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Khatar kale oo soo food saartay Muslimiinta Rohingya


Gudaha Myanmar, ma aha goob laga jecelyahay Dadka qowmiyadda Rohingya, waxaana loo diiday dhalasahada dalkaasi,,sidoo kale dibadda inta badan kuma laha saaxib.

Somali parliament urged to reject repressive media bill


Somali Scholar and veteran journalist, Abshir Mohamed Aden has called on the country’s Federal Parliament not to endorse the contentious Media law presented by the Minister of Information, Eng Abdirahman Omar Osman Yariisow.
Aden said the independent media houses have expressed outrage over the passing of a contentious anti-media legislation that introduces strict media restrictions and heavy fines.
The MPs of the Federal Parliament have been asked not to pass the controversial bill, which was made without proper consultations with the independent media.
He called on the Parliamentary Committee for information to intervene in the issue, and change some articles violating the freedom of speech for the Somali journalists.
The post Somali parliament urged to reject repressive media bill appeared first on Shabelle.

Khatar kale oo soo food saartay Muslimiinta Rohingya


Gudaha Myanmar, ma aha goob laga jecelyahay waxaana loo diiday dhalasahada dalkaasi,sidoo kale dibadda inta badan kuma laha saaxib.
Dowlada Hindiya ayaa hadda sheegtay in dadka Rohingya ee ku nool dalkeeda ay halis ku yihiin amniga qaranka.
Markii ugu horeysay ayaa wasiir ka tirsan dowladda Hindiya ku dhawaaqay in la dhoofin doono oo la rari doono dadka Rohingya ee ku sugan dalkaasi.
Tirada dadka Rohingya ee Hindiya ku sugan ayaa dhan ku dhawaad 40,000, oo ay ka mid yihiin 16,000 oo ay qaramada midoobey qaxooti ahaan u diiwaangalisay.
Dadka Rohingya ,oo tiradooda ay dhan tahay ku dhawaad 1 milyan ayaa waxa ay dowlada Myanmar u aragtaa in ay yihiin dad soo galooti ah oo ka yimid Bangladesh.
Markii ugu horeeysay ee ay yimaadaan Hindiya dadka Rohingya ayaa ahayd sanaddii 1970 waxa ayna imika ku nool yihiin guud ahaan daafaha dalkaasi,iyaga oo qaarkood ku nool xarooyiin.
Ku dhawaaqida dowlada Hindiya in ay dadka Rohingya halis ku yihiin ammaanka ayaa ku soo beegmaysa xilli 400,000 oo Muslimiinta Rohingya ay ka soo qaxeen gobolka Rakhine.
Kiis ka dhan ahaa qorshaha ay dowlada Hindiya ku doonayso in ay ku rarto dadka Rohingya,ayaa waxa ay dowlada Hindiya ku dooday in ay hayso warar sirdoon oo muujinaya in qaar ka mid ah qoomiyadaha ay xiriir la leeyihiin kooxo argagixiso.
Kooxahani ayay sheegtay dowlada Hindiya in qaarkood ay saldhig ku leeyihiin Pakistan.
Dowlada raisul wasaare Narendra Modi ayaa sheegtay in qaar ka mid ah dadka Rohingya ee ku nool Hindiya ay ku howlan yihiin arrimo ka dhan ah qaranka iyo howlo sharci daro ah taasi oo dhalin karta xiisad dhanka diinta ah.
Khubarada ayaa rumaysan in aan la dhayalsan khatarta ka imanaysa jabhada cusub ee Rohingya ee lagu magacaabo Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Arsa).
Khabiirka lagu magacaabo Subir Bhaumik ayaa ku tilmaamay jabhada ARSA kuwa xoog badan oo haysta dhiirigalin.
Balse ma cadda baaxada ay leedahay caddeynta ay dowladda Hindiya u hayso in dadka Rohingya ay xiriir la leeyihiiin kooxo argagixiso.
Waxa ay sidoo kale su'aalo ka taagan yihiin tillaabada la soo jeediyay in lagu raro dadka Rohingya ee ku nool Hindiya iyada oo qoomiyad dhan loo ciqaabiyo danbiyo ay galeen qaar ka mid ah bulshadaasi.
Hadii aan si kale u dhigno Su'aalaha la is waydiinayo waxaa ka mid ah'Sax ma tahay in loo arko dhamaan dadka Rohingya in ay khatar ku yihiin ammaanka?
Inta ay dhan tahay awooda iyo galaangalka jabhada Rohingya ee lagu magacaabo Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army Ayaan wali cadayn.
Dhibaatada hadda ka jirta gobolka Rakhine ayaa bilaabatay August ka dib markii ay jabhadaasi weerar ku qaadeen saldhigyo booliis.
Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Hindiya Rajnath Singh ayaa ku adkaystay in dadka Rohingya aysan ahayn qaxooti ama magangalya doon balse ay yihiin soo galooti sharci daro ah.
Hasa yeeshee dadka dhaliila dowlada Hindiya ayaa sheegaya in aysan dowlada Hindiya qaadi Karin tilaabadaasi oo uu qabanayo sharciga qaramada midoobey ee qaxootiga ee dhigaya in dadka magangalya doonka aan lagu celin karin goobo halis ah.
Qalabkan aad haysato kuma ciyaari kartid maqalkan iyo muuqaalkan

Al Shabaab claims killing 4 Puntland soldiers in attack


Al shabaab, the Qaeda-linked Somalia-based militants claimed to have killed at least four Puntland state soldiers in an attack near Galgala mountains in Bari region.
The incident which took place late Sunday, has left two soldiers and a civilian, according to the local residents. Al-Shabab ambushed convoy travelling between Bosaso and Galgala.
Medical officials confirmed to Radio Shabelle that they had received five wounded soldiers, the bodies of two soldiers and one woman following the attack in Galgala hills.
The mountains which lies about 40 kilometers south of Bosaso, a regional commercial center had been a hotbed of Al shabaab for many years.
Al-Shabab militants said they carried out the attack, targeting a military vehicle carrying soldiers to the Puntland base in Galgala Highlands.

Parliament urged to send back the contentious media law


Somali Scholar and veteran journalist, Abshir Mohamed Aden has called on the country's Federal Parliament not to endorse the contentious Media law presented by the Minister of Information, Eng Abdirahman Omar Osman Yariisow.
Aden said the independent media houses have expressed outrage over the passing of a contentious anti-media legislation that introduces strict media restrictions and heavy fines.

Wuxuu Hillary ku duri jiray Trump oo la taliyihiisii...


Qareenka wiilka Donald Trump soddoga u yahay ee Jared Kushner, ayaa sheegay inuu u adeegsaday cinwaan email oo gaar ah shaqadiisa rasmiga ah ee uu ka hayo Aqalka Cad.
Kushner wuxu la taliye sare u yahay madaxweynaha waana ninka ay u dhaxday Ivanka Trump oo ah madaxweynaha inantiisu.
Warbixin uu soo saaray qareenkiisu, Axaddii, wuxuu ku xaqiijiyey in uu jiro email-kaa gaarka ah ee Jared adeegsaday.
Intii uu ku jiray ololihii doorashada, ayaa Trump wuxuu si isdaba joog ah ugu dhaliili jiray Hillary Clinton oo ay loolamayeen in ay hawlah dawladda u adeegsatay email-keeda gaarka markii ay ahayd wasiirka arrimaha dibadda.
Madaxweynaha wuxuu had iyo goor dadka fagaarayaasha isugu soo baxa ku boorrin jiray in ay ku dhawaaqaan "Hala xiroHillary" waxaanu wacad ku mari jiray in uu xiri doono maadaama oo ay sirtii dawladda dayacday.
Baaritaan lagu hayey arintaa ayaa markii dambe la soo gabogabeeyey iyada oon wax eedo ah loo soo jeedin Hillary Clinton.
Wargeyska Politico ayaa baahiyey in tobannaan email oo ay is weydaarsadeen Kushner iyo saraakiisha kale ee Aqalka Cad ay ku saabsanaayeen arimo badan oo ay ka mid tahay sida ay warbaahinta wararka u tebiso iyo qorshaynta ballamaha.
Ma jiraan wax caddaynaya in Kushner xogtaa dahsoon ee dawladda ama xog kale oo gaar ah uu cid kale ugu gudbiyey email-kiisa gaarka ah.
"Kushner wuxu u adeegsadaa shaqadiisa email-ka rasmiga ah ee Aqalka Cad" ayuu qareenkiisa Abbe Lowell ku sheegay warbixinta uu soo saaray.
Waxaanu intaa ku daray in xogtaa email-ka gaarka ah loo adeegsaday ay ahayd "qoraallo warar ah ama faallooyin siyaasadeeda oo inta badan qofka bilaabay in la isku diro uga danlahaa in la akhristo oo uu Jared u adeegsaday email-kiisa gaarka ah balse aanu u adeegsan email-kiisa Aqalka Cad".
Xeerarka Federaalka waxay qeexaan sida loo ilaalinayo qoraallada la xidhiidha arimaha madaxweynaha iyo hawlaha kale ee dawladda.
Hadii qoraallada rasmiga ah loo adeegsado emaillada shakhsiga ah waxay taasi keeni kartaa in ay xogtaa heli waayaan warfidiyeenka, xeer dejiyeyaasha iyo dadka kale ee baahida u qaba in ay si sahlan u helaan xogta dadweynaha loogu talo galay.

Daawo: Maxaa Ku cusub Sharciyadihii Dalka Maraykanka...


Daawo: Maxaa Ku cusub Sharciyadihii Dalka Maraykanka Sida Dhinaca Caafimaadka iyo Socdaalka. Se Sharciga Xanibaada Socdaalka Saamayn ma ku yeelanaya Lotery ga ?

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Daawo: Beesha Maxamed Daauud (Guuyoobe) EE Cidagale...


Daawo: Beesha Maxamed Daauud (Guuyoobe) EE Cidagale oo Sheegtay in Ay ku Biireen Xisbiga Ucid Aanay Waxba ka jirta Xubnaha leh Wadani ayaa Beeshu ku biirtay
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Turkiga oo ka soo Horjeestay Aftida laga qaadayo...


Muqdisho (SONNA)- Maanta oo Isniin ah Dowlada Turkey ayaa ku dhawaaqday inay waxba kama jiraan tahay Natiijo kasta oo ka soo baxda Aftida laga qaadayo shacabka Kurdiyiinta ee Waqooyiga Ciraaq, taasi oo ku aadan in ay noqdaan Dal madax banaan, oo ka go'ay Ciraaq inteeda kale.
Wasaaradda arimaha dibada Turkiga ayaa sheegtay in Golaha amniga qaranka loo jeediyay in cuna qabateyn ay ku soo rogaan Gobolka Kurdish, hadii ay dhacdo aftidaasi, waxaana arintaasi ansixiyay Golaha wasiiradda.
Bayaanka ay soo saartay Wasaaradda arimaha dibada waxaa lagu yiri:"Ma aqoonsanin talaabadan aanan laheyn Sharciyad aas aasi ah, mid caalami ah iyo dastuurka Ciraaq".
Dowlada Turkiga ayaa ku baaqday in laga fogaado cawaaqib xumo ay sheegtay inay ka dhalan karto arintan.
Xukuumadda Tehran ayaa sidoo kale bilawday dhoolatus militari oo ay ka samaynayso xudduuda Waqooyiga Ciraaq,iyadoo sidoo kale Dowladda Turkiga ay dhankeeda wada dhoolatus militari .
Labada dal ba waxa ay muujiyeen sida ay uga soo horjeedaan aftida lagu wado in ay ka dhacdo Waqooyiga Ciraaq.
Turkiga iyo Iran ayaa waxa ay ka cabsi qabaan in aftidani ay dhaliso kacdoon ay sameeyaan Kurdiyiinta laga tirada badan yahay ee ku nool dalalkooda.

Saddex ka mid ah Ciidamada Nabad ilaalinta Mali oo...



Muqdisho-(SONNA)- Wararka ka imanaya Waqooyiga dalka Mali ayaa sheegaya in saddex ka mid ah Ciidamada nabad ilaalinta Qaraamada midoobay oo ku sugan dalkaasi lagu dilay qarax, halka saddex kalana ay ku dhaawacmeen.
Bayaan ka soo baxay Ergada Qaraamada Midoobay ee dalkaasi Mali ku sugan ayaa lagu sheegay in Qaraxaasi uu ka dhashay Bam la dhigay jid ku yaal magaalada Gaw ee waqooyiga dalkaasi xilli Kolonyo ka tirsan Ciidamadaasi ay halkaa marayeen, waxaana la sheegay inay dhibaatada intaa ka sii badnaan karto.
Warku wuxuu intaa ku daray in ay baarista dhacdaasi weli socoto.
Previous articleTurkiga oo ka soo Horjeestay Aftida laga qaadayo Kurdiyiinta Ciraaq


Nin hooyadiis u baarrinimo falay oo aad loo amaanay


Bare wax ka dhiga jaamacad ku taala dalka Shiinaha ayaa hooyadiis oo waayeel ah, islamarkaasna xanuunsan u kaxeeyay fasalkii uu casharka ka bixinayay kadib markii uu waayay qof uu ku dhaafo.

AMISOM, SNA and partners convene to review threat...


A symposium to review threats posed by Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in Somalia, and plan mitigating measures, opened in Mogadishu today.
Representatives from the AU Mission in Somalia, the Somali security forces, the UN and the British forces are attending the symposium, which will discuss the increasing threats and dangers posed by IEDs in the Horn of Africa country.
"I expect actionable recommendations brought forward, so that guidance can be given to all sectors from the Force Headquarters and the recommendations to the African Union's Peace Support Operations Division for action," Lt. Gen. Osman Noor Soubagleh, the AMISOM Force Commander said, during the official opening of the three-day symposium, which is sponsored by the UK government and the United Nations Mine Assistance Mission (UNMAS), and aimed at "developing counter IED capability in Somalia".
Lt. Gen. Osman Noor Soubagleh noted that previous workshops held on IEDs, had led to increased awareness and knowledge, leading to a significant increase in discovered explosives and their safe disposal.
Participants at the symposium will share further knowledge and information on IEDs to help understand the scope of the threat. Discussions will focus on how to effectively control the widespread use of such explosives by terror organizations such as Al-Shabaab.
"To reduce the threat of IEDs, a combination of education, training, good reporting, exchange of information, degrading the network of the terrorists and investment in equipment to defeat the IEDs is required," emphasized the Special Representative of the AU Commission Chairperson (SRCC), for Somalia Ambassador Francisco Caetano Madeira.
"It is only then that AMISOM and SNSF (Somali National Security Forces) can undertake the necessary stabilization operations that Somalia needs, to develop a stable and secure state".
SRCC Madeira urged international partners to continue support to AMISOM and the SNA, to enable them effectively mitigate the dangers posed by IEDs on civilians and security forces in Somalia.
In his remarks, the Commander of the British Forces, Colonel John Wakelin noted that the fight against IEDs required a multi-pronged response, to deal effectively with the challenge. "There is no silver bullet, there is no magic bullet, there is no one solution to solving this IED challenge," Col. Wakelin said.
"There is no one bit of funding, there is no one technique or tactic that is going to fix this. It is a blend, "he stressed.
Mr. Amadu Kamara, the Director of Mission Support at the United Nations Support Office in Somalia said the convention would contribute to the "development of effective IED mitigation strategies, as part of the wider comprehensive approach to security in south central Somalia".

Nin hooyadiis u baarrinimo falay oo aad loo amaanay


Bare wax ka dhiga jaamacad ku taala dalka Shiinaha ayaa hooyadiis oo waayeel ah, islamarkaasna xanuunsan u kaxeeyay fasalkii uu casharka ka bixinayay kadib markii uu waayay qof uu ku dhaafo.
Macalinkan oo lagu magacaabo Hu Ming oo ku nool koonfur galbeed gobolka Guizhou ee dalka Shiinaha ayaa si joogto ah fasalka ugu soo wata hooyadiis oo ah qof aad u waayeeloobay.
Ardayda ayaa markii hore u qaatay in haweenayda xagga dambe ee fasalka fadhida ay tahay macalimad hore oo hawlgab noqotay, si kormeer ahna ku joogta fasalka, balse markii dambe waxa ay ogaadeen in ay tahay macalinka hooyadiis.
Sheeko uu arrintan ka qoray wargayska Beijing Youth Daily ayaa waxaa baraha bulshada lagu faafiyay wax ka badan 7,000 jeer, astaanta Like ayaa waxaa la saaray 100,000 , waxaana laga bixiyay 9,000 oo aragtiyo badan oo dhammaantood lagu ammaanayo macalinka.
Haweenaydan ayaa waxa ay qabtaa xanuunka hilmaamka, waxaana dhacday in dadkii kale oo dhan ay wada hilmaamtay, xitaa gabadh walaashiis ah, sidaasi darteedna uu macalinkan isu xilsaaray in uu daryeelo hooyadiis.
Hilmaamkeeda ayaa waxa uu gaaray heer aan xad lahayn, iyada oo aanan xitaa kala garanaynin sokorta iyo oomada, halisna u ah in ay wax kasta ku dhacaan.
Macalinkan ayaa sheegay in hooyadiis mararka qaarkood ay fasalka ku dhex huruddo, mararka kalana ay iska dhagaysato casharada iyada oo xagga dambe fadhida. Waxa uu intaas ku daray in dhaqankeeda fasalkeeda dhexdiisa uu yahay mid aad u wanaagsan oo aanan wax buuq iyo dhibaato ku abuurin ardayda.
Maamulka Jaamacadda uu dhigo macalinkan ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka gaabsanayaan arrinta in macalinka uu hooyadiis fasalka keeno.
Dadka qaarkood ayaa sheegay in macalinkani uu ardayda barayo casharka ugu wanaagsan adduunka, oo ah in waalidka loo baarri noqdo.
Daraasad la sameeyay sanadkii 2010-kii ayaa lagu sheegay in Shiinaha ay ku noolyihiin dadka ugu badan ee la nool xanuunka hilmaamka.
Waxaa kale oo jirta in dadka shiinaha ay sii gaboobayaan, waxaana intaas lagu daray in marka la gaaro sanadka 2030-ka dadka shaqeeya ee Shiinaha ay ka badnaan doonaan dadka gaboobay ee iyaga ku tiirsan.
Baarrinimada waalidka waa qeyb weyn oo muhiim ah oo ka mid ah dhaqanka Shiinaha. Iyada oo xitaa xilligii boqortooyadii Han dadka dowladda u shaqaynaya lagu xulan jirey hadbo sida ay u kala baarrisanyihiin.

DAAWO: Beesha Xariin oo Dhaliil U Jeedisay Maamulka...


DAAWO: Beesha Xariin oo Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Ku Dhaliishay Dhismaha Gollaha Deegaanka Xudur.
Kala Soco Warar Sugan: Ishabaydhaba.comEmail: Ishabaydhaba@hotmail.com

Ciidamada oo gacanta ku dhigay rag fal dambiyeed...


Ciidamada amniga oo kaashanaya shacabka gobolka Benaadir ayaa ku guuleystay inay gacanta ku dhigaan dhallinyaro fal dhaawac ah ka geystay qeybo ka mid ah degmada Hodan ee gobolka. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Benaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho mudane Thabit Cabdi Maxamed oo warbaahinta kula hadlay Waaxda Axmed-Gureey ee degmada Hodan ayaa sheegay in ciidamada dowladda, gaar ahaan ilaalada Wasiiru dowlaha Madaxtooyada Khaliif Cabdiqaadir ay ku guuleysteen inay qabtaan labo dhallinyaro ah oo fal dambiyeed geystay kuwaasi oo doonayay inay goobta ka baxsadaan. "Koox dhallinyaro ah oo bistoolado ku hubeysan, fal dambi ahna geystay oo qof soo dhaawacay ayaa la qabtay, waxaan caawa dadka Muqdishaawiyiinta ah ugu bishaareynayaa in wada shaqeynta shacabka keentay in lagu guuleysto in dad fal dambi intaas la eg geystay lagu qabtay Waaxda Axmed Gureey, Waa Alle mahadiis, waxaana ku wareejinay hay'adaha ammniga, iyaga ayaa caddeyn doono waxa ay yihiin raggan bistooladaha ku hubeysan" ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Thaabit. Guddoomiyaha ayaa xusay in qofkii ay dhaawaca u geysteen raggan hubeysan ay ku booqdeen mid ka mid ah xarumaha caafimaadka ee Muqdisho, waxaana uu shacabka uga mahadceliyay kaalinta ay ka geysteen in gacanta lagu soo dhigo rag fal dambiyeed geystay.

Tacsi Tiiranyo leh. Waxa habeenimadkii khamiista ee...


Tacsi Tiiranyo leh.Waxa habeenimadkii khamiista ee taariikhdu ahayd 21/9 2017 lagu dilay Adam Elmi Jama oo aha askari ka tirsan ciidanka Polis ka Jamhuuriyada Somaliland.Adam Elmi wuxuu ahaa (Aaabay anigoo ah Mohammed Adam Elmi) , waxaan tacsi u dirayaa dhamaan familka, ehelka , qaraabada iyo asxaaba iyo waliba dhamaan dadka muuqa iyo magacayaga garanaya.Waxaan sidoo kale tacsi u dirayaa shacabka Somaliland ee uu ku dhintay isagoo shaqo dawladeed ku jira iyo dalka difaaciisa.Adam Elmi Jama waxa lagu dilay magaalada laascaanood , waxana dishay gacan ka qaxdaran, hadaba waxaanu ka codsanaynaa dhamaan shacabka Somaliland iyo gaar ahaanba shacabka Laascaanood inay ka caawiyaan ciidanka amniga iyo odayaasha ka shaqaynaya arinkaa dilka ahaa ee ka dhacay magalada laascaanood uu ku dhintay Adam Elmi Jama, ninkii gaystay oo si xornima ah ku dhex jooga Laascaanood.Waxa sidoo kale fariin gaara u dirayaa hogaanka amniga ciidanka polis ka Somaliland in uu arinkaa sida ugu dhakhsaha badan wax uga qabto.Somaliland waa dad isku tagay , waa beelo dhistay Jamhuuriyada Somaliland , nabada, amniga iyo wada noolaanshaha Somaliland ku jirto maanta.Si nabada iyo amniga aynu ku noolay loogu wada noolaado, taliya waa inaad cadaalada horkeentaa gacan ku dhiiglaha dilka gaystay.Hadii aad wax ka ogtay ama maqashay sidii ninkaa gacan ku dhiig laha ahaa sharciga loo hor keeni lahaa lasoo xidhiidh ugu horayn polis ka Somaliland , Magaalo madaxda Hargeysa.
Qalinkii : Mohammed Adam ElmiEmail : Dude1437@hotmail.com

Daawo: ” Sarajoogaan ku Atixiyaadsadoo iyaga...


Daawo:" Sarajoogaan ku Atixiyaadsadoo iyaga Laftoodu Atixiyaadkii ayey Media iigu akhriyeen Waanan ogahayoo Madaxweynuhu iga Aqbali maayo Iscasilaadayda" Gudoomiyahii Hawd oo ka noqday is casilaadii
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Ethiopia: “If people don’t understand what we do,...


Anthropologist Roberto Wright is working in Ethiopia's Somali region to help MSF reach and be accepted by local communities.It's 8am in Galorgube, a small town in Doolo zone in the Somali region of Ethiopia.
The sun is already strong. Until late 2016, this area was greener and less populated than it is today. But, after a series of failed rainy seasons, the ground turned orange and became dotted with hundreds of tents. They belong to the nomadic pastoralist people who were forced to settle here after the drought killed the animals on which they depend.
In a dark tent, a tall, bearded man in an MSF T-shirt and his patient translator have spent an hour talking with a group of about 40 men - mostly elders - who represent this community. The tall man is Roberto Wright, from Brazil, MSF's anthropologist in the emergency team. He has been working in the Somali region since the end of June.
"We found a compromise that respects their perspective and, at the same time, upholds our medical objectives," says Roberto, when he finally leaves the tent with a big smile on his face.
The community leaders have just agreed that a severely malnourished child can be transported to be treated in the inpatient treatment feed centre in Yucub, just six kilometres from Galorgube. They had previously refused, preferring the services of their traditional healers.
"Part of my work is to understand their approaches regarding traditional medicine and to explain MSF care to them so that they can combine both," says Roberto. "If they don't understand what MSF does, they will never seek our services or come to our health centres."
To achieve that goal, Roberto trains and works alongside hundreds of hardworking health workers, most of them either locals or displaced pastoralists.
Every morning, they divide into pairs and spend the day talking with the displaced people, particularly the women, most of whom have between three and eight children. The health workers ask questions to discover if any of their children have severe acute malnutrition or other complications that need medical treatment. With the shortage of food in this area, the teams have been sending an average of 10 children per week to MSF's health facilities for treatment.Seeking acceptance
"We need to adjust the way we work to their perspective, in order to fit in with their community practices," says Roberto. His main goals in the Somali region are to help MSF reach these communities and be accepted by them. He has carried out similar work in Iraq, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic and Turkey, but here in Ethiopia, it requires spending much more time in the car. Distances in the Somali region are huge, and the various communities are far from each other. In two months, Roberto has spent 60 days non-stop on the road and covered more than 6,000 kilometres.
Today he drives from Yucub back to Galorgube to transport a one-year-old baby to MSF's health facility. The baby's mother and the community elders have agreed that MSF should treat him. From Galorgube, he will be transferred to the MSF-supported Wardher hospital, an hour's drive away.
The baby's mother is 25 years old, has four older children and is two months' pregnant.
"We were living in the bush with 200 animals," she says, "But now we only have 10. They all died. This is my younger child and he has been sick three times already."A new type of crisis
Before going to Wardher, Roberto and the outreach team will drive in a convoy for two more hours to Lahelow, a settlement for displaced people in a remote dry area. They will visit the mobile nutritional clinic, where Roberto will meet the MSF team to find out how people in the camp are surviving.
"For me, the challenge in the Somali region, apart from the long distances, is to understand how people are trying to adapt," he says "They are used to crises but, in this one, their livestock are dying so fast, which is something they've never seen before. They need a platform to exchange ideas to work out what to do next. We want to develop this at the community level but also inside the heath facility in a health promotion tent."
After another 65 kilometres, the car arrives at Wardher hospital, where there are six tents and two wards for malnourished children.The key to providing medical care
The sick baby and his mother are taken by nurses to the waiting area, while Roberto jumps out to see how the new ward is going. Later, he recalls the night an MSF doctor called him because a mother wanted to leave the hospital with an unconscious child and go to the traditional healer.
"That evening I went to the hospital to talk to the mother, find out why she wanted to leave and try to find some common ground," says Roberto.
"When I asked why she wanted to leave the hospital, she said: 'I want to give my child traditional treatment. She must be exorcized. I want a sheikh to read the Quran to my child.' I replied, 'That is something we can help with.'"
As part of his community engagement strategy, Roberto had already engaged with key religious leaders, so he called a sheikh to go there. The evening finished under the stars, with a soft voice reading the Quran and the baby being cared for in the hospital.
It may not be a classic MSF role, but Roberto's job as an anthropologist is an important part of the chain. He listens to local people and tries to understand them. And this, in the Somali region, has proven to be key to MSF's ability to provide medical care.
Source: MSF

Farmajo’s betrayal of the Somali people


All betrayals are not made equal. In recent weeks, a political disaster of epic proportions has befallen upon Somalia. The Somali government has committed what many - including some of its staunchest supporters - consider a treasonous act.
Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) has extradited a Somali citizen, a highly decorated military officer, a war hero who was wounded in the 1977 war against Ethiopia and an officer of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) to Ethiopia without any due process.
Initially, the government denied and dismissed all information related to the illegal rendition as "vicious rumours intended to undermine government's credibility"; claiming their objective is "Qaran dumis" or to destroy the nation.
Once the truth hit the streets that Abdikarim Sheikh Muse (Qalbi-Dhagax) was handed over by his brethren to a brutal regime with a long record of human rights violations, it unleashed a collective public fury the likes of which Somalia had never seen.
The public space became saturated with songs, poems, and skits expressing extreme disillusionment on a popular president - Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo - who only a few months earlier was celebrated as the long-awaited saviour of the nation.Making Matters Worse
Desperate to shake off this scandal, Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire convened a Council of Ministers emergency meeting. To the utter dismay of many who were still hopeful that their government will do what is right, the Council of Ministers made the problem even worse.
They accused Qalbi-Dhagax of being a terrorist who "committed serious crimes in Somalia" and who "was in cahoots with al-Shabab to further sabotage the nation". Furthermore, they declared ONLF, which is an internationally recognised liberation movement that has offices throughout the West, Middle East and Africa, a terrorist organisation.
To understand the foreign-dominated, self-refuelling system that propels the Somali political process one should think of an aircraft carrier with a massive flight deck where the Somali president is granted the discretion to walk, march or even run to any direction he wishes as that will neither alter the carrier's course nor its destination.
While irredentism or Somalia's historical struggle to reclaim all five parts of its nation as partitioned by the "colonial masters" is, for all intents and purposes, dead; the loyalty, the commitment to advocate for the rights of all Somalis in the region to live freely and off the chains of oppression is alive and well. It is in that spirit of solidarity that Somalis of all walks of life support the ONLF cause and the group's right to work towards liberating their homeland.
Let us hypothetically assume that all allegations against Qalbi-Dhagax were true and that he was a ruthless "terrorist" who carried out clandestine operations to sabotage Somalia and has killed and committed rape as the cabinet (no judge or jury) has declared, how do such allegations justify his rendition to Ethiopia? Why would the government not prosecute him in Somalia?
If he is guilty of these serious crimes, why he was living in Mogadishu for years as an ONLF officer without ever being arrested? Qalbi-Dhagax was not an anonymous figure. He was not in hiding. Clearly, the cabinet's decision to hand him over to Ethiopia is not a well-thought-out one.
If the cabinet does not withdraw the politically motivated charges directed at Qalbi-Dhagax and implant them into the law instead, anyone who supports him or the ONLF either verbally, in writing, by marching or even by simply rejecting the charges government directed at them could get charged with "aiding and abetting" terrorism and subsequently could be renditioned to Ethiopia.
Lies and deception
To understand the foreign-dominated, self-refuelling system that propels the Somali political process one should think of an aircraft carrier with a massive flight deck where the Somali president is granted the discretion to walk, march or even run to any direction he wishes as that will neither alter the carrier's course nor its destination.
For over a decade, the same strategy has been used to lure each Somali president into a glorified failure. I call it the "3F seduction": False security, false esteem, and false authority. That is to say, while he, the president, in on the deck of the aforementioned aircraft carrier, he can dress for the part and quixotically claim to be in charge. Meanwhile, the system continues its course.
The Qalbi-Dhagax case is not only good for Ethiopia, it is good for all other failed institutions: UNSOM, AMISOM, other clandestine operatives and economic predators who perpetuate the status quo in Somalia -the overtly most-aggressive beneficiaries being the UAE and Erik Prince of Blackwater port management partnership.Can Farmajo be rescued?
Most of those who knew the new president (this author included) were confident that he would prove himself the right catalyst for a genuine Somali-led reconciliation process and revitalise Somalia's decaying sense of nationhood. Unlike his predecessors, President Farmajo came in with a certain level of experience and a significant political capital and public trust.
He knew any substantive reform would have to be instituted and implemented within the first year. He was not to waste time or to squander opportunities.
The expectation was to reclaim Somalia by pushing for the establishment of an Independent Reconciliation Commission, made of credible citizens of good character with no political affiliation or ambition; by pressuring the Parliament to establish a constitutional court; by establishing an Anti-Corruption Commission composed of trustworthy patriotic citizens; by creating a Somali military counterintelligence branch that keeps track of all foreign militaries, paramilitaries and mercenaries in the country and their activities; and by reaching out to Somaliland.
Back in February, I described the newly Parliament-elected president as "a champion of enlightened patriotism that is optimistic and relies on itself to restore the corroded dignity of a self-destructive nation". Two weeks later, after he appointed a man who was an employee and part-owner of Soma Oil and Gas as prime minister, I saw the writing on the wall but opted to give one last chance to the new president.
Seven months of dazzle have only proven that President Farmajo and his team have mastered how to seduce public sentiments - mainly overenthusiastic youth - with glittering generalities such as justice, peace, and accountability, without any specifics. It is common to hear President Farmajo make assertions such as: "Ours is a government of the people. We are accountable to the people.
" But, when the masses were outraged by the government's decision and demanded answers, the president of the people sought refuge in silence.
He is yet to make a single statement regarding the Qalbi-Dhagax fiasco. Farmajo seems to have plunged into that old too familiar cesspool of presidential betrayals. He has succumbed to a system that was designed to perpetuate failure and keep Somalia where it is or worse. And in doing so, he has written his legacy in the pages of infamy by becoming the first ever president to commit betrayal of such magnitude against the Somali people.
At this point, aside from divine intervention, the only remaining conceivable game-changer is the Somali Parliament. The speaker of the parliament has appointed a committee to review this grave matter. The Somali people are now waiting to see whether its representatives are going to do the right thing.
Source: - Aljazeera

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Washington (- Online)-Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Xasan Cali Khayre oo isaga iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo ku sugan yihiin dalka Maraykanka ayaa la kulmay Sarkaalka ugu Sarreeyo Fulinta Bangiga Adduunka, ayago ka wada hadlay sidii bangiga Adduunku u taageeri lahaa horumarinta dalka iyo dawladda Soomaaliya oo xiligan ka soo kabaneysa colaadaha mudada dheer ka jirey.
Ra'iisul Wasaare Khayre iyo Ms. Kristalina Georgieva ayaa ka wada hadlay sidii loo soo noolleen lahaa hanaankii Bangi ee dalka Soomaaliya uu lahaan jiray iska markaana loo fududeyn lahaa sidii uu xiriir ula sameyn lahaa bangiyada kale ee caalamka, arrimaha kale ee kulanka looga hadlay waxaa kamid ahaa sidii Soomaaliya looga caawin lahaa dhinac walba.
Kristalina Georgieva, ayaa waxay tiri "Bangiga Adduunka waxaa ka go'an inay dadka Soomaaliyeed gacan siiyaan. Soomaaliya waxay ku taagantahay waddadii horumarka, anaguna waxaan hubnaa in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay u istaagi doonaan inay ka hortagaan caqabadaha weli dalkooda ka hortaagan horumarka."
Kulankani ka dhacay xarunta Bangiga adduunku uu ku leeyahay Magaalada Washington ayaa qeyb ka noqonaya dadaalka ay dawladdu ugu jirto soo nooleynta xiriirkii Bangiyada caalamka. Iyadoo xiligani ay dawladdu ku howlan tahay.


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