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Walaaca Jamhuuriyadda Afrikada Dhexe


Waxa walaac weyn laga qabaa xaaladaha Jamhuuriyadda Afrikada dhexe oo ka sii darayaa iyo dagaallada sokeeye. Halkan ka daawo warbixintani

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Oo Maanta Garoonka Diyaaradaha Kula Kulmay Safiirada Deeq Bixiyeyaasha Caalamka Oo Booqasho Ku Yimid Magaalada Muqdisho


Mogadishhu-(Idhanka)-Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maanta Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde kula kulmay Safiirada Deeq bixiyeyaasha caalamka oo booqasho ku yimid magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo ka wada hadlay is casilaadii Gudoomiyihii Bankiga Dhexe iyo mooshinka Baarlamaanka hor-yaala ee ka dhanka ah Ra’iisul Wasaaraha.
Kulankan oo ahaa mid uu albaabada u xirnaa ayaa Madaxweynaha waxaa uu warbixin ka [...]

Waftigii 9-ka Maayor Ee Degmooyinka A Iyo B Somaliland Ee Muddada 9 Cisho Ah Tansaaniya Ku Maqnaaa Oo Dalka Dib Ugu Soo Laabtay Aadna Loosoo Dhaweeyay


Hargeysa-(Idhanka)-Waxa Hargeysa shalay galab ka soo degay wefti balaadhan oo ka kooban Maayirrada sagaal degmo oo Somaliland ka mid ah, Agaasimaha Guud ee wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha, saraakiil ka socday Hay’adda UNHABITAT iyo kuwo ka socda wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha.
Weftigaasi oo ka soo laabtay Safar ay ugu maqnaayeen Dalka Tansania, muddo sagaal maalmood ah, ujeedadiisuna ahayd sidii [...]

Wasaarada Shaqada Iyo Arimaha Bulshada Somaliland Iyo Dallada Dhalinyarada Ee Sonyo Oo Dhalinyaro Ku Guulaystay Mashruuca Maal Gelinta Ganacsiga Gudoonsiiyey Dhaqaalihii Loogu Tala Galay


Hargeysa-(Idhanka)-Dalada Dhalinyarada Somaliland Ee Sonyo Iyo Wasaarada Shaqada Iyo Arimaha Bulshada Somaliland Ayaa Maanta Si Wada Jira U Gudoonsiiyey Dhalinyaro Ku Guulaystay Mashruuca Maal Gelinta Ganacsiga.
Munaasibad balaadhan oo dhalinyaradan lagu gudoonsiinayey mashruuca maal gelinta ganacsiga ee ay ku guulaysteen oo lagu qabtay Hotel Ambassador ee magaalada Hargeysa ayaa waxa ka ka soo qayb galay gudoomiyaha [...]

Somalia: Turkish Ambassador in Hargeisa for Federal Govt-Somaliland talks


HARGEISA, Somalia Nov.23, 2013 (Garowe Online)-Turkey Ambassador to Somalia Kani Torun Saturday arrived in Hargeisa to discuss the upcoming round of a dialogue process between Federal Government of Somalia and Somalia's separatist administration ...


FAAH-FAAHIN: Dagaal qaraar oo dhex maray Puntland iyo Khaatumo


Taleex (Caasimada Online) Waxaa faahfaahin laga helayaa dagaal maanta ka dhacay deegaanka god-qaboobe oo ka tirsan gobolka Sool.
Dagaalka ayaa la sheegay in uu dhexmaray labo maleeshiyo oo kala taageersan Maamulada Khaatumo iyo Puntland.
Sida ay lee yihiin dadka deeganka, dagaallkan ayaa billowday markii ciidamo ka yimi Buuhoodle oo ku sii jeeday Taleex ay rasaaseeyeen kuwa joogay duleedka deeganka god-qaboobe.
Illaa hadda si dhab looma xaqiijin karo khasaaraha ka dhashey dagaalka,waxaana wararkii ugu dambeeyay ay ku sheegayaan in xilligaan dagaalka uusan wax dagaal ka socon deeganka lagu dagaamalay.
Dhinaca kale, madaxweynaha maamulka Khaatumo, Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac “Indhasheel”oo caawa la hadlay idaacadaha gudaha, ayaa ku eedeeyay dagaalkii maanta maamulka Puntland.
Wuxuu sheegay in hal askari uu xagooda kaga dhaawacmay dagaalka, balse dhinicii kale ay askar badan ka dileen sida uu hadlaka udhigay.
Maamulka Puntland ilaa hadda kama hadlin eedeenta loo soo jeediyay ee ah in ay ka dambeeyeen dagaalka maanta ka dhacay deegan hoostaga gobalka Sool.
Xaaladda goobihii lagu dagaalamay ayaa caawa deggan, waxaana ku sugan ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Khaatumo.
Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Wararka GaalkacyoCaasimada@live.com
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Saraakiil sar sare oo ka tirsan DFS oo caawa lagu dilay Muqdisho


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa caawa ka dhacay dilal ay geesgteen kooxo ku hubeysan bastoolado.
Sarkaal ka tirsan hey’adda nabad sugida iyo askari ayaa lagu dilay Isgoyska Siinaay ee degmada Yaaqshid sida ay noo sheegeen goobjoogayaal ah.
Kooxda dilka geesatay ayaa goobta isaga baxsaday, waxaana durba soo gaaray ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda kuwaasoo baaritaan sameeyay, balse ma jirto dad ay u soo qabteen dhacdadaas.
Waa dilkii seddaxaad oo noociisa ah oo ka dhaca maanta magaalada Muqdisho.
Mar sii horreysay ayaa kooxo hubeysan waxa ay xaafad ka tirsan degmada Dharkeynley ku dileen haweeney la sheegay in ka mid ah ahayd dumarka nadaafadda degmada.
Magaalada oo labadii sanno ee la soo dhaafay ka kabanaysay dagaaladii la haray, ayaa waxaa weli ka dhacay falal dil iyo qara isgu jira.
Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Wararka MuqdishoCaasimada@live.com
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Somalia and EU Fight over ‘Lack of Aid’ Claims


A diplomatic spat has erupted in Brussels between a high Somali official and the EU commissioner for development over the level of foreign aid given to the wartorn African country. Fawzia Yusuf Adam, Somalia’s minister of foreign affairs and deputy PM ...


Dood looga hadlayo arrimaha Puntland, gaar ahaan dhibaatada Duufaanaha (Daawo- Video)


Ceelaayo”Siyaasad Lug Kuma Lihi Wali Ganacsi baan ku Jiraa”


Bosaaso(GalGalanews) Ka dib markii Maalamihii la soo dhaafay ay Warbaahinta Puntland daabacday War sheegaya in  Ganacsade Cali Maxamuud Xasan [Ceelaayo] oo u xuub-Siibtey Siyaasada, ayaa warkaasi waxa ka daba Yimi Masuul Cali Ceelaayo Laftigiisii oo sheegay inaanay Jirin Meel cad oo uu ku shaaciyay inuu Qoobka kala Baxaya Howlihii Ganacsiga ee uu Umada Somaliyeed u hayay.
Warkaasi ayuu ku Tilmaamay mid aan Sal iyo Raatoona lahayn isla markaana aan ka soo Bixin shakhsi ahaan isaga” Aniga Ganacsade baan ahay oo laygu Yaqaan ma Jirto Meel aan Kulan ku Qabtay oo ku Iri Siyaasadii baan ku Biiray wali Ganacsade baan ahay” Ayuu Yiri.
Ceelaayo ayaa ka mid ah Ganacsatada ugu Caansan Puntland, waxana uu Aas Aasay Shirkado Gaar loo leeyahay oo ay ka Howl-galaan Dhalinyaro Somaliyeed oo ka helay Fursado Shaqo abuurid ah.


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Ciidanka wax ka qabta ammaanka Magaalada Baladweyne oo maanta la geeyay (Daawo Sawirada)


Dowladda, ayaa waxay Ciidan Boolis ah ay maanta u daabushay Magaalada Baladweyne ee Gobolka Hiiraan, toddobaad kadib weerarkii lagu burburiyay Saldhiga Booliska ee Baladweyne. Askarta maanta la geeyay Magaalada Baladweyne, ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa in ay ka hawlgalaan Saldhiga, si ay wax uga qabtaan xaalada amni ee Magaalada. Tirada askartaan oo 55 xubnood ah, ayaa […]


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Tacsi ku socota eheladii Marxuum Cisman Daahir Xergeeye oo ku geeriyooday London.


Nooleba waa dhintee, Allaha u naxariistee Marxuum Cisman Daahir oo ku magac dheeraa Xergeeye, ayaa maalintii shalay ahayd ku geeriyooday cusbatal ku yaalla magaalada London ee carriga Ingiriiska.
Marxuumka oo aan uga baryeyo in uu Ilaahay Jannadii ka waraabiyo, ayaa waxa tacsi gaar ah u diraya hawlwadeennada shabakadda awdalpress.com iyo dadka magacyadoodu hoos u qoran yihiin oo ka tirsan Jaaliyadda reer Awdal ee deggen dalka Ingiriiska gaar ahaan London.
1. Mohamed Hussein Said
2. Ahmed Ibrahim Tani
3. Abdi Mohamoud Ismail ( Abdiweyne )
4. Mohamed Duale Goth
5. Abdirahman Abdillaahi Jimcaale
6. Hassan Muse Khalif
7. Noor Xaaji Hussien Fariid
8. Hussien Cige ( Mayke )
9. Caydiid Xaaji Daahir
10. Idiris Maydhane Warsame
11.  Mohamed Cashuur
12. Bashir Mahamoud
13. Abdirahman Aw Faarax Sigad
14. Mohamed Hassan Sh. Muumin
15. Mohamed Omer Sh. Ibrahim
16. Ismail Hussien
17. Haaruun Sh. Abdirahman Qaaddi
18. DR. Abdirahman Oner Egeh
19. Abdillaahi Abdi Jibril ( Jibril Tiil )
20. Rashid Noor Egeh
21. Ali Daahir Abdi
22. Abdi Barkhad Meecaad ( ina Shinbir )
23. Aden Elmi ( Dallacaaye )
24. Hussien Ibrahim ( Cawaale Dheere )
25. Abdirahman Ali Kaahiye
25. Muuse Ahmed Good
Dhammaanba dadkaasi waxa ay Marxuumka Ilaahay uga baryayaan in uu Jannadii ka waraabiyo eheladii iyo asxaabtiisiina uu samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo.
Ahmedweli Goth


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Somaliland: Ahmed Qaybe, the Demise of a National Giant


The President H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud Silanyo led thousands of mourners in attending the state burial held for the late Ahmed Mohammed Aden a.k.a. (Qaybe) whose body was laid to rest on Wednesday the 27th of November 2014 in the city.
At the graveyard the Head of State described the late Qaybe as a soft-spoken, articulate and God-fearing person during his lifetime.
He recalled his impeccable public long service period in which he left an indelible mark engraved well in the country’s history. Several cabinet members and Guurti Speaker Hon Suleiman Adan showered the diceased with similar sentiments in their eulogies.
The arguably only Somali speaking professional in legislature and legislative procedures has left a gigantic mark not only in his home country of Somaliland but the whole of the former Somalia in technocracy circles. The pioneer and long serving parliamentary speaker and long time ambassador and ministerial chief was born in 1930 at the British colonial military base known as the Royal Naval Station at Khoor-Masar in Aden, Yemen.
After leaving high school in Aden, the late Qaybe worked for the first ever Somali radio in Hargeisa, Radio Kudu, before briefly going back to Yemen in the late 1940s.
In early 50s however he came back to Somaliland, Hargeisa, where he worked at the local colonial district commissioner’s office.
In 1956 he became the town clerk Berbera town before going to London for tertiary education through a scholarship.
President Silanyo among citizens at the Qaybe burial3
Upon arrival from London he became the Parliamentary Executive Secretary for Somaliland and at the same time the Secretary for the Airlifts and Foreign Education Committee meant to harness local skills by under-studying the colonial masters.
In January 1960, the late Qaybe once again went back to the UK for further advanced studies before coming back to start a long diplomatic career in a country newly unified with the southern Italian Somali to become Somalia.
Form the end of 1960 to 1985 the late Ambassador Qaybe served as the high commissioner for the USSR, US, UK and the UN.
He became the permanent secretary of the former Somalia ministry of foreign affairs for the subsequent five years, before capping it up by serving as the foreign minister however for a short stint of 6 months.
After Somaliland re-asserted its independence the government once more sought the services of the late Qaybe and served as the parliamentary speaker from 1997 to 2005 (eight years).
He played pivotal and major roles in the establishment of the country’s statutory books being one of the three personalities whose signatures are borne and engraved in.
Indeed the late Qaybe’s larger than life autobiography has its past enshrined putting him among the uppermost personalities with everlasting and deserving eminence in SL’s history.


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Kenya Appeals to UK not to Ban Khat


- Kenyan MPs have appealed to the UK not to “condemn people” by banning the herbal stimulant khat.
The leafy substance, grown by many Kenyan farmers, was of economic and cultural significance to many Africans, MP Florence Kajuju told the BBC.
The UK government has decided, against the advice of its own experts, to treat khat as a class C drug to “protect vulnerable members of our communities”.
It is traditionally used by Ethiopian, Kenyan, Somali and Yemeni communities.
The mildly narcotic leaf is already banned in most of Europe and in a number of other countries, including the US and Canada.
Ms Kajuju led a team of Kenyan MPs to the UK to lobby the government not to follow suit.
In July, UK Home Secretary Theresa May said khat would be banned “at the earliest possible opportunity” but a ban has yet to be imposed.
‘Offered at marriage proposals’
“If you pass a law classifying miraa [a Somali and Swahili word for khat] as a class C drug, then you are condemning our people,” she told the BBC’s Focus on Africa radio programme.
Many farmers in Kenya grew khat which they exported, she said.
“If it is banned in the UK, it means the economy of our people is going to suffer,” Ms Kajuju added.
Khat was also of cultural significance, with families offering a bag of it when proposing marriage and if the woman accepted it it meant she had accepted the proposal, Ms Kajuju said.
She said the UK should not fall for “misinformation” about khat.
“The first thing my grandmother introduced me to is a bite of khat. It’s good,” Ms Kajuju told the BBC.
In Kenya, priests accept it at churches “as a crop you are offering to god”, she added.
Ms May said stimulant would be banned as the risks it posed could have been underestimated by the government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD).
In January, it said there was “insufficient evidence” that khat caused health problems.
Ms May said the government also needed to act to prevent the UK from becoming “a single, regional hub for the illegal onward trafficking” of khat.
The ACMD found “no evidence” khat, made from leaves and shoots of a shrub cultivated in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and containing the stimulant cathinone, was directly linked with serious or organised crime.
Somali groups in the UK had told the ACMD that use of khat was a “significant social problem” and said it caused medical issues and family breakdowns.
The ACMD said withdrawal symptoms such as tiredness and depression were associated with khat, and recommended that the public should be educated about this where necessarySource:- BBC


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Khaatumo oo Guul Dagaal ka Sheegatay DHEGAYSO Waraysi


Taleex(GalGalanews) Masuul u hadlay Maamulka Khaatumo ayaa sheegay inay Guul la taaban karo ka soo Hooyeen dagaalkii Maanta dhex maray Ciidamadood iyo Kuwa Taabacsan Maamulka PL.
Yaasiin Axmed Sulub oo Afka Khaatumo ku hadlay wuxuu sheegay inay Khasaare weyn u Gasyteen ciidamo uu sheegay in ay ka Amar qaataan Madaxwaynaha PL oo Duulaan Qaawan ku soo qaaday Deegaano ay Shirar ku Lahaayeen Bulshada Khaatumo.  Halkan ka DHEGAYSO Waraysi


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RW DF oo Goordhow Arin adag ka dalbaday Xildh. Mooshinka ka keenay


Soomaaliya oo looga adkaaday kulankii tartanka CECAFA


Xulka Qaranka  Burundi ayaa xulka kubbadda cagta Soomaaliya uga  adkaaday 2-0  kadib ciyaar xiisa badan oo ay ku yeesheen dalka Kenya.
Tartanka waxaa marti-gelinaysa Kenya, waxayna ciyaartii galabta ka dhacday garoon ku yaalla magaalada Machakos oo 64 km u jirta Nairobi iyada oo la sheegay in taageerayaasha ugu badan garoonka ay ahaayeen Soomaali.
Inkasta oo Soomaaliya maanta laga adkaaday ayaa hadana waxaa la sheegay in ay si wanaagsan u dheeleen oo ay u qalmeen in ay guuleestaan.
Macallinka xulka qaranka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulle Farayare ayaa markii ay ciyaarta dhammaatay sheegay inay ciyaartoyda Soomaaliya si wanaagsan u ciyaareen, wuxuuna guul-darrada u sababeeyay garoonka iyo jewiga oo xumaa.
Macallin Maxamed Cabdulle Farayare ayaa rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay inuu xulka Soomaaliya guul-darrada ka soo kaban doono kulamada xiga oo lagu qaban doono garoonka Nyanya ee magaalada Nairobi oo Soomaali badan ay ku nool yihiin.
Kulanka xiga waxay Soomaaliya la ciyaari doontaa xulka Tanzania Axadda soo socota (1st December), iyadoo kulanka xigana uu afarta December la yeelan doono xulka Zambia oo ay ku wada jiraan Group B.


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Nin la qabtay isaga oo iib geynaya madaxyo Bini aadam


Wasiirka arimaha dibada oo beeniyay war laga baahiyay


Iyada oo maanta ay baahiyeen war-baahinta qaar in Wasiirka arimaha dibada Soomaaliya ay kula murantay  guddoomiyaha arrimaha horumarinta Midowga Yurub, Andris Piebalgs  dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya loo balan qaaday ayaa Fooziya waxa ay ka hadashay arintaasi.
Guddoomiyaha arrimaha horumarinta Midowga Yurub, Andris Piebalgs oo ka jawaabayay hadalka wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Soomaaliya ee uu bahiyay wargeys New York uu fadhigiisu yahay ayaa sheegay in Midowga Yurub uu mashaariic horumarineed ka wado qeybo ka mid ah Soomaaliya, balse uusan si toos ah lacag ugu wareejin karin dowladda federaalka maadaama dalka uusan ka jirin nidaam maaliyadeed oo hufan.
Fowsiya ayaa beenisay inuu jiro wax khilaaf ah oo soo kala dhex galay dowladda federaalka iyo Midowga Yurub, iyadoo sheegtay in dowladda ay uga mahad-naqayso Midowga Yurub taageerada baaxadda weyn leh ee uu siiyo Soomaaliya.
Waxay sheegtay in xiriirka u dhaxeeya Soomaaliya iyo Midowga Yurub uu yahay mid aad u xooggan, ayna ka wada shaqeynayaan arrimo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin gargaarka bini’aadannimo, la dagaallanka argagaxisada iyo taageeridda AMISOM.
“Midowga Yurub waa deeq bixiyaha ugu muhiimsan ee Soomaaliya, waxaana uga mahad-celineynaa wax kasta oo ay naga caawimayaan si aan uga soo kabanno in ka badan 20 sano oo dagaal ah,” ayay tiri Fowsiya.
Waxay sheegtay inay ku kalsoon yihiin in mustaqbalka uu Midowga Yurub si toos ah caawimadda ugu soo hagaajin doono dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya.
Saacado ka hor ayaa wargeyska arrimaha ganacsiga ee International Business Times ee fadhiggiisu yahay magaalada New York ayaa qoray war ku saabsan inuu muran dhex maray Fowsiya Yuusuf iyo guddoomiyaha arrimaha horumarinta Midowga Yurub, Andris Piebalgs, kaddib markii Fowsiya ay ka sheegtay shir ay uga qeyb-galeysay magaalada Brussels in dowladda federaalka aan wali la soo gaarsiinin lacagtii Midowga Yurub uu ugu yaboohay Soomaaliya bishii September.


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Sawirro: Isbitaalka dhexe ee Cadaado oo qalab qaliin la gaarsiiyay.


Munaasabadda qalabka caafimaad lagu gudoonsiinayay maamulka Isbitalka dhexe ee magaalada cadaado ayaa waxa ay ka dhacday Isbitalka guud ee magaalada cadaado gudihiisa iyada oo qalabkaasi ay aad u soo dhaweeyeen maamulka isbitaalka, Shacabka iyo maamulka Xibin iyo Xeeb.
Qalabkan oo ay ku deeqday dawlada Maraykanku isbitaalka ayaa Cali-siciid Ibraahim oo Madax ka ah Hay’adda CPD oo Qalabka caafimaad gaarsiinta isbitaalka masuul ka aheyd waxa uu sheegay in qalabkaani uu wax badan ka tari karo howlaha caafimaada ee deegaanka oo dhan
Agaasimaha Isbitalka dhexe ee magaalada Cadaado, Dr Daahir Cali Abti-doon, ayaa ka mahad-celiyay agabkaan caafimaad eela gaarsiiyay isaga oo hoosta ka xariiqay  in ay kamid yihiin Sariiraha qaliinka oo casri ah kana kooban laba xabo, Layrka loo isticmaalo qaliinka, iyo agab kale oo muhiim ah.
Maamulka Cadaado ayaa iyana waxa ay soo dhaweeyeen caawinaadaan caafimaad ee kasoo gaartay dalka Mareykanka.


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