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Laba beelood oo ku heshiiyay Dhuusamarreeb


Laba beelood oo wada dega gobolka Galgaduud ayaa maanta heshiis ku kala saxiixday magaalada Dhuusamarreeb ee xarunta gobolkaas. Beelaha ayaa ku heshiiyay qodobbo ay ku jiraan inay iska cafiyaan wax kasta oo ay kala tabanayaan, kana wada shaqeeyaan nabadda iyo horumarka, sida uu Cabdirisaaq Sheekh Maxamed oo akhriyay qodobbada heshiiska. Nabaddoon Salaan  Axmed Caynte iyo [...]

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Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka siyaasadda gobolka Banaadir oo la magacaabay


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa Maxamed Axmed Diiriye u magacaabay guddoomiye ku-xigeenka arrimaha siyaasadda ee maamulka gobolka Banaadir. Wareegto maanta kasoo baxday xafiiska madaxweynaha ayaa lagu magacaabay guddoomiye ku-xigeenka oo baddalay Marxuum Maxamed Aadan Guuleed (Caano-geel) oo ku dhintay qaraxii dhawaan ka dhacay hoteelka Central ee magaalada Muqdisho. Wareegtada ayaa lagu sheegay in madaxweynuhu [...]

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Russia Won Nothing in Chechnya


Al-Shabab claim responsibility for 4 dead in Kenya


RW Cumar Cabdirashiid oo la kulmay dhiggiisa Qatar


Ra’iisal wasaaraha xukuumadda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma’arke ayaa maanta la kulmay dhigiisa dalka Qatar, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani. Kulanka oo ka dhacay magaalada Doha ee xarunta dalka Qatar ayay labada mas’uul uga wada hadleen xoojinta xiriirka iyo iskaashiga labada dal. Labada ra’iisal wasaare ayaa isla gartay in dowladda [...]

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Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka dalka Oo Xafiiskiisa Ku Qaabilay danjiraha cusub ee Boqortooyada Norway u fadhin doona Soomaalya


kulankani Guddooomiyaha golaha shacabka Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari uu la qaatay safiirka cusub ee dowladda Norway ay u magacowday Soomaaliya Mr. Victor Conrad Rønneberg ayaa waxa ay kaga wada hadleen arrimo kale duwan oo la xiriira xoojinta xiriirka Soomaaliya iyo Norway.
kulanka oo qaatay waqti badan ayaa waxaa guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya iyo Safiirka Dowladda Norway ay ka wada hadleen dar dargalinta taageerada Norway ay siiso Soomaaliya sida gar gaarka bini’aadanimo,siyaasadda,dhaqaalaha,dib u dhiska hey’adaha Dowladda, iyo xoojinta xiriirka ka dhexeeya labada dal.
kulanka markii uu soo gabagaboobay kaddib ayaa waxaa si wada jir ah warbaahinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ula hadlay Guddoomiyaha golaha Shacabka iyo safiirka Dowladda Norway oo faah faahin ka bixiyay kulanka ay wada qaateen.
Safiirka Dowladda Norway ee Soomaaliya Mr. Victor Conrad Rønneberg ayaa ku ammaanay Baarlamaanka Dalka howlaha baaxada leh ay u qabteen dadka iyo dalka, isagoo sheegay in dowladiisu ay kaalin ka qaadan doonto taageerada baarlamaanka Soomaaliya islamarkaana uu aad ugu faraxsanyahay kulanka uu la qaatay afhayeenka golaha shacabka.
Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari ayaa isna ku ammaanay Dowladda Norway taageerada Soomaaliya ay siiso, isagoo sheegay in dowladaasi ay ka mid tahay dowladaha deeq bixiyaasha ee dadka iyo dalka taageera.
Dowladda Norway ayaa Soomaaliya ka taageerta arrimo kale duwan, iyadoo mashaariicyo ka wada dalka.Share

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Xog xasaasi ah: Xasan Daahir Aweys oo noqday mashruuc ay dhaqaale ku heleyso DF


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ugu danbeyn ku guuleysatay inay soo gabagabeyso kiiska Wadaadka caanka ah ee Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo muddo ku dhow 2 sano ahaa mid loo caal waayay oo qaab sharci ah loo mari waayay arrimo qabiil iyo faragelin dibadeed darteed.
Arrinta Sheekh Xasan Daahir waxay ka soo bilaabatay markii uu ka soo baxsaday Alshabaab June 2013 xilli ay xarakada dhexdeeda ka bilowdeen is ugaarsi iyo is khaarijin dhexdeeda ah, kadibna uu isu dhiibay Maamulka Ximin iyo Xeeb ee Gobollada Dhexe, kaasoo wadahadal dheer oo ay garwadeen ka ahaayeen odyaaasha beesha kadib lagu keenay Muqdisho heshiis ku fashilmay garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho.
Sheekha oo markaas kadib ay la wareegtay Hay’adda Nabadsugidda ayaa gacanta ugu jira isagoo ku jira xabsi guri si weyn loo ilaaliyo, mana suuragelin in maxkamad la soo taago oo sharciga lagu dhameeyo arrintiisa arrimo la wada garanayo dartood, waxaase ilaa markaas socday dadaallo ay ku lug leeyihiin dalal ay ka mid yihiin Turkiga iyo Qatar oo ahaa nin arrintiisa Mareykanka lagala hadlo oo dalalkaasi magengalyo siyaasadeed laga siiyo.
Qorshahaasi waxaa caga jiiday Mareykanka oo Sheekh Xasan Daahir ugu jiro liiska dadka argagixisada ee loo doonayo denbiyo ay galeen, madaxoodana la saaray lacago malaayiin doolar ah. Loolankii loogu jiray arrinta Sheekh Xasan Daahir ayaa hadda u muuqata inay soo gabagabowday kadib markii dalka Qatar ku guuleystay inuu Mareykanka ka dhaadhiciyo qorshihiisa Sheekhan Soomaaliga ah oo laftiisa doortay dalka Qatar.
Qatar waxay hore dalaal uga noqotay heshiis aan noociisa hore loo arag oo Mareykanka iyo ururka Daalibaan kula kala wareegeen maxaabiis, waana dal yar awood dhaqaale ku saameeya siyaasadda dibadda. Waxaa la xusuustaa inay Qatar si weyn u taageeri jirtay ururkii Xisbul islaam ee uu hogaamin jiray Sheekh Xasan Daahir, isla markaana ay ahayd dalka kaliya ee dhaqaale ku bixiyay Maxkamadihii islaamiga ee Soomaaliya ka kacay 2006, marka lagu daro Eteriya.
Qorshaha cusub ee Xasan Daahir loogu wareejinayo Dalka Qatar wuxuu hadda noqday mashruuc ama badeeco u iibsantay dowladda Soomaaliya, waxaana taasi fasiraya sida dowlada Qatar ugu soo dhex dhacday arrintan iyadoo bishan oo dhan ay waday in arrintan la dhammeeyo. Wufuud hoose oo isaga kala gooshtay Doha iyo Muqdisho iyo dadaalka weyn ee safiirka Qatar waxay keeneen in Ra’iisal wasaare Cumar C/rashiid hadda booqasho ku joogo magaalada Doha, iyadoo socdaalkiisu muhiimadda ugu weyni tahay arrinta Xasan Sheekh.
Dhaqaalaha dowladda Soomaaliya ka heleyso dalka yar ee dhaqaalaha badan ma cadda, waxaase la filayaa in dhaqaale malaayiin doolar ah ay dowladda Soomaaliya ka hesho dalka Qatar. Cumar C/rashiid waxaa looga fadhiyaa inuu mashruucan dhameystiro kadib socdaalka uu hadda ku joogo Qatar. Waxaa laga sugayaa Mareykanka oo la qorsheeyay inuu ka codsado in liiska argagixisada laga saaro Sheekh Xasan Daahir, taasoo micnaheedu yahay in dowladda Soomaaliya kaliya laga rabo codsi rasmi ah oo arrintaasi ay dhameysay dowladda Qatar.
laakiin waxaa soo shaac baxaya dhinaca kale inuu loolan ka dhaxeeyo gudaha dalalka Khaliijka. Madaxweynaha wuxuu u gacan galay Imaaraadka Carabta oo dhinaca Masar u jiideysa, Qatar oo hadda iyaduna la wareegtay Ra’iisal wasaaraha iyo Turkiga oo dhinaciisa looga badiyay arrintan laakiin ku xoog badan gudaha dalka.
Isha: Goobjooge

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Guddoomiye Ku Xigeenka Labaad Ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Oo Booqday Degmada Jariban


Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Mahad Cabdalla Cawad oo booqasho ku joogay maalmihii la soo dhaafay deegaannada maamulka Puntland ayaa maanta waxaa uu booqday degmada Jariban ee gobolka Mudug isagoo u kuurgalayay xaaladda nolosha iyo mida amni ee degmadaasi iyo deegaanada hoosyimaada.
Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya mudane Mahad Cabdalla Cawad oo ay la socdeen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa degmada Jariban ku soo dhaweeyay qeybaha kale duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan halkaasi.
Mudane Mahad Cabdalla Cawad iyo xubnaha la socday ayaa waxa ay booqdeen meela kale duwan oo ka tirsan degmadaasi waxaana warbixino uu ka dhageystay mas’uuliyiinta maamulka Degmada oo u sheegay in degmada ay ka jirto abaar saameysay dadka iyo duunyada.
Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Mahad Cabadalla Cawad oo khudbad u jeediyay dadkii ku soo dhaweeyay halkaasi ayaa sheegay inuu ka xun yahay dhibaatada ay keentay abaarta ka jirta deegaanka, wuxuuna Eebbe ka baryay inuu roob siiyo deegaanka si dadku iyo duunyada ay uga baxaan abaarta, waxaana dadka reer Puntland uu ka codsaday in ay ka digtoonaadaan qataraha kooxaha nabad diidka ah.Share

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Mandera County Commissioner going nowhere – Nkaissery


“The county is bordering Somalia and so he has every reason to say his life is in danger but it’s not only his life that is in danger…it’s the life of all Kenyans,” he stated. “Because he is just a Governor it does not mean that his life is ...

SRSG Kay encouraged by firm commitment to Somalia’s Vision 2016 timetable


MOGADISHU, Somalia, March 18, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG) Nicholas Kay, welcomed firm commitments made by Somalia’s Federal and regional leaders to meet key Vision ...

Daawo: “Sixir Bararka Dalka ka jiray waxa Wada Xukuumada ee Ha joojiso” Xoghayaha Waddani


Somaliland: A soft-skinned, Irritable opposition flail out at a majority electorate


 T he Somaliland opposition never looks before it leaps – or at least the people they hire to defend it.
To be fair, though, UCID is on a much higher nationalism pedestal though (with the exception of A. G. whose mental state cannot be truly attested to – at any time). The bottom, the lowest on the scale of nationalism is being, right contested, by WADDANI and the Madasha with the former appearing to be using underhanded and questionable tactics over the other to emerge the rightful occupier.
If nothing else Waddani, the owner of the majority of websites that have mushroomed of recent, should have conceded the point that the ruling party of Somaliland was The Ruling Party because it has won the hearts and imaginations of the majority of the electorate, and it has made its word during the campaigns true.
I am one of the constituents who voted Kulmiye to power, and I am ready to do so again – and again. Is that a crime?
Waddani and its clannish scribblers cannot re-write history simply because they say so. Nor can they win our votes by bad-mouthing better Somalilanders and, by extrapolation, feebly flailing out at anybody who so much as looks sideways at their constant tomfoolery and farcical suppositions.
Let me pick out one irrefutable example: a person (or persons) calling himself Dirye.
As recently as 16 March 2015, he sent out a venomous piece of writing he called: “Hirsi’s Hired Guns of Writers Scapegoating the National Opposition Parties” ( Copied as he wrote it misspelling and all!)
In it he accused an honorable minister, whom he hasn’t given any benefit of the doubt, of hiring writers. The question: Can’t anybody say his piece without being paid for it? If so, who is paying him himself?
Le bombardier
Mr. Dirye (this is how he writes his third name) also accuses people of bombarding the Somaliland media with articles.
I surfed through only three English websites: Somalilandpress, Somalilandmonitor & Somalilandsun. Guess what I found out?
I found 55 postings of his on Somalilandpress, 21 on Somalilandmonitor and 33 on Somalilandsun. Some are of the same content, but the number – in whichever way one looks at it – is proliferating at any count. Again, the question is ‘who is bombarding who – what?’ – And the man cannot accommodate a simple difference of opinion!
The man comes into life  – to be exact – on 22 March 2012, beginning this string of ‘articles’ on one he called “Garadag’s Set Of Laws Are For All”.
Going through the ‘articles’ one would not fail to notice that:
1.            He has a bone to pick with a place called Garadag. He comes back to the name again and again, and one can find one form or another of the allusion in almost all of the content this gentleman denudes the Internet with – even in this last one (using insulting, abominable language!):  “…F**king Area vs Gar-adag aka Sodom Gomorrah, we’ve seen personal sanctions against individuals for the first time in our country…”
On an equal bar, he places people he calls “Agabarians” (coming from Agabar).
2.            He is against the peace, stability, democratization, unity, co-existence of Somaliland and its people by constantly trying to ferment/stir animosities among the country’s ethnic groups. He wants to see Somaliland fragmented and broken into pieces by misinforming the Somaliland Diaspora in pieces such as “Awdalians Rescinded Somaliland; Declared Self-Rule Following Marginalization”. In another “May 18; Fateful Day of Remembrance But Is It A Reversible Decision?” the man questions the very existence, sovereignty and vision of independence that the Republic of Somaliland rests on. In the latter, he buries true Somalilanders such as Hassan Isse Jama not six bit sixty feet under by intimating that the decision they helped reach in 1991 was a mistake, echoing the philosophies of Somaliland’s first President who turned traitor when he was defeated by Mohamed Ibrahim Egal in 1993 for the presidency.
3.            The man is so bent against the elected President, his administration, his family and clan on whom he practices his feeble pummeling on 99% of his ‘articles’ – one way or the other, from one angle or another.
4.            The man is obsessed with a narcissist view of himself and the people he misrepresents by twisting history to fit his objectives – and, perhaps, to drum up support for his follies. In one of the articles called “Will London Talks dismantle Somaliland Stability?”, the man attempts to rewrite history by beginning it with: “Since AbdirahmanTuur created Somaliland, a nation without recognition under duress, he made a brick without straw. Somaliland born out of armed bloody…”
5.            The man has Somalia in the heart as he often confuses (or maybe not) Somaliland with Somalia as in one article he posted on The Jerusalem Post (along with the Somaliland English websites) that he called “Somaliland and Israel”. As soon as he starts it, he replaces Somaliland with Somalia. It becomes clear that the man is yearning for Mogadishu (perhaps being of there) and has no love lost for a place called the Republic of Somaliland.
6.            The man sheds crocodile tears for opposition members who either support him on his advocacy for a “No Somaliland” or are being themselves victims of his treacherous misdeeds.
Readers Comment
I leave you with the beginning of few of the topmost comments readers made on some of the man’s pieces that you can access by simply putting his name on the search box on one of the leading Somaliland websites – the Somalilandsun  – one of the websites he so abuses by making them appear as if they condone his anti-Somaliland sentiments.
Here is a sample, copied as found:
1.            Somaliland and Israel
(Comments): I don’t know why this article is titled “Somaliland” and Israel when the its author is talking about Somalia and Israel and pleading with the Somali president to visit and have a better relationship with Israel.
2.            Somaliland: Djibouti Basketballers Face the Music for Dressing Unbecomingly
Mr. Dirye.. Somaliland is First Muslim country with Islamic value that has to be respected. If you don’t like it.. Then either educate yourself or move to Amerika “the land of the free” Thank you, Abd …
3.            Somaliland: Opposition Parties Start to Unnerve the Silanyo Administration
This writer dude Dirye always engages in baseless fabricated silly stories that because of the foolish nature of his stories, the best way is to just ignore them. Cheers. …
4.            Somaliland: Bihi Poised To Lead Out Of Isolation
… Dirye is already known for his low level attacks against the GOSL leadership which has no real beef value. cheers. …
5.            Somaliland: Victory over Khatumoist Leads to Enhance Pariah Status Diplomatically
Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye is a Somalia and sometimes punkland Activist and Political Commentator, that what it should say slandsun has to take some sort of responsibility im actually starting to think the…
6.            Somaliland: What’s Next after Hargeisa Attack on Wadani Party?
Shame itself is ashamed what this uninformed idiot Dirye tried to write here. He is as naive as Irro to believe that a sitting government will instigate violence. Why would they do that when Kulmiye knows …
7.            SOMALILAND: Prerequisites of National Leadership
… National army as ragtag? Author Dirye is bastard ..
By Suleiman Abdurahim,
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Muqdisho: Golaha wasiirrada oo maanta yeeshay kulankoodii caadiga ahaa


Wasiirrada dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa magaalada Muqdisho maanta ku yeeshay kulan ay uga arrinsadeen isku dhafka iyo qaramaynta ciidanka Xoogga, maamulka, maaliyadda, amniga iyo arrimo kale. Golaha ayaa falanqayn kaddib meelmariyay laba guudi oo KMG ah oo ka shaqayn doona isku dhafka ciidanka iyo la socoshada heshiisyada caalamiga ah ee ay dowladdu gasho. [...]

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Interview: Somalia PM says ready for business


Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke's biggest challenge is unifying the country and defeating al-Shabab [EPA] Doha, Qatar - Most would agree that being the prime minister of Somalia is a tough job. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke has taken it on twice, first in ...

Midowga Yurub iyo UN-HABITAT oo Sharaxay Saameynta Mashruuca SECIL ee Muqdisho


Midowga Yurub iyo UN-HABITAT ayaa soo gabagabeeyey mashruuca SECIL oo abuuray shaqooyin iyo adeegyada hoose ee dadka deegaanka Muqdisho saddexdii sano iyo barkii la soo dhaafay,iyadoo lagu bixiyey lacag dhan 3.5 Milyan oo EURO.
Midowga Yurub iyo UN-HABITAT oo fulinaysay Mashruucan ayaa waxey dayactireen suuqyo muhiim ah, nidaamka ururinta khashin khaadka oo la aas aasay, waxaa sare loo qaaday shuruucda iyo xirfadaha waaxda dhismaha, waxaa la sameeyey sheybaarro lagu baaro tayada biyaha iyo tayada qalabka dhismaha, waxaa sare loo qaaday helitaanka biyo nadiif ah, waxaana la aas aasay Xarunta Farsamadda Tababarada,iyadoo sidoo kale la abuuray fursado qiimo badan oo shaqo abuuris iyo hab-nololeedka kooxaha bulshada ee ku shaqeeya habab qiimo jaban oo wax soo saar leh.
“Mashruuca SECIL wuxuu guul weyn u yahay caasimadda Soomaaliya, Sidaa waxaa yiri Safiirka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya Michele Cervone d’Urso,wuxuuna is bedel muuqda ku sameeyey nolosha dadka degan Muqdisho maalin kasta,isagoo bixiyay biyo nadiif ah, deegaan nadiif ah iyo shaqooyin badan.  Taasina  waa waxay Soomalidu rabaan.
Mashruuca, “Joogteynta Shaqo-abuurka iyo Sare u qaadista Hab-nololeedka dadka jilicsan ee Magaalada Muqdisho (SECIL)” wuxuu si dhow ula shaqeeyey Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir (BRA) si loo hubiyo joogteynta howlaha mashruucan.
Midowga Yurub,UN-Habitat iyo Maamulka Gobolka ayaa waxey sharaxeen habka gaarka ah ee mashruuca SECIL waxeyna sidoo kale amaaneen muuqaalka horumarkiisa,iyagoo ku nuux nuuxsaday taageerada buuxda ee ay u hayaan Dowladda Hoose sidii ay ula wareegi lahayd una joogteyn lahayd howlaha mashruucan ee mustaqbalka.Share

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Buuhoodle oo lagu tallaalayo dhir


Ururka waddaniga ah ee badbaadinta deegaanka ee lagu magacaabo Saxansaxo ayaa magaalada Buuhoodle maanta ka billaabay ol’ole lagu dhiraynayo waddooyinka iyo dugsiyada waxbarasho ee degmadaas. Fulinta ol’olaha oo lagu tallaalayo 2 kun iyo 2 boqol oo geed ayaa waxaa ka qayb qaadanaya dugsiyada kala duwan ee ka hawlgala Buuhoodle. Cabdullaahi Jaamac Ismaaciil oo ah madaxa [...]

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Beesha caalamka oo wadda olole ka dhan ah Xasan Sheekh iyo qorshe uu damacsan yahay


Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) - Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobey u qaablisan Soomaaliya Nicholas Kay ayaa olole balaaran ugu jira sidii dowladda Federaalka ee hadda jirta waqtigeeda loogu ekeyn lahaa isla markaana looga hortegi lahaa isku day kasta oo madaxda dowlada ku doonayeen inay waqtiga ku kororsadaan, iyadoo ay muuqato in xiligii loogu talogalay aanay ku dhici karin doorasho sida loo qorsheeyay hiigsiga cusub 2016.
Mr. Kay ayaa dowladda Soomaaliya ku cadaadinaya inay ka soo baxdo waajibaadka ka saaran inay dalka gaarsiiso doorasho sanadka 2016-ka, dalkana ka hirgeliso maamulo federaalka ah iyo dowlad ay xilka ku wareejiyaan. Kulamadii ugu danbeeyay ee Nicholas Kay ayaa lagu soo gabagabeeyay kulan xasaasi ah oo uu la yeeshay guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Prof. Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan (Jawaari) isagoo kala hadlay isla arrinta hiigsiga cusub iyo inaysan beesha caalamku ogolaaan doonin waqti kororsi loo sameeyo dowladda hadda jirta.
Warsaxaafadeed uu shalay soo saaray wakiilka Qaramada Midoobey u qaablisan Soomaaliya Nicholas Kay waxaa mar kale lagu xaqiijiyay inaysan jiri doonin xilli kororsi ay sameystaan madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya marka uu xilligooda dhammaado, wuxuuna rajo mugdi ku jiro ka muujiyay in sannadka 2016-ka doorashooyin ka dhacaan Soomaaliya.
Wuxuu si cad ugu sheegay warsaxaafadeedkiisa in wixii ka dambeeya Ogoosto 2016-ka oo ku beegan dhammanshaha xilliga Baarlamaanka hadda jira, aanay Beesha Caalamka aqbali doonin in muddo kororsi ay sameystaan madaxda Soomaaliya oo ay xildhibaanada Baarlamaanku ku jiraan. Laakiin waxaa is weydiin leh digniinta ka timid wakiilka Q/Midoobay iyo xilliga ay ku soo beegantay?.
Waxaa muuqda inaysan suuragal ahayn doorasho ka dhacda Koofurta Soomaaliya 2016, sidoo kale waxaa soo baxeysa inaysan jiri doonin xil kororsi loogu daro xitaa baarlamaanka hadda jirta waqti kale, waxaa kaloo soo if baxeysa in la raadinayo qaab looga gudbo hiigsiga cusub oo aan ahayn waqti kororsi iyo doorasho, waana sababta Wakiilka Q/Midoobay diiradda u saarayo Baarlamaanka oo ah awoodda saldhigga u ah dowladda Federaalka.
Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo waqti kororsi inuu ku fekerayo laga dareemay, waxaa rajadiisa mugdi geliyay go’aanka beesha caalamka ee soo hordhacay iyo digniinta Nicholas Kay oo sanad ka hor xilligaasi la shaaciyay, lamana oga sida uu uga baxsan doono xaaladaha adag ee ku wareegsan ooa halis ku noqoneysa damaciisii ahaa inuu dib ugu soo laabto hogaanka dalka.
Waxa kaliya ee dowladda Federaalka isku haleyn karo ama sameyn karto inta waqtigeeda ka haray waa in la dhameystiro dhismaha maamul goboleedyada kumeelgaarka ah oo laf ahaantooda aan dhibaato yareyn, inta badan maamuladaasi waxay u gacan galeen hogaamiyeyaal damacyo siyaasadeed leh oo kala duwan, mana muuqato inay noqon karaan maamulo dadka ku nool codka siinaya, waxayna halis ku yihiin maamulada la dhisay iyo kuwa dhismahoodu socdo nidaamkii doorashada iyo kii federaalka ee la doonayay in dalka la gaarsiiyo.
Waxaa dhinacyada arrintani ay quseyso laga doonayaa inay isla gartaan qaabka iyo nooca ay noqon doonto dowladda sanad kadib ay yeelan doonto Soomaaliya oo laga yaabo inuusan jirin dhinac fikrad ka heysta ama qorshe uga yaalo arrintaasi, waxayna ahayd hal-xiraale kale inay soo baxdo diido kororsi iyadoo wixii lagu bedeli lahaa aan meel lagu sheegi karin. Laakiin beesha caalamku waxaa ka go’an in Xasan Sheekh aanu madaxweyne sii ahaan kadib September 2016.
Isha: Goobjooge

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Hadaynu si duudmar ah uga hadalno dalka marxalada uu ku sugan yahay waxayn oran karnaa waa marxalad adag tasoo soo sababi karta inuu dalka u nuglaado khatara badan inuu wajaho.
waxaynu ka warhaynaa in mucaaradka uu soo lalaba shitay, doonayana inuu talada dalka gacanta ku dhigo se muxaafadka uma arko inuu jiro mucaarad u babac dhigi kara, mucaaradka  waxay la shuraakoobeen madasha wada tashiga iyo toosinta qaranka oo ah  odayaal magac iyo maamus ku leh dalkan jamhuuriyada Somaliland hase ahatee magacaa iyo madashaa ay ku shuraakoobeen oo ah mid siyaasadeed sharcigana baal marsan.
Hadaba doorashadoo inagu soo food leh waxa dalka ka jira dhaqdhaqaaq la aan ganacsi, sarifkii lacagta shilinka Somaliland oo kor u kacay iyo dowlada uu u biyaysatay inay dardar galiso dhaqaalaha ay ka gurayso shacabkan suuq xumada haysata.
Hadaba waqtiga doorashada oo ah waqti xasaasi xoogan jiro loona baahan inay xukuumada talada dalka haysa u kuurgasho baahiyaha asaasiga ah ee dalka jirta  ayaan muuqan  talaabadii ku haboonayd ee loo baahnaa inay wax ka badasho sarifkan cirka isku shareeray oo keeni kara dadka danyarta ah inay awoodi wayeen inay helaan waxay naftooda ku mareeyaan.
Anigoo ah madaxwaynaha mustaqbalka aqoon badana u leh arimaha dhaqaalaha garanayana waqtiga loo baahan yahay in la dardar galiyo dhaqaalaha dalka in la kobciyo ayaan hada ku haboonayn in ay xukuumada dardar galiso dhaqaale urursi, oo ahayd in waqtigan lagu jiro la eego dhaqdhaqaqa ganacsi ee dalka ka jiro iyo doorka kaga aadan xukuumada oo ah inay ugu horayn dejiso sarifka lacagaha kadibna dib u eegis ku samayso  dhaqdhaqaaqa jira ee ganacsi oo hadii uu dhaqdhaqaaqa ganacsi wanaagsan yahay sarifkuna yahay mid degan  keenaysa inay siwacan u bixiyaan canshuurtii ku waajibtay oo ah mid si misaaman loo egay inta qof walba ku waajibtay
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More than 100 Somali students protest, walk out of St. Cloud high school


More than 100 Somali teens walked out of Tech High School in St. Cloud on Wednesday in a protest, as administrators kept the rest of the students on lockdown inside.
The students complained about racist taunting from classmates, while holding up a poster saying, “The people united will never be divided.”
In recent days, a photo taken by another student surfaced from the social network Snapchat that had a caption mocking a disabled Somali classmate for being in ISIL, the Islamic terrorist group, according to students.
Protest organizer Hafsa Abdi, a 17-year-old junior, said many threatening incidents had preceded it. Students in the cafeteria would jump on the table where Somalis were sitting and stomp on their food, she said. The Somalis student had objects thrown at them when they gathered for prayer. They were called terrorists and told to go back to their country.
“We report racial things that happen in school and we feel like nothing is being done about it,” Abdi said. After learning of the Snapchat comment, she added, “we felt like we’re not going to stand for this.”
On Wednesday, she said, Somali students met around 8:30 in the morning to plan a walkout from the lunchroom at noon. About 15 parents showed up, including some who were not Somali.
Junior Marlene McMullen, a friend of Abdi’s, said people in the lunchroom rushed to the windows to watch what was happening when the Somali students strode out.
The people who remained were on lockdown for about 2 1/2 hours as administrators tried to prevent further disturbances and bring the protesters back inside.
It’s unknown if the protesters will face disciplinary action.
Ultimately, a small group of the students, including Abdi and some parents, went inside to meet with Principal Adam Holm and other staff. The crowd dispersed when they came back outside to report the discussion and the officials’ promise to take their complaints seriously.
Source: wdaz

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Child pirate gets prison term in Seychelles


Nine Somalis, including a juvenile who was 14 years old at the time of arrest, have each been found guilty on three counts of piracy.
The Seychelles Supreme Court sentenced the eight adults to 14 years in prison on all three counts and the juvenile to three years. The sentences are to run concurrently and time already spent in prison will be deducted from the sentences.
Several of the adults claimed to be under age, but, according to Judge Mohan Niranjit Burhan, “Forensic analysis proved that only one … was in fact a juvenile”. The court rejected the defendants’ claim that they were fishermen, as there was no evidence of fishing gear in their vessel when they were arrested.
The nine were arrested for attacks on Hong Kong-flagged chemical tanker Zhongji No 1 on 6 November 2013 and on Denmark-flagged product tanker Torm Kansas three days later. On 10 November, the pirates were arrested aboard a whaler, used as a mother ship, in the Gulf of Aden by Danish naval vessel HDMS Esbern Snare.
In both cases, onboard armed security teams were able to repel the attack, resulting in the gang aborting its mission.
The Danish High Court in December provoked controversy when it awarded each of the pirates DKK19,600 (USD3,270) compensation for false imprisonment. Under the Danish Constitution an arrested person must not be held for more than 24 hours before charges are brought against them. The Torm Kansas attackers were held for 13 days before they were charged via a video link while on board Esbern Snare. They were landed at Port Victoria, Seychelles, on 30 November 2013.
This was the first piracy trial held in Seychelles in which the court heard evidence via video link. The video witnesses were Torm Kansas’s master, security team leader, and a security officer.
Seychelles modernised its law in 2010 to allow prosecution of piracy suspects accused of attacking ‘third-party’ ships on the high seas. Due to limited accommodation at Montagne Posée Prison, most suspects have been quickly repatriated to UN-approved prisons at Garowe in Puntland; and Hargeisa in Somaliland.
Currently, five Somali piracy suspects and 28 convicted pirates are in Montagne Posée, while 114 Somalis have been repatriated, including three who were acquitted of piracy charges on appeal in December.
Source: Seychelles news agency.

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