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Eritrea oo dib u furtay safaaradeedii Ethiopia


Eritrea ayaa dib u furtay safaaraddeedii Ethiopia. Dib u furista safaaradda ee maanta ayaa timid toddobaad kadib markii labada dal ay ku dhawaaqeen inay soo afjareen labataan sano oo is-marin waa milatari uu ka taagnaa xudduudda, kaasi oo kumanaan qof ay ku dhinteen.

Trump oo weli ka raaraca Obama


Madaxwaynaha Mareykanka Donald Trump ayaa cambaareyn dusha uga tuuray madaxwaynihii isaga ka horreeyay Barack Obama taasi oo ku saabsan eedeynta in Ruushka ay jabsadeen macluumaad si ay gacan u siiyaan Trump in uu ku guulaysto doorashadii 2016.

Dhageyso:-Warka Duhur Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

Xiisad colaadeed Oo ka taagan duleedka M/ Jowhar


Jowhar ( Sh. M. Network )-Wararka ka imaanaya gobolka Sh/  Dhexe ayaa sheegaya in xiisad colaadeed maanta ay ka taagan tahay deegaanka Raama-Cabdalla ee gobolkaasi.
Xiisadan oo la sheegay in markii hore ay ka bilaabatay dhul Beereed ku yaalla deegaankaasi ayaa waxa ay u dhexeysaa laba maleeshiyo Beeleed oo wada daga deegaanka Raama-Cabdalla oo qiyaastii 30 KM dhinaca galbeed kaga beegan magaalada Jowhar ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe.
Mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo la hadlay Idaacadda Shabelle ayaa sheegay in maanta xiisad kacsanaan ah ay ka jirto halkaasi, islamarkaana ay xiisadu ka sii dartay, kadib markii todobaadkii hore la dilay mid ka mid ah Beelaha ay xiisadu ka dhexeyso.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.
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Dad Rayid ahaa Oo lagu rasaaseeyay duleedka Muqdisho


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Warar kala duwan ayaa ka soo baxaya khasaaraha ka dhashay rasaas Barqanimadii maanta Rag ku labisnaa dareeska Ciidamada dowladda ay ku fureen dad shacab ah oo ku sugnaa nawaaxiga deegaanka Siinka-Dheer ee duleedka magaalada Muqdisho.
Raggan ayaa la sheegay in ay burburin xoogan ka wadeen Xaafadda Albirri, gaar ahaan Guryo ay dagan yihiin dad Rayid ah.
Waxaana la sheegay in ay wateen Raggaasi ku labisnaa dharka Ciidanka dowladda shaqsiyaad kale oo si xoog ah howlo burburin ah uga waday xaafadaasi.
Inta la xaqiijiyay waxaa dhacdadaasi ku dhintay illaa 2 qof oo Dumar ahaa, halka ay ku dhaawacmeen 8 kale.
Mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyay sida ay wax u dhaceen.
Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka.

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Guddoomiyaha Cusub Ee degmada Hodan Oo xilka la wareegay


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Guddoomiyaha cusub ee maamulka degmada Hodan C/xakiin Cabdiraxamaan Ciise Dhagajuun ayaa maanta si rasmi ah ula wareegay xilkiisa, kadib munaasabad ka dhacday xarunta degmadaasi.
Munaasabadda xil wareejinta ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay qeybaha kula duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan degmada Hodan iyo xubno ka socday maamulka gobolka Banaadir.
Guddoomiye Dhagajuun oo munaasabadda ka hadlay ayaa ka dalbaday shacabka ku dhaqan degmadaasi in ay la shaqeeyaan maamulkiisa.
Waxaana uu ballan qaaday in halkiisa uu ka sii wadi doono shaqada iyo horumarada ka socda degmada Hodan ee gobolka Banaadir.
Dhawaan ayey aheyd markii xilka laga qaaday guddoomiyihii degmadaasi Maxamed Axmed Cantoobo oo loo magacaabay agaasimaha arrimaha bulshada ee G/ Banaadir.
Halkan hoose ka daawo sawiirada:-
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Somalia: Xisbiyo qoraal u diray shirka Brussels


Magaalada Brusells ee dalka Belgium-ka waxa amaanta ka furmay shrikii iskaahsiga beesha caalamka iyo Soomaaliya oo looga hadlayo kaalmada bani’aadminnimo, horumarinta dhaqaalaha iyo arrrimaha amniga.

Somali mother first to be sentenced under new law in Switzerland for genital mutilation of daughters


The local.ch Monday July 16, 2018 A court in Neuchâtel last week found a Somali mother guilty of submitting her two daughters to female genital mutilation in a landmark case in the Alpine nation.It was the first ever such sentence in Switzerland, where female genital mutilation was made a crime in 2011 under Article 124. The young Somali girls were genitally mutilated while living with their mother in Somalia and Ethiopia between 2013 and 2015, a fact the mother did not deny in the Neuchâtel regional court.Article 124 states: "Anyone who mutilates the genitals of a female person, significantly impairing her in her natural function or in any other way, will be imprisoned for up to ten years." The law stipulates that "anyone who commits the crime abroad is also liable in Switzerland.""I do not think I can change things. But perhaps this verdict will help eliminate the suffering of millions of girls," said Nathalie Kocherhans, the judge at the presiding regional court, according to Swiss national news portal SRF. Ads By Google While the court acknowledged that the mother, who is illiterate, was placed under considerable societal pressure to force her daughter to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM), the judge nevertheless deemed a prison sentence necessary. The mother had been denounced in Switzerland by the daughters' Somali father."Any case that highlights FGM and how much of a human rights abuse it is is important," Fiona Coyle, director of End FGM European Network – based in Brussels – told The Local.But Coyle also cautioned that while prosecution is important, prevention is also key. "We welcome judgements but we also place a caveat that there need to be preventive measures too," added Coyle.  End FGM Europe Network's director also highlighted the importance of the specific nature of the recent Swiss sentence and indeed, Article 124. "It is important that it does not have to have happened in Switzerland, that it can have occurred outside of the country. That is unique," Coyle told The Local. Each year, nearly 180,000 women and girls in Europe are estimated to be at risk of FGM, according to the End FGM European Network, an advocacy group."In the EU, there are more than half a million women who are survivors of this procedure," Coyle told The Local Switzerland. She emphasized that best practice in combatting the damaging cultural ritual is a holistic approach, needed "to ensure we are not stigmatizing or re-traumatizing the affected women as they are survivors." France has taken a strong legal position on FGM, with approximately 30 cases taken to court in the last 15 years, according to Coyle. "Each country has a different approach," she said.Coyle also highlighted Finland and Portugal's 'national plan' to combat FGM, which include a dedicated budget and an intergovernmental committee, among other measures. Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands also have specific legislation to combat FGM.FGM affects between 130 and 200 million women worldwide in at least 28 countries, according to the UN. "The practice itself often takes place in remote rural areas by untrained village midwives who use instruments such as knives, razors or even broken glass," asserts a UNICEF study on the practice.  Besides psychological issues, genital mutilation often leads to severe medical conditions, such as tetanus, an inability to urinate, septicemia and other complications, besides stigma in communities. This is why Coyle says it is vital that education and awareness be at the forefront of all campaigns to end the practice and that communities be involved. The centuries old tradition of female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM), is on the decline in northern Somalia, though the country in the Horn of Africa continues to have some of the highest rates of women who have undergone the practice in the world, according to AFP.


  • Somali partnership forum opens in Brussels - The East African
  • Somaliland Farmers Distressed By Insects Destroying Crops In Salahley - Radio Ergo
  • Eritrea reopens embassy in Addis Ababa in fresh sign of thaw with Ethiopia - Reuters
  • Major Chain in Canada Pulls Ivanka Trump’s Clothing - New York Times
  • Deepening Military Ties Solidify China’s Ambitions in Africa - VOA
  • Another of the three schoolgirls who fled to join ISIS is feared dead - Birmingham Mail
  • Somali elder wants to meet Obama - Daily Nation
  • Muslim candidates running in record numbers face backlash - AP
  • Haji proves critics wrong with prosecution of graft big fish - The Star
  • No immunity for you, Duale tells governors - The Star
  • AMISOM to extend programme on training traffic police officers to federal states - AMISOM

Saraakiil ka tirsan NISA oo xilka laga qaaday


Qoraal ka soo baxay agaasimaha Hay’adda Nabadsugidda Soomaaliya Xuseen Cusmaan Xuseen ayaa shaqada lagaga joojiyey laba sarkaal oo sare oo ka tirsanaa hay’adda NISA.

Shirka Soomaaliya ee Brussels oo furmay


Magaalada Brusells ee dalka Belgium-ka waxa amaanta ka furmay shrikii iskaahsiga beesha caalamka iyo Soomaaliya oo looga hadlayo kaalmada bani’aadminnimo, horumarinta dhaqaalaha iyo arrrimaha amniga.

Dalka Hindiya waxaa dood xooggan dhaliyay filim cusub oo ka hadlaya jacaylka dadka da' dhexaad ah.


Filimka waxa uu shaaca keenayaa su'aasha ah in dadka waaweyn aysan jacaylka u qalmin iyo in kale.

Inta goor oo ay heshiisyo galeen madaxda Maraykanka iyo Ruushka


Iyada oo Mr Trump uu isku dayayo in uu xiriira wax ku ool ah la yeesho hogaamiyaha Ruushka oo madaxwaynayaashii xilka uga hareeyay ay taxadar ka muujin jireen.

Xog Farshaxan : Wax ka baro abtirka Barack Obama


Haddaba BBC-da ayaa dib u raacday qoyskiisa iyo dadka la dhashay, waxaanan kusoo koobaynaa xogtan farshaxan ee xagga hoose ka muuqato.

Somali forces allegedly killed civilians outside Mogadishu


Somali security forces were reported to have shot and killed three civilians including a child outside the capital, Mogadishu n Monday morning.
The shooting came after dozens of Somali forces were deployed at Al Biri village, near Siinka locality at dawn to demolished illegally build houses in the area.
The security officers deployed in the area said they were confronted by local residents protesting over the demolition of their houses, according to the witnesses.
The Somali security officers are being accused of deliberately opening fire on civilians during a forceful eviction in the area and killing unarmed three innocent civilians.
Somali security officials did not comment on the incident so far.
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Somali partnership forum opens in Brussels


Monday July 16, 2018The Somali Partnership Forum, a major conference on the Horn-of Africa state, has opened in Brussels, Belgium.The two-day forum is jointly chaired by the Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo and the European Union Foreign Affairs Chief Federica Magherini.The meeting is a follow up to the earlier conferences in London and Mogadishu, respectively in May and December 2017.Economic recoveryThe Brussels meeting is focusing on the Horn of Africa country’s security stabilisation, political development, economic recovery and humanitarian issues.The Somali government is expected to report on the development strides made since the London conference.Ads By Google Reports also indicate that there would be three side meetings on investment, the internally displaced peoples and the role of women in Somalia’s peace building.Financial institutionsApart from President Farmajo and his aides, the Somali delegation also includes representatives from the federal republic of Puntland, Galmudug, Jubaland, Southwest and Hirshabelle. There is also a large representation from the Somali business community and the civil society.International investors, financial institutions (chiefly the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund –IMF) and international NGOs are also expected to participate in the side meetings.Somaliland, a breakaway region that unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991, has not sent a representation.


  • Somali mother first to be sentenced under new law in Switzerland for genital mutilation of daughters - The local.ch
  • Somaliland Farmers Distressed By Insects Destroying Crops In Salahley - Radio Ergo
  • Eritrea reopens embassy in Addis Ababa in fresh sign of thaw with Ethiopia - Reuters
  • Major Chain in Canada Pulls Ivanka Trump’s Clothing - New York Times
  • Deepening Military Ties Solidify China’s Ambitions in Africa - VOA
  • Another of the three schoolgirls who fled to join ISIS is feared dead - Birmingham Mail
  • Somali elder wants to meet Obama - Daily Nation
  • Muslim candidates running in record numbers face backlash - AP
  • Haji proves critics wrong with prosecution of graft big fish - The Star
  • No immunity for you, Duale tells governors - The Star
  • AMISOM to extend programme on training traffic police officers to federal states - AMISOM

Trump meets Putin after denouncing 'stupidity' of U.S. policy on Russia


Jeff Mason, Andrew OsbornMonday July 16, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia's President Vladimir Putin shake hands as they meet in Helsinki, Finland July 16, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

HELSINKI (Reuters) - Donald Trump met one-on-one with Vladimir Putin behind closed doors on Monday in a long-awaited summit overshadowed by the U.S. president blaming his own country’s past “foolishness and stupidity” for the two powers’ hostile ties.
Just days after a special prosecutor indicted 12 Russian agents for stealing documents from the Democratic Party to help Trump win the 2016 presidential election, Trump went into his talks with Putin without a word of criticism for Moscow.
Instead, he tweeted: “Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!”
The Russian foreign ministry “liked” his words and tweeted back: “We agree”.
Trump’s opponents at home were furious, with one Democratic congressman saying that Trump had turned the White House into “a propaganda arm for the Kremlin”.
After two hours alone in a room with their interpreters, Trump and Putin convened a more traditional-style bilateral meeting, seated at a large conference table surrounded by senior officials from both countries. Trump called the private talks with the Kremlin leader a “good start”.
Ads By Google Earlier Trump began the meeting with warm words for Putin, seated next to the Russian leader in an ornate presidential palace in Finland, and said it was a longstanding goal of his to improve U.S.-Russian relations.
“I think we will have an extraordinary relationship. I hope so. I’ve been saying it, and I’m sure you’ve heard over the years, and as I campaigned, that getting along with Russia is good thing, not a bad thing,” he said.
But to Trump’s critics, the friendly words lay in the shadow of his extraordinary denunciation of his own country’s prior policies, which he tweeted hours before Putin arrived.
In his public remarks at the outset, he mentioned none of the issues that have lately brought U.S.-Russian relations to the lowest point since the Cold War: Moscow’s annexation of territory from Ukraine, its support for Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, British accusations that it poisoned a spy, as well as the alleged meddling in both U.S. and European elections.
“Our relationship with Russia is strained because of the very malign actions he’s refusing to take Russia to task for,” tweeted Democratic U.S. Representative Gregory Meeks, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “Though relations were worse during the Cold War, at least then the US Presidency wasn’t a propaganda arm for the Kremlin.”
The Kremlin has played down expectations for the summit. It said it did not expect much from the meeting but hoped it would be a “first step” to resolving a crisis in ties.
“Presidents Trump and Putin respect each other and they get along well,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “There is no clear agenda. It will be determined by the heads of state themselves as they go along.”
However, that the summit was taking place at all was a victory for Russia, which has long blamed irrational “Russophobia” for its geopolitical semi-pariah status.
“WHICH TEAM DO YOU PLAY FOR?”Trump’s foes at home have been scathing about his apparent refusal to criticize Putin. His 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Great World Cup. Question for President Trump as he meets Putin: Do you know which team you play for?”
Russia denies interfering in the U.S. presidential election. The state RIA news agency quoted a Russian source as saying Moscow was “ready to discuss, ready to undertake mutual obligations of non-intervention into internal matters”.
Trump has said he will raise the election meddling but does not expect to get anywhere. He has repeatedly noted that Putin denies it, while also saying that it is alleged to have taken place before he became president.
The summit caps a trip abroad during which Trump sternly criticized NATO allies for failing to spend enough on their militaries and embarrassed British Prime Minister Theresa May by saying she refused to take his advice about how to negotiate Britain’s exit from the EU. He referred to the European Union itself as a “foe” in trade, and repeatedly criticized it.
In some of the strongest words yet reflecting the unease of Washington’s traditional allies, Germany’s foreign minister said on Monday Europe could not rely on Trump.
“We can no longer completely rely on the White House,” Heiko Maas told the Funke newspaper group. “To maintain our partnership with the USA we must readjust it. The first clear consequence can only be that we need to align ourselves even more closely in Europe.”
Additonal reporting by Steve Holland in Helsinki and by Christian Lowe and Polina Devitt in Moscow; Writing by Andrew Osborn and Peter Graff; Editing by Angus MacSwan


  • This Toronto artist uses sci-fi and space to tell her story of growing up Somali - Toronto Life
  • Germany: We can no longer fully rely on U.S. White House - Reuters
  • As ties thaw, Eritrea reopens embassy in Ethiopia - AFP
  • Somali partnership forum opens in Brussels - The East African
  • Somali mother first to be sentenced under new law in Switzerland for genital mutilation of daughters - The local.ch
  • Somaliland Farmers Distressed By Insects Destroying Crops In Salahley - Radio Ergo
  • Eritrea reopens embassy in Addis Ababa in fresh sign of thaw with Ethiopia - Reuters
  • Major Chain in Canada Pulls Ivanka Trump’s Clothing - New York Times
  • Deepening Military Ties Solidify China’s Ambitions in Africa - VOA
  • Another of the three schoolgirls who fled to join ISIS is feared dead - Birmingham Mail
  • Somali elder wants to meet Obama - Daily Nation
  • Muslim candidates running in record numbers face backlash - AP
  • Haji proves critics wrong with prosecution of graft big fish - The Star
  • No immunity for you, Duale tells governors - The Star
  • AMISOM to extend programme on training traffic police officers to federal states - AMISOM

Dhageyso:-Warka Habeen Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

As ties thaw, Eritrea reopens embassy in Ethiopia


Monday July 16, 2018

Addis Ababa — Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki reopened his country’s embassy in Ethiopia on Monday, the latest in a series of dizzying peace moves after two decades of war between the neighbours.
The embassy inauguration caps Isaias’s historic visit to the Ethiopian capital aimed at cementing peace less than a week after the former enemies declared an end to the conflict.
State-run Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) showed Isaias raising the Eritrean flag at the embassy in downtown Addis Ababa and Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed handing him keys to the building, filled with dusty furniture that appeared untouched for years.
The embassy visit marked the end of Isaias’s three-day stay in Ethiopia which also saw him visiting an industrial park and attending dinner and a concert on Sunday evening.
Thousands of Ethiopians packed an exhibition hall, waving Eritrean flags and chanting Isaias’s name as both leaders pledged commitment to their newfound unity.
"Both nations have chosen peace as opposed to war," said Abiy, as Isaias also voiced his support, saying: "We won’t allow anyone to stop this from happening."
The 71-year-old Eritrean strongman left Addis shortly after the embassy opening, EBC reported.
Writing on Twitter, Eritrean Information Minister Yemane Gebremeskel said the trip had "inexorably elevated bilateral ties of both countries to new, promising, heights."
He described the embassy opening as "yet another milestone in the robust (and) special ties of peace and friendship both countries are cultivating with earnestness in these momentous times."
Ads By Google Once a province of Ethiopia, Eritrea voted to leave in 1993 after a bloody, decades-long independence struggle.
Ethiopia and Eritrea expelled each others’ envoys at the start of a 1998-2000 border war that killed around 80,000 people.
Relations remained frozen after Ethiopia declined to accept a 2002 UN-backed border demarcation, leading to years of cold war between the two countries.
Last month, Abiy announced Ethiopia would accept the demarcation and cede land to Eritrea. However, it has not yet announced the withdrawal of troops from the area.
Abiy has pursued an aggressive reform agenda since taking office in April, including making peace with Eritrea, releasing jailed dissidents and liberalising parts of the economy.
After declaring his intention to make peace on June 5, events have moved at breakneck speed.
Abiy visited Asmara a month later, announcing the normalisation of diplomatic and economic ties, and on July 9, the two leaders signed a joint declaration declaring the end of the war.
Telecommunications links were quickly restored and Ethiopian Airlines will on Wednesday make its first passenger flight between the nations in 20 years.
Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesman Meles Alem told AFP Ethiopia had not yet reopened its embassy in the Eritrean capital Asmara.
Amnesty International has said the newfound peace should be a catalyst for change in Eritrea, one of the world’s most isolated nations.
Since the end of the war, Isaias has used the threat of Ethiopian aggression to justify a rash of repressive policies, including an indefinite national service programme the UN has likened to slavery.


  • This Toronto artist uses sci-fi and space to tell her story of growing up Somali - Toronto Life
  • Germany: We can no longer fully rely on U.S. White House - Reuters
  • Trump meets Putin after denouncing 'stupidity' of U.S. policy on Russia - Reuters
  • Somali partnership forum opens in Brussels - The East African
  • Somali mother first to be sentenced under new law in Switzerland for genital mutilation of daughters - The local.ch
  • Somaliland Farmers Distressed By Insects Destroying Crops In Salahley - Radio Ergo
  • Eritrea reopens embassy in Addis Ababa in fresh sign of thaw with Ethiopia - Reuters
  • Major Chain in Canada Pulls Ivanka Trump’s Clothing - New York Times
  • Deepening Military Ties Solidify China’s Ambitions in Africa - VOA
  • Another of the three schoolgirls who fled to join ISIS is feared dead - Birmingham Mail
  • Somali elder wants to meet Obama - Daily Nation
  • Muslim candidates running in record numbers face backlash - AP
  • Haji proves critics wrong with prosecution of graft big fish - The Star
  • No immunity for you, Duale tells governors - The Star
  • AMISOM to extend programme on training traffic police officers to federal states - AMISOM

Xarun lagu baranayo Saxaafadda Oo laga hirgaliyay Muqdisho


Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Xafaladan oo aheyd mid daah-fur u ah furitaanka xarunta cusub ee xirfadaha Saxaafadda iyo tababarka shaqada ee loo soo gaabiyo MSETC ayaa maanta lagu qabtay gudaha magaalada Muqdisho.
Munaasabadda ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay dad isugu jira mas’uuliyiin, Rucadaayaal Saxaafadeed, Arday iyo Marti sharaf kale.
Ugu horreyn Agaasime ku xigeenka Idaacadda Shabelle Maxamed Axmed Jimcaale ayaa ka hadlay  u jeedada loo aas aasay xarunta cusub ee xirfadaha Saxaafadda iyo tababarka shaqada.
Jimcaale ayaa sheegay in sababta ku kaliftay furintaanka xaruntan ay tahay sidii loo heli lahaa Jiil cusub oo wax ka bedali kara heerka ay joogto xilligan Saxaafada Soomaaliyeed.
Dhinaca Agaasimeyaasha Idaacadaha Kulmiye iyo Sahal oo ka mid ahaa mas’uuliyiintii ka hadlay munasaabadda ayaa ku dhiira galiyay Ardayda loo qabtay xafladdan in ay ka faa’iideystaan aqoonta macalimiinta bixin doonta cilmiga Saxaafadda., waxaana ay ballan qadeen in dhankooda ay ay garab istaagi doonaan.
Ugu dambeyn Xoghayaha Ururka Saxafiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee NOSOJ Maxamed Ibraahim Macalimuu oo soo xiray munaasabadda ayaa Ardayda kula dardaarmay in ay dadaal ku bixiyaan sidii ay wax u baran lahaayeen, ulana mid noqon lahaayeen Wariyeyaasha ka howlgala Warbaahinta caalamiga ah.
The post Xarun lagu baranayo Saxaafadda Oo laga hirgaliyay Muqdisho appeared first on Shabelle.

Germany: We can no longer fully rely on U.S. White House


Monday July 16, 2018Michelle MartinGerman Foreign Minister Heiko Maas arrives for a meeting in Vienna, Austria July 6, 2018. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger/File Photo

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's foreign minister said on Monday Europe could not rely on Donald Trump and needed to close ranks after the U.S. president called the European Union a "foe" with regard to trade.

Ads By Google "We can no longer completely rely on the White House," Heiko Maas told the Funke newspaper group. "To maintain our partnership with the USA we must readjust it. The first clear consequence can only be that we need to align ourselves even more closely in Europe."
He added: "Europe must not let itself be divided however sharp the verbal attacks and absurd the tweets may be."



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