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Dhageyso:-Warka Habeen Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

C/raxmaan oo ka Hadlay Qaraxyada Muqdisho


Cabdirahmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame, oo ah hoggaamiyaa xibisga Wadajir ayaa sheegay inay al-Shabaab ay hay'addaha dowladda ku dhexleeyihiin "dad" u sahlaya weerarada iyo qaraxyada Muqdisho ka dhaca.

Dhageyso Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle.

Koobka Adduunka: Biljamka oo Kaalinta 3-aad Kaga Guuleystay Ingriiska


Xulka dalka Biljamka, ayaa ku guuleystay kaalinta 3aad ee tartanka koobka kubadda cagta adduunka, kadib markii ay 2 gool iyo waxba ay kaga adkaadeen xulka dalka Ingriiska.

Israel oo weerar culus ku qaadau Qasa


Ra'isal wasaaraha Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Israel weerarkii ugu cuslaa tan iyo dagaalkii sanadkii 2014-tii ku qaadeen goobo ay mitidiintu ku leeyihiin marinka Qasa.

Sarkaal dhawaan Maamulka Jubbaland uu ka hor istaagay in uu ka dago Magaalada Kismaayo oo la hadlay Warbaahinta


Kismayo ( Sh.M.Network):-Jeneraal Cali Maxamed Maxamuud Gobmadow Taliyaha Qeytba 43 Aad oo dhawaan loo magacabay Deeganada Maamulka Jubbaland ayaa ka hadlay Sababti looga hort istgaay in uu ka dago maagaalada kismayo oo Xarun KMG  ah  u ah Maamulka Jubbaland.
Taliye bogmadow ayaa Nasiib darro ku timaamay dhacdadaasi, waxana uu sidoo kale wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay in laga hor istaago hormarka  iyo Dadaalada dowladnimo oo ay wadaan sida uu hadalka u dhigay.
Jimcihii aynu ka soo gudubnay ayey ahayd markii Ciidamo ka Amar qaata Maamulka Juballanda ay u diideen Taliyaha in uu ka dago Magaalada kismayo Arrintaasi oo ay sheeegen in ay sabab u tahay Latashi,la’aan ku Aadan Magaabista Taliyahaasi oo dowladda dhexe u soo Magacaawday  Deeganada Jubbaland.
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Ethiopia hails its charismatic young leader as a peacemaker


Abiy Ahmed is being compared with Mandela and Gorbachev. Can he help transform a region beset by war, tyranny and poverty?
Sunday July 15, 2018
Dancers welcome Eritrea’s leader, Isaias Afwerki, to Addis Ababa. Photograph: Tiksa Negeri/Reuters

The flags of the two nations flew bright and sharp. The two leaders waved at the happy crowds. The formal meetings overran, amid ostentatious displays of bonhomie. Even the hatchet-faced security officials appeared relaxed.
The meeting of Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s 41-year-old prime minister, and Isaias Afwerki, the 71-year-old president of Eritrea, in Addis Ababa on Saturday left seasoned Africa observers gasping for breath.
“The pace of this is simply astounding,” said Omar S Mahmood, of the Institute for Peace and Security Studies in Ethiopia’s booming capital.
The meeting between Abiy and Isaias concluded an intense bout of diplomacy that appears to have ended one of Africa’s longest-running conflicts. “Words cannot express the joy we are feeling now,” Isaias said, as he had lunch with Abiy. “We are one people. Whoever forgets that does not understand our situation.”
Ads By Google Many Ethiopians expressed their exhilaration on social media. “The events of these past … days between Ethiopia and Eritrea are like the fall of the Berlin Wall. Only amplified 1,000 times,” Samson Haileyesus wrote on Facebook. The reaction in Eritrea has been equally ecstatic.
Analysts say such hyperbole may be justified. The bid for peace with Eritrea is just the latest in a series of efforts that may bring revolutionary reform to Africa’s second most populous nation, transform a region and ​​​send shockwaves from the Mediterranean to the Cape of Good Hope.
Since coming to power in April, Abiy has electrified Ethiopia with his informal style, charisma and energy, earning comparisons with Nelson Mandela, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama and Mikhail Gorbachev. He has reshuffled his cabinet, fired a series of controversial and hitherto untouchable civil servants, including the head of Ethiopia’s prison service, lifted bans on websites and other media, freed thousands of political prisoners, ordered the partial privatisation of massive state-owned companies, ended a state of emergency imposed to quell widespread unrest and removed three opposition groups from a list of “terrorist” organisations.
Nic Cheeseman, an expert in African politics at Birmingham University, said Abiy’s extraordinary campaign ​was a test of the argument that only repressive government can guarantee the levels of ​development so desperately needed across Africa​.
Despite an International Monetary Fund forecast predicting that Ethiopia, which has relied on a centralised economic model and political repression​ for decades, would be the fastest-growing economy in sub-Saharan Africa in 2018, even the officially sanctioned press has admitted the country’s serious difficulties.
There is a shortage of foreign currency, growing inequality, a lack of jobs for a huge number of graduates, environmental damage, ethnic tensions and deep hunger for change.
Different interest groups have come together in recent years to constitute a powerful groundswell of discontent, with widespread anti-government protests led by young people. At least 70% of the population is below the age of 30.
“Ethiopia was on the edge of the abyss. They have realised they cannot continue in the same old way. Only an advanced democratic system would prevent the country coming to pieces and a disaster that Africa has never seen before,” said Andargachew Tsege, a British citizen unexpectedly pardoned in May after four years on death row on terrorism charges. Abiy invited Tsege, who was abducted by Ethiopian security services four years ago, to a meeting two days after his release.​ They spoke for 90 minutes​.
​No one claims that Isaias, the “hard and rigid” ruler of Eritrea since 1991, ​has much in the way of new ideas. A nation of about 5.1 million people, Eritrea is the only African country where elections are not held. As many as 5,000 Eritreans flee their country every month, notably to avoid indefinite military conscription. Many head to Europe. The economy ​has flatlined for decades​. The UN has accused the regime of crimes against humanity.
“The entire history of [Isaias] is as a ruthless Marxist-Leninist ... Enemies were shot and killed. Economically, his position has always been: we are completely self-reliant. Is this guy going to become a happy-clappy liberal? It ​is possible he wants to be Eritrea’s Mandela but ​seems unlikely,” said Martin Plaut, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies at the University of London.
Once a province of Ethiopia that comprised its entire coastline on the Red Sea, Eritrea voted to leave in 1993 after a decades-long, bloody struggle.
The thaw began last month when Abiy said he would abide by a UN-backed ruling and hand back to Eritrea disputed territory. Analysts say conflicts across the region fuelled by the rift are now likely to die down.
For the moment Abiy’s ​reforms have popular support, and the crucial backing of much of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, the rebel coalition that came to power in 1991.
But there is resistance. Last month, a grenade was thrown at a rally organised to showcase support for the reforms in Addis Ababa’s vast Meskel Square. Two died. “Love always wins ... To those who tried to divide us, I want to tell you that you have not succeeded,” Abiy said after the attack.
Much depends on the determination of the Ethiopian leader. ​ Seen as a relative outsider before being picked for the top job by the EPRDF council​, Abiy is the first leader from Ethiopia’s largest ethnic community, the Oromo, who have complained for decades of economic, cultural and political marginalisation. The EPRDF is split by battles between four ethnically based parties as well as fierce competition between institutions and individuals.
Born in western Ethiopia, Abiy joined the resistance against the regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam as a teenager before enlisting in the armed forces. After a stint running Ethiopia’s cyberintelligence service, he entered politics eight years ago and rose rapidly up the ranks of the Oromo faction of the EPRDF, which has historically been at odds with the Tigrayans, who compose only 6% of the total population but have long had disproportionate political and commercial influence.​ In a major break with precedent, Abiy has been pictured with his wife and daughters, whom he has publicly thanked for their support.
As Abiy’s reforms gather momentum, the risks rise too. “Democracy can be achieved through benevolent leadership, but it can only be consolidated through democratic institutions. What we are seeing now is more of a personality-cult kind of movement,” said Mekonnen Mengesha, a lecturer at Wolkite University.
​Like other African countries– such as Kenya and Zimbabwe just over a decade ago​ – ​Ethiopia has seen previous efforts to reform its closed, autocratic system​ that have not ended happily.
“It’s really exciting and great news, but Abiy has not done anything that really threatens the regime​,” said Cheeseman​. ​“And​ until a government is actually faced with losing power you don’t know what will happen.”


  • Turkey issues presidential decrees reshaping institutions - Reuters
  • Ethio-Somali region releases prisoners - The Reporter
  • Dubai’s DP World takes Djibouti to London cour - The EastAfrican
  • IOM Resumes Voluntary Repatriation of Migrants From Yemen - VOA
  • Turkey condemns deadly terror attack in Somalia - Anadolu Agency
  • Emirati prince flees to Qatar, exposing tensions in U.A.E. - The New York Times
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar's open seat draws wide pack of DFLers - Star Tribune

Qaar ka mid ah waddooyinka Muqdisho oo maanta xiran


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network):-Waxaa maanta xiran qaar ka mid ah waddooyinka Farasmagaalaha ah ee Magaalada Caasimadda ah ee Muqdisho.
Xirnaanshaha wadooyink  qaar ayaa saaka waxa uu saameeyay gabi ahaan Dadka shacabka iyo wadayaasha Gaadiidka Dadweynaha ee isaga kala goosha wadooyinka Gobalka Banaadir.
Dad weynaha Muqdisho oo saaka ku soo toosay waddooyinka qaar oo xiran ayaa la arkayay iyagoo cagtooda maalaya si ay howl maalmeedkooka u soo gutaan
Ciidamada Dowladda Somalia gaar ahaan kuwa xasilinta ee qaabilsan Ammaanka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa iyaguna  lagu arkayay wadooyinka waaweyn ee Magaalada Muqdisho qaarkood iyagoo ka calinaya Gaadiida daabula dadweynaha iyo Gawaarida nooca Raaxada ah ee gaarka loo leeyahay.
Mid ka Mid ah wadayasha Mootoyinka Nooca Bajaajta loo yaqaano oo la hadlay Idaacada Shabeele ayaa ka warxiyay Xirnaanshaha wadooyinkaasi iyo sida ay u saamaysay howlmaalmeedkiisa.
“ Walaalow wey na saameysay , annaga kaligaana nama saameyn waddooyinka xanniban ee dhammaan shacabka ayaa ku dhib qaba , meelaha xiran waxaa ka mid ah , Isgoyska Ex-Kontarol , Banaadir, Tarabuunkaiyo Isgoyska Taleex” ayuu yiri Darawalkaasi oo u warramayay Idaacadda Shabelle ee Magaalada Muqdisho.
Dadka Shacabka ee Ku dhaqan  Gudaha Caasimada Muqdisho waxa  saamayn wayn ay  kala kulmaan xirnaanshaha Wadooyinka qaar ee soo gala Gobolka Banaadir.
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Dilal Siyaabo kala duwan uga dhacay Gobolka Mudug


Gaalkacyo ( Sh.M.Network):-Dilkaan ayaa yimid kadib markii ay murmeen 2 Askari oo ka tirsan Ciidamada Galmudug kuwaas oo ku sugnaa deegaanka Wisil ee Gobolka Mudug.
Ilo deegaanka ah ayaa soo wariyay in Askari ka tirsan Ciidamada Daraawiishta Galmudug uu rasaas huwiyay Askari kale oo isla Ciidamadaasi Daraawiishta Galmudug ka tirsanaa kaas oo la xaqiijiyay in uu ku geeriyooday Rasaastaasi.
Askariga falka dilka ah geystay ayaa damcamay in uu goobta isaga baxsado balse Laamaha Amniga dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug ayaa durbaba gacanta ku soo dhigay Askarigaasi iyagoona u taxaabay Xabsiga dhexe ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Laamaha Ammaanka Maamulka Galmudug ayaa sheegay in ay baaritaanno ku hayaan kiiskaas iyagoona xusay in Askariga la dilay maanta la aasayo.
Dhinaca kale deegaanka Xaar Xaar ee duleedka Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa wararka naga soo gaaraya waxa ay ku warramayaa in Nin hubeysan uu qof shacab ahaa ku dilay halkaas.
Dadka deegaanka ayaa tilmaamay in Ninka wax dilay iyo kan la dilay oo ku marmay arrimo dhul ay rasaas isweedaarsadeen iyagoona gacan ku dhiiglaha dilka geystay la sheegay in uu isaga baxsaday meesha wax ka dhaceen,
Dilalka aan loo aabo yeelin ayaa ku soo noq noqday deegaanada Gobolka Mudug iyadoona Maamulka Galmudugay ku cel celiyaan in ay la tacaali doonaan wax ka qabashada falalkaasi.
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'Jecelka aan u qabo kubadda cagta ayaa ii horseeday in aan gaaro London’


Axmed Al Rashid ayaa ka warbixinaya safarkiisa min Aleppo ilaa London iyo sababta uu cayaaraha Koobka Adduunka u taageerayay xulka Ingiriiska.

Hooyada dhashay Idaacadda Wareegto oo codsatay in wiilkeeda loo soo daayo.


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network):-Hooyo Binti Afrax oo ah Hooyada dhashay Maxamed Nuur Maxamed oo loo yaqaanno Idaacadda Wareegto  ayaa ugu baaqday Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in loo soo daayo wiilkeeda.
Waxaana Hooyadaan ay sheegtay in Idaacadda Wareegto uu ahaa  kan kaliya ee u dhaq dhaqaaqi jiray Nolosha qoyskooda sidaas daraadeed ay Madaxda sare ee dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya wiilkeeda xurnimadiisa u soo celiyaan.
Maxamed Nuur Maxamed Idaacadda Wareegto ayaa horay Xabsiga loogu taxaabay kadib markii lagu eedeeyay isaga iyo 2 Nin kale in ay gacansaar lalahaayeen Al Shabaab una qaabilsanaayeen faafinta Warqadaha digniinada Al Shabaab.
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Turkey issues presidential decrees reshaping institutions


Sunday July 15, 2018Turkey issued presidential decrees on Sunday reshaping key political, military and bureaucratic institutions as part of the transformation to a powerful executive presidency triggered by last month’s election.President Tayyip Erdogan was sworn in on Monday under the new system and now holds sweeping powers, allowing him to issue decrees on executive matters and appoint and remove senior civil servants.Erdogan has said the powerful executive presidency is vital to make government more efficient, drive economic growth and ensure security. Critics decry what they say is increasing authoritarianism and a push toward one-man rule.Ads By Google Among the latest changes, the General Staff was brought under the authority of the defense minister, according to state-run Anadolu news agency, a move following Erdogan’s appointment of military commander Hulusi Akar as defense minister.In total, the country’s Official Gazette published seven decrees affecting many state institutions, including the secretariat of the National Security Council, the Defence Industry Directorate and the State Supervisory Council.The changes coincide with the second anniversary of an attempted coup during which at least 250 people were killed, many of them unarmed civilians, when rogue soldiers attempted to topple Erdogan’s government.A state of emergency was imposed after the failed putsch on July 15, 2016 and is set to expire this week.Erdogan’s AK Party and its nationalist ally plan to introduce security regulations to ensure the “fight against terrorism” will continue after emergency rule ends, two sources told Reuters.


  • Ethiopia hails its charismatic young leader as a peacemaker - Guardian
  • Ethio-Somali region releases prisoners - The Reporter
  • Dubai’s DP World takes Djibouti to London cour - The EastAfrican
  • IOM Resumes Voluntary Repatriation of Migrants From Yemen - VOA
  • Turkey condemns deadly terror attack in Somalia - Anadolu Agency
  • Emirati prince flees to Qatar, exposing tensions in U.A.E. - The New York Times
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar's open seat draws wide pack of DFLers - Star Tribune

Dib u heshiisiin loo fariistay Ceel Afweyn


Waxaa u xilsaaran inay xaajada ka gar naqaan 66 xubnood oo isugu jira xeerbeegti, culumaa'udiin iyo madax dhaqameed. Waxaa iyaguna jooga odayaal iyo waxgarad kale oo guddigaas culays ku saaraya sidii mushkiladda xal looga gaari lahaa.

Falanqayn ku saabsan cayaarta kama dambaysta ee Koobka Adduunka


Xulalka Faransiiska iyo Croatia ayaa sacaadda Afrikada bari marka ay tahay 6:00pm maqribnimo wada dheelaya cayaarta kama dambaysta ee Koobka Adduunka.

Maxaad ka taqaan 'Jeel Ogaadeen'?


Warbixintan waxaan ka soo uruurinay dad wakhtiyo kala duwan lagu xiray xabsiga Jeel Ogaadeen. Magacyadooda waxaan u qarinnay sababo amaankooda la xiriira. Waxay ka hadlaysaa tacaddiyadii ka dhici jiray xabsiga loo yaqaanno Jeel Ogaadeen.

Senior Somali Commander of terror group Killed in Syria


Fars News Sunday July 15, 2018Abu Harira Somali, a Somalian commander of Tahrir al-Sham, was gunned down by unidentified assailants on the Idlib-Saraqib road.The sources further pointed to the intensified assassination attempts on the lives of terrorist commanders and tensions among militants, adding that at least four terrorist commanders have been assassinated in the region only in the last few days.Other sources, meantime, said that heavy fighting is underway between ISIL and Tahrir al-Sham in Western Idlib, adding that Tahrir al-Sham has captured a number of ISIL members in Sahl al-Orouj region following the clashes.Ads By Google Local sources in Southern Idlib reported on Thursday that one of the senior commanders of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at terrorist group, namely Mohamed al-Iraqi, was assassinated by unknown assailants near the town of al-Khowin.They also reported that two military vehicles of Tahrir al-Sham were destroyed and a number of militants were killed and wounded during the ISIL terrorists' attack on the road linking the village of Nayrab to the town of Sarmin in Southeastern Idlib.Meantime, the commander of the terrorists' security committee in the town of Qala'at al-Maziq in Northwestern Hama was killed after unknown assailants fired at him.Terrorists are now in panic and frustration after reports said that the Syrian army will launch imminent military operations in Idlib province.


  • Obama to attend his sister's event in Kenya before heading to South Africa - CNN
  • Turkey issues presidential decrees reshaping institutions - Reuters
  • Ethiopia hails its charismatic young leader as a peacemaker - Guardian
  • Ethio-Somali region releases prisoners - The Reporter
  • Dubai’s DP World takes Djibouti to London cour - The EastAfrican
  • IOM Resumes Voluntary Repatriation of Migrants From Yemen - VOA
  • Turkey condemns deadly terror attack in Somalia - Anadolu Agency
  • Emirati prince flees to Qatar, exposing tensions in U.A.E. - The New York Times
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar's open seat draws wide pack of DFLers - Star Tribune

Al-Shabaab publicly executes two men for killing


The Al Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab militants have publicly executed two Somali men accused of murdering a local pastoralist in southern Somalia.
Al-Shabaab has announced the execution which took place in Jilib district in middle Jubba region on Sunday through a statement posted on its affiliated media outlets.
The executed men who were identified as Gabow Yare Ibrahim, 36, and Mohamed Bashir Abdi, 29, have been found guilty of killing Guudle Aden Hassan near Jilib, an Al-Shabab main bastion.
This was the latest in a string of executions in the areas under the militant group Al-Shabab in the south and central Somalia in the past few years.
Somali forces along with their African Union and American allies pushed Al-Shabab swathes of territory in the country, including Mogadishu since 2011 following series of offensives.
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Sarkaal ka tirsanaa Dowladdii Kacaanka Soomaaliyeed oo lagu dilay degmada Afgooye.


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network):-Wararka naga soo gaaraya Degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Rag Hubeysan ay ku toogteen halkaas Sarkaal horay uga tirsanaa Dowladdii Kacaanka Soomaaliyeed.
Sarkaalka la dilay oo lagu Magacaabi jiray Jeneraal Guudle Maxamed Nuur islamarkaana ahaa Nin da’ah ayaa la xaqiijiyay in hadda uusan ka mid ahayn Ciidamada Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed.
Waxaana dilkiisa ka dambeeyay sida dad deegaanka ah ay Shabelle ugu warrameen dhalinyaro ku hubeysnaa Bastoolado oo dilka kadib meesha wax ka dhaceen isaga baxsaday.
Ugu dambeyn Sarkaalka la dilay ayaa la sheegay in uu muddooyinkii dambe uu ka mid ahaa Odayaasha dhaqanka degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose.
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Nin Walaalkiis Tooreey ugu dilay Magaalada Muqdisho.


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network):-Guri ku yaalla degmada Dharkeynleey ee Gobolka Banaadir waxaa maanta ka dhacay dil loo adeegsaday Toreey kaas oo loo geystay Marxuum Xuseen Ibraahim , waxaana u geystay walaalkiis oo lagu Magacaabo Nuur Ibraahim sida Idaacadda Shabelle u xaqiijisay qof deegaanka ah.
Warar kala duwan ayaa waxa uu ka soo baxayaa sababaha dilkaasi  keenay iyadoona warar aan rasmi ahayn sheegayaan in Ninka dilka geystay Madaxa looga jiray halka warar kalana ay tilmaamayaan in Labado wiil ee walaalaha ah oo mid ka mid ah la dilay ay ku muransanaayeen arrimo dhul.
Waa dhacdadii 3aad oo dad ay isku dilaan  Tooreey oo bishaan gudaheeda ka dhacda Magaalada Caasimadda ah ee Muqdisho.
Falkii koowaad ayaa ka dhacay 1-dii Bishaan July Suuq Lagu iibiyo Ariga oo ku yaalla degmada Dharkeynleey.
Dhacdadii labaad ayaa iyaduna ka dhacday 10-kii Bishaan Guri ku yaalla degmada Howlwadaag ,gaar ahaan waaxda Xaawo Taako Guri ku yaalla oo Labo Wiil oo walaalo ah ay isku qoomeen  iyadoo nin ka yimid qurbaha uu qaarijiyay walaalkiis.
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Qarax Khasaaro sababay oo ka dhacay deegaanka Awdiinle ee Gobolka Baay.


Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network):-Wararka laga helayo deegaanka Awdiinle ee Gobolka Baay ayaa ku soo warramaya in Guddoomiyaha deegaankaasi Cali Dhukow  ilaaladiisa ay ku dhaawacmeen qarax lagula eegtay deegaankaasi.
Qaraxa oo ahaa Miinada nuuca dhulka lagu aaso ayaa waxaa lagula eegtay Guddoomiyaha deegaanka Awdiinle iyo Ilaaladiisa meel Boosteejo ah , iyadoona inta la ogayahay ay ku dhawacmeen 3 ka mid ah ilaalada Guddoomiyahaasi.
Ilo deegaanka ah ayaa ku soo warramaya in qaraxa kadib meesha wax ka dhaceen ay soo gaareen Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa maamulka Koofur Galbeed oo halkaas howlgallo ka sameeyay.
Xiriiro aan la sameynay Saraakiil ka tirsan maamulka Koofur Galbeed si aan Macluumaad dheeraad ah uga helno Qaraxaasi ayaa waxa ay ka gaabsadeen in faah faahin dheeraad ah bixiyaan.
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