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Troops 'liberate' Islamist stronghold in Somalia offensive


30.08.2014.Warka Habeenimo.


Dhalinyaro Somali ah oo Libya lagu haysto


Xeryo ku yaalla dalka Libya waxaa ku jira dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo ka badan 200 oo dhalinyaro ah, Maxamed Aadan Cabdi oo sheegay inuu ka mid yahay dhalinyarada xeradaas ku jira ayaa VOA u sheegay in bishii ugu dambaysay ay xeryahaas ku geeriyoodeen 21 dhalinyaro ah oo 8 ka mid ahi ay yihiin hablo,

Roma oo Guul Ku Bilowday Horyaalka Talyaaniga


Kooxda Roma oo sanadkii hore kaalinta labaad ku dhameysatay kaalinta labaad ee horyaalka talyaaniga ayaa guul ku bilowday horyaalka,ka dib markii ay garoonkeeda Stadio Olimpico 2-0 uga badisay kooxda Fiorentina.
Kooxda Roma ayaa waxaa qeybtii hore ee ciyaarta waxaa goolka koowaad u dhaliyay ciyaaryahan Radja Nainggolan,sidaa ayaana lagu kala nastay qeybtii hore ee ciyaarta.
Ciyaaryahan Gervinho ayaa dhamaadkii qebtii danbe ee ciyaarta goolka labaad u dhaliyay kooxda Roma.
Tababaraha kooxda Roma Rudi Garcia ayaa ku farxay guusha uu ka gaaray kulankiisii ugu horeeyay ee horyaalka talyaaniga.

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Atletico Madrid oo Badisay Kulankeedii Ugu Horeeyay ee Horyaalka Spain


Kooxda Atletico Madrid ayaa badisay kulankeedii ugu horeysay ee horyaalka Spain,ka dib markii ay 2-1 uga badisay kooxda Eibar oo sanadkan ka timid heerka labaad ee dalka Spain.
Kooxda Atletico Madrid ayaa garoonkeeda Vicente Calderon keentay koobkii horyaalka oo ay qaaday sanadkii hore.
Kooxda Atletico Madrid ayaa waxaa qeybtii hore ee ciyaarta labada gool u kala dhaliyay ciyaaryahanada kala ah Miranda iyo Mario Mandzukic.
Kooxda Eibar ayaa waxaa goolka u dhaliyay ciyaaryahan Abraham Minero.
Sidoo kale kooxda Athletic Bilbao ayaa garoonkeeda 3-0 uga badisay kooxda Levante.
Kooxda Athletic Bilbao ayaa waxaa sedaxda gool u kala dhaliyay ciyaaryahanada kala ah Aritz Aduriz, Ander Iturraspe iyo Iker Muniain.

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Odayadii reer Awdal ee Hargeysa tegey maxay kala kulmeen xukuumaddii Siilaanyo?


Muddo usbuuc ahba, waxa magaalada Hargeysa jooga oday dhaqameedyo u socda in ay la xisaabtamaan dawladda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo. Illaa iyo immigana dadkii ay ka yimaaddeen amma bulshadii ay matalayeen gudo iyo dibadba waxa ay sugi kari la’yihiin jawaabta missionka ay odayadu u socdaan. Laakiin hujuum kii hore, waxa ay muujiyeen geesinnimo, taasi oo ay markhaati ka tahay qoraalka ku cad warqadda ay u gudbiyeen Ahmed Siilaanyo maantii ugu horreysey ee ay kulmeen, kadibna ay saxaafadda u oggolaadeen in ay nashriyaan.
Ka saxaafad ahaanna awdalpress.com waxa ay odayada uga mahadcelinaysaa oggolaashaha ay noo siiyeen in aan soo nashrinno, si ay ugu soo bandhigaan beelaha Somaliland lagu wada tiriyaa ay dawladda u wadaagaan, loona arko xaq iyo xaq darro waxa ay reer Awdal tirsanayaan. Inkasta oo aanay warqaddaa ku qorrayn mashaariicda caalamku siiyo Somaliland inta ay Awdal ka heshay iyo gobolka Gebilay oo dadka garnaqsanayaa ay 60% degaan ku yihiin, laakiin aan warqaddan laguba soo qaadin. Dad badan oo warqadda akhriyeyna waxa ay markiiba dareemeen in laga tegey ;abadaa qodob oo dhaymo aad ah u baahan, oo xuquuq badan la isku duudsiyey. Kadib, markii aan ka daba tagnay ee aan wax iska weydiinnay sababta qoraalka loogu xusi waayey Gebilay ayaan hellay in aanay Salaaddiinta qaar doonayn in la fara geliyo gobolkaasi. Halka arrimaha mashaariicda iyo deeqaha caalamku bixiyaan baadhisteedii lagu guda jiro.
Hase yeeshee, waxa mudan in la isla fahmo xaqdarrada cid walba ka garaabayso ee ka muuqata shaxda shaqaalaha beelaha galbeedku ay kaga jiraan Somaliland iyo xataa sida ay uga qatan yihiin shaqaalaha degaankooda. Taasina maaha mid maanta uun la kowsatay xukuumaddan ama aan hore u  jirin oo aan laga hadlin. Balse waa dulmi ay bulshada gobollada Awdal, Salal iyo Gebilay ay la soo noolaayeen muddadii ay Somaliland jirtay. Inkasta oo xilligani ugu sii daran yahay, oo xukuumadda xilligan jirtaa ay gaadhsiisay meeshii ugu darrayd.
Haddaba, odayada oo ka duulaya baahidaa bulshadooda, ayaa waxa khasab ku noqotay:

  • In ugu horreyn ay oday dhaqameedyada reer Awdal, Salal iyo Gebilay ay Madaxweyne Ahmed Siilaanyo la hor fadhiistaan qoraalkaasi aan hore u soo dhajinnay ee cid walliba akhrisatay. Jawaab cadna ay ka helaan, oo aanay fara madhnaan la noqon.
  • Waa ta labaade, madax dad lagama quustee, waxa iyana qorshohooda ay ku darsadeen in ay la kulmaan siyaasiyiinta iyo waxgaradka ka soo jeeda Awdal, Salal iyo Gebilay ee xilligan u matisha golayaasha qaranka Somaliland, xubnaha ku jira golaha fulinta dawladda iyo muddakarka kale ee Hargeysa jooga.

Muddadaa ay odayadu Hargeysa joogeenna waxa ay marti qaadyo ka heleen siyaasiyiintaa iyo dad kale oo magac ku lahaa dawladihii hore ee Somaliland soo maray oo ka soo jeeda beelaha galbeedka Somaliland. Laakiin marnaba kulammadii ay la wada yeesheen may noqon kuwo warkoodu uu soo gaadho saxaafadda amma suuqa lagaga sheekeeyo. Oday dhaqameedyo kale oo uga soo hor mara kulanka dawladdana dhinac ayey isaga mooseen sida la sheegay. Haddana kolley Hargeysa oo Dhurwaayo badani ku soo urureen ayey joogaanoo, waxan is leehay war iskuguma seeggana iyaga iyo Dhurwaayada oo hawsha ay odayada martida magaalada ku ihi u socdaan way la socdaan.
 Odayadu ma qorshay ku soo bexeen mise qorshe la’aan?
Qorshe la’aan meeshaba ha soo dhigin oo haba yaraadee qorshe waa kaasi ay u joogaan Hargeysa, laakiin haddana marka hoos loogu sii dhaadhaco waxa saluug ka muuqdaa, in odayada oo sooc ah uuni soo baxaan, oo soo hor fadhiistaan Madaxweynaha iyo wasiirradiisa, waxanan laga jeclaa in ay aqoon yahanka iyo wax garad kaleba wada tashi ballaadhan oo wada jir wada yeeshaan. Kadibna mission qorshaysan oo aan dhexda ka liicin ku wada yimaaddaan Hargeysa. Waayo, arrintani waa masiirkii ummaddooda, mustaqbalkii ubadkooda, waana dagaal la galo ka ugu culus. Xataa waxan anigu door bidi lahaa, in horta shirkii la sheegayey ee dib loo dhigay uu qabsoomo, oo go’aanka shirkaa ka soo baxaa hoggaamiyo talada beelaha kale wax lagula qaybsanayo.
Dadka qaar ayaa iyagu si weyn uga dayrinaya arrintan ay odayadu kula gar naqsanayaan xukuumadda Siilaanyo, waxana ay hoosta ka xarriiqayaan in qorshuhu yahay mid doca docaysi ah, oo la isku been guurayo amma dano gaar ahi ku hoos jiraan amma odayada qaar uga dan leeyihiin sidii ay xog ogaal ugu noqon lahaayeen systemkan cusub ee Somaliland lagu hoggaamiyo. Oo ay wax ka baranayaan ama siyaasadda soo baro uun ay ka tahay. Haddii uu qorshuhu sidaa danbe yahayna waa danbi iyo godob ay odayada sidaa u fekerayaa ay ummaddooda ka galayaan.
Si kastaba qorshaha ay odayadu u socdaan ha ahaadee, waxa haddana ay markhaati ka yihiin in tolkood uu maanta ugu urursan yahay amma ugu midaysan yahay, qaybahooda bushaduna ay isku aragti ka yihiin baahidooda iyo rabitaankooda. Sidaasi daraaddeedna, ay ceeb ku noqonayso haddii ay fara madhnaan la noqdaan. Dhallinyarta is dul tuulan ee shaqa la’aantu ku habsatayna ay ku qamaami doonaan xafiisyada dawladda iyo shaqaalaha degmooyinkooda ka xoogsada ee looga keenay gobollad kale.
Shacab weynaha ay odayadu u maqan yihiin maxay uga fadhiyaan?
Shaxda shaqaalaha dawladda iyo saamiga ay ku leeyihiin waxa ay shacabka aan ka warqabin tustay dulmiga ay qabaan, ee aan loo adkaysan karin. Qoraalka kalena waxa uu u muujiyey abaalkii ay Somaliland u galeen iyo sida cadawnimada leh ee loogu abaal guday. Iyadoo ay sidaa tahay, haddana waxa ay isku qanciyeen in mar haddii caddayntaaba ay odayadu ku dhiirradeen in ay soo bandhigaan, ay iman karto in waxa qaldan la saxo.
 Maxay shacabku odayada uga fadhiyaan:

  1. In ay ugu horreyn shaxda shaqaalaha ku soo beddelaan mid u cuntanta ummadda reer Awdal.
  2. In wasiirrada dadka reer Awdal u matala xukuumaddu aanay noqon kuwo u shaqo tegey ama iyaga loo adeegsado.
  3. In Wasiirrada culayska leh ee lagu ururiyey reerka kaliya ay qaybtooda helaan.
  4. In deeqda caalamka la soo gaadhsiiyo qaybtooda. Iyada oo laga ilaalinayo dillaaliin iyo shakhsiyaad u adeega dad gaar ah.


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Tacsi gaar ah oo uu dirayo Siciid Qalinle oo jooga Canada.


Aniga oo ah Siciid Qalinle waxa aan tacsi tiiraanyo leh u dirayaa eheladii uu ka baxay walaalkay Marxuum Xaaji Dayib Sh. Muhumed Kaahin, oo laba casho horteed ku geeriyooday magaalada Hargeysa. Waxanan marxuumka Ilaahay uga baryayaa in uu Jannadii ka waraabiyo, eladiisii, asxaabtiisii oo aan ka mid ahayna samir iyo iimaan innaga wada siiyo…Aammmiin Aaammiin.
Siciid Qalinle

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Daley Blind oo Gaaray Magaalada Manchester,Si uu Tijaabo Caafimaad ugu Maro Kooxda Man United


Ciyaaryahan Daley Blind ayaa gaaray magaalada Manchester si uu tijaabo caafimaad ugu maro kooxda Manchester United.
Kooxaha Ajax iyo Manchester United ayaa jimcihii ku heshiiyay lacag dhan £13.8million oo ciyaaryahankan uu ugu wareegayo kooxda Man United.
Ciyaaryahan Blind oo 24-jir ah ayaa lagu arkayay isbitaalka Bridgewater ee magaalada Manchester ,si uu tijaabo caafimaad ugu maro.
Ciyaaryahan Daley Blind ayaa ka ciyaaro karo daafaca bidix ama khadka dhexe.
Ciyaaryahan Blind ayaa noqonaya ciyaaryahankii shanaad oo ay la soo wareegto kooxda Manchester United,waxana ay horey ula soo wareegtay ciyaaryahanada kala ah Angel di Maria, Marcos Rojo, Ander Herrera iyo Luke Shaw.

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Bayern Munich iyo Schalke oo Barbardhac Ku Kala Baxay iyo Bayer Leverkusen oo Guul Gaartay


Kooxda Bayern Munich oo daafacaneyso horyaalka Jarmalka ayaa lumisay dhibcihii ugu horeyay,ka dib markii ay barbardhac 1-1 ah la gashay kooxda Schalke.
Tababaraha kooxda Bayern Munich Pep Guardiola ayaa ciyaarta ku soo bilaabay ciyaaryahab Xabi Alonso 24-saac ka dib markii uu si rasmi ah uga mid noqday kooxda Bayern Munich.
Ciyaartan oo ka dhacday garoonka Arena AufSchalke ayaa goolka la hor martay kooxda Bayern Munich,waxana u dhaliyay ciyaaryahan Robert Lewandowski.
Ciyaaryahan Lewandowski ayaa goolkiisii u horeeyay u dhaliyay kooxda Bayern Munich.
Ciyaaryahan Benedikt Howedes ayaa qeybtii dambe ee ciyaarta goolka barbardhaca u dhaliyay kooxda Schalke oo uu hogaamiye macalin Jens Keller.
Kooxda Bayer Leverkusen ayaa badisay kulankii labaad oo isku xiga,ka dib markii ay 4-2 uga badisay kooxda Hertha Berlin.
Kooxda Leverkusen ayaa waxaa afarta gool dhalisay qeybtii danbe ee ciyaarta,waxaana u kala dhaliyay ciyaaryahanada kala ah Tin Jedva, Emir Spahic, Julian Brandt iyo Karim Bellarabi.
Kooxda Hamburger SV ayaa waxaa garoonkeeda 0-3 uga badiyay kooxda Paderborn oo sanadkan ka timid heerka labaad ee dalka Jarmalka.
Kooxda Paderborn ayaa waxaa sedaxda gool u kala dhaliyay ciyaaryahanada kala ah Elias Kachunga, Mario Vrancic iyo Moritz Stoppelkamp.
Kooxda VfB Stuttgart ayaa sidoo kale waxaa garoonkeeda 0-2 uga badiyay kooxda FC Cologne.
Kooxda FC Cologne ayaa waxaa qeybtii hore ee ciyaarta labada gool u kala dhaliyay ciyaaryahanada kala ah Yuya Osako iyo Anthony Ujah.
Kooxda Wolfsburg ayaa garoonkeeda barbardhac 2-2 ah kula gashay kooxda Eintracht Frankfurt.
Kooxda Wolfsburg ayaa waxaa labada gool u kala dhaliyay ciyaaryahanada kala ah Naldo iyo Maximilian Arnold.
Kooxda Frankfurt ayaa waxaa dhamaadkii qeybtii danbe ee ciyaarta goolka abaad ee barbardhaca u dhaliyay ciyaaryahan Vaclav Kadlec.

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R. W. Cabdiwali: “Go’aanka Bare Hiiraale uu qaatay, waa mid dhiiri galinaya nabadaynta Jubooyinka” “SAWIRRO”


Wafdiga Wasiirada ahaa iyo Barre Hiiraale ayaa caawa fiidkii kulan la qaatay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Cabdiwali Sheikh Axmed,  iyagoo warbixin ka siiyey heerarkii ay soo martay wada xaajoodkii lagu soo afmeerayey in si nabad ah lagu soo xareeyo ciidamadii ku sugnaa Goobweyn.
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ku tilmaamay go’aanka Bare Hiiraale uu qaatay tilaabo wanaagsan iyo guul u soo hoyatay shacabka Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan, gaar ahaan dadka Jubooyinka oo colaado iyo khilaafyo ay ragaadiyeen.
” Waxa kaliya ee aan doonayno waa xaaladda oo dagta iyo dadka oo nabad ku wada noolaada. Waqtigii dagaalka waa uu dhammaaday,” ayuu yiri R/Wasaare Cabdiweli oo dhanka kale xusay in lagama maarmaan ay tahay in loo midoobo ka shaqaynta nabada iyo xalinta khilaafaadka.
Ugu dambeyn, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay wadaxaa jood loo dhanyahay iyo wadahadal nabadeed in uu yahay wadada kaliya ee xal waara loogu heli karo khilaafkii u dhexeyay dadka dagan Jubbooyinka.

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somalia:Somalia International partners welcome reconciliation progress in Kismayo


Mogadishu, 31 August 2014 – The United Nations, Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and European Union (EU) welcomed the agreement by Col Barre Adan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) to participate in a reconciliation process and for his irregular ...

Shabaab rebels in car bomb, gun attack on Somalia intelligence HQ


MOGADISHU, August 31- Somalia’s Shabaab rebels carried out a major car bomb and gun attack against an intelligence headquarters in central Mogadishu on Sunday, leaving at least seven militants and four others dead. The Al Qaeda linked militia claimed ...

SOMALIA: AMISOM welcomes the progress made in Jubbaland reconciliation efforts


Mogadishu 31st August 2014: Persistent joint effort by the Somali Government, Interim Jubba Administration, AMISOM, IGAD, UN, EU and the other International partners to resolve the protracted political and security tension in Jubbaland paid off on 30th ...

Somalia: Former Kismayo opposition leader surrenders to AMISOM


Persistent joint effort by the Interim Jubba Administration, AMISOM, IGAD and the International community to resolve the protracted political and security tension in Jubbaland paid off on 30th August 2014 after former opposition leader Col. Barre Hirale ...

Somalia: Army repels attack on top prison


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Somalia's government forces have regained control of a high security prison in the capital, Mogadishu, that was attacked Sunday morning by heavily armed suspected Islamic militants in an apparent attempt to free militants held ...

Somaliland:Don’t interfere in our internal affairs, state warns Somalia and IC


Hargeisa- The government of the Republic of Somaliland has strongly warned Somalia and foreigners to steer away from and not interfere with the country’s internal affairs. It also hinted that the SL – Somalia talks has now been put in jeopardy.

Nasashada HALBEEG Codkii Ciro,Weedhahii Laabsalaax Iyo Miyuusigii Geeska


An open letter to the UN Secretary General, His Excellency, Mr Ban ki-Moon Nicolas Kay’s multifaceted mission to Somalia: Is he in a grave peril of the Region? By Ahmed Issa Political Analayst


Ahmed Issa a Somalilander political- analyst and Foriegn Policy Making Expert Based In London
When I read the statement made by the head of the Un mission to Somalia, Mr Nicholas Kay on 29 August about Somaliland’s efforts to bring itsmost southern peripheriesunder its control, I had been expected to congratulateour government for owningup to its responsibility to provide security and stability to all of its citizen by eliminating the threat exposed from terrorism not only toSomaliland but regionally. He appears to be encouraging lawlessness and undermining our statehood when he said in it “all armed forces to withdraw SAAX DHEER”.  It is a small border town to Ethiopian border in the Sool region. He seemed to have been dogmatic bydenying the Somaliland territorial integrity and its statehood and above all fostering instability in our country.
Furthermore, he does not seem to be considerate to Somaliland’s historical perspective to have beenvoluntarily united with Somalia within days of its independence on the 26th June 1960 but on the18th May1991reverted to its sovereignty at heavy cost.  The question Mr Kay needs to answer iswhy doeshe seem   to be fomenting a save heaven for armedterrorist group that aligned Alshabab and ONLF byrequesting downsizing Somaliland armed forces effectiveness to have full control ofthe entirety of its territory where he failed his responsibility to bring about peace in Somalia with huge resources and strong African Union armed forces presence estimated to be 30,000.
The head of the UN mission to Somalia was appeared to be impinging upon Somaliland’s armed forces over the wicked militia that bent to exporting violence to the most secure and democratic state in the horn of Africa. This is the truest factwhen he discernibly decipheredan equal dimension to the Somaliland armed forces tothat of theterror group when he had stated that all warring forces to withdraw the area. This is a term(all armed forces) hewas alluding to be showing no respect to the Somaliland government and our armed forces, and did not make asubtledifference betweenthe armed bandit creating lawlessness not only in Somaliland but also itsimmediate neighbour of Ethiopia.
In that negating statement to our statehood, it triggersme to ask myself a myriad of question why he should have been sympathised by aviolent militia aimed at fomentinglawlessness in a meagre part of most southern peripheries of Somaliland. That statement wasa pernicious claim to us and one should ask why heis inducinglawlessness in part of Somaliland region. Conversely, his mission continues to deluge foreign troops into Somalia to stem out terrorism and lawlessness while paradoxically   in Somaliland creating an enabling environmentfor terrorism to get a foothold.
Mr Kay was quoted to have said that the UN and AU objectives in Somalia were to rebuild a strong Somalia that can maintain law and order the entirety of its territory.  Elaborating on that, he stated that  African UNION are there to help the Somali government achieve that goal by defeating ALSHABAAB andall armed groups in Somalia. However, his statementwas inept at our sovereignty, and unwittingly supportsthe Alshabab’s claim that the UN and AU mission in Somalia are there to colonialize, to corrupt and erode their culture and religion; andto undo parts ofSomaliathat peace prevailed, including Somaliland.
With that context embedded in Alshabab’s core recruitment drive to perpetuate, the UN Somalia mission appears now to be multifaceted byfostering terrorisminSomaliland. Mr Kay needs to realise he was wrong to be supporting an armed bandit that aimed at destabilising Somaliland to create afresh hostility within the people of Somaliland. He should have been awareof Somaliland community defused local conflict resolution in which all the past inter-clan animositywere resolved. That led the reborn of Somaliland that was evidently claimed to have produced the most advance democracy not only in Africa but in the developing world. The Ethiopian late Prime Minister, Mr Meles Zenawe was quoted to have said the democracy in Somaliland is not only an example for Ethiopia to see its height but Africa countries as a whole.
Finally, the Somaliland people were  perplexed to see the head UNmission to Somalia  to beinjudiciously supporting illegal armed groups that are not accountable to anyone. We have expected the UN mission to supporting and respecting the right of our people to beinternationally recognised as it will be a panacea to the region’s endemicconflict,particularlySomalia.Notwithstanding that our people are verygratefulof the huge humanitarian assistance  the UN agencies provides to our people, butthe current head of the UN mission to Somalia denigrates the good image of the UN agency andlost our trust and confidence in the UN.In conclusion, Somaliland saw yourmission to Somalia as irrelevant to them and is in peril of the stability of the region. Your Office needs to get connected to our country by creating a new UN mission specific to Somaliland with a mandate to creating enabling environment to get Somaliland internationally recognised.
Ahmed Abdi Isse
Academic in Social Scienceisseahmed@hotmail.com
This letter was also sent to Somaliland President and the Ethiopian Prime Minister

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Daawo Video Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Bayle Oo Quus Ka Muujiyey Mustaqbalka Dalka Uu Wasiirka Ka Yahay


Baarlammaanka Ximan iyo Xeeb loo kordhiyey muddada uu shaqaynayo


Baarlammaanka maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb ayaa saddex bilood loogu kordhiyey wakhtigii loogu tala galay in uu shaqeeyo. Guddoomiyaha golaha guurtida Ximan iyo Xeeb, Cabdiwahaab Sheekh Aadaan ayaa u sheegay Bar-kulan in u jeedada middo kordhintu tahay baahida loo qabo in baarlammaanka maamulku ka qayb qaato shirka maamul u samaynta gobollada dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha ayaa [...]

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