameysan oo ah nooca qaaradaha isaga gudba.
Maamulka Pyongyang ayaa sheegay in gantaalka uu ahaa midkii ugu hormarsanaa, kaas oo lagu duqeyn karo dalka Mareykanka.
Tijaabada waxay qeyb ka ahayd tijaabooyiin joogto ah oo Kuuriyada Waqooyi ay ku sameyneysay nukliyerkeeda iyo gantaallada xambaari doona. Waxayna tallaabooyiinkaasi oo dhan jawaab u yihiin cunna qabateynta Qaramada Midoobey.
Kuuriyada Koonfureed iyo Mareykanka ayaa dhankooda sameynaya dhoolatus militari oo awooddooda ay ku muujinayaan.
Axaddii, Kuuriyada Koonfureed waxay sheegtay in ay ku biirayso Mareykanka iyo xulafadiisa oo cunna qabateyn dheeraad ah saaraya Waqooyiga.
Labaatan shirkadood iyo 12 qof ayaa lagu daray diiwaanka cunna qabateynta oo Axadda dhaqan gali doono.
Tallaabada maamulka Seoul waa middii labaad oo bil gudaheed la qaado, waxaana laga damacsan yahay in laga jaro dakhliga caalamka ee caawin kara horumarinta nukliyerka Kuuriyada Waqooyi, sida uu sheegay sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Kuuriyada Waqooyi.
Cadaadiskan wuxuu dheeraad ku yahay cunna qabateynta uu Golaha Amniga ee Qaramada Midoobey saaray maamulka Kim Jong-un.

Not enough being done to shield civilians from...


The armed conflict in Somalia continues to exact a heavy toll on civilians, damaging infrastructure and livelihoods, displacing millions of people, and impeding access to humanitarian relief for communities in need, according to a United Nations report launched today in the country's capital, Mogadishu.
"Ultimately, civilians are paying the price for failure to resolve Somalia's conflicts through political means," said the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, Michael Keating. "And parties to the conflict are simply not doing enough to shield civilians from the violence. This is shameful."
The report - "Protection of Civilians: Building the Foundation for Peace, Security and Human Rights in Somalia" - covers the period from 1 January 2016 to 14 October 2017, and was produced by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), which Mr. Keating also heads.
During this reporting period, UNSOM documented a total of 2,078 civilian deaths and 2,507 injuries, with 60 per cent of the casualties attributed to Al Shabaab militants, 13 per cent to clan militias, 11 per cent to State actors, including the army and the police, four per cent to the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), and 12 per cent to unidentified or undetermined attackers.
Civilians were the victims of unlawful attacks - by being directly targeted and through the use of indiscriminate bomb and suicide attacks - by non-State groups. Such attacks, which are prohibited under international human rights and humanitarian laws, are, in most cases, likely to constitute war crimes, and it is imperative that perpetrators are identified and held accountable, the report notes.
The worst incident on a single day was the twin bomb blasts in Mogadishu on 14 October, attributed to Al-Shabaab by Somali government officials and in which at least 512 people are officially recorded to have died as of 1 December, along with 316 injured. The attack received widespread condemnation, including from UNSOM and Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
"This barbaric act was the deadliest attack with an improved explosive device in Somalia's history and surely one of the worst ever on the continent, if not the world," said Special Representative Keating at the report's launch. "Sadly, its impact will be felt for a long time."
A significant number of recorded civilian casualties - 251 killed and 343 injured - was attributed to clan militias, in areas where federal or state security forces are largely absent. "The drought has intensified clan conflict due to competition over resources. These conflicts are exploited by anti-government elements to further destabilize areas, diminish prospects for lasting peace and weaken civilian protection," the report states.
Casualties attributed to State actors and AMISOM
It goes on to note that the number of casualties attributed to the Somali National Army and Police, as well as to AMISOM, was significantly smaller than those attributed to Al Shabaab militants.
"Nevertheless, such casualties are of utmost concern as they undermine the Somali population's trust in the Government and the international community, which in turn expands the space in which anti-government elements continue to operate," said the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein.
"While achieving the balance between human rights and security is challenging," he added, "the respect of human rights and the protection of civilians are essential as the foundation of a strong, legitimate State that works for the benefit of all its people."
Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency routinely disregards international human rights law when carrying out arrests and detentions, according to the report, which adds that journalists and people suspected of belonging to Al Shabaab are often detained without charge.
The report also flags that information on the conditions of people living under Al Shabaab control is scant. Verifying human rights violations and abuses in those areas remains problematic due to the lack of access and fear of reprisals.
Somalia has been plagued by armed violence for decades, as well as poverty, marginalization, natural hazards, insecurity and political instability.
UNSOM is working with the East African country's authorities to support national reconciliation, provide strategic and policy advice on various aspects of peacebuilding and state-building, monitor and report on the human rights situation, and help coordinate the efforts of the international community.
Source: - UN report

UN: 2,000 oo qof oo lagu dilay Soomaaliya laba sanno...


Warbixin ay soo saartay Qaramada Midoobey ayaa lagu sheegay in tirada shacabka ku dhintay colaadda Soomaaliya ay sare u sii kacday.
Hay'adda ayaa diiwaan gelisay in ka badan 2,000 oo qof in lagu dilay Soomaaliya muddadii u dhexeysay Janaayo 2016 illaa Oktobar 2017. Sidoo kale illaa 2500 oo kale ayaa ku dhaawacantay Soomaaliya isla xilligaasi.
Baaritaanka Qaramada Midoobey ayaa lagu sheegay in rabshadaha Al-Shabaab ay sabab u yihiin geerida ugu badan ee shacabka. Sidoo kale waxay dhalleeceysay ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa midowga Afrika.
Dhibaatada ugu badan ee ka dhalata amni darada Soomaaliya waxay saameynta ugu daran ku yeelatay shacabka, gaar ahaan marka ay ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa caawinaya ay dagaal la galaan kooxda Al-Shabaab.
Ururka Al-Shabaab waxaa lagu eedeeyay in uu sabab u yahay dhimashada ugu badan, sida weerarkii Muqdisho ka dhacay bishii Oktobar oo ay ku dhinteen in ka badan 300 oo qof oo shacab ahaa.
Qaramada Midoobey ayaa arrimahan oo dhan uga hadashay warbixin lixdan bog ka kooban oo lagu sharaxay sida ay kor uga sii keceyso tirada shacabka ee lagu dilay gobolka Banadir.
Sidoo kale waxay UN sheegtay in saldhigyada militari ee laga sameynayo goobaha shacabka ay ku badan yihiin in ay halis gelinayaan nolosha dadka rayidka ah, maadaama ciidamada ay bartilmaameed u yihiin weerarada Al-Shabaab.
Qalabkan aad haysato kuma ciyaari kartid maqalkan iyo muuqaalkan
Warbixinta Qaramada Midoobey ayaa lagu eedeeyay laamaha amniga in ay si aan kala sooc lahayn dad u xirxiraan iyo in ay la shaqeeyaan miliishiyaad lala xiriirinayo qabaa'il, "oo xaaladda sii cakiri kara".
Dhinacyada ku hardamaya Soomaaliya ayaa lagu eedeeyay in ay caruurta ka dhigtaan ciidamo, taas oo xad gudub ku ah shuruucda caalamiga ah.

Wasaaradda Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha XFS oo ka...


Muqdisho(SONNA) Kulankan qado sharafta ahaa oo Wasaaradda Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ay u sameysay qeybaha kaladuwan ee Warbaahinta ayaa looga hadlayay habsami u socodka tartanka ciyaaraha Kubadda Cagta ee ka socoda magaalada Muqdisho iyo dowrka Warbaahinta ay ka qaadan karto in bulshadu ay u tabiso ciyaarahaasi.
Kulanka kadib Wasiirka Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Marwo Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye oo lahadashey suxufiyiintii ka qeybgashey kulankaasi ayaa waxaa ay u soo bandhigtay cabashooyin ay soo gudbiyeen ciyaartoyda Jubbaland,taasi oo ahayd in koxda Kubadda Cagta ee Banaadir uu u dheeley ciyaaryahay dhalashidiisu ay tahay Kenyati.
"Guddiga dishibiliinka iyo aadaabta SFF markuu dib u eegey eedeymahaasi oo soo baray waxaa uu soo saarey go'aanadan,
1: In ciyaaryahanka la yiraahdo CabndiMajiid Cusmaan Ibraahim(N0.9) oo katirsan ciyaartoyda Kubadda Cagta ee Gobolka Banaadir uusan ahayn Ajanabi uuna ka qeybgalikaro dhamaan tartamada xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubadda Cagta.
2: Waxaan dhamaan ka qeybgalayaasha tartanka lagu wargelinayaa in ay ka qeybqaadan karaan qofkasta oo muwaadin Soomaaliyeed ah ha heysto Bassbor nuucuu doono ha ahaado ayay tiri," ayaay tiri Wasiirka Khadiijo Maxmed Diiriye.
Hadalka Wasiirka ayaa ku soo beegmayaa xili ciyaartoyda Jubbaland ay cabasho ka keeneen ciyaar yahanka N0.9 uga ciyaarah Banaadir,kadib ciyaartii furitaanka oo halkaasi ku dhexmartay.

Sawirro: Maamulk K/Galbeed oo soo bandhigay Hub ay...


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Baydhabo (- Online)-Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ee Somalia ayaa soo bandhigay Hub dhowr ah oo la sheegay in lagu qabsaday dagaal ay ciidamada maamulka la galeen al-Shabaab.
Hubkan oo u badan AK47 ayaa waxaa lagu qabtay dagaal si gaara uga dhacay duleedka Degmada Buurhakabo ee Gobolka Baay, waxaana sidoo kale lagu dilay tiro al-Shabaab ah.
Hubka lasoo bandhigay ayaa waxaa la socday Booshash ay isticmaalayeen labo kamid ah maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab, kuwaasi oo lagu dilay dagaal ka dhacay deegaanka Buur Haybe ee duleedka Magaalada Buurhakabo.
Ibraahim Maxamed Ibraahim ''Leysaamow'' oo ah Taliayah Ururka Degmada Buur Hakabo ee Gobolka Baay, ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in Hubka uu intaa ka badan yahay balse ay fursad la sugayaan Saxaafada si ay usoo bandhigaan inta harsan.
Waxa uu intaa raaciyay in goobta uu ka dhacay dagaalka ay uga soo dhaqaajiyeen Meydad uu sheegay inaysan mudneyn in la aaso maadaama ay al-Shabaabku yihiin kuwo dhibaato ku haya shacabka.
Sarkaalkaan ayaa sheegay in ciidamada ay si wadi doonaan hawlgalada ka dhanka ah Ururka Al Shabaab, lana beegsan doono meel kasta oo Shabaab ay joogaan.

Erdoğan holds phone calls over Jerusalem with...


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President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has discussed the recent developments in Jerusalem with the presidents of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Lebanon in separate phone calls early Saturday.
Erdogan emphasized in the phone calls that the decision of the U.S. government to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital would negatively impact the stability and peace in the Middle East, and added that the status of Jerusalem must be protected.
The president also told his counterparts that the region's peace and stability depends on an independent and sovereign Palestine East Jerusalem as its capital.
Erdogan also said that the extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which will be held on Dec. 13 in Istanbul will be important to display a joint stance.
Erdogan also called his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron in the afternoon to discuss the same issue.
Source: - Daily Sabah

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