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Ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre oo abaal marin guddoonsiiyay...


Muqdisho-(SONNA)-Ra'iisul wasaaraha xukumadda federaalka Soomaaliya oo ay wehliyaan Wasiirka amniga , Maxamed Abuukar Isloow, agaasimasha hay'adda nabad-sugidda iyo sirdoonka Qaranka, Sarkiil Ciidan iyo xubno ka socday maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa booqasho ku tagay Xalay saqdii dhexe xarumo ay ka howl-galaan Ciidnka nabad sugidda iyo sirdoonka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed.
Booqashada Ra'iisul wasaaraha Dalka uu ku tagay Ciidanka NISA ayaa ku saabsanayd dhiirri gelin iyo mahad naq ku aaddan sidii ay Ciidanka Nabad sugidda u fashiliyeen Laba qarax oo ay kooxda nabad -diidka Al-Shabaab la doonayeen in ay ku gumaadaan Shacabka iyo maatida Soomaaliyeed ee aan waxba galabsan, kuna burburiyaan hantidooda.
Cidanka nabad sugidda Qaranka oo hayay xogta ku saabsan qaraxyadii Shalay gelinkii dambe ka dhacay Muqdisho ayaa si geesinimo leh ugu hor tagay, iyagoo mid ka mid ah weerarradaasi la damacsanaa Garoonka Diyaaradaha ,halkaasoo ay Ciidanku ku toogteen Wadahii Gaariga Qaraxa siday, halka kan kalena ay doonayeen inay ku qarxiyaan goobaha ugu mashquulka badan Magaalada , waxanay Ciidanka NISA ku fashiliyeen bar-kontorool oo u dhow Is-goyska Banaadir.
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Dalka ayaa mid mid u Gacan qaaday dhammaan Ciidankii ku sugnaa goobihii lagu fashiliyay qaraxyada , wuxuuna taliyeyaasha halkaasi ku sugnaa ka dhagaystay Warbixinno ku aaddan sidii ay ugu ho tageen Qaraxyadii lala damacsanaa in lagu wax yeelleeyo Ummadda Soomaaliyeed.
Wuxuuna Ra'iisul wasaarahuhu intaa ka dib guddoonsiiyay abaal marin Lacageed oo uu ku dhiiri gelinayey Ciidanka maadama ay bad-baadiyeen Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayna diyaar u yihiin difaacidda Dalka iyo Dadka Soomaaliyeed.
Mudane Kheyr ayaa sidoo kale sheegay inay geesinimadooda badbaadisay naf badan oo Soomaaliyeed, isagoo Ciidanka howl-galkaasi ku guuleystay iyo taliyeyaashooduba u sheegay inuu Salaan diirran iyo hambalyo baaxad leh kaga sida Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane; Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo.
Booqashada uu Ra'iisul wasaaraha dalka mudane; Xasan Cali Kheyre ku booqday ciidanka nabad sugidda Qaranka iyo goobaha ay ka howl-galayaan ayaa qayb ka ah dhiirri gelinta iyo Garab istaagga Ciidamada iyo inuu gaarsiiyo farriin ah sida ay Madaxda Dalku u garab taagan tahay had iyo goor Ciidamada kala duwan ee Qaranka.

Umulisooyin wareegga oo adeeg caafimaad u fidiya haweenka miyiga ku nool ee Puntland


Maanta o o kale toddobada April ayaa waxaa dunida laga xusaa Maalinta Caafimaadka Adduunka.

Guddiga oo u ololeynaya in Garowe lala mataaneeyo St.Paul uu u waramay BBC


Gobolka Minnesota ee Maraykanka ee Soomaalida badani ku nooshay, ayaa magaalada xarunta u ah ee St.

Guddiga u ololeynaya in Muqdisho lala mataaneeyo St.Paul Minnesota oo la hadlay BBC


Gobolka Minnesota ee Maraykanka ee Soomaalida badani ku nooshay, ayaa magaalada xarunta u ah ee St.

Ra’aysul wasaaraha Itoobiya oo booqashadii ugu...



Addis ababa-(SONNA)- Ra'aysul wasaaraha cusub ee Dalka Itoobiya Abiy Axmed Cali ayaa Maanta lagu wadaa inuu booqasho ku tago Magaalada Jigjiga ee xarunta Dowlad degaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya.
Mr; Abiy ayaa Magaalada Jigjiga kulamo kula yeelan doono masuuliyiinta ismaamulka Soomaalida, hoggaanka dhaqanka iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada, iyadoo la filayo in kulamadasi diiradda lagu saaro shaqaaqooyinkii Gacan ka hadalka sababay ee dhex maray Qoomiyadaha Soomaalida iyo Oromada Dalkaasi
Abiy Axmed Cali ayaa sidoo kale booqasho ku tagi doono degaannada kale ee Itooobiya ka kooban tahay inta uusan soo dhisin Golahiisa Wasiirrada, isagoo Qoomiyad walba lagu wado inuu la kulmo hoggaankeeda siyaasadda iyo kan dhaqanka.
Abiy oo dhawaan loo doortay inuu noqdo Ra'iisul wasaaraha Dalkaasi ayaa beddelaya Hailemariam Desalegn, oo xilkaasi iska casilay markii ay Dalka Itoobiya hareeyeen mudaharaadyo rabshada wata oo ay hoggaaminayeen Qoomiyadaha Oromada iyo Axmaarada.
Dhinaca kale waxaa Dalka Itoobiya dib ugu howl-galay adeeggii Isgaarsiinta, gaar ahaan Internet-ka iyo baraha Bulshada oo muddo ku dhow Afar Bilood xannibnaa , ka dib markii lagu soo rogay xaalad degdeg ah oo lagu xakamaynayay kacdoonno halkaasi ka dhacay.
Previous articleRa'iisul wasaare Kheyre oo abaal marin guddoonsiiyay Ciidankii Fashiliyay qaraxyadii Shalay+ Sawirro


Daawo: ” Buugan lagu Aflagaadaynayo Sayid Maxamed...


Daawo:" Buugan lagu Aflagaadaynayo Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xasan iyo Hablaha Afrsanadoo ayoo Gosha ku haystay Iminka markuu Wasiir Noqdayna Waxa uu la soo baxay u uu ugu Shaac baxo" Cabdinasir Garaad Abshir Saalax
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Ethiopian PM visits conflict-hit Somali regional state


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ADDIS ABABA, April 8 (Xinhua) -- Ethiopia's new prime minister Abiy Ahmed started his first official trip outside Addis Ababa on Saturday to the eastern Somali regional state to resolve deadly communal clashes.
Heavy clashes along the Oromia-Somali boundary since last September has spilled into ethnic violence, leaving scores of people dead and hundreds of thousands displaced.
Ahmed is expected to meet Somali regional state president Abdi Mohammed and religious and community elders in a bid to resolve underlying issues behind deadly communal clashes.
Ahmed, also chairman of Oromo People's Democratic Organization (OPDO), which rules over Oromia, promised in his swearing in speech before Ethiopian parliament on Monday to resolve ongoing tensions and unrest in various parts of Ethiopia.
Oromia and Somali regional states have been locked in a dispute over the delineation of their common boundary for almost two decades.
A referendum in October 2004 was supposed to demarcate the boundary between the two regional states, but its implementation has been stalled ever since, with both sides accusing each other of non-compliance with the referendum results.
Source: - Xinhua

US military grounds aircraft in Djibouti after...


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The US military has halted air operations in Djibouti - at the request of the African nation's government - following two accidents involving military aircraft.
Djibouti is one of the United States' most critical strategic locations in the fight against terrorism in Africa and the Middle East but US air operations are now on hold. This comes after two US military aircraft were involved in separate incidents on Tuesday, including a jet crash at Djibouti's international airport.US military suspends air operations"US air operations in Djibouti are on hold and US Naval Forces Central Command has cancelled the remainder of exercise Alligator Dagger in response to two separate aviation incidents in Djibouti," the US military said in a statement on Thursday.
On Tuesday, a US Marine Corps Harrier jet crashed at Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport. The pilot managed to eject from the aircraft and was treated at a medical facility with sources saying he has since been released. Later the same day, a Marine Corps CH-53 helicopter suffered "structural damage" during a landing at Arta Beach. None of the helicopter's crew was injured in the landing, according to officials, two civilians were reportedly injured by debris from the aircraft's rotor wash.
US Navy investigators say they haven't been granted access to the alleged victims by local police.Djibouti asks US to halt operations
Following Tuesday's double incidents, the Djibouti government sent the US a diplomatic notice requesting that all flying operated be suspended. The US military has complied, cancelling the military exercise both aircraft were involved in.
US officials say both incidents are currently under a joint investigation while they're also working with the Djibouti government to get approval for flights on a case-by-case basis. The US military base Camp Lemonnier is vital to the country's support of operations in Somalia, Yemen and other locations in Africa and the Middle East.
Source: - EA Monitor

AMISOM dispells Parliament take-over reports


AMISOM has dismissed claims it took full charge of the Lower House building following Wednesday's standoff which saw the interventions of the African Union troops.
In a press statement, Special Representative for Somalia, Francisco Madeira said AU respects the sovereignty of the people of Somalia and their capacity to resolve their internal challenges.
"The African Union Commission and AMISOM respect the sovereignty of the people of Somalia and recognize their rights and have full confidence in the capacity of its Leadership to address the challenges besetting their country including the current political challenges that saw the Lower House of the Parliament being split into two," said the AU Special Envoy.
Madeira called for dialogue to overcome the looming political tensions which could the hardly gained achievements.
"I appeal the Members of Parliament, legitimate representatives of the People of Somalia, to continue to exercise restraint as they strive to resolve the differences that oppose them," he urged.
The ambassador ruled out the comments of the AMISOM commander, Paul Lokech which said the row was between the Executive and the Parliament.
"I wish to state that our view is that the current political stand-off is between two sides of Members of the Lower House Parliament," he corrected.
The sentiment comes barely two days after the House session was put off following high political tension.
AMISOM on Wednesday stepped in to ease the situation.
AMISOM officials led by the Mission's commander, Paul Lokech held a meeting with the House Speaker, Mohamed Osman Jawari, his 2nd deputy and a handful of MPs in Villa Hargeisa over the stand-off.
The sides jointly agreed to suspend the House session till conducive environment for session is created.
Speaking to the media Lokech said the sides together with AMISOM accepted to suspend the sessions until further notice.
"We have come to an agreement that the parliament through the speaker be suspended for a period of time till the atmosphere becomes good for all of the sides to conduct the House business," Lokech noted.
An official date for the impeachment motion has not yet been scheduled.

Goormee ayaa la qabanaya doorashada Kursiga uu ka...


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Muqdisho (- Online)-Guddiga Madaxa banaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka ayaa si rasmi ah u iclaamiyay xiliga ay qaban doonaan doorashada kursi ka banaan Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlaamaanka oo uu baneeyay Marxuum Bootaan Ciise Caalin oo ku geeriyooday Dalka India.
Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Madaxa banaan ee Doorashooyinka Xaliimo Ismaaciil Ibraahim "Xaliimo Yarey" oo shir jaraa'id ku qabatay Magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegtay xiliga ay qabanayaan doorashada.
Xaliimo Yarey, ayaa sheegtay in 15-ka Bishan ay qaban doonaan Doorashada kursigaasi, waxa ayna ku baaqday in Musharaxiinta u taagan doorashada Kursigaas ay muujiyaan u diyaar garowga doorashada.
Xaliimo Yarey, waxa ay sheegtay in Doorashadan ay ka dhici doonto Magaalada Dhausumareeb ee Xarunta Maamulka Galmudug.
Waxa ay sidoo kale Xaliimo Yarey sheegtay in Doorashada ay isku soo sharaxeen 3 Musharax oo ku tartami Doona Xubinta ka banaan Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.
Musharaxiinta ayey ugu baaqday inay soo dhameystiran hadii ay jiraan shuruudo ku harsan, waxa ayna ku baaqday in la muujiyo dulqaad.
Si kastaba ha ahaatee, marxuumka dhintay ee lagu tartamaayo Kursigiisa Xildhibaan Bootaan Ciise Caalin ayaa Golaha Shacabka ka soo galay Maamulka Galmudug kadib Doorasho ka dhacday Magaalada Cadaado.- OnlineXafiiska Muqdisho-@live.com

How Turkey is winning hearts and minds in Somalia


Abdifatah Mahad stands tall in the middle of his farm on the outskirts of Baidoa, Somalia. He boasts about how well he's doing and the variety of his produce: maize, beans and vegetables such as peppers and onions.
Farmers here used to stare at the sky and wait for a drop of rain. Now they look under their feet - to where they have dug wells. They are ambitious; the reliable water source means farming is possible all year round and they hope to supply nearby towns. 'We want to meet the demands of the local people,' says Abdifatah.
Six years earlier, this region was the epicentre of a famine that claimed the lives of 250,000 Somalis. Four million people were in danger of starvation, according to the UN. Successive natural disasters, and an apparent lack of compassion from rich nations, have taught Somalis a hard lesson: to strive for self-reliance.
'They call it humanitarian aid but we call it dead aid; meaning it's intended to kill,' says Abdifatah. 'They brag about helping us and take credit for things that are not even beneficial.'
His claim is not baseless. With regular US drone strikes terrorizing communities in this area, it's also hard for Somalis to believe the same hand is giving out humanitarian aid.
Western nations make appealing promises but help does not always materialize. The famine of 2011, which I covered for British TV network Channel 4 News, is a prime example.
We had finally arrived in Baidoa, southwestern Somalia in August, after more than a week travelling through famine-affected areas controlled by the al-Qaeda linked group al-Shabaab.
We headed to the main hospital, which was full of malnourished children. I met three very young patients Khadija, Mohamed and Safiya, who were suffering from acute malnutrition and dehydration. Their bones had decayed; they were too weak to cry. All they had for comfort was the heat of their mothers or siblings who had been left to care for them.
Families had walked miles from villages to get here. Desperate parents were competing for the attention of a goatee-bearded man with a white jacket, Dr Abdalla Bulle, who was struggling to cope with the influx. He told me that many children were dying soon after arrival, with five or six being buried every day.
Seven years later, I spoke again with families who had lost loved ones to the 2011 famine. They still struggle to understand why they were abandoned to their fate. 'How is it that the world's richest nations with so much wealth to spare couldn't save our children?' one woman asked. 'What did we do to be disowned by fellow human beings?' asked another.Left to dieWhy didn't the pictures of starving Somalis convince politicians in the US and Europe to act? After all, aid workers on the ground had been raising the alarm for more than a year. The answer is that, led by the US, Western nations (with the exception of Nordic countries), stood back, withheld aid and watched Somalis - among them some 125,000 children - die.
The publicized narrative was that donors feared some of the food aid could fall into the hands of al-Shabaab - a proscribed terrorist group. For NGOs, this meant they were at risk of prosecution under the US Patriot Act.
But some humanitarian workers suspected a different motive. They told me the Western military planned to use starving Somalis as a cheap way to defeat the militants - by eroding their support and, eventually, provoking a local revolt.
While men and women in suits pondered over the outcome of their decision, and al-Shabaab blocked relief, aid workers on the ground were pleading for help. 'We really need, sometimes, to put politics aside,' said Hassan Ismael who I met in Baidoa distributing food aid from Islamic Relief, the only UK-registered organization operating in areas controlled by al-Shabaab at that time. 'This is a humanitarian emergency. We need to save lives.'
His appeal was falling on deaf ears. By the time the declaration of famine spurred the West into action, shaming the US into lifting restrictions, it was too late. Many more people would have perished had it not been for the speedy mobilization of Somalis in the diaspora, and charities from the Muslim world.
It was a lesson and a game changer for the humanitarian industry in Somalia. 'New' foreign actors came in - notably Turkey.
At the height of the famine in August 2011, Turkey's leader Recep Erdogan and his family arrived at the head of a huge delegation consisting of senior cabinet ministers, business leaders, NGOs, media and celebrities.
Erdogan brought a sense of brotherhood and hope. Since 2011, Turkey has sent almost $1 billion in aid to Somalia. After the emergency was over, Turkish companies launched into major infrastructure projects, building roads, hospitals and the port. Turkish Airlines is the only international carrier that flies to Mogadishu. Turkey has cemented its place in the hearts of the Somali people, who watch its soap operas and buy its products.
Evidence suggests that Western nations sent more money than Turkey. For instance, the UK alone spent $148 million in Somalia in 2017-18. But while Somali elites may talk about money spent by the West on promoting democracy and security, ordinary Somalis are unlikely to be able to name one thing. Asked about Turkey, they would give a long list. Simply, ordinary citizens feel the Turkish presence in the country is improving their lives.
The US and European nations no longer have a monopoly on the humanitarian industry in Somalia. Arab charities have always been in Somalia doing things quietly, but the renewed, up-scaled commitment from the Muslim world in 2011 did much to break the mould.
The differences between the two are stark, according to Khalif Abdirahman, an independent researcher on humanitarian aid.
Muslim organizations, he says, operate on trust. They are based in-country. They focus on development and switch to emergency when necessary. They buy food-aid locally. They are pragmatic, quick to respond. They deal with people directly. And with much money flowing in direct from the faithful - obligatory charitable giving is one of the five pillars of Islam - they don't waste time and resources on paperwork.
In contrast, he says, Western NGOs focus on ticking boxes. They operate out of Nairobi. They compete for funding for specific projects, which is not necessarily what people need. They usually import food. They do less on development. They are slow to respond to emergency situations. They concentrate most on proposal writing to capture more market share.
'Western organizations seem to be emotionally disconnected,' explains Khalif, 'Somalis seem to better understand the rationale behind the Muslim organizations' operations.'
I returned to Baidoa in 2017 to cover another drought. This time the aid community was better prepared - and so were the people themselves. In the past, Somalis would often say to me: 'We ask donors to help us'. Today, I rarely hear that.
Somalia has a long way to go to feed its citizens. After all, the nation is still embroiled in a 30-year-long war. But attitudes are changing; people like Abdifatah have a stronger determination not to depend on foreign aid and 'Muslim brothers' are playing a critical role in improving people's lives
Source: - New Internationalist

Speaker names delegates represent him in talks amid...


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The two opposing factions led by Speaker Jawari and Prime Minister Khaire are scheduled to hold talks amid the sessions of the House were put off following escalating political tensions.
The Executive and the Legislative have agreed to have negotiations and have been tasked to appoint delegates to lead the soon-to-be-held talks.
The embattled House speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari has today appointed the members who will represent him in the talks.
There are Mohamud Benebene, Fawsiyo Mohamed Sheikh, Abdifitah Ismail Dahir, Abdikadir Osoble, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi and Hassan Yare.
The other faction is expected to name their representatives in the forthcoming hours.
The development comes just hours after today's session was suspended for unspecified reasons though some reports claimed it was cancelled at the request of President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.
A motion of no-confidence lodged against the current speaker, Mohamed Osman Jawari has led to a month-long political stand-off that has shaken the Parliament with House members divided.
AU, IGAD, former Somali leaders and International Community have all called the leaders of the Federal Government to resolve the differences before the country plunges into political chaos which could detract the hard-gained progress.
Source: Hol

Qarax khasaaro kala duwan uu ka dhashay oo ka dhacay...


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Muqdisho (- Online)-Wararka naga soo gaarayo Gobolka Shabellah Dhexe ayaa sheegaya in Qarax xoogan uu ka dhacay Magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta Maamulka Hirshabelle.
Qaraxa oo aad u xooganaa ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa miinada nooca dhulka lagu aaso oo lala eegtay Bar Kontorool oo Ciidamada ku sugnaayeen oo ku taala Meel 4 Km ujirta Jowhar.
Bartakoontarool ayaa gaar ahaan ku taal deegan lagu magacaabo Xaanshooleey oo dhacda Waqooyiga Xarunta Shabellah Dhexe.
Ugu yaraan 3 qof ayaa la xaqiijiyay in ay ku dhinteen Qaraxa, halka 4 kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen qaraxa, sida ay sheegen mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulk Hirshabeelle.
Dadka dhintay 2 ka mid ah waa Ciidamada dowladda, halka qof kalena uu yahay Shacab.
Dad ku sugnaa meel aan ka fogeyn halka Qraaxa uu ka dhacay ayaa soo sheegaya in Qaraxa kadib la maqlay rasaas xoogan.
Sidoo kale, Dadka qaar ayaa umaleeyay inuu jiray dagaal xigay Qaraxa, waxaana rasaasta si caadi ah looga maqlay qeybo badan oo kamid ah Jowhar.
Docda kale, waxaan weli jirin cid sheegatay Mas'uuliyada Qaraxa, balse Shabaab ayaa looga bartay Qaraxyada wadada lagu aaso ee lala eegto Ciidamada Dowladda.- OnlineXafiiska Muqdisho-@live.com

DHAGEYSO:-Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle

Daawo Video:-Salaad Cali Jeelle “Xildhibaanadu Feer...


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Waxaa isa soo taraya walaaca ay qabaan Ururada Bulshada rayidka ee ku aadan khilaafka ba'an ee ka dhax jira Xildhibaanada Golaha shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya kaas oo curyaamiyay dhamaan shaqooyinkii qaranka.
Ururada kala IIDA, SWDC, SWA, SIDO, SCSC ayaa soo saaray baaq ku aadan xalinta khilaafka Golaha shacabka waxayna ka digeyn in khilaafkaan uu dalka u horseedo dib u dhac rajo beelna uu ku rido shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee rajada weyn ka qaba maamulka Madaxweyne Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo.
Baaqaan oo ay si wadajir ah u soo saareyn Ururada ayaa sheegay ku taliyay in si deg deg ah loo xaliyo Khilaafka Golaha shacabka lagana feejignaado dib u dhac iyo rajo beelka Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.

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Ciidamada Itoobiya Oo ka baxay Dhuusamareeb


Dhuusamareeb ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka laga helayo gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in saacadihii la soo dhaafay Ciidamada Itoobiya ay isaga baxeen fariisimo ay ku lahaayeen magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta maamulka Galmudug.
Waxaana la sheegay Ciidamadaasi in ay u ruqaansadeen dhanka Xadka ay wadaagaan Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.
Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda amniga Galmudug Mahad Xasan Maxamed ayaa sheegay in bixitaanka Ciidamadaasi aysan wax saameyn ah ku yeelan doonin amniga magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta maamulkaasi.
Mr Mahad ayaa tilmaamay in Ciidamada Galmudug ay la wareegi doonaan fariisamaha ay baneeyeen Ciidamada Itoobiya.
Lama oga illaa iyo hadda sababaha rasmiga ah ee ay Ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya uga baxeen magaaladaasi.
Balse xaaladda ayaa dagan, iyadoona la filayo in xarumahaasi ay la wareegaan Ciidamada Galmudug, si ay u xaqiijiyaan amniga Caasimadda maamulkaasi ee Dhuusamareeb.
The post Ciidamada Itoobiya Oo ka baxay Dhuusamareeb appeared first on Shabelle.

Ciidamada Itoobiya Oo ka baxay Dhuusamareeb


Dhuusamareeb ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka laga helayo gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in saacadihii la soo dhaafay Ciidamada Itoobiya ay isaga baxeen fariisimo ay ku lahaayeen magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta maamulka Galmudug.
Waxaana la sheegay Ciidamadaasi in ay u ruqaansadeen dhanka Xadka ay wadaagaan Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.
Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda amniga Galmudug Mahad Xasan Maxamed ayaa sheegay in bixitaanka Ciidamadaasi aysan wax saameyn ah ku yeelan doonin amniga magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta maamulkaasi.
Mr Mahad ayaa tilmaamay in Ciidamada Galmudug ay la wareegi doonaan fariisamaha ay baneeyeen Ciidamada Itoobiya.
Lama oga illaa iyo hadda sababaha rasmiga ah ee ay Ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya uga baxeen magaaladaasi.
Balse xaaladda ayaa dagan, iyadoona la filayo in xarumahaasi ay la wareegaan Ciidamada Galmudug, si ay u xaqiijiyaan amniga Caasimadda maamulkaasi ee Dhuusamareeb.

Sarkaal ka tirsanaa NISA Oo lagu dilay duleedka Muqdisho


Lafoole ( Sh. M. Network )-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya sarkaal ka tirsanaa Ciidamada NISA oo xalay lagu dilay duleedka koonfureed ee magaalada Muqdisho.
Sarkaalka oo lagu magacaabi jiray Mustaf Beer Dilaacshe ayaa waxaa la sheegay in lagu dilay inta u dhaxeysa deegaanada Ceelasha Biyaha iyo Lafoole ee gobolka Sh/ Hoose.
Al Shabaab ayaa sheegatay masuuliyadda dilkaasi, waxaana ay ku baahiyeen barahooda Internetka in weerar gaadma ah ay ku dileen taliyihii Ciidamada Nabad Sugida ee deegaanka Ceelasha Biyaha iyo mid ka mid ah Ilaaladiisa.
Sidoo kale warka ka soo baxay Al Shabaab ayaa lagu sheegay in ay horay u kaxeysteen Gaari uu lahaa sarkaalkaasi, sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.
Ma jiro illaa iyo iminka wax war ah oo ka soo baxay maamulka deegaanka Ceelasha Biyaha oo ku aadan dilkaasi.
Balse Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda ayaa baartitaano ka sameeyay qeybo ka mid ah deegaankaasi, inkastoo saraakiishu aysan faah faahin howlgalladaasi.
The post Sarkaal ka tirsanaa NISA Oo lagu dilay duleedka Muqdisho appeared first on Shabelle.

Sarkaal ka tirsanaa NISA Oo lagu dilay duleedka...


Lafoole ( Sh. M. Network )-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya sarkaal ka tirsanaa Ciidamada NISA oo xalay lagu dilay duleedka koonfureed ee magaalada Muqdisho.
Sarkaalka oo lagu magacaabi jiray Mustaf Beer Dilaacshe ayaa waxaa la sheegay in lagu dilay inta u dhaxeysa deegaanada Ceelasha Biyaha iyo Lafoole ee gobolka Sh/ Hoose.
Al Shabaab ayaa sheegatay masuuliyadda dilkaasi, waxaana ay ku baahiyeen barahooda Internetka in weerar gaadma ah ay ku dileen taliyihii Ciidamada Nabad Sugida ee deegaanka Ceelasha Biyaha iyo mid ka mid ah Ilaaladiisa.
Sidoo kale warka ka soo baxay Al Shabaab ayaa lagu sheegay in ay horay u kaxeysteen Gaari uu lahaa sarkaalkaasi, sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.
Ma jiro illaa iyo iminka wax war ah oo ka soo baxay maamulka deegaanka Ceelasha Biyaha oo ku aadan dilkaasi.
Balse Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda ayaa baartitaano ka sameeyay qeybo ka mid ah deegaankaasi, inkastoo saraakiishu aysan faah faahin howlgalladaasi.

Ciidamo Boolis ah Oo la wareegay fariisimihii...


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Ciidamada Xasilinta ee bilihii ugu dambeeyay ku sugnaa Isgoysyada M/ Muqdisho ayaa laga saaray qeybo ka mid ah Caasimadda.
Koontaroolada ay ku sugnaayeen Ciidamadaasi ayaa lagu wareejiyay Ciidamo Boolis ah oo ka howlgali doono fariisimahaasi.
Illaa iyo hadda lama shaacin sababaha Ciidamada Xasilinta looga raray goobahaasi, balse waxaa loo badalay meelo oo ay ka mid tahay Waddada Warshadaha ee M/ Muqdisho.
Tallabadan ayaa ku soo aadeysa, xilli Jimcihii la soo dhaafay laba qarax oo loo adeegasay lagu weeraray fariisimo Ciidamadaasi ay ku lahaayeen gudaha magaalada Muqdisho.

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